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Name : Fauzan Adzima

No : 18421028

Question : How the period of Islamic Law after the Turks professed Islam?

Answer :

After The Turks become Muslim the institution become the new supproters of
islamic law. And the Qarakhanids rescued the Islamic World from invasion by the
Qarmatids, and they are known as The Kings of Turkistan, they adopted the Hanaft
School is the largest school of Islamic Law. The science of Islamic Law consist of two
part , Furu al fiqh and Usul al fiqh.The firs is furu al fiqh is Applied of Islamic law,
works in this area are systematic works that compile legal decrees.

The second is usul al fiqh studies theoretical legal issues or rather the basic
principle on legal decrees. During The age of Qarakhaninds, Cities in Turkistand such
as Semerqand, Kash, Bukhara, and Serekh were centers of science where the basic
principles of the Hanaft madhab were studied in the minutest detail. The majority of the
afore mentioned jurists were invested with the capacity for ijtihad (interoretation) they
also mentioned the references for legal decrees were found they performed ijtihad.

Legal Develoment in other turkish states before the ottomans Develoments in

the Seljuqid period this is a significant era with respect to the aspects not only of Islamic
Law but also of Islamic History, the first founder of that dynasty is Sulaiman First,
during the seljuqid period, Islamic law was accepted as the legal system, and all decrees
of Islamic Law were applied in accordance with the views of the Hanaft madzhab.

Develoment after the Mongol invasion, the Mongol invasion destroyed the
Islamic World not only politically but also sceintifically and intellectually, its verry
amazing the Mongol who firts destroyed the islamic world and then become Muslims.
However all these fact the legal system of all the muslims Turkish states were
established after the Mongol invasion and maintained until the foundation of the
ottoman state was again Islamic Law.

The longest legal develoment is when ottoman, the most important features of
Islamic Law in that Period , the methode of teaching Fiqh namely Islamic Law which
resolves basic legal problems, which are followed bye other countries, and continued by
the Turkish State it self. The codification of Fiqh , collecting books of fatwa methods
thet serve to provide solutions to every problem that is questioned.

Ottoman applies Islamic Law, namely syariah Law he took two important
sources of information related to Ottoman Law namely Ottoman code and the syariyyah
note. Ottoman Law consists only of administrative such as state land, military law,
financial law, and crime. While syariah note records are used as a basic for personal
law, family law, and inheritane law.

The Ottoman Civil Law , Majalla was the law book that codified syariah
decrees, there are many views that occur in Hanafi School wich have been formally
adopted and applied in several Islamic Countries, and it becomes difficult to choose and
apply where the views are strongest and can chang by changing habits and traditions,
this principle is exspressed in majalla.

The sources of Majalla as were mentioned in the protocol of rationale, were

books on Fiqh, becouse Majalla consist of significant reform regarding system and
content at that time and was written with very strong legal it was adopted and applied
not only in Turkey but Egypt, Hijaz , Syiria, Jordan, Lebanon, Kibris , Palestine ,
Lebanon, Israel.

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