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March 1982 Dragon

Dragon Vol. VI, No. 9

Exonidas Spaceport
A Traveller™ adventure
No spaceport can ever be said to be city on the continent was the Tatheur Dirla wears its great city (pop. 950,000)
typical; these facilities have more indi- Great Port, a spaceport that was essen- like a crown. Now, With Theury continent
viduality than many cities. When space- tially the property of the interstellar go- dead, Exonidas, with its huge spaceport,
ports are under consideration, however, vernment (as is Exonidas); the loss was is the biggest city on the planet; the port
Exonidas Spaceport on the planet Horl- resented, to say the least, by the go- is (by default) the center of all off-planet
theur is among the better examples of a vernment’s leaders. activity of any importance.
well-planned port adapting to unusual Horla continent escaped untouched Lying at the northern end of a long bay
circumstances. by the weapons of the short but deadly on the Sea of Lamps, Exonidas Space-
Horltheur is the third planet of the war. Its fifteen nations were shocked into port is actually the land-bound half of a
main-sequence star Taledde, a rather dropping their own squabbles by what two-element port facility. The other half
ordinary star of spectral class G3. (For a they monitored as it took place across is an orbiting structure whose path keeps
graphic display of the system, see Figure the ocean. Right after the war all pro- it always over the longitude of Exonidas
4 on page 41.) Of the seven planets and gress, all business, all activity, on both City. Twice each planetary day, the High
many asteroids orbiting Taledde, only the ruined continent and the still-rich Port is directly above the Down Port. The
Horltheur is extensively settled. Coad, one, stopped. The world was numbed by orbit, at a constant altitude of 38,500 ki-
its satellite, boasts a significant base, the disaster. Those in power knew that lometers, pulls the High Port around the
however, and Donade and Corrade, two the full effects of the war were yet to be world at a velocity of 3.3 kilometers per
Mars-like planets in an outer orbit, have felt. Within a couple of days, the realiza- second. The same orbit is a convenient
permanent scientific colonies. There is a tion came that three billion people had parking spot for cargo and for ships.
technologically advanced mining colony died, and tens of millions more were des- This is the orbit that the fleet in presence
about the gas giant Colosse that slings tined to die as well unless a quick and now occupies,
compressed liquid hydrogen toward efficient rescue effort was mounted.
Horltheur. The Lesser Ring, similar to Into this hushed atmosphere came a FIGURE 1: EXONIDAS DOWN PORT
the asteroid belt of Sol’s system but great fleet: one of the interstellar go- A: Spaceport Terminal. See Figure 2
slightly less dense, also is host to several vernment’s first-line Battleships, along for detailed description.
standing colonies. with enough support craft to take on an B: Main Boost-Grid. The boost-grid is
Horltheur is a world of average size, empire. The fleet was led by Grand Ad- the heart of any spaceport with the tech-
composition, atmosphere, and hydro- miral Jennifer de la Noue. First on her nological base to support one. At older
graphic percentage. It has good depos- agenda: Rescue the people who could ports, ships must land under their own
its of most strategic minerals, and its in- be rescued, and save what could be power, relying upon pilot expertise to
digenous life is richly varied, with beasts, saved. Second was the laying of blame, avoid mid-air collisions or dangerously
birds, and sea creatures in orders of and third the job of determining what clumsy setdowns. Here, the boost-grid
complexity up to, but not including, true changes needed to be made to punish can reach out with gravitic force and
intelligence. those at fault and prevent a recurrence of either ease a ship to its landing pad or
The UPP of A-866A78-F applies to this disaster. boost a ship from the ground into orbit.
Horla, the smaller of the world’s two ma- With her was Adrian Redmond of the Using power from the main city power
jor continents. The other continent, interstellar government’s Department of reactor (not in area of map), the boost-
Theury, can best be described by the Commerce, aboard an electromagnetic grid can focus gravitic energy with mi-
UPP of D-866500-0, having recently un- effects and communications ship that crometer precision.
dergone a cataclysmic war. was a flying switchboard of tremendous The grid is composed of tungsten-
By the time the planet’s technology capacity. His job was to find a way to steel rails 10 cm wide, set into the flat
had advanced to the point where it could restore the economy of a world more surface of the landing field in a precisely
destroy itself, each of the two continents than half destroyed. defined pattern. The energy conducted
had fragmented into opposing nations Directly on the site of the ruined capi- along these rails is perfectly controlled
with conflicting ideals. The crusading tal city of Tatheur, one of the Theury by the main computers in the Port Au-
spirit rose, and nations tried to impose nations now dead, de la Noue’s fleet set thority building.
their solutions upon their neighbors. up Emergency City, a class D spaceport, Any ship of up to 7,500 tons that is
Each of the Theuran nations was jealous to aid survivors and treat the wounded. capable of landing on the field can be
and proud of its sovereign status, unwil- On the continent of Horla lies the na- lifted up into high orbit, or can be brought
ling to unite; ultimately, they all found tion named Dirla, and within that the city down out of orbit and landed gently on
equality in annihilation. of Exonidas, Dirla’s capital. The most the field. The point of focus can be
Destroyed along with every important populous of the fifteen Horlan nations, moved by computer control in such a
way as to take hold of objects as far as
sixty degrees from the vertical line
through the center of the grid; the range,
or effective “reach,” is 50,000 kilometers.

by Jeff Swycaffer The main advantage of the boost-grid

is that the ship being boosted into orbit
has no need to use its own drives, or
March 1982

Figure 1 Exonidas Down Port

Dragon Vol. VI, No. 9

indeed even to have a working drive. The E: Naval Base with military boost-grid. The city has many other such sites.
grid can, for instance, boost prefabricat- This smaller but stronger grid is run off M: Hangars and Storage. The hangars
ed sections of a larger ship up into orbit an independent power supply, as are all have the capacity to house two million
to be assembled in weightlessness. In of the military installations at the space- tons of spacecraft and shuttles, plus
general, the grid is used to lower shuttles port. This grid also has 100 channels, eight million tons of cargo.
and small spacecraft that nevertheless and can boost loads totaling 10,000 tons N: Exonidas City. The city, its popula-
do have a backup drive for use in case of at one time; despite this, the military tion temporarily (at least) swelled to
grid failure. The boosting and lowering commander here prefers to, purchase more than one million by the influx of
of cargo and passenger containers with- power from the city and use the larger, refugees, soldiers, and fortune seekers
out drives is not considered safe enough public grid in Peacetime, because of the wrought by the war, is a nexus for com-
to justify the economy of such a measure. greater computer power (hence, less munication and transportation of all
The fuel saved by a ship using the grid chance of a crash) available to the civili- types; phones, electricity, and broadcast-
instead of its own thrusters is on the an authority, ing facilities are among its strong points,
order of one ton of fuel times the ship’s F: Scout Base with military boost-grid. as are all modes of ground, air, sea, and
drive number times the ship’s mass in This grid is identical to the Navy’s grid. space transport.
kilotons (but always a minimum savings Normally, a force of 30 Scouts is based
due to use of the grid of one ton of fuel). here, most of which would be in high FIGURE 2: SPACEPORT TERMINAL
Thus, a 5,000-ton ship using 2G drive to orbit at any given time. Currently, due to Although Figure 2 (facing page) only
escape the world’s gravity would use ten the attention being paid this planet in its shows one level of the five-level building,
tons of fuel, which could be saved by use unusual circumstances, 48 more Scouts the levels are all laid out in similar fa-
of the boost-grid. are attached to the fleet in orbit; this base shion. Level 4 is the highest-class, with
The grid has 100 channels, meaning supplies their needs as well. the most expensive shops and most
that up to 100 ships can be simultane- G: Energy reactor. This reactor supp- competent businesses. (This is not to
ously handled by the grid, so long as the lies emergency power to the entire space- say that Level 1, with the most approach-
total tonnage being boosted does not port, and all power for the military bases. able and inexpensive places of business,
exceed 7,500 tons. This multi-channel H: Fuel storage. Most of the fuel for is “low class.” Far from it.)
capacity helps cut down the average planet-based energy production comes In Figure 2, general areas of interest
waiting time for use of the grid. from the system’s gas giant, Colosse. It are labeled with letters, followed by a
is skimmed, refined, and compressed in number which designates the level, un-
The procedure for a small ship — a facilities in orbit about the gas giant, less all levels are laid out similarly with
Scout, for example—taking off from the then shipped toward Horltheur in huge, respect to the function, in which case the
grid would be as follows: After final ap- free-falling fuel canisters. At the High suffix “-all” is appended. Specific offi-
proval for takeoff is received from the Port, this fuel is pumped into great fuel ces, shops, or other items of interest will
Port Authority computers, the ship, under tankers which are lowered by the boost- be labeled with a number for reference,
its own power, flies up from its current grid to the surface to be unloaded. The and a number to show the level. (See
docking bay (location M, see text below) overall benefit seems marginal: roughly also Figure 8: A typical office suite.)
until it is within the cone of the grid’s a thirty-five per cent savings in fuel, con- A-1: Main Entrance. The road loops
effectiveness. At an altitude of about sidering what is gained and what is used close to the entrance, with automatic
thirty meters, the gravitic focus of the to get it into storage. But multiplied by parking service in nearby underground
boost-grid is aligned upon the ship, and the thousands of ships and tens of thou- garages.
a gentle force begins to push it away sands of cargo shuttles that yearly visit B-1: Terminal services and customer
from the planet, while the ship’s own the port, the savings are substantial. service counters. Ticketing and weigh-in
maneuver drives are throttled back to an I: Fighter Base. While most of the in- is handled here.
“idle” setting. The grid has the precision system Fighter strength is based at the C-1: Portmaster’s Representative. In
to release the ship either into an escape High Port, this base has a portion of the effect, a high-class advertising agency
orbit, any of a number of closed orbits, or spaceworthy Fighters and is also an Air- for the interstellar government. Maps,
exactly into the orbit of the High Port. craft base. Currently, 200 Fighters and insurance, and miscellaneous services
For more on the High Port and its own 700 Aircraft are based here. While space- can be had here.
boost-grids, see below. worthy Fighters must be made to ma- Currently working out of this office,
C: Airport and Heliport. This all-in-one neuver in vacuum, and to operate as well using a false name and papers, is Inspec-
transportation center has an internation- in any atmosphere, aircraft, specifically tor General Robert Lawrence of the In-
al airport, a national heliport, a train sta- high-performance jets, can be tailored to terstellar Port Authority. His mission is
tion and a subway terminal. the planet’s air. The result is that many to investigate the feasibility of ending
D: Headquarters and home location of Aircraft can outfight Fighters as long as the planet’s political independence by
the 119th Heavy Marine Division. This the battle is limited to the lower atmos- absorbing it into the domain of the inter-
division is a regular unit in the military of phere. This base was built with that fact stellar government.
the interstellar government, and is based well in mind. D-all: Shops. Always within easy walk-
here with the permission of the Dirlan J: Construction Yards. The yards here, ing distance in these areas are restau-
nation. Although Dirla is the host nation with direct access onto the landing field rants, gift shops, services (barbers, in-
to the Exonidas Spaceport, the port area and boost-grid, have a total construction formation booths, rest rooms), luggage,
itself is considered to be legally a part of capacity of 6.8 million tons, limited pri- clothiers, jewelers and watchmakers,
the interstellar government. Relations marily by the boost-grid’s capacity of pharmacies, travel agencies, stores for
are cordial, and the right to base the div- 7,500 tons. The yards are generally in- sporting goods and supplies, military re-
ision here was freely given by the Dirlan volved with building Scouts, Merchants, cruiting offices, and a large establish-
government. The 119th supplies the and Colonial Cruisers for resale; larger ment belonging to the Travellers’ Aid
spaceport with security personnel and ships are not generally under construc- Society. Several individual shops will be
can provide riot-control troops if needed. tion at any given time. described below. See also the note on
At this time, only one of the division’s K and L: Planetary Defense Sites. The area F below for details on room layouts.
four regiments is based here; the other batteries of heavy lasers and rapid-fire E-1: The International Airport. This is
three are working to clean up the dis- missile launchers based here are situat- one section of the transportation com-
order on Theury continent. ed in heavily armored combat wells. plex described in area C on Figure 1.

March 1982 Dragon

Figure 2 Spaceport Terminal

Dragon Vol. VI, No. 9

Activity in this area of the complex is The Port Authority computers are Thus, fallout over Horla continent has
much less than normal, now with far roughly equivalent to three model/g-fib not been, and will not be, severe. Radia-
fewer travel sites left on the planet. computers; their main purpose is to main- tion testers are popular items neverthe-
F-all: Businesses and Offices. Ship- tain a clear and free airspace. less, and public awareness of health ha-
ping brokers in abundance operate here, zards is high.
as do resale brokers, importers, manu- Area 1-4: The offices of Dentos, Cahn, Area 6-1: Navy, Army, and Marine re-
facturers, shipping line headquarters, and Cahn, shipping and resale brokers. cruiting. Situated near the Portmaster’s
and mercantile guilds. For Traveller purposes this is a +4 brok- representative, this is the sanctioned re-
Note: the divisions and lines shown on er. Approaching a clerk of this office with cruiting effort of the interstellar govern-
the map are those between larger sec- even a hint of an unsavory or illegal deal ment. Policy dictates that recruits be
tions of rooms; the walls portrayed are is to invite immediate report and arrest. trained on a planet other than their home
the permanent, load-bearing walls. Each The brokers here have an almost uncan- world, but in this time of troubles, few
of the “rooms” shown in Figure 2 is actu- ny reputation for being unbribable, in- recruits care to leave home. Even in spite
ally a suite of rooms or shops. The aver- corruptible, and, in business dealings, of this, the station is pulling in its quota
age business-office suite will be of this savage. of man and womanpower.
configuration: Entrance is through a Area 2-2: S. Grimaldi, shipping and re- Area 7-1: Bank of Exonidas. An inter-
large, lockable plate-glass door, either a sale broker. Equal to a +3 broker. Crimi- stellar exchange bank, fully integrated
swinging or a sliding type. Reception nals might find a warmer reception here with the computers that run banking
areas, work areas, and conference cubi- than at Dentos, Cahn, and Cahn, but be throughout the sector, the Bank of Exon-
cles might be separated by small, flimsy warned: S. Grimaldi will play both sides idas can convert currency, make loans,
screens, while file rooms, computer of any fence. If reselling hot cargo turns prepare stock portfolios, collect forfei-
rooms, and meeting rooms might be se- out to be unprofitable, blackmailing the tures, and in general take care of just
parated by more permanent walls (which seller might not be. about any financial needs of travellers
do not show on the floor plan). The Scattered throughout the terminal are and businessmen. The bank is protected
floors are quite thick, made of perma- +2 and +1 brokers of any stripe, from by a system similar to a spaceship’s anti-
crete and reinforced with structural steel. struggling and honest to filthy rich and hijack program; further, at any given
The ceilings; however, are often mere totally criminal. time there will be two Marines of the
panels of decorative material at a height Area 3-1: In a visible spot stands the 119th keeping a somewhat alert eye on
of 2½ to 3 meters, somewhat lower than recruiting booth of the Turga Lancers, a the doorway.
the full 4-meter height of the main ceiling mercenary regiment active on this world. Area 8-4: Wrokla’s Port Best. This res-
that is the floor of the next higher level. The Lancers are carving out a fledgling taurant is an offshoot of Wrokla’s Down-
The hollow space between the ceilings is empire in the ruins of Theury continent, town, which itself makes a plausible
often filled with piping, wiring, and air- across the ocean; the appeal of so much claim to be the best restaurant in the city.
conditioning conduits. untenanted real estate was too much to Although this place endeavors to cater
(Several years ago, noted criminal Ec- be resisted. As much as the interstellar to the better class of people, it is man-
chel Anstove escaped capture by cra- government and the Portmaster resent aged by a man, Hill Darsen, who knows
wling through such a space with enough such an operation, no laws are being vio- that most spaceport travellers are not
silence and dexterity to avoid his pursuit. lated, and thus Commissioner Munrow rich. Thus, to avoid a very unpleasant
The feat was unknowingly duplicated by is unable to legally evict the Lancers’ meal, a diner intending to patronize this
the then-hunted Navy Captain Athalos recruiters. spot must have a minimum social level of
Steldan on the world Chirkun.) Area 4-1: Drake’s Slashers, another 9. This is better than Wrokla’s Down-
G-all: Open Area. On the second mercenary regiment, has a recruiting town, where even to be admitted to the
through fifth levels, the area inside the booth here. The Slashers, unlike the foyer requires a social level of 11. A meal
circle of dashes is open to the first level. Turga Lancers, are building their empire here for two, including tipping and other
On the first level is a planted area, styled on a foundation of good will. Where the required gratuities, will cost upwards of
as an indoor garden. Lancers, a heliborne unit, are conquer- 100 credits.
H-1: Security Gate. Tended at all times ing wherever they can, the Slashers, a Area 9-1: Traveller’s Aid Society Out-
by a small but efficient 119th Division heavy armor unit, have mobilized in what post. The main Traveller’s Aid Society
Marine detachment, this gate has a very is basically a rescue mission, bringing station was destroyed with Tatheur
secure weapons detector. food, supplies, medicines and medical Spaceport in the war. The station here is
l-all: Observation Area. On the first aid, and most importantly order, to the working hard to gain the rich reputation
level, this is an open waiting area where survivors of the war on Theury. In ex- the Theuran station once enjoyed.
passengers prepare for imminent depar- change for the relief the Slashers bring, Twice-hourly tram service is made
ture. On higher levels this area is an ex- the survivors are all too glad to legally available to the better hotels in the city,
tension of the shopping promenade, with cede great estates of land that are cur- for those who are staying for some time;
an observation deck overlooking the rently useless to them in any case. for the casual passenger, stopping here
boost-grid. Whether or not these contracts bear the only for a connection, good-quality
J-1-3: Port Authority Building. Space- force of law is an issue the Slashers feel meals are dispensed, and a waiting
port Authority Kevin Munrow, and his will be decided in their favor by their lounge is provided away from the noise
flight controllers, computers, radio traf- prowling hovertanks. of normal traffic. A travel agency is
fic controllers, and other staff are here. See Figure 9 (on page 48) for the cur- based here, staffed by experts who are
The Port Authority (or, technically, rent zones of operation of these and oth- easily capable of helping travellers sched-
Commissioner of the Port) is a member er military units. ule their routes most efficiently. Ticket-
of the Commerce Department, and there- Area 5-2: Hansen’s Supplies Store. ing can be prearranged here also, as can
fore subordinate to Adrian Redmond. Respirator helmets, air tanks, filters, luggage check-through and most pass-
From working with the local planetary masks, and all other manner of survival port requirements.
authorities as long as he has, Portmaster gear is for sale here. Atmosphere testers Although the Traveller’s Aid Society
Munrow has developed a great deal of and fallout detectors are popular items deals mostly with members of the Socie-
respect for Dirlan policies. He does not these days. The Theury war was fought ty, non-members may benefit from the
favor forcing the world into subservience with heavy, high-explosive warheads, services offered, at prices that are actual-
to the interste!lar government. very few of which were thermonuclear. ly reasonable. How the higher-ups of the

March 1982

Figure 3 Exonidas High Port

Dragon Vol. VI, No. 9

Society can consistently manage to bring “You may not have noticed, but the A: Accelerator Terminus. This facility
good to excellent services to the public last ship that left, just as we were coming sends unmanned cargo containers at
at comfortable prices has ever been a in, was in a tearing hurry, and his identi- high velocity outward into minimum-
mystery; the policy is very well received. fication transponders weren’t working.” energy transfer orbits, providing the main
Area 10-3: Susato, Morely, and Dow- Who but a pilot would have noticed? source of supplies and expendables for
land Legal Services. This law office, re- Area 14-1: First aid station. Treatment the five major bases in the system other
cuperating from an unfortunate incident is available here for the many little things than Horltheur itself.
in which a live grenade was tossed that plague travellers: nausea, overstress, B: Fuel Storage and Power Plant. Fuel
through the doors, is perhaps the planet’s headaches, and so on. coming in from the gas giant Colosse is
leading firm for dealings in interstellar Area 15-2: Port Hospital. For things held here for eventual transshipment to
law. Local law and criminal law cases will that no first aid station can be expected Horltheur, for use in refueling ships be-
also be handled by the firm. to handle. Excellent medical care is dis- fore their departure from the system.
Area 11-1: The Brass Beast. A wood- pensed here by trained Naval medical The fuel is sent from Colosse to the High
paneled alehouse with a low ceiling, re- personnel. The fact that the medics here Port in great, unmanned cannisters
producing the popular image of a rowdy are acting in an official capacity means which are then grappled by the High
hotspot of an era long past. Few things in that if a character comes in suffering Port’s gravitic boost-grids and unloaded.
the “inn” are beyond tech level 2, and the from bullet wounds, for example, the fact C: Main Port Building. Located here
things that are — the soundproofing, the will be reported, and the character will are the offices and apartments of the
beer coolers, and the splat-gun hidden likely be interviewed by the police, or by many permanent residents of the High
beneath the bar — are well out of sight. port officials. Given a choice between Port. The platforms extending from the
Managed with precise absurdity by a crawling off somewhere to die and giv- central sphere are landing decks for
well trained pair of anachronists, the ing oneself up in order to receive treat- such ships that can land; these decks are
spot’s rare dull moments are relieved by ment, most people will choose the latter oriented by small gravitic generators, so
staged fights between trained duelists, course. Some, however, will try to reach that small ships landing on any of the
whose choreographed swordfights take a civilian hospital away from the space- many platforms are held firmly “down”
them from the fireplace to the kitchen port to minimize the ramifications. Some toward the main body of the port with an
and back, noisily but with no damage people even know of outlaw doctors in even 1 G acceleration. Ships that cannot
done. the city who work for organized crime. be landed on a planet Iikewise cannot be
Area 12-2: Offices of Birkenlines Inter- The port hospital has a special area landed on these platforms. However,
stellar Shipping. Characters seeking em- staffed with experts on burn medicine, a several of the platforms are landing-
ployment will find it at the following pro- necessary specialization considering shuttle bases, with a quick enough cycle
babilities: Roll two six-sided dice. If the how flammable spaceship fuel is. Cur- of takeoffs and landings to comfortably
result listed below is achieved, employ- rently this department is desperately ferry the passengers and cargo of, for
ment is offered immediately. If the result understaffed, since all doctors and med- instance, a Liner, to the world below with
is one or two less than the minimum ics having any expertise in burn treat- minimal delay. The main port facility
needed, employment will be available in ment are working desperately at Emer- here has no shopping complex, and very
that many months. Required rolls are: gency City to save survivors of the war. little hotel space; the High Port is primar-
Pilot 7+; Navigator 7+; Engineer 6+; Ste- Area 16-1: Computer and traffic con- ily a working port.
ward 6+; Medic 8+; Gunner 9+. Die Modi- trol center. Here the massive computers Some of the facilities to be found in the
fiers: +1 for every level of expertise above control the multi-channeled boost-grid. Main Port Building; but not shown indi-
level 1. The machines are constantly alert for vidually on the map, are:
In general, when using the above me- fluctuations in the titanic gravitic forces C-1 The Manufacturing Alley. Here, in
thod of hiring on, the higher the two-dice constantly being re-focused. There is a an area of zero gravity, with industrial
roll, the better the position obtained. For human backup for any computer sys- quality vacuum readily to hand, high-
example, a roll of 7 for a pilot hiring on tem, for the very good reason that ma- tech manufacturing concerns have based
might land him or her the position of chine failures are always possible. Safe- themselves, to manufacture and build
backup pilot for a Subsidized Trader, ty is uppermost in the minds of the area’s everything from ball bearings to preci-
while a roll of 16 (assuming the pilot had personnel, and the first consideration of sion microelectronics to made-to-order
at least Pilot-5 skill) might mean the job the computers’ programming. microorganisms.
of chief pilot for a large luxury liner. As Although the High Port is, legally, en-
always, the referee may choose to mod- FIGURE 3: EXONIDAS HIGH PORT tirely the property of the interstellar go-
erate these results. The High Port is a 100-million-ton fa- vernment, it has been judged wise to rent
Area 13-3: Pilots’ lounge. A private and cility quite removed in structure from manufacturing space to the corporations
secluded gathering spot for pilots and any spaceship. Despite this, it can be of the planet below. The result is a profit
navigators, where a quiet atmosphere is described in the terms of Traveller Book for everyone. The companies renting
carefully cultivated. A discreet player 5, 1980 edition, as follows: space here are from everywhere on the
character, having either pilot or naviga- planet, Horla and Theury alike. Since the
tor skill, can sometimes find rumors here 1OO,OOO,OOO tons major population centers of Theury con-
— rumors of the most productive and SW-Z400GJ4-00000Z-00000-L tinent are virtually dead, this now means
rewarding sort. Too many people have Batteries 2 that some 50% of Theury’s wealth is tied
the notion that a pilot is no more than a TL=15 up at the High Port, with the orbiting
chauffeur, with no considerations be- Crew = 1400 factories suddenly having become entire
yond the comfort of his or her pas- Fuel tankage = 10,000,000 tons corporations, rather than just branch of-
sengers. But pilots are more than this, fices. The legal questions are still hang-
and the popular illusion is resented. Who More than anything else, the High Port ing over everyone’s heads.
has the best view of the planet during is an orbiting fuel tank where ships can C-2: The Portmaster’s Assistant’s Of-
terminal approach? The pilot. Whose life refuel before Jump, without having to fice. Here, the Commissioner of the High
depends upon keeping two eyes always carry that fuel down to the planet and Port, Donald Wensley, oversees the com-
carefully open? The pilot. Whose job is it back up. Since Jump fuel usually com- plex operations of the port. He checks all
to know exactly where he or she is at any poses a sizable percentage of a ship’s cargo handling, monitors traffic, and
moment? The navigator . . . . mass, the overall savings are significant. maintains law and order, and provides a
March 1982 Dragon
human backup for the all-important com- there is no weight to work against, even a
puters that control the smaller boost- ship much larger than 10,000 tons can be
grids. Fortunately for the irascible ex- pushed into place. . . slowly. Each grid’s
Navy Pilot, he has a capable aide to han- reach is 5,000 kilometers, with a sharp
dle public relations and to deal with dropoff in power beyond that range. Like
complaints. Merely keeping the port op- the main boost-grid at the Down Port,
erating smoothly takes up all of Wens- these grids are not limited to simple
ley’s time, and most of his temper. pushing or pulling in the straight line
C-3: Zero-Gravity Hospital. This has between them and their targets; trans-
become the ideal place to treat burn vic- verse force can also be applied.
tims, leprosy patients, and those suffer- The operation of these smaller grids is
ing from damage to large muscles. Heal- as follows: A ship, either coming into the
ing in zero-gravity is not much slower system from its in-jump or moving up
than healing on a planet’s surface, and from the planet below, passes at low ve-
the absence of hampering gravity and locity near the High Port. Guided by the
weight is a godsend for suffering pa- gravitic equivalent of radar, whichever of
tients. It would be possible, using gravit- the two grid-dishes is closer maneuvers
ic neutralizers, to construct a zero-G itself until it points at the ship. Then (as-
hospital or ward on the planet’s surface, suming the ship is to be docked at the
and for extreme emergencies this is in- High Port) the dish swings slowly about,
deed done. But the high cost of running towing the ship closer to the landing
such neutralizers makes the High Port’s platforms at location C or location G
hospital a better investment. (described below). As soon as the ship
At this time, the hospital is virtually has been settled comfortably onto the
overrun with burn victims from the war- platform, the dish swings back around to
heads that fell on Theury continent just latch on to its next target. The same
five weeks ago. It has been estimated procedure is used for capturing the in-
that of all the people burned on that fiery frequent fuel canister shipments from
day, less than five per cent ever received Colosse; the canisters, massing 150,000
any treatment. Since burns, when left tons, once slowed, are maneuvered to
untreated, are more deadly than nearly location B.
any other injury, this means that about These grids can be used for pushing
ninety per cent of those burned that day objects away, as well as for pulling tar-
who might have been saved have already gets in; this explains the two batteries of
died. This is, of course, a drop in the Repulsors-Z listed in the USP above. Mil-
bucket when compared to the 2.8 billion itarily, these are of questionable value in
people who died within minutes of the a fight, but the High Port was never de-
falling of the first bombs. signed as a fighting port.
C-4: The Research Alley. High-energy E: Solar Power Relay. Aimed always at
research in weightless conditions has one of three receiving stations on the
been an ongoing concern of the High world below, this facility beams solar
Port since its dedication. The sub-quan- power that is collected from five large,
tum labs here are most heavily involved sail-like reflective mirrors (not shown) in
with duplication of other labs’ experi- an orbit parallel to the High Port’s.
ments, for validation purposes; little tru- F: Weapons Station, and Scout and
ly original research is done here. The Fighter Base. In truth, the High Port is
same is true for the jump-technology not capable of defending itself. The heavy
labs and the meson-gun experimental lasers and missile bays mounted here
station; testing the claims of more ad- are a meager defense at best. The Scout
vanced research is the order of the day. and Fighter fleets based here go only so
D: Gravitic Boost-Grids. Like the main far to make up the gap. As just menti-
boost-grid at the Down Port, these are oned, the High Port was never designed
used for the landings and takeoffs of with warfare in mind, at least not as a
spacecraft, and of the unmanned canis- primary concern. This small installation
ters that this port handles. Unlike the is somewhat of an afterthought.
Down Port’s, these grids are tightly fo- G: Landing Platforms. Similar to the
cused by their dish antennae, have only platforms at C, above, these grids are
one channel, and maneuver the point of used more for cargo than for passengers.
focus by rotating and elevating of the H: The Battleship Fair Phyllis, for scale
dishes themselves. comparison. Ships too big to be landed
These grids are distinctly less power- on either the planet or the platforms of
ful than the main grid below, since there the High Port can hang in orbit parallel to
is no gravity to be overcome, and they the port, tended by shuttles. This is how
have a more sharply limited range. Each large ships are constructed; there is no
of these grids can exert a push or pull of “drydock” as such. When a ship too large
100,000,000 Newtons — which means to be handled by the Down Port is to be
that a ship of 10,000 tons could be built, its pieces are boosted into the High
pushed or pulled at an acceleration of Port’s orbit and assembled. Indeed, this
1G, or a 1,000-ton ship at 10G. Since is how the High Port itself was built.

Dragon Vol. VI, No. 9

Figure 5 Chain of command Commander Charles Denis

9A88A9, age 34
Sent to Theury continent directly on
the heels of the war, Commander Denis
had the assignment directly from Cap-
tain Wren to bury the dead, treat the in-
jured, aid the survivors, enforce order,
put out the forest fires, and get food to
the people starving in the hinterlands.
That the commander has succeeded at
all is amazing; that he has succeeded
well is little short of miraculous. Working
out of Emergency City, little more than a
tent town built around a makeshift Type
D Spaceport (See Figure 7), he has es-
tablished a system of advance camps
that distribute medical supplies, and has
put people to other work than fighting.

Major General Danielle Avin

B9D999, age 38
Using the mobile elements of the 119th
Heavy Marines, she has stopped the
outbreak of violence across the waste-
lands of Theury continent, sometimes
without firing a shot. The interstellar Ma-
rines have long enjoyed a reputation for
invincibility; no would-be bandit chief-
tain could stand against them, and few
would try. General Avin leads her troops
with a personal touch that is respected
and admired, overseeing every aspect of
the subdivisional operation with untiring
attention. In areas she has pacified, no
one has dared to renew the fighting.

Lieutenant General Roland Baker

687989, age 46
When the great battleship Fair Phyllis
dropped out of jumpspace, the first peo-
ple from its fleet to set foot on Horltheur
were the 4427th Marines, and first among
Thumbnail sketches them was General Baker. This has been
Grand Admiral Jennifer de la Noue the first operation in the Division’s histo-
667BF9; age 42 the degree of danger in the old fleet or- ry when the order of the day was to keep
The youngest-ever Grand Admiral of ganization. Steldan’s greatest coup was peace, suppress banditry, and help ferry
the Navy, de la Noue has risen to the top to rescue Grand Admiral Rothar Sienne casualties of someone else’s war to safe-
through the vacancies left by her super- from six years’ captivity, when all others ty. General Baker has adapted fairly well.
iors, who either died in the disaster at thought the old war hero dead. Proud of being “a soldier, not a police-
First Binary or were forced to resign after man,” his operations have been perhaps
the cover-ups of Second Binary. De la Captain Alexis Wren carried out with too much of a show of
Noue has survived primarily by being 89A999, age 34 strength. Advised by his staff against
uncorrupt and ‘incorruptible. She passed Of good record and unimpeachable such overreactions as softening up target
through the recent ethics investigations reputation, Captain Wren’s top achieve- zones with artillery, air strikes, or orbital
of the higher ranks with an absolutely ment seems to be the remarkable speed bombardment, he has swallowed his
untarnished record. with which he reacted to the Theuran pride and proven himself quite a police-
war. By the time his orbital satellites man indeed.
Commodore Athalos Steldan warned him of the missiles, there was
687BB9, age 38 nothing he could do to prevent the death Adrian Redmond
Although Steldan has a slightly more of a continent. Singlehandedly, howev- 596DF9, age 50
scandalous service record than is usual er, he kept the war from crossing the sea Aboard his complex command post of
for his rank, including one unprecedent- to Horla continent. His Fighter command a spaceship, Redmond is here as a rep-
ed case of flight from prosecution, the intercepted and destroyed the very few resentative of the Commerce Department
facts have always served to acquit him. intercontinental missiles launched — of the interstellar government. Wars dis-
He seems to attract misunderstandings which seemed to have been fired for no rupt commerce almost as much as they
from his superior, the Grand Admiral, in better reason than to leave no survivors disrupt human life; Redmond’s job is to
direct relation to his frequent — some at all, neutrals or not — and his desper- do what he can to restore economic
would say regular — breakthroughs and ate videophone diplomacy with the lead- order. The peculiarities of the world
successes in his field. If he appeared to ers of the Horlan nations quieted their Horltheur — its independent status and
have sparked the abortive mutiny of two fears thoroughly enough to prevent an fierce nationalistic pride, its high taxes
years past, the fracas clearly revealed outbreak on that continent. and great armies — brought about a
March 1982 Dragon
Figure 6 The Fleet in Presence

Dragon Vol. VI, No. 9

Figure 6: The Fleet in Presence

Battleship: Fair Phyllis Hospital ships: Barber, Diezette, Remedy,
1,OOO,OOO tons BB-Y3336J4-F09909-90009-W Haven, First Assist, Health, Tinct, Salve
Batteries bearing 400 100 400 30,000 tons AH-M3334J3-000200-0
Batteries 800 200 800
TL=15 Crew = 950
Crew = 38,000 Agility = 0
Agility = 3
Electromagnetic Effects/Communications Ship: Graphein
Heavy Cruisers: Cator, Dynamme, Forodh, 9,000 tons NL-J3336J3-200000-00000-0
Horor, Interpe, Flamme x8
75,000 tons CR-Q3336J3-F09909-90009-3
Batteries bearing 45 10 45 TL=15
Batteries 60 15 60 Crew = 400
Agility = 3
Crew = 700 Fuel Tankers: x
Agility = 3 40,000 tons A0-N5334C3-400700-00000-0

Light Cruisers: Desideriche, Todanga, Todega, Okemo, TL=13

Lusederiche, Posata, Dand, Rung, Crusedereche Crew = 250
20,000 tons CL-L3336J3-F09909-90009-0 Agility = 0
Batteries bearing 15 4 15
Batteries 16 4 16 Destroyers: x23
2,000 tons DD-B333CJ2-F07609-90009-0
TL=15 Batteries bearing 31 1
Crew = 450 Batteries 31 1
Agility = 3
Fighters: 300 aboard the Fair Phyllis and Crew = 45
30 aboard each of the heavy cruisers Agility = 3
25 tons FF-0106Y31-000000-40000-0
Batteries bearing 1 Scouts: x48
Batteries 1 100 tons S-13339R1-000000-40000-0
Batteries bearing 1
TL=15 Batteries 1
Crew = 1 TL=13
Agility = 6 Crew = 1 Agility = 3

state of confusion when the war hit. Even Most of the shuttles transporting mate- thority wields more behind-the-scenes
though no more bombs will fail, the un- rial from orbit to ground, from ground to power than do either de la Noue or Red-
touched areas will be hit with economic orbit, and from one orbit to another, have mond, while technically subordinate to
dislocations that only a master hand can come from his port; when the space- the latter.
minimize. No one has ever denied that hands of de la Noue’s fleet take a break Lawrence’s responsibility is to investi-
Adrian Redmond is a master hand. from duty, they take it at his port. His gate, tactfully, whether or not it would be
other duties cannot be forgotten either, a good idea for the interstellar govern-
Kevin Munrow leaving him busy with some problem or ment to quash Horltheur’s independence
768899, age 30 other for thirty hours out of every twenty- and incorporate the planet. How is one
As Portmaster, Munrow has the duty four-hour day. If one of his lieutenants is to investigate an issue of such sensitivity
to aid his superior, Redmond, in any way foolish enough to volunteer to take over without causing repercussions? Law-
he might. For five weeks now, since the some trivial chore, Wensley has plenty of rence manages. He is to be a field agent
war, flights have been coming and going energy to curse the fellow up and down. for Redmond, without anyone knowing
via the international airport to and from Since these emotional outbursts seem to it. When neither one’s employer nor
Theury, carrying volunteers, supplies, relax Wensley, his staff somehow man- one’s contacts know whom is being dealt
and other aid. Since Redmond’s arrival, ages to provoke one every ten hours or with, how can results be achieved? Law-
the additional use of the Spaceport has so. Work gets done much more efficient- rence manages. And when one is himself
been called upon, and it has been Mun- ly because of this, and so everyone is such a contradiction, how can he recon-
row’s job to keep it running smoothly as happy. cile himself to his somewhat distasteful
a participant in the rescue/recovery with- mission? Lawrence manages. Perhaps
out interrupting its other, usual duties. Robert Lawrence Redmond is better off not knowing just
ABAA99, age 34 how.
Donald Wensley Paradox: A loud-voiced, thick, tall man,
7F6889, age 34 with an aggressive manner of conversa- FIGURE 7: EMERGENCY CITY
This grouchy ex-pilot is in charge of tion, who is actually of a retiring disposi- A: Water Desalinization and Power
the High Port, and has been strained to tion when allowed to be, Inspector Gen- Reactor. This facility supplies 600 liters
the limit taking care of de la Noue’s fleet. eral Lawrence of the Interstellar Port Au- of drinkable water per minute, and nine

March 1982 Dragon
per cent of the city’s electrical power. from suicide than wounds, this may well whole thing was kind of dumb, wasn’t
The rest of the power comes from im- be true. it?”
ported fuel. D: The Ruins. Extending for dozens of E: The Spaceport, class D. No boost-
B: Hospitals. Like all the other hospi- miles to the north, the ruins of the old grid is installed here, nor terminal build-
tals on the planet, these are filled to over- city are perhaps the prime cause of these ing, shops, construction yards, or ware-
flowing, primarily with burn victims. suicides. Beyond the horizon, occupy- houses Ships must take off and land on
Treatment has been effective, however; ing the entire northern aspect of Emer- their own power, and must share the
very few patients have been lost after gency City, the blackened hectares pre- runway strips with normal aircraft that
being hospitalized. sent one of the most memorable and fly in regularly from Horla continent.
C: Tent City. The city proper. Plumb- horrifying vistas conceivable. The top- Spaced around the flattened and ce-
ing, drainage, and heating are all sup- pled buildings all lean to the south, away mented field are landing-signal towers,
plied from prefabricated units shipped from the impact point of the nearest of so that ships may land by instrument
here by cargo carrier and set up virtually the seventeen bombs that hit this once- during the city’s frequent thick fogs.
overnight. Living is as comfortable here city. Black, gritty dust constantly drifts F: Headquarters. From here Com-
as might be expected, with little in the to the east, a thin veil against the sun. mander Charles Denis oversees the
way of luxuries, but with all subsistence A short distance into the ruins, some operation of the city, as well as activities
needs cared for. Currently, some 7,600 survivors have erected a small monu- around the continent. There are five
people inhabit the “city”; of these, only ment, built of stones salvaged from the computer model/1’s here, some radio
280 are Navy and Marine personnel. Vir- toppled buildings and covered with ce- equipment, and little else. Contact is
tually every citizen of the city is single, ment. No one had the means to cast a maintained with the advance camps
and the only survivor of his or her family. bronze plaque, so the legend was scrawl- spread over the continent from this head-
Only luck has allowed them to live; the ed into the wet cement, which then har- quarters, and with the orbiting fleet. For
psychological injuries treated here are dened, leaving the inscription perman- its part, the fleet sends down updated
very nearly as deadly as the physical ent. The words are a quote from an ano- orbital photographs of weather patterns
ones — or, say some doctors, more nymous survivor, who was heard to ut- and of surviving settlements.
deadly. Since more citizens here die ter, just before dying of his burns: “This G: Radio tower. Equipped to send and

Figure 7 Emergency City

Dragon Vol. VI, No. 9

receive radio signals, and with the gravit- switching from being stubborn to being Navy ships because of the one-continent
ic equivalent of radar, this tower is the reasonable, and at exactly the right mo- war below. Roll on subtable below.
city’s link with the rest of the world. ment, he achieves amazing results. Ar- 7-8: Patrol. Roll on subtable below.
nesco is not just the crank old price- 9-10: Subsidized Merchant. Roll on
FIGURE 8: TYPICAL OFFICE SUITE gouger he lets himself appear to be, but a subtable below.
A: Corridor. Each square is 1.5 meters crafty and successful businessman, self- 11-12: Yacht. Roll on subtable below.
on a side. trained, poorly educated, and, if the truth
B: Offices. be said, just a little bit brilliant. For eight Free Trader subtable
C: Entrance to Torman and Son, ex- months now, he has secretly been train- 2-3: Smuggler
cess stock liquidators. The firm is a ing a more loyal replacement for the in- 4-8: Legitimate
struggling concern, equivalent to a +1 sidious Hjalmar Tar, so that when the 9-10: Forged papers
broker. No one can quite tell if the Tor- time comes, the disloyal clerk will unex- 11-12: Forged papers/smuggler/refe-
mans are honest businessmen or not, pectedly find himself unemployed. That, ree’s choice
although their twice-yearly audit never he congratulates himself, was easy. Now
uncovers anything more suspicious than on to real work. Pirate subtable
arithmetic errors. They don’t run a rich H: The junior clerks’ work area. some- 2-4: Scout
firm, or a really successful one, but they one needs to draft the sales contracts 5: Yacht
seem capable of handling the assign- into good legal formula; three junior 6-10: Cruiser
ments people bring to them. In this area clerks take care of that necessary bit of 11: Roll twice, ignoring 11 or 12
of the office, the receptionists deal with drudgery. 12: Roll three times, ignoring 11 or 12
customers by phone, vid, or in person. I: Files Room. Somewhere in here,
There is a waiting room, neither spa- filed where not even Arnesco Torman Patrol subtable
cious nor comfortable, but Torman and could find it, is the first credit ever made 2-6: scout (x 1D6)
Son are not usually so busy as to keep by the firm. The rest of the files are dupli- 7-10: Cruiser (x 1-2)
customers waiting overlong. cates of such things as stock certificates, 11: Something heavier (ref’s choice)
D: Work cubicle. Here, clerk Jan War- letters mailed out, letters received, con- 12: Roll twice, ignoring 12
ner makes his retreat, filing his personal tracts signed, and so on. The originals of
papers and worksheets. A customer com- anything truly valuable are deposited Subsidized Merchant subtable
ing into the offices with an assignment downtown at the main branch of the 2-4: Smuggler
that didn’t require the personal attention Bank of Exonidas. 5-8: Legitimate
of the Messrs. Torman would probably J: Hallway. This way to the restrooms. 9-11: Forged papers
be shown in here to deal with Warner as a In this area are the commonplace things 12: Carrying inspector plus bodyguard
representative of the company. Jan can to be found in any office: unopened squad; or, ref’s choice
handle his routine, perhaps without im- boxes of forms, the copying machine,
agination, perhaps without initiative, but and of course, the water cooler. Yacht subtable
with something close to competence. K: The Computer. Only Hjalmar Tar 2: Kidnap victim
E: Work cubicle. Similar to D (above), really knows how to use the computer 3-5: Smuggler
this is the work space of Hjalmar Tar, —or so he thinks. Hjalmar gains prestige 6-11: Legitimate
company senior clerk. Although he’d and pay bonuses for programming it, 12: Ref’s choice
never admit it to anyone, Tar has every debugging it, kicking it when it crashes,
hope of someday wresting control of the and tending it in general. Of course this In all cases, before radio contact is
company from the younger Mr. Torman. takes some time away from his regular established, roll 2D6 for the other ship’s
Tar’s every effort has gone into knowing duties, and some of the office staff have captain’s reaction, with 2 meaning overt
more about how the company works come to look on him as a well trained hostility, 12 meaning genuine friendli-
than either of his employers — so that, loafer. Hjalmar’s replacement, when the ness, and other results being shaded in
on the long-awaited day when the senior surprise is finally sprung, knows more between. Modify these results due to the
Mr. Torman dies, Tar will be the only one about this class of computer than Hjal- realistic mission of the encounter. A Pi-
capable of keeping the company afloat. mar has any hope of learning. There is rate, rolling a 2, will attack, to board and
F: Office of Richard Torman, the junior no justice. kill; rolling a 12, he might seek to entice
partner. In general, Richard runs the of- L: Conference room. Since Torman the players into a partnership. A Patrol,
fice while Arnesco Torman, his father and Son holds very few conferences, this on the other hand, would be limited to
and the senior partner, runs the com- has turned into an unofficial storeroom, extremes of either firing a warning shot
pany. There are phones to be answered, with boxes, bundles, and form verifiers. and boarding for inspection, or letting
letters to be dictated, and clerks to be The table is nice, though, when it hasn’t the players pass without delay, while ra-
harried. Richard keeps things running got junk piled a meter deep on top of it. dioing across a friendly and perhaps
smoothly enough, not knowing that useful message.
Hjalmar Tar, the senior clerk he hates Outer space encounters
and is hated by, has already made him- Immediately upon breaking out of Down Port encounters
self indispensable. Richard wouldn’t last Jumpspace, player characters’ ships Roll 1D6 twice, to give results from 11
ten days without Tar; when the proper have a great chance of having an orbital to 66, reading one die as tens and one as
time comes, Tar intends for Richard to or insystem encounter. Roll 2D6 and digits.
find that out. consult the following table. 11: Unexpected -2 on sale price of
G: Office of Arnesco Torman, the se- 2: No encounter of note: Normal traffic cargo.
nior partner. Privacy, more than any- about the system. 12: All the passengers you need.
thing else, is to be found here. Arnesco’s 3-5: Free Trader. Roll on subtable 13: Ship’s weapons for sale at 5%
dealings are almost always by video- below. discount.
phone, where his aggressive personality 6: Pirate. Although the law level of this 14: Unexpected +3 on cargo resale.
can most effectively be applied. Arnes- system as a whole is quite high, the im- 15: Cargo for sale: your choice of first
co’s foes accuse him of browbeating mensity of the system makes the occa- digit on Trade table.
customers and clients; in truth, his tac- sional grab for loot a feasible act — even 16: Cargo for sale: Your choice.
tics go far beyond mere browbeating. By now, while the system is swarming with 21: Unexpected +1 on cargo resale.
March 1982
22: Fuel at 75% normal cost.
Figure 8 Typical office suite 23: Unexpected +2 on cargo resale.
24: Cargo for sale at -1 on price.
25: -10% on annual overhaul, good
here only, any time in the next six months.
26: -30% on price of missiles/reloads.
31: Bargain in a shop or store (low
32: Bargain in a shop or store (low to
average value).
33: Bargain in a shop or store (above
average value on needed items).
34: Bargain in a shop or store (excel-
lent value).
35: Rumor.
36: Rumor.
41: Favorable business offer; ref’s
42: Rich passenger in need of quick
43: Shipping delay.
44: Insult.
45: False accusation.
46: Papers served on your ship, pre-
venting departure or loading.
51: Small bomb placed on your ship;
50% chance bomb threat called in.
52: Broker defaults, pocketing his fee.
53: Embarrassing fiasco with friendly
natives and two marines.
54: You are mixed up with and impli-
cated in illegal drug dealings.
55: An accident occurs (1-2, to you;
3-6, to another).
56: Illegal business offer (1-2, trap; 3-6,
for real).
61: You suffer a false arrest.
62: You suffer a false arrest, and find
that the evidence could easily lead to a
63: An attack from a person with a club
or fists (1-2, on you; 3-6, on another).
64: An attack from a person with a
knife (1-2: on you; 3-6: on another).
65: An attack from a person with a gun
(1-2, on you; 3-6, on another).
66: An attack from a hidden Psionicist
(1-2, on you; 3-6, on another).

This table is used once per day, at

most. At the players’ option, this table
might be used only once per week.
Players may, by their option, act with
circumspection, trying to avoid unplea-
sant encounters. If so, results on the ta-
ble will be restricted to 31-46 inclusive.

Options for adventure

This world is legally independent of
the larger interstellar government, so
that going into business as an importer,
for instance, while difficult, may be re-
warding. There is great profit to be made
in mining or salvaging the sites of the
ruined cities of Theury continent, organ-
izing relief efforts (for pay), capitalizing
on the nearly vacant continent itself
(land prices are wildly unpredictable), or
even setting oneself up as a bandit king.
(Many such have gone into business
despite the order-keeping efforts of the
Dragon Vol. VI, No. 9

Figure 9
Navy and the Marines. Can you do better
than they have?)
In space, the Fleet in Presence tends
to put a damper on piracy, a disadvan-
tage equally offset by the presence of
plentiful, rich traffic ripe for raiding. In
The planet Horltheur
other fields, trade is needed in the items
that Theury continent used to produce.
Shortages of these products — mostly
high-tech stuff such as computers— will
begin to be felt on Horla continent be-
fore too long.
The operations of the fleet are concen-
trated toward the planet below. What
would happen if an enemy fleet made a
sortie at this time? Although this is felt to
be unlikely, so were the historic raids on
Pearl Harbor and on Port Arthur.
Back in the hinterlands of Theury, up
in the high hills, survivors and bandits
skirmish for control of the few unde-
stroyed resources. The Marines are
spread dangerously thin. Could a bandit
horde, of tech level equivalent to 5 or 6,
successfully ambush a patrol of Marines
at tech level 15? Can the Marines keep
order while killing an absolute minimum
of troublemakers?
There’s an assassin high in the moun-
tains, stalking one of the few living offi-
cials of Theury continent. Is that in-
tended victim now the legal president of
the continent? Can he be saved?
Emergency City needs doctors. Theury
needs able and willing workers of any
description. No skill would be unwel-
come. There is a government—an entire
continent — to rebuild from scratch.

A rumor: Fifteen massive warheads

are unaccounted for. Are they buried,
undetonated, where they fell? Were they
ever launched? Are the records incor-
rect? Some might object that this is a
trifling complaint: The Turga Lancers
carry more than forty low-power tactical
warheads, and Drake’s Slashers more
than one hundred. But these that are ru-
mored to be missing are city-busting de-
vices. In the wrong hands . . . .

A rumor: A group called the Planetary

Independence Party is planning to use
this opportunity for confusion to take
over the Spaceport at Exonidas in a
commando-style guerrilla raid. Is it non-
sense, propaganda, or truth?

A rumor: Theury continent has been

opened up to colonization. It’s up for
grabs, folks. Although not true, the story
has gotten wide enough circulation that
entire planeloads of would-be adventur-
ers have gotten themselves a grubstake
and some camping equipment, intend-
ing to become frontiersmen and settlers.
How are they to be stopped? Or should
they be?
There are opportunities on Horltheur;
if you don’t seek them out, they’ll never
pay off.

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