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So, I have originally made a series where I predict Mario Kart X's Nitro Tracks(and I had a lot of

fun), and I have predicted the 4 original cups: Mushroom, Flower, Star and Special. I was
originally going to leave it like that. However, after watching Albert Boris's Retro Track
Predictions(she makes really good content), his reasoning why having 5 Cups for both Retros
and Nitros is a good idea(if you want to know why, its basically because after MK8D having 96
tracks, it would feel like a step down, and having 96 again isn't that ideal, so 40 Tracks is a good
number). I agree with his idea, so, I'm making a 5th part of my Series from 2023, where I predict
MKX’s Nitro Tracks. This is Part 5 out of 6, with the 6 Parts being for DLC Nitros. Without
Further ado, these are my predictions for Mario Kart X's Bell Cup:

Mario Circuit- After my Flower Cup Predictions, in which I excluded Mario Circuit from the
Lineup, I was originally going to leave it like that until I reconsidered. It wouldn't be a Mario Kart
game without a Maril Circuit, so I moved it here. However, this is not your typical Mario Circuit.
After zooming through the starting line, there will be a Winding road with trees on the side,
Goombas and oil Spillages on the road and an overcast, bright sky. After ending the Winding
path, the road splits into 2. The first road takes you through a familiar sight, with elements from
the original Super Mario Bros in a construction site, worked on by toads, building the iconic
W1-1. Obstacles like excavators and bulldozers could be found and a flag pole with a mini
Fortress awaits at the end. The second path leads underwater, in a small river filled with
seaweed,Clams and a muddy off road. Taking the underwater path is faster, although a few
mushrooms are needed. These paths then join back together to bring you to Mario Circuit's
main attraction, Peach's Castle. In Peach Castle, players take a sharp 90⁰ turn into another
iconic location, a painting room with bomb ombs. Your will them enter the painting and emerge
into Bomb Omb Battlefield! You can choose between 2 routes, The intended route which would
bring you across the Chain Chonp guarding the cage, the Hill leading up to the Plateau and
King Bomb Omb throwing Bomb Ombs down the Mountain. The 2nd path takes tout hough a
faster route, only accessible by Mushrooms. Koopas in the Shells, Bomb Ombs and Goombas
guard this area, so it's high risk high rewards. A cannon awaits at the top, launching you back to
a pipe similar to N64 Mario Raceway's one then back to the finish like. This is one of the more
ambitious Mario Circuits in the series that uses past elements of the 2 most iconic Mario games
into a Mario Kart Track.

Koopa Troopa Gym- Koopa Troopa Gym takes place in a fitness facility and has all sorts of
areas. Layoutwise, you start out outside of the gym, them immediately racing inside and into a 2
way spilt. The 1st area takes you through a Fitness corner, with tight turns, Enemies throwing
dumbells on the floor, and Gym equipment like treadmills to avoid and trampolines to bounce
off. The second path takes you through a swimming complex, where you can drive on either the
pool, where Koopa's are seen freestyling or playing with Inflatble volleyball in the pool and you
need to avoid them or going around the pool where blooper ink is spilt on the floor. The 2 paths
the emerge into 1 big skateboarding Park, filled with half-pipes, skaters doing tricks in a
complex maze. After Navigating the maze, you then set foot into a room filled with Shy Guys,
Yoshis and Toad's playing all sorts of Sports like Badminton, Fencing, Volleyball and more. All of
these sports come with different obstacles like the shuttercocks would cause you to Spin Out,
getting hit by a Fencing stick would cause you to lose an item and vice versa. It all ends with a
gift shop at the end with a club with enemies partying, dancing and working out. Afterwards, a
glider section opens as you glide back to the starting line.

Rock Candy Peaks- This track is based of the “Rock Candy Mines” World from NSMBU. You
first start out the The bottom of the peaks, inside a calming forest where wigglers walk through
the poison. Afterwards, you Scale the peak as you dive into a nearby river, which eventually
leads you into a dark Cave, where you avoid swoops, minecarts, dynamite and Etc. After
emerging from the cave, you race along rocky terrain as boulders get hurled down the Mountain
from Sumo Bros. After playing with Block Switches, you get shot up to an Airship fleet. Inside
the airships contain rocky Wrenches, Hammer bros, Burners, Crates, Cannons and Banzai Bills
to avoid. At the end of the Airship with a Roy head, you get shot out of a Cannon to the finish

Party Land- Party Land is a Love Letter to the Series, Featuring 3 Iconic Boards as well as a
Mario Party 9 Board, As that game introduced the Car Gimmick perfect for Mario Kart as a Lap
Based Track. It starts off Fairly Simple, Driving around Koopa's Tycoon Town, Taking Multiple
Split Paths with paths leading you to a Hotel, An alleyway with a Chain Chomp as a Reference
to a MP5 mini game, a Train Station and a Park and more stuff you can find on the Board while
avoiding cars. As you leave the cityscape, You Will slowly drive into Woody Woods, Featuring
Wigglers, Fruits giving you a Speed Boost, And of Course, The 2 Trees in both areas of the
Forest. As you exit the Forest, The Terrain starts to get rough as you head up a fiery Volcano
Into Magma Mines, my favourite Map from MP9. There will be Z Stars that will cause you to
Spin Out, Lava Pillars you have to glide over, Spikes you need to avoid and Chain Chomps.
There could also be a Reference to a Mini Game in MP9 where you Have to avoid Spike Balls
as you drive up into a cannon, blasting you towards Space Land. There are Lasers to Avoid,
Starship shooting Lasers, Gates to be access by a Skeleton Key item and Whomps attacking
you on the sidewalk as a Refrence to MP Superstars. You finally glide back down to Koopa's
Tycoon Town and Start the Lao over again. The Main Gimmick of this Track is of course, The
Blue and Bowser Spaces with the Blue Spaces giving you Coins and an Occasional Skeleton
Key To open shortcuts while The Bowser Spot Either Shrinks You like the Shock Does, Blooper
Inks you or causes you to Slow Down for a While.

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