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Quiz 1: Endangered Species

1. Which of the following animals is cri�cally endangered?

a) Amur Leopard

b) African Elephant

c) Polar Bear

d) Botlenose Dolphin

2. What is the primary threat to the Sumatran Rhino?

a) Habitat loss

b) Poaching

c) Climate change

d) Disease

3. Which of these animals is classified as "vulnerable" due to habitat destruc�on?

a) Snow Leopard

b) Giant Panda

c) Sea Oter

d) Blue Whale

4. The Philippine Eagle is also known as:

a) Harpy Eagle

b) Crowned Eagle

c) Monkey-ea�ng Eagle

d) Golden Eagle

5. Which of these is NOT a cri�cally endangered species?

a) Javan Rhino

b) Vaquita

c) Malayan Tiger

d) Northern White Rhino

6. What is the main threat to the Chinese Pangolin?

a) Illegal wildlife trade

b) Pollu�on

c) Habitat loss

d) Climate change

7. The Kakapo is a flightless bird na�ve to which country?

a) Australia

b) New Zealand

c) Madagascar

d) Brazil
8. Which species of sea turtle is considered cri�cally endangered?

a) Loggerhead

b) Green Turtle

c) Hawksbill

d) Leatherback

9. The Saola, o�en called the "Asian Unicorn," is na�ve to which country?

a) Vietnam

b) China

c) Laos

d) Thailand

10. What is the primary threat to the Ethiopian Wolf?

a) Habitat loss

b) Disease

c) Poaching

d) Climate change

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