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Questionario de DP #2 - Ni

Uploaded by Tathiana Dantas on Nov 10, 2022

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questionário dp

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Prova DP. The Nautical Institute
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1- When a vessel is operatng in Auo-DP mode, how is he vessel’s heading conrolled?
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b. Calculaed from de measured environmenal forces vecors

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c. By daa from he Moton Reference Uni (MRU)
d. Auomatcally by DP sysem

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2- When in full auomatc mode a DP sysem is conrolling:
a. Surge, sway and yaw

3- A DP mode whereby a vessel isTwitter
auomatcally holding positon relatve o a mobile
arge is:
a. Follow Target/Follow Sub.

4- Wha informaton found on a DP sysem would a DPO use o deermine he bes
heading o ake a minimize power consumpton and hruser loads?
a. Wind/DP current speed and direcon
5- Why is i necessary for a vessel o be in Auo Positon mode for a minimum of 30
minues before sartng work

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To allow the system´s mathemacal model to build

6- As a general rule, conrol of wha axis will receive prioriy for hrus allocaton when in
DP mode?
a. Yaw

7- Which one of he following sensor is always used in a DP sysem?

a. Gyro compass

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8- When he DP sysem is un full auomatc conrol of vessel, he DP curren is:
a. Determined from the mathemacal model

9- For DP class 2 and 3 operatons, a leas hree Positon Reference Sysems should be
deployed and seleced ino he DP sysem. Why should hey no all be of he same
a. To protect against common mode failure

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10- If a positon discrepancy among hree or more Positon Reference Sysems is deeced,
he DP sysem will rejec he driing PRS as a resul of he:
a. Calibraton es
b. Redundancy es
c. Median test
d. Consequence analysis

11- A dual frequency GNSS receiver is used o:

a. Lock in to a satellite on one channel while scanning on another

12- Wha migh be he 95 percen accuracy of a Dierental Global Navigaton Saellie
Sysem (DGNSS) using a modern commercial correcton subscripton service?
a. Less than 1 meter

13- Which of he following is NOT a DGNSS qualiy facor?

a. The number of saellies being racker
b. The age or laency of dierental correcton daa
c. Adverse weaher conditons
d. The value of HDOP

14- Which of he following may adversely aec he qualiy and accuracy of positonal daa
provide by saellie-based Position Reference System?
a. The DGPS antenna being located too high in the vessel.

15- Examples of Positioning Reference Systems (PRS) that can use multiple targets
a. Laser and FMCW radar
b. FMCW radar and Artemis
c. DARPS and FMCW radar
d. Laser and Taut Wire

16- If a plaorm has jus one Aremis anenna, how many vessels can be positoned using
Aremis as a Positon Reference Sysem?
a. One vessel

17- Wha is he maximum practcable range for FMCW Radar Positon Reference Sysem
such as Radius and RadarScan?
a. 10-50m
b. 200-1000m
c. 5000m
d. 10000m

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18- Wha is a Fanbeam or Cyscan sysem?

a. A laser-based posion reference system

19- During he planning sage of a DP operaton, i is essental ha:

a. The system be allowed 30 minutes seng me

20- The “Auorack” or “Track Follow” faciliy on a DP sysem may be utlized for:
a. Cable or pipe laying

21- Whem conductng diving operatons from a vessel on DP, The lengh of he diver
umbilical mus be:
a. No more than the distance to the nearest from the umbilical tending-
point, minus 5m.

22- The wind sensor “Feed Forward” faciliy is imporan because:

a. It allow the DP system toi take immediate acon if the wind changes
direcon and/or speed.

23- Wha is he functon of he Moton Reference Uni?

a. To measure Pitch, Roll and Heave

24- The “ROV Follow” mode on DP sysem may be used for:

a. Cable and Pipeline Survey

25- A cable vessel is engaged in plouging operatons using “Auo Track” mode. Plough
hawser ension is being measured and enered ino DP sysem. If feedback daa from
he plough hawser ension sensor is los, hen he probable resul will be
a. Plough tension will be displayed by the system as DP Current

26- A pipelay vessel is engaged in pipe lay operatons using DP. In additon o he normal
range of positon, heading and environmenal references, feedback may also be
required in respec of:
a. Vessel draught, from a draught sensor

27- A vessel is equipped wih ow azimuh hruser a he sern. A “Fixed Azimuh “mode is
available, when migh his be seleced?
a. When the thrusters are connually “Hunng” for direcon in the light
weather condions
b. To reduce he workload on he DPO
c. When a helicoper is abou o land
d. To reduce fuel consumpton

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28- According o IMO MSC/Circ. 645 of 1994, for wha tme period should an
Uninerrupable Power Supply (UPS) baery sysem power he DP-compuer sysem
following a mains supply failure?
a. Minimum of 30 minutes

29- According o IMO MSC/Circ. 645 of 1994, a Power managemen Sysem is required for
which DP classes?
a. Class 2 and 3

30- The Uninerrupable Power Supply (UPS) baery sysem provides a back-up power
supply for
a. DP operator staon, control computers, Posion Reference System and

31- Wha is he main advanage of an azimuh hruser compared wih non-azimuh
hruser ?
a. Azimuth Thruster can provide thrust in any direcon

32- Thruser malfuncton may bes be deeced by observing which of he following?
a. Thruster demand and feedback data

33- A DP Conrol Sysem ( Conrol Compuers, Operaor Satons, ec.) is proec agains a
main power failure or ucuatons of he ship’s main power supply by:
a. Being connected to an Uninterruptable Power Supply Including
delivery back-up

34- According o IMO MSC/Circ. 645 of 1994 secton 3.2.4 (unless equivalen inegriy of
power operatons can be acceped o secton 3.1.3) when should bus-te breakers be
a. During Class 1 Operatons
b. During Class 2 Operatons
c. During Class 3 Operatons
d. During all DP operatons

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