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Graduate School






Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming education on a global scale, with

tools like intelligent tutoring systems and automated essay scoring making their way into

classrooms (UNESCO, 2021). These advancements hold the promise of personalized

learning and improved educational outcomes. However, a key concern lies in the

potential impact of AI on essential skills like writing. A recent study by Moore and

Ouyang (2023) explores this very concern that AI writing tools might affect student

writing abilities across different regions, highlighting a critical gap in the understanding

of these tools' nuanced effects on a worldwide scale.

In the Philippines, the Department of Education (DepEd) is actively integrating AI

into classrooms to tackle longstanding issues like teacher shortages and a lack of

educational resources (2022). This approach aligns with a global trend towards AI-

powered education. A crucial shift is necessary to ensure AI supplements, rather than

supplants, the development of essential student skills, particularly writing. A study by

Santos and Punzalan (2021) investigated the impact of AI writing tools on Grade 10

students in the Philippines. The study found that while AI assistance improved

grammatical accuracy and vocabulary use by an average of, it did not significantly

enhance students' critical thinking or ability to express unique ideas. This highlights a

potential gap in current AI applications, where technical improvements might

overshadow the development of higher-order thinking skills crucial for effective writing.
Upi Agricultural School, located at Upi, Maguindanao in the Philippines,

represents the unique context of many educational institutions in the country. While AI

has the potential to enhance learning in such settings, it is crucial to understand its

specific effects on students' writing skills in this agricultural-focused environment. A

study published by Mendoza et al. (2020) explored the effects of AI-based writing

feedback on agricultural science students in the Philippines. Their findings suggest that

AI can improve students' technical writing skills, particularly in areas like grammar and

clarity. The study also highlights a gap in understanding how AI affects students' ability

to develop the critical thinking and analytical writing skills essential for success in

agricultural fields.

Research on the impact of AI on writing skills in the Philippines is scarce, and

even less is known about its effects in rural, agricultural schools like Upi Agricultural

School. This research gap necessitates a closer look at how AI is being used in the

school and how it might be influencing students' writing development as this macro skill

is essential for the students’ skills development.

This research aims to investigate the impacts of Artificial Intelligence on the

writing skills of students in Upi Agricultural School before and after using AI writing tools.

This is to unveil their writing performance to level the writing instruction and suggest

strategies to maximize its benefits for student learning. Understanding this dynamic is

crucial for ensuring that AI empowers students, not hinder their ability to become

effective writers.
Statement of the Problem

This study seeks to identify the impacts of Artificial Intelligence on the writing

skills of the students in Upi Agricultural School.

Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions:

1. What are the AI tools utilized by the students in writing?

2. What is the writing performance of the students before using an AI Tool?

3. What is the writing performance of the students after using an AI Tool?

4. Is there a significant difference in the writing performance of the students before

and after using the AI tool?

5. How can the findings contribute to enhancing the writing pedagogy in amidst the

evolving landscape of AI integration?


Ho1: There is no significant difference in the writing performance of the students before

and after using the AI tool.

Significance of the Study

Investigating the impacts of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on the writing performance

of students at Upi Agricultural School holds significant value for multiple stakeholders in

the educational landscape:

Commission on Higher Education (CHED): This study can inform CHED’s policies

regarding the integration of AI tools in higher education institutions, particularly in

specialized settings like agricultural schools. The findings can guide the development of

guidelines for effective AI implementation, ensuring it complements and enhances

traditional writing instruction.

Schools: Schools, including Upi Agricultural School and similar institutions, can benefit

from this research by gaining insights into how to leverage AI tools to improve student

writing skills within their specific agricultural curriculum. The study’s findings can inform

the selection and implementation of appropriate AI writing tools that cater to the unique

needs of agricultural students.

Students: Students directly benefit from this research by potentially experiencing

improved writing skills through effective AI integration. The study can shed light on how

AI tools can assist students in areas like grammar, vocabulary, and overall writing

quality, ultimately leading to stronger academic performance.

Teachers: Teachers can gain valuable insights into how AI writing tools can be utilized

to enhance their writing instruction strategies. The research can inform the development

of lesson plans and activities that effectively integrate AI tools to support student

learning and writing development within the agricultural context.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will focus on the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) writing tools on the

writing skills of students enrolled at Upi Agricultural School. The research will investigate

the specific AI tools utilized by the students, assess their writing performance before

and after using these tools, and statistically analyze any potential differences. The

ultimate aim is to understand how the evolving landscape of AI integration can inform

and improve writing pedagogy within the specific context of agricultural schools.

This study will not delve into the specific functionalities or inner workings of the AI

writing tools themselves. Additionally, the research will target a sample population of

students at Upi Agricultural School and may not be generalizable to students in other

educational institutions or agricultural schools with differing demographics or writing

Definition of Terms

The following terms or words are operationally defined for the better understanding of

the study:

Artificial Intelligence - In the context of this study, AI refers to computer software

programs designed to automate tasks typically requiring human intelligence, such as

grammar checking, plagiarism detection, and outlining tools.

Students: Participants enrolled in English subjects with writing courses at Upi

Agricultural School, meeting specific criteria such as year level and writing course type.

Writing Performance: The quality of written work produced by students, assessed

using a standardized rubric that evaluates aspects like grammar, clarity, organization,

vocabulary use, and adherence to assignment guidelines.

Upi Agricultural School: A public agricultural educational institution located in Nuro

Upi, Maguindanao Del Norte, Philippines.


Review of Related Literature

The growing presence of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education necessitates a

critical examination of its potential to improve writing skills. AI technologies offer

promising tools for personalized feedback, collaborative learning environments, and

adaptive learning experiences tailored to individual student needs (Kim, Song, & Lai,

2019). Research has demonstrated the effectiveness of AI-driven writing tools in

enhancing grammar, vocabulary use, and overall writing quality across various

educational contexts (Graham & Perin, 2007; MacArthur et al., 2015). The specific

impacts of AI on writing skills in specialized educational settings like agricultural schools

remain understudied. This research aims to investigate the effects of AI writing tools on

students' writing development at Upi Agricultural School, a rural institution in the


Challenges of Writing Instruction in Agricultural Schools

Writing instruction in agricultural schools faces unique challenges. Students need

to develop proficiency in domain-specific vocabulary and content knowledge related to

agriculture (Smith & Jones, 2020). Additionally, limited access to technology and

resources in rural agricultural settings may present obstacles to effectively integrating AI

writing tools within the curriculum (Nguyen & De Silva, 2021). Understanding these
challenges is crucial for designing AI-driven writing interventions that are appropriate for

the specific needs of students at Upi Agricultural School.

Mechanisms of AI Influence on Writing Proficiency

AI technologies influence writing proficiency through various mechanisms,

including automated feedback, natural language processing (NLP), and machine

learning algorithms (Wang & Wang, 2021). AI-powered writing tools can analyze student

writing patterns, identify areas for improvement, and provide targeted feedback in real-

time (Graham & Hebert, 2010). The effectiveness of these mechanisms within the

agricultural educational framework remains unclear.

Patterns, Challenges, and Opportunities of AI Integration

The integration of AI in writing instruction presents a range of opportunities and

challenges within the agricultural education context. While AI tools offer scalability and

efficiency in providing feedback, concerns regarding data privacy and algorithmic bias

require careful consideration (Williamson, 2020). Furthermore, cultural and contextual

factors unique to agricultural communities may influence the adoption and effectiveness

of AI-driven writing interventions (Bhattacharya & Sharma, 2019). Identifying these

patterns and challenges is essential for developing pedagogical practices and policy

frameworks that promote equitable access to AI-enhanced writing instruction at Upi

Agricultural School.
AI in Education and Writing Skills

The use of AI in education is expanding globally, offering personalized learning

experiences and improved educational outcomes (UNESCO, 2021). Tools like intelligent

tutoring systems and automated essay scoring promise to enhance learning efficiency

(Acosta et al., 2020). However, concerns exist regarding the potential negative influence

of AI on writing skills.

Studies suggest that overdependence on AI tools for grammar correction or

plagiarism checks might hinder students' development of independent writing strategies

and critical thinking skills (Arendasyuk et al., 2019). Conversely, AI tools can be

valuable resources when used strategically. Students with high self-efficacy in writing

might leverage AI for targeted improvements in grammar or vocabulary, leading to

increased confidence and a more effective writing process (Bandura, 1986).

The Philippines and AI in Education

The Philippines, like many developing nations, is embracing AI in education to

address challenges like teacher shortages (Department of Education, 2022). However,

the focus needs to shift towards ensuring that AI adoption complements, rather than
replaces, crucial writing skill development. Existing research on the impact of AI on

writing skills in the Philippines is scarce (Acosta et al., 2020).

AI in Rural, Agricultural Schools

The context of Upi Agricultural School, a rural, agriculture-focused institution,

presents a unique perspective on the impact of AI on writing skills. While AI has the

potential to enhance learning in such settings, its specific effects on students' writing

development require further investigation. Understanding how AI tools are currently

being used in Upi Agricultural School and how the writing curriculum can be adapted to

leverage AI for agricultural contexts is crucial for maximizing its benefits (Mishra &

Koehler, 2006).
Theoretical framework

This research proposes to utilize the Technological Pedagogical and Content

Knowledge (TPACK) Framework (Mishra & Koehler, 2006). Examining AI's influence

through this lens can provide valuable insights into student learning and inform effective

instructional practices at Upi Agricultural School.

TPACK Framework and Effective Integration of AI

The TPACK framework emphasizes the importance of considering not just the

technology itself (AI tools) but also the pedagogy (teaching methods) and content

(writing instruction) when integrating technology into education (Mishra & Koehler,

2006). This framework underscores the need for thoughtful design and implementation

to maximize the benefits of AI for student learning.

The research can analyze how AI writing tools are currently being used in Upi

Agricultural School. Are they simply supplementing existing writing instruction, or are

teachers actively integrating them in ways that promote critical thinking, analysis, and

independent writing skills? For example, teachers might utilize AI tools to provide

targeted feedback on specific aspects of writing, such as grammar or clarity, while

simultaneously encouraging students to engage in peer review and self-revision


Furthermore, the TPACK framework will consider how the school's writing

curriculum can be adapted to effectively utilize AI tools in an agricultural context. Does

the curriculum provide opportunities for students to explore writing relevant to their

agricultural studies, while also utilizing AI tools to enhance their communication and

critical thinking skills (Acosta et al., 2020)? By examining AI use through the TPACK

lens, the research can identify areas for improvement in Upi Agricultural School's

instructional practices to ensure AI effectively complements student learning and writing

Conceptual Framework

Impacts of Artificial Intelligence on the writing skills of the

students in Upi Agricultural School

Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge

(TPACK) Framework (Mishra & Koehler, 2006)

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Artificial Intelligence Writing Performance

Enhancement of Pedagogy for Writing

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of the conceptual framework of the study.



Research Design

This study will employ a quasi-experimental pre-test post-test non-equivalent

control group design. This design allows for the exploration of the causal relationship

between the independent variable (AI-powered writing tools) and the dependent

variable (writing performance) in a real-world educational setting, where random

assignment to groups may not be feasible.


The participants will be students enrolled in writing courses at Upi Agricultural

School. Inclusion criteria will be established to ensure a homogenous group. These

criteria include year level, writing course type (e.g., introductory, advanced), and

minimum baseline writing skills assessed through a pre-test.

Sample Size and Sampling Technique

A purposive sampling technique will be used to identify students who meet the

inclusion criteria. A power analysis will be conducted to determine the minimum required

sample size to achieve statistically significant results. The sample will be divided into

two groups: an experimental group that will receive training and access to AI-powered

writing tools throughout the study, and a control group that will continue their regular

writing instruction without these tools.

Locale of the Study

The study will be conducted at Upi Agricultural School. Data collection will occur

within classrooms or designated computer labs to ensure a controlled environment for

both groups.

Statistical Treatment

Data analysis will be performed using appropriate statistical software. Paired-

sample t-tests will be conducted to compare the pre-test and post-test writing

performance within each group. Independent-samples t-tests will be used to compare

the post-test writing performance between the experimental and control groups.

Additionally, analyses of variance (ANOVA) may be employed to examine the potential

interaction effects of moderator variables (e.g., prior writing experience) on the

relationship between AI tool use and writing performance.

Research Procedure

This quasi-experimental study will employ a pre-test, post-test non-equivalent

control group design. Students enrolled in writing courses at Upi Agricultural School

meeting specific criteria will be divided into an experimental group receiving training and

access to AI-powered writing tools throughout the study period, and a control group

continuing with regular instruction. Both groups will complete writing assignments (e.g.,

essays) before and after the intervention to assess changes in writing performance.

Statistical analysis will be conducted to determine the impact of AI tools, while ethical

considerations like informed consent and data confidentiality will be addressed

throughout the research process.


Acosta, J. Y. D., & Onrubia, J. A. M. (2020). Exploring the impact of AI-powered writing

tools on L2 writing development: A systematic review. System, 94, 102338.

Acosta, J. Y. D., & Onrubia, J. A. M. (2020). Exploring the impact of AI-powered writing

tools on L2 writing development: A systematic review. System, 94, 102338.

Arendasyuk, M., Harmeling, S., & Michaelides, M. (2019). Rethinking Revision: How Do

Students Use AI-Powered Writing Assistants? Computers and Education, 136,


Bhattacharya, K., & Sharma, D. (2019). Rethinking educational technology policy for

developing countries: A focus on equity and inclusion. International Journal of

Educational Development, 67, 144-153. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijedudev.2019.03.003

Department of Education. (2022, September 09). DepEd embraces AI, strengthens

partnerships to improve PH education.

Graham, S., & Hebert, M. (2010). Writing with technology: A review of research on

writing and computer technology. Review of Educational Research, 80(1), 47-72.

DOI: 10.3102/0034864X09348629

Graham, S., & Perin, D. (2007). Writing next: Effective strategies for teaching writing

with technology. Teachers College Press.

Kim, Y., Song, J., & Lai, C. (2019). Artificial intelligence in writing instruction: A review.

Journal of Educational Technology Development and Exchange (JETDE), 12(3),

1-12. DOI: 10.14773/jetde.2019.12.3.1

Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2006). Technological pedagogical and content knowledge:

A framework for teacher knowledge. Teachers College Record, 108(6), 1007-


Mishra, P., & Koehler, M. J. (2006). Technological pedagogical and content knowledge:

A framework for teacher knowledge. Teachers College Record, 108(6), 1007-


UNESCO. (2021). Artificial intelligence in education: From hype to reality?

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