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DRUG Drug name: -telmisartan, hydrochlorothiazide Brand name: -micardis plus Doctors order: -40mg 1tab OD

INDICATION -essential hypertension ACTION -blocks the vasoconstrictive and aldosteronesecreting effects of angotensin II by binding angiotensin II to the AT I receptor in many tissue.

CONTRAINDICATION -hypersensitivity to the drug -2 and 3 trimester of pregnancy

nd rd

SIDE EFFECTS -diarrhea -anorexia -loss of appetite -gastric irritation -constipation

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS -special precaution in patients with impaired hepatic and renal impairment -special precaution with volume and/or Na-depleted patients -may impair ability to drive or operate machineries







Drug name: -diltiazem Brand name: -cordazem Doctors order: -90mg 1tab BID

-angina pectoris ACTION -inhibits calcium ion influx across cell membrane during cardiac depolarization, produces relaxation of coronary arteries, slows SA/AV node conduction times, dilates peripheral arteries.

-sick-sinus syndrome


-2nd and 3rd AV block -swelling/edema -severe hypotension -pregnancy -arrhythmia -headache -rash -fatigue

-monitor v/s especially the BP -should be administered with food or after eating

DRUG Drug name: -nicorandil Brand name: -aprior Doctors order: -10mg/tab; 1tab BID

INDICATION -angina pectoris ACTION - Nicorandil dilates arterioles and large coronary arteries by opening the potassium channels, and stimulates guanylate cyclase causing venous vasodilatation. It therefore reduces preload and afterload, and improves coronary blood flow.



NURSING CONSIDERATIONS -may be taken with or without food -monitor v/s especially the BP -may impair ability to drive or operate machineries

-cardiogenic shock -hypotension -left ventricular failure with low filling pressure -lactation

-headache -flushing dizziness -n&v -weakness -hypotension

DRUG Drug name: -atorvastatin Brand name: -lipitor Doctors order: -80mg 1tab HS

INDICATION -reduction of elevated total cholesterol & LDL cholesterol ACTION -selectively HMGCoA reductase which converts HMG-CoA to mevalonate, a precursor of sterols. -lowers cholesterol and lipoprotein levels

CONTRAINDICATION -active liver disease -pregnancy -lactation

SIDE EFFECTS -Gi disturbance -headache -myalgia -insomnia -pruritus -muscle cramps

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS -avoid intake of alcohol -monitor creatinine phosphokinase and transaminase elevation -history of liver disease -monitor v/s especially the BP -should be administered with food or after eating

DRUG Drug name: -amlodipine Brand name: -vasalat Doctors order: -5mg 1tab OD

INDICATION -hypertension ACTION -inhibits influx of calcium ion across cell membranes to produce relaxation of coronary vascular smooth muscle, decrease peripheral vascular resistance of smooth muscle (BP)

CONTRAINDICATION -low BP -CHF -hypersensitivity -hepatic impairment

SIDE EFFECTS -headache -edema -dizziness -flushing -palpitation -fatigue -nausea -abdominal pain

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS -monitor v/s especially the BP -should be administered with food or after eating

DRUG Drug name: -digoxin Brand name: -lanoxin Doctors order: -0.25mg 1tab OD

INDICATION -atrial fibrillation ACTION -(+) inotrophic effect more available calcium promotes increase forces to increase cardiac output

CONTRAINDICATION -hypersensitivity -intermittent complete heart block -2


SIDE EFFECTS -anorexia -GI disturbance -atrial tachycardia -gynecomastia -CNS effect

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS -monitor v/s -should be administered with food or after eating -watch out for the adverse reaction of drug

heart block

DRUG Drug name: -pantoprazole Na Brand name: -pantoloc Doctors order: -40mg OD -


CONTRAINDICATION -hypersensitivity to pantoprazole Na and its components

SIDE EFFECTS -abdominal pain -diarrhea -constipation -flatulence -nausea -headache -dizziness -blurred vision -rash -pruritus

NURSING CONSIDERATIONS -should be taken on an empty stomach (take 1 hour before meal)

ACTION -inhibits both basal & stimulated gastric acid secretion by suppressing the final step in acids production, through inhibition of proton pump by binding to & inhibiting hydrogen potassium adenosine triphosphate, the enzyme system located at the secretory surface of gastric parietal cell.

DRUG Drug name: -montelukast Brand name: -singulair Doctors order: -10mg 1tab OD

INDICATION -prophylaxis & treatment of asthma, including prevention of day & night time symptoms ACTION - Montelukast is a selective leukotriene receptor antagonist that blocks the effects of cysteinyl leukotrienes in the airways.

CONTRAINDICATION -hypersensitivity to montelukast and its component

SIDE EFFECTS -abdominal pain -thirst -headache -vomiting







Drug name: -tiotropium Br Brand name: -spiriva Doctors order: -OD at HS

-maintenance treatment for patients with COPD ACTION -By binding to the muscarinic receptors in the bronchial smooth musculature, tiotropium bromide inhibits the cholinergic (bronchoconstrictive ) effects of acetylcholine, released from parasympathetic nerve endings. It has a similar affinity to the subtypes of muscarinic receptors M1-M5. In the airways, tiotropium bromide competitively and reversibly antagonises the M3-

-hypersensitivity to tiotropium Br and its component

-dry mouth -constipation -cough & local irritation -tachycardia -urinary retention

-do not take more than there recommended dose

receptors, resulting in relaxation

Dosage GERD 20-40 mg once daily for 4-8 wk. Peptic ulcer disease 40 mg once daily for 2-4 wk for duodenal ulcer & 4-8 wk for benign ulcer. NSAID-associated ulceration 20 mg daily. Zollinger-Ellison syndrome 80 mg daily; daily dose >80 mg should be given in 2 divided doses. Patients w/ hepatic impairment 20 mg daily or 40 mg on alternate days. Prep
Pantazol 40 mg x 50's

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