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First Week of Development: Ovulation to The results of fertilization are:

Implantation a. Restoration of the diploid number of

 With each ovarian cycle, a number of primary chromosomes
follicles begin to grow, but usually only one b. Determination of chromosomal sex
reaches full maturity, and only one oocyte is c. Initiation of cleavage
discharged at ovulation.
 At ovulation, the oocyte is in metaphase of
the second meiotic division and is surrounded Cleavage
by the zona pellucida and some granulosa - A series of mitotic divisions that results in an
cells. increase in cells, blastomeres, which become
smaller with each division.

Before spermatozoa can fertilize the oocyte, they

must undergo:  After three divisions, blastomeres undergo
1. Capacitation, during which time a compaction to become a tightly grouped ball
glycoprotein coat and seminal plasma of cells with inner and outer layers.
proteins are removed from the spermatozoon  Compacted blastomeres divide to form a 16-
head. cell morula.
2. The acrosome reaction, during which acrosin-  As the morula enters the uterus on the third
and trypsin-like substances are released to or fourth day after fertilization, a cavity begins
penetrate the zona pellucida. to appear, and the blastocyst forms.
- The inner cell mass: formed at the time of
compaction and will develop into the
During fertilization, the spermatozoon must embryo proper, is at one pole of the
penetrate: blastocyst
- The outer cell mass: surrounds the inner
1. Corona radiata cells and the blastocyst cavity, will form
2. Zona pellucida the trophoblast.
3. Oocyte cell membrane

 The uterus at the time of implantation is in

As soon as the spermatocyte has entered the oocyte,
the secretory phase, and the blastocyst
1. The oocyte finishes its second meiotic division implants in the endometrium along the
and forms the female pronucleus anterior or posterior wall.
2. The zona pellucida becomes impenetrable to  If fertilization does not occur, then the
other spermatozoa menstrual phase begins, and the spongy and
3. The head of the sperm separates from the compact endometrial layers are shed.
tail, swells, and forms the male pronucleus  The basal layer remains to regenerate the
other layers during the next cycle.

 After both pronuclei have replicated their

DNA, paternal and maternal chromosomes
intermingle, split longitudinally, and go
through a mitotic division, giving rise to the
two-cell stage.
Second Week of Development: Bilaminar Germ  When vacuoles develop in this tissue, the
Disc extraembryonic coelom or chorionic cavity
 At the beginning of the second week, the
blastocyst is partially embedded in the
endometrial stroma  Extraembryonic mesoderm – lines the
 Extraembryonic somatic mesoderm – amnion
Trophoblast differentiates into:  Extraembryonic splanchnic mesoderm – lining
(1) Cytotrophoblast surrounding the yolk sac
- Inner, actively proliferating layer

The 2nd week of development is known as the week of

(2) Syncytiotrophoblast 2’s:
- Outer layer that erodes maternal tissues 1. The trophoblast differentiates into 2 layers:
cytotrophoblast & syncytiotrophoblast
2. The embryoblast forms 2 layers: the epiblast
 Lacunae develop in the syncytiotrophoblast & hypoblast
 Maternal sinusoids are eroded by 3. The extraembryonic mesoderm splits into 2
syncytiotrophoblast layers: the somatic and splanchnic layer
 Maternal blood enters the lacunar network 4. 2 cavities form: the amniotic & yolk sac

 By the end of the second week, a primitive

uteroplacental circulation begins.  Implantation occurs at the end of the 1st
 The cytotrophoblast forms cellular columns by  Trophoblast cells invade the epithelium and
penetrating into and surrounded by the underlying endometrial stroma with the help
syncytium, these are the primary villi. of proteolytic enzymes.
 By the end of the second week, the blastocyst  Implantation may also occurs outside the
is completely embedded, and the surface uterus, such as in the rectouterine pouch, on
defect in the mucosa has healed. the mesentery, in the uterine tube, or in the
ovary. (Ectopic pregnancies)

The inner cell mass or embryoblast differentiates

into: Third Week of Development: Trilaminar Germ
(1) Epiblast Disc
- Give rise to amnioblasts that line the  Most characteristic event occurring during the
amniotic cavity superior to epiblast layer. 3rd week is gastrulation.

(2) Hypoblast
- Continuous with the exocoelemic Gastrulation
membrane, and together they surround
the primitive yolk sac.  Begins with the appearance of the primitive
streak, which has its cephalic end, the
primitive node.
 In the region of the node and streak, epiblast  The neurotransmitter serotonin (5HT) also
cells move inward (invaginate) to form new plays a role as a signal molecule upstream
cell layers, endoderm and mesoderm. from FGF8.
 Cells that do not migrate through the streak  Disruption of 5HT levels or misexpression of
but remain in the epiblast form ectoderm. PITX2 results in laterality defects, such as
 Epiblast gives rise to all 3 germ layers: dextrocardia, situs inversus, and cardiac
ectoderm, mesoderm & endoderm. abnormalities.

 Prenotochordal cells invaginating in the  It is possible to construct a fate map of the

primitive pit move forward until they reach epiblast showing this pattern.
the prechordal plate. They intercalate in the
endoderm as the notochordal plate.
 By the end of the third week, three basic
 Notochord germ layers, consisting of ectoderm,
- Forms when the notochordal plate mesoderm, and endoderm, are established in
detaches from the endoderm the head region, and the process continues to
- It forms a midline axis, which will serve as produce these germ layers for more caudal
the basis of the axial skeleton. areas of the embryo until the end of the
fourth week.
 In the meantime, the trophoblast progresses
 Cells in the hypoblast (endoderm) at the rapidly. Primary villi obtain a mesenchymal
cephalic margin of the disc form the AVE, core in which small capillaries arise.
which expresses head-forming genes,  When these villous capillaries make contact
including OTX2, LIM1, and HESX1 and the with capillaries in the chorionic plate and
secreted factor Cerberus. connecting stalk, the villous system is ready
 Nodal, a member of the TGF-b family of to supply the embryo with its nutrients and
genes, is then activated and initiates and oxygen.
maintains the integrity of the node and
 In the presence of FGF, BMP4 ventralizes
mesoderm during gastrulation so that it forms
Third to Eight Weeks: The Embryonic Period
intermediate and lateral plate mesoderm.
 Chordin, noggin, and follistatin antagonize  The embryonic period, which extends from
BMP4 activity and dorsalize mesoderm to the third to the eighth weeks of development,
form the notochord and somitomeres in the is the period during which each of the three
head region. Formation of these structures in germ layers, ectoderm, mesoderm, and
more caudal regions is regulated by the endoderm, gives rise to its own tissues and
Brachyury (T) gene. organ systems.
 Laterality (left–right asymmetry) is regulated
by a cascade of signaling molecules and
genes.  As a result of organ formation, major features
 FGF8, secreted by cells in the node and streak, of body form are established.
induces Nodal and LEFTY-2 expression on the  The ectodermal germ layer gives rise to the
left side and these genes upregulate PITX2, a organs and structures that maintain contact
transcription factor and master gene for left- with the outside world:
sidedness. - Central nervous system
- Peripheral nervous system
- Sensory epithelium of ear, nose, and eye
- Skin, including hair and nails FGF, secreted by lateral plate mesoderm, and
- Pituitary, mammary, and sweat glands by WNT proteins, secreted by the overlying
and enamel of the teeth ectoderm.

 Induction of the neural plate is regulated by  The dorsal midportion of the somite becomes
inactivation of the growth factor BMP4. dermis under the influence of neurotrophin 3,
 In the cranial region, inactivation is caused by secreted by the dorsal neural tube.
noggin, chordin, and follistatin secreted by
the node, notochord, and prechordal
mesoderm.  Mesoderm gives rise to:
 Inactivation of BMP4 in the hindbrain and - Vascular system
spinal cord regions is effected by WNT3a and - Urogenital system
FGF. - Spleen
 In the absence of inactivation, BMP4 causes - Cortex of the suprarenal glands
ectoderm to become epidermis and
mesoderm to ventralize to form intermediate
and lateral plate mesoderm.  The endodermal germ layer provides:
- Epithelial lining of the gastrointestinal
tract, respiratory tract, and urinary
- Also forms the parenchyma of the thyroid,
Components of the Mesodermal Germ Layer:
parathyroids, liver, and pancreas.
1. Paraxial - Epithelial lining of the tympanic cavity and
- forms somitomeres, which give rise to auditory tube originates in the
mesenchyme of the head and organize endodermal germ layer.
into somites in occipital and caudal
- Somites give rise to the myotome (muscle  Homeobox genes
tissue), sclerotome (cartilage and bone), - Controls the craniocaudal patterning of
and dermatome (dermis of the skin), the embryonic axis
which are all supporting tissues of the - These genes, conserved from Drosophila,
body. are arranged in four clusters, HOXA,
- The notochord and floor plate of the HOXB, HOXC, and HOXD, on four
neural tube secrete Sonic hedgehog different chromosomes.
(SHH), which induces the sclerotome

2. Intermediate  As a result of formation of organ systems and

3. Lateral Plate rapid growth of the central nervous system,
the initial flat embryonic disc begins to
lengthen and to form head and tail regions
(folds) that cause the embryo to curve into
the fetal position.
Two muscle-forming regions differentiate:
 The embryo also forms two lateral body wall
1. One is induced in the dorsomedial region of folds that grow ventrally and close the ventral
the somite by WNT proteins secreted by the body wall.
dorsal portion of the neural tube.  Connection with the yolk sac and placenta is
2. Other is induced in the ventrolateral region of maintained through the vitelline duct and
the somite by a combination of BMP4 and umbilical cord, respectively.
The Gut Tube and the Body Cavities wall as double layers of peritoneum called
 At the end of the third week, the neural tube
 Mesenteries provide a pathway for vessels,
is elevating and closing dorsally, while the gut
nerves, and lymphatics to the organs.
tube is rolling and closing ventrally to create a
o the gut tube from the caudal end of
“tube on top of a tube.”
the foregut to the end of the hindgut
is suspended from the dorsal body
wall by dorsal mesentery
Lateral plate mesoderm splits to form: o Ventral mesentery, derived from the
(1) Visceral (splanchnic) layer– associated with septum transversum, exists only in
the gut the region of the terminal part of the
(2) Parietal (somatic) layer – together with esophagus, the stomach, and the
overlying ectoderm, forms the lateral body upper portion of the duodenum
wall folds

 The diaphragm divides the body cavity into

 The space between the visceral and parietal the thoracic and peritoneal cavities.
layers of lateral plate mesoderm is the  It develops from 4 components:
primitive body cavity. - Septum transversum (central tendon)
 When the lateral body wall folds move - Pleuroperitoneal membranes
ventrally and fuse in the midline, the body - Dorsal mesentery of the esophagus
cavity is closed, except in the region of the - Muscular components from somites at
connecting stalk. cervical level 3 to 5
 The gut tube maintains an attachment to the  The phrenic nerve arises from these segments
yolk sac as the yolk sac (vitelline) duct. of the spinal cord (C3, 4 & 5)
 The lateral body wall folds also pull the
amnion with them so that the amnion
surrounds the embryo and extends over the  The thoracic cavity is divided in to the
connecting stalk, which becomes the pericardial cavity and two pleural cavities for
umbilical cord the lungs by the pleuropericardial
 Failure of the ventral body wall to close membranes.
results in ventral body wall defects, such as
ectopia cordis, gastroschisis, and exstrophy
of the bladder and cloaca.
Third Month to Birth: The Fetus and Placenta

 Fetal period
 Parietal Mesoderm will form the:
- Extends from the ninth week of gestation
- Parietal layer of serous membranes
until birth
which lines the outside (walls) of the
- Characterized by rapid growth of the body
peritoneal, pleural, and pericardial
and maturation of organ systems
 Visceral layer will form the:
- Visceral layer of the serous membranes
 Growth in length is particularly striking during
covering the lungs, heart, and abdominal
the 3rd, 4th, and 5th months (approx. 5cm per
month), whereas increase in weight is most
striking during the last 2 months of gestation
(approx. 700g per month)
 In the gut, the layers form the peritoneum
and in places suspend the gut from the body
 Those babies weighing <2.500g (5lb 8 oz) are
considered low birth weight; those below
 The fetal circulation is at all times separated
1,500g (3lb 5oz) are considered very low
from the maternal circulation by:
birth weight.
1. A syncytial membrane (a chorion
 IUGR – a term applied to babies who do not
achieve their genetically determined potential
2. Endothelial cells from fetal capillaries
size and are pathologically small.

 Intervillous lakes of the fully grown placenta

 Striking change – the relative slowdown in the
contain approximately 150 mL of maternal
growth of the head
blood, which is renewed three or four times
per minute. The villous area varies from 4 to
 In the 3rd month – about half the size of
14 m2, facilitating exchange between mother
the CRl
and child.
 By the 5th month – about one third of the
 At birth – one quarter of the CHL
Main functions of the placenta:

(1) Exchange of gases

 th
During the 5 month, fetal movements are (2) Exchange of nutrients and electrolytes
clearly recognized by the mother, and the (3) Transmission of maternal antibodies (provides
fetus is covered with fine, small hair. fetus with passive immunity)
(4) Production of hormones (progesterone,
estradiol, and estrogen, hCG &
 A fetus born during the 6th or the beginning of somatomammotropin
the 7th month has difficulty surviving, mainly (5) Detoxification of some drugs
because the respiratory and central nervous
system have not differentiated sufficiently.
 In general, the length of pregnancy for a full-
- a large sac containing amniotic fluid in
term fetus is considered to be 280 days, or 40
which the fetus is suspended by its
weeks after onset of the last menstruation, or
umbilical cord
more accurately, 266 days or 38 weeks after
- the fluid:
1. absorbs jolts
2. allows for fetal movements
3. prevents adherence of the embryo to
surrounding tissues
- Consists of 2 components:
1. Fetal portion – derived from the
chorion frondosum or villous chorion
 The fetus swallows amniotic fluid, which is
2. Maternal portion – derived from the
absorbed through its gut and cleared by the
decidua basalis
placenta. The fetus adds urine to the amniotic
- Hemochorial type
fluid, but this is mostly water.

 The space between the chorionic and decidual

plates is filled with intervillous lakes of
- Excessive amount of amniotic fluid
maternal blood.
- Associated with anencephaly, and
 Villous trees (fetal tissue) grow into the
esophageal atresia
maternal blood lakes and are bathed in them.
Oligohydramnios Birth Defects
- Insufficient amount of amniotic fluid
 Cleft Lip and Palate
- Related to renal agenesis
- Most common congenital malformations
of the head and neck
- These environmental factors can affect
the incidence of these disorders:
Umbilical Cord a. maternal hormonal disorders
b. use of psychiatric medications
- Surrounded by the amnion
c. vitamin and folic acid deficiency
- Contains:
d. hypoxia
(1) 2 umbilical arteries
e. cigarette smoking
(2) 1 umbilical vein
f. maternal obesity and overweight
(3) Wharton’s jelly (protective cushion
for the vessels)

 Club foot
- The most common congenital deformity
 Dizygotic or fraternal twins
of lower limbs.
- Have 2 amnions, 2 chorions, 2 placentas
- The aim of the treatment is
which sometimes are fused
- To obtain a plantigrate, painless and
 Monozygotic twins
functional foot.
- Usually have 2 amnions, 1 chorion, 1
- Ponseti method (a conservative treatment
that has a good correction ranging from
 Conjoined twins as low as 50% to as high as 90%.
- The fetuses are not entirely split from - Surgical treatment is indicated only after
each other failure of conservative methods (”a la
- 1 amnion, 1 chorion, 1 placenta carte” release)

 Parturition (birth)  Microcephaly

- Labor usually begins between 34 and 38 - defined usually as having a head
weeks circumference that is ≥3 SDs below the
- Labor consists of 3 stages: mean for the age and sex of the infant.
1. Effacement and dilatation of the - Rare defect
cervix - May be present at birth or may occur
2. Delivery of the fetus postnatally
3. Delivery of the placenta and fetal - Associated with a variety of
membranes environmental or infectious conditions &
chromosomal abnormalities:
a. Maternal exposure (tobacco smoke &
alcohol, radiation during pregnancy)
b. Maternal conditions (diabetes
mellitus, phenylketonuria)
c. Infectious disease (herpes, syphilis,
HIV, rubella, toxoplasmosis &
d. Genetic Factors

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