Yr 5 P2

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This paper contains Section A, B, C. Answer all questions in the space provided.

Section A
Read the information below and use the information to complete the text.

Name : Matsumita Konika

Age : 11 years old

Hometown : Tokyo City, Japan

Language : Japanese and English

National anthem : Kimigayo

Religion : Shinto

Celebration : Takayama Festival

Costume : kimono

Favourite food : sashimi, dango

Money : yen

Based on the notes, complete the dialogue below with the correct information.
Berdasarkan nota-nota, lengkapkan dialog di bawah dengan maklumat yang betul.

I have many pen pals in many countries. Matsumita Konika is one of my pen

pals from Japan. She lives in ___________________________ . Both of us are in the same age.

Matsumita speaks two languages, ________________________ . So we write

letters in English.

Matsumita is a Shinto. She wears ______________________________during

Takayama Festival. Matsumita and I have the same favourite food. We both like to eat

___________________________because they are healthy and delicious. I hope to

visit Matsumita in future but I would need ________________________to buy things in


(10 marks)

Section B
Question 1
(i) Study the pictures. Choose the correct prepositions.

1. The dictionaries are ……………………….. the shelf.

2. Harry’s bag is ……………………the chair.

3. The clock is ………………… the board.

4. Harry’s pen is ……………….. the desk.

5. Harry’s coat is ………………………..the chair.

6. Paul’s desk is ……………………… Harry and Eva’s desk.

7 The board is …………………………………. the students’ desks.

(7 marks)

Question 2

Write the correct affirmative (is, are, am)

1. They …………………… into films and music.

2. He ……………… American.

3. We ………………….. from Edinburgh.

4. I …………… eleven.

5. They ………………. teachers.

6. She …………….chatting online.

7. Robert ……………….. into music.

8. My friends ……………. twelve.

(8 marks)

Question 3

Write sentences using the correct comparative form of adjectives.

E. g. New York is bigger than Washington. (big)

1. It’s ………………………………….here than in my country. (expensive)

2. Hasbi’s house is …………………………….than mine (pretty).

3. Her room is ………………………………. than your room (clean)

4. The test is ……………………………………………….. than the previous one (difficult)

5. These flats are …………………… than those houses. (good)

6. Ahmad’s result is ………………………than Ali. (bad)

7. The swimming pool is ………………………. than the sports centre. (dirty)

(7 marks)

Question 4

Rewrite the sentences with the opposite adjectives.

eg. Prague is a unfamous city. (famous)

1. The river in my town is clean.


2. I live in a noisy part of the city.


3. There isn’t ugly monument in the city.

( 3 marks)

[15 marks]
Write a story based on the pictures below. You may use the words given to help you. Write your
story between 80-100 words.
Tulis sebuah cerita berdasarkan gambar-gambar di bawah. Kamu boleh menggunakan perkataan-
perkataan yang diberikan untuk membantu kamu.
Panjangnya jawapan kamu hendaklah antara 80 hingga 100 patah perkataan.























(15 marks)

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