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Chapter 3 test
Section Number of questions Available marks Marks achieved

A 20 20

B 6 20

Total 40

Section A: Multiple choice

Instructions for section A
• Circle the correct answer in pencil for multiple-choice questions.
• Choose the response that is correct or that best answers the question.
• A correct answer scores 1 and an incorrect answer scores 0.
• Marks will not be deducted for incorrect answers.
• No marks will be given if more than one answer is given for a question.
Use the following information for Questions 1 to 4
Sharona has just been employed to create a new software product for a client. Before she
begins the project, she begins creating a Gantt chart, some of which is shown below.

Source: GanttProject

1 Which of the following tasks in Sharona’s Gantt chart is a milestone?

A interview client
B notify client of chosen design
C choose design/mock-up using criteria
D confirm scope and constraints with client

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2 Sharona uses her Gantt chart to determine how many people she will need to
hire to work on the project. From the information shown in the Gantt chart,
what is the minimum number of people Sharona will need, including herself?
A 1
B 2
C 3
D 4

3 Sharona has decided that she will not have anyone work on the project on the
weekends. How much slack time exists between the ‘research software tools’
task and the ‘determine scope’ task?
A 5 days
B 6 days
C 7 days
D 8 days
4 Sharona wants to know how many days she already has along the critical
path before she completes the rest of the Gantt chart. How long is the critical
path for this project so far?
A 8 weeks
B 9 weeks
C 10 weeks
D 11 weeks

5 Georgio is undertaking analysis in relation to a replacement software product

that he is designing for his company. He creates an online survey that will be
completed by many people and he wants to use the results for qualitative data
analysis. What type of questions should Georgio use in his survey?
A close-ended questions
B open-ended questions
C short answer questions
D extended response questions

6 Kirsty is collecting data as part of the analysis stage of a software project she
is in charge of. She needs to collect complex data about people’s thoughts
and opinions of the current software she is intending to replace and she would
also like to ask follow-up and clarifying questions. The most appropriate
methods of data collection Kirsty should use are
A reports
B surveys
C interviews
D observations

7 Elmore is writing functional requirements for a fitness app he is going to sell

that will be installed on smart watches. Which of the following is an
appropriate functional requirement that Elmore should include?

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A display average heart rate in the past hour
B take less than 5 minutes to learn how to use
C must work on Samsung and iPhone watches
D recover in less than five seconds from any crashes

8 Bernie is writing a maze-solving program that he intends to install on a

particular brand of robotic toy system so he can give it to his younger brother
for Christmas. He has been asked to complete an SRS that contains an
outline of the scope of his solution. One item that he should include in relation
to scope is that
A the solution must be completed and installed on the toy by Christmas.
B a new robotic toy must be purchased before development can begin.
C the solution must compile successfully on the robotic toy.
D the solution must be able to solve mazes.

9 A software requirements specification (SRS) is a single document that is

created in which stage of the Problem Solving Methodology?
A design
B analysis
C evaluation
D development

10 It is important that an SRS document has a table of contents, page numbers

and numbered headings and subheadings. This is because it is
A attractive and therefore more likely to be read.
B more efficient to locate elements within the document.
C often a legal document between a client and a developer.
D useful if the document is dropped and needs to be put back in order.

11 Kate is creating an SRS and has just finished a diagram that will go in the
document. The diagram is a visual description of how a user will interact with
the software system. This type of diagram is referred to as a
A data flow diagram.
B use case diagram.
C context diagram.
D mock-up.

12 In a use case diagram, an entity that interacts with a software solution that
can be connected to a use case through relationships and generalisations is
referred to as
A an actor.
B an agent.

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C an entity.
D a process.

13 Roberto has created a use case diagram for his proposed software solution.
In the use case diagram, he has connected two use cases using a solid,
straight line with a closed arrow head. What relationship is being represented
by this style line?
A extend
B include
C association
D generalisation

14 Deidre has just finished creating a diagram that will go into her software
requirements specification (SRS). The diagram she has created represents
the system as a whole and shows the data going into and out of a single
system, represented as a circle, using arrows. The diagram that Deidre has
created is best described as
A a context diagram.
B a process diagram.
C a use case diagram.
D a data flow diagram.

15 In data flow diagrams, data flows can be used to connect which of the
A entities to other entities
B processes to other processes
C data flows to other data flows
D data stores to other data stores

16 In data flow diagrams, the symbols used to represent data stores are
A circles.
B arrows.
C rectangles.
D parallel lines.

17 Louise implements an encryption algorithm in her software. The algorithm

uses an encryption key to encrypt the data as well as decrypt the data. What
method of encryption is Louise using?
A asymmetric key encryption
B symmetric key encryption
C transport layer encryption
D secure sockets encryption

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18 Bhagya wants to use a security protocol in some new software that will be
used over a computer network. The software has a built-in web browser and
email program and the data that is being transferred over the internet needs
to be protected so it is less likely to be compromised. Which security protocol
should Bhagya use?

19 Zhong runs a very large pharmacy chain that sells merchandise and
dispenses prescription medication. All customers who have filled prescriptions
are stored in the company software system. Because of the sensitive data
that is stored in the software, Zhong requires that all staff members log in
using their employee id number and a password. They must also use a swipe
card to unlock the system. This type of authentication is referred to as
A biometric authentication.
B two-factor authentication.
C multi-factor authentication.
D single-factor authentication.

20 Rhodry has implemented an authentication system that requires a username,

password, GPS location and facial recognition. This type of authentication is
referred to as
A biometric authentication.
B two-factor authentication.
C multi-factor authentication.
D single-factor authentication.

Section B
Instructions for section B

Answer all questions in the spaces provided.

Use the following information to answer the questions in Section B
Fotini is a highly respected chef and she would like to publish a set of cookbooks of the
recipes she has created and refined over the years. Over the course of her career, Fotini
carefully recorded all of her recipes using pen and paper; they have all been hand-written.
Fotini would like to add (and edit) these recipes into a software system ‘recipe
database’ so she can sort the recipes into different categories and add pictures of the finished
dishes. She also wants to be able to search through her recipes using ingredients as key
words. For example, if she types in ‘carrot’ into a search screen, she wants every recipe that
has ‘carrot’ as an ingredient to show up.

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Fotini is worried about data theft, as the recipes she is entering into the system are her
intellectual property. Fotini therefore wants single-factor authentication to be incorporated
into every screen within the software.
1 Fotini has hired a developer to create her recipe database. The developer has
begun writing a software requirements specification and has sent a draft to Fotini
to look at. In the document, Fotini notices a statement that says it is her
responsibility to enter all the recipes into the new system. Fotini is anxious to
begin entering her recipes as she knows it will take her a lot of time to enter
them. She has decided that the ability to upload photos does not need to be
completed until after she has entered all the recipes and she has used the
software for a few months. (2 marks)

a) What part of the software requirements specification should be modified to

reflect this change in the project? (1 mark)

b) Now that she knows she needs to enter all of the recipes herself, Fotini lets
the developer know that she sometimes has trouble with her eyesight,
especially when using computer screens. She would like the system to take
this into account through increased font sizes and high-contrast colour
choices. What part of the software requirements specification should be
modified to reflect this change in the project? (1 mark)

2 State four functional requirements of Fotini’s recipe database software.

(4 marks)

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3 Create a use case diagram for Fotini’s new software. (4 marks)

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4 Create a context diagram for Fotini’s new software. (4 marks)

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5 Create a data flow diagram for Fotini’s new software. (6 marks)

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