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ID N0 APDR/039/09
Question 1 – describe in depth why we need interrelation with other professions
on consultants and what are the inter affiliation profession on several
We need an affiliation and also an interrelation with other professions because the
architect need other integrated professions to rich the design project by its aesthetic,
structure, mechanical, electrical, sanitary and constriction stages.
So, in this cases these professions need their own space on the design (before and
after the construction stage). Because of this the architect need an affiliation with
these consultant professions to rich the design project.
After this, the architect gives its final design to structural engineer to structure
design of the project and then to electrical, sanitary and so on… to make the design
full of question less project.
Question 2 - Discuss in detail the roll of architect in pre-construction stage and in
design stage.
The roll of architect in pre-construction stage is first they have to practice their art
and science by participation of works to become more demanding client’s
requirements. So, has the roll of design the project by the rule and regulation of the
professions to practice architecture in the authority level.
Then on these rule and regulation architect has responsibility for supporting the
cultural expression in terms of space and form.
After The roll of architect in design stage is architects have to preparing the land use
plan, urban design provision of case studies models and drawings, preparing technical
documentations, coordination of other technical documentation supervision and
project management.
Question 3 - Why we need the professional engineers working together with each
other and also integration design with architects?
We need professional engineers because without them any project will not succeed
its aim. By means of structural, civil, mechanical, electrical, sanitary and other
engineers full the aim of the project by their skill of practicing. Without them the
project cannot construct it is leave on the stage of presentation drawing.

Question 4 -what is mean design clarifications?

Design clarification mean to make sure understandable and clarify the project to
free of confusion. So, clarifying the design project to more understandable for the
clients and also other professions to clear other confusion on the design.
Question 5 – list out the inter affiliation of professional services, and describe four
of them in detail.
Civil engineers – these engineers are responsible for construct the project to the
land by its the land use plan, urban design, working drawings, technical
documentations. So these engineers full fill the overall project by construct the
Structural engineers – engineers which is design, consult and also judge the whole
skeleton of the project.
Electrical engineers – engineers which is design overall electrical installations on the
Mechanical engineers – engineers which is responsible for mechanical purposes of
the deign project. For example, elevators, mechanical rooms…
Sanitary engineers – engineers which is responsible for liquid linkage and also water
transition of the design project.
Construction management -
Landscape architects
Interior designer
Question 6 – show in detail the architectural perform and checklist of the parking
layout design works.
1. collect parking requirements
 by interviews
 by questionnaire
 by website visit
 by site visit
 by existing drawings
2. identifying parking requirements
 identifying the owner
 identifying accessibility
 identifying building code
 identifying zoning code
3. identifying parking design standards
 identifying types
 identifying road width
 identifying parking width
4. recommend parking ratio and zone
Question 7 – why we need the architectural design list?
We need the architectural design list because to decide and answer what we are
going to do? and also in the last what is our mistake and what are we missing from
the check list?
So by this case we are going to prepare our project by means of these architectural
design list to not miss a single part of the project need by several problems.

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