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Student 1: …………………………………………… Student number:

Student 2: …………………………………………... Student number:
Quiz 2
① Recognize the constituents at sentence level by putting them into brackets

For example: Young Jack jogs 10 kilometers a day.

(young Jack) (jogs) (10 kilometers a day)

1. All types of wild animals gather at the edge of the forest in the early morning.
2. Heavy goods vehicles should be parked behind the yard on the grass.
3. The humid air in the cellar had turned the tomatoes rotten.
4. Several tourists like the Indochinese times paintings in Tokyo Gallery most.

➁ Name the word class of each of the italicized words in the following sentences

For example: They ran to the river that afternoon.

They: Personal pronoun
to: preposition
that: demonstrative determiner

1. Walk west. Keep going until you see a high-rise building on your left.


2. He has just bought a designer jeans at Mercy’s which was founded in 1877.


3. Trevor didn’t have much luck in the race, but at least he enjoyed himself.
4. The car will need a lot of outside repairs before I trade it in for a new one.


➂ Identify the errors and correct them in the following sentences.

*They assume their guests to arrive next Friday.

→ They assume their guests will arrive next Friday.

1. *Our tourist guide recommended to visit Buckingham Palace in central London.


2. *The students promised their teacher to be honest in the examination.


3. *It was said by the headmaster not to flunk slow students.


4. *The adviser recommended to take a short course in statistics in ABC center.


➃ Circle your answer

1. Open class or content words are defined as ……….

A. the words that convey conceptual meaning.

B. words that are open to interpretation.
C. words that cannot be added to a language.
D. words that do not carry conceptual meaning.

2. In They selected him the chairman every year, the bold italicized string is …
A. a direct object B. an indirect object
C. an object complement D. an adverbial

3. In Slowly is exactly how Jeremy speaks, the bold italicized string is …

A. an adjective B. the subject C. an adverbial D. ungrammatical

4. The sentence I found the mattress rather soft belongs to which sentence type?

5. The bold italicized constituent in This CD will be sent to all music fans who are
interested in slow rock is NOT …
A. the subject B. an NP
C. an interrogative pronoun D. the first element in the sub-clause

6. Which bold italicized string is a finite sub-clause?

A. I thoroughly enjoyed meeting June again
B. The strange thing is that we never heard of him again
C. The man who has just spoken is Benjamin Hall
D. They suddenly decided to christen the bell Big Ben
7. Which of these can function as a past tense verb form?

A. done B. would C. must D. being

8. Mention, enable, outgrow, loosen all describe which word class?

A. adjective B. adverb C. verb D. noun

9. Which is a pro-form for NPs?

A. do so B. there C. so D. one
10. A verb which is followed by a subject complement is called…

A. intransitive B. copular
C. ditransitive D. complex transitive

11. Which wh-phrase functions as object complement?

A. How wide did they make the bookcase?

B. How often do you visit New York?
C. Who is coming to the party?
D. Whose beautiful antiques are these?

12. Which sentence contains a comparative verbless clause?

A. I go away as often as possible.

B. You never seem to relax enough to enjoy yourself.
C. A hotel offering peace and quiet is my idea of bliss.
D. I know that she loves you more than I do.

13. In I want this camera repaired immediately the bold italicized verb is …

A. finite B. a non-modal C. past tense D. passive

14. Which adjective is used predicatively?

A. The twins are alike remarkably. B. I met a reserved boy.

C. Honest people never lie. D. That's an old house.

15. Which italicized clause is a relative clause?

A. Where I go is my business
B. I don't want to tell anyone where I go
C. Otherwise everyone would go where I go
D. The place where I go is quiet and unfashionable

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