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A Sightseeing

Recount Text
Identitas Umum
Identitas Sekolah
SMA Negeri Taruna Nala Jawa Timur
Menyimak dan Berbicara
Sub Elemen
Regulasi Diri dan Komunikasi dan interaksi antar

Fase/Kelas/ Semester

Kompetensi Awal Komponen Inti

Pada umumnya siswa telah memahami materi di
fase D
Alokasi Waktu Menggunakan Bahasa Inggris untuk
4JP mengungkapkan pendapat dan elemen non-
verbal seperti bahasa tubuh dan nada suara
yang dapat diakses dalam beberapa konteks
yang berkaitan dengan kehidupan pemuda.
1) Membuka
dengan panduan Langkah-Langkah
2) Mencatat Pengetahuan: Formatif (Pemahaman
Karakteristik terhadap ide utama report text)
Recount Text Keterampilan: Menyajikan hasil diskusi
Sikap: Mandiri dan Berkebinekaan Global

3) Berdiskusi
dengan teman

4) Presentasi
hasil diskusi
di depan

Rika Vindy A. A, S.Pd

Sebuah teks recount
menceritakan kembali
pengalaman atau peristiwa yang

terjadi di masa lalu. Tujuan dari
recount adalah untuk

Singkat menginformasikan, menghibur,

dan/atau mengevaluasi. Recount
Materi tidak terbatas pada satu jenis
penulisan tertentu. Sebuah
recount dapat fokus pada
bagian tertentu dari suatu
peristiwa atau menceritakan
kembali seluruh cerita. Salah satu
jenis teks recount adalah
personal recount text.

1. Fungsi Sosial
Melaporkan atau menceritakan
kembali berbagi pengalaman
atau peristiwa di masa lampau
2. Struktur Teks Karakteristik
Terdiri dari orientasi, urutan Recount
kejadian (event), dan reorientasi
3. Unsur kebahasaan
• Kalimat deklaratif dan
interogatif dalam simple past,
past continuous, present
perfect, dan lainnya yang
• Adverbia penghubung waktu:
first, then, after that, before,
when, at last, finally, dsb.
• Nomina singular dan plural
dengan atau tanpa a, the, this,
those, my, their; termasuk
ucapan, tekanan kata, intonasi,
dan ejaan.
Unit 1
A. Tujuan Pembelajaran Extraordinary
Setelah mempelajari modul yang Experience
berjudul “My Extraordinary Experience”,
khususnya pada aktivitas belajar pertama ini,
peserta didik diharapkan mampu:

1. Mengidentifikasi fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan ciri kebahasaan dari recount text tentang
kehidupan pemuda.
2. Menangkap ide utama dari recount text yang
berhubungan dengan kehidupan pemuda.

3. Mengidentifikasi detail tentang recount text yang

berhubungan dengan kehidupan pemuda
4. Mendiskusikan hasil identifikasi dengan teman sebaya
5. Membuat interpretasi hasil diskusi di depan kelas secara
sederhana tentang kehidupan pemuda.
B. Uraian Materi

Pada kegiatan Pembelajaran 1 ini Kalian akan

diajak membaca beberapa teks recount
tentang pengalaman pribadi. Untuk
memudahkan Kalian memahami isi teks yang
akan dibaca, ayo kita pelajari dahulu tentang
kosakata yang ditemukan dalam teks

1. Vocabulary Builder
Before discussing further about Recount text, check the following
words whether they match with their meaning in Indonesia, put an
arrow as shown in the example

yang populer
sepanjang tahun



season (noun)


2. Pronunciation Practice

Okay, look at the following text, before that practice the

pronunciation by reading the phonetic script as follows

Identify the social function, the generic structure and the

language features of the following text. (Identifikasi dan
perhatikan perbedaan antara fungsi sosial, struktur teks
(generic structure) dan ciri kebahasaan (Language features):

Text Language features

Hello, my name is Jeman Angkasa. I

Past tense: gave
am a student and good at taking photo
Who: Jeman Angkasa
and cooking. The last semester
Pronoun: I
vacation was an unexpected holiday
What: He had a surprise
Orientation because I didn’t have any vacation
from his father.
schedule. However, my father gave me
Adverb of time: two
a bombshell. I was very happy and
excited to visit my uncle who had not
Possessive adjective: My
met for two years.

I prepared everything that were

necessary for sightseeing. After that,
my father and I went to the terminal
two hour earlier because the bus
schedule was at 05.00 pm. The
terminal was packed in high season.
The trip that must be taken to
Panyabungan was around 13 hours.
Serial of events Along the way, I saw such an amazing
view from the bus window.
The next day, we arrived at 08.00 am. I
didn’t expect that my uncle and his
family were excited to greet us. On the
day, I took a nap for tranquil my body.
I also had a fresh beverage, but nobody
took mine.
Text Language features

Past tense: prepared,

The second day there, I accompanied
arrived, took,
my uncle to go to the garden to get
accompanied, went,
some ripe oranges. The location of
garden was not far from Uncle’s house.
When arriving there, I was happy and
Action Verb: picked,
enthusiastic to pick oranges directly
from the tree. The oranges that had
been picked were sold in the market
and some were for souvenirs.
Who: The author
(Jeman) and his uncle
The third day, I and uncle went to the
Serial of events river for take a bath. The ambience
Conjuction: After, and,
was so comforting. I was amazed to see
because, either … or, In
the water that was so clear like a
mirror. There I found many people
busy either to take a bath or wash their
Adverb of time: On the
day. The third day

Sadly, the holiday was over, I had to go

Adverb of place: the
back to Medan to continue the routine
river, the garden
activities. In addition, I got a lot of
experience and visited family that I
Possessive pronoun:
had never met before.

Past tense: got

Although it was a short vacation, it
Reorientation was a memorable holiday for me. I got
Conjunction: Although,
a lot of experiences there.
1. When do we use simple present tense?
- In general, the simple present expresses events or
DO situations that exist always, usually, habitually; they exist

YOU now, have existed in the past, and probably will exist in the
KNOW? For example:
a. It snows in Alaska
b. Tom watches television every day.

- The simple present says that something was true in the past, is true in the
present, and will be true in the future. It expresses general statements of fact and
timeless truths.

For example:
a. Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen.
b. The world is round.

- The simple present is used to express habitual or everyday activities.

For example:
I study for two hours every night.

- In sentences referring to present time, usually the simple present is used with
always to describe habitual or everyday activities.

For example
Mary always leaves for school at 7:45.

- The simple present can also be used to express future time in a sentence
concerning events that are on a definite schedule or timetable. These sentences
usually contain future time words. Only a few verbs are used in this way: e.g., open,
close, begin, end, start, finish, arrive, leave, come, return.

For example:
a. The museum opens at tomorrow morning
b. Classes begin next week.
c. John's plane arrives at 6:05 P.M. next Monday

S V s/es O C


S V O+C+?

1. To boost your
let’s identify the
recount text
based on the
social function,
structures, and
features. You
give an arrow
based on the
2. After identifying the structures, explain the things that tourists often do on holiday.

3. Mention the language features that you can find in the text

When do we use simple past?

DO - We can use simple past when we describe a completed action in a

YOU time before now and things that happen one after another in the
KNOW? For example:
a. First Bob read a book, then he went to bed yesterday night.
b. Last week I came to a church and then I took the road right.

- Use the simple past when you say when something

happened. See the following signal words:
frequency: often, sometimes, always

For example: We sometimes had no school.

a definite point in time: last week, when I was a child,

yesterday, six weeks ago

For example: They were in London last week.

an indefinite point in time: the other day, ages ago, a long

time ago
For example:
He learned English when he was young

Answer the question

1. What is the recount text

2. Why did the small girl cry?

3. Who do you think that will

take a kids’ responsibility?

4. Underline all the sentences

that use Simple Past Tense.

5. Mention time signal that

used in that text.

Based on the text, you should give an

underline to pronouns
1. Red for Subject pronoun
2. Yellow for Object pronoun
3. Blue for Possessive pronoun
4. Green for reflexive pronoun

Discuss in group and draw a conclusion

about the recount text.

We use recount text to tell our story based on our experience.

The report text structures consist of orientation, serial of events,
and reorientation
The language features that usually used are simple past tense,
present tense, and adverb of time, and others.


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