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Lesson Plan Template 1

Name(s): Elif Alagöz
Süheyla Benli
Betül Kurhan
Social Sciences
Unit Title
Grade Level
61 – 72 Months (5 – 6 years old)
1 lesson hour (40 minutes)
Learning Outcomes [ASSURE (State Objectives)]
At the end of the lesson, preschool students will have more detailed information about the animals that live
in trees. They will be able to name at least 3 animals living in the tree.
Instructional Materials & Media [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
- Powtoon Audio- Visual Tool
- Papers
- Colorful Pencils
- Puppet of Pıtırcık
Learning-Teaching Methods [ASSURE (Select Strategies, Technology, Media and Materials)]
In this activity, the teacher will use Powtoon to inform children about animals that live in trees. The teacher
will present to the children an audio visual tool he prepared via Powtoon. The teacher will use this tool to
increase children's integration with technology. The teacher will use this tool to make a presentation to the
children and use the method of learning through presentation.
Teaching Activities [ASSURE (Utilize Technology, Media, and Materials and Require Learner Participation)]
The activity process begins with the teacher coming to the classroom with a puppet in his hand. The teacher
hid the puppet in his hand behind his back and said to the children, “Children, a visitor came to our class
today. "Who do you think might have come?" he asks. After getting guesses from all the children, he takes
out the puppet behind him. This is a bird puppet. The bird introduces itself to the class. “Hello kids, I'm little
one! I am a swallow who has a nest on a beautiful tree in a beautiful forest and lives in this nest with her
family. "We recently had a dispute with a squirrel living in a tree hole." Meanwhile, the teacher asks,
"Children, what kind of conflict do you think they might have had?" He listens to the answers from the
children, and then continues with the swallow's pitter-patter. “Yes, sometimes the squirrel made so much
noise in the hole that my little babies woke up from their sleep. And because they are still so small, they need
to sleep. When I told the squirrel this, he said that this was his nature, and he would not change it. Can you
help me get along with your squirrel friend?” The teacher said to the children, “Guys, it seems like little boy
and his family need our help. How can we help them?” and listens to the answers from the children. If the
children do not come up with the idea of drawing a picture for the squirrel, the teacher presents this idea to
the children and says, “Children, maybe we can draw a picture that describes the situation of the little
squirrel and his family. When the squirrel friend sees these pictures, he understands the situation of his little
family better and tries to be more careful and quieter.

"Then let's all draw a picture." He says and distributes the necessary materials to the children. He gives the
children enough time to complete their paintings and waits for them to finish their paintings. After all the
children finish their pictures, the teacher asks the children how they can deliver these pictures to the squirrel
and listens to their answers. At this point, Pıtırcık gets into an argument and says, “Guys, I can take the
pictures you made. Besides, if there are things you want to say to the squirrel, I can say them too. I hope your
pictures are useful. The squirrel can also be a little quiet. In this way, we continue our lives in harmony. Thank
you all very much in advance. Take care of yourself, see you!” He says and flies away with the pictures.
Meanwhile, the teacher starts a discussion with the children about the creatures that live in the trees, and
they discuss which creatures live on the tops of the trees, which live in the hollows of the trees, and which live
in different parts of the trees. Then, the teacher shows the children a video he prepared via Powtoon via the
smart board. This is a video about the creatures that live in trees. After watching the video, the teacher asks
questions about what happened that day.

After watching the video prepared by the teacher and ending the discussion, there is a knock on the
classroom door and the assistant teacher comes with a letter in his hand. The letter is a thank you letter sent
to the class from Pıtırcık. In the letter, it is written that he has now reached an agreement with the squirrel
and that the paintings have affected the squirrel very much. and thank the children very much.

Individual Learning Activities -

Group Learning Activities -

The main content of the course is animals living in trees. The teacher chose to tell the children about the
animals that live in their holes on the tree and in the lower parts of the tree. Thus, children can learn more
about the animals living in certain parts of the tree. During the activity, first the children's attention will be
distracted by a dispute between the animals living on the trees, then this dispute will be resolved and a more
detailed discussion about the animals living in the trees will be initiated. Children will learn more about the
animals living in trees with the powtoon audio-visual tool.

Measurement & Evaluation

In the part where Powtoon is used, the teacher will ask open-ended questions to understand the children's
interest in the subject and their progress. If necessary, the prepared video will be stopped and continued
after discussion. The teacher will obtain the children's progress on the subject and the knowledge they have
acquired about the subject while observing the children. Children's activity and enthusiasm in the lesson can
be important indicators for the teacher.
Measurement & Assessment Activities for In order to measure the individual performanceof
Individual Performance children, the teacher uses differentmethods as stated in
above. These areobservation, asking questions, and using
a toolfor assessment, that is Google Forms.

Measurement & Assessment Activities for It uses different methods as mentioned to measure
Group Performance children's performance. The two most important of these
are observing and asking questions.
Homework (optional) -
Explanation regarding to the implementation of the plan
This activity is designed for children between the ages of 5 and 6, between 61 and 72 months. The duration
of the activity will vary between approximately 40 minutes and 50 minutes. The flow of the activity will start
with a guest and an event to attract children's attention to the event. So, at the very beginning, a problem
will be given and the children's attention will be drawn to the situation where animals live in the trees.
During this time, the teacher will talk about squirrels and birds, which are only two of the animals that live in
trees, through the guest puppet Pıtırcık. When the children come up with a solution for Pıtırcık's problem and
do their best, Pıtırcık will leave the classroom and the teacher will be left with a classroom environment that
provides an opportunity to create a nice discussion environment. The teacher will ask open-ended questions
to the children to initiate discussion in this classroom environment and will enable the children to think about
animals living on trees.
After the discussion begins in this environment, the teacher will watch with the children the audio-visual tool
he prepared with Powtoon, which provides informative content about animals living in trees. While using this
tool, the teacher can stop and restart the discussion depending on the flow of the discussion. With this
informative presentation, children will learn more about the animals living in trees. Since the children are
illiterate, the teacher will instantly read the information given in the video to the children.
After this part is completed, Pıtırcık's letter asking for help from the children will reach the class and the
children will see the results of their efforts.

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