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SOAL UTS / STS (Sumatif Tengah Semester) GENAP


Mapel : B. INGGRIS Nama Peserta :

Kelas : Kelas/Fase :X/E
Tanggal : Nomor Ujian :

Kerjakan Soal dibawah ini dengan baik dan benar!

Museums are seen in every city, in every part of the world. They act as valuable
storage houses for the history of human Civilization and the evolution of life on this planet.
In this article, we Will discuss the importance that museums hold in our lives.
1. a. What is discussed in the text ?
b. How do museums take part in the history of human Civilization?
2. Graffiti Vandalism is a crime. It is the act of marking or defacing premises or other
property without permission. Graffiti Vandalism significantly affects individuals and the
community. The removal and prevention of graffiti Vandalism are very costly to the
a. Why is graffiti Vandalism?
b. What is definition of " deface"?
3. Write generic structures of procedure ( Recipe)!
4. Change the two sentences below to be present continuous form !
a. I stood under a tree when it began to rain
b. When I dropped my cup, the coffe spilled on my lap
5. "Learning English through music and songs can be very enjoyable". Give the Indonesian
6. Give two sentences of simple past !
7. Write a recipe of food, dish or drink !
8. Fill the blanks with correct answer below!
The Role and Benefits of the WTO Globalization has an (a.) the form of (b.)
international markets, one of which is trade (c.)..., Which is seen as an effort to increase
(d)... competitiveness.
* Liberalization
* Changes
* Economic
* Impact.

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