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Os Slides a seguir são sobre o sistema de Stall Warning

do Learjet 55. Em cada um existe uma pergunta cuja
resposta está no texto. Leia o texto de cada slide e
responda a pergunta.
O trabalho é individual e vale 5 pontos para a 3ª etapa.
1. Escrevam apenas o número da questão e a resposta.
2. Os trabalhos devem ser entregues na aula do dia
3. Não deixem de colocar seus nomes

1- Quais os componentes do sistema de Stall

Warning das aeronaves até 55-100?


The dual stall warning and stick pusher control systems provide the
crew with an indication of impending stall conditions, and
command a nose-down attitude as corrective action. System
components consist of two angle-of-attack transducers, a stall
warning computer/amplifier, two control column shakers, two
accelerometers, a nudger, a nudger detector, two stall margin
indicators, two system on-off switches, two red annunciator
lights, flap switches, two altitude switches, main gear squat
switches, and a SYS TEST rotary switch with a system test
function. The system utilizes the pitch servo for pitch attitude
change. On airplanes SN’s 55-101 55-105, 55-107, and
subsequent and earlier air planes modified by AMK 55-84-4,
Improve Stall Warning System, a stall warning switch box is

2- O que as luzes de stall warning indicam
quando estão piscando?
Components Location and Functions
System Switches
Two STALL WARN switches decaled "L" and "R" are located on the center
switch panel. The system receives power from the respective hot battery
bus regardless of the position of the air plane battery switches.
Annunciator Lights
Two red lights, L STALL and R STALL, are located on the pilot's annunciator
panel. Steady illumination of the lights indicates that the system is off or
in the pusher range; when flashing, they indicate that the system is in the
shaker / nudger range. When the system is switched on, the lights go
out. Airplane power must be available for the lights to operate.
STALL MARGIN indicators are located on the left and right upper instrument
panel. They have green, yellow, and red segments to indicate air-plane
stall margin. An internal index mark is con-trolled by the knob on the face
of the indicator.

3- Quando é que acelerômetro atua?

Stall Computer/Amplifier
The stall computer/amplifier is located in the cockpit under the aft end of the
pedestal. It evaluates signals from the angle-of -attack transducers, the flap
system, and altitude information from the airspeed indicators and controls the
operation of the stick shaker/nudger and the stick pusher.
The computer/amplifier is factory-calibrated and requires no field adjustment.
The accelerometers are contained in the ½ g monitor box installed just aft of frame 7
below the pilot's floorboard. If pitch change is abrupt, the applicable
accelerometer limits pusher actuation to keep g forces below + 0.55 g. They also
limit pitch commands in the event of computer/amplifier malfunction.
Transducers and Vanes
A vane-operated transducer on each side of the forward fuselage provides angle-of-
attack signals to the respective section of the computer/amplifier. A calibration
plate attached to the fuselage under the vane is scribed and marked with dots to
compare vane angle and flap position for verifica-tion of stall margin indicator
accuracy. Each vane incorporates an electrical heating element controlled by the
applicable pitot heat switch.

4- Quando ocorre o “shaker”?
A control column (stick) shaker is mounted on the forward side of each control
column. As the airplane approaches the stall (STALL MARGIN indicator pointer in
the yellow segment), the computer/amplifier energizes the shaker motor to apply
a low-frequency, high amplitude buffet to the control column. Simultaneously, the
nudger applies a pumping nose down motion to the elevator. If the pitch servo
does not function, the nudger monitor horn will sound.
Flap Switch
Left and right flap switches, set to actuate at 3º, 13º, and 25º of flap extension, bias
the stall warning systems for reselected flap positions. The STALL MARGIN
indicators will reindex each time the switches are actuated.
Altitude Switch
An altitude switch in each airspeed indicator applies a bias to the stall warning
system above 18,000 +/- 200 feet. The switch in the left airspeed indicator signals
the left stall warning system; the switch in the right indicator signals the right

5- Qual a função do Stall Warning Switch Box?

Squat Switches
The left and right stall warning systems are wired through the respective main gear
squat switches. The switches inhibit the system test function in the air mode and
pusher actuation for approximately 4 seconds after liftoff.
Stall Warning Switch Box
On airplanes SN’s 55-101, 55-105, 55-107, and subsequent and earlier airplanes
modified by AMK 55-84-4, Improved Stall Warning System, a modified stall
warning computer and a stall warning switch box are installed. On earlier
air-planes not modified by AMK 55-84-4, the stall system continually monitors
stall vane change rate, and if the change rate is rapid, the stall system would
anticipate a pending stall and cause it to function based on stall vane change
rate. The switch box delays the monitoring of stall vane rate change until the
shaker range is reached. The stall warning switch box is located adjacent to the
stall computer.
Pitch Servo
The stall warning system utilizes the pitch servo for changing pitch attitude.
Additional relays in the servo enable it to function regardless of the power
source. Either control wheel master switch can be used to inhibit pitch servo

6- Qual o único componente do sistema que
não está ligado na barra quente?
Stall Warning System Operation
The dual stall warning system provides visual and tactile warning of an
impending stall. The left and right systems are independent in that
they use separate electronics, stall vanes, altitude switches, shaker
motors, and flap switches. The systems operate on 28 VDC supplied
from the L and R STALL WARN circuit breakers on the pilot's and
copilot's circuit-breaker panels, respectively. The circuit breakers are
each wired to the respective hot battery bus. With the STALL WARN
switches in the on (STALL WARN) position, the systems are
energized regardless of BAT switch position. The L and R STALL
warning lights are the only components that do not take power
directly from the hot battery buses.

7- O que o shaker produz?

As the airplane angle of attack changes, the stall vanes move, causing
the angle-of-attack transducers to signal the stall warning computer/
amplifier where the signal is summed with flap position and altitude
information. Flap position information is sent to the computer/
amplifier from position switches at each flap sector. The switches
provide the computer/amplifier with three different flap positions: 0º
to 8º, 8º to 20º, and 20º to 40º. Below 18,000 ± 200 feet altitude,
pusher actuation occurs within 2 knots of charted stall speed. With
flaps at 40°, 20°, or 8°, shaker actuation occurs at a point at least
10% above pusher actuation. With flaps at 0°, shaker actuation is at
least 7% above pusher actuation. At 18,000 ± 200 feet altitude and
above, the altitude switches are closed, causing both the pusher and
shaker actuation to be increased approximately 15 knots. The
shakers produce a low-frequency, high-amplitude buffet transmitted
to the control columns. As the STALL MARGIN pointer enters the
yellow zone, the STALL WARN lights flash and the shaker actuates.
At the same time, the nudger will actuate.

8- Quando o “pusher” atua, quanto de
força ele aplica na coluna do manche?
A nudger detector sounds an aural warming (nudger monitor
horn) if the pitch servo does not actuate. The horn sounds
in frequency with the flashing STALL WARN lights. If the
pending stall condition continues until the STALL MARGIN
indicator pointer reaches the red sector, the computer/
amplifier commands a nose down attitude (pusher) to the
pitch servo and the STALL WARN lights illuminate steady. If
the pitch servo does not actuate, the nudger monitor aural
warming will sound steady until the pitch servo actuates or
the stall condition passes. During pusher actuation, 80
pounds of force is applied to the control column. If the pitch
attitude change is abrupt, the applicable accelerometer
limits the pusher function so that g forces will not exceed
+0.55 g.

9 – O que indica o correto funcionamento do

sistema durante o teste?


With the STALL WARN switches on, the test is initiated by

rotating the SYS TEST switch to L or R STALL (as
applicable) and then depressing and holding the TEST
button. The nudger monitor horn will sound for
approximately one second, indicating proper operation
of the horn and the applicable 0.5 g accelerometer. The
corresponding STALL MARGIN indicator pointer will
then begin to sweep from the green segment toward the
red segment. As the pointer passes the green-yellow
margin, the applicable L or R

10 – Durante o vôo o sistema pode ser testado?

STALL light will begin to flash, the applicable shaker will

actuate, and the nudger will actuate. As the point passes
the yellow-red margin, the STALL light will illuminate
steady and nudger action will be replaced by pusher
action. After a brief interval of full pusher engagement,
the pointer will sweep back to the yellow or green
segment, and pusher action will cease. The SYS TEST
switch is then moved to the Opposite system and the test
repeated. Following the normal test of the second
system, a test of that system is repeated with either
central wheel master switch held depressed. During this
test, the nudger and pusher should not actuate and the
nudger monitor horn should sound.
When the flaps are lowered (STALL WARN switches on),
both STALL MARGIN indicator pointers should make a
significant shift in position. This verifies flap position
switch input.
Squat switch action inhibits system testing while in flight.

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