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5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

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21 Great ChatGPT
Prompts for Your Resume
By Lia | 3, | Edited Kayte | 21 min
Zneimer 2024 by Grady read

3 key takeaways
Write Your How to use ChatGPT prompts to write your
Resume With resume
AI The best ChatGPT prompts for every resume
Create your section
professional summary,
work experience, and
Using Teal's AI Resume Builder with ChatGPT
more in seconds with AI integration to create your resume even
AI. faster

Sign Up, It's

So you've heard about ChatGPT but aren't sure how to
use it to your advantage in today's competitive job 1/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

market. The good news: AI isn't as daunting as it sounds.

By the time you finish reading this article (which we
wrote with some help from ChatGPT, by the way!), you'll
have more confidence in your job search process and
know how to use ChatGPT like your own professional
resume writer.

Let's dive into the basics: What ChatGPT is, how you can
make the most of it as a job seeker, and which prompt
examples to use to create a standout resume.

How to Write Your Resume with ChatGPT | AI …

What's ChatGPT?
ChatGPT (which stands for Chat Generative Pre-trained
Transformer) is a groundbreaking artificial intelligence
tool making waves for its sophisticated use of natural
language processing (NLP) technology—and an AI
language model called GPT-3—to help people
communicate with computers more naturally and
intuitively, and the results produce some incredibly
human-like text.

In fact, GPT-3 is such a powerful tool that we've

incorporated it into the Teal AI Resume Builder, so you
can create cover letters tailored to particular roles and 2/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

write bullet points and professional summaries for your

resume without having to toggle back and forth
between ChatGPT and your Resume Builder. (There are
even more GPT-3 integrations coming soon!)

The benefits of using ChatGPT in

your job search
The average job search can take quite some time—so
it's no wonder job seekers want to do everything they
can to speed up the process and land their dream job
as quickly as possible.

ChatGPT is a powerful tool, and when used strategically,

it can help job seekers in today's competitive job
market reach their career goals even faster.

Five key benefits of leveraging artificial intelligence

throughout your job search process:
1. It saves time. ChatGPT can help you quickly
generate quality resumes, cover letters, and other
job search materials, saving you hours compared
to writing everything from scratch.
2. It improves the quality of your job search
materials. It's unlikely that materials generated by
ChatGPT will be 100% perfect—but they're a great
starting point. By providing you with prompts,
suggestions, and even relevant keywords to
include, ChatGPT can help improve the quality of
your job search materials and highlight your
strengths and accomplishments in a way that
aligns with what recruiters are searching for in
applicant tracking systems and catches the
attention of hiring managers.

3. It increases your chances of getting an interview.

One of the best ways to stand out in a crowded
job market and impress potential employers is to 3/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

submit a tailored resume to the role you're

applying to—but when you're applying to
hundreds of roles, you need a way to do that at
scale. You can do it with a purpose-built resume
builder (like the Teal AI Resume Builder) or get
similar results from ChatGPT. Either way,
customizing your resume so that it highlights the
relevant skills for a specific job demonstrates not
only your qualifications but also your
understanding of what the potential employer is
looking for and can increase your chances of
getting an interview.

4. It helps you stand out from other applicants. We

can hear the concern now: "But what if ALL job
seekers start to use ChatGPT for the resume-
writing process? Won't that make everyone's
materials look and sound exactly the same?" Not
necessarily. With the right ChatGPT prompts
tailored to your specific needs (and to a wide
range of job descriptions), you can differentiate
yourself and present the most confident version of
yourself to recruiters and hiring managers.

5. It builds your confidence. This brings us to our

next point. The job search process can be
stressful, exhausting, and challenging for your
mental health—but ChatGPT can help you feel
more confident in your job search by providing
you with guidance and support, which, in turn, can
help you stay motivated and focused on your job
search goals. One of the most anxiety-inducing
parts of the job application process: Interviews.
And the way ChatGPT can help you with
preparation is unparalleled (for example,
explaining exactly how your work history and
professional background tie into the requirements
listed in specific job postings). 4/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

Can ChatGPT write a resume?

Yep—and so much more.

There are countless ways to use ChatGPT for your

resume, whether for core tasks (like crafting bullet
points for your resume, writing cover letters, and
optimizing your LinkedIn profile) or more complex use
cases (like identifying the relevant keywords in a
specific job posting so you know exactly what skills to
highlight, turning your existing resume into one that
better aligns with the job requirements, and even
preparing interview questions for your potential

The best part about ChatGPT is that it allows you to

automate the more tedious aspects of your job search,
which gives you more time to be strategic about your
process and submit quality applications to more jobs at

In this article, we'll focus specifically on the best

ChatGPT prompts to use for your resume.

What are ChatGPT prompts?

Prompts are suggestions, questions, or ideas for what
ChatGPT should write or say next and are based on the
context of the conversation or the topic being
discussed—something that sets ChatGPT apart from a
standard Google search.

The more unique and specific the prompt, the more

powerful the output will be. For example, let's say you're
job searching but don't have an example resume or
resume template to work off of. 5/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

You could type into ChatGPT, "I'm a software engineer.

Write 5 bullet points for my resume."

Chances are the results would be good—but if you just

get a little more specific with your prompt (e.g., "Write 5
bullet points with metrics for a software engineer based
on the following job description, and include the
keywords machine learning, Python, and Java") and the
results will be even more impactful.

Here are five best practices to get the most out of

ChatGPT prompts for your resume:
1. Be specific: When using ChatGPT for your job
search, it's important to choose prompts that are
specific to the role you're applying for. This will
help you create materials that are tailored to the
position and demonstrate your relevant skills and
2. Customize the prompts: ChatGPT prompts can be
a great starting point, but it's important to
customize them for your specific situation. Use the
prompts as a guide and adapt them to your own
experiences and achievements. You can even
specify things like tone of voice and word or
character count.
3. Use multiple prompts: Don't rely on just one or two
prompts to create your job search materials;
instead, use multiple prompts to generate a range
of responses tailored to your specific career goals.
4. Edit and proofread: Just like any other writing, it's
important to edit and proofread anything
generated by ChatGPT before submitting it. Make
sure the content flows well, the wording is typo-
and error-free, and the metrics are accurate. You
should be able to speak to every bullet point on
your resume if asked about it in an interview.
5. Use ChatGPT prompts as a supplement, not a
replacement: While ChatGPT can be a helpful tool
for job applicants in their search, it shouldn't 6/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

replace your own creativity and perspective. The

results are meant to provide suggestions—not be
copied and pasted word-for-word. Think of these
ChatGPT resume prompts as a supplement to
your own ideas and insights, not a replacement

How to use ChatGPT prompts for

resume writing
Now that you understand the basics of ChatGPT and
how it can help your resume stand out, let's get into the
various ways you can use ChatGPT to write your resume
—and the exact ChatGPT prompts to use for the best

We'll touch on four main ways to use ChatGPT to write a

high-quality resume:
1. Create a resume from scratch

2. Tailor your existing resume to better match

specific job descriptions
3. Write effective resume bullet points
4. Craft resume summaries and professional

Before we get started, you'll want to grab a copy of your

resume. If you haven't already, it's also a good time to
create a free Teal account to speed up the steps below.

Sign Up For Free

Teal's Resume Builder now 7/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

integrates with ChatGPT

If you want to leverage ChatGPT but not enter prompts
manually, you can sign up for Teal's AI Resume Builder to
generate professional summaries, write resume bullet
points, and craft customized cover letters in seconds.

Our latest update allows all members to leverage AI in

the job search process in a variety of ways, including:
Generating professional summaries

Writing resume achievements

Crafting highly personalized cover letters in seconds
Tailoring your resume to specific jobs, based on your

Here's what that looks like.

Start taking advantage of ChatGPT for your resume,

cover letter, and your job search.

Use these ChatGPT resume

prompts if you're starting from
scratch 8/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

When you ask ChatGPT to write an entirely new resume,

you'll need to provide all the relevant information you're
comfortable with in as much detail as possible.
ChatGPT leverages machine learning—so the more
information you feed it, the more it'll tailor responses.
That said, be sure you're comfortable with the privacy
policy before copying/pasting any personal data or
information into ChatGPT.
1. Pull up the job description you're interested in.
(We recommend doing so in Teal's free Job
Application Tracker, which highlights the most
important keywords from the job posting and
saves you a step when you ask ChatGPT to create
a tailored resume. It also saves you from having to
toggle back and forth between multiple job
2. You can create your resume in a Word document,
Google document, or resume builder tool. For the
examples below, we'll use Teal's free AI Resume
Builder, which you can sign up for here.

3. Open ChatGPT in a third tab or window. In

ChatGPT, copy and paste each of the following
prompts, one at a time, followed by the job
description where specified.
4. Take the responses generated by ChatGPT, copy
them, and paste them back into your resume.
5. Though ChatGPT can provide suggestions, they're
not always 100% accurate. Edit as needed to make
sure the metrics are correct and the tone and
voice sound like you. 9/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

Add ChatGPT results to your resume in Teal for free.

ChatGPT prompts to use:

Write a resume for a [TITLE] based on this job
description. [Copy/paste the job description.]
Write a resume based on this [TITLE] position at
[COMPANY] and include bullet point achievements
that show impact and metrics. [Copy/paste the job
Write a tailored resume for this [TITLE] role at
[COMPANY]. Don't include an objective statement or
references, but do include a professional summary,
my past 10 years of work experience with 3-5 bullet
points per role, and incorporate the most important
keywords from the job description in those
achievements. [Copy/paste the job description.]
Based on this job description for a [JOB TITLE] role
at [COMPANY], write a resume for my past [X] years
of work experience with 3-5 bullet points per role
that include metrics and the most important 10
keywords from the job description. My past titles
and companies were [X, Y, and Z]. No need to include
an objective statement. [Copy/paste the job
Rewrite this same resume but add a [RESUME
SECTION NAME - e.g, certifications] section. 10/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

Use these ChatGPT prompts to

tailor your resume to a job
One of the best ways to stand out to hiring managers
and recruiters is tailoring your resume to the job
description to showcase not only your qualifications
and unique skills but also the key technical skills
recruiters might search for in their applicant tracking

But how can you customize your resume writing at

scale when you're applying to dozens—or even
hundreds—of roles?

Enter artificial intelligence. You can use Teal's AI Resume

Builder tool, which leverages GPT-3 technology and
capabilities, to write custom resume bullet points
tailored to the role you're applying for, or try the
following ChatGPT resume prompts. Remember to
tweak the results as needed before submitting. 11/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

Here's how to tailor with ChatGPT:

1. Pull up the role you're interested in. (Again, we
suggest using Teal's free Job Application Tracker,
which highlights the most important keywords
from the job posting.)
2. In another tab or window, pull up a copy of your
resume (you can create unlimited versions in Teal's
free AI Resume Builder tool, but choose the
resume that's most relevant to the role you're
applying to).
3. Open ChatGPT in a third tab or window. Copy and
paste each of the following prompts into ChatGPT
one at a time, followed by "Shift" + "Enter" for a line
break, and then the job description and/or your
existing resume where specified.
4. Take the responses generated by ChatGPT, copy
them, and paste them back into your resume.
5. Though ChatGPT can make suggestions, they're
not always 100% accurate. Edit as needed to make
sure the metrics are correct and the tone and
voice sound like you.

ChatGPT prompts to use:

Tailor my resume to this job description for a [JOB
TITLE] role at [COMPANY]. [Copy/paste your current 12/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

resume and the job description]

Using the resume and job description below,
showcase 10 relevant skills I should highlight.
[Copy/paste your current resume and the job
Take my experience as a [JOB TITLE] and identify
which skills I should highlight if I'm looking to pivot
into a role as [TITLE] at [COMPANY OR TYPE OF
COMPANY]. [Copy/paste your current resume; you
can also try with both your resume and the job
Here's my current resume. How would you rewrite it
if you were applying to this [TITLE] role at
[COMPANY]? Include metrics in the achievements.
[Copy/paste your resume and the job description.]
Update the experience section of my resume to
make it sound more actionable. [Copy/paste your
resume.] 13/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

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Check your alignment with Teal

Once you've tailored your resume with ChatGPT, check
your alignment with Teal.

Teal's Matching Mode compares your resume to any job

description to give you a Match Score. Once you have 14/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

that number, increase your resume score by adding

more of the right keywords.

Use these ChatGPT prompts to

write effective resume bullet
Staring at a blank screen and not sure where to start
when it comes to your resume achievements? Here are
1,000+ example resumes with sample bullet points if
you need some inspiration!

You can can also use AI to ensure the bullet points in

your work history section are as impactful as possible.
As a job seeker, it's your responsibility to connect the
dots about your past experience for recruiters and
hiring managers. Instead of listing out the
responsibilities you held in previous roles, focus on
showing the impact you had in those positions through
strong resume action words and metrics.

Our go-to formula for resume bullet points that show

impact: success verb + noun + metric + outcome. To
speed up the process, use. Teal's free Achievement
Assistant tool within the AI Resume Builder as a guide, 15/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

or click "Generate with AI" to write achievements based

on the job description.

Use Teal's Achievement Assistant to

write impactful resume bullets.

An alternative: Use ChatGPT resume prompts like the

ones below. Here's how to do it:
1. Pull up the job posting you're interested in.
2. In a second tab or window, pull up a copy of the
resume most relevant to the role you're interested
in. (Store all your versions in Teal's AI Resume
Builder so they're organized and easy to access.)
3. Open ChatGPT in a third tab or window. Copy and
paste each of the following prompts into ChatGPT
one at a time, followed by "Shift" + "Enter" for a line
break, and then the job description and/or your
existing resume as needed.
4. Take the responses generated by ChatGPT, copy
them, and paste them back into your resume.

5. Though ChatGPT can offer suggestions, they're

not always 100% accurate. Edit as needed to make
sure the metrics are correct and the tone and
voice sound like you.

Write Your Resume With AI 16/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

ChatGPT prompts to use:

Write a resume bullet for a [TITLE] position that
describes impact and uses metrics. Include at least
2 of these keywords: [A, B, C, D, E, F]. [Copy/paste the
top 5 hard and/or soft skills highlighted in Teal.]
Write 3 resume bullet points for a [TITLE] position
that describe impact and use metrics. Include at
least 2 of these keywords: [A, B, C, D, E]. [Copy/paste
the top 5 hard/technical skills and/or soft skills
highlighted in Teal.]
Write 4 resume achievements with metrics based
on the following job responsibilities. [Copy/paste the
job description.]
Write 3 bullet points demonstrating my ability to
skills highlighted for the role in your Teal Job Tracker.]
Follow-up prompt: Are there any other action verbs I
could use instead of "X" and "Y"?

Add your ChatGPT-generated resume bullet point

achievements back into your resume. 17/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

Use these ChatGPT prompts to

write a summary of your
experience 18/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

Should you include a professional summary at the top

of your resume?

Like many other parts of the job search, the answer is

nuanced. The short answer: it depends. Some recruiters
and HR professionals would argue that resume
summaries are a waste of precious space— but we think
they can be helpful if you have a longer work history
(roughly five-plus years of experience), as they're an
opportunity to talk about your career in aggregate.

If you're a job seeker with less than five years of

experience, skip the professional summary and jump
right into your most recent work experience instead; if
you're a recent graduate with no work history, start with
your educational qualifications and relevant
certifications. No matter what, don't take up valuable
resume real estate with an objective statement.
(Anyone reading it will know your goal is to get the job!)

Another friendly reminder that although ChatGPT can

provide suggestions, they're not always 100% accurate.
Edit as needed to make sure the metrics are correct
and the tone and voice sound like you.

Here's how to leverage ChatGPT's ability to summarize

and synthesize information and craft a professional
1. Pull up the job listing you're interested in in the
Teal Job Application Tracker.
2. In another tab or window, pull up a copy of your
resume in the Teal AI Resume Builder.

3. Open ChatGPT in a third tab or window. Copy and

paste each of the following prompts into ChatGPT
one at a time, followed by "Shift" + "Enter" for a line
break, and then the job description and/or your
resume as needed. 19/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

4. Take the summaries generated by ChatGPT, copy

them, and paste them back into your resume
under the "Professional Summary" section. (You
can save multiple versions and then toggle on/off
the one you want to use on a particular resume.)
5. Though ChatGPT can offer suggestions, they're
not always 100% accurate. Edit as needed to make
sure the metrics are correct and the tone and
voice sound like you.

How to Use ChatGPT to Improve Our Resume

ChatGPT prompts to use:

Write a professional summary for my resume and
keep it under 100 words. [Copy/paste your existing
Create a compelling professional summary for a job
application using my resume and the job
description below as a reference, and keep it to 500
characters or less. [Copy/paste your existing resume
and the job description.]
Based on my resume below, write a professional
summary that includes metrics and total years of
experience, and keep it shorter than 500 characters.
[Copy/paste your resume.]

Based on my resume below, write a professional

summary for a [TITLE OR LEVEL]'s resume that
includes metrics and total years of experience, and 20/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

keep it shorter than 3 sentences. [Copy/paste your

existing resume]
Create a professional summary under 500
characters that showcases my skills and
experiences relevant to a [TITLE] role in [INDUSTRY].
[Copy/paste your resume.]
Create a summary that showcases my skills and
experiences relevant to a [TITLE] role. [Copy/paste
your resume.]

Copy and paste your ChatGPT-generated results into your

resume and edit as needed. 21/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

Full list of ChatGPT resume

prompts: 22/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

Write a resume for a [TITLE] based on this job

description. [Copy/paste the job description.]

Write a resume based on this [TITLE] position at

[COMPANY] and include bullet point achievements
that show impact and metrics. [Copy/paste the job
Write a tailored resume for this [TITLE] role at
[COMPANY]. Don't include an objective statement or
references, but do include a professional summary,
my past 10 years of work experience with 3-5 bullet
points per role, and incorporate the most important
keywords from the job description in those
achievements. [Copy/paste the job description.]
Based on this job description for a [TITLE] role at
[COMPANY], write a resume for my past [X] years of
work experience with 3-5 bullet points per role that
include metrics and the most important 10 keywords
from the job description. My past titles and
companies were [X, Y, and Z]. No need to include an
objective statement. [Copy/paste the job
Rewrite this same resume but add a [RESUME
SECTION NAME - e.g, certifications] section.
Tailor my resume to this job description for a [TITLE]
role at [COMPANY]. Here are my resume and the job
description. [Copy/paste your resume and the job
Using the resume and job description below,
showcase 10 relevant skills I should highlight.
[Copy/paste your current resume and the job
Take my experience as [TITLE] and identify which
skills I should highlight if I'm looking to pivot into a
COMPANY]. [Copy/paste your current resume; you
can also try with both your resume and the job
description.] 23/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

Here's my resume. How would you rewrite it if you

were applying to this [TITLE] role at [COMPANY]?
Include metrics in the achievements. [Copy/paste
your resume and the job description.]
Update the experience section of my resume to
make it sound more actionable. [Copy/paste your
current resume.]
Write a resume bullet for a [TITLE] position that
describes impact and uses metrics. Include at least
2 of these keywords: [A, B, C, D, E, F]. [Copy/paste the
top 5 hard and/or soft skills highlighted in Teal.]
Write 3 resume bullet points for a [TITLE] position
that describe impact and use metrics. Include at
least 2 of these keywords: [A, B, C, D, E]. [Copy/paste
the top 5 hard/technical skills and/or soft skills
highlighted in Teal.]
Write 4 resume achievements with metrics based
on the following job responsibilities. [Copy/paste the
job description.]
Write 3 bullet points demonstrating my ability to
skills highlighted for the role in your Teal Job Tracker.]
Follow-up prompt: Are there any other action verbs I
could use instead of "X" and "Y"?
Write a professional summary for my resume and
keep it under 100 words. [Copy/paste your existing
Create a compelling professional summary for a job
application using my resume and the job
description below as a reference, and keep it to 500
characters or less. [Copy/paste your existing resume
and the job description.]
Based on my resume below, write a professional
summary that includes metrics and total years of
experience, and keep it shorter than 500 characters.
[Copy/paste your resume.] 24/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

Based on my resume below, write a professional

summary for a [TITLE OR LEVEL]'s resume that
includes metrics and total years of experience, and
keep it shorter than 3 sentences. [Copy/paste your
existing resume]
Create a professional summary under 500
characters that showcases my skills and
experiences relevant to a [TITLE] role in [INDUSTRY].
[Copy/paste your resume.]
Create a summary that showcases my skills and
experiences relevant to a [TITLE] role. [Copy/paste
your resume.] 25/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume



Watch more exciting Watch now

Want to use ChatGPT to help you with your
resume and cover letter but not ...See more
If We Ever Broke Up - Mae Stephens

Final thoughts about using

ChatGPT for your resume writing 26/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

Using a chatbot to help with your resume can be a

huge time-saver—but it shouldn't be a total substitute
for doing the work. AI is just that: AI. It doesn't
completely replace the human element, and you should
always double-check and edit any content generated
by ChatGPT before submitting it.

Think of ChatGPT as a supplement for your job search—

not a replacement—and you'll be well on your way to
landing your dream job in record time.

Head here for more on how to use ChatGPT to write

cover letters, 14 ChatGPT helpful cover letter prompts,
and using ChatGPT to write your resume.

Leverage ChatGPT to write your

Tools like ChatGPT can help you write a targeted and
accurate resume faster.

Using the prompts above, you can leverage the power

of AI to take your resume to the next level or try the
Teal AI Resume Builder.

Teal's is integrated with ChatGPT, with a range of tools

to optimize and tailor your resume, including AI
summary, bullet points, and cover letters—without
toggling between screens and platforms.

Ready to take control of your resume with AI?

Sign Up For Teal Today

Frequently Asked Questions 27/30
5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume

How do I prompt ChatGPT to write a


How do I make sure my resume doesn't

read like it's written by ChatGPT?

Can employers tell that my resume

was written by ChatGPT?

Lia Zneimer
A career pivoter who started out as an actor,
Lia is now the VP of Marketing at Teal. Prior to
that, she ran the social media team at WeWork
and started The MarketHer, a newsletter
to help women find roles in marketing.

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5/26/24, 9:39 AM 21 Great ChatGPT Prompts for Your Resume
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