Pleasure With Business

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Note from Jex
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
About Jex
Also by Jex Lane
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and
incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a
fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual
events is purely coincidental—or used with permission.

Pleasure with Business © 2018 by Jex Lane.

All rights reserved.

Beautiful Monsters™ is a trademark of Jex Lane.

Edited by Michelle Rascon

Cover Design by Mirella Santana


Vampire lord Loth is a fearsome warrior who invokes terror

in those who stand against him…and incubus Drusen
wants a taste. He aches for it. The problem? The two
species have been at war for thousands of years, and
approaching a vampire like Loth means certain death. But
the taste of him might be worth dying for…

To new readers:

The following is a short story set in my BeMo-verse. It can

be read as a standalone, but it does take place after the
third volume of my Beautiful Monsters series. If you’re new
to my world, the backdrop is a war between vampires and
incubi that dominates the supernatural world. At this point
in the story, a new faction has emerged and changing the
shape of the war, uniting species that traditionally hate
each other.

My writing tends to fall on the darker side, often dealing

with morality in shades of gray. The Beautiful Monsters
series is complex, steamy, and ongoing. I hope you’ll take
a chance to check the series out and become one of my
beautiful monsters.

To my BeMos:

Incubus Drusen is hungry for that vampire cock—which is

back on the menu. You know why. ;)

West Wyoming. Reincarnation Roadhouse.

T HE NEON SIGN that read Reincarnation cast a flickering red

glow across the dirt parking lot. Its loud buzz an ominous
warning to stay away.
Drusen ignored it as he made his way to the worn
entryway, pausing to grip the brass handle tightly before
pulling it open and stepping in.
Unlike most roadhouses in the middle of nowhere, this
one didn’t have blaring music, nor was it packed with warm
bodies despite it being Friday night. Nope. Humans didn’t
come here for food or fun, humans were the food and fun.
The thirty or so vampires all snapped their attention to
His mouth went dry.
A human stumbling into this place might have a half
decent chance of coming out alive. The vampires would
play and feed, then compel the human to forget the ordeal.
But for an incubus like Drusen? This was suicide.
Vampires never held back when it came to his species.
Incubi and vampires had been mortal enemies for
thousands of years—maybe longer—and the hatred ran
deep, weaved into every facet of their respective societies.
A growl came from one of the vampires and Drusen’s
adrenaline spiked, prompting more growls.
Having never been this close to vampires before, it took
everything Drusen had to stop himself from running away.
He was here on a mission, and he would complete it.
He spotted his mark almost immediately.
Drusen forced himself to walk through the roadhouse;
past vampires, past the compelled humans they were
feeding on, past a nearly naked succubus chained to a
table, her neck and inner thigh littered with bite marks. Her
eyes widened when she saw Drusen and seemed to plea
help me.
If he tried to help her right now, both of them would end
up dead. He tore his gaze away from her and made his
way to the corner booth.
A tall vampire with pale skin and long, fire-red hair sat
there. He looked regal, wearing a white dress shirt, black
vest, and an emerald brooch at his neck. His red eyes bore
into Drusen as amusement spread across his face.
“Incubus…” His smooth, ethereal voice sent waves of
pleasure right to Drusen’s cock.
“Loth,” he managed to whisper, remembering the first
time he’d seen the vampire. Drusen had been young, only
just coming into his incubi abilities, when vampires
attacked the estate where he lived and worked.
Mercenaries had responded quickly, as had warrior incubi.
In moments, a battle raged. Hundreds on each side, and
within half an hour, thousands.
Drusen—who was no warrior—did what was expected
of him and hid inside. But every now and then, he’d peek
out of a window to see what was going on. Vampire lords
filled the sky. Some with wings, while others took the
shape of bats, birds, or dark mist.
One vampire commanded Drusen’s attention above all
others: Loth. There was something about the bright red
hair, long dagger-like fangs, and crimson drops covering
the face of one who reveled in the thrill of battle that
Drusen couldn’t look away from.
He watched as Loth dove on a warrior incubus,
grabbing the poor creature by his wings and ripping them
off with frenzied strength. Blood ribboned the air as Loth let
out a triumphant roar of battle and dropped his still-living
foe to the ground far below.
Sheer terror swept through Drusen—as to be expected
for one so young—but it was the lust that filled him that
caught him off guard. Lust. For a vampire. The enemy.
Forbidden. Later, when the battle had been won and the
vampires had retreated, Drusen spent more hours than
he’d ever admit to playing with his cock, thinking of the
red-headed vampire.
And as the years passed, the temptation to track the
vampire down grew to near obsession.
An obsession he never dared act on. He couldn’t. An
incubus would be ripped apart by any vampire. He had to
stay away.
Until now.
Things were changing.
The world was changing.
The Blood Prince walked. Alliances were being
shattered and remade.
For Drusen, it meant an opportunity came along to get
what he desired.
“What brings you to Wyoming, brave little incubus?”
Loth asked.
Drusen resisted the urge to lean his direction. “You,” he
Loth’s smile grew wider, his fangs gleamed in the low
light, and Drusen’s heart sped when he saw them. Loth
waved away the vampire who sat across from him. The
vampire slid away so fast that Drusen didn’t even see him
go. Loth motioned to the now-empty seat, his fingers
pointed with fine claws, though Drusen knew they could
become much longer and sharper if the vampire wanted it.
“Join me.”
Drusen did.
Loth made a slight motion of his fingers, and the other
vampires averted their eyes, returning to eating, playing, or
chatting in tones so hushed that Drusen couldn’t make out
what they were saying.
“And what can I do for you, incubus?” Loth’s smile
stayed fixed on his face, clearly entertained by the idea of
an incubus walking into a vampire den.
“I, um,” Drusen swallowed. “I heard you signed the
Blood Prince’s pact. That you and those who follow you
fight with him…”
Loth laced his fingers together and rested his chin on
“…that you no longer…kill…us…” Drusen trailed off for
a moment when Loth’s tongue ran across an upper fang,
“…and…I thought you weren’t keeping us as slaves
“I signed the pact, but there are plenty who stand
against the Blood Prince and his Council of Warlords.”
Loth’s eyes flicked to the succubus, directing Drusen’s
attention to her. “Are you here to try and save her? Bargain
for her life, perhaps?”
“I— I… No. That’s not why I’m here.”
“Hm.” Loth returned to resting on his fingers, studying
Drusen, who knew his smaller frame, boyish features,
stylish hair and clothes made catching a cock easy. He
could walk into any bar and have a partner in minutes, and
that was without using any of his incubi abilities to
manipulate emotions. Loth’s eyes paused on the incubus’
neck, and his tongue darted past his fangs, wetting his lips
this time. “I don’t have all night, little one.”
“I want you,” Drusen blurted out, not bothering to hide
his anxiety—something the vampire would likely enjoy.
They could smell fear. Taste it. It riled them up. Turned
them on.
Loth’s eyes narrowed; a predator locking onto his prey.
“Do you?”
“And how do you want me?” The question playful. Loth
knew full well what Drusen wanted.
Drusen allowed a small, frustrated whine to escape
him. He could mold himself to fit into any situation, use his
impressive skills of the tongue to talk everyone from a
straight human male to the noblest of incubi into his bed.
Skills that had gotten him far in life. But he felt out of his
depth when it came to the bloodsuckers. Goddess, his skin
burned so hot it threatened to melt from him. The creature
he’d fantasized about for ages sat only a few feet away,
and he couldn’t figure out how to convince him to fuck him
silly. Oh, and maybe not kill him either. That’d be fantastic.
It turned out he didn’t have to come up with an answer.
He blinked and Drusen found himself lying face down on
the table, Loth’s sharp claws digging into his neck, the
pinpoints threatening to break the skin. If he moved, they
“Is this what you want?”
Drusen closed his eyes because yes, yes, this is what
he wanted. He wanted to be pinned down, controlled, and
so totally owned.
Loth tore down the back of Drusen’s shirt, splitting it
open. Claw tips ran down the skin, causing Drusen to
shake with both pleasure and fear.
“Undo your pants, push them down, then go to your
knees, ass in the air,” Loth ordered.
Drusen scrambled to do so, popping open the button of
his black slacks and pushing them and his underwear
down to his thighs. With Loth still holding tight to his neck,
Drusen struggled to his knees, exposing himself. It was
then he realized all the other vampires had gone quiet. He
didn’t dare try to look, keeping his eyes closed, his breath
labored as a hand grabbed one ass cheek then the other.
“What makes you think I enjoy men?” Loth asked.
Drusen could feel the vampire standing behind him, but the
question sounded as if it had been whispered in his ear.
“I’m an incubus,” Drusen breathed out. “You do.”
Loth chuckled, and a cold finger pressed against
Drusen’s asshole. Drusen let a slick gel form there—an
ability all incubi had—and wondered if the vampire
intended to push a claw in…intended to draw blood. He
couldn’t decide if he wanted that or not.
“Incubi are so responsive, aren’t they? So easy.” A
blunt finger pressed in, and Drusen couldn’t help but let a
gasp escape him. And when the finger curled forward,
pressing against his prostate, he moaned so loud there
was no way any vampire here missed it, but it felt so good.
Too good. “Incubus,” Loth whispered. “What makes you
think you’re worthy of having me?”
The finger disappeared, as did the firm hand on his
Nothing but silence came after.
Drusen worked up the nerve to open his eyes only to
find the lights were off and the entire roadhouse cleared
No chained succubus.
No feeder humans.
No vampires.
No Loth.
Red light streamed in through the windows, flickering
for a few moments until it too turned off, leaving Drusen
naked in the dark.
His body slumped onto the table.

The middle of nowhere, Wyoming. The following night.

O VER THE YEARS , Drusen often wondered why Loth had

made Wyoming his home. Sure it was vampire territory,
but it didn’t have many humans, and not much happened.
But looking at wide open sky covered in a blanket of
beautiful stars, Drusen could understand why Loth might
like this place. He was a creature that ruled the night, and
in the countryside, night felt like a living, breathing thing.
Something divine in nature.
Drusen took in a deep breath of the cold night air and
continued his trek across the expansive meadow. He’d
parked his car a few miles back, figuring coming in by foot
might be safer somehow, like he might be less of a threat.
He chuckled. Given his stature, he doubted any vampire
would see him as any sort of physical threat.
The hairs on the back of his neck stood, and he wasn’t
sure if it was because someone was watching him or
because he was nearing the magic veil that hid Loth’s
house. Probably both.
It was five more minutes before Drusen reached the
veil. He couldn’t see it so much as feel an unnatural desire
to leave surged within him. He fought it, knowing it was
only magic, and pressed forward, passing through the
invisible barrier.
“Goddess,” he gasped. Drusen had been wrong about
Loth living in a house.
Loth lived in a fucking castle.
A massive, grey-stoned castle rose high, complete with
tall spires and gargoyles.
Beautiful. Breathtaking. And totally unexpected in the
middle of Wyoming.
“Persistent little sex demon, aren’t you?”
Drusen looked around. Nothing. He stood alone.
“I’m not a demon—” he said to the emptiness,
schooling his features to hide his annoyance at the insult,
“—but you know that. And I can be persistent…when I
want something.”
Loth chuckled from somewhere unseen. “I’m a decent
enough lover, but I can’t say I’ve ever had someone risk
their life to ride my cock before. It’s flattering.”
“Is my life in danger?”
“The fear coming from you—which smells delightful by
the way—tells me you know the answer to that question
Drusen eyed the unmoving gargoyles. “You asked me
why I think I’m worthy of having you…”
“I did.”
“I’m not worthy. I’m not a warrior or anyone of note. I
don’t have a title or extreme wealth or property. I’m an art
purchaser for several houses. Any painting you can think
of—even those supposedly lost to time—I know where to
find and how much it’ll cost. I can facilitate the deal, and
that’s the end of my worth. I’m not worthy of the lord of this
castle. But even still, I really want you to fuck me, it’s
something I’ve been thinking about for a long time.”
The air seemed to freeze around Drusen as he waited
for a response. He’d spent the day contemplating what
might make him ‘worthy’ to the vampire. He doubted it
would be impressive titles or arrogant responses. No, this
vampire didn’t like to make a scene, only showing up when
he was called to fight, called to lead, then disappearing
from all reports the incubi had on him. Someone like that
wouldn’t want grandiloquent theatrics or a list of deeds.
Someone like Loth would want a more subdued lover. Like
an art buyer.
No response came.
Not that it surprised him.
Drusen waited a few more moments before deciding he
shouldn’t aggravate the vampire anymore tonight. He was
lucky to still be alive, might as well leave with his skin
intact and try again later.
With no small amount of disappointment, he turned to
go through the veil again and start the long walk back to
his car.
Pressing through the magic, the castle behind him
disappeared, and a massive black horse stood before him
with tack made of ornately scrolled black leather. Its
fearsome eyes seemed as if a living fire burned inside the
Loth sat noble and proud on the horse’s back. He wore
a black cape, and his eyes were the same color green as
his emerald brooch. He regarded Drusen harshly.
The breathtaking sight sent Drusen stumbling back.
“Run,” Loth said.
Loth’s irises turned red at the edges and he growled,
The horse whickered, stomped a hoof, and its eyes
began to smolder with thick black smoke. Loth’s already
sharp features became sharper, cruel and inhuman.
Unnatural terror surged through Drusen.
He fought against the fear. Years of practice helped him
keep his incubus form locked away, but his legs were
pounding the dirt before he even knew he was running. His
muscles burned and his lungs couldn’t keep up.
He must have been half a mile away before he heard
the hoofbeats coming after him. He didn’t dare look back;
the need to get to his car, to get to safety, overtook him.
His entire body trembled, and his foot caught a rock,
sending him to the ground. He flipped over in time to see
Loth and his mount descending upon him.
The horse’s black legs had cracks of pulsing molten
lava running down them. As it ran, it left a path of fiery
hoofprints seared across the field.
In one flawless motion, the vampire dismounted.
Drusen scrambled to his feet, his mind racing. Run
—danger—vampire—death. Over and over, the words
filled his every thought.
He didn’t get far. A few steps and Loth grabbed him by
the shoulder, yanking him around.
His own incubus claws came out, and he flailed about.
With each frantic heartbeat, the pounding in his ears grew
louder. His stomach and bladder threatened to empty. He
wasn’t sure how it happened, but Loth had him on the
ground with his arms pinned above his head. The vampire
lay on top of him, rendering him helpless. Totally and
completely helpless.
A rumbling snarl came from Loth, and two long fangs
sank into the soft flesh of his neck. Drusen screamed and
struggled against the pain, only to find himself at the mercy
of the vampire lord, who continued to suck away his life
It didn’t take long for fatigue to overtake him.
His head grew light, and he seemed to float as the
vampire took greedy mouthfuls of blood.
He surrendered, letting his body go limp.
The vampire pulled his fangs out and looked down at
Drusen, keeping him immobilized. Loth’s long red hair
cascaded around his face making him look like some sort
of angel of death and blood.
The world began to shift out of focus, and Drusen’s
head lulled back, looking at the heavens above him. “The
stars are pretty tonight,” he whispered.
“They are,” Loth replied without looking up, running his
fingers down Drusen’s cheek in an affectionate gesture.
“Perhaps there is something of worth in you.”
“My blood?”
“Your fear.”
“Alright,” Drusen said. That was a cost he could pay.
He could give Loth fear. “Can you fuck me now?”
Drusen frowned. “But—”
“Little incubus,” Loth leaned in and licked the puncture
wounds, sealing them closed. Drusen bit back a moan as
the now-warm tongue brushed across his skin. “I take. And
only give when it pleases me.”
Drusen pressed his eyes closed. Take me, he wanted
to say, but he was too weak.
A moment later, he could no longer feel Loth near him,
and the sound of fading hoofbeats told him the vampire
had left him there, exhausted in the field.
Hot tears formed at the edges of his eyes.
To be close to something he’d wanted—needed—for so
long and have it slip away was too much.
But he refused to give up.

Loth removed the horse’s bit from its mouth. “Persistent
thing, aren’t you?”
Drusen had managed to feebly work his way across the
field and back to the castle. Loth had taken a lot of blood
from him, and he was near collapse now—but he had done
it. He leaned against a pillar watching Loth care for his
horse. The vampire lord had no doubt felt his presence a
while ago but had ignored it until now.
“That’s the year I saw you the first time.”
Loth hung the bit up on a hook. “Is it? You had me
fooled. I thought you were much younger.”
“Rome was being sacked—again—and you went to
“I remember. There was a revolt against Medici, and I
took the opportunity to attack House Mahiet,” Loth said.
“The house I served.” Drusen struggled to keep his
eyes open, and his body felt heavier against the pillar. “I
watched you fight from a window and…Goddess, you were
glorious. If you had won that battle, I would have begged
you to take me as your slave. Instead, I’ve spent nearly
half a millennium plagued by fantasies of you.” He
swallowed hard to hide his shame. “I’d be cast out if the
other incubi knew I lusted for a vampire. Maybe killed.
What a terrible thing I am.”
Drusen couldn’t stay upright any longer. His body
wobbled and he fell backward…the vampire already
behind him, catching his fall.
“What is it?” Drusen asked, trying to keep his eyes
Loth cocked his head, unsure of the question.
“The horse,” Drusen clarified. “What I felt…that fear…”
“Ah. Goeth is a nightmare.”
“A demon…” Drusen could hardly believe it. He’d never
seen a demon; they weren’t supposed to be around
Loth nodded. “Relic from a war long ago. She feeds on
fear. As do I—in a way.” Loth pulled Drusen in close, his
hold possessive. Drusen relished the feeling, reading
Loth’s emotions and savoring the vampire’s own desire.
Several moments passed before Loth spoke again. “You
should stop pursuing me. You don’t know me. You don’t
understand what I am capable of. What I need.”
“Yes I do. I saw it in your eyes that day. You are power
and greed and slaughter.” Drusen offered him a small
smile and repeated Loth’s own words to him: “You take
what you want, and only give when it pleases you. And I
want you to take me.” Drusen had always thought that his
desire for the vampire would fade in time, that maybe he’d
find someone else. But, if anything, it had become
stronger. Loth plagued him, and he’d never shake this until
he got what he wanted. And now, he’d been given the
opportunity. He couldn’t let his one chance pass him by.
“Would begging please you? I’ll beg. I’ll…”
Drusen wanted to say more, wanted to plead his case
one last time, but he lost the fight to stay conscious.
D RUSEN WOKE ON A SOFT BED , surprised to find himself
shirtless with his cock straining painfully against his pants.
Hungry. So hungry.
He needed to feed on sex.
Half dazed, he searched for a clock and found none.
Out of the window, he could see the moon setting. It must
have been the same night.
He had to find Loth.
Crawling out of bed, his feet hit freezing cold stone
Stumbling forward, he made it to the door and was
surprised to find it unlocked.
The dim, candlelit hall was empty, save for portrait
paintings of pale vampires, whose eyes seemed to track
him as he moved.
The shadowy maze of passageways had Drusen
retracing steps and second-guessing himself. If he weren’t
so damn hungry, he would have given up. The drafty castle
could use some updating and a little bit of warmth, both in
color and actual temperature. Drusen assumed Loth lived
with other vampires, but the castle was empty.
Or so he thought until he heard voices coming from a
great room ahead of him.
The voices hushed as he neared. Drusen pushed
heavy doors open and found three vampires, Loth and two
females, standing over a table, studying tablets and maps
of Russia.
A blonde woman—lovely, wearing a dress that took its
styling right from Victorian England—regarded Drusen for
a moment before looking down at one of the tablets.
“Matthew, we have a small situation here. I will call you
back in a moment.”
“Do you need any hel—” A male voice was cut off with
the press of a button. The woman turned and glared at
“I ordered you to get rid of your slaves. First the
succubus and now him? Do you have any idea how much
it would anger the Blood Prince if he learned you kept
Loth frowned. “The succubus has been handled, and
this one’s not my slave, Gwenyth. He’s here willingly, and I
can’t get rid of him. Every attempt I’ve made has failed.”
Drusen didn’t really care about their fight. “Vampire,” he
growled. “I hunger for you.”
He released pheromones, flooding the space with
them. Drusen had held back as long as he could, hoping
he wouldn’t have to employ such an obvious manipulation
—a master vampire was likely immune to the effort—but
he needed his prey, and he needed him now.
Loth’s lips parted, and his pupils blew out so big his
eyes looked completely black.
The female, who seemed to be totally unaffected,
laughed, her musical voice echoing the chamber. “Take
care of him.” Then she and her companion were gone,
leaving Drusen alone with Loth.
“I do not appreciate being interrupted,” Loth scowled,
but his eyes remained locked on Drusen; eyes betraying
his desire.
“Then you should have fucked me earlier.”
“Perhaps. Kneel down.”
Drusen went to his right knee without any hesitation.
Loth inhaled. “I can smell your need from here.”
“Pretty sure my rock-hard cock is giving away how
fucking much I want you.”
A flutter of air brushed past him, and Drusen felt the
heel of a boot drive into his spine, forcing his chest and
head to the ground. “Bratty when you’re hungry, aren’t
“Why don’t you fuck me and put me in my place?”
“I will take you to the nearest town where you can
Drusen pressed his eyes closed, and a small whimper
escaped him. He didn’t want to leave. “Please, no…”
“I’m a monster, little one. You might think you can
handle the things I’d like to do to you but in the end, they’ll
tear you apart. If not your body, your mind.”
“But you’ve had other incubi before…”
“Prisoners of war who died more often than lived.”
Drusen strained to look up at Loth, but Loth’s boot
stayed planted firmly on his back not letting him move. He
relished the domination. “It sounds like you actually care if
I die.”
“I’d find nothing but ill fortune with your death, as it
would anger the one I now serve.”
“Not a lie, but not the total truth. You want me. I can feel
it. You want to control me, feed on me, make me flee in
Loth didn’t respond.
“You forget something, vampire lord,” Drusen said.
“What have I forgotten?”
Drusen reached his hand back and grabbed Loth’s
ankle, touching the cold flesh there. “I’m a monster too.”
Before Loth could pull away, Drusen pushed desire into
the vampire. He might not be a particularly powerful
incubus, but he was old enough to be practiced with his
abilities. Even young incubi could manipulate and read
emotions. One his age? Easy.
He didn’t have time to be subtle. Instead, he unloaded
a heavy dose of lust into the vampire.
Loth broke away. “Fool.”
The candles lighting the room went out, leaving Drusen
in pitch black.
Drusen sat up and gave his eyes time to adjust, but
with no windows in this room, he had trouble making out
anything. He stumbled in the dark to the table and turned
on a tablet; the lock screen cast a blue glow with deep
A rumble came from somewhere above him.
“Loth?” he asked, his voice smaller than he wanted it to
“Goading me to lose control is not…wise.” There was a
hard pause. “Or safe.”
“I don’t want to be safe. I want—”
Drusen didn’t get a chance to finish. The tablet turned
off, and he found himself tossed onto the table, his back
sliding against the wood. Papers and technology went
flying, and his legs were spread open by firm hands.
Loth loomed over him, one cold hand wrapped hard
around Drusen’s neck, and the other around his wrist,
moving it to the vampire’s lips. Fangs punctured the thin
flesh there.
A moan escaped Drusen, and he bucked with pleasure,
hips rising off the table with need, cock desperate to rub
against anything it could find.
With his free hand, Drusen grabbed Loth’s side. He
started to push pleasure into the vampire only to find the
hand around his neck squeeze tighter, cutting off his air. A
growl came from the mouth still locked onto his wrist.
Warning received.
Drusen stopped his emotional manipulation, and he
was allowed to breathe again.
Loth thrust his hips forward, ripping a moan from them
both as their cocks rubbed together through their pants. He
sucked harder, greedily taking what little blood Drusen still
had to offer.
“Loth,” Drusen struggled to say. “I haven’t recovered
from earlier.”
In the dark, red eyes bore down into his soul. Loth
removed his fangs, and a now-warm tongue ran along the
wounds, closing them with his saliva before he
disappeared into the dark once more.
The sound of chains clanking along stone was all
Drusen heard before he found himself kneeling on the floor
once again. Hard metal wrapped around his wrist, followed
by a click.
A single, red-waxed candle lit in Loth’s hand, his fiery
hair catching the light like it was a living thing. The vampire
stared down at his prize. Then stilled.
Drusen wasn’t sure what to do. He needed to feed or
he’d die. The vampire had taken too much blood from him.
“Take me,” Drusen begged.
Loth stood like a statue, pale and unmoving.
“Please, Loth.”
Unable to bear it any longer, he rose and lunged at the
vampire, only to fall short when the metal cuff at his arm
ran out of slack a few feet away from his prey.
He pulled at it, but the chains didn’t budge.
“Loth,” he said again; desperate.
The vampire didn’t even blink.
Longing and need and hunger and overwhelming
madness overtook Drusen.
“Feed me, you bastard,” he yelled as his incubus form
came ripping forward.
Large leathery wings tore out of his back, red at the
top, fading to gold at the tips; ridged horns sprouted from
his temples, running along his skull; from the back of his
pants, a thin tail with an arrowed tip snaked out; his ears
became pointed; his eyes turned red, but unlike a
vampire’s, they were flecked with gold; his fingers became
clawed, and his feet turned to hooves.
The corner of Loth’s lips ticked up. “There you are.”
Breathing hard, Drusen raised his lips and growled.
Loth chuckled, his fangs catching the candlelight. He
took a step closer. Was Drusen actually going to get to
feed? Another step; one more and the vampire would be
close enough to touch.
But he didn’t come closer, stopping just outside of
Drusen’s range.
Drusen reached and strained, desperate to claim what
was his. He jumped with shock when his wrist was
grabbed and twisted. Loth applied pain like it was his to
command—driving Drusen to take steps back—before
pushing down, forcing the incubus to fold onto the floor.
Once Drusen was on his knees, Loth released him. Drusen
didn’t, couldn’t, wait any longer.
Staying on his knees, he lunged forward, ripping open
the vampire’s pants in a single-minded attempt to reach
the reward he so justly earned: Loth’s cock. Which popped
out as the cloth tore apart.
Magnificent. Everything Drusen had dreamed of. Thick
and beautifully big with a perfect number of veins running
along the sides. With sloppy, eager movements, Drusen
moved the foreskin back and ran his tongue over the tip,
tasting rich pre-cum.
He gripped the base and squeezed, but before he
could give Loth the best blow job of his life, Loth took over,
grabbing one of Drusen’s horns and pushing his cock in.
The large member stretched Drusen’s lips wide, filling
his mouth before hitting his throat and assaulting it.
Drusen recoiled at the suddenness of the act, but Loth
didn’t let him move anywhere, keeping a firm grip on his
After gagging once, Drusen forced his throat to relax so
he could take everything Loth had to offer. The vampire
controlled every movement, thrusting in and out, using
Drusen’s mouth like a sex toy. Drusen loved this feeling;
being helpless and consumed. As if his body was only a
vehicle for someone else’s pleasure. He felt degraded and,
fuck, he’d never been so hard in his life.
The rhythm grew feverish.
Desperate, Drusen ripped his own pants open, letting
his impressive incubus-sized cock pop out. It jutted up
hard and leaked thick drops of pearl liquid.
Before he could grab it, Loth pulled his dick and yanked
Drusen’s horn, keeping hold but sending him tumbling to
his ass. Burning pain rained down on Drusen’s cock.
He looked up in time to see liquid wax being poured
onto his package; the droplets looked like thick blood.
Hissing at Loth, Drusen struggled to get away but
couldn’t break free of the vampire’s grasp.
“Didn’t you want this?” Loth asked cruelly, his eyes
darkening, showing no intent to stop no matter how Drusen
answered. Before he could even attempt a response, he
was released, flipped over, and his pants were pulled down
to his ankles; his cock pressed painfully against the cold
stone below him.
“Make your hole wet,” the vampire ordered.
But Loth didn’t give Drusen anytime to slick himself.
Instead, he plunged his cock into the incubus’ body hard
and fast.
Drusen cried out at the sudden stretch. He burned. It’d
been a long time since he’d been caught off guard enough
that insertion was painful, made doubly when his hips were
thrust forward causing his cock to scrape along the rough
“Loth, it’s too m—”
“You asked for this,” Loth growled, using his cock like
an assault weapon, abusing Drusen’s hole.
Loth was right.
He had asked for this.
Wanted this.
Begged for this.
Plotted and planned and waited for the right moment to
fulfill this.
And now he had this.
The pain. The pleasure. The overwhelming ownership
of his body by the forbidden fruit.
Drusen surrendered to the feeling and fed from Loth,
pulling in strands of sexual energy. The vampire tasted
Their tempo hastened, becoming rough and wild. The
air filled with sounds of moans and grunts and slapping of
skin. Ropes of muscle pulled and strained. Loth ran his
claws down Drusen’s wings, causing Drusen to freeze in
place. The vampire could cause serious damage with a
flick of the wrist.
Loth growled. “The pact won’t hold forever. And when it
breaks, I won’t have to restrain myself.”
Fear and excitement rushed through Drusen, and Loth
used the moment to strike, biting his neck fast and hard.
Drusen lost all control. His body surged and shook as
the orgasm ripped through him. His hips pumped the
ground furiously, and his balls emptied as his cock spewed
wave after wave of cum, coating stone and stomach alike.
Behind him, Loth withdrew his fangs, threw his head
back and howled as his own orgasm hit, filling Drusen’s
insides like he hadn’t released in years. Drusen savored
every moment. The vampire losing himself, the feeding,
the taste. Nothing in the world had ever come close.
Loth collapsed, stopping short of crushing Drusen.
Silence encompassed them.
Drusen let out a heavy sigh, his eyes struggling to stay
“I suppose that’s a good sign,” Loth said.
Drusen could only smile in response.
Loth removed his cock and pushed away. “Everything
you dreamed of, little incubus?”
“Come,” Loth stood and held out his hand, “sunrise isn’t
far. I will take you to your automobile—”
“People call them ‘cars’ these days.”
“—to your car,” he corrected.
Drusen flipped over and looked up at him. “Or…I could
“If you stay, I’ll have to keep you chained, and that will
cause all sorts of problems for me.”
Lifting his arm, Drusen rattled the metal. “I’m already
Loth went silent for a while. No breathing, no moving.
Such an odd habit of older vampires. Drusen waited until
Loth finally nodded. “I will use you again tomorrow, then
you will return home.”
Drusen couldn’t help the smile that crossed his face.
Tomorrow would turn into many more tomorrows.
The vampire belonged to him now, he just didn’t know it
yet. Loth could try and hide it, act aloof and uncaring, even
lie to himself, but Drusen could sense his want, his need.
Together, they would explore new levels of desire and fear.
It’d be perfect.
High Lord General Tarquin would be pleased.
A small pang of remorse crossed Drusen.
He really did want Loth—to taste him, to have him—but
Drusen, the spymaster, not art buyer (although he did
enjoy that cover), was a loyalist. He may have jumped at
the mission when it was offered to him, but he could never
side with the Blood Prince or any undead creature. Not
after all they had done to his species. The murders, the
terror, the destruction of families. No. No matter what sick,
personal lusts he might have, his people came first.
The order to kill Loth would come down eventually, and
he’d execute it without hesitation.
Until then, he’d enjoy mixing pleasure with business.

I enjoy writing about hidden worlds full of vampire hunters, epic battles, steamy
sex, and, of course, beautiful monsters. Connect with me on Facebook and
say hi! I don’t bite…I let my vampires do that for me.

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Captive: Beautiful Monsters Vol. 1

Sire: Beautiful Monsters Vol. 2
Broken: Beautiful Monsters Vol. 3
Stone Sentinel: A Beautiful Monsters Story Vol. 3.5

Other Beautiful Monsters Writings

Dark of Night: Ashwood Red 1
Pearl and the Dread King (free short story - m/f)
Pleasure with Business (free short story - m/m)

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