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a. Marketing : BSC, Sales Marketing
b. Accounting : Finance, Purchasing, Inventory (saat ini menggunakan aplikasi MYOB)
c. HRD
d. Operational

a. BSC
- Input guest comment
- Laporan pengunjung summary + valid percent , filter by date/month : asal kota, umur,
jenis kelamin, frekuensi kunjungan, tujuan
- Laporan kepuasan pengunjung, summary + valid percent , filter by date/month :
kenyaman, kebersihan, kecepatan, responsive, ketelitian, mutu, penyajian, rasa, harga,
ramah tamah, penampilan, kesan kunjungan, mengetahui SR,
- Laporan waiters, summary + valid percent , filter by date/month : serve per waiters,
serve keseluruhan,
- Laporan kinerja waiters, summary + valid percent , filter by date/month : kecepatan,
responsiveness, ketelitian, penyajian, ramah tamah, penampilan, best server
- Laporan fasilitas yang harus tersedia / yang sudah ada, summary + valid percent , filter
by date/month
- Laporan menu, summary + valid percent , filter by date/month : masing-masing
kategori, most fav dll
- Laporan Complains, Compliments, Suggestions based on category (Product, Facilities,
- Total Quality Service Score

b. Sales & Marketing

- Input event sales daily
- Laporan event per sales, summary , filter by date/month
- Laporan event all sales, summary , filter by date/month
- Laporan number of guest visit : target dan actual, summary , filter by date/month
- Laporan analytic event per bulan : tampilkan event bulan yg sama dlm 5 thn kebelakang,
buat resume, tampilkan sort by yg paling banyak based on category company.
- Monthly Function Report : per business unit (convention, gathering, kataji, special box
sunda paket)
- Recapitulation of Cancellation
- Database Email Customer
- Recapitulation of Table Reservation
- Travel Recapitulation
- Monthy Sales Report, summary + grafik : Cabang, Forecast, Pencapaian, +/-
- Market Geography based on Product line
- Event yang akan berjalan bulan selanjutnya
- Activity Operation
- Next Program
- Action Plan

a. Input struk pembayaran (versi kasir dan versi dapur/gudang)
b. Integrasi dengan POS untuk penarikan data transaksi
c. Daily sales report
d. Analysis Income : table + grafik
i. Account Payable
ii. Account Receivable
iii. Sales Report
iv. Commulative Income
v. Jumlah pax cover actual dan forecast : table + grafik
vi. Graphic Food Revenue per segmen
vii. Graphic Food Income
viii. Graphic Beverage Income
ix. Graphic Segmentasi Pasar Income
e. Top Ten Menu : Food , Beverage
f. Function per Segment : meals box, outside catering, delivery service, function meals,
g. Food and Beverage Cost
h. Monthly spoiled report
i. Cost of sales

- Produktifitas Karyawan
- Rotasi, mutasi, promosi
- Daily worker
- Training
- Concelling dan pembinaan karyawan
- Employee activity

IV. Operational
- Property dan operation
- Electrical dan mekanikal
- Energy cost
- Gas consumption
- Pengamanan lingkungan
- Aktivitas preventif
- Data kendaraan

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