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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education


MAY, 2024


Position: Principal 1

Actual Days of
Attendance Work Actual
KRAs/Domain (PPSS-based) Target Deliverables Actual Accomplishment/Output
Time Log
(On-Site and Off-
Strand: Vision, Mission & Core Values
Strand: 1. Communicated the DepEd vision, mission and core
values to ensure shared understanding and alignment of MAY 30, 2024 2:00- Conduct the Year-end Faculty & Staff Done successfully the Faculty &Staff Meeting
school policies, programs and projects. 5:00PM Meeting 2024 2024
Strand: 2. Developed and implemented with the planning
team, school plans aligned with institutional goals and 3:00- Conduct a consultation to reliable Conducted successfully the consultation to
policies. MAY 27, 2024 5:00PM colleagues reliable colleagues
Strand: 3. Undertaken policy implementation and review in
the school to ensure that operations are consistent with
national, and local laws, regulations and issuances.
Strand: 4. Utilized relevant research findings from reliable
source in facilitating data driven and evidence-based
innovations to improve school performance.

Strand: 5. Implemented programs in the school that support Implement the Catch-Up Fridays
the development of learners. MAY 3, 2024 (Portfolio Day) Monitored the implementation of the Program
May 22, 2024 Conduct Classroom Observation
Conducted the Classroom Observation with
the CO Tool and Flash Visits Tool
Strand: 6. Utilized available monitoring and evaluation
processes and tools to promote learner achievement
MAY 13-14, 2024 Monitored the conduct of the Fourth Quarter
Conduct of the Fourth Quarter Examination

Strand: 7. Managed School data and information using Monitor teacher-adviser’s downloading
technology, including ICT to ensure efficient and effective of year-end SFs of students from the Checked the downloaded SFs of students from
school operations MAY 20, 2024 LIS the LIS
Strand:8. Managed finances adhering to policies, guidelines
and issuances in allocation, procurement, disbursement and Affix signatures to Finance related Signed Finance related Forms for allocations,
liquidation aligned with the school plan MAY 10, 22, 2024 Forms for allocations, and others and others
Strand: 9 Managed School facilities and equipment in
adherence to policies, guidelines and issuances on acquisition,
recording, utilization, repair and maintenance, storage and Sort out school facilities and equipment Identified & prioritized school facilities and
disposal MAY 27, 2024 that needs repair equipment that needs repair
Strand 10: Managed staffing such as teaching load distribution
and grade level and subject area assignment in adherence to Monitor the implementation of class
laws, policies, guidelines and issuances based on the needs of program and take consideration on Monitored the implementation of class
the school MAY 2024 teachers’ issues and concerns program and agreed to some changes.
Checked and monitored classrooms, reminded
Strand: 11. Managed school safety for disaster preparedness, teachers to off & unplug their fans,
mitigation and resiliency to ensure continuous delivery of Monitor classrooms’ safety from fire televisions, heater, aircon units, etc. after
instruction MAY, 2024 due to high heat index using
Strand: 12. Managed emerging opportunities and challenges Made some considerations on students’
to encourage equity in addressing the needs of learners, Identified and considered students who emerging needs being affected by climate
school personnel and other stakeholders MAY, 2024 were affected by the heat change
Strand: 13. Assisted teachers on school-based review,
contextualization and implementation of learning standards
Strand: 14. Provided technical assistance to teachers on
teaching standards and pedagogies within and across learning Conduct Pre/Post conference for Conducted the Pre/Post Conference on
areas to improve their teaching practice. MAY 22,27 2024 Classroom Observation Classroom Observations
Strand: 15. Used validated feedback obtained from learners,
parents and other stakeholders to help teachers improve.
Strand: 16. Utilized learning outcomes in developing data-
based interventions to maintain learner achievement and
attain other performance indicators.

Strand: 17. Provided technical assistance to teachers in using

learning assessment tools, strategies and result consistent
with curriculum requirements to ensure accountability in Conduct Pre/Post conference for Conducted the Pre/Post Conference on
achieving higher learning outcomes MAY 22,27, 2024 Classroom Observation Classroom Observations
Strand: 18. Managed a learner-friendly, inclusive and healthy Whole month of MAY Conduct Mahagsay Monitoring on Monitored the implementation of Project BE
learning environment 2024 classroom cleanliness and sanitation WoW

Strand: 19. Ensured integration of career and opportunities in

the provision of learning experiences aligned with the 8:00 AM - Check teachers’ DLL content and
curriculum. MAY 6,13 2024 12:00 procedures Monitored and checked the DLL of teachers
Strand: 20. Implemented learner discipline policies that are Implement school policy from entrance Monitored the implementation of school
developed collaboratively with stakeholder, including parents, Whole month of MAY of the school gate to respective policy from entrance of the school gate to
school personnel and the community. 2024 classrooms respective classrooms

Strand: 21 Set personal and professional development goals Attend the Virtual Meeting for
on the self-assessment aligned with the Philippine Implementing Units on Budget & Successfully attended the Virtual Meeting on
Professional Standards for School Head. MAY 24, 2024 Finance Budget & Finance for Implementing Units
Strand: 22. Implemented the performance management
system with a team to support the career advancement of
school personnel and to improve office performance.

Strand: 23. Implemented professional development initiatives Encourage teachers to study for
to enhance strengths and address performance gaps among masteral and uplift their career, also file Encouraged teachers to study for masteral and
school personnel MAY 20, 27, 2024 for ERF uplift their career, also file for ERF
Strand: 24. Implemented laws, policies guidelines and
issuances on the rights privileges and benefits of school Whole month of MAY Allowed lactating mother-teacher to go out of
personnel to ensure their general welfare 2024 Implement policy that benefits teachers the campus during her lactating time.
Strand: 25. Implemented school rewards system to recognize
and motivate learners school personnel and other
stakeholders for exemplary performance and or continued Inform and make agreement to all Reminded the agreement on the project praise:
support MAY 30, 2024 personnel on the project praise Gawad Kadiyaw
Strand: 26. Build constructive relationships with authorities,
colleagues, parents and other stakeholders to foster and
enabling and supportive environment for learners.

Strand: 27. Managed school organizations, such as learner

organizations, faculty clubs and parent-teacher association, by
applying relevant policies and guidelines to support the
attainment of institutional goals. MAY 6, 2024 Announcement of the SSLG Election Validated the result of the SSLG Election
Strand: 28. Exhibited inclusive practices, such as gender
sensitivity, physical and mental health awareness and culture
responsiveness to foster awareness, acceptance and respect.
Strand: 29. Communicated effectively in speaking and in
writing to teachers, learners, parents and other stakeholders, Send information to the faculty & staff Delivered clear communication to teachers or
through positive response of communication platforms to Whole month of MAY verbally or through Facebook staffs through verbal or in social media
facilitate information sharing collaboration and support 2024 messenger GC platforms
Strand: 30. Initiated partnerships with community such as
parents, alumni, authorities, industries and other
stakeholders, to strengthen support for learner development, Asked continuous support to the parents for
as well as school and community improvement. MAY 29, 2024 Talk with the Parents the progress and development of their children

Strand: 31. Performed various related work/activities that 8:00 AM- Act as confirming Officer in the Year- Acted as confirming Officer in the Year-end
contribute to leadership, management and instruction. MAY 30, 2024 5:00 PM end rites rites of Alma ES and Nueva Era NHS

Prepared by:
JOSEL PLAZA-PALBAN Recommending Approval:
Public Schools District Supervisor



Assistant Schools Division Superintendent

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