Ets 2023 LC Test 1

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LISTENING TEST In the Listening test, you will be asked to demonstrate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test will last approximately 45 minutes. There are four parts, and directions are given for each part. You must mark your answers on the separate answer sheet. Do not write your answers in your test book. PART 1 Directions: For each question in this part, you will hear four statements about a picture in your teat book. When you heer the statements, you must select the one statement that best describes what you see in the picture, Then find the number of the question on your answer sheet and mark your answer. The statements will not be printad in your test book and will be ‘spoken only one time. ‘Statement (C), “They/re siting ata table,” is the best description ofthe picture, so you should solect answer (C) and mark iton your answer sheet. 20 Lia (60.070 THE NEXT PAGE, Test 21 {20.00 70 THE NEXT PAGE Test 1 23 (ere PART 2 Directions: You will hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They will not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time. Solact the best response to the question cr statement and mark the letter (A), (B), or (C) on your answer sheet. 7. Mark your answor on your answer sheet. 20. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 8. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24, Mark your answer en your answer sheet. 8. Mark your answer on your anewer sheet 22, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 410. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 23, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. ‘1. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 24. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 12, Mark your answer on your answer sheet, 25. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 413, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 26. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 414. Mark your answer on your answer sheet 27. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 15, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 28. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 16. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 29, Mark your answer on your answer shee. 17. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 30. Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 18, Mark your answer on your answer sheet. 31. Mark your anewer on your answer sheet. 418. Mark your answer on your anewer sheet Fy PART3 ty Directions: You will hear some conversations between two or more people. You willbe asked to answer three questions about what the speakers say in each conversation, Select the best response toeach question and mark the letter (A), (B), (C), of (0) on your answer sheet. The conversations wil ‘not be printed in your test book and will be spoken only one time, 32. Why is the woman calling? 38, Where do the speakors work? (A) To request a ticket change (A) Ata grocery store (B) To make a dinner reservation (8) Ata shipping facility (C) To order merchandise (C) Ata restaurant (D) To plan a vacation (D) Ata doctor's office 33. Why does the man apologize? 39, What does the woman say she is concerned (A) An event was canceled, ny (B) Aline is very long. (A) Fuel prices (C) Apayment option is unavailable. (B) Her work hours: (D) A computer program is not working. (C) Astaff shortage (0) An inventory process 34, What does the man remind the woman about? 40. What does the man suggest that the (A) Ameal voucher women dit (B) Some free souvenirs (A) Complete a training program (C) An increase in price (B) Order extra equipment (0) Arofund policy (C) Hire a consultant ae (0) Take time to make a decision 35. What event will he speakers be attending later today? 44, Why isthe woman caling? (A) Ajo fair (A) Hor taxi never anived. (8) Aim screening (B) Her luggage is missing (€) Alunch {0) Her rain was canceled (©) Aconterence {D) Her ticket i lost. 36. Why does the man say,"she has van"? «42, What event s the woman planring to (A) To suggest inquiring about a ride Spiel (8) To express surprise ata coworker’s (A) An awards coremony cholee of vehicle (6) Atrade show (C) To explain why a coworker was late {(C) Anat exhibit opening (©) To clarify that a cowexker helped him (0) Abuilding inspection move 43, What does the man give the woman as an 37. What wil the woman most tkaly do next? apooay? (A) Rescheduie an event (A) A partial discount (B) Takkto another coworker {@) Vouchers for future travel (©) Request time oft (c) Atul refund (0) Make a phone call (0) Abotter seat {60.00 70 THE NEXT PAGE TEST 1 25 48, 48. Where does the woman work? (A) Ata distribution centor (8) Ata conference center (C) Ata car dealership (D) Ata real estate agency What problem with some e-mails does the ‘man mention? (A) Confusion about the intended recipients (B) Adolay in message delivery (C) An incorrectly typed word (0) Lack of information What will the woman most likely do next? (A) Arrange a meeting (8) Make a phone call (C) Speak to her employees (0) Review an invoice 50, What are the speakers preparing for? (A) An interview (8) A food delivery (C) Aspecial event (0) An inspection 51, What does the woman say willbe delivered in an hour? (A) Some flower arrangements (B) Some gifts for attendees (©) Some aucio equipment (©) Soma tables and chales ‘52, What will the speakers most likely do next? (A) Reviow a guost lst (B) Meet with a photographer (©) Take a break {(0) Taste some food 47, 49. 26 What is the conversation mainly about? (A) A policy change (8) A product launch (C) Some customer feedback (0) A scheduled maintenance visit What does the woman say people at the ‘company are currently working on? (A) Exploring publicity options (B) Finding a new vendor (C) Assembling a sales toam (0) Negotiating @ monthly fee Why isthe man concerned? (A) Customers have complained (B) Price estimates are high (C) Some changes require approval (0) Aplan may be delayed. 53, What event are the speakers discussing? (A) Abank opening (8) Acontest (C) Abusiness conference (©) Acompany anniversary ‘54. What does the man mean when he says, “Thore's a lot of damage"? (A) He finaly fully understands a problem. (8) The woman should expect abil in the mail. (C) The woman's assumption is incorrect. (D) Aschedule needs to be adjusted. 55. What does the woman recommend? {A) Using an outdoor area {@) Avanging technical support (©) Confiming a catering menus (©) Interviewing some job applicants 58. 3. What industry do the speakers most likely work in? (A) Medicine (8) Music (C) Publishing (0) Finance /. According to the man, why has a software program become popular? (A) Itis less expensive than similar products. (8) It makes information more accessible, (C) It reduces environmental impact (0) I comes with customer support. What might Marion stil need to do? (A) Contact some service providers (8) Sign a release form (C) Check some financial information (0) Repair some equipment 60. 61. ‘What are the speakers discussing? (A) Proposing a business merger (8) Relocating a company’s headauarters {C) Developing additional products (0) Hiring more employees: What challenge does Stan mention? {A) A profit margin wil decrease. (@) Additional equipment wil be needed. (C) There are not enough job applicants (©) There are delays in production. What does Pedro say ho will do? (A) Contact 2 facility manager (B) Adjust a budget (C) Change a work schedule (D) Research a product 7 oe | El Time Tour a aan. | Fishing Expedition 104m. | Whale Watching zaam. | Sea-Ride Special t2em. | Island Exploration —~—_—— ——— 62, According to the man, why is today's, ‘Soa Ride Special tour popular? (A) Itoffers a chance to see migrating birds. (8) Water conditions are likely to be favorable. (C) A guest chef is preparing lunch. (0) Someone special will be guiding the tour 63. Look atthe graphio, What time will the ‘woman depart on a tour? A) Atgam (6) ALTO Au (C) Att am. (0) Att2 aa, 64, What will the woman most lkely do next? (A) Return to her hotel (8) Visita café {C) Call a fiend (0) Store her bags in a locker DOES wen 27 Maple Vine Siret Steet |! ' Bent center Seventh Avenue b I 65. Why docs the woman apologize? (A) A conference session is ful (8) An elevator is not working (C) Aworkshop has changed locations. (0) Parking is not free. 66. Look at the graphic. Which location does the ‘woman recommend? (A) Area 1 (8) Area 2 (C) Area 3 (0) Area 4 67. Why is the man in a hury? (A) A workshop is starting soon. (8) A parking pass is about to expire. (C) A shuttle is running fate (0) A rion is waiting outside. 28 68. 69, Rhenium 60 $149.99 Xena 300 $169.99 * da, = $123.99 Enzo 5000 $179.99 Why does the woman call? (A) She wants to raquest a refund. (B) She is unable to place an order online. (C) She wants to extend a deadline. (0) She is unhappy with a product purchased recently. Look at the graphic, What isthe price of the iter the woman wants to buy? 1) $162.99) (8) $149.99 (©) $129.99 (0) $173.98 |. What wil the man most likely do tomorrow? (A) Update a Wob site (B) Search a storage area {(C) Contact another store location (©) Check an incoming shipment PART 4. Directions: You will hear some talks given by a single speaker. You will be asked to answer throe etry questions about what the speaker says in each talk. Select the best response to each question and ‘mark the letter (A), (B), (C), or (D) on your answer sheet. The talks will not be printed in your test book and willbe spoken only one time. ‘TA, What feature ofa business does the speaker emphasize? (A) The quality ofits food (8) The extended hours itis open (C) The atyo ofits decor (0) The affordable prices it offers 72. What can altendees do at the grand opening event? (A) Goonatour (8) Got afteo gin (©) Tako an actor (©) Watch some movies 72. What does the speaker advise event elondoes todo? (8) Amtive early (B) Use public transportation (C) Order tokets in advance 74, What does the listener want io do? (A) Request shuttle service (8) Extend a hotel stay (C) Ghange a room assignment (©) Cancel a reservation 75. Why does the speaker say, “those rooms are ‘always booked far in advance"? {A) To express approval for a room design (B) To explain why a hotel is successful (€) To indicate his disbelief (©) To deny the listener's request 76. According to the speaker, what should the listener bring? (A) Some warm clothes (8) Some swimwear (C) Acredit card (©) Acopy ofa key (0) Purchase a membership 77. 78, 79. at. Who most tkely isthe speaker? (8) Ao archaeologist {) Amarine biologist (C) Aconservation expert (0) Anathetc trainer What does the speaker advise the listeners to 0? (A) Take a water bottle (B) Consulta site map (C) Apply sunscreen regularly (0) Witte careful notes What does the speaker say she is going to do next? (A) Answer some questions. (8) Demonstrate a process {C) Introduce a colleague (0) Take the isteners to lunch Why will the speaker be traveling? {A) To inspect a factory (8) To repair a product {C) To perform in a concert (0) To altend a workshop Why is the speaker concerned? (A) A seating arrangement is wrong. (8) Acompany credit card was not charged. (C) Some meal tickets wore not sent. (0) Her taxi driver is unable to find a hotel >. What does the speaker ask the listener to do? (A) Send an e-mail (B) Mest at an office {C) Confirm a schedule (0) Look up an account number oon To THE NEXT PE Feces Test 29 83, What does the speaker remind th todo? (A) Keep a gate closed (B) Retum equipment to a shed (C) Check a ist of supplies (D) Select a free gift 84, According to the speaker, what can the listeners apply for? (A) Agarden plot (8) Avolunteer opportunity (C) Aaardenina workshop (©) A farmers market table 85. How can the listeners get information about future events? (A) By signing up for a newsletter (8) By joining a membership program (C) By looking at a Web site (0) By attending waekly meetings 86. What service does the business offer? (A) Financial planning (8) Digital markoting (C) Real estate sales (0) International shipping 87. According to the speaker, how is the business diferent from its competitors? (A) It has several local offices (8) Itoffers a money-back guarantee (C) Its employees have industry certification, (0) Its employees work one-on-one with clients, 88. How can the listeners make an ‘appointment? (A) By sending an e-mail (8) By calling customer service (C) By filing out a questionnaire (0) By sending a text message 30 90. a1. 93. 94, Who most likely are the listeners? (A) Marine biologists (B) Museum directors (C) Rare-book librarians (0) Agricultural engineers What does the speaker mean when he says, “they received over 200 applications"? (A) An opportunity is unlikely to oocur. (8) An award is impressive (C) Adecision will take longer than usual. (0) A competitor has been very successful Why does the speaker say that work cannot begin right away? (A) Additional funds are needed. (8) Some special training is required. (C) An application has to be approved (0) Some equipment needs to be ordered, 2. What is the purpose of the talk? (A) To recognize outstanding achievements (B) To intoduce new products to the public (C) To announce a manager's retirement (©) To provide new employees with information Where isthe talk taking place? (A) Ata banquet hall (8) Ata goverment building (C) Ata factory (0) Ata construction site ‘What does the speaker mean when she says, "I have a consultation with a client"? (A) She needs to reschedule a meeting (8) She will not be with the listeners in the ‘afternoon, (C) Acustomer has just placed a large ‘order. (0) Amarketing campaign will begin soon. Refrigerator Options tp fy ‘Approval Rating ven |e [S| ate 36200 v 36-250 Lv x6-300 I 7 X6-350 alma 95. Whats the main purpose of he cal? (A) To place an order (8) To dispute a charge (C) To arrange a meoting (0) To check a store's inventory 96. Look at the graphic. Which model does the ‘speaker prefer? (a) SG-200 (8) se-250 (c) X6-300 (0) x¢-350 97. Whal dues the speaker ask abuul? (a) Awarranty (8) Areturn process (C) Adolivery foe (0) Product availabiity pur Compartment| Holder | Straps [Organizer 98, Who most likely ae the listeners? (A) Marketing experts (B) Product testers (C) Product designers (0) Audio engineers 99. Look atthe graphic. What was the approval rating of the feature that will be improved? (A) 40 percent (8) 50 percont (C) Go percent (0) 80 percent 400. According fo the speaker, why is a revision urgent? (A) Acompetitor is making a similar product, (8) A product will be offered for sale soon. (C) A product will be introduced at a trac show. (0) The cost ofa product's materials wil rise This is the end of the Listening test. Test 31 Ty i

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