Advanced Grammar Tests - With Answer Keys (PDFDrive)

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PART I : English Tenses

TEST 1………………………………………….……………………………………………….1
TEST 2 ………………………………………….………………………………………………6
TEST 3 ………………………………………….………………………………………………11
TEST 4 ………………………………………….………………………………………………16

PART II : Modality
TEST 1 ……………………………….………..………..………………………………………19
TEST 2 ……………………………….………..………..………………………………………26
TEST 3 ……………………………….………..………..………………………………………31

PART III : Passive Voice

TEST 1 ……………………………….………..………..………………………………………36
TEST 2 ……………………………….………..………..………………………………………40
TEST 3 ……………………………….………..………..………………………………………44

PART IV : Gerunds & Infinitives

TEST 1 ……………………………….………..………..………………………………………49
TEST 2 ……………………………….………..………..………………………………………53
TEST 3 ……………………………….………..………..………………………………………57

PART V : Adjectives & Adverbs

TEST 1 ……………………………….………..………..………………………………………61
TEST 2 ……………………………….………..………..………………………………………65
PART VI : Adjective (Relative) Clauses
TEST 1 ……………………………….………..………..………………………………………69
TEST 2 ……………………………….………..………..………………………………………76
TEST 3 ……………………………….………..………..………………………………………82

PART VII : Noun Clauses & Auxiliaries

TEST 1 ……………………………….………..………..………………………………………87
TEST 2 ……………………………….………..………..………………………………………92
TEST 3 ……………………………….………..………..………………………………………97

PART VIII : Conditionals & Wish Clauses

TEST 1 ……………………………….………..………..……………………………………102
TEST 2 ……………………………….………..………..……………………………………107
TEST 3 ……………………………….………..………..……………………………………113

PART IX : Conjunctions & Adverbial Clauses

TEST 1 ……………………………….………..………..……………………………………117
TEST 2 ……………………………….………..………..……………………………………123
TEST 3 ……………………………….………..………..……………………………………126

PART X : Determiners-Quantifiers-Articles
TEST 1 ……………………………….………..………..……………………………………129
TEST 2 ……………………………….………..………..……………………………………134
TEST 3 ……………………………….………..………..……………………………………138

PART XI : Answer Keys………………………………………….………………………...144

English Tenses / Test-1
6. I ____ glasses when I was younger, but now I
01.-50. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
____ contact lenses.
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) was wearing / have had
B) have worn / am having
1. Last Saturday, my father ____ that his dinner C) have been wearing / had
suit was too small, so now he ____ a strict D) wear / was having
diet. E) wore / have
A) has discovered / followed
B) discovers / was following
C) discovered / is following
D) was discovering / has followed 7. About a month ago, I ____ a brochure about
E) has been discovering / will follow your hotel, but I ____ it yet.


A) request / didn't receive
2. Helen ____ her driving test five times so far B) have requested / am not receiving
without success, but she ____, yet. C) was requesting / wasn't receiving
D) requested / haven't received
A) takes / isn't giving up E) have been requested / don't receive
B) has taken / hasn't given up
C) was taking / didn't give up
D) is taking / doesn't give up
E) took / wasn't giving up 8. The conditions in our office ____ more and
more unbearable, so quite often recently I
____ quitting it and looking for a new job.
3. Most of the time, John and his friends ____ A) have got / was considering
football matches at their local coffee, but this
Saturday, they ____ to the stadium, and so B) was getting / am considering
they're all very excited. C) are getting / have considered
D) have been getting / consider
A) watch / are going E) get / considered
B) have been watching / go
C) are watching / have gone
D) were watching / went
E) have watched / were going 9. Because I ____ a long way from my work, I
____ lots of time going to and from work.

A) live / waste
4. Kate ____ a vegetarian for eleven years now, B) lived / have wasted
and she ____ meat at all during this time. C) have been living / wasted
D) am living / have been wasting

A) is / isn't eating E) was living / am wasting

B) has been / wasn't eating
C) is / doesn't eat
D) has been / hasn't eaten
E) was / didn't eat
10. In the USA, the twenty largest newspaper
chains ____ for almost half of the circulation,
reflecting a trend that ____ in the 1970s.
5. Last year, Richard ____ his bicycle to work
everyday, but he ____ the bus since the A) account / started
accident. B) were accounting / start
C) has accounted / was starting
A) rides / takes D) accounted / is starting
B) has ridden / is taking E) accounts / has started
C) rode / has been taking
D) was riding / took
E) is riding / has taken

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11. Clean snow ____ as much as 87 percent of 16. He ____ to unlock the door to his flat because
the sunlight that ____ on it. the telephone ________ .

A) is reflecting / shone A) was hurrying / rang

B) has reflected / was shining B) hurries / has been ringing
C) reflected / is shining C) hurried / was ringing
D) was reflected / has shone D) is hurrying / rings
E) reflects / shines E) has hurried / has rung

12. More than two hundred people ____ the tower

when the bomb ____ in one of the dustbins. 17. There ____ economies since the dawn of
civilisation, but as a field of study, economics
A) have visited / was exploding ____ only recently.
B) were visiting / exploded
C) visited / has exploded A) were / was developing


D) are visiting / is exploding B) have been / has developed
E) visit / has exploded C) are / has been developing
D) were / is developing
E) have been / develops

13. Because you ____ half of the ingredients as I

____ dinner, you probably aren't hungry at all
now. 18. John Deere ____ his farm machinery
business, which ____ tractors today, in the
A) were eating / have prepared 19th century.
B) have eaten / prepared
C) have been eating / prepare A) founds / still produced
D) ate / was preparing B) has founded / is still producing
E) eat / have been preparing C) was founding / was still producing
D) founded / still produces
E) is founding / is still produced

14. She ____ strictly since Christmas and so far

she ____ eight kilos.
19. I ____ my French lately; consequently, I ____
A) was dieting / was losing more and more of it.
B) dieted / loses
C) diets / is losing A) am not practising / forget
D) is dieting / lost B) haven't been practising / am forgetting
E) has been dieting / has lost C) don't practice / have forgotten

D) wasn't practising / forgot

E) didn't practice / was forgetting
15. Cindy's family ____ chains in this area for
over three centuries and now her father ____
this traditional craft at the county museum
twice a day as well. 20. The old lady's health ____ day by day until
she ____ smoking.
A) are making / is demonstrating
B) have made / has demonstrated A) was deteriorating / gave up
C) made / was demonstrating B) is deteriorating / gives up
D) were making / demonstrated C) deteriorated / has given up
E) have been making / demonstrates
D) deteriorates / is giving up
E) has deteriorated / was giving up

Compiled ELS Questions

21. The managing director ____ Sid to sales 26. Somebody ____ three times this morning
manager and ever since, he ____ everybody asking for Pete, but nobody called Pete ____
around. here.
A) promoted / has been bossing A) has phoned / has ever lived
B) promotes / bosses
B) is phoning / was ever living
C) has promoted / is bossing
D) is promoting / was bossing C) phones / ever lived
E) was promoting / has bossed D) phoned / is ever living
E) has been phoning / ever lived

22. Problems with the hotel, coupled with this

awful weather, ____ our holiday miserable, so 27. Joey ____ just ____stubborn when he refused
we ____ before the scheduled time. to go to the cinema today and he only did so
because we ____ to go bowling yesterday.
A) have made / have left
B) were making / leave A) is / being / haven't wanted


C) make / left B) has / been / didn't want
D) are making / are leaving C) is / being / don't want
E) made / were leaving D) was / being / haven't been wanting
E) was / being / didn't want

23. The fact that more people ____ ozone-friendly

products nowadays ____ that the media can 28. My mother ____ her optician tomorrow
positively increase public awareness. because her eyesight ____ worse since she
got this computing job.
A) have used / was showing
B) used / has shown A) has visited / is becoming
C) use / has been showing B) visited / was becoming
D) were using / showed C) visits / becomes
E) are using / shows D) is visiting / has become
E) was visiting / became

24. My sister ____ from severe back aches lately

and I think it's because, last month, she ____ 29. As the President ____the hall, all the guests
to work in a shop where she has to pick up ____ to their feet to welcome him.
heavy things.
A) was entering / have risen
A) is suffering / has started B) entered / rose
B) suffers / was starting C) is entering / rise
C) has been suffering / started D) enters / have been rising
D) suffered / is starting E) has entered / were rising
E) was suffering / start

30. She ____ interested in health ever since she

25. Though she ____ dancing, Sonia ____ to the was a young girl and now that the medical
disco with her friends the previous night just college ____ her as a student, it seems that
in order to be with them in a different she will be able to work in the medical field.
A) was / accepted
A) hasn't like / has gone B) has been / has accepted
B) doesn't like / went C) is / is accepting
C) didn't like / is going D) is being / accepts
D) doesn't like / goes E) was / was accepting
E) didn't like / is going

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31- Bob ____ with us tonight as he ____ an 36- The petrol warning light ____ for half an hour
appointment with the dentist. before we ____ a petrol station.

A) won't have trained / is making A) had been flashing / reached

B) hasn't trained / was making B) is going to flash / will reach
C) hadn't trained / made C) flashed / have reached
D) doesn't train / makes D) flashes / will be reaching
E) isn't going to train / has made E) was flashing / were reaching

32- We ____ football for two hours and ____ to a

restaurant for a meal, afterwards.
37- Up until the tap water ____ back on yesterday
A) are playing / go evening, we ____ water back and forth for
B) play / are going three days.
C) played / went
A) came / had been carrying


D) have played / were going
E) have been playing / had gone B) has come / have been carrying
C) had come / were carrying
D) was coming / will have carried
33- Environmental pollution ____ ever since E) is coming / will have carried
people ____ to congregate in towns and
38- The neighbours ____ so loudly last night that
A) will have existed / are beginning
they ____ us all awake until after midnight.
B) exist / have begun
C) had existed / were beginning
D) has existed / began A) are shouting / are keeping
E) will exist / begin B) have been shouting / were keeping
C) shouted / have been keeping
D) have shouted / had kept
34- I heard that you ____ about the boys all day, E) were shouting / kept
so I just rang to tell you that Matthew ____
from a pay phone a couple of hours ago and
they are both fine. The weather is fine and 39- Man's use of pictures to tell stories and to
they will be home on Sunday evening. record experiences ____ prehistoric times,
when he ____ the walls of caves.
A) had been worrying / will phone
B) have been worrying / phoned
C) will be worrying / had phoned A) was beginning / has drawn
D) are worrying / is going to phone B) began / drew
E) were worrying / phones C) begins / will have drawn
D) has begun / was drawing
E) had begun / draw

35- Although he ____ the first round in record

time , he ____ in the second, and so finished
tenth overall.
40- My team ____ a match for a month, so
A) finishes / is slipping currently the manager ____ resigning if they
B) had been finishing / was slipping lose one more match.
C) will have finished / slips
D) had finished / slipped A) doesn't win / considered
E) was finishing / has slipped B) isn't winning / was considering
C) hasn't won / is considering
D) hadn't won / will have considered
E) wasn't winning / will consider

Compiled ELS Questions

41- My brother ____ past the post office every 46- Modern exploration of the undersea world
morning and I ____ him all week to post a had its beginning in June 1943, when
letter for me, but he keeps forgetting, so I'm Jacgues Cousteau ____ his first dive with a
going to post it myself tomorrow. revolutionary breathing device which he ____
with Emile Gagnan, a French engineer.
A) will be going / ask
B) will go / am asking A) was making / has developed
C) goes / have been asking B) had made / will have developed
D) is going / will ask C) has made / was developing
E) has been going / had ask D) will have made / develops
E) made / had developed
42- The football team that ____ last year's
championship ____ little chance of winning it
again this year. 47- She says that she ____ the eight o'clock train
tomorrow, but I'm sure she ____ it, as usual.


A) was winning / stood
B) was going to win / stand A) is catching / is missing
C) has won / has stood B) has caught / misses
D) had won / was standing C) will have caught / has missed
E) won / stands D) is going to catch / will miss
E) was catching / missed
43- Freedom of the press ____ an issue between
people and their governments since the time
individuals ____ newspapers independent of 48- The fisherman ____ more fish in one night
government control for the first time. than ever before, so when they anchored in
the harbour, they ____ with joy at the thought
A) is / are publishing of their reward.
B) will have been / publish
C) had been / were publishing A) had been catching / will sing
D) has been / published B) will have caught / sang
E) was / have published C) had caught / were singing
D) caught / have been singing
E) have caught / will be singing
44- The hikers ____ so tired by the time they ____
the top of the hill that I'm sure they'll first
want to sit down for a rest. 49- On my friend's farm they ____ an alarm clock
because the cockerel ____ at five o'clock
A) will have got / reach every morning without fail.
B) are getting / will have reached
C) had got / reached A) don't need / crows
D) have got / are reaching

B) haven't needed / was crowing

E) were getting / had reached
C) won't have needed / has crowed
D) wont need / is crowing
E) didn't need / will crow
45- When the young scouts ____ the top of the
hill, they ____ for more than an hour.

A) reached / have been walking 50- The Continental Congress ____ the US Postal
B) reach / will have been walking Service in 1775 and the first federal
C) will have reached / are walking government ____ the service in the
D) had reached / were walking Constitution.
E) have reached / will be walking
A) was founding / has included
B) had founded / includes
C) has founded / is including
D) was going to found / will include
E) founded / included

English Tenses / Test-2
05- Decoupage, an art form that ____ in France
01.-50. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
during the 17th century, ____ cutting out
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. designs and patterned materials and
fastening them permanently to surface.
01- Look, the conservation volunteers A) has originated / will involve
____cheerfully in the sunshine all morning, B) originated / involves
unlike yesterday , when they ____ to work in C) was originating / is involving
the rain. D) will have originated / involved
E) is originating / was involving
A) worked / are refusing
B) are working / were refusing
C) will be working / have refused 06. They ____ so many hotels in the region in


D) have been working / refused recent years that gradually they ____ the
E) will have worked / had refused natural beauty of the area.

A) were building / destroy

B) will built / have been destroying
02- A: Is that your pure wool pullover in the
C) have built / are destroying
washing machine? It ____ you know!
D) are building / have destroyed
B: No, I ____it several times in the machine E) have been building / destroyed
already. I use the wool cycle and it's fine.

A) was shrinking / wash 07. After she ____ to me for the fifth time, I ____
B) has shrunk / had washed another word she said, and put an end to our
C) will shrink / washed friendship.
D) is going to shrink / have washed
A) has lied / don't believe
E) is shrinking / have been washing
B) has been lying / won't believe
C) was lying / haven't believed
D) is lying / hadn't believed
03- The weather conditions ____throughout the E) had lied / didn't believe
day and now the ground officials are
confident that the championship game ____
ahead. 08. Since they ____ part in their first
conversation volunteer week, they ____ on
A) have been improving / will go several projects with great pleasure.
B) will be improving / will go
C) have improved / was going A) are taking / worked

B) take / will have worked

D) are improving / has gone
C) are going to take / are working
E) improved / went D) took / have worked
E) have been taking / work

04- Some of us will be needed tomorrow to finish

the fence because, at this rate , two sections 09. Asia ____ the world's largest land mass and
____ unfinished when we ____work tonight. ____ just over half of the world's people.

A) have remained / stopped A) has had / held

B) will have remained / were stopping B) is having / is holding
C) are going to remain / will stop C) has / holds
D) are remaining / are stopping D) was having / was holding
E) will remain / stop E) has been having / will hold

Compiled ELS Questions

10. I ____ to the bank during my lunch-break 15. When Chilean separatist forces ____ an
today, but an old colleague ____ to visit us, independent Chile in 1818, the vice-royalty of
so, naturally, I wanted to hear all the news. Peru ____ over Chile for almost three
A) was going / came
B) went / is coming A) declared / had been ruling
C) have gone / was coming B) has declared / was ruling
D) had gone / has come C) was declaring / has been ruling
E) am going / comes D) is declaring / ruled
E) had declared / will have ruled

11. Suddenly it ____ very foggy, so we ____ 16. I ____ some chicken curry earlier and ____
compass bearings to find the right route Richard and Kate to stay for dinner, but just
down the mountain. then I remembered that they were both


A) will become / use
B) had become / used A) was going to cook / have asked
C) became / are using B) had been cooking / will ask
D) becomes / will use C) cooked / will have asked
E) has become / had used D) had cooked / was going to ask
E) have cooked / had asked

12. We're looking after our neighbour's dog as

well as our own and it ____ two kilos of meat 17. I expect you ____ from school by this time
a day, so I ____ dog meat in bulk these days. next year and ____ for a job.

A) is eating / bought A) have graduated / will have looked

B) ate / have bought B) are graduating / have been looking
C) was eating / have been buying C) will have graduated / will be looking
D) eats / am buying D) graduate / will have been looking
E) will have eaten / had bought E) were graduating / are going to look

13. By the end of this court session the jury ____ 18. Our Spanish teacher ____ very slowly and
all the witnesses and they ____ the courtroom clearly to us at the moment because we ____
to decide on a verdict. very far in the language yet.

A) have been hearing / have left A) talks / aren't progressing

B) have heard / are leaving B) is talking / haven't progressed

C) are hearing / leave C) was talking / didn't progress

D) hear / left D) has been talking / weren't progressing
E) will have heard / will leave E) will be talking / don't progress

19. Before the potato blight ____ Ireland in the

14. I feel certain that her new travel agency ____ 1840s, most Irish people ____ on a
because she ____ a thorough market survey. subsistence diet of potatoes.

A) is succeeding / will do A) was striking / relied

B) has succeeded / will have done B) has struck / relies
C) will succeed / has done C) had struck / has relied
D) was succeeding / is doing D) strikes / will rely
E) succeeded / has been doing E) struck / had relied

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20. Between the years 1846 and 1851, one million 25. Between 1607 and 1733 Englishmen ____
Irish men and women ____ to death and 1.6 thirteen colonies along the east cost of North
million ____ to the USA. America and by 1750 nearly two million men,
women and children ____ in these colonies.
A) had been starving / have emigrated
A) were establishing / will be living
B) have been starving / emigrate
B) have been establishing / lived
C) were starving / were emigrated
D) starved / emigrated C) established / were living
E) had starved / will have emigrated D) had established / will have lived
E) have established / had lived

21. Bangladesh ____ independence from

Pakistan in 1971 and ever since the
assassination of the first prime minister in 26. I ____ some wood for the fire while you ____
1974, the military ____ the country's the salad.


A) will fetch / prepare
A) has gained / were dominating B) fetch / are preparing
B) had gained / are dominating C) am fetching / will prepare
C) gained / have dominated D) have fetched / prepared
D) was gaining / dominate E) was fetching / have prepared
E) gains / have been dominating

22. Over the recent years alcoholism ____ a 27. By the 16th century, Austria ____ so large that
leading cause death of the young adult its emperor ____ all of modern Austria,
population in the USA. This statistics ____ Belgium, the Netherlands, Czechoslovakia,
deaths from drunken driving and fires started Hungary and Spain as well as parts of Italy
by carelessly dropped cigarettes. and Yugoslavia.

A) became / was including A) has become / ruled

B) becomes / included B) was becoming / has ruled
C) was becoming / will include C) was going to become / rule
D) is becoming / is including D) had become / was ruling
E) has become / includes E) becomes / has been ruling

23. Some of the workers ____ the peaches while

the others ____ them in wooden boxes. 28. The earthworm, which ____ neither lungs nor
gills, ____ through its skin.

A) are picking / will place

B) were picking / were placing A) is having / has breath
C) have been picking / placed B) has had / is breathing
D) picked / have been placing C) was having / breathed
E) had been picking / have placed D) will have / was breathing
E) has / breathes

24. Although manufacturers ____electric cars as

prototypes for a number of years now, it will 29. The athletes ____ for exactly three months by
be a long time before they ____ common. the time the races ____ due to start.

A) produced / are becoming A) have been training / will be

B) have been producing / become B) will have been training / are
C) produce / will become C) are going to train / will have been
D) are producing / became D) are training / were
E) were producing / will have become E) had trained / have been

Compiled ELS Questions

30. Adolescence, the process of changing from a 36. I ____ an extra part-time job last week as we
child into an adult usually ____ sometime ____ the money.
between the ages of 11 and 14 and ____ for
approximately six to ten years. A) am starting / are needing
B) was starting / have needed
A) occurs / continues C) start / needed
B) occurred / has been continuing D) have started / were needing
C) will occur / continued E) started / need
D) occurs / was continuing
E) occurred / will have continued

31. I ____ Malcolm in his car, but he ____ the 37. In 1951, the people of the Gold Coast ____ for
traffic and didn’t see me. their own government and shortly afterwards,
they ____ their country as Ghana.
A) was seeing / watches
A) vote / are renaming


B) see / has watched
C) have seen / is watching B) voted / renamed
D) saw / was watching C) have voted / were renaming
E) am seeing / watched D) were voting / have renamed
E) are voting / rename

32. Tim ____ a master’s degree as soon as he

____ to Canada.
38. As my son ____ down by the river, I ____ his
A) has begun / is returning room thoroughly.
B) began / returned
C) is beginning / returned A) fishes / have cleaned
D) was beginning / returns B) is fishing / cleaned
E) begins / has returned C) has fished / clean
D) fished / have been cleaning
E) was fishing / cleaned
33. Ratchel ____ up smoking four years ago and
she ____ a cigarette since.

A) was giving / doesn’t smoke 39. We ____ in Cornwall for two weeks last
B) has given / wasn’t smoking summer. Since then, we ____ a holiday by the
C) gave / hasn’t smoked sea.
D) has given / didn’t smoke
E) is giving / isn’t smoking A) stayed / haven’t had
B) are staying / don’t have
C) were staying / didn’t have
D) stay / aren’t having

34. Last year Sonny ____ four miles each

morning before breakfast, but he ____ around E) have stayed / weren’t having
the block each mourning instead since his
heart attack.
A) ran / has been walking 40. One of the straps on the baby’s pram ____
B) has run / has walked quite thin, so we ____ to replace it.
C) runs / was walking
D) has been running / walks A) wore / decide
E) was running / walked B) wears / have decided
C) had worn / decided
D) is wearing / were deciding
35. I ____ a brace on my teeth as a child, but I E) has been wearing / decide
didn’t like it.
A) was wearing
B) am wearing
C) have worn
D) wore
E) have been wearing

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41. This time last year, his business ____ a 46. While my parents ____ in the shopping
reasonable profit, but now, because of that centre, a thief ____ into their car for the radio.
management, he ____ keep it going.
A) shopped / has broken
A) has made / has struggled B) were shopping / broke
B) made / was struggling C) have shopped / breaks
C) make / has been struggling D) are shopping / was breaking
D) has been making / struggles E) shop / is breaking
E) was making / is struggling

47. When we ____ her, she ____ in the wardrobe.

42. The last time we ____ dinner with them, they
____ for a new house. A) were finding / hides
B) find / has hidden
A) have had / looked C) are finding / is hiding


B) were having / have been looking D) found / was hiding
C) have been having / look E) have found / hid
D) had / were looking
E) have / are looking

48. I never ____ my temper on purpose, of

43. The whole family was busy. While the course, but sometimes I just ____, though I
children ____ decorations, their father ____ always regret it afterwards.
up the Christmas tree.
A) lose / explode
A) are making / is setting B) lost / am exploding
B) made / has been setting C) have been losing / exploding
C) have been making / has set D) were losing / have exploding
D) were making / was setting E) have lost / was exploding
E) have made / set

44. A: What’s on TV tonight?

B: Match of the day, Manchester United ____ 49. Even though it ____ heavily at the time, they
South Melbourne. ____ home.

A) had played A) has snowed / were driving

B) were playing B) snows / have been driving
C) are playing C) was snowing / drove
D) have played D) has been snowing / drive
E) played E) snowed / are driving

45. Isn't it strange that you ____ for Mark’s

surprise party all week, but you ____ him a 50. It’s been one week since the floods ____, but
birthday present yet? still aid workers ____ people.

A) are preparing / didn’t buy A) are striking / rescued

B) have been preparing / haven’t bought B) strike / were rescuing
C) prepared / don’t buy C) were striking / have been rescuing
D) have prepared / aren’t buying D) struck / are rescuing
E) prepare / weren’t buying E) have struck / rescue

English Tenses / Test-3
06. Peggy’s family ____ pedigree dogs for three
01.-50. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
generations and they regularly ____ their
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. dogs in shows.

A) have been breeding / enter

B) are breeding / are entering
01. I ____ my book in the launderette while my C) were breeding / are entering
washing ________.
D) breed / have entered
A) have read / dries E) bred / were entering
B) read / was drying
C) was reading / has dried
D) have read / is drying 07. Mrs. White ____ her daughter’s wedding
E) am reading / has dried dress herself since November and ____ it,


except for the trimmings.

02. Up to now, the predicted Millennium A) made / finished

computer bug ____ very few problems, B) was making / was finishing
although many scientists last year ____ a C) has been making / has finished
catastrophe. D) is making / finished
E) makes / is finishing
A) has been causing / have predicted
B) is causing / predict
C) causes / were predicting
D) caused / have been predicting 08. Because we have a young baby, we ____ the
E) has caused / predicted opportunity to go to the cinema any more, but
now and again, we ____ a video to play at
03. I only ____ the company on Monday for a
copy of their magazine and I ____ it already.
A) didn’t have / are buying
A) was asking / am receiving B) aren’t having / were buying
B) have been asking / was receiving C) don’t have / buy
C) ask / receive D) weren’t having / bought
D) asked / have received E) haven’t had / have been buying
E) have asked / have been receiving

09. The perfume ____ like cheap soap and

04. More and more of my colleagues ____ these definitely isn’t worth this price.
days because the owners of the company
have changed a lot of procedures. These A) is smelling

changes won’t affect me though, because I B) smells

____ my job here only recently. C) has been smelling
D) was smelling
A) have left / was starting E) smelt
B) leave / am starting
C) were leaving / started
D) left / start
E) are leaving / have started
10. While I ____ some money from a cash
machine, a man ____ it all out of my hand.

05. She ____ onto the train because the station A) was withdrawing / snatched
guard ____ his whistle. B) withdrew / snatches
C) am withdrawing / has snatched
A) has hurried / blows D) have withdraw / was snatching
B) hurries / has been blowing E) withdrew / has been snatching
C) hurried / was blowing
D) was hurrying / has blown
E) is hurrying / blows

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

11. They ____ to buy a boat for years, and finally 16. My father ____ English at all although he ____
they ____ enough money. it for three years when he was in high school.

A) have been hoping / have saved A) isn’t speaking / has studied

B) hope / saved B) hasn’t been speaking / studies
C) were hoping / are saving C) doesn’t speak / studied
D) hoped / have been saving D) didn’t speak / has been studying
E) are hoping / save E) wasn’t speaking / is studying

12. As he ____ the party, a strange man ____ him. 17. I ____ on this report for more than three
weeks now, but I ____ only half of it yet.
A) left / has been approaching
B) is leaving / has approached A) work / have been completing
C) leaves / was approaching B) am working / complete


D) has left / approaches C) work / am completing
E) was leaving / approached D) was working / completed
E) have been working / have completed

13. We ____ with the sales staff tomorrow 18. The archaeological evidence ____ clearly that
because our sales ____ recently. people in ancient Crete ____ flush toilets 4000
years ago.
A) were meeting / declined
B) are meeting / have declined A) has shown / use
C) meet / decline B) is showing / have used
D) met / were declining C) showed / have been using
E) have met / are declining D) shows / were using
E) was showing / are using

14. Sally’s husband ____ for a new job because 19. Marry says she ____ George because he ____
his present one ____ no opportunities for her life miserable.
A) has been leaving / makes
A) was looking / has offered B) has left / is making
B) looks / was offering C) leaves / was making
C) looked / is offering D) is leaving / has made
D) is looking / offers E) was leaving / has made

E) has looked / has been offering

20. My brother ____ a new BMW and ever since,

15. I ____ you several times last week, but no one he ____ about it.
____ in.
A) was buying / bragged
A) was phoning / has been B) is buying / is bragging
B) phoned / was C) has bought / brags
C) have phoned / has been D) buys / has bragged
D) phone / is being E) bought / has been bragging
E) am phoning / is

Compiled ELS Questions

21. He ____ great poverty until he ____ up writing 26. The guards ____ when the enemy ____ .
and got a proper job.
A) are sleeping / has been attacking
A) has suffered / gives B) have slept / was attacking
B) suffered / gave C) slept / has attacked
C) is suffering / has given D) were sleeping / attacked
D) has suffered / was giving E) sleep / is attacking
E) suffers / is giving

22. I ____ a lot of weight since I ____ drinking 27. The negotiators ____ to bring the two sides
beer every night. together for months, but so far they ____.

A) have lost / stopped A) try / are failing

B) lost / am stopping B) are trying / failed


C) lose / have been stopping C) tried / fail
D) was losing / have stopped D) have tried / were failing
E) am losing / stop E) have been trying / have failed

23. My son ____ very well at university this term

because he ____ out late at night any more. 28. The electricity ____ off last night just as the
film on TV ____ interesting.
A) does / hasn’t stayed
B) did / isn’t staying A) has gone / got
C) has done / wasn’t staying B) was going / has got
D) was doing / hasn’t been staying C) is going / has been getting
E) is doing / doesn’t stay D) goes / is getting
E) went / was getting

24. Last year he almost ____ because he ____ his

social life a little too much. 29. More than a million people ____ the new
superstore since it ____ last month.
A) fails / has enjoyed
B) was failing / has been enjoying A) are visiting / has been opening
C) failed / was enjoying B) have visited / opened
D) has been failing / enjoyed C) were visiting / opens
E) has failed / enjoys D) have been visiting / is opening

E) visited / has opened

25. Our company’s sales ____ since the new

management ____ over. 30. Water ____ from liquid to gas when it ____a
temperature of 100◦ C.
A) have been improving / took
B) improve / has taken A) has changed / reached
C) improved / has been taking B) changed / was reaching
D) are improving / was taking C) changes / reaches
E) were improving / is taking D) has been changing / is reaching
E) is changing / reached

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

31. The phrase “post modernism” ____ about fifty 36. Two years ago, she ____ English at all, but
years ago, but most people still ____ what it she ____ hard since then.
A) hasn’t spoken / is studied
A) was appearing / haven’t known B) wasn’t speaking / studies
B) has appeared / don’t know C) isn’t speaking / studied
C) appeared / don’t know D) didn’t speak / has been studying
D) appears / didn’t know E) doesn’t speak / was studying
E) has been appearing / haven’t known

32. People who ____ items like bottles and cans 37. My brother ____ three years in jail when he
____the world’s resources. was younger, but now he ____ to give up his
life of crime.
A) aren’t recycling / wasted


B) didn’t recycle / waste A) spent / has decided
C) haven’t been recycling / were wasting B) spends / is deciding
D) don’t recycle / are wasting C) has spent / has been deciding
E) haven’t recycled / wasted D) was spending / decides
E) has been spending / decided

33. The president ____ too hard lately, and as a

result, he ____ terrible. 38. I ____ my boss privately tomorrow and I ____
quite nervous about it.
A) has been working / looks
B) has worked / looked A) have seen / am feeling
C) worked / is looking B) see / was feeling
D) works / has looked C) am seeing / feel
E) is working / was looking D) saw / felt
E) was seeing / have felt

34. I ____ to play the lottery about two years ago, 39. The first time I ____ horse riding, I was very
but I ____ anything yet. nervous and ____ the reins very tightly.

A) was starting / didn’t win A) was going / am holding

B) started / haven’t won B) have gone / hold
C) start / haven’t been winning C) am going / have held
D) have started / don’t win D) go / was holding

E) am starting / wasn’t winning E) went / held

35. I ____ in Istanbul for so long that I ____ the 40. Life ____ immensely since Thomas Edison
time before the Bosphorus Bridges. ____ the first light bulb in 1879.

A) am living / remembered A) is changing / was inventing

B) lived / am remembering B) has changed / invented
C) was living / have remembered C) has been changing / has invented
D) live / was remembering D) changed / has been inventing
E) have lived / remember E) was changing / invent

Compiled ELS Questions

41. Normally, people ____ quickly from the flu, 46. For the past 24 hours, a tropical storm ____
but so far this year many people ____ as a the houses of villages in Mozambique, but it
result of it. is hard to know as yet how much damage it
____ by the time it has stopped.
A) are recovering / had died
B) had recovered / are going to die A) was going to batter / causes
C) have been recovering / die B) battered / will have been causing
D) recover / have died C) has been battering / will have caused
E) were recovering / will die D) had been battering / has caused
E) is battering / has been causing

42. You ____ for three months by the time you

leave for your holiday, so you ____ quite a lot 47. By 1840, the US Army ____ most Eastern
of weight. Indian tribes west of the Mississippi.
A) have been dieting / will be losing


A) will have pushed
B) will have been dieting / will have lost
C) had dieted / lost B) have pushed
D) were dieting / had lost C) had pushed
E) are going to diet / have lost D) pushed
E) are pushing

43. Carreta turtles ____ their eggs on the beach

at night and ____ the reflection from the sea
to find their way back to the water. 48. For most of the time throughout the picnic,
the boys ____ football while the girls ____
A) lay / use flowers.
B) were laying / have used
C) are going to lay / used A) will play / have been picking
D) laid / are using B) are playing / have been picking
E) will lay / had used C) have played / are picking
D) were playing / were picking
E) had been playing / have picked

44. By the mid 1970s, “Marks and Spenser” ____

one of the top department stores and they
____ more underwear than any other British 49. Over recent years, glue sniffing, which ____
company at the time. negative effects on both the body and the
mind, ____ a major problem among
A) had become / were selling teenagers.
B) is going to become / had sold
C) has become / are selling A) has had / is becoming
D) became / will be selling

B) has / has become

E) was becoming / will have sold C) is going to have / had become
D) will have / will have become
E) is having / was becoming
45. I ____ the potatoes while you ____ the leeks
for the soup.

A) peeled / will be chopping

50. Chinese merchants ____ trade in Tibet since
B) will have peeled / have chopped
C) was peeling / had chopped 1950, when China ____ the country.
D) peel / will have chopped
E) will peel / chop A) dominate / was invading
B) were dominating / has invaded
C) will have dominated / had invaded
D) had dominated / will be invading
E) have dominated / invaded

English Tenses / Test-4
05. The prospector ran into town in excitement
01.-30. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
because, at last, he ____ some gold at the site
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. which he ____ for months.

A) was finding / was panning

B) will find / is going to pan
01. In 1619, the first African slaves ____ in C) will have found / has panned
Virginia, USA, and by 1790, their numbers D) had found / had been panning
____ nearly 700,000. E) found / will have panned
A) were arriving / have been reaching
B) arrived / had reached 06. I expect you ____ bored with working at the
C) have arrived / were reaching Post Office by this time next year and ____
D) were going to arrive / reach


for a more interesting job.
E) had arrived / will have reached
A) have become / will have looked
B) were becoming / are going to look
C) will have become / will be looking
D) had found / had been panning
02. We ____ a lovely view of the Bosphorus and
the bridges over it while the plane ____ over E) found / will have panned

A) are getting / flies 7. Listen! The coach ____ the strengths of our
B) had got / is flying opponents because our team ____ against
C) got / was flying them before.
D) get / has flown
E) are getting / had been flying A) has explained / weren’t playing
B) explains / won’t play
C) is explaining / haven’t played
D) was explaining / don’t play
E) will explain / hadn’t been playing
03. When they ____ in Sydney Harbour, they ____
non-stop for three months.
08. When I ____ the alterations to the company
A) anchor / will have been sailing accounts, I was left in no doubt that the
B) were anchoring / sailed accountant ____ money from the firm.
C) have anchored / were sailing
D) are anchoring / have been sailing A) saw / had been stealing
E) are going to anchor / have sailed B) am seeing / has stolen

C) was seeing / was stealing

D) have seen / will have stolen
E) see / steals

04. According to the new schedule, the whole

team have accepted, we ____ every Monday 09. According to the doctor, this time next week, I
and Wednesday next term, but I’m sure we ____ around as normal and the cut on my foot
____ back to our normal routine of once a ____ completely.
week before long.
A) am walking / healed
A) had trained / revert B) will be walking / will have healed
B) train / have reverted C) walked / was healing
C) are training / reverted D) have been walking / heals
D) are going to train / will revert E) walks / is going to heal
E) have been training / are reverting

Compiled ELS Questions

10. Shadow puppets ____ in China and ____ as 15. The origins of domestic poultry ____
far as Turkey and Greece today. uncertain, but experts believe that some
breeds are descended from the Indian jungle-
A) will originate / have been spreading fowl, which still ____ in India today.
B) are originating / will be spreading
C) originate / had spread A) are going to be / will exist
D) originated / have spread B) had been / will have existed
E) will have originated / were spreading C) were / had been existing
D) are / exists
E) have been / existed

11. Over recent years, many skilled craftsmen

and women ____ their jobs in the pottery 16. In 1868, the US government ____ 7000 Navajo
trade in the UK, but gradually English Indians to return to their homeland and, since
porcelain ____ its reputation. then, they ____ the largest and richest Indian


A) will have lost / will regain
B) had been losing / has regained A) allowed / have become
C) lost / regains B) has allowed / are becoming
D) are losing / regained C) was going to allow / will become
E) have lost / is regaining D) has allowed / were becoming
E) was allowing / become

12 After she ____ to turn up for our appointment

for the third time, I ____ to meet her again. 17. In 1960, only 2000 American Indians ____ at
university, while in 1970, only a decade later,
A) is failing / am refusing this number ____ to 12000.
B) has failed / had refused
C) was failing / will refuse A) are studying / is increasing
D) had been failing / have refused B) were studying / increased
E) had failed / refused C) will be studying / will have increased
D) studied / will increase
E) had studied / was increasing
13. Since I took part in my first debating match, I
____ a member of the debating club, which I
____ most weekends. 18. Today we ____ a lot of tangerines at one
pound per kilo, unlike yesterday, when we
A) will have been / have attended ____ very few customers.
B) have been / attend
C) will be / was attending A) were selling / have had
D) am / had been attending B) are selling / had

E) was / am attending C) had been selling / had had

D) sold / will have had
E) are going to sell / will be having
14. By the first half of the 19th century, the potato
____ the staple food in the Ireland. In 1854, a
disease ____, which resulted in widespread 19. A: Isn’t that your daughter playing outside
starvation. without a coat on? She ____ a chill.
B: She has a thermal vest on under her
A) was becoming / has struck pullover, but you have a point. I ____ her
B) will become / was going to strike coat.
C) had become / struck
D) was going to become / strikes A) was catching / am fetching
E) has become / has struck B) is catching / fetch
C) will be catching / have fetched
D) will catch / will fetch
E) catches / am going to fetch

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

20. The number of orders per week ____ all year 26. I ____ some notes earlier and ____ to them
and the sales manager is confident that we during my presentation. In the event,
____ our target. however, I didn’t use them once.
A) has increased / had been reaching
B) will increase / have been reaching A) will have written / will refer
C) increases / reached B) am going to write / refer
D) increased / reached C) had written / was going to refer
E) has been increasing / will reach D) wrote / have referred
E) write / will have referred

21. As the police ____ the road, we ____ a time

consuming detour around the mountain.
A) are closing / were making 27. Because of Istanbul’s geographical location,
B) will close / had made it ____ a place of trade since civilisation ___ .
C) had closed / made
A) is / was being


D) will have closed / had been making
E) close / have made B) was / has begun
C) will be / had begun
D) had been / is beginning
22. I ____ some shopping during my lunch break, E) has been / began
but I couldn’t as I ____ awful because of my
A) was going to do / felt 28. When Boris Yeltsin ____ on 31st December
B) have done / have felt 1999, he ____ President of Russia for eight
C) will do / am feeling years.
D) did / was feeling
E) do / will have felt A) had resigned / was
B) has resigned / is
C) will have resigned / will be
23. By the time the work on their house is D) resigned / had been
finished, they ____ the painters, decorators E) resigns / is being
and carpenters a total of ₤8000. They ____ a
beautiful kitchen, though.
A) are paying / have had
B) paid / are having 29. The circumference of a circle ____ 3.14159265
C) had paid / were having times its diameter no matter how small or
D) will have paid / will have large it is.
E) have paid / have
A) measures
B) measured
24. I feel certain that Greg ____ in his new C) will be measuring

business because he ____ so hard all the D) had measured

time. E) was measuring

A) is succeeding / will work

B) will succeed / works
C) was succeeding / is going to work
D) had succeeded / will be working 30. At present, British farmers ____ to the
E) has succeeded / had worked government because since the EC lifted the
ban on British beef, the French ____ to buy
25. Before Petar Preradovic ____ poems in his
native Croatian, he ____ all his poems in A) were protesting / refused
German. B) are protesting / have refused
A) has published / is writing C) had protested / were refusing
B)is publishing / was writing D) will protest / refuse
C) published / had written E) protest / will be refusing
D) had published / will have written
E) has been publishing / has written

Modality / Test-1
5. As a single woman, Lucy ____ quite a lot of
01.-65. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
money on clothes, jewellery and cosmetics,
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
but now married with two children, she can’t
spare so much money on them.

1. The company had sent the advertisement to A) might spend

the newspaper when they realised they’d B) had spent
mistyped the salary they were offering for the C) would rather spend
position. Luckily, they ____ the newspaper D) would spend
to correct their mistake before they printed it. E) should have spent

A) could have asked

B) were able to ask


C) must have asked
D) were supposed to ask
E) might have asked

6. A: Are you going to enroll on the second

course when we finish this one?
2. A: I wish I hadn’t criticised Mark’s B: I don’t know. It’s tiring coming every day
drawings yesterday because he hasn’t after work. I ____ a month before I start
spoken to me today. Do you think he’ll the second course.
come to my party on Friday?
B: Possibly, he ____ you by then. A) may wait
B) am supposed to wait
A) has forgiven C) have waited
B) was able to forgive D) have to wait
C) might have forgiven E) could have waited
D) must have forgiven
E) used to forgive

3. Since the day his manager transferred him to

the foundry section of the steel works, he 7. James will book the hotel rooms for the
____ safety goggles. German representatives and you ____ them at
the airport at eight o’clock. Is that clear?
A) will be wearing
B) has had to wear A) have met

C) ought to wear B) can meet

D) must have worn C) are to meet
E) is wearing D) had met
E) would meet

4. A: This student has circled the mistakes in

the text, but he hasn’t corrected them, so
he’ll only get half marks.

B: He ____ the instructions properly. 8. ____ lending me 25,000 liras so that I don't
have to give the Dolmuş a 5 million lira note?
A) would rather not read
B) had better not read A) Would you like
C) needn’t have read B) Would you rather
D) shouldn’t have read C) Would you mind
E) must not have read D) Had you better
E) Do you like

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

9. A: Jack doesn’t work for a computer 14. A: What’s happened to Mr. Meyer?
company, so why has he gone to the B: He’s ill in hospital. They ____keep him in
computer exhibition? overnight, and if they do, he ____ travel
B: I don’t know. He ____ interested in buying back to Germany tomorrow morning.
a computer to use at home or perhaps
he’s thinking of starting his own A) may / won’t be able to
company. B) would / ought not to
C) shall / doesn’t have to
A) must be D) can / couldn’t
B) has to be E) ought to / didn’t use to
C) will be
D) ought to be
E) could be
15. A: ____we paint the kitchen this weekend?
B: We could, but I ____ wait until the
weather gets better because we’ll have to


10. You ____ anything to me if you want to spend open the window.
virtually your entire wages on lottery tickets,
then that’s up to you. A) Ought / prefer
B) May / must
A) couldn’t have explained C) Can / would like
B) don’t have to explain D) Shall / would sooner
C) weren’t able to explain E) Would / had better
D) shouldn’t have explained
E) weren’t supposed to explain

16. A: I couldn’t persuade John to come to the

match with us. He said he couldn’t afford
11. You ____ anything after your operation. The it.
nurses will tell you when it is all right. B: You ____ to lend him the money.
A: I did, but he said he ____ borrow any
A) needn’t eat money at that moment.
B) don’t have to eat
C) couldn’t eat A) have offered / ought not to
D) mustn’t eat B) could have offered / would rather not
E) might not eat C) may have offered / didn’t use to
D) must have offered / wouldn’t like
E) can offer / had better not

12. Oh dear, my fruit cake is a little too sweet. I

____ the amount of sugar I add to the mixture 17. ____I ask you a favour? ____ you work on
next time. Thursday night this week instead of Friday

A) have been reducing
B) should have reduced A) Can / Did
C) will have to reduce B) Would / Will
D) have had to reduce C) May / Could ,
E) must be reducing D) Might / Shall
E) Must / Would

13. Isn’t it great that Tim and Sue have given up 18. Amy Johnson, the first woman pilot who ____
smoking? They both ____ too much. from England to Australia, ____ several times
during her flight to fill her plane with petrol.
A) used to smoke
B) ought to be smoking A) had flown / has stopped
C) must be smoking B) could fly / was stopping
D) would rather smoke C) used to fly / might stop
E) have been smoking D) was flying / would rather stop
E) flew / had to stop

Compiled ELS Questions

19. ____ you take this screwdriver back to Mr. 24. Our father ____ a small present for me and
Smith next door and thank him for lending it my sister every month when he ____ his
to us? salary.

A) Will A) was buying / had received

B) Must B) has had to buy / was receiving
C) Ought C) must have bought / could receive
D) Shall D) would buy / received
E) May E) bought / could have received

20. They ____ their house yet. They only put it up 25. I ____ listening to pop music at all, but
for sale yesterday. recently I have realised that I quite like certain
A) haven’t been selling
B) might not be selling A) didn’t use to enjoy


C) needn’t have sold B) ought not to enjoy
D) ought not to sell C) must not have enjoyed
E) can’t have sold D) can’t have been enjoying
E) wasn’t enjoying

21. We ____ get a visa before we ____ go to 26. When their baby was born, Lucy ____ up
Bulgaria. work until they found someone to look after
the baby.
A) could / would
B) are to / must A) must give
C) have to / can B) ought to give
D)may / have to C) had to give
E) will / shall D) used to give
E) has given

22. I only had a brief chat with Marry at the bus 27. They had their baby daughter in June and,
stop, so I ____ to ask her how she ____ on in since then, they ____ in restaurants very
her new job. often.

A) might forget / could get A) didn’t use to eat

B) forgot / was getting B) couldn’t eat
C) have forgotten / used to get C) aren’t supposed to eat
D) would forget / gets D) haven’t been able to eat
E) must have forgotten / should get E) weren’t able to eat

28. Do you think he ____ to watch the match with

23. A: Well, I’ve got lots of great ideas, but I us? I know he enjoys football.
haven’t written anything down yet.
B: But you ____us a written outline of your A) would sooner
section of the project today! B) had better
A: Don’t panic. I’ll do it tomorrow. C) would mind
D) preferred
A) would rather have given E) would like
B) were able to give
C) must have given
D) were supposed to give
E) had to give

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

29. Would you mind if I ____ the secretary for half 33. A: Hopefully, Peter booked the tickets for us
an hour, Mr. Pitt? She has two thousand yesterday.
leaflets to send out. B: He ____them yesterday. The booking
office is closed on Saturdays.
A) helping A: Oh well, I’m sure he’ll order them
B) helped tomorrow then.
C) help
D) have helped A) had better not looked
E) to help B) hasn’t booked
C) couldn’t have booked
D) needn’t have booked
E) wasn’t supposed to book
30. A: I missed this week’s episode of “The
Simpsons”. What happened?
B: I don’t know. I don’t watch it any more.
A: Why not? I thought you were a fun of the 34. A: I didn’t think Paul and Sam were coming


show like me. to the picnic.
B: Yes, I ____ it three times a week, but now B: They ____ their minds.
I go to German lessons every night. A: Well, it’s nice to see them again.

A) used to watch A) would rather change

B) had watched B) used to change
C) must have watched C) must have changed
D) have watched D) should have changed
E) was able to watch E) had better change

31. I believe you ____this computer programme 35. I’m glad that I ____ hard to persuade my
in your previous job, so you ____ it difficult at parents because they were already keen on
times. Please don’t hesitate to ask me for the idea.
A) ought not to try
A) didn’t use / might find B) didn’t need to try
B) haven’t used / must find C) needn’t have tried
C) couldn’t use / have found D) mustn’t try
D) may not use / will find E) wasn’t able to try
E) hadn’t used / can find

36. When it was completed, the Eiffel Tower ____

32. Apparently, the man across the road ____ his the tallest building in the world, but now there

car after all because he took down the for- are many others which are taller than the
sale sign a week ago and he is still driving to Eiffel Tower.
A) would be
A) used to keep B) must be
B) had better keep C) used to be
C) was keeping D) was
D) was able to keep E) has been
E) is keeping

Compiled ELS Questions

37. Cats are very alert to any movement. For this 42. You ____ all your holiday money on the first
reason, they will pounce when a victim ____ day. You will need some for the rest of the
but ____prey that remains still. week.

A) can move / couldn’t attack A) didn’t use to spend

B) is moving / shouldn’t attack B) mustn’t spend
C) has moved / aren’t attacking C) don’t spend
D) moved / don’t attack D) might not spend
E) moves / may not attack E) haven’t spent

38. When I lived in England, I ____Indian food 43. Using lasers to produce extremely short and
several times a month, but here in Istanbul repeatable pulses of light, today scientists
it’s virtually impossible to find. ____ events happening in time intervals as
short as 1,000 trillionth of a second.


A) shall eat
B) would eat A) must have measured
C) ought to eat B) were measuring
D) have eaten C) used to measure
E) had eaten D) may have measured
E) are able to measure

39. A: Mrs. Parkinson ____ three accidents in

the last month. 44. Living cells exist in a variety of shapes; for
B: She ____ a very careful driver, then. example, they ____ cube-shaped or flat.
A: Couldn’t it have been just bad luck?
A) may be
A) was having / can’t be B) must be
B) has / shouldn’t be C) were
C) has had / must not be D) have been
D) is having / wasn’t E) ought to be
E) used to have / isn’t

45. We ____ the football match on television

40. The weather is awful again today. Let’s look yesterday, but we ____ because there was a
in the newspaper. There ____ a good film power cut.
showing at the cinema.
A) should be watching / may not
A) can be B) were supposed to watch / haven’t

B) had to be C) were going to watch / couldn’t

C) would rather be D) had better watch / needn’t
D) might be E) were watching / aren’t
E) should have been

46. Oh no, look at the sign! We ____ here. These

41. Cellulose is indigestible by humans, but spaces are for doctors and emergency
herbivores, such as cows and horses, ____ it patients only.
because they retain it long enough for
digestion by micro-organisms present in their A) needn’t have parked
digestive system. B) won’t be parking
C) haven’t got to park
A) can digest D) aren’t supposed to park
B) have to digest E) couldn’t have parked
C) used to digest
D) have digested
E) ought to digest

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

47. You ____ your children some freedom; 52. In parts of Africa, women still ____ water a
otherwise, they will resent you. long way to their village.

A) used to allow A) used to carry

B) must allow B) might carry
C) have allowed C) could have carried
D) allow D) have to carry
E) are able to allow E) must have carried

48. It’s not easy learning Turkish at home. Do you 53. Why did you bother so much trying to change
think I ____an evening course? your money? You ____ it, you know, as they
accept US dollars in Mexico.
A) must have taken
B) have taken A) couldn’t have changed


C) should take B) haven’t changed
D) had to take C) didn’t use to change
E) used to take D) needn’t have changed
E) can’t change

49. I refused to give my son any money for the

“Mega Death” sweat–shirt he wants to buy,
but I’m sure he’ll try to get some from his 54. I’d rather ____the match on television than
grandmother. I’d really rather she ____ him here in the pouring rain. I’m sure we’ll all
the money, because I don’t want him to wear catch a cold!
such an awful thing.
A) I watched
A) didn’t lend B) have watched
B) won’t lend C) to watch
C) not to lend D) to have watched
D) not lending E) be watching
E) had better not lend

55. You knew that we had to walk a long way

50. He ____ safety goggles, but he wasn’t and, as today, so you really ____ those high heeled
a result, the hot steel badly damaged his shoes. You only have yourself to blame for
eyes. your aching feet.

A) could have been wearing A) don’t have to wear

B) must have been wearing B) must not have worn
C) had been wearing C) shouldn’t have worn
D) should be wearing D) might not wear
E) ought to have been wearing E) can’t have worn

51. I ____ my car last week if I had accepted 56. I think Victoria ____ to the party, although she
James’ offer. He offered me two thousand really wants to, because she is flying to Paris
dollars for it, but I wanted more. the next day and has to pack her things.

A) used to sell A) may not come

B) could have sold B) couldn’t come
C) had sold C) wouldn’t come
D) may have sold D) didn’t come
E) was able to sell E) must not come

Compiled ELS Questions

57. You ____ this report to the managing director 62. It’s a long journey and there may not be any
personally. Do you understand? restaurants on the way. You ____ something
before you leave.
A) would sooner hand
B) would like to hand A) might have eaten
C) may have handed B) would eat
D) are to hand C) had better eat
E) have handed D) are able to eat
E) must have eaten

58. You ____ for the cocktail party after the

conference if you are worried about arriving 63. I knew that Marcus didn’t have much money,
home late. but he has just bought a new car. He ____ the
money from someone.
A) needn’t have stayed


B) don’t have to stay A) could borrow
C) haven’t stayed B) must have borrowed
D) weren’t able to stay C) would rather have borrowed
E) didn’t use to stay D) is able to borrow
E) is supposed to borrow

59. He ____ handball quite often, but his new job

requires him to travel a lot now, so he doesn’t 64. ____ I get some plates while you are cutting
have time any more. the cake?

A) must have played A) Do

B) has to play B) Let
C) should be playing C) Shall
D) could have played D) Did
E) used to play E) Would

60. Would you mind ____ your cigarette smoke in 65. We ____ anything tonight. We ____ the
my face? It’s getting on my nerves. leftovers from yesterday’s dinner party.

A) not to blow A) didn’t cook / used to eat

B) didn’t blow B) must not have cooked / will eat
C) not blowing C) won’t have cooked / should eat
D) haven’t blown D) might not cook / would eat

E) not blow E) needn’t cook / can eat

61. You ____ your jacket on a clothes hanger and

not leave it on the chair. You’ll crease it!

A) must have hung

B) would hang
C) may hang
D) ought to hang
E) will have hung

Modality / Test-2
5. A: What were you doing at the bank
01.-50. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
B: I ____ my bank manager for a loan to
repair our house, and luckily, I managed
to get it.
1. You ____ your own canoe in order to join the
canoe club. They cost a lot of money. You A) must have asked
____ mine whenever you want to canoeing. B) used to ask
C) had to ask
A) mustn’t buy / had borrowed D) should have asked
B) won’t haven bought / should borrow E) ought to ask
C) needn’t buy / can borrow
D) might not buy / would borrow
E) can’t buy / used to borrow


6. A: I can’t believe Jane isn’t here to collect
her award.
B: She ____ the invitation. We definitely
2. He is so poor now it’s hard to believe that should have checked that she had got it.
when he was young, he ____ down the street
in his Rolls Royce or sometimes his Jaguar A) would rather not receive
car. B) had better not receive
C) isn’t supposed to receive
A) has been driving D) needn’t have received
B) would drive E) must not have received
C) should have driven
D) has driven
E) may be driving 7. A: Did you speak to Sam about the plans for
the cake sale to raise money for charity?
B: Yes I did and she ____ bake some
3. Just as my daughter was about to leave the biscuits and cakes if she has time.
house on her wedding day, my son spilt
some tea on her dress. Fortunately, we ____ A) might be able to
the stain with some special soap before the B) was able to
wedding took place. C) used to
D) had better
A) were able to remove E) has had to
B) must have removed
C) might have removing
D) could remove 8. Our plane ____ in Cairo hours ago, but we
E) used to remove haven’t even taken off from Heathrow yet.

A) was supposed to land

4. A: Is Julian not visiting aunt May with us B) must have landed
today. C) ought to be landing
B: Well, he has been called out to an D) will have landed
emergency, but he ____ us there if he E) might be landing
finishes early.

A) has joined 9. This steak is a little bit undercooked for my

B) could have joined taste. ____ putting it back under the grill for
C) was joining another five minutes?
D) might join
E) would be joining A) Why don’t you
B) Would you mind
C) Would you like
D) Do you prefer
E) Do you mind if I

Compiled ELS Questions

10. A: I wonder why Mary didn’t want to come 15. Trade is so poor these days! We ____ just
shopping in Oxford street with us. two cars since I started working here a
B: I don’t know. She ____ short of money month ago.
these days because her new kitchen cost
her a lot of money. A) have been able to sell
B) used to sell
A) will be C) had to sell
B) has been D) will have sold
C) can be E) are supposed to sell
D) would be
E) could be

16. A: ____ we drive to Sultan Ahmet in our new

11. I ____ to the office to send e-mail any longer. B: Well, I ____ take the ferry to avoid the
The company has bought me a lap top traffic.


computer and a mobile phone which can be
used for electronic mail and the Internet. A) May / must
B) Can / would like
A) didn’t use to return C) Must / prefer
B) may not return D) Shall / would sooner
C) needn’t have returned E) Would / had beter
D) don’t have to return
E) must not have returned

17. I was going to write my essay about the

British nuclear tests in the Australian Desert,
12. You ____ so envious of your brother. He is but I ____ the topic when I ____ much
successful because, unlike you, he works information about them.
extremely hard.
A) have changed / wasn’t able to find
A) haven’t been B) had to change / couldn’t find
B) won’t be C) must change / haven’t found
C) weren’t D) might have changed / don’t find
D) shouldn’t be E) used to change / might not find
E) may not be

18. ____ you do me a favour please? ____ you

13. Oh dear, we seem to have run out of salt. I ask Mrs. Green if the interview room is
____ to the corner shop before dinner. available?

A) am able to go A) Might / May

B) needn’t go B) May / Could
C) could have gone C) Would / Do
D) must have gone D) Shall / Might
E) will have to go E) Could / Would

14. I can’t understand why Dad is now so careful 19. I was falling asleep while I was typing my
with his money. He ____ such a generous speech last night. The only way I ____ awake
person. was by drinking lots of strong coffee.

A) would be A) ought to stay

B) has been B) would rather stay
C) used to be C) have stayed
D) will be D) may stay
E) must be E) could stay

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

20. ____ you hold this shelf here while I go and 26. George ____ better in the tennis tournament
get my hammer? than I thought he ____ because he got
through to the finals.
A) May
B) Must A) must have played / could
C) Should B) will have played / ought to
D) Will C) should be playing / did
E) Shall D) ought to play / can
E) had better play / should
21. The tyres of my car ____ thin already. I only
replaced them in January. I’ll have to buy
better quality ones next time.
27. Ever since he took on this part time job, he
A) shouldn’t have worn ____ enough time on his studies.
B) needn’t have worn
C) didn’t wear A) can’t spend


D) aren’t supposed to wear B) isn’t able to spend
E) haven’t worn C) hasn’t been able to spend
D) wasn’t able to spend
22. According to their letter, we ____ them with E) couldn’t spend
a copy of our company’s accounts before we
can order any cars on contract hire.

A) have supplied 28. Now that they have raised the prices at the
B) have to supply gym, I ____ going there or I’ll have difficulty
C) may have supplied paying it.
D) used to supply
E) had supplied A) must have stopped
B) used to stop
23. I suppose I ____ to type his report for him, C) had better stop
but, at the time, I didn’t know how important D) might have stopped
it was. E) had stopped

A) have had offer

B) may have offered
C) could have offered 29. My brother’s eye sight is perfect, but I ____
D) would rather offer glasses since I was seven years old.
E) was able to offer
A) ought to wear
B) must have worn
24. A: Why is Mom still in hospital? She ____ C) have to wear
home today. D) had better wear

B: They wanted to do some more tests. E) have had to wear

A) must have come

B) was supposed to come
C) had better come 30. Would you mind if I ____ these trade
D) used to come magazines home to read? I have never get
E) may have come time to read them in the office.

A) to take
25. I’d like to have some people for dinner B) took
tonight, but it is too late to ask anyone C) am taking
because they ____ their plans already. D) taking
E) have taken
A) had better make
B) used to make
C) are making
D) may have made
E) can make

Compiled ELS Questions

31. I am really surprised that Robby hasn’t 36. I was just about to buy a new pair when the
signed up yet for skiing holiday this year. He police rang to say my handbag had been
____ the first to book every year. found with my glasses still inside. So I ____
a new pair after all.
A) will be
B) may have been A) needn’t have bought
C) would be B) mustn’t buy
D) could be C) wasn’t supposed to buy
E) used to be D) shouldn’t have bought
E) didn’t need to buy

32. Your mother ____ a restaurant. She is such a

wonderful cook. If she opened a restaurant,
I’m sure it would be full every night. 37. A: Why is she still perspiring? She ____ too
hot. I’ve taken her jumper off.
A) must have opened B: In that case she ____ a fever. You’d better


B) used to open take her temperature.
C) should open
D) would open A) can’t be / must have
E) was able to open B) isn’t / would rather have
C) wouldn’t be / is having
D) needn’t be / ought to have
33. We ____ offices soon. I saw the boss this E) shouldn’t be / had
morning viewing the new office block next to
the station.

A) would rather be moving 38. Please Mum, ____ I watch the film tonight? I
B) had better move have finished all my homework.
C) would have moved
D) may be moving A) would
E) have been moving B) may
C) do
D) should
34. A: Peter in the accounts department retired E) must
B: He ____ permanently yesterday. I saw him
at his desk only this morning. 39. I really missed Istanbul, where I lived when I
A: Oh well, he had his retirement was younger. On summer evenings, we ____
presentation yesterday, but perhaps that along the coast by the sea of Marmara when
was because the chairman was here. the sun was setting behind Kınalıada.
Maybe he is leaving on Friday.
A) ought to walk

A) can’t have left B) have walked

B) ought not to leave C) would walk
C) hasn’t left D) had walked
D) needn’t have left E) might walk
E) had better not leave

40. A: Julester looks so slim.

35. A: Did you have a busy day at the shop? If B: Has she been dieting?
you did, you ____ rushed off your feet A: Not that I am aware of.
without me there. B: Well, she ____ very hard then. She goes
B: No, I wasn’t. It was quite a quiet day. horse riding, doesn’t she?

A) must have been A) must have been exercising

B) have been B) was exercising
C) used to be C) had better exercise
D) would rather be D) was able to exercise
E) might be E) will have been exercising

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

41. You ____ a tie on Friday they don’t let men 46. During the strike of the railway workers,
into the restaurant unless they are wearing a many commuters ____ a taxi to and from
tie. work by coming three or four people
together so that they could afford it.
A) would wear
B) have to wear A) have been hiring
C) can wear B) had to hire
D) may wear C) ought to hire
E) could wear D) will be hire
E) might hire

42. Jennifer ____ the promotion that she is 47. We ____ by the river, but unfortunately, the
expecting as she hasn’t reached her sales riverside car park was full.
target yet.
A) should be parking


A) shouldn’t have got B) had parked
B) hadn’t got C) had better park
C) didn’t use to get D) were going to park
D) wasn’t getting E) are supposed to park
E) may not get

48. You ____ some more appointments to get

some more business. You’re never going to
43. Mom, according to what the doctor achieve your sales target at this rate.
instructed you to do, you _____any salt on
your food. You know! If you insist on eating A) used to make
that much salt, you are bound to have B) were making
another hearth attack! C) should make
D) have made
A) needn’t have put E) would make
B) didn’t use to put
C) haven’t put
D) don’t have to put 49. You haven’t got time to do the gardening. I
E) aren’t supposed to put think you ____a gardener, don’t you think

A) ought to employ
44. Alfred ____ his ankle badly as we ____ in the B) have employed
mountains last Saturday. C) are employing
D) must have employed
A) used to sprain / hiked E) employed

B) has sprained / could be hiking

C) must have sprained / have hiked
D) sprained / were hiking 50. I’m glad that you ____ your father to let you
E) may sprain / have been hiking come on this trip with us. It wouldn’t be so
enjoyable without you!

A) must have persuaded

45. ____ I look after Catty for a couple of hours B) could have persuaded
so that you and Kevin can go to cinema? C) might be persuading
D) were able to persuade
A) Would E) used to persuade
B) Let
C) Do
D) Did
E) Shall

Modality / Test-3
5. You ____ to bed early the night before an
01.-50. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
exam. A good night’s sleep will do you more
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
good than studying all night and then falling
asleep in the exam.

1. You ____ the meeting this week if you are A) will have gone
too busy. There is going to be another one B) may go
next week and you ____ to that one. C) ought to go
D) would go
A) might not attend / would go E) would rather go
B) needn’t attend / can go
C) can’t attend / have gone
D) won’t have attended / go
E) didn’t attend / used to go


6. Would you mind ____ your music so loudly?
I am trying to study.

A) not play
2. You look as if you are having trouble with B) not playing
your homework. ____ you like me to help C) didn’t play
you with it? D) not to play
E) haven’t played
A) Could
B) Did
C) May
D) Would
E) Shall 7. The former president never ____ to the
press, but this one is much more accessible.

A) could have talked

3. I thought that I had my keys with me, but I B) should be talking
can’t find them in my coat. I ____ them in my C) must have talked
other coat. D) has to talk
E) used to talk
A) am supposed to leave
B) am able to leave
C) would rather have left
D) must have left 8. Hurray! We ____ to school today because it
E) could leave is snowing so hard.

A) haven’t been going

B) shouldn’t have gone
4. I’ve heard that Mr. Benner is the toughest C) must not have gone
teacher for this course. You ____ to get D) don’t have to go
another teacher, or you can’t get a good E) may not have gone

A) had better try

B) must have tried 9. Wilber ____ smoking and eating meat after
C) have tried his heart attack, but he didn’t and now he
D) would try has had a second one.
E) might have tried
A) should have stopped
B) must have stopped
C) was able to stop
D) will have stopped
E) used to stop

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

10. According to the weather report, it ____ 15. I ____ a stockbroker if I had wanted to, but I
tomorrow, and if it does, we ____the hike thought life as a bass guitarist in a heavy
I’ve been looking forward to. metal band would be far more interested.

A) ought to rain / cancelled A) was able to become

B) must rain / were able to cancel B) may have become
C) may rain / will have to cancel C) had become
D) would be raining / had to cancel D) could have become
E) has been raining / must cancel E) used to become

11. I know you have a lot of work to do, but it is 16. You ____ more carefully. Now the insurance
your own fault; you ____ everything until the company won’t pay you anything because
last minute. the accident was your fault.


A) can’t have left A) must have been driving
B) might not leave B) should be driving
C) must not have left C) had been driving
D) shouldn’t have left D) ought to have been driving
E) haven’t been leaving E) have been driving

12. I’d really rather ____ in Hawaii at the moment 17. I’d rather you ____ out tonight because,
than stuck behind this desk all day. according to the news, there could be
trouble downtown.
A) I am surfing
B) to be surfing A) haven’t gone
C) to surf B) not to go
D) have surfed C) didn’t go
E) be surfing C) won’t go
E) not going

13. You ____ your plane ticket so far in advance

because flights to Birmingham are never full. 18. A friend of mine told me that I ____ India in
the summer, because that is the monsoon
A) can’t buy season, when it is both too hot and too wet.
B)needn’t have bought
C) didn’t use to buy A) didn’t use to visit
D) haven’t bought B) needn’t visit

E) couldn’t have bought C) haven’t visited

D) might not visit
E) shouldn’t visit

14. In Iran and Saudi Arabia, all women ____

their heads outside of the house, but in most
Muslim countries it is optional. 19. Hawaii is such an expensive place to live
and the wages are so low that you ____ very
A) have to cover hard just to get by.
B) must have covered
C) could be covering A) are able to work
D) might cover B) have to work
E) used to cover C) have worked
D) must have worked
E) used to work

Compiled ELS Questions

20. We had better hurry if we want to get back to 25. There are some sounds that are out of the
the hotel before the curfew. No one ____ out range of the human ear but which dogs ___ .
after dark, except for the patrol forces, you
know. A) ought to hear
B) have heard
A) could have been C) can hear
B) is supposed to be D) have to hear
C) has been E) used to hear
D) has to be
E) should have been

26. My sister ____ a German teacher because

her German was fluent, but she decided to
21. Mike couldn’t attend university because he become an accountant instead.
____ his family when his father died.
A) has become


A) had to support B) had to become
B) must have supported C) will become
C) could be supporting D) could have become
D) has been supporting E) must have become
E) will have supported

27. You ____ me at work. The boss was really

22. Petroleum deposits can occur almost angry because he had warned me before
anywhere – they ____ under desert, under about personal calls.
fertile land, or even under the sea.
A) must not have phoned
A) ought to be B) shouldn’t have phoned
B) may be C) didn’t phone
C) must be D) didn’t use to phone
D) were E) can’t have phoned
E) should have been

28. Sally ____ Italian like a native, but since she

23. Using the latest and most expensive moved to Indiana, she has forgotten most of
technology, including nuclear batteries, it.
space scientists ____ to the furthest reaches
of our solar system now. A) used to speak
B) had spoken
A) were probing C) was supposed to speak

B) may have probed D) has been speaking

C) used to probe E) must have spoken
D) are able to probe
E) must have probed

29. While there seem to be plenty of unexploited

petroleum reserves, some experts worry that
24. Now remember, when you are in the race there ____ enough to carry us through the
you ____ to run too fast in the first few laps next century.
because you will need plenty of energy for
the final sprint. A) may not be
B) haven’t been
A) haven’t tried C) didn’t use to be
B) shouldn’t have tried D) don’t have to be
C) mustn’t try E) had better not be
D) might not try
E) didn’t use to try

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

30. Today no one can imagine what a battle at 35. I ____ the same computer program when I
sea was like in the days of sail. It ____ both worked at a bank, so it ____ easy for me to
an impressive and a frightening sight. adjust to this new job.

A) might be A) should be using / could be

B) could be B) used to use / should be
C) ought to be C) need to use / would be
D) has been D) must have used / must be
E) must have been E) might have used / can be

36. He ____ as carefully as he claimed he was.

31. When we went to Japan, we ____ anything Why did he bump me to the lamp post then?
for ourselves because our Japanese hosts
took care of everything. A) doesn’t have to drive
B) isn’t supposed to drive
A) must not have done C) won’t have been driving


B) needn’t have done D) shouldn’t have driven
C) didn’t need to do E) can’t have been driving
D) couldn’t have done
E) ought not to do 37. Would you mind if I ____ early this
afternoon? I have a dentist appointment at

32. A: I hear a noise coming from the kitchen. A) to leave

B: My greedy brother ____ for something B) had left
to eat. C) leaving
D) left
A) must be looking E) have left
B) should have looked
C) used to look 38. I’m so glad that I ____ to the meeting place
D) ought to be looking on time yesterday despite the heavy traffic,
E) has looked or the boss would have been really annoyed.

A) was able to get

B) have got
33. A: Did you know that classes were cancelled C) used to get
yesterday because the heating in the D) should have got
building failed? E) had to get
B: No, but I ____ anyway because I was in
bed all day with flu. 39. Sean ____ married three months ago and
since then he ____ out drinking with his old
A) didn’t use to attend friends.

B) won’t be attending
C) must not have attended A) had got / ought not to go
D) haven’t attended B) used to get / couldn’t have gone
E) couldn’t have attended C) got / hasn’t been able to go
D) has got / shouldn’t be going
E) was getting / didn’t have to go

34. I know I ____ for a job, but there are so few 40. These days, he ____ to stop smoking and
jobs for a person of my abilities, which is playing cards as well because his wife is so
discouraging. strict with him, so his life will have changed
completely soon.
A) had been looking
B) ought to look A) used to try
C) must have looked B) is trying
D) was able to look C) tried
E) used to look D) had to try
E) could have tried

Compiled ELS Questions

41. It is hardly surprising that he gets depressed 46. Sue has only been in Egypt for a year and
and wonders if he really ____ married. she already speaks Arabic fluently. She ____
it that quickly. I’m sure she had started
A) may have got studying it before she left England.
B) must have got
C) used to get A) shouldn’t have learned
D) will have got B) won’t have learned
E) ought to have got C) can’t have learned
D) didn’t use to learn
E) isn’t supposed to learn

42. Though Sally ____ how to swim, when she

met a young man who was a professional
diver, she learned quickly. 47. Do you think Jeff ____ to join us on our
hike? Does he like this sort of activity?
A) hasn’t known


B) might not know A) would rather
C) can’t know B) was able
D) wouldn’t know C) has been able
E) didn’t know D) had better
E) would like

43. Our father never earned much money, but he

____ something nice for us whenever he 48. Sam is such a good swimmer that he ____
____. the Olympic record for the 100 metre race,
but unfortunately he didn’t compete because
A) should buy / did of a pulled shoulder muscle.
B) had to buy / does
C) would buy / could A) is going to break
D) must have bought / can B) must have broken
E) would rather buy / has C) could have broken
D) is supposed to break
E) had to break

44. Where have you been? You ____ here at 2

o’clock, and it’s almost 3.
49. I wonder what the problem was in the
A) must have been restaurant last night. Three members of staff
B) were supposed to be ____ tables, but there was only one, I must
C) were able to be speak to the restaurant manager.
D) are going to be

E) have been A) could be clearing

B) ought to be clearing
C) should have been clearing
D) must have been clearing
E) were clearing
45. I told my flatmate to buy some bread, but he
____ because there isn’t any here.

A) must have forgotten 50. Hey, watch where you are going! You ____
B) ought to be forgetting me!
C) could forget
D) should have forgotten A) could have killed
E) was able to forget B) should have killed
C) have killed
D) will have killed
E) used to kill

Passive Voice / Test-1
6. Films of violence ---- on television until after
01.-35. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
9.30 at night, the time when the majority of
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
children ---- to bed.

1. The results of the research ---- that, presently, A) cannot be shown / went
several East Asian countries ---- rapidly. B) aren’t being shown / had gone
C) didn’t use to be shown / are going
A) have indicated / were developing D) shouldn’t be shown / go
B) indicate / are developing E) needn’t be shown / have gone
C) are indicated / have been developing
D) were indicated / had developed 7. Normal climbing boots slip in icy conditions,
E) had indicated / developed so climbers ---- iron plates with spikes, known


as crampons, to their boots.
2. Understandably, her friends ---- when Julia
married someone else after being engaged to A) should be fixed
John for two years. B) have to fix
C) have been fixed
A) are surprising D) used to fix
B) were surprised E) must be fixed
C) surprised
D) will be surprised 8. “Fragile, handle with care” ---- on the
E) had surprised package, but still the contents of the parcel
---- when it arrived.
3. The facsimile ---- when the secretary returns
from lunch. A) had written / would be broken
B) is being written / will be broken
A) will be sent C) was written / were broken
B) is going to send D) would have written / had broken
C) should have sent E) has been written / could break
D) was being sent
E) has been sent 9. An apple tree ---- fruit until it is five to eight
years old.
4. Because James ---- to physical work, he ----
after he had spent a week on the farm. A) did not bear
B) was not bearing

A) isn’t accustomed / might be exhausted C) has not been borne

B) hadn’t accustomed / had exhausted D) does not bear
C) won’t be accustomed / will be exhausted E) will not be borne
D) hasn’t accustomed / has exhausted
E) wasn’t accustomed / was exhausted
10. The hill where Jane Austen set one of her
5. Animals ---- to survive in the wild, rather than romances ---- Box Hill because of the box
kept in captivity. trees which ---- there.
A) are helping A) calls / are grown
B) have been helping B) has been calling / grew
C) should be helped C) used to call / used to grow
D) could be helping D) are calling / were growing
E) ought to have helped E) is called / grow

Compiled ELS Questions

11. Your chances of success in an examination 16. Portland cement, when it ---- with water, ---- a
---- if you ---- the course work thoroughly. paste that binds sand, gravel and stone into a
rock-like mass called concrete.
A) enhance / are revised
B) were enhancing / revised A) will be combined / formed
C) had enhanced / were revising B) has combined / is formed
D) could be enhanced / would revise C) was combined / was formed
E) are enhanced / revise D) combines / has been formed
E) is combined / forms

12. When he ---- an essay on time for once, his

17. The twentieth century, now nearing its end, ----
professor ---- him a look of surprise.
the century when mankind ---- to realise that
the Earth’s resources are limited.


A) handed / gave
B) was handed / was giving
A) was / was coming
C) is handed / will be given
B) will be / had come
D) has handed / would give
C) has been / has come
E) hands / is given
D) had been / came
E) will have been / is coming
13. You ---- plenty of time in case the bus ----;
otherwise, you’ll risk missing your ferry. 18. Up to now, the equipment ---- regularly, but
from now on, we ---- it before every outing.
A) must have allowed / delays
B) used to allow / delayed A) wasn’t checked / are checking
C) ought to be allowed / has delayed B) hasn’t checked / will be checking
D) had better allow / is delayed C) isn’t being checked / should be checked
E) were allowed / was delayed D) hasn’t been checked / are going to check
E) hadn’t checked / have to be checked

14. It’s true that happiness ---- with money, but

some money ---- life easier. 19. Judging from the speed of mechanisation, it
---- that very few things in the world ---- by
A) mustn’t be bought / made hand in the twenty-first century.
B) shouldn’t bought / has made

C) can’t be bought / makes A) has been predicted / will be making

D) doesn’t buy / is making B) can be predicted / will be made
E) hasn’t been bought / is made C) will be predicted / were made
D) is being predicted / have been made
E) is predicting / will have been made
15. Cells ---- for the first time by the English
scientist Robert Hooke, who, in 1665, ---- a 20. Considering the major resources we ---- with
book about his findings. for the project, we ---- a wonderful job.

A) were described / published A) had been provided / did

B) had described / would have published B) were provided / can do
C) could be described / was published C) have been provided / used to do
D) has described / had published D) will be provided / have done
E) would be described / could be published E) provided / will be doing

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

21. Solutions to the problem of unemployment 26. The works of Shakespeare ---- into every
---- , but none of the measures that ---- so far major language in the world.
has been very successful.
A) are going to translate
A) have sought / will be tired B) have been translated
B) will be sought / have been trying C) had translated
C) had been seeking / were trying D) had been translating
D) are being sought / have been tried E) will have translated
E) have been seeking / are tried

22. Africa’s population growth rate is much 27. He ---- about this meeting for weeks, so I
higher than the world average and it ---- that, don’t know why he ---- anything for it yet.
by the year 2050, Africa ---- for twenty-one


percent of the world’s population. A) is known / isn’t preparing
B) was known / doesn’t prepare
A) has estimated / account C) knows / didn’t prepare
B) was estimating / had been accounting D) has known / hasn’t prepared
C) will be estimated / accounted E) knew / hadn’t prepared
D) will have estimated / is accounting
E) is estimated / will account
28. There were such a lot of different things to do
23. Following stricter “drink driving” regulations, at the resort where we ---- our holiday that
the number of accidents which ---- drunk none of us ----.
drivers ---- significantly.
A) spent / was bored
A) have been involved / is reduced B) were spending / bored
B) involve / has been reduced C) were spent / had bored
C) were involved / was reducing D) have spent / could be bored
D) are involved / is reducing E) spend / are bored
E) involved / has been reducing

24. I managed to translate most of the letter for 29. A place ---- for you, Madam, as soon as you
you, but I ---- stuck on one or two sentences. ---- the deposit.

A) am getting A) has been reserved / will pay


B) get B) reserved / had paid

C) got C) is reserving / are paid
D) was getting D) is reserved / were paid
E) will get E) will be reserved / have paid

25. The world’s first dental school, Baltimore

Collage of Dental Surgery, ---- by two 30. There is no way you ---- all of your project in
Americans, Horace Hayden and Chapin an hour, so you ----the most important points
Harris, in 1839. and talk about those.

A) would have founded A) should be covered / ought to choose

B) was founding B) used to cover / can choose
C) was founded C) must cover / will be chosen
D) had founded D) ought to cover / have chosen
E) would be founding E) can cover / had better choose

Compiled ELS Questions

31. If a person ---- in more food than required to 34. Luckily, he realised that he had forgotten his
meet the body’s needs, the excess calories passport in time to return to the hotel and
---- to fat. collect it; otherwise, we ---- for the flight.

A) will take / have converted A) must not have accepted

B) takes / are converted B) ought not to be accepted
C) is taken / convert C) hadn’t been accepted
D) has taken / were converted D) couldn’t have been accepted
E) was taken / had converted E) needn’t have accepted

32. Because I ---- up in a house next to a main 35. Everybody was very concerned when one of


railway line, I rarely get disturbed by noises the representatives ---- half way through the
during the night. main course.

A) was brought A) will collapse

B) had brought B) is collapsing
C) have been bringing C) has collapsed
D) used to bring D) collapses
E) am bringing E) collapsed

33. Women ---- dress design until the last half of

the 19th century.

A) were dominated
B) have dominated
C) dominated
D) are dominating
E) would be dominated

Passive Voice / Test-2
5. I really dislike ---- to work on Sundays
01.-35. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
because I feel torn between my family and
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

1. I hope the new timetable ---- by Friday as I A) to be asking

want to start a driving course next week, but I B) asking
need to know which afternoon I will be off C) being asked
before I can enrol on it. D) having asked
E) to have asked
A) has been announced
B) is going to announce
C) will have been announced


6. The FBI ---- that he knew where the body ---- .
D) has been announcing
E) is being announced A) has suspected / was burying
B) suspects / had been burying
C) was suspected / will be buried
2. Obviously, the management ---- that we ---- D) is suspected / had buried
the new conditions without questioning the E) suspected / was buried

A) have assumed / are accepted

B) assume / will accept 7. Animal lovers would like industrial testing on
C) were assumed / have accepted animals ---- to medical experiments.
D) will be assumed / will be accepted
A) being limited
E) assumed / were accepted
B) to have limited
C) having limited
D) to be limited
3. Look! The other team must be about to play
E) to be limiting
their substitute because he ---- warmed up at
the side of the pitch.

A) has got 8. The end of slavery in America ---- by the

B) gets passage of the 13th Amendment to the US
C) had been getting Constitution on 18th December, 1865.

D) is getting
E) will get A) would have achieved
B) was achieving
C) had achieved
4. To the ancient Romans, a census ---- simply D) has been achieved
counting the people and valuing their estates E) was achieved
for the purpose of the taxation, but today the
range of information collected by a census
taker is very wide, and the statistics gathered 9. Medicines and chemical cleaning liquids ----
---- to many uses. out of children’s reach.

A) meant / are put A) should be kept

B) was meant / have put B) must have kept
C) used to mean / have been putting C) need to keep
D) had been meaning / put D) have kept
E) means / are being put E) used to keep

Compiled ELS Questions

10. The United Kingdom ---- a period of time until 14. Portugal’s government ---- down by a military
1995 to clean up its beaches by the European coup in 1974 and the new administration ----
Union, but Morecambe Bay in Lancashire was the rights of Portuguese African territories to
so dirty that it ---- two more years to bring the independence.
area up to the required standard.
A) was bringing / was recognised
A) was given / was allowed B) has brought / recognised
B) is given / has allowed C) was brought / recognised
C) gives / will have allowed D) has been brought / is recognised
D) has been given / has allowed E) had brought / had recognised
E) gave / had been allowed
15. In order to keep his land fertile, a farmer ----
animal, plant or chemical fertilisers.


A) had been used
11. Five armed men ---- a Zurich Post Office last B) has to use
night in a van which ---- as a Post Office C) must be used
repair vehicle. D) used to use
E) can be used
A) were robbing / disguised
B) robbed / was disguised 16. During some of the war years, my father and
C) were robbed / had disguised his brother were separated ---- their parents
D) had been robbed / has disguised because they were evacuated from London to
E) would be robbing / is disguised the countryside.

A) with
B) for
C) about
12. Advertising is very old. Examples of D) from
advertising ---- as far back as ancient Greece, E) towards
where criers ---- out messages about their
clients’ wares to the public. 17. In our company the sales representatives
and the managers are provided ---- a
A) have found / were shouting company car.
B) would be found / had been shouted

C) might be found / were shouted A) with

D) used to find / had been shouting B) from
E) can be found / shouted C) by
D) into
E) for

18. The film “Rainmaker” is based ---- the book of

13. The coach driver couldn’t see through the the same name by John Grisham and tells the
window because it ---- properly. story of a newly qualified lawyer.

A) doesn’t clean A) for

B) didn’t use to clean B) from
C) wasn’t supposed to clean C) on
D) hadn’t been cleaned D) with
E) hasn’t cleaned E) by

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

19. Local residents ---- to radio-activity for weeks 24. Are you sure my table ---- by this cleaning
now because of the leak at the Nuclear Power fluid?
A) won’t have damaged
A) are exposing B) hadn’t damaged
B) have been exposed C) won’t be damaged
C) will have been exposed D) isn’t damaging
D) were exposed E) hasn’t been damaging
E) had been exposing

25. It’s our principle that the petrol tank ---- before
20. I’m sure they ---- with your gift. They ---- a the rental car ---- to the customer.
toaster for a long time.


A) is filled / is delivered
A) will thrill / wanted
B) must be filled / has delivered
B) had thrilled / have wanted
C) has filled / has been delivered
C) are going to thrill / had been wanting
D) was filled / had delivered
D) will be thrilled / have been wanting
E) will have filled / delivers
E) will have been thrilled / want

26. This morning, the attendant ---- a baby who

21. Under UK equal opportunity laws,
---- in an old blanket on the steps of the
employees ---- against on the grounds of
country hospital.
race, religion or gender.

A) didn’t use to discriminate A) finds / wrapped

B) should not discriminate B) was being found / has been wrapped
C) won’t have discriminated C) is finding / was wrapped
D) hasn’t been discriminating D) found / was wrapped
E) cannot be discriminated E) was found / had been wrapped

22. The company ---- the advertisement 27. The sailing ship ---- about like a toy by the
because several viewers ---- that it was strong November wind.
A) threw

A) was being withdrawn / will complain B) had thrown

B) withdraws / had complained C) throws
C) had been withdrawn / were complaining D) was being thrown
D) could have withdrawn / complain E) has been throwing
E) had to withdraw / complained

28. All of the trees that ---- by the disease ---- ;

23. Strict dieting to lose weight ---- only under a otherwise, the problem will spread through
physician’s care. the whole orchard.

A) has attempted A) affect / must have been destroyed

B) should be attempted B) are affected / should be destroyed
C) is attempting C) have been affected / destroy
D) must have attempted D) have been affecting / might be destroyed
E) had been attempting E) are affecting / will have been destroyed

Compiled ELS Questions

29. In some states in the USA, prisoners who have 33. As far as I know, the body ---- by a child who
received the death sentence ---- by lethal ---- his bike through the park.
injection, while other states ---- prisoners in
an “electric chair”. A) has discovered / is riding
B) had discovered / was ridden
A) have been killing / are executed C) was being discovered / rides
B) had been killed / will execute D) is discovered / is being ridden
C) are killed / execute E) was discovered / was riding
D) will kill / are going to execute
E) are killing / are executing


30. Most of the animals which now ---- wild on the 34. The secretary ---- ---- in the conspiracy, but
island ---- there during the 19th century. we don’t know whether she actually shot the
senator or not.
A) live / were brought
B) are living / had brought A) has been known / to be involving
C) were living / are brought B) is known / to have been involved
D) have been living / brought C) will have known / to involve
E) lived / have been brought D) knew / to have involved
E) had been known / having involved

31. I ---- scuba diving lessons since last year, but 35. Robert is so clumsy with words that
I still ---- accustomed to breathing with all that whenever he ---- his mouth, he ----
equipment. somebody.

A) took / hadn’t got A) opens / insults

B) am taking / didn’t get B) opened / is insulted
C) have been taking / haven’t got C) will open / has insulted
D) am taken / wasn’t getting D) will have opened / is insulting
E) will be taken / won’t be getting E) had been known / was insulted

32. You ---- the dogs in; otherwise, they ----

frightened when the fireworks go off.

A) must have brought / got

B) should have brought / have got
C) are brought / are getting
D) had better bring / will get
E) have been brought / get

Passive Voice / Test-3
5. My mother is quite old now and sometimes
01.-45. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
she ---- up and down steps.
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) was to be helped
1. Oh, gosh! You ---- with a shark coming B) has helped
straight towards you. C) used to help
D) must have helped
A) must have been terrified E) has to be helped
B) could have terrified
C) must have been terrifying
D) should have terrified 6. As none of us have been there before, we ----
how much time we ---- for the journey.


E) used to be terrifying
A) won’t decide / allowed
B) can’t decide / should allow
2. The forest fire ---- an area of the Amazonian C) might not decide / had allowed
rain forest, which has decreased the size of D) aren’t decided / allow
France. E) haven’t been decided / will allow

A) was destroyed
B) destroys 7. As we ---- towards the Brandenburg Gate in
C) will be destroyed Berlin, thousands of people ---- in the
D) has destroyed opposite direction to protest about the
E) had been destroyed increase in telephone rates.

A) were being walked / have marched

3. Spiders ---- by many people, but most of B) were walked / are marching
them ---- to be harmless. C) were walking / have been marching
D) walked / were marching
A) had feared / were known E) are walking / had marched
B) have been feared / knew
C) are feared / are known
D) have feared / have known 8. After my father ---- me his old bicycle, I ---- to
E) will be feared / know university, which was better for my health.

A) was given / had cycled

B) had been given / have been cycling
4. Although specifically directed against
C) was giving / will be cycling
slavery, the 13th Amendment to the US
D) has given / will cycle
Constitution ---- since ---- by the federal
E) had given / cycled
courts as applicable to all forms of enforced

9. When the meadow behind the farm ----, my

A) is / being viewed
brother’s hay fever ---- .
B) has / been viewed
C) will / have been viewed A) was mowed / deteriorated
D) has / been viewing B) mows / has deteriorated
E) is / viewing C) had been mowed / deteriorates
D) mowed / had been deteriorating
E) will have mowed / is deteriorating

Compiled ELS Questions

10. The Irish people ---- to Christianity by Saint 15. It has been a wonderful party! I ---- myself so
Patrick in the 5th century and Ireland had much in a long time.
been a great centre of peace, culture and
learning it until it ---- by Vikings in the 9th A) don’t enjoy
century. B) won’t enjoy
C) wasn’t enjoying
A) have converted / invades D) haven’t enjoyed
B) were converted / was invaded E) am not enjoying
C) were converting / has invaded
D) have been converting / was invading
E) had converted / was being invaded 16. Usually I ---- cash for things because I ----
using credit cards.
11. I ---- to see that the thing which ---- out of the


bushes in front of me in the dark alley was A) pay / don’t like
only a cat. B) have paid / didn’t like
C) am paid / am not like
A) had relieved / was jumped D) am paying / haven’t like
B) would relive / was jumping E) have been paid / won’t like
C) have been relieved / is jumping
D) was relieved / jumped
E) am relieved / is jumped 17. I know that you ---- here in the bathroom,
son, because I ---- the smoke at this very
12. I wonder whether the hotel ---- us with towels moment.
or not.
A) smoke / am smelling
A) is provided B) smoked / could smell
B) was provided C) have been smoking / can smell
C) had provided D) were smoked / used to smell
D) will provide E) are smoking / might smell
E) is being provided

13. Fog over a city is usually more intense than 18. This is the fifth time they ---- this record this
over the surrounding countryside because morning. I wonder when they ---- tired of it?
the city ---- a greater amount of moisture into
the atmosphere. A) play / are getting

B) were played / got

A) is discharged C) had played / were getting
B) has discharged D) are played / have got
C) discharges E) have played / will get
D) was discharged
E) will be discharged
19. Sugar-free chewing gums ---- in the 1950s,
14. While she ---- the documents, she ---- several and by the 1980s several brands ---- on the
new French words. market.

A) was translating / learnt A) were introducing / were appearing

B) translated / is learning B) were introduced / had appeared
C) is translated / has learned C) had been introduced / will appear
D) has been translating / will learn D) would have introduced / appeared
E) translates / was learning E) have been introduced / would be appearing

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

20. I really hate ---- waiting at the dentist. 25. I ---- able to understand a lot more Turkish
since the principles of vowel harmony ---- to
A) being kept me.
B) to be keeping
C) to have kept A) will be / explained
D) having kept B) was / had explained
E) to keep C) should be / were explaining
D) am / are explaining
E) have been / were explained
21. Are you going to hold a party when you ----?
26. By the end of the month, you ---- to lessons
A) were promoting for two months, so you ---- to take your
B) will promote proficiency test.


C) are promoted
D) have promoted A) are coming / have been allowed
E) will be promoting B) are going to be coming / have allowed
C) will have been coming / will be allowed
D) have been coming / are allowed
22. The twins ---- after by a German nanny for E) had been coming / will have allowed
the last three years, so they can both speak
German quite fluently. 27. You ---- your machine on the 13th March, so,
allowing seven days for delivery, it ---- on or
A) are looking before the 20th.
B) were being looked
C) have been looked A) ordered / will be delivered
D) will have looked B) have been ordering / has delivered
E) have been looking C) are ordered / will be delivering
D) are being ordered / is going to deliver
E) will have ordered / delivers
23. A: What have you done to your ankle?
B: I ---- over while I ---- on Sunday. 28. They ---- the brochures but they haven’t
bound them yet, so they ---- them until
A) was tripped / had hiked Monday.
B) would be tripping / have hiked
C) had tripped / hiked A) have been printed / shouldn’t deliver

D) had been tripped / would be hiking B) have printed / can’t deliver

E) tripped / was hiking C) are printing / haven’t delivered
D) are printed / couldn’t deliver
E) will print / wouldn’t deliver
24. Jeff ---- himself how to play the guitar during
his years at university, and now he ---- the 29. The teacher was certain that some of the
instrument like a professional. students ---- by the new grammar, but they
---- any questions.
A) has taught / is played
B) taught / plays A) had confused / weren’t asked
C) was teaching / will play B) were confusing / hadn’t asked
D) will be taught / has played C) had been confused / aren’t asked
E) had been taught / was played D) were confused / didn’t ask
E) will be confused / haven’t asked

Compiled ELS Questions

30. Saturated fats ---- ---- the level of 35. Unfortunately, the student had confused the
cholesterol in the blood. “present perfect” ---- the “past perfect” and
therefore, he scored rather badly on his last
A) have known / to be raising examination.
B) know / having raised
C) were known / to be raised A) for
D) knew / to have been raised B) with
E) are known / to raise C) about
D) by
E) from
31. The results ---- by now, so let’s phone dad
and see if he knows the score.
36. As long as I ---- at least three times a week,


A) should have broadcast I’m sure I ---- any stage fright before the
B) might broadcast performance.
C) ought to be broadcasting
D) must have been broadcast A) rehearse / won’t experience
E) will have been broadcasting B) am rehearsing / haven’t experience
C) was rehearsing / hadn’t experienced
D) will rehearse / am not experiencing
32. We ---- some sleep when we get home E) rehearsed / don’t experience
because we ---- on a coach for sixteen hours.

A) will need / will have been travelling 37. Hopefully, I ---- refreshed and invigorated by
B) needed / have been travelling the time I ---- from holiday.
C) are needed / are going to travel
D) were needed / had been travelling A) am feeling / have returned
E) need / are travelling B) was feeling / was returned
C) will be feeling / return
D) am going to feel / am returned
33. The head chef ---- that only fresh vegetables E) will have felt / had returned
---- in the production of their soups.

A) has claimed / will have used 38. Why is it always regarded as so funny when
B) was claimed / used someone ---- on a banana skin?

C) is claimed / have been used

D) claims / are used A) is slipped
E) claimed / were using B) slipped
C) was slipped
D) had slipped
34. A monastery ---- on this site in the 11th E) slips
century, but these remains are of a later
structure, which ---- in the 13th century. 39. I ---- her only when she ---- that she was
A) was founding / had built
B) founded / was building A) forgave / was admitted
C) was founded / was built B) forgive / is admitted
D) had been founded / has been built C) will forgive / admits
E) have founded / would be built D) am going to forgive / admitted
E) have forgiven / will admit

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

40. Are you sure you ---- an umbrella? It looks 44. The parcel ---- back to the Post Office,
as if it ----? because I was at work when they ---- to
deliver it.
A) didn’t need / has rained
B) haven’t needed / has been running A) took / were tired
C) don’t need / had been raining B) has been taking / are trying
D) won’t need / is going to rain C) is taken / are tired
E) hadn’t needed / was raining D) had been taken / have tried
E) was taken / tried

41. The party ---- only to employees. The 45. The nations of Central America ---- many
employees’ families ---- as well. cultural characteristics, and except in Belize,


Spanish ---- in all of them as the official
A) doesn’t limit / have invited language.
B) isn’t limited / are invited
C) wasn’t limited / invited A) share / is spoken
D) hasn’t limited / had been invited B) are sharing / has spoken
E) won’t limit / were invited C) are shared / has been speaking
D) were sharing / had spoken
E) shared / is speaking

42. The letters ---- in drawer, in which Emily ----

all her personal keepsakes.

A) are hidden / was kept

B) were hidden / kept
C) are hiding / is kept
D) hid / was keeping
E) had hidden / keeps

43. We ---- the evening until Frank ---- to an


A) enjoyed / has been called

B) enjoyed / was calling
C) were enjoying / was called
D) had enjoyed / has called
E) will be enjoying / had been called

Gerunds & Infinitives / Test-1
5- My son has scribbled with a ballpoint pen on
01.-35. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
the kitchen wall. In an effort to remove it, I’ve
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
tried ---- it, but that didn’t work, so I intend ----
the kitchen at the weekend.

1- The terrorist group is known ---- an

A) to clean / to be repainted
extensive supply of weapons.
B) having cleaned / repainted
C) to have cleaned / repainting
A) to have
D) cleaning / to repaint
B) having
E) clean / being repainted
C) having had


D) to be having
E) have had
6- The rebels in Sierra Leone try ---- the village
people ---- them by cutting off some of the
inhabitants’ hands.
2- Please play something else instead of Chris
rea. His music is too slow ---- at a party.
A) making / obeyed
B) to have made / to obey
A) playing
C) having made / obeying
B) to play
D) make / to be obeying
C) played
E) to make / obey
D) having played
E) being played
7- When you telephone Lisa ---- her of the
departmental meeting, please make it clear
3- ---- the cottages, we raised enough money to
that we don’t blame her ---- the order.
renovate the manor house.
A) to have informed / to lose
A) For selling
B) informing / to have lost
B) By selling
C) having informed / about losing
C) To have sold
D) to be informed / on losing
D) On being sold
E) to inform / for losing
E) Not being sold

8- I will be sorry ---- this company, but I was

4- As Sheila is moving house on Monday, she’s
offered an opportunity ---- in a field which I
asked me ---- her ---- up all her belongings.
really enjoy.

A) helping / packing
A) leaving / to have worked
B) help / having packed
B) to leave / to work
C) to help / pack
C) having left / about working
D) to be helped / to pack
D) with leaving / for working
E) help / to be packing
E) to have left / work

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

9- I was surprised at the low level of service 14- She was furious when she found her younger
offered by them as I had believed them ---- a sister ---- on her clothes.
respected company.
A) try
A) be B) being tried
B) being C) to try
C) to be D) on trying
D) having been E) trying
E) have been

15- It is a lovely drawing, but I think it needs ----

10- There is no point in going ---- when you to look its best.
haven’t got enough money ---- anything.


A) to frame
A) to shop / on buying B) to be framed
B) to be shopping / for buying C) to have framed
C) shop / having bought D) being framed
D) shopping / to buy E) framed
E) having shopped / to be buying

16- The new football stadium is said ---- seating

11- It will cost too much money ---- a full colour for 100,000 spectators.
leaflet. The advertising agency has advised
us to have one ---- in black and white. A) to have
B) having
A) producing / being produced C) had
B) produced / to produce D) to have had
C) to produce / produced E) have
D) to be producing / producing
E) having produced / produce
17- I managed ---- the tall bottle of cola into the
refrigerator ---- the middle shelf.
12- Your willingness ---- new things resulted in
your ---- this management training. A) fitting / to move
B) to fit / by moving

A) learning / to be offered
C) being fitted / to be moving
B) to have learnt / for offering
D) by fitting / to have moved
C) learn / to have offered
E) for fitting / moving
D) to learn / being offered
E) learnt / having been offered
18- The rebels are estimated ---- tens of
thousands of civilians during the civil war
13- I don’t think it is a good time ---- Linda. She’ll
which lasted six years.
be busy ---- thirty exam papers this evening,
which won’t be easy.
A) killed
A) visiting / to mark B) to kill
B) to have visited / mark C) to have killed
C) for visiting / to be marked D) killing
D) to visit / marking E) being killed
E) to be visiting / having marked

Compiled ELS Questions

19- Sonia got accustomed to her job at the 23- I started my journey without ---- at the map,
private hospital quickly because, apart from but I soon regretted ---- so, as I drove a long
---- richer patients, it is quite similar to ---- for way off the route.
the health authority.
A) looking / doing
A) to have / work B) to look / to do
B) have / be worked C) look / to have done
C) to have had / worked D) having looked / do
D) having / working E) looked / having done
E) had / having worked

24- Johnny, will you stop ---- your father so many

20- I know she isn’t here at the moment because questions? He’s busy ---- out his tax return.


I saw her ---- the building, but I don’t know if
she intends ---- later today. A) to have asked / to fill
B) asked / to have filled
A) to leave / returning C) to be asked / fill
B) leave / to have returned D) to ask / to be filling
C) leaving / to return E) asking / filling
D) left / to be returned
E) to be leaving / return 25- Veronica is so vain that every time she
passes a mirror, she stops ---- at her
21- I was worried about my sister’s ---- divorced
from her husband, and for days, I couldn’t A) looking
help ---- how she’d cope with it. B) looked
C) having looked
A) get / to wonder D) to look
B) getting / wondering E) to have looked
C) to get / wonder
D) to have got / having wondered
E) having got / wondered 26- The workers would be even willing ---- lower
wages if it meant the factory ---- open.

22- I was unable to help my friends ---- for ‘Help A) accepting / stayed

the Aged’ because my boss had asked me B) to accept / staying

---- the Saturday. C) accept / to have stayed
D) accepted / having stayed
A) to campaign / work E) to have accepted / stay
B) campaigning / worked
C) campaign / to work
D) being campaigned / working
E) campaigned / to have worked

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

27- My clearest memory of my childhood is of ---- 31- It was such an unruly class that the teacher
with the street dogs and I also remember ---- struggled just ---- order, but she endeavoured
to the beach, which was very close to our ---- those students who were willing to learn.
A) keeping / teach
B) keep / teaching
A) to play / to have gone
C) to have kept / taught
B) play / having gone
D) to be kept / having taught
C) playing / going
E) to keep / to teach
D) played / gone
E) having played / to go
32- Some Third World countries spend so much
of their annual budgets ---- interests on loans
that there is little left over with which ----
28- ---- when I don’t feel well is the worst thing
social problems.


about acting in stage plays.
A) paying / to tackle
A) Perform B) pay / to have tackled
B) By performing C) to pay / tacking
C) Performing D) paid / having tackled
D) For performing E) to be paying / tackle
E) Performed
33- He regretted ---- the contract without ---- the
small print on the back of he form.
29- Innocent people deserve ---- from the gunmen
and thieves in the area. A) to sign / to read
B) signing / reading
A) to be protected C) having signed / read
B) to have protected D) sign / to have read
C) having protected E) signed / having read
D) for protecting
E) to protect 34- I think Julia dislikes ---- the documents
although she claims ---- it willingly.

30- Asbestos is thought ---- around the time of A) file / having done
Aristotle, and during Roman times, it was B) filed / to be doing
used ---- fireproof clothing. C) filing / to do

D) to file / doing
A) to have discovered / to making E) to be filed / done
B) being discovered / making
C) having been discovered / make 35- The Egyptian Pharaoh Akhnaten, who
D) to discover / to have made worshipped only the Sun, is thought ---- the
E) to have been discovered / to make inspiration behind Moses, whose
monotheism provided the basis for Judaism,
Christianity and Islam.

A) to have been
B) had been
C) having been
D) about being
E) have been

Gerunds & Infinitives / Test-2
6- Because they both work at the family’s flower
01.-40. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
shop, they have agreed ---- about flowers at
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

1- There is no point in ---- the washing out A) not to talk

because it keeps ---- with rain. B) not talking
C) haven’t talked
A) to hang / to shower D) not talk
B) hanging / showering E) don’t talk
C) hand / shower
D) hung / having showered 7- ---- the old hospital would cost £1 million, so


E) having hung / showered the council are considering ---- the building to
2- I dislike spending my time ---- so I prefer ----
clothes made from synthetic fabrics. A) Demolishing / selling
B) To demolish / to sell
A) to iron / to buy C) Demolished / to have sold
B) ironed / bought D) Having demolished / sell
C) ironing / buying E) Being demolished / having sold
D) iron / being bought
E) having ironed / buy 8- Being able to think quickly and having an
up-to-date knowledge of a language is
3- Don’t you think the assistant deserves ---- a essential for speakers ---- simultaneously.
day off after working so hard at the
exhibition? A) to be translated
A) to give B) having translated
B) giving C) to translate
C) to be given D) being translated
D) gave E) translated
E) having given
9- In order to save money and energy, we are
4- In my opinion, it’s ridiculous ---- a computer going to have double glazed windows ---- .

as a present for a three-year-old child.

A) having installed
A) bought B) install
B) buy C) to install
C) having bought D) installed
D) being bought E) installing
E) to buy
10- In his performance against Brazil, he proved
5- I don’t think I would enjoy ---- a cricket match himself ---- a skilled player.
as I don’t understand the rules.
A) was
A) to watch
B) be
B) being watched
C) having been
C) having watched
D) being
D) watching
E) to be
E) watch

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

11- After the game, the players sat around ---- 16- We have decided ---- a new Ford Focus, but
themselves on their performance. we are not certain about which colour ----.

A) buying / choosing
A) being congratulated
B) bought / chosen
B) congratulate
C) having bought / choose
C) congratulating
D) to have bought / be chosen
D) to have congratulated
E) to buy / to choose
E) congratulated

17- Wearing high-healed shoes for long periods

12- The photographs he took of the products
can result in women ---- too much pain from
were too dark ---- on the company’s web site,
their feet ---- in active work.
so he’ll have to get some ---- professionally.


A) to suffer / continuing
A) using / to be taken B) suffer / having continued
B) to be used / taken C) suffering / to continue
C) to use / taking D) suffered / not to continue
D) use / to take E) having suffered / not continuing
E) being used / take

18- His daughter persuaded him ---- his heart

13- The director of the play still hasn’t decided operation in a private hospital instead of
whom ---- in the role of the hero. waiting for one in a state hospital as she
could see his condition ---- worse daily.
A) casting
B) to cast A) to have / getting
C) cast B) from having / to get
D) having cast C) having had / get
E) being cast D) to be having / to have got
E) have / having been getting

14- Why don’t you go and ask a chemist ----

something ---- dry skin? 19- I knew the answer, but I didn’t press the
buzzer quickly enough ---- the prize.
A) recommending / soothed A) winning

B) having recommended / soothe B) to win

C) recommend / having soothed C) win
D) to recommend / to soothe D) won
E) recommend / soothing E) being won

20- Robert didn’t work as carefully last year as he

15- The problem with Simon is that he thinks he does this year, and the boss had even
can succeed ---- a degree without ---- any threatened ---- him if he didn’t improve his
lectures. work.

A) gaining / having attended A) sacking

B) to gain / to have attended B) being sacked
C) on gaining / attended C) to be sacked
D) for gaining / to attend D) to sack
E) in gaining / attending E) to have sacked

Compiled ELS Questions

21- I’d love ---- on my own, but I simply can’t 27- He’s not in the habit ---- lies, but he had to
afford ---- my own flat. make up an excuse ---- the afternoon off for
his job interview.
A) to live / to have
B) living / having
A) of telling / to take
C) live / to be having
B) to tell / to have taken
D) having lived / have
C) for telling / being taken
E) to have lived / having had
D) being told / taking
E) having told / to be taken
22- The receptionist never minds ---- with sending
out the new catalogues.
28- In the Middle Ages, surrounding a castle with
A) to help a ditch filled with water proved ---- a
B) to have helped successful technique ---- its security.


C) to be helping
D) have helped A) being / to be ensured
E) helping B) to have been / ensure
C) having been / of ensuring
23- The manager likes ---- on all pricing D) have been / to ensure
decisions. E) to be / for ensuring

A) to have consulted 29- The most effective way ---- the

B) having consulted destructiveness of earthquakes is ----
C) to be consulting buildings and other structures capable of
D) being consulted withstanding strong shaking.
E) having been consulting
A) reducing / being constructed
24- I am hoping ---- for the school basketball team B) reduced / having constructed
next week. C) to be reduced / constructing
A) picking D) to reduce / to construct
B) to be picked E) reduce / to be constructed
C) to pick
D) picked 30- The children were ---- giving up hope when
E) pick someone phoned to say their dog had been
25- Your hair needs ---- before you go back to

school. A) in the habit of

B) in return for
A) to cut C) on the point of
B) being cut D) for the sake of
C) cutting E) in exchange for
D) having cut
E) to be cutting 31- ---- a doorman at a hotel consists ---- greeting
guests and taking them to their rooms.
26- The social worker gave the students a talk ----
them against ---- drugs. A) To be / in
A) to warn / taking B) To have been / for
B) having warned / to take C) Being / of
C) warning / taken D) Having been / about
D) to have warned / take E) Be / from
E) warn / having taken

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

32- She should have apologized to him ---- 37- His ability ---- well makes him a great teacher.
spilling coffee down his suit.
A) being communicated
A) about B) communicated
B) with C) having communicated
C) of D) to communicate
D) for E) communicating
E) by

33- Sheep have been so changed by breeding 38- We should appreciate ---- in the 20th century,
that their wild ancestors are hard ---- . when we have so many appliances ---- the
hardships of our lives.


A) identifying
B) being identified A) to be living / easing
C) to identify B) having lived / being eased
D) identify C) living / to ease
E) having identified D) to live / having eased
E) live / to be easing

34- Shopping for fruit and vegetables makes me

---- hungry. 39- You don’t appear ---- the formula. Do you
want me ---- it once more?
A) to feel
B) feel A) having understood / explaining
C) felt B) understand / to have explained
D) feeling C) to have understood / to explain
E) to be feeling D) understood / to be explaining
E) understanding / having explained

35- We haven’t yet decided when ---- a meeting,

so we’ll let you ---- as soon as we’ve fixed a 40- My mother won’t allow anyone ---- the living
date. room until she finishes ---- .

A) to hold / know A) enter / to vacuum


B) holding / to know B) to enter / vacuuming

C) held / to be known C) entering / having vacuumed
D) to have held / knowing D) entered / to be vacuuming
E) having held / known E) having entered / vacuum

36- Tobacco, which we now know ---- so harmful,

was once thought ---- medicinal value.

A) being / to be having
B) be / to have
C) having been / to have had
D) to have been / having
E) to be / to have

Gerunds & Infinitives / Test-3
6- Mankind first used indestructible materials to
01.-40. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
erect large structures ---- in but ---- their gods
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

1- That’s strange. I saw him ---- his bike along A) without living / being worshipped
the river this morning and he didn’t mention B) to be living / having worshipped
anything about ---- his job. C) having lived / to be worshipped
D) not to live / to worship
A) riding / changing E) by not living / worshipped
B) having ridden / change
C) to be riding / to change 7- I tried ---- careful ---- his feelings.
D) ride / to have changed


E) to ride / having changed A) being / not hurting
B) to be / not to hurt
2- I imagine Sally was about ---- when I asked C) to have been / didn’t hurt
her ---- a letter for me, as she looked rather D) having been / didn’t hurt
reluctant. E) be / not to have hurt

A) leaving / to have typed 8- ---- at the details of the famous sculptor

B) to be leaving / typing Rodin’s works, we can see his ability ----
C) to leave / to type feeling through facial expression and through
D) to have left / type hands.
E) having left / typed
A) To look / being conveyed
3- Don’t you think we should consider ---- the B) By looking / to convey
chimney ---- before the winter? C) Having looked / convey
D) To be looking / conveying
A) to be getting / to sweep E) Being looked / to be conveying
B) to have got / sweep
C) having got / sweeping 9- Ludlow is considered ---- the most beautiful
D) to get / being swept mediaeval street in England. Do you fancy ----
E) getting / swept there for sightseeing tonight?

4- In an emergency, even a child can save a life A) having / to go


if he or she knows what ---- . B) had / go

C) to have / going
A) to do D) have / to go
B) doing E) having / go
C) being done
D) have done 10- The singer Nick Hucknall has decided ---- a
E) having done two-year break, but he won’t have any money
problems. He has already made enough
5- Knowledge of nutrition helps you ---- proper money ---- a lifetime.
eating habits ---- a healthy life.
A) to take / to last
A) to develop / having maintained B) taking / lasting
B) developing / maintaining C) take / to be lasting
C) developed / maintained D) taken / to have lasted
D) develop / to maintain E) having taken / lasted
E) having developed / maintain

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

11- Remember ---- off the washing machine 16- A talented actress like Tracy shouldn’t be
before you leave home, will you? wasting her talent ---- in a soap opera.

A) switching A) acting
B) to have switched B) to act
C) having switched C) act
D) switch D) acted
E) to switch E) to be acted

12- Both sides seem ---- on to their determination 17- Money motivates most people ---- hard, even
---- a peaceful solution, don’t they? though it may cause them ---- a lot of stress.


A) to be held / finding A) working / undergoing
B) to be holding / to find B) to be working / undergo
C) holding / to be finding C) to work / to undergo
D) having held / found D) work / to have undergone
E) held / having found E) worked / having undergone

13- It is sometimes difficult for parents ---- 18- She caught her son and his friend ----
whether ---- their children for misbehaving. computer games when they were supposed
---- an assignment for school.
A) to decide / to punish
B) deciding / to be punishing A) to play / to be prepared
C) being decided / punish B) playing / to be preparing
D) decided / having punished C) play / having prepared
E) having decided / punishing D) to be playing / preparing
E) played / to prepare

14- A: Did you have difficulty ---- our office?

B: No, it was quite easy ---- here. 19- I was against my daughter ---- to a late night
party, but she got the permission in the end
A) to find / to have got because she really knows how ---- people.
B) having found / getting

C) finding / to get A) to go / to be persuading

D) to be finding / get B) gone / persuading
E) find / having got C) go / to have persuaded
D) going / to persuade
E) to be going / persuade
15- I never seem ---- enough time ---- everything I
20- The actor is believed ---- the TV drama
A) having / doing because of an illness.
B) to be having / done
C) have / to be doing A) to have left
D) to have / to do B) leaving
E) to have had / do C) to be left
D) leave
E) left

Compiled ELS Questions

21- As trainees, we spent several days ---- to 26- If I were you, I would forget ---- getting
presentations and lectures about how ---- the promoted there and look for more rewarding
product. job somewhere else.

A) to listen / selling A) for

B) listen / to be selling B) about
C) listened / to have sold C) of
D) listening / to sell D) in
E) having listened / sell E) with

22- Her lifelong wish ---- the country of her 27- If you insist ---- having all this paperwork
parents came true when she visited the completed, how do you expect your staff ----
Ukraine last month. any time with customers?


A) having visited A) of / spending
B) visit B) on / to spend
C) visited C) about / spent
D) to visit D) for / spend
E) visiting E) to / for spending

23- Before offering you the position, we need ---- 28- The manager wants us to concentrate ----
if you are prepared ---- evenings and gaining new business and says that the head
weekends when it is necessary. office will take care ---- looking after existing
A) knowing / working
A) in / for
B) know / to have worked
B) to / in
C) to know / to work
C) on / of
D) having known / worked
D) about / with
E) to have known / work
E) of / from

29- We’ve urged him ---- for the promotion, but he

24- We had arranged ---- after work on Friday ----
won’t as he is afraid of ----.
our holiday plans.
A) to apply / being rejected
A) to meet / to discuss B) for applying / rejecting

B) meeting / discussing C) applying / to be rejected

C) to meet / discussing D) to have applied / rejected
D) meeting / to discuss E) from applying / to reject
E) meet / having discussed
30- The first woman ---- as a foreign
correspondent in the United States was
25- The florist was nervous about the wedding Margaret Fuller, who was also a social
order ---- account ---- the customer being very reformer, critic and teacher whose words
hard to please. enriched the lives of many people.

A) on / of A) be served
B) with / on B) being served
C) about / for C) has served
D) in / with D) to serve
E) for / to E) to be serving

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

31- The minister for defense thanked the soldiers 36- After the murder of the prize-winning
---- carrying out their mission successfully. cameraman, the foreign office has ---- people
against going to the region for any reason.
A) with
B) of A) insisted
C) in B) worried
D) on C) deterred
E) for D) warned
E) stopped
32- If she hadn’t devoted herself ---- teaching her
autistic son, she probably would have been a 37- They ---- him in Spain for murdering a van
scientist. driver in England.


A) to A) forbade
B) on B) dealt
C) in C) accused
D) about D) suspected
E) for E) arrested

33- In the article, the environmentalists warned 38- The airline ---- to me for losing my luggage,
consumers ---- purchasing genetically but I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to
modified produce. forgive them.

A) with A) thanked
B) against B) complained
C) on C) excused
D) to D) denied
E) of E) apologized

34- When I was a child, I would often ---- of living 39- I was ---- from buying a house in that area by
in a motor home and traveling around the the high crime rate.
A) deterred
A) feel B) afraid
B) dream C) advised

C) imagine D) compelled
D) plan E) obliged
E) anticipate
40- Because of the protests from the local
35- I ---- to having to clear up somebody else’s residents, the farmers ---- not to participate
mess. in growing genetically modified crops.

A) mind A) appreciated
B) dislike B) failed
C) object C) decided
D) can’t stand D) considered
E) complain E) urged

Adjectives & Adverbs / Test-1
6- Some of the delegates were ---- with the
01.-40. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
Chairman’s speech ---- they walked out.
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.

A) too disappointed / that

1- I’ve had a full day’s rest now and I feel much B) more disappointing / than
----; at least ---- enough to be able to get out of C) so disappointed / that
bed. D) so disappointing / than
A) the worst / worse E) as disappointed / as
B) better / well
C) best / better 7- Without the heavy make-up she wears, she
D) good / so well looks ---- in real life ---- she does on


E) worse / as good television.

2- There is nothing ---- a slight breeze on a hot, A) young / so

sunny day. B) as young / that
C) younger / than
A) refreshing enough D) the youngest / as
B) as refreshed as E) so young / that
C) more refreshing than
D) so refreshing that 8- He wasn’t ---- studious student in the class,
E) the most refreshed but he worked ---- to pass the final
3- The survey confirmed that house prices are
---- higher in the South than in the North. A) the most / hard enough
B) such / harder than
A) so
C) more / so hard that
B) more
D) as much as / hardly
C) most
E) too much / too hard
D) as
E) much
9- After we had been shopping, Alice and May
went bowling, but I was ---- to join them.
4- There is ---- a shortage of qualified teachers
in England ---- the government is paying
A) so tiring that

students to train in teaching.

B) the most tired
A) such / that C) so tired as
B) so / as D) too tired
C) more / than E) as tiring as
D) too / than
E) as / that
10- The spot where Vicki’s new house is located
5- My father treasures the gold watch that he is ---- that all her friends and relatives want to
was given ---- a retirement present. visit her.

A) like
A) the most picturesque
B) as
B) more picturesque than
C) such as
C) as picturesque
D) so
D) such a picturesque
E) too
E) so picturesque

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11- The amazing thing about oltu stone is that ---- 16- Because it all happened ----, he couldn’t give
you keep it, ---- it gets. the officer an accurate description of his
A) so long / so shiny
B) the long / the shiny A) so suddenly
C) the longest / the shiniest B) as sudden
D) the longer / the shinier C) too sudden
E) as long / as shiny D) as suddenly
E) the most sudden

12- For me, ---- aspect of the conference was the 17- The people have ---- distrust of the
decision to concentrate on environmental government in this African nation that few
issues. residents expect the elections to be fair.


A) as encouraging A) so
B) so encouraged as B) such
C) more encouraged C) as
D) the most encouraging D) like
E) such an encouraged E) much

13- My father plays golf just for fun, although 18- He is feeling ----it can be expected after ---- a
sometimes he plays ---- some professionals. major operation.

A) so skilful that A) well enough / like

B) as skillfully as B) so well that / so
C) more skillfully C) as well as / such
D) the most skilful D) better than / that
E) skillfully enough E) the best / as

19- I felt ---- ill yesterday to get out of bed, but I’m
14- She couldn’t believe that her son had feeling ---- better today.
behaved ---- to be disciplined by the teacher.
A) as / much
A) as bad as B) so / that

B) worse than C) more / so

C) the worst D) enough / more
D) so badly that E) too / a lot
E) badly enough

20- This material is ---- to be stitched together on

15- The courts dealt with the farmer who had shot a sewing machine.
the thief ---- tolerantly ---- most people
considered appropriate. A) too delicate
B) as delicately as
A) more / as C) so delicate that
B) so / as D) delicately enough
C) the most / than E) such a delicate
D) less / than
E) too / that

Compiled ELS Questions

21- Certain household items, ____ bleach and 26- I thought we were being ____ we could be,
insecticides, are very dangerous and should but the neighbors still complained that we
be kept away from children. were ___ .

A) so much A) quieter than / such noisy

B) just as B) as quiet as / too noisy
C) rather C) so quietly / noisy enough
D) such as D) quietly enough / as noisy
E) more
E) the quietest / noisier

22- ____ students enrolled on the Serbo-Croat

27- I didn’t really want the children to eat all the
language course that they are discontinuing
ice-cream, but I was ____ to argue with
this class.


A) Fewer
A) as tired as
B) Less
B) tired enough
C) the least
C) too tired
D) So little
D) so tired that
E) So few
E) more tired than

23- I knew my grandmother was seriously ill as

28- We were expecting it to be a little cool, but
she couldn’t speak ____ .
admittedly, none of us expected ____
A) tactfully weather ____ this for our club picnic.
B) utterly
C) anxiously A) so awful / that
D) courageously B) as awfully / as
E) coherently C) more awfully / than
D) such awful / as
E) the most awful / than

24- The council are looking for a qualified

29- The oak tree in our garden is almost ____ the
management accountant, but it is a / an ____
house itself.
position to cover the present post holder’s
maternity leave. A) so tall that
B) the tallest
A) temporary

C) much taller
B) immediate D) tall enough
C) momentary E) as tall as
D) compulsory
E) limitless
30- In some southern counties in the USA, blacks
25- ____ petroleum and natural gas, coal is a
outnumber whites by four to one. Yet ____
carbon-based fossil fuel.
thirty-six years ago, in many of these
A) Such as counties, not a single black person has
B) More registered to vote.
C) So
D) As A) as recently as
E) Like B) so recently that
C) more recently
D) less recently
E) recently enough

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31- The shops on the main street have been 36- Most of the population of Canada live in the
restored and now they serve ____ boutiques cities in the South, leaving the Arctic North
____ populated.
and gift shops for tourists.
A) plainly
A) such
B) roughly
B) so
C) sparsely
C) as
D) densely
D) like
E) primitively
E) enough

37- For one she knew the answer to the question,

32- ‘The Commercial Dispatch’ is ____ of all the and so, afraid to miss the chance, raised her
newspapers published in Mississippi. hand ____ .


A) more progressive A) limitlessly
B) the most progressive B) temporarily
C) as progressive as C) reluctantly
D) too progressive D) tenderly
E) so progressive that E) enthusiastically

38- The comedian Jasper Carrot doesn’t tell

33- Toads, which belong to ____ family ____ jokes, but he describes daily life ____
frogs, have shorter legs than frogs. audiences roar with laughter.

A) the same / as A) as humorously as

B) more / than B) humorously enough
C) so / that C) such a humorous
D) such / as D) more humorous than
E) rather / than E) so humorously that

34- It was ____ injury that he struggled to carry 39- ____ birds ____ parrots, parakeets and
on playing for the rest of the game. mynahs learn to imitate sounds, but they do
not have the capacity to think or to
A) so painfully understand what they are saying.
B) such a painful
C) the most painful A) Rather / than

D) as painful as B) So / that
E) too painfully C) Much / like
D) Such / as
E) As / as

35- I felt quite out of place in my evening dress as

most of the guests were ____ dressed.

A) formally 40- Canadian wolves are ____ wolves in the world

B) publicly and twice ____ a large dog.
C) privately
D) casually A) larger than / so big
E) peacefully B) the largest / as big as
C) large enough / bigger than
D) too large / too big
E) so large / the biggest

Adjectives & Adverbs / Test-2

01.-40. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere 6- I made a bit of a mess of wrapping Matthew’s
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. present, but it was ____ shape to wrap.

A) too awkward
1- She had acted ____ she was dismissed B) as awkward as
immediately. C) so awkward that
D) such an awkward
A) more unprofessionally than E) more awkward
B) as unprofessionally as
C) so unprofessionally that
D) unprofessionally enough 7- The Renault Megane uses a little ____ petrol
E) the most unprofessionally than the Skoda Esprit, but it performs ____



2- ____ we climbed, ____ the air became, which A) so much / less

made it difficult for us to proceed. B) too much / more
C) the most / a lot
A) The higher / the colder D) much / such
B) The highest / the coldest E) more / much
C) To high / too cold
D) As high / so cold
E) So high / very cold
8- I didn’t find the ski runs ____ so exhilarating
as the ones is St Moritz.
3- The Goosander is one of ____ ducks which
nest in tree holes. They are highly efficient A) too nearly
B) nearer
underwater swimmers, being able to stay
C) nearly
submerged for ____ a minute. D) nearest
E) so near
A) the most / the longest
B) the few / longer than
C) too many / so long 9- Farmer Parkinson’s dog is ____ to scare any
D) more / too long intruder.
E) the least / as long
A) ferocious enough
4- Records of Johannes Gutenberg are ____ B) such ferocious

vague for us to be able to know what he C) as ferocious

looked like or even his actual date of birth. D) so ferocious that
E) more ferocious
A) such
B) more
C) so
D) as 10- The two brothers could have hanged
E) too
themselves or they might have been
murdered by attackers. The police suspect
5- I wish my cousin would type his letters to me
____ .
as his handwriting is ____ legible.
A) such late
A) merely
B) the latter
B) bitterly
C) later
C) slightly
D) the latest
D) barely
E) so late
E) utterly

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11- ____ dangerously a person lives, ____ likely 16- I’ve had ____ trouble starting the car lately
he or she is to die young. ____ I think I’ll have to take it to the garage.

A) So / much more A) so much / that

B) The more / the more B) too many / for
C) As much / too C) the most / that
D) Far too / so much D) such a lot / as
E) much more / than
E) The most / the most

12- To the thief, the bracelet will be ____ as it is 17- In today’s busy world traditional crafts, ____
only made of pewter, but to me it was knitting and embroidery, are declining in
precious because my aunt had given it to me popularity.


just before she died.
A) the most
A) elaborate B) much more
B) humble C) such
C) worthless D) such as
D) plain E) much as
E) priceless

13- Her economic situation has got ____ worse 18- The decision to promote him was based ____
since she gave up her job because of her on his sales record, and neither his
illness. management skills nor his organizational
ability was taken into account.
A) more
B) so A) highly
C) as B) barely
D) even C) bitterly
E) too D) intensely
E) solely

14- Of all the problems she has faced, this one is

by far ____ .
19- The holiday we spent in Canada turned out to
be ____ expensive than we’d expected.
A) badly

B) worse A) so
C) too badly B) much
D) so badly C) less
E) the worst D) a little
E) too

15- I was ____ at the time to help him with his

project at all, so it is completely his own
work. 20- Don’t be too critical of Mark as this is the
first time he’s played in ____ an important
A) too busy match.
B) buster
C) the busiest A) too
D) so busy B) such
E) such busy C) so
D) as
E) more

Compiled ELS Questions

21- I don’t know why ____ people find skiing 26- I know we didn’t stop overnight when we
great. I can’t think of anything ____ being drove to Scotland last year, but the Isle of
cold and frightened at the same time.
Sky is much ____ Edinburgh.
A) few / as badly as
B) too many / the worst A) very far
C) too much / so much B) farther than
D) so many / worse than C) the farthest
E) the fewer / the worse D) as far as
E) so far

22- The Queen mother, who is 100 years old this

year, is ____ member of the British Royal 27- The holiday firm was accused for ____
family. misleading holiday makers about the


location of their hotel.
A) as old
B) too old A) accidentally
C) so old B) deliberately
D) the eldest C) exceptionally
E) much older D) fairly
E) tactfully

23- As their conversation continued, she became

28- We took a tour of the most amazing Chateau
____ of the strange looking gentleman.
during our holiday, which we discovered
____ by accident.
A) as suspicious as
B) more and more suspicious
A) purely
C) so suspiciously that
B) wisely
D) more suspiciously than C) deliberately
E) much too suspiciously D) competently
E) systematically

24- ____ the trial progressed, ____ apparent it

became that he was guilty. 29- The ruddy duck is ____ seen in the wild on
British lakes or rivers.
A) So for / so much

B) The farthest / the most A) too rare

C) The further / the more B) rare
D) Much farther / too much C) so rare
E) The furthest / even so D) rarely
E) the rarest

25- If he spent ____ money on his family ____ he

30- You should have ____ material for a skirt if
does on beer, his children wouldn’t be
you are careful about how you lay the
running around without shoes on.
pattern out.
A) as much / as
B) so much / that A) much
C) a little / than B) enough
D) enough / so C) the most
E) too much / that D) as
E) such

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31- ____ the tourists didn’t want to go to the town 36- I didn’t know why the purchasing assistant is
where the riots had taken place just a few complaining as, of all the staff, she’s ____
weeks before. affected by the changes.

A) Reluctantly A) so few
B) Approximately B) few
C) Extremely C) little
D) Perfectly D) the lesser
E) Understandably E) the least

32- Considering he is the top salesman, he is 37- A: Well, you’ve been ____ today, haven’t you?
really ____ and never boasts at all. B: Yes, not only have I put up these new
shelves, but I have also mended the leaky


A) variable tap in the bathroom.
B) suitable
C) modest A) industrious
D) confident B) confident
E) jealous C) watchful
D) careful
E) sincere

33- I believe no one could have investigated the

matter ____ we did.
38- The valley of the River Severn is ____ it’s
A) so thoroughly that known as the garden of England.
B) as thoroughly as
C) thorough enough A) as fertile as
B) so fertile that
D) more thorough than
C) fertile enough
E) the most thoroughly D) more fertile than
E) the most fertile

34- When I moved into the house, the grease on 39- Simon and John are twins, but they are not
the oven was ____ it took me a whole identical ones, In fact, they are quite ____
morning to remove it. from each other.
A) so thick that

A) similar
B) as thick as B) the same
C) thick enough C) different
D) too thick D) complete
E) much thicker E) suitable

35- The director thought our proposal was ____ a

good idea that he suggested we start 40- The dry-cleaner’s couldn’t get the stain out
implementing it immediately. completely, but you can ____ see it now.

A) so A) approximately
B) as B) virtually
C) such C) barely
D) like D) practically
E) more E) nearly

Adjective Clauses / Test-1

01.-65. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere 6. The Spice Girls, one of ____ members has
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. just left the band, have decided to
continue as a four piece band.

1. As I cross the bridge over the Bosphorus, I A) which

can see the school ____ my friend studied. B) where
A) where C) whose
B) that D) that
C) which E) whom
D) who
E) when 7. The Australian Indian Pacific Train, ____ was


the world’s first transcontinental train
2. Joseph is an accomplished artist, ____ linking two oceans, is one of the world’s
skills include painting and drawing. most luxurious long- distance train.

A) who A) that
B)whose B) where
C) whom C) which
D) what D) when
E) that E) whose

3. A bear will only attack a human ____ 8. Many of the medieval buildings in
threatens it. Frankfurt on Main Germany were destroyed
A) where in the World War II, one of ____ was the
B) who birthplace and childhood home of the great
C) which German author Goethe.
D) what
E) when A) which
B) whom
4. The Goethe Institute, ____ is named after the C) whose
greatest writer in German literature, is D) where
respected worlwide as a resource and E) when
educational center.
9. We were wondering the reason ____ the club

A) when had cancelled this week’s meeting.

B) why
C) that A) where
D) where B) which
E) which C) when
D) why
5. Turkey, ____ landscape changes E) who
dramatically from region to region, offers
enough variety to keep even the most 10. No amount of toys can make up for the love
adventurous traveler happy. and attention ____ every child needs.

A) which A) when
B) when B) where
C) that C) how
D) whose D) who
E) whom E) that

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11. Romania has over 100,000 children living in 16. In order to reinforce my son’s English at
orphanages, one in five of ____ will end his school, I’m looking for a private teacher ____
life in a psychiatric institution. can come in the evenings.

A) where A) when
B) whose B) whose
C) whom C) who
D) which D) whom
E) when E) where

12. This internationally acclaimed photographer, 17. We sometimes spend a week in a cottage in
one of ________ achievements is the Bridal Wales ____ belongs to a friend of my
Photograph of the Year Award, will be husband’s.


holding a seminar on photographic
techniques this weekend. A) that
B) where
A) who C) whose
B) that D) who
C) which E) when
E) when 18. In 1997, Princess Diana auctioned off
seventy-nine formal dresses, the most
13. Hong Kong, ____ is centred around the expensive of ____ fetched 222,500 dollars, to
world’s largest deep-water harbour, was raise money for AIDS and cancer
handed back to China on 30th June 1997. centres.

A) which A) who
B) where B) when
C) what C) where
D) how D)which
E) that E) whom

14. In Hong Kong, ____ there are many steep 19. It wasn’t so bad living in a student
areas, ninety percent of the people live on accommodation because the three girls with
fifteen percent of the land, resulting in the ____ I shared the apartment were very
highest population density in the world. easy-going and amusing.

A) whose A) whom
B) who B) whose
C) which C) which
D) when D) who
E) where E) that

15. I wanted to do my laundry, but I couldn’t use 20. The company exports fifty percent of the
the machine because of a power cut, ____ products ____ it manufactures at this
frustrated me. factory.

A) whose A) whose
B) when B) that
C) that C) where
D) where D) who
E) which E) when

Compiled ELS Questions

21. The refugees, ____ had come to Germany 26. There are certain areas in the USA ____
from war-stricken Togo, were housed in brown bears still live in the wild.
temporary accommodation.
A) where
A) who B) whom
B) which C) that
C) when D) which
D) where E) when
E) that

22. All the students ____ have been chosen to 27. As I had forgotten my raincoat when we
participate in the end-of-term concert should went camping, Simon, ____ had brought two
come to the assembly room at 10 a.m. on with him, lent me one of his.


A) whose
A) which B) when
B) when C) that
C) where D) which
D) that E) who
E) whose

23. My aunt, ____ son-in-law is the managing 28. Whenever I visited my aunt, she used to give
director of a large company, has been to a me a huge slice of cake, ____ she had baked
garden party at Buckingham Palace. herself.

A) who A) when
B) whom B) who
C) which C) which
D) whose D) where
E) where E) how

24. The use of wind, ____ is clean and

inexhaustible source of energy, to generate 29. My friend, ____ dream had always been to
electricity has increased lately because of own a country home, has just bought a nice
recent interest in fuel conservation. house in a small village.

A) whose A) whose
B) which B) which
C) that C) that
D) who D) where
E) where E) when

25. His business partner wanted to discuss the

reason ____ he hadn’t been informed of the 30. State officials said two hundred people were
recent developments. injured in the train crash, of ____ ninety-five
had serious injuries.
A) which
B) when A) where
C) whose B) whose
D) why C) whom
E) where D) that
E) which

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31. When I came to live in Turkey, I found 36. Jacques Cousteau, the famous French
shopping at boutiques ____ don’t display ocean explorer ____ helped invent the Aqua
any prices very difficult. lung, died in 1997 aged 87.

A) when A) who
B) who B) where
C) whom C) when
D) that D) why
E) where E) which

37. The most spectacular monuments of ancient

32. Yesterday, a train ____ was travelling from America are found in Mexico, central
Munich to Hamburg in Germany crashed into America and the central Andes, ____ entire


an overpass. cities with pyramids, temples and palaces
were built.
A) where
B) when A) when
C) who B) where
D) whose C) which
E) which D) that
E) why

33. Mexico City, ____ poverty, pollution and 38. Underwater explorers have been studying
water shortages are commonplace, now has the remains of Port Royal, Jamaica, ____
a total population of about twenty million. sank in the earthquake in 1692.

A) that A) where
B) which B) that
C) where C) which
D)why D) when
E) how E) how

34. Senegal, ____ main source of foreign 39. Do you believe there will be a time ____ all
income comes from peanuts, relies heavily nations live in peace?
on the world markets.

A) why
A) which B) which
B) that C) when
C) whose D) where
D) why E) how
E) when

40. The club chairman, ____ the members

35. The 4th July every year is the day ____ thought to be trustworthy, has just
Americans celebrate their independence. disappeared with the club’s money.
A) where
B) which A) whom
C) who B) how
D) when C) when
E) why D) that
E) which

Compiled ELS Questions

41. The first practical deep sea diving suit, ____ 46. Divers at sites off Turkey have found the
was used to recover treasure from a wrecks of vessels ____ date as far back as
the 23rd century BC.
shipwreck called the “Mary Rose”, was
developed by John and Charles Dean.
A) when
A) that B) which
B) who C) where
C) when D) who
D) where E) whose
E) which

47. Only the elderly people of the village could

42. I won’t accept your homework unless you remember a winter ____ snow had blocked
can provide a good reason ____ you haven’t the road for so long.
handed it in on time.


A) when A) when
B) why B) where
C) where C) which
D) which D) why
E) who E) whose

43. Oceans and seas are the bodies of salt water 48. Mark was not looking forward to telling
____ cover about 71 percent of the Earth’s Peter, ____ he had borrowed the book from,
surface. that he had left it on the train.

A) where A) that
B) when B) what
C) whose C) where
D) why D) who
E) that E) whose

44. Not much is known about African history 49. Cappadocia, ____ the volcanic landscape
until the year one thousand, ____ features peculiarly shaped stone towers
geographers first made written records. known as fairy chimneys, is of particular
interest to foreign travelers.

A) where

A) when
B) whose
B) which
C) in which
C) how
D) how
D) that
E) that
E) where

45. A friend in England, _____ trip by

herself to India was a complete disaster, 50. The distinctive style of Seljuk architecture
says that, from now on, she will stick to can be seen in bridges, many of ___ are still
package tours to resort areas. in use today.

A) of which A) where
B) whom B) which
C) whose C) that
D) that D) whom
E) when E) what

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51. This illness, ____ to be caused by a virus, 56. John Walker Lind, a young American
cannot be treated with antibiotics. ____fought for the Taliban, is on trial in the
United States.
A) believing
B) having believed A) who
C) to have believed B) whom
D) to believe C) which
E) believed D) where
E) when

52. The boy ____ by the dog was given an

injection against rabies.

A) biting
B) to have bitten


57. The best person ____ us some information
C) bitten
about Cyprus is Elif because she used to
D) to bite
live there.
E) having bitten

A) to give
53. ____ from the thirteenth century, the “Kızıl B) given
Kule”, or “Red Tower”, in Alanya was very C) being given
skilfully restored in the 1950s. D) have given
E) to be given
A) To date
B) Dating
C) Having dated
D) To be dated
E) To be dating 58. The player, ____ this opponent on two
previous occasions, is quite confident of
victory tomorrow.
54. Every 100,000 liras ____ to the charity will
pay for on tree to be planted as part of the A) beaten
city’s tree campaign. B) to beat
C) who is beaten
A) given D) who beat
B) giving E) to have beaten
C) give

D) to give
E) having given

59. The four students ____ to represent the

university during the inter-university
55. Peter, ____ by his children that it was a good
idea, bought a puppy for them last weekend. challenge were chosen yesterday.

A) to be persuaded A) to trust
B) persuaded B) having trusted
C) having persuaded C) trusting
D) persuading D) to be trusting
E) to persuade E) being trusted

Compiled ELS Questions

60. In cycling, the best way ____ smooth, 64. Once almost extinct, the silver gray Hawaiian
powerful pedalling is to practice using low to Monk Seal, ____ since 1909, now lives in
large numbers in an area Northwest of
moderate gears.

A) to achieve
A) having protected
B) being achieved
B) protecting
C) achieved
C) to be protecting
D) be achieved
D) protected
E) to have achieved
E) to protect


65. Marcus, ____ a position that is at a higher
61. A reputable supplier ____ care to ensure
salary than his current position, is now
high standards is the best place to buy a thinking of resigning from his post.
computer from.
A) offered
A) being taken B) to be offered
B) taken C) offering
C) taking D) offer
D) to be taking E) having offered
E) to have taken

62. We couldn’t find time ____ we could practise

the songs for the concert.

A) which
B) why
C) in that
D) then
E) when

63. The Galata Tower, _____ overlooks the

Bosphorus, the Golden Hom and the Sea of
Marmara, has the most spectacular view in

A) when
B) which
C) where
D) whose
E) whom

Adjective Clauses / Test-2
6. Thailand, ____ historical golden temples and
01.-65. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
breathtaking beaches attract visitors from
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. across the globe, obtains its largest source
of foreign earnings from the tourist industry.
1. Thanks to modern technology, people ____ A) when
have hearing problems are enjoying B) whose
improved hearing with the use of hearing C) how
aids. D) which
E) that
A) which
B) when
C) that 7. On the Prince’s Islands in the Marmara Sea,
D) where ____ there are no motor vehicles, horse-


E) what drawn carriages are the normal method of
2. My grandmother, _____ has hearing A) whose
problems, sometimes can’t hear the things B) which
____ I am saying to her. C) where
D) when
A) who / which
E) that
B) which / how
C) whom / what
D) to whom / that 8. Sir David Attenborough, ____ is probably the
E) who / what best known and most respected English
wildlife reporter, is currently filming a
series entitled “The Life of Birds” in the
3. We have lots of house-plants on our
Venezuelan rain forest.
balcony, most ____ will have to be brought
inside in the winter. A) where
B) when
A) of whom C) that
B) of which D) who
C) whose E) whose
D) in which
E) with whom
9. The material ____ we chose to cover our
dining room chairs with looks too bright now
4. When I returned to England after living in
that they have been covered.
America, it took me some time to find an

electricity electrical adapter for my

A) of which
computer, ____ I had brought back with me.
B) what
A) where C) where
B) when D) when
C) that E) that
D) whose
E) which
10. Today’s customers ____ wanted to take
5. Pioneer has developed a voice-activated car advantage of the special offer were
CD system ____allows you to select a disc disappointed to find out that the shop had
while you are driving. sold out of that model.

A) where A) which
B) when B) when
C) which C) where
D) what D) whom
E) how E) who

Compiled ELS Questions

11. The Colombian football star, ____ the club 16. The Battle of Little Bighorn, in ____ all 225
hired at the beginning of the season, has cavalry troops were killed, was the last
scored ten goals in the matches played so Native American victory in the Indian Wars
far. of the USA.

A) whom A) that
B) whose B) who
C) where C) when
D) which D) which
E) when E) where

12. Frank Sinatra, ____ songs are known 17. I’m never going to go back to that
worldwide, died earlier this year. greengrocer’s because the last time I went
there I bought a kilo of tomatoes, half ____


A) which turned out to be rotten.
B) where
C) that A) from what
D) when B) of whom
E) whose C) of which
D) whose
E) that

13. Botany is the branch of biology ____ deals

with plants.
18. It’s best to buy fruit and vegetables during
A) who the season ____ they are better in quality
B) that and cheaper.
C) when
D) where A) which
E) whose B) when
C) whose
D) where
E) what
14. Today’s American Indians are descendants
of the people ____ discovered and settled in
America more than 20,000 years ago.
19. The boat will take us to the Black Sea coast,
A) who ____ we will have a picnic and play some
B) when games before returning at about 4 p.m.
C) which

D) where A) when
E) whose B) who
C) which
D) whose
E) where
15. In 1830, the US Army forced the Cherokee
Indians to march 2,000 miles to Oklahoma.
Approximately fifteen thousand Indians were
involved in this march, four thousand ____ 20. I had never had any health problems until
died on the way. last July, ____I was taken to hospital with a
very high fever.
A) for which
B) whose A) where
C) of whom B) which
D) where C) that
E) about what D) when
E) whom

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21. We should put the posters in a place ____ 27. Our previous manager, ____ had been an
lots of people will see them. English teacher for over fifteen years, has
decided to open his own school.
A) which
B) whom
A) that
C) where
B) who
D) who
C) which
E) whose
D) where
E) when
22. Smith’s Gym, ____ I attend aerobic classes,
is opening a sauna and solarium.
A) which 28. There was a time ____ there were beaches
B) whom along the coast from Kadıköy to Kartal in
C) when İstanbul, but now this area has been turned
D) that into a coast road and footpaths.


E) where
A) which
B) what
23. Our company has made a video to show us C) how
the security procedures ____ we should D) which
follow. E) when
A) when
B) whose
C) why 29. Now _____ as Penicillin G, Benzyl penicillin
D) which is the naturally occurring molecule.
E) where
A) knowing
B) be known
24. 1989 was the year ____ the Berlin Wall, ____ C) to know
had stood as a symbol of the division of D) known
Germany for almost thirty years, was pulled E) likely to know
A) when / which
B) where / which
C) whose / why 30. The football star and coach Rund Gullit says
D) which / which that he thinks football is like a fast-moving
E) why / that game of chess, in ____ you’re required to
think two or three steps ahead.

25. Matthew’s brother, on ____ directions we A) where


were relying, hadn’t drawn a good map, so it B) which

took us an hour to find the theatre. C) whom
D) that
A) which E) what
B) whom
C) who
D) whose
E) where 31. The primary school period is the time ____
Parents should begin to teach their children
to make some decisions on their own.
26. He’ll tell us his opinion after he has had a
look at our project, _____ will be very A) that
beneficial for the group. B) which
A) that C) who
B) whose D) how
C) which E) where
D) where
E) to which

Compiled ELS Questions

32. The World Wildlife Fund is an organisation 37. The dance known in the West as the belly
____ help protect wildlife, especially dance, ____ probably originated in Persia, is
endangered species. a popular dance form in Middle Eastern
A) where
B) whose A) whom
C) when B) that
D) which C) where
E) what D) which
E) when

33. Despite his immense popularity and

success, Mozart, ____ is considered by
some to be the greatest musical genius of all 38. Salzburg city in Austria, ____ the great
time, died in great debt. composer Mozart was born in, is known for
its musical heritage and hosts the annual


A) when Salzburg Festival of Music.
B) who
C) whom A) when
D) that B) whose
E) whose C) which
D) where
E) that

34. At first, there was a problem with the hotel

room, for ____ the tour operator apologised
and gave us a small refund. 39. The coastal village ____ we spent our
holiday in was so beautiful that we are
A) whom planning to go there next year again.
B) when
C) where A) which
D) that B) how
E) which C) when
D) what
E) where
35. The Cyrillic alphabet, ____ is used for
writing some Slavic languages such as
Russian and Bulgarian, has now been 40. The top student, ____ the teacher had
adopted by several members of the former expected to score the best mark on the test
USSR. again, actually only just managed to pass it.

A) which A) whom
B) that B) when
C) whom C) whose
D) where D) which
E) when E) where

36. The 9th century Greek missionary St. Cyrill,

with ____ The Cyrilic alphabet is associated, 41. What fascinates me most about the ancient
probably did not developed this alphabet Inca civilisations of South America is the
himself, but it was more likely devised later way they built their cities on mountain tops
by his followers. _____the weather is very warm.

A) to which
A) which
B) where
B) where C) whose
C) whom D) that
D) whose E) at which
E) when

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42. Dance forms, having probably taken 48. Henry Fonda was a film star ____ began his
centuries to develop, reflect the customs of career as a stage actor.
the society ____ they have evolved.
A) whose
A) for what B) which
B) in which C) when
C) how D) where
D) that E) who
E) whom

43. The German town Regensburg, ____ lies at 49. The number of people living in Scotland
the point ____ the river Regen flows into the ____ can speak the native Celtic language of
river Danube, is famous for its sausages. Scottish Gaelic is now only 80,000.
A) where / which A) who
B) whose / which B) where
C) which / whose C) when


D) that / whom D) which
E) which / where E) whom

44. Our local shop, ____ sells ice-cream and 50. Nova Scotia, located on the east coast of
baklava, makes everything ____ it sells at Canada, ____ name means New Scotland,
the shop. has the largest number of Scottish Gaelic
A) that / where speakers outside Scotland.
B) when / that
C) which / that A) which
D) who / which B) where
E) where / whom C) whose
D) that
E) whom
45. Actually, Patrick is the right person____ the
main character in the school play. 51. ____ from the destruction of many forests,
marshy wasteland constitutes much of the
A) who to play Scottish Highlands.
B) to play
C) he played
D) played A) To result
E) whom he palyed B) To have resulted
C) Result
D) Resulted
46. The shop ____ we eventually found the type
of barbecue we were looking for is just E) Resulting
around the corner from our house.

A) which 52. August is the month ____ the Chinese call

B) that "the month of the hungry ghosts".
C) who
D) where A) when
E) when B) what
C) how
47. The Hippopotamus, ____ eyes and E) whose
nostrils are high on his head to allow it to
stay in water for long periods, is largely an
aquatic animal. 53. What’s the name of that new film ____ Bruce
A) who A) to have starred
B) that B) starred
C) which C) to be starring
D) where D) starring
E) whose E) having been starred

Compiled ELS Questions

54. My father, ____ by the doctor, was 60. Air France’s jets, ____ specially for the
prescribed some tables and told to eat foods World Cup with designs featuring football
____ little or no fat. stars, transported the various teams around
the France during the event.
A) to be examined / having contained
B) to examine / to contain
A) to paint
C) examined / containing
B) painting
D) examining / contained
C) to be painted
E) having examined / having been contained
D) painted
E) having painted
55. I think the carpet ____ to me for my birthday
61. The first film ____ to a paying audience was
is handmade.
made by two French brothers, Louis and
A) to have given Auguste Lumiere.
B) given
C) to give A) showing


D) having given B) having shown
E) giving C) shown
D) be shown
E) to show
56. Predominantly ____ the liver, acute viral
hephatites is a systemic infectious disease. 62. Not one of the stands ____ newspapers and
magazines near the ferry terminal stocks
A) affecting English publications.
B) affected
C) to be affected A) to sell
D) being affeted B) having sold
E) affects C) selling
D) sold
E) to have sold
57. Gregory, not ____ of the cigarette smoking,
always ask his guests to smoke outside on
the balcony. 63. All the electrical appliances ____ by that
company come with a plug already fitted.
A) to approve
B) approved A) having sold
C) approving B) selling
D) to have approved C) to sell
E) being approved D) sold
E) to be selling
58. All of the people ____ in the accident were 64. The only Englishman ever ____ Roman

immediately taken to hospital. Catholic pope was Adrian IV in 1154.

A) injuring A) to be elected
B) injured B) to elect
C) to have injured C) electing
D) to injure D) been elected
E) having injured E) having elected

65. For weeks after the earthquake, there were

59. The west of Turkey is much different from the many stories in the newspapers of people
east, _____ people follow a much more ____ their lives to help free those trapped
traditional lifestyle. under the rubble.

A) which A) to have risked

B) what B) to risk
C) when C) had risked
D) whom D) risked
E) where E) risking

Adjective Clauses / Test-3

01.-45. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere 5. From the Black Forests, ____ it rises, the
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. Danube flows a distance of 2,850 kilometres
to the Black Sea.

1. Istanbul is a city ____ you can literally see

A) when
growing bigger and bigger with each year.
B) why
C) which
A) where
D) where
B) when
E) that
C) who
D) which
6. During the World Cup, dozens of officers
E) whose


patrolled the main avenues of Paris, ____
cafes overflowed with football fans.
2. Every month the queues at the traffic lights
A) where
on the way to Istanbul get longer and longer,
B) when
____ is extremely frustrating, and people
C) which
can’t help wondering what it is going to be
D) that
like ten years from now.
E) who
A) where
7. My brother John, one of ____ strongest fears
B) which
when he was young was of heights,
C) what
surprisingly, became a pilot.
D) that
E) how
A) which
B) whose
C) when
3. The World Cup fans pelted policemen with
D) that
stones after a police motorist, ____ had tried
E) where
to force through a crowd, struck and injured
a supporter.
8. The chief advisor, by ____ the president had
been betrayed, had ambitious of becoming
A) which
the president himself.
B) that

C) who
A) when
D) where
B) where
E) when
C) which
D) that
E) whom
4. The River Danube, ____ flows through
Germany, Hungary, Austria, Serbia, Romania
9. ____ like the Greek letter “omega”, Coffin
and borders Slovakia, Croatia, Bulgaria and
Spring is nothing new in orthodontics.
Ukraine, is the longest and the most
important river in Central Europe.
A) Shaping
B) To be shaped
A) that
C) Shaped
B) when
D) To shaped
C) where
E) To shape
D) whose
E) which

Compiled ELS Questions

10. Hawaii’s soil, ____ is composed of volcanic 15. My friend Tom Ellis, ____ words are always
lava, ash and sandy stone, is so fertile that it carefully-chosen, had never considered
yields eleven tons of sugar per acre, ____ is entering politics before.
the largest yield on Earth.
A) when
B) where
A) that / that
C) whom
B) where / why
D) which
C) what / which
E) whose
D) which / which
E) whose / where
16. Much of the pure gold that exists in the
world is stored by governments in
11. She came from New England, ____ people
underground vaults, ____ it is kept under
chop their own wood, so she found breaking
very strict security measures.
down the door when they’d locked


themselves out very easy. A) when
B) which
A) when C) that
B) why D) whom
C) whom E) where
D) where
E) which 17. It’s estimated that in the 21th century
seventy-five percent of the world’s
12. Students ____ haven’t yet collected their population will be living within one hundred
student identification cards are remained kilometres of the sea, ____ is frightening,
that they have to do so before the end of the especially when we consider the
month. environmental effects.

A) where A) what
B) when B) which
C) who C) where
D) why D) that
E) whose E) when

13. The heart, ____ main function is to pump 18. The Earth, ____ resources are limited,
blood around the body, is greatly affected by should be respected and cared for;
the food we eat. otherwise, she will not be able to sustain the

total world problem.

A) where
B) whose A) when
C) when B) whom
D) which C) which
E) that D) whose
E) that
14. The original inhabitants of Hawaii were
probably Polynesians, ____ sailed from the 19. I know I’ve put my passport in a place ____ I
islands of South East Asia, perhaps as thought it would be safe, but now I can’t
nearly as 400 AD. remember it.

A) who A) which
B) where B) that
C) when C) where
D) why D) whose
E) whose E) when

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20. My son will have to catch a bus in order to 25. Even on New Year’s Eve, ____ most of us
get to the school ____ he’s enrolled in. are celebrating, the ambulance service staff
are working.
A) what
B) how A) where
C) that B) when
D) where C) which
E) why D) whom
E) that

26. The Jurassic period, from 190 to 136 million

21. Even the people travelling around the world years ago, was the period during ____ most
and working abroad, eventually feel a of the major groups of dinosaurs evolved.


longing for the country in ____ they grew up.
A) when
A) where B) that
B) which C) which
C) how D) why
D) that E) what
E) whose
27. Ferdinand Marcos, ____ to leave the
Philippines after allegation of stealing
22. When our car broke down on the way to foreign aid and treasury money, died in exile
Ankara, the mechanic ____ helped us knew in Hawaii.
exactly ____ the problem was.
A) forcing
A) whom / which B) to force
B) that / when C) to have forced
C) which / how D) having forced
D) whose / where E) forced
E) who / what
28. The film Great Expectations is based on the
novel by Charles Dickens, with ____ work I
23. The story ____ I was told by Leslie last night am quite familiar.
was really funny.
A) whom

A) that B) which
B) who C) that
C) why D) whose
D) when E) what
E) where
29. One of the most controversial issues ____
lately is whether it should be legally
24. The conditions for the labourers ____ work acceptable for a relative or doctor to help
at Brazil’s gold mines, ____ 78 tons of gold end the life of a terminally ill patient ____
are mined each year, are very poor. intense pain.

A) who / when A) discussing / suffer

B) that / which B) discussed / suffering
C) which / that C) being discussed / to suffer
D) that / where D) discuss / having suffered
E) whose / how E) to discuss / suffer

Compiled ELS Questions

30. Our psychology professor has a strange 35. Our defeat, for ____ some players blame
theory shading light on the reason ____ themselves, was caused by bad luck and not
football violence is increasing. by our lack of capabilities.
A) whose
A) whom
B) why
B) which
C) that
C) where
D) what
D) why
E) which
E) what

31. Hawks, ____ eagles in the same bird family,

36. The students ____ had enrolled for the
greatly range in size.
course were disappointed when they found
A) having resembled out that it had been cancelled.


B) to resemble
C) resembled A) which
D) to have resembled B) whose
E) resembling C) whom
D) that
E) when
32. Until the 20th century, the chief raisin
producers were Turkey, Iran and Greece. By
mid-century, however, the United States had 37. I think we should hire him because he is a
taken the lead in production, with Australia talented young man _____ abilities include
____ second. fluency in three languages.

A) ranking A) whose
B) rank B) of which
C) to rank C) who
D) be ranked D) with whom
E) to have ranked E) where

33. In the picnic area, we found a shady bank, 38. The result of our first match in the World
____ we stopped and ate our sandwiches. Cup, _____ was very exciting, was not what
we were hoping for.

A) where
B) what A) when
C) when B) whose
D) which C) which
E) that D) where
E) that

34. This brand of orange juice is quite nice, but

not as tasty as the freshly squeezed orange 39. The school ____ to me by my friend is
juice ____ at our local supermarket. offering new courses in September.

A) to be sold A) to recommend
B) selling B) having recommended
C) sold C) to be recommended
D) having sold D) recommending
E) to have sold E) recommended

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40. Most of the people the police ____ about the 43. Formerly ____ as Siam, Thailand is one of
robbery ____ anything suspicious in the the most popular tourist spots in Asia.
A) to know
A) to question / not having seen B) known
B) questioning / didn’t see C) knowing
C) having questioned / not to see D) knew
D) questioned / hadn’t seen E) having known
E) to have questioned / not seen


41. Their existing customers, several of ____ 44. There are many daily newspapers in
were very interested in the new product, England, many of ____ are owned by two
were invited to a presentation. large media companies.

A) which A) that
B) whom B) what
C) that C) whom
D) where D) which
E) whose E) where

42. All of our current customers, ____ showed 45. Students ____ a foreign language can
an interest in the new product, attended the always benefit from visiting the country ____
meeting. language they are trying to learn.

A) when A) to study / where

B) that B) studied / in which
C) who C) studying / whose
D) where D) to be studied / that
E) whose E) being studied / why

Noun Clauses & Auxiliaries / Test-1

01.-45. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere 6. We all wondered how Jack’s wife ____ when
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. she ____ about his new job in Outher-

1. Jeremy was trying to assure me that Sarah

A) reacts / has heard
____ my ticket by 5 o’clock that day, as we
____ previously. B) had reacted / would hear
C) has been reacting / hears
A) has collected / will have arranged D) would react / heard
B) will have collected / have arranged E) is reacting / will hear
C) had collected / have been arranging
D) would be collected / was arranging
7. I asked Jim whether he ____ his wife to the


E) would have collected / had arranged firm’s annual party as well, and he said she
____ her sister’s wedding ceremony then.
2. The lady over there is asking whether the
tennis club ____ lessons because she ____ A) had brought / has been attending
to hire a private instructor for her daughter. B) has brought / will have attended
C) brought / is attending
A) has offered / wanted D) was bringing / would be attending
E) is bringing / has attended
B) is offering / had wanted
C) offered / has wanted
D) offers / wants
E) was offering / might want 8. Because I’m repeatedly leaving things
behind, my mother always tells me that I
3. Jack’s mother asked me why I ____ in the ____ that I ____ all my belongings in my bag
previous week’s match and wondered before leaving the sports centre.
whether I ____ an injury then.
A) have to check / had had
A) haven’t played / have been having B) checked / had
B) hadn’t been playing / had had C) check / should have
C) didn’t play / was having D) might check / was having
D) couldn’t have played / am having E) must check / have
E) wasn’t playing / have

4. Before we ____ home, our father instructed 9. The art teacher ____ the headmaster that
us again and again not to lose sight of each they ____ some good entries in the
other while we ____ around the fun fair. children’s painting competition already.

A) had left / would be strolling A) informed / had received

B) leave / will have strolled B) is informing / will receive
C) left / were strolling C) informs / receive
D) were leaving / had strolled D) had informed / will be receiving
E) have left / are strolling E) was informing / are receiving

5. On the first day of the course, the trainees 10. I’m glad to tell you that we ____ our yearly
____ by the manager that they ____ to learn target today, so new sales from now on ____
everything in a few days. additional from the budget of our branch.

A) were informed / shouldn’t expect A) were reaching / were

B) had informed / didn’t expect B) had reached / are
C) have been informed / hadn’t been expecting C) have reached / will be
D) are informed / can’t be expected D) are reaching / have been
E) will have informed / musn’t be expected E) will have reached / had been

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11. Mr. Higgins phoned his wife to say that she 16. Tim: I don’t suppose you have seen my
____ for him to eat dinner because he ____ glasses, ____ ?
home rather late. Ed: ____ . Where did you last wear them?

A) won’t have to wait / had been A) haven’t you / I expect not

B) shouldn’t have waited / has been B) do you / I think so
C) didn’t need to wait / was going to be C) don’t they / I don’t think so
D) hadn’t been waiting / would be D) haven’t they / It appears so
E) didn’t use to wait / was E) have you / I’m afraid not

12. We asked the receptionist if they ____ any 17. Tim: I’m going to write about Franz Kafka for
room available, and she replied that she my literature essay.
____ the last free room to another couple Ed: ____ I like his style and want to learn
just ten minutes before. more about him.


A) were having / let A) I expect so.
B) had had / was letting B) So am I.
C) have / has been letting C) Neither am I.
D) had / had let D) But I don’t.
E) would have / have let E) I have too.

13. What will you say if the interviewer ____ you 18. The caretaker told us ____ in the sports hall
why you ____ your present job? with black soled shoes on.

A) asks / are leaving A) don’t go

B) asked / were leaving B) not going
C) has asked / left C) not to go
D) will ask / have left D) didn’t go
E) would ask / had left E) not go

19. I think there was a demonstration in front of

14. Mrs. Smith complained to her husband that the university today, ____?
the bathroom ____ in a terrible state
because the bathtub ____ for days. A) don’t I
B) was there
A) has been / is leaking C) did I

B) will be / will be leaking D) didn’t there

C) was / had been leaking E) wasn’t there
D) had been / would be leaking
E) would be / was leaking

20. The headmaster told the boy ____ the top

button of his shirt and ____ at attention.

15. When I went to collect the car from the A) fastening / standing
garrage, the mechanic said that he ____ the B) being fastened / stands
engine the day before, but he ____ the C) having fastened / stood
brakes yet. D) to be fastened / stand
E) to fasten / to stand
A) fixed / wouldn’t have checked
B) had fixed / hadn’t checked
C) was fixing / wasn’t checking
D) has fixed / won’t have checked
E) would be fixing / isn’t checking

Compiled ELS Questions

21. Tim: Jerry won’t be taking his dog to 26. My parents, who were dancing and chatting
Germany, will he? all night, seemed to enjoy the anniversary
Ed: ____ He was asking Roy whether he party, ____ .
could look after her while he was
A) but I didn’t
B) and I was too
C) I wasn’t though
A) But he will.
D) and neither did I
B) I don’t expect so.
E) but so was I
C) Do you think so?
D) So he should
E) Will he, really?
27. The newspaper doesn’t state why they have
chosen to play the next national game in
Bursa, ____ ?
22. She hardly studies lesson, _____? A) does it
B) haven’t they


A) doesn’t she C) don’t they
B) does she D) hasn’t it
C) neither does my sister E) do they
D) so did I
E) neither did I
28. The swimming-pool near our house opens in
June, so after that we can go swimming ____
we like.
23. What a shame! Our music lesson is
cancelled. You were looking forward to it so A) wherever
much and, actually, ____ was I.
B) whenever
A) neither C) whichever
B) too D) however
C) so E) whoever
D) also
E) either
29. Look at that ugly building! ____ designed it
has no taste at all.
24. When we are on holiday, I love sunbathing A) Wherever
on the beach, but my husband ____ . He B) Whenever
prefers to sit in the shade reading his book. C) Whoever
D) Whatever
A) is E) However
B) does

C) hasn’t
D) doesn’t 30. Good luck for the future! I wish you
E) isn’t happiness in ____ you decide to do.
A) however
B) whoever
C) whenever
25. He didn’t tell you that he was going to join
D) wherever
us for the meal, ____ he ?
E) whatever
A) wasn’t
B) was
31. I’m sure you will do well, ____ university you
C) didn’t
decide to go to.
D) wouldn’t
E) did A) whenever
B) whichever
C) whoever
D) however
E) wherever

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

32. We didn’t notice ____ we had strayed off the 37. It’s not clear in his will ____ is going to be
path until we were deep in the forest. the new owner of his house.

A) how far A) whose

B) so far B) that
C) how long C) who
D) so long D) where
E) how often E) what

33. It’s going to be a long journey, ____ we 38. ____ she wrote in reply to my question about
travel, because we can only take the plane her charity work was the most touching
as far as the nearest airport, which is more account I have ever heard.
than 200 miles away from the area, and then
we will have to take the coach.


A) Why
B) Where
A) how far C) What
B) whichever
D) When
C) how long
D) how much E) How
E) however

39. He hasn’t explained to us yet ____ he sacked

34. Why don’t you ask Auntie Doris? I’m sure the secretary.
she’ll know ____ to make an apple pie.
A) how long
A) what B) why
B) how C) what
C) why
D) how often
D) which
E) whom
E) whom

35. I don’t know ____ money to take on holiday 40. I was surprised to find out ____ football
with me because this is my first holiday team your brother supports. Why does he
abroad. support Manchester United when he lives in
A) how many
B) whatever A) which

C) however B) how
D) how much C) when
E) whether D) who
E) where

36. ____ you are going on holiday is probably

the best place to go in Turkey at this time of
year. 41. His poor performance in examinations might
have something to do with ____ he misses
A) Where class.
B) Which
C) Who A) how long
D) What B) how many
E) Why C) that
D) how often
E) whenever

Compiled ELS Questions

42. The form requires you to state ____ you got 44. ____ he only attended about sixty percent of
divorced. the course contributed to his poor
examination results.
A) how long
B) what A) The fact that
C) when B) Why
D) which C) How much
E) whom D) Whether
E) When

43. Perhaps the driver’s manual says ____ air ENGLISH EXAM CENTER 45. I can’t imagine ____ they are going to cope
pressure you should have in each tyre. with three children now that he has lost his
A) how long
B) which A) what
C) whether B) why
D) how often C) when
E) how much D) how
E) which

Noun Clauses & Auxiliaries / Test-2

01.-45. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere 6- It wasn‟t until he refused to help his mother
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. organise his aunt‟s funeral that I realized
____ selfish Mike is.

1- I think Jeremy‟s aunt wants to know ____ A) how

they went for their honeymoon. B) what
C) why
A) what D) which
B) who E) when
C) whose
D) that
E) where
7- Will you ask the salesman to explain ____


they ordered their next year‟s supply from
2- The high value of the pound at the moment our competitors?
explains ____ manufacturers and exporters
are suffering. A) who
B) whom
A) when C) where
B) where D) what
C) why E) why
D) who
E) how long

8- I would like to know ____ the trains will be

3- I‟m sure I‟m not the first to notice ____ your running normally during the public holiday.
daughter is a very talented artist, especially
A) whom
for her age.
B) who
C) whether
A) who
D) what
B) that
E) which
C) what
D) when
E) where

9- The main question on the exam asked us to

4- ____ we rent this shop again next year
explain ____ glaciers were formed.

depends on the amount of profit we make.

A) how
A) When
B) how much
B) Who
C) how far
C) Whom
D) how long
D) Whether
E) however
E) Which

10- I‟m sorry, I don‟t know ____ department Mrs

5- We are not sure yet ____ we want to spend
Green works in.
on flowers at our wedding.
A) where
A) how
B) when
B) how long
C) who
C) how often
D) which
D) how much
E) how
E) how far

Compiled ELS Questions

11- My sister-in-law collects Victorian cheese 16- We can‟t decide ____ to do at the weekend.
dishes and buys one ____ she sees one for Have you got any interesting suggestions?
sale in a antique shop.
A) where
A) whatever B) how
B) whenever C) what
C) whichever D) which
D) however E) when
E) whoever

17- I‟m not sure ____ this sweater will fit my

daughter. Can I exchange it for a larger size
12- I can‟t see ____ the purpose of the new if it is too small?
shopping centre is. There are more than


enough in town already! A) whether
B) how
A) who C) when
B) what D) who
C) why E) whom
D) which
E) where

18- Thousands of cattle have starved to death

____ the drought in Ethiopia started.
13- Do you have any idea about ____ I should
send my letter of resignation to? A) how
B) since
A) what C) when
B) why D) which
C) how E) why
D) whom
E) when

19- I don‟t know ____ month you should plant

tulip bulbs. Why don‟t you ask a florist?
14- I‟m not sure ____ the branch manager is the
right person to send it to. A) which

B) when
A) when C) why
B) whom D) whose
C) where E) how
D) which
E) whether

20- ____ Ethiopia is at war with Eritrea has

meant Western nations are reluctant to send
15- I can‟t remember ____ people were killed in food aid to avert widespread famine.
the explosion, but it was quite a few.
A) How
A) how much B) When
B) how far C) What
C) how long D) The fact that
D) how often E) Whether or not
E) how many

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

21- For the last few weeks, medical teams ____ 25- I‟m not sure whether I ____ able to speak
day and night in an effort to find out exactly German confidently when I ____ there next
what ____ this terrible illness, but they‟ve had month as I haven‟t practised for so long.
little success so far.
A) am / will go
A) are working / will cause B) have been / went
B) have worked / will have caused C) will be / go
C) have been working / is causing D) was / had gone
D) will have worked / will be caused E) should be / am going
E) were working / had been caused

26- It has been confirmed recently ____ using


22- The police were investigating who ____ the mobile phones can cause brain damage.
gate to the factory open the night before the
robbery. A) if
B) that
A) is leaving C) what
B) has left D) when
C) had left E) where
D) was left
E) will be left

27- I couldn‟t believe ____ hot chill powder

Margaret had used in her curry. I could
hardly eat it.
23- How you look after yourself following your
operation ____ whether you recover A) how much
completely or not. B) how long
C) how far
D) how often
A) was determining
E) how few
B) had determined
C) is determined
D) has been determined
E) will determine
28- I‟ve lost count of ____ times the children
have watched their „Toy Story‟ video.

A) whether
24- Today with „mail merge‟ computer software, B) whatever
the same letter can be addressed to 100 C) how many
different people at the touch of a button, so a D) whenever
secretary today ____ in hours what it ____ E) how much
days to do 50 years ago.

A) should have accomplished / may take

B) could accomplish / takes 29- I would like to know ____ bag this is
C) accomplished / will have taken because it‟s occupying my seat.
D) can accomplish / used to take
A) how
E) accomplishes / has been taking
B) whom
C) where
D) which
E) whose

Compiled ELS Questions

30- I might be able to tell you ____ channel the 35- The Royal Ballet are attempting to recreate
firm is on if I can remember ____ I put the the ballet “Dante Sonata” Luckily for the
newspaper. producer, some of the former dancers ____
how the dance was performed fifty years
A) which / where ago.
B) where / when
C) what / how A) allege
D) whom / which B) hope
E) whose / that C) remember
D) reply
E) predict

31- Mrs Holiday ____ that the builders had made

a terrible job of her extension.
36- The accused man ____ that he acted in self-


A) commanded defense.
B) appeared
C) requested A) suspected
D) predicted B) expected
E) grumbled C) occurred
D) resolved
E) claimed

32- The police ____ that the attack on the man

was racially motivated. 37- Yes, that is ____ I want you to behave in
A) suspected
B) arranged A) what
C) estimated B) since
D) guaranteed C) which
E) ordered D) how
E) why

33- My husband and I eat at the Draper‟s 38- Enjoyment of the film „Erin Brockovich‟
restaurant ____ we go shopping in rather depends on ____ you like Julia
Shrewsbury. Roberts or not.

A) whenever A) what
B) however B) whether

C) wherever C) if
D) whichever D) how
E) whoever E) when

39- Donating some of your wages to a charity

34- The professor ____ that the nutritionist said will not only help unfortunate people, but it
chocolate was healthy only because she is will also give you a sense of pleasure, ____
employed by one of the biggest chocolate charity you support.
A) whoever
A) wondered B) whenever
B) argued C) whichever
C) wished D) however
D) pretended E) wherever
E) commanded

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

40- I guessed from the shape of the package 43- The fans were sent home because the police
____ my birthday present was a cassette. ____ that the violence could escalate.

A) which A) proposed
B) what B) ordered
C) when C) feared
D) that D) hoped
E) how E) replied

41- Helen will be working as a representative for 44- In the United Kingdom, the law ____ that
Thomson‟s Holidays in Turkey, but she cars must be tested for safety every year.
doesn‟t know exactly ____ she will be


posted. A) threatens
B) stipulates
A) what C) teaches
B) why D) notices
C) who E) guesses
D) where
E) how

42- It‟s important to find out ____ she is actually 45- The results of the survey ____ that George
allergic to. Bush junior would win the election.

A) how A) warned
B) when B) indicated
C) where C) considered
D) why D) requested
E) what E) assumed

Noun Clauses & Auxiliaries / Test-3

01.-45. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere 5- Mr Haughin phoned his wife to say that she
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. ____ to cook anything for dinner that day as
they ____ to his colleague’s.
A) doesn’t need / have been invited
1- When I went to collect my jacket from the dry- B) didn’t need / had been invited
cleaner’s, the assistant said that he ____ it C) won’t need / are invited
but ____ able to remove the stain. D) hasn’t needed / were being invited
E) wouldn’t need / will be invited
A) was cleaning / won’t have been
B) had cleaned / hadn’t been
C) would have cleaned / hasn’t been 6- I was glad to hear that the factory ____ down


D) is cleaning / wasn’t after all as a new owner ____ .
E) had been cleaning / isn’t
A) won’t have closed / had been finding
B) shouldn’t have closed / has found
C) doesn’t close / has been found
D) wasn’t closing / is found
2- The boy confessed that the had stolen the
E) wouldn’t be closing / had been found
bread, but pleaded that his sister and he ____
at the time.
7- We feared that the roads ____ too busy on a
A) will have starved
national holiday, so we ____ not to go
B) are starving
C) had been starving anywhere but stay at home.
D) have starved
A) will have been / decide
E) will starve
B) are / could have decided
C) would be / decided
D) were / will decide
3- Are you sure she was in when you ____ her E) had been / have decided
but ____ the phone?
8- The sales manager ____ the director that
A) will be phoning / won’t answer
B) had phoned / isn’t answering some customers ____ models on special offer
C) are phoning / hasn’t answered in the sale already.
D) phoned / didn’t answer
A) is informing / buy

E) have phoned / doesn’t answer

B) is informed / bought
C) informed / had bought
D) had informed / will be buying
E) was informed / are buying
4- We asked at the lost property counter
whether a pink and blue bag ____, but the
assistant told us that no one ____ in anything 9- Because our last telephone bill was extremely
fitting our description. high, my husband is always reminding me
that I ____ until after six before I ____ my
A) was found / has been handed friends.
B) is being found / would have handed
C) will have found / is going to hand A) have waited / called
D) had been found / had handed B) must wait / call
E) might have found / will be handing C) waited / could call
D) might wait / was calling
E) wait / should call

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

10- I asked Nigel whether they were going 15- The manager complained that the cleaners
somewhere for Bayram, but he said, ____ at the time and wondered who ____
unfortunately, his wife ____ in the accident them permission to leave early.
and emergency department that week.
A) wouldn’t be working / will give
A) has worked B) wouldn’t work / will be given
B) is working C) aren’t working / are giving
C) would be working D) hadn’t been working / had given
D) has been working E) weren’t working / have given
E) will have worked

11- During our training last Friday, I realized that I 16- It is widely believed ____ too much
____ a lot if I ____ carefully because the televisions isn’t healthy for children.


lecturer really seemed to know his subject.
A) which
B) where
A) must learn / was listening
C) when
B) have learnt / will be listening
D) who
C) could learn / listened
E) that
D) had been learning / would listen
E) learnt / were listening

17- I could have been more enthusiastic at the

12- My mother handed me a considerable amount training scheme, you know, and so ____
of money and instructed me ____ Mrs Jakson you.
buy anything for me while I was staying with
her. A) should
B) do
A) don’t let C) can
B) not to let D) had
C) didn’t let E) could
D) not letting
E) wouldn’t let

18- We weren’t given any homework for tonight,

13- The painter has assured us that he ____ the ____ ?
decorating by the weekend as he promised.
A) did it
A) will have completed B) wasn’t it

B) had been completing C) were we

C) has completed D) did we
D) completed E) hadn’t it
E) would have completed

19- A: I haven’t felt very motivated at work since

14- Mr Partridge, the customer is asking whether the new manager, who doesn’t seem to
he ____ the suit back if it ____ his son. be doing a very good job, started.
B: ____ .
A) would bring / won’t fit
B) was bringing / hadn’t fitted A) Neither was he
C) is bringing / didn’t fit B) So am I
C) I expect he is
D) could have brought / hasn’t fitted
D) Neither have I
E) can bring / doesn’t fit
E) But I haven’t

Compiled ELS Questions

20- I think ‘Erin Brockovich’ is showing at the 25- In the evening my husband likes to watch
cinema in Moda, ____? films, ____ . I prefer documentaries, so we
have bought a second television set.
A) isn’t it
B) don’t I A) and so am I
C) do I B) but I don’t
D) wasn’t it C) and nor am I
E) is it D) but I do
E) and I don’t either

21- The shop manager told the sales assistant

____ idle and ____ something useful to do.
26- You haven’t heard from Bill since he left for
A) don’t stay / have found India, ____?
B) wasn’t standing / has found


C) didn’t stand / finds A) did he
D) not to stand / to find B) has he
E) not standing / to be finding C) have you
D) haven’t you
E) didn’t you

22- A: Are we in Houston now?

B: ____ . I’m tired of sitting on this bus.
A: Me too, and we are. Look! The sign says 27- Most of the members, who complained
Houston Central Bus Station. bitterly afterwards, didn’t appear to agree
with the committee’s decision, ____?
A) So is it
B) Neither are we A) were there
C) I hope so B) didn’t it
D) So we have C) have they
E) Nor does it D) wasn’t it
E) did they

23- A: I hope the Sims won’t be bringing their

children to the wedding.
B: ____, because Julia’s mother usually
baby-sits for them on such occasions. 28- The label explains how long we should cook
it for, ____?
A) I don’t expect so
B) Neither will I A) shouldn’t we

C) I’m afraid so B) do we
D) I hope so C) does it
D) doesn’t it
E) So will they
E) should we

24- It is such a pity that Vicki and Dave can’t

meet us at the restaurant for lunch because
Vicki has the flu. I was looking forward to it, 29- We live right next to the park, so I can take
and ____ were you, weren’t you? my daughter there to play ____ the weather
is fine.
A) so
B) nor A) however
C) either B) whichever
D) yet C) wherever
E) too D) whenever
E) whomever

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

30- Look at the rubbish under that tree! ____ 35- Once you have learnt ____ to center your
dumped that has absolutely no sense of work and the basic stitches, embroidery is
social responsibility at all. not difficult.

A) However A) how
B) Whoever B) whose
C) Wherever C) that
D) Whenever D) whether
E) Whatever E) whom

31- Good Luck. I hope you like Canada. 36- Of course it is nice to go to Holland in the
Promise me that you’ll write to me summer, but ____ you are going is the best
____happens. time to see the daffodils and tulips in bloom.


A) whenever A) when
B) however B) where
C) wherever C) who
D) whoever D) how
E) whatever E) which

32- I like them both, Mary. You will look beautiful 37- Nobody has any clear ideas ____ should
in ____ wedding dress you choose. captain the West Indies cricket team now
that the present captain has announced his
A) whoever
B) whichever retirement.
C) however
D) whatever A) how
E) whenever B) who
C) what
D) when
E) which
33- We didn’t realize ____ some of the employees
had been ill on Fridays and Mondays until
we checked the company records.
38- ____ happened in Yemen will put tourists
A) however
from Europe off visiting the area.
B) how long

C) how often
A) When
D) where
B) Which
E) whether
C) What
D) Why
E) Where
34- It looks too cluttered ____ we arrange the
furniture. It is smaller than our old living
room and there just isn’t enough space for 39- I was a little annoyed, but they explained ____
everything! they had had to cancel the appointment.

A) whenever A) why
B) wherever B) whose
C) whatever C) how
D) however D) when
E) whichever E) whom

Compiled ELS Questions

40- Do you know ____ agent Kate and Richard 43- The price of a bracelet is determined
went to Turkey with because I’m thinking of according to ____ pure gold it contains.
booking a trip to Cappadocia myself?
A) how many
A) which B) how much
B) who C) however
C) where D) what
D) when E) how
E) why


41- ____ people had been killed in the operation 44- ____ he was tortured in his own country will
was kept secret. be taken into account when his case for
asylum is heard.
A) How many
B) What A) Whom
C) Whenever B) What
D) Whomever C) The fact that
E) Who D) Where
E) Which

42- The immigration officer wants to know ____ 45- I don’t know for sure ____ bicycle this is, but
you entered the country. it must be either Jane’s or Jack’s.

A) which A) what
B) what B) where
C) who C) how
D) whom D) whose
E) when E) whom

Conditionals & Wish Clauses/Test-1

6. If the TEM motorway ____, the traffic in

01.-45. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
Istanbul _____ to a standstill.
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) wasn’t building / should have come
B) isn’t going to be built / would have come
1. We ____ more on outgoings and souvenirs if
C) hadn’t been built / would have come
we ____ a cheaper hotel.
D) won’t be built / has come
E) doesn’t build / would come
A) will be spending / chose
B) were to spend / might choose
C) are spending / would have chosen
D) have spent / have chosen
7. Jim is having difficulty doing his maths
E) could have spent / had chosen
assignments, and he wishes he ____ to the


instructions of his teacher more carefully.
2. If you ____ me for suggestions before you
A) was listening
left, I ____ you some nice restaurants
B) should listen
around here.
C) would listen
D) had listened
A) are asking / can recommend
E) has been listening
B) could have asked / were to recommend
C) asked / had been recommending
D) had asked / would have recommended
E) would ask / have been recommending
8. If anyone ____ with a five thousand lira note,
please hold it up to the light to check if it
____ a forgery.
3. I wish everybody ____ the same language all
over the world. Then we ____ so hard to
A) pays / is
learn English now.
B) is paid / wasn’t
C) has paid / can’t be
A) would speak / won’t study
D) paid / wouldn’t be
B) speaks / weren’t studying
E) will pay / won’t be
C) could speak / aren’t studying
D) has been spoken / don’t study
E) spoke / wouldn’t be studying
9. We keep a spare set of car keys in case we
____ the originals.
4. I’m sure we ____ on better terms with the
A) have lost
manager if she ____ us so disrespectfully all

B) will lose
the time.
C) should lose
D) lost
A) would be / didn’t treat
E) are losing
B) have been / weren’t treating
C) were / hadn’t been treating
D) will have been / isn’t treating
E) can be / hadn’t treated
10. Many people believe that football stadiums
____ safer places for families to go if strict
measures ____ to solve the problem of
5. If the classroom ____ with an overhead
football hooliganism.
projector, it ____ lessons more interesting.
A) had been / would be taken
A) had equipped / could have made
B) were to be / are taken
B) were equipped / would make
C) have been / could have been taken
C) had been equipped / will have made
D) should be / will be taken
D) won’t be equipped / might make
E) would be / were taken
E) equipped / should make

Compiled ELS Questions

11. If nature reserves ____ to protect the turtles, 16. I do wish Mr Swan ____ so aggressive in
undoubtedly they ____ rarer today. discussions. Every time we have a meeting,
he tries to pick an argument with someone.
A) weren’t establishing / could have been
B) hadn’t been established / would be A) isn’t
C) aren’t established / have been B) couldn’t be
D) won’t be established / might be C) might not be
E) haven’t been established / are D) weren’t
E) hasn’t been

12. Why are you buying so many books all the 17. I wish international communications like the
time? If you ____ a library, you ____ money ‘internet’ ____ more frequently to aid
by borrowing them. environmental and health projects instead of
for promoting big business.


A) were joining / saved
B) joined / would be able to save A) are used
C) have joined / could have saved B) have been used
D) could join / have saved C) were used
E) had joined / were able to save D) will be using
E) could have used

13. You ____ your manager if you think that you 18. If we ____ baby sitters, we ____ out more
____ by that supplier. often, but we prefer to leave our children in
the care of our parents, whom we don’t want
A) have informed / have been overcharging to bother too often.
B) would rather inform / overcharged
C) had better inform / are being overcharged A) have trusted / had gone
D) will be informing / were overcharging B) trust / would have gone
E) are informing / were overcharged C) can trust / might have gone
D) had trusted / will go
E) trusted / could go

14. Because of the swearing it contains, this film

____ on national television if it had been 19. If Florence Nightingale ____ alive today I’m
released twenty years ago. sure she ____ impressed with the current
standard of nursing care in the majority of
A) wasn’t shown the world.

B) couldn’t be showing
C) hadn’t been shown A) were / would be
D) wouldn’t have been shown B) was / could have been
E) didn’t use to show C) is / will be
D) has been / might be
E)could be / was

15. I wish I ____ with you longer, but

unfortunately, I have a lecture at four 20. Measures to combat global warming ____ if
o’clock. all countries ____ on a solution together.

A) could stay A) will fail / don’t work

B) would stay B) will be failing / didn’t work
C) will stay C) must fail / hadn’t worked
D) can stay D) would be failing / haven’t worked
E) have stayed E) had failed / couldn’t worked

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

21. The weather was beautiful as I left home, so I 26. I ____ Susan at her new office sometimes
didn’t think of bringing my umbrella. I wish I next week if I can find some free time.
____ the weather forecast, so I ____ that it
was going to rain. A) should have visited
B) would like to visit
A) was watching / should know C) have visited
B) could watch / had known D) could have visited
C) had watched / would have known E) must be visiting
D) watched / knew
E) watch / will have known

27. Despite the problems he had with the

manager, he ____ to stay with them if he
____ that they were giving all employees a
22. I wish you ____ to repair the boiler yourself. fifty percent pay rise.
You have made the problem worse actually.


A) could decide / would have known
A) hadn’t attempted B) has decided / will know
B) couldn’t attempt C) might have decided / had known
C) won’t attempt D) had decided / could have known
D) haven’t attempted E) will decide / has known
E) didn’t attempt

28. Were it not such a distance from the road,

this ____ an ideal location for a picnic.

23. I wish we ____ enough money to buy a A) is

camper van. Then we ____ to go on holiday B) has bee
more often. C) has been
D) would be
A) have / can afford E) should be
B) had / could afford
C) would have / might afford
D) were having / should afford
E) can have / were to afford 29. Initially I was opposed to the idea, but after I
had seen the research, I ____ that the project
was a good one.

24. I’ve been sitting here all morning wishing my A) must have agreed
son ____ to tell me that he has arrived in B) would have agreed
Germany safely. C) will have to agree

D) ought to agree
A) will have telephoned E) had to agree
B) has telephoned
C) telephones
D) telephoned
E) would telephone 30. We ____ very busy in the office recently;
otherwise, I ____ to see your baby earlier.

25. I think John wishes he ____ in the Lake A) were / was coming
district, but unfortunately there are very few B) have been / would have come
employment opportunities there. C) will be / might come
D) had been / will have come
A) is staying E) are / would be coming
B) has stayed
C) ought to stay
D) could stay
E) had been staying

Compiled ELS Questions

31. Marcus _____ over to help you with the 36. ____ they offer him a partnership will the
project over the weekend, but he will be young architect stay with this firm.
taking his mother to hospital for some tests.
A) Even if
A) is coming B) Unless
B) will come C) Only if
C) has come D) In case
D) would come E) Providing
E) may come

32. She ____, but luckily, a lifeguard spotted her

and rescued her. 37. We should be able to hire a car on the
island, ________ you remember to take your
A) has drowned driving licence.
B) ought to drown


C) might drown A) or else
D) could have drowned B) unless
E) will have drowned C) as if
D) in case
E) provided

33. Kelly is very nervous about his

examinations. Especially as he knows that
his parents ____ very disappointed if he
____ them. 38. You shouldn’t open the oven while a sponge
cake is baking; ________, it will sink in the
A) are / is failing middle.
B) are going to be / had failed
C) have been / will fail A) in case
D) were / would fail B) otherwise
E) will be / fails C) providing
D) even if
E) as though

34. He ______ them to promote him to manager;

after all, he isn’t even a qualified engineer.
39. You might get better results ____ you take
A) shouldn’t be expected your photographs with an automatic camera.
B) needn’t have expected
C) can’t have expected A) even if
D) wouldn’t be expected

B) whether
E) weren’t expecting C) if
D) as if
E) in case

35. I don’t believe the white of Pamukkale will be

spoilt ____ the number of new hotels is
40. We wouldn’t finish our assignment ____ we
A) as long as stayed up all night.
B) as if
C) in case A) as if
D) unless B) as long as
E) even if C) even if
D) in case
E) provided

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

41. ____ you are interested in taking lessons, I 44. She described her new house ________ it
can give you their telephone number. were a palace.

A) As if A) even if
B) Only if B) in case
C) Even if C) as if
D) If D) because
E) As long as E) whether

42. So many people were killed in the fire 45. She hasn’t had much time to socialise ____
________ the stadium didn’t have enough she took a part-time job besides her school


emergency exits. studies.

A) if A) when
B) so long as B) since
C) in case C) even if
D) unless D) if
E) because E) unless

43. I’m afraid we won’t be able to come to your

baby’s christening ________ we can find a
baby-sitter. Our regular baby-sitter is on

A) unless
B) as if
C) even if
D) in case
E) only if

Conditionals & Wish Clauses / Test-2

6. Unlike Walt Disney’s cartoon chipmunks,

01.-55. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
which always appear up a tree, real
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. chipmunks ________ to stay near their
underground burrows in case they ____to
escape from a predator.
1. I wish our history teacher ____ us so much
homework. I never have enough time to
A) will prefer / have needed
finish it.
B) prefer / need
C) preferred / will be needed
A) wouldn’t give
D) have preferred / are needed
B) couldn’t give
E) had preferred / would need
C) shouldn’t give
D) doesn’t give
E) hasn’t given


7. Oh, I am so embarrassed! I wish the ground
____ open and swallow me.
2. After we have been to the cinema, we
____Bowling, if you ____it’s a good idea.
A) should
B) may
A) have been / are thinking
C) will
B) were going / had thought
D) would
C) went / thought
E) might
D) could go / think
E) are going / might think

8. OK, I ____ your Tuesday evening class

3. If he ____ in the woods at that particular
provided you ________ the lesson plan
time, he ________ the suicide.
because I hate doing it.
A) wouldn’t be / hadn’t witnessed
A) covered / would be writing
B) weren’t / hasn’t been witnessing
B) can cover / wrote
C) wasn’t / ought not to witness
C) will cover / write
D) hasn’t been / weren’t witnessing
D) have covered / would write
E) hadn’t been / wouldn’t have witnessed
E) am covering / had written

4. Bed-wetting is common in children up to the

age of five, but if the problem ____ beyond
9. ________ he finds a job soon, he will have to
this age, a physical examination ____ in
sell his car.
case there is a serious medical problem.

A) Unless
A) has persisted / may recommend
B) As if
B) persists / is recommended
C) Providing
C) persisted / were recommended
D) Only if
D) will persist / has recommended
E) As though
E) would persist / will recommend

10. The garage can’t have adjusted the brakes

5. Just think! If we ____ our degree course to
properly; ________, they wouldn’t be making
music, we ____ professionally now.
such horrible noise.
A) weren’t changing / couldn’t sing
A) therefore
B) wouldn’t have changed / may not sing
B) as though
C) hadn’t changed / wouldn’t be singing
C) in case
D) didn’t change / weren’t singing
D) even if
E) wouldn’t change / didn’t sing
E) otherwise

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

11. A cheap guitar won’t be much good to you 16. ____ the press ____ Princess Diana’s
____ you are hoping to play professionally privacy more, she might not have been killed
later on. in a traffic accident. She was trying to avoid
the newspaper photographers when the
A) until accident happened.
B) if
C) whether A) Had / respected
D) even if B) Should / respect
E) as if C) Does / respect
D) Would / respect
E) Were / to respect

12. I’m sure Jessie ____ to play this Saturday

provided someone ____ her a lift to the
stadium. 17. If you ____ a baby seat for your car, you
____ that it meets European Standards.


A) will agree / can give
B) agrees / were to give A) will buy / might check
C) has agreed / gave B) are buying / should check
D) agreed / will have given C) have bought / are checking
E) would agree / has given D) bought / were checking
E) can buy / would check

13. We really should have looked at the

timetable when we got off the ferry. We ____ 18. Scientifically minded people generally
the six-thirty train, but now we have to hang believe in cause-effect relationships, ____
around here until twenty past eight. they feel there is a perfectly natural
explanation for most things.
A) would be catching
B) had caught A) as though
C) could have caught B) unless
D) have been catching C) as if
E) might catch D) because
E) otherwise

14. If they ____ you at the London School of

Economics, which other universities ____ 19. The young boys listened to the words of the
you apply to? famous basketball player as though it ____ a
king speaking to them.
A) won’t be accepting / did

B) aren’t accepted / could A) had been

C) wouldn’t accept / should B) would be
D) don’t accept / will C) has been
E) weren’t accepted / might D) were
E) might be

15. My mother is an excellent cook, and I really

wish she ____ our wedding cake, but she’ll 20. Most of the students look as though they
be very busy with other things. ____ answering the questions. I think we can
start checking them.
A) should make
B) has made A) completed
C) will make B) will have completed
D) can make C) complete
E) could make D) were to complete
E) would have completed

Compiled ELS Questions

21. Because they fly, bats are often mistaken by 26. Your son should stay in bed for a few days,
birds; ____, bats are mammals, not birds. Mrs. Wilson; ____ his condition will get
A) otherwise
B) as if A) only if
C) however B) however
D) in case C) as if
E) unless D) whether
E) otherwise

22. ____ Louise were working today, she would

know where the accounting records are 27. I ____ my son to go to the cinema with his
kept. friends, but he ____ his school work when
they phoned.
A) In case


B) Even though A) had allowed / may not finish
C) As if B) could allow / hasn’t finished
D) Unless C) would have allowed / hadn’t finished
E) If only D) allowed / didn’t finish
E) can allow / won’t have finished

23. Let’s face it! We can’t get house painted by

the date of our golden wedding anniversary 28. Without help from chemistry and a
____ we hire professionals or paint it microscope, it ____ hard to accept that the
ourselves. There’s just not enough time. rock called limestone comes from sea shells
and corals.
A) even if
B) unless A) will be
C) in case B) would be
D) otherwise C) has been
E) whether D) were
E) had been

24. We have to employ a few more workers,

____ we won’t be able to get the order ready 29. Unless they ____ by radar, ships and aircraft
by the arranged date. ____ cautiously or not at all in dense fog.

A) unless A) have aided / are moving

B) or else B) aided / should be moving

C) even if C) are aided / must move

D) until D) were aided / ought to move
E) before E) would be aided / moved

25. ____ you eat plenty of fresh fruit and 30. A: I wonder if Josh thinks our idea will
vegetables, and get plenty of exercise can work?
you be really healthy. B: Well, he certainly spoke as if he ____
enthusiastic about the plan.
A) Suppose that
B) Unless A) was
C) Provided B) might be
D) Only if C) has been
E) As though D) had been
E) will be

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

31. If you ____ to find any buried treasure while 36. Don’t you think if you ____ that other job,
you ____, remember that anything found in then you ____ unemployment now that the
this garden belongs to me. factory is closing down?

A) happened / have been digging A) will take / won’t be facing

B) had taken / wouldn’t be facing
B) will happen / will have dug
C) have been taken / haven’t faced
C) might happen / were digging D) took / weren’t facing
D) would happen / had dug E) are taking / won’t have faced
E) should happen / are diging

32. Had their offer been made sooner, he ____ 37. If you are serious about learning to play the
jobs, but he had already signed a contact guitar, you ____ your finger nails.
with his new employer.
A) had to cut


A) won’t have changed B) will have to cut
B) might not have changed C) had been cutting
C) shouldn’t be changing
D) didn’t change D) have cut
E) hasn’t changed E) were to cut

38. If her health ____ overnight, she ____ to

33. Please don’t forget to take the cage in ____ it school tomorrow.
gets dark because little Tweety may be
frightened. A) hasn’t improved / couldn’t have gone
B) won’t improve / hasn’t been going
A) when C) might not improve / isn’t going to go
B) if
D) didn’t improve / won’t be able to go
C) in case
D) until E) doesn’t improve / won’t be able to go
E) otherwise

39. If the passport officials ____ so long to pass

everybody through the border controls, we
34. Although she was in financial difficulty and ____ in the ski resort in time to ski today,
behind with her studies she danced that and now we’ve wasted our first day.
evening ____ she didn’t have a care in the
world. A) didn’t take / were going to arrive
B) don’t take / are going to arrive
A) while
C) hadn’t taken / would have arrived

B) if
C) unless D) haven’t taken / would arrive
D) even if E) won’t take / have arrived
E) as though

40. He was glad that he managed to repair the

car himself; otherwise, he ____ a lot of
35. She ____ the head of her department more if money to the garage.
he ____ a more professional attitude towards
his work. A) would have had to pay
B) must have paid
A) has respected / were taking
B) could respect / will take C) should have paid
C) will respect / might take D) would rather have paid
D) would respect / took E) was supposed to pay
E) respect / has been taking

Compiled ELS Questions

41. There are several new photocopiers on the 46. ____ they are not fully booked up, we can
market and some of them copy much faster stay at the campsite on the island.
than ours. If we ____ a faster model, we ____
customers soon. A) Providing
B) As if
A) aren’t manufacturing / could have lost C) Unless
B) hadn’t manufactured / will have lost D) Whether
C) haven’t manufactured / might have lost E) In case
D) don’t manufacture / will lose
E) won’t manufacture / have lost

47. ____ you were to qualify for the finals, how

would you feel appearing on television?
42. If he ____ attention, he ____ that the
shopkeeper had given him the wrong A) As long as
change. B) Whether


C) Unless
A) should pay / will notice D) Supposing
B) had been paying / would have noticed E) In case
C) had paid / will notice
D) was paying / had noticed
E) could have paid / noticed
48. I ____ for the semi-finals unless last year’s
champion ____ his match tomorrow. That’s
my only chance.

43. Suppose that I ____ on a bitterly cold day, A) can’t qualify / will lose
____you jump in the water and rescue me? B) couldn’t qualify / has lost
C) won’t qualify / loses
A) had drowned / could D) haven’t qualified / would lose
B) have drowned / will E) ought not to qualify / lost
C) will be drowning / can
D) am drowning / did
E) were drowning / would
49. I wish the finals ____ on a weekend because
most of my friends work on weekdays. I
would have liked them to come and see me.
44. If you are hiking or climbing in the
mountains, you should always take a A) had been held
survival bag ____ you get injured. In an B) were holding
emergency a survival bag keeps you warm, C) could have held
while the other hikers go for help. D) have been held

E) would be holding
A) as if
B) in case
C) unless
C) when 50. More of my friends ____ to see me play if the
E) provided finals ____ on a weekend.

A) will be able to come / were holding

45. ____ you plan to be walking after dark or B) could have come / had been held
not, it is a good idea to take a torch along C) are able to come / would hold
when you are hiking in rough terrain. D) have come / are holding
E) had been able to come / being held
A) Whether
B) In case
C) Unless
D) Provided
E) Even if

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

51. If we ____ that our party hosts were only 54. Nothing went right yesterday. First my car
going to offer us drink but no food, I ____ broke down, then I lost my job and, just to
beforehand. make matters worse, I was robbed on my
home. I felt ____ the whole world were
A) guessed / must have eaten against me.
B) will have guessed / will eat
C) were guessing / will have eaten A) even if
D) have guessed / should have eaten B) unless
E) had guessed / would have eaten C) as if
D) in case
E) supposing


52. Harold is selling his sports car because he 55. He must have been dissatisfied with his job
now has two children and it’s no longer at the bank; otherwise, he ____ his own
practical to keep it. He knows it is for the business now.
best, but a large part of him wishes he ____
it because he loves driving it so much. A) hasn’t started
B) isn’t starting
A) would be kept C) weren’t starting
B) had been keeping D) hadn’t started
C) is keeping E) wouldn’t be starting
D) has been keeping
E) were keeping

53. The sun appears to be shining on your

computer screen. You can avoid the
reflection of the sun shines ____ you close
the curtains.

A) even if
B) in case
C) provided
D) whereas

E) unless

Conditionals & Wish Clauses / Test-3

01.-45. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere 6- If I ____ you would be on your own all
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. weekend, I ____ you over to our house.

A) know / have invited

1- If I were you, I ____ a new car instead of B) have known / was going to invite
C) had known / would have invited
struggling with this old one.
D) knew / will have invited
E) will know / must have invited
A) have bought
B) was buying
C) had bought 7- I wish you ____ me from the station to
D) would buy inform me that you were on your way – I
E) bought ____ the dinner ready for your arrival home.


2- It’s not long now before I start my new job in A) phone / can prepare
Menissa. I wish we ____ a suitable house for B) have phoned / will have prepared
C) phoned / will be preparing
sale there, but it seems that we may have to
D) would phone / have prepared
hire one temporarily. E) had phoned / could have prepared
A) have found
8- I wish a flight to Istanbul ____ less than two
B) could find
C) can find hundred pounds, then we would fly there a
D) will find lot more often.
E) find
A) costs
3- I’m sorry that I sent our driver for you. I wish B) could have cost
C) has cost
I ____ you at the airport myself, but I had a
D) cost
meeting with the production team. E) will cost
A) can meet
B) could have met 9- I wish I ____ to my friends in Germany every
C) have met day without getting a huge telephone bill.
D) would meet
E) meet A) have been talking
B) would talk
4- Take a couple of extra traditional Turkish C) will talk
gifts with you in case you ____ any other D) could talk
members of the Scholz family during your E) can talk

Aunt’s funeral.
10- I’m sure my daughter ____ university life if
A) meet she ____ but she is so shy.
B) have met
C) were meeting A) had enjoyed / was socialising
D) met B) enjoys / will have socialised
E) will meet C) would enjoy / socialised
D) enjoyed / had been socialising
5- If you give me your tape recorder and a E) could have enjoyed / has socialised
cassette in plenty of time, then, of course, I
____ the lecture for you on the day of your 11- If our caravan ____ with a shower, it ____
Aunt’s funeral. more practical for longer holidays.
A) recorded A) is to equip / can be
B) had recorded B) were equipped / would be
C) would have recorded C) had been equipped / will be
D) have recorded D) equipped / could be
E) will record E) would be equipped / has been

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

12- Had the Millennium Dome not been built, 750 18- I don’t know why you waste your money on
million pounds ____ on health and sports centre membership. If you ____ along
education. the coastal path every morning, you ____ fit
A) can be spent without spending a penny.
B) must have been spent A) had run / will get
C) could have been spent B) run / would have got
D) will have spent C) were running / got
E) had been spending D) ran / would get
E) had been running / had got
13- Apparently, a customer wanted to buy
something in the window, but she had left by 19- You had better complain to the manager if
the time I arrived to open the shop. How I you think you ____ an unfair proportion of
wish I ____ the bust. the work.
A) hadn’t missed A) would be given


B) aren’t missing B) will have been giving
C) wouldn’t have missed C) had given
D) don’t miss D) would have given
E) haven’t missed E) have been given
20- Tiger Woods is one of the most successful
14- You ____ determined if you ____ to give up
golfers ever, but he ____ into many clubs in
smoking permanently.
the southern US because of his colour had
A) have been / wanted
he been playing 50 years ago.
B) have to be / want
C) could be / will have wanted A) weren’t going to allow
D) had been / would have wanted B) might not have allowed
E) were to be / would want C) hadn’t been allowed
D) wouldn’t have been allowed
15- My uncle keeps his share certificates and E) weren’t allowed
property deeds in a fireproof box in case a
21- I wish I ____ for dinner as it looks delicious,
fire ____ out at his office.
but unfortunately, I have to collect my
A) had broken mother for her sister’s house now.
B) breaks
C) was breaking A) will stay
D) will have broken B) would stay
E) broke C) can stay
D) had stayed
16- New strict laws to combat illegal immigration E) could stay
into the UK mean that if a lorry driver ____
22- I really wish my older sister ____ so good at

an illegal immigrant into the country, he

everything. Now the teacher expects a lot
personally ____ a £2000 fine.
from me too.
A) brings / faces
B) would bring / had faced A) weren’t
C) had brought / is facing B) won’t be
D) can bring / could have faced C) can’t be
E) has brought / has faced D) hasn’t been
E) isn’t
17- If ways of identifying criminals using DNA
samples ____, the person who killed these 23- You’re so wasteful! I wish you ____ so much
two young teenagers five years ago would potato off with the skin. Haven’t you heard
still be a free man. the saying “waste not, want not”?
A) aren’t developing A) haven’t cut
B) wouldn’t develop B) wouldn’t cut
C) hadn’t been developed C) won’t cut
D) couldn’t develop D) aren’t cutting
E) won’t have been developed E) don’t cut

Compiled ELS Questions

24- If our heath service were indeed excellent, 29- I wish I ____ to the shop for mint. If I had, my
Mrs Beard ____ two years for a hip lentil soup ____ nice.
replacement operation, during which time she
has been hardly able to move. A) would run / tastes
B) ran / tasted
A) won’t have waited C) had run / would have tasted
B) hasn’t been waiting D) were running / would taste
C) wouldn’t have been waiting E) have run / could be tasting
D) isn’t going to wait
E) weren’t waiting
30- If only you ____ this Japanese lacquered
table with a harmful liquid, we ____ it for
25- I wish Turkish courses ____ at a college or more than 1000 pounds, but now it won’t be
university near my home, as I would like to worth anything.


continue my study of the language here in
A) wouldn’t clean / are selling
Shrewsbury. B) hadn’t cleaned / could sell
C) aren’t cleaning / must have sold
A) had offered
D) wouldn’t be cleaning / had sold
B) would be offering
C) could have offered E) don’t clean / were selling
D) have been offered
E) were offered
31- I wish you ____ a camera already as my
cousin works in a camera shop and can get
26- If we were to buy a boat, we ____ down the up to twenty-five percent staff discount.
river at the weekends.
A) aren’t buying
B) wouldn’t buy
A) are going to sail
C) hadn’t bought
B) had been sailing
C) have sailed D) haven’t bought
D) could sail E) won’t buy
E) may have sailed
32- Nobody would have been killed in the fight if
27- If Atatürk ____ alive today, do you think he one of the teenagers ____ a knife at the time.
____ flattered by the number of plaques,
A) wouldn’t be carrying
quotations and photographs displayed in his B) hasn’t been carrying
honour. C) isn’t carrying

D) must not have carried

A) were / would be
E) hadn’t been carrying
B) has been / was
C) had been / has been
D) will be / were 33- I’m sitting here in my car wishing the
E) would be / had been breakdown truck ____ .

A) arrives
B) will arrive
C) has arrived
28- The ordinary people who live in the area ____
D) would arrive
if a solution isn’t found. E) is arriving
A) must have suffered
B) have been suffering
C) will suffer
D) would suffer
E) had suffered

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

34- I think Jake wishes he ____ to keep the family 40- I wouldn’t be able to afford an Armani suit
home, but such a big house with land costs a ____ I ate bread and water for a month.
lot to maintain.
A) as long as
A) would afford B) because
B) will be affording C) only if
C) would have afforded D) in order that
D) could afford E) even if
E) has afforded
41- ____ you are as bored at work as you say,
35- I ____ to go the Antique Auctions in town why don’t you look for a more interesting
one Friday if I can get the day off. job?

A) have liked A) As though

B) would like B) If


C) had liked C) Even if
D) liked D) In case
E) were to like E) Whether

36- I’ll allow you to go to the park ____ you 42- A lot of people bought shares in the
come home before it gets dark. company ____ the newspaper predicted it
would be successful.
A) even if
B) in case A) if
C) as long as B) in case
D) so that C) because
E) unless D) only if
E) unless
37- ____ they improve the quality of their
products will we order any more handbags 43- I’m afraid we won’t be able to come to Devon
from them. ____ the repairs to our car can be completed
in time. The garage is waiting for parts at the
A) Even if moment.
B) Only if
A) unless
C) Unless
B) if
D) Whether
C) in case
E) In case
D) because
E) so that
38- You shouldn’t wash your car with washing

44- She described her holiday job at the factory

up liquid; ____, you’ll damage the paint
____ it were torture.
A) even if
A) otherwise B) only if
B) in case C) because
C) only if D) as though
D) unless E) unless
E) as long as
45- He has been busy most weekends ____ he
39- Your advertisement might look more started voluntary work for the hospital radio
attractive ____ it were printed in colour. station.

A) if A) if
B) even if B) until
C) until C) since
D) whether D) as if
E) in case E) unless

Conjunctions & Adverbial Clauses /Test-1

6. She had ____ placed the plate of cakes on

01.-55. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
the table ____ the children gave her the
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. empty plate and requested some more.

A) the moment / while

1. _____ I dislike sentimental films, sometimes,
B) hardly / when
when I’m not feeling very energetic, I can
C) neither / nor
curl up on the sofa and watch one.
D) yet / still
E) not only / but also
A) As soon as
B) Much as
C) The moment
D) However
E) Despite


7. ______ how many windows I open, I can’t
get any air movement in the house.
2. She is fed up with sharing a house with
A) Even if
others; ______, she is looking for her own
B) Although
C) No matter
D) Whereas
A) moreover
E) However
B) therefore
C) however
D) although
E) nevertheless
8. We had better take a spare blanket with us
_____ it gets cooler than we expect in the
3. He is not leaving the company because he is
not happy there; _____ he has enjoyed
working there, but he has other reasons.
A) if only
B) so that
A) on the other hand
C) thus
B) as a result
D) in case
C) however
E) even though
D) on the contrary
E) nonetheless

9. _____ they played better than they have so

4. This diet and exercise plan is _____ costly
far in the cup, they lost the match.
______ painful, so anyone with a little will-

power can follow it with ease.

A) Despite
B) No sooner
A) not only / but also
C) In contrast
B) no matter / how
D) However
C) so much / that
E) Although
D) whether / or
E) neither / nor

10. _____ television channel you watch, the

5. _____ her illness leaving her very weak at
news bulletins are all the same, as if written
times, she tries to derive pleasure from life.
by the same person!
A) Despite
A) No matter
B) Whereas
B) However
C) Although
C) Whichever
D) However
D) As soon as
E) Instead of
E) The more

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

11. _____ relieve some of the burden on the 16. _____ your mothers’ efforts in making the
city’s only airport, they are planning to build costumes, the whole cast of the play looked
a second one. great.

A) No matter A) Despite
B) In case B) However
C) In order to C) Thanks to
D) Even though D) As a result
E) how E) Much as

12. Our students have to choose to study _____ 17. He was _____ well liked ______ everybody in
French _____ Spanish, because they are the the firm gave generously towards the
compulsory languages selected by the retirement present.


A) so / that
A) such / as B) not only / and
B) neither / nor C) either / or
C) scarcely / and D) neither / nor
D) whether / or E) both / and
E) either / or

13. ______ we discuss the fine details, let me 18. He was just ____ calm ____ anybody who
ask you whether you are interested in our could be under these circumstances.
A) not only / but also
A) However B) so / that
B) Consequently C) much / than
C) Afterwards D) as / as
D) In spite of E) neither / nor
E) Before

14. Western Scotland is wild and mountainous, 19. ____ does the International Students’
___ eastern Scotland is lush farmland. Society help foreign students settle in ___ it
organises sightseeing trips as well.
A) despite

B) whereas A) So / that
C) as a result B) No sooner / than
D) nevertheless C) Not only / but
E) therefore D) Both / and
E) Neither / nor

15. I don’t see why the boys can’t go fishing

____ they promise to stay together and 20. ___ ‘Internet Cafes’, students who can’t
come back before it gets dark. afford computers have access to the Internet
and to e-mail.
A) whereas
B) no matter A) In order that
C) whether B) Owing to
D) as long as C) Wherever
E) in spite of D) Whereas
E) Whoever

Compiled ELS Questions

21. Black bears don’t usually attack humans. 26. When deep-sea diving, you must pay
___, they normally run away from us. attention to the time, ____ staying under
water too long may result in serious illness.
A) On the contrary
B) On the other hand A) whereas
C) Furthermore B) so
D) Consequently C) for
E) Nevertheless D) but
E) whenever

22. She has been looking much more

enthusiastic about the future ____ she 27. Please answer the telephone for the next
accepted her new job. hour ____ the receptionist has gone to the


A) since
B) until A) while
C) before B) until
D) when C) therefore
E) by the time D) so
E) as

23. ____ the renovation of their football stadium,

the team will be using another team’s 28. The residents received some warning of the
ground next season. tornado; ____, several people were injured.

A) However A) nonetheless
B) While B) despite
C) Due to C) even though
D) Because D) thus
E) Whereas E) otherwise

24. The traffic into town usually gets a bit lighter 29. ___ the authorities try, they don’t seem to be
________ the schools have closed for the able to reduce the crime rate.
A) Whoever

A) in case B) No sooner
B) so that C) No matter
C) while D)Whatever
D) once E) By the time
E) although

30. ___ vast distances and great difficulties in

25. ____ your mother comes to visit, we must transportation, there was a remarkable
remember to give her the things your sister amount of trade in the ancient world.
left for her.
A) Whenever
A) Whereas B) As a consequence of
B) When C) While
C) However D) Even though
D) By the time E) In spite of
E) No matter

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

31. ____ the facts that the café is close to the 36. ____ it was extremely windy, we managed to
university and offers reasonably priced have a good game of beach volleyball.
meals, it is very popular with students.
A) However
A) On account B) No matter
B) Owing to C) In spite of
C) Whereas D) Even though
D) Because E) For fear that
E) As long as

32. There are a lot of jelly fish in the water 37. We are going to set out at dawn tomorrow,
around here; ________ they are a harmless ____ we have loaded up the car tonight.


A) as
A) no matter B) when
B) besides C) so
C) consequently D) for
D) however E) because
E) much as

38. We had to move offices temporarily

33. Playing games in the back, the children ________ a new carpet was being fitted in
didn’t get bored ____ we drove to the resort. ours.

A) by the time A) much as

B) for B) wherever
C) as C) during
D) during D) until
E) since E) while

34. He was tired of commuting such a long way 39. We can not move back into our office ____
to work, ____ he was quite excited when a the workmen have cleared up.
local company offered him a job.
A) while

A) as B) by the time
B) so C) as long as
C) for D) until
D) though E) when
E) still

35. It was clear that ________ how much he 40. His parents were happy that he managed to
protested, he was not going to change his gain a university degree____ his handicap.
A) thus
A) no matter B) provided
B) whereas C) besides
C) whenever D) though
D) whatever E) despite
E) although

Compiled ELS Questions

41. _____ the sports centre has marvellous 46. ____ people are more aware of the cruelty of
facilities, it is usually crowded with sports importing exotic animals, dealers are less
enthusiasts. likely to find buyers for pets such as
monkeys and parrots.
A) Despite
B) Whenever A) As a result
C) Because B) Because of
D) However C) Nevertheless
E) On account D) In contrast to
E) Now that

42. Working hours for farmers, ____ the fixed 47. He had ________ opened the doors of the
hours of office workers, are irregular and shop ________ a customer came in and
dependent upon the needs of livestock and bought all the fresh cream cakes.


A) both / and
A) in order to B) not only / but also
B) in contrast to C) the earlier / the more
C) nevertheless D) no sooner / than
D) in spite of E) neither / nor
E) on the other hand

43. ____ we scrubbed the floor, ____ obvious it 48. I like to read my newspaper ________
became that a special cleaning fluid would travelling to work, but I often leave it behind.
be required to remove the marks.
A) instead of
A) Hardly / when B) while
B) Not only / but also C) as soon as
C) However / so D) because of
D) No matter / how E) since
E) The more / the more

44. I have heard that he has been doing well 49. ____ you have used the photocopier, please
________ he opened his own language don’t forget to turn it off.
A) After
A) since B) While

B) while C) Just
C) no sooner D) Before
D) when E) Unless
E) by the time

45. ____ the way they are portrayed in

numerous films and stories as man-eating
creatures, only a few species of sharks are 50. I’m worried about him as he went directly to
known to attack humans bed ________ hardly touching his dinner.

A) As A) while
B) Owing to B) when
C) Unlike C) before
D) Although D) after
E) Because E) until

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

51. People often don’t tell the truth on market 54. ____ we sat down for our coffee break, the
surveys; ______, the results obtained from fire alarm rang.
them are not always accurate.
A) Hardly
A) for B) Seeing that
B) otherwise C) As long as
C) due to D) Until
D) thus E) Just as
E) however

52. The people of Quebec, Canada, are ENGLISH EXAM CENTER 55. ________ being an accomplished artist
____patriotic ____ the blue and white Leonardo da Vinci was also a sculptor, an
provincial flag flies over many homes and architect and a man of science.
A) Not only
A) but / still B) However
B) neither / nor C) In order to
C) just as / when D) Besides
D) not only / but also E) Moreover
E) so / that

53. The ban on night-time visitors to Patara

beach is _____ the fact that the turtles get
confused about which direction the sea is

when they see artificial light.

A) because
B) due to
C) despite
D) though
E) in order to

Conjunctions & Adverbial Clauses /Test-2

6. ______ engaged in as competition ______ as

01.-30. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
recreation, water-skiing is an exhilarating
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. outdoor sport.

A) No sooner / than
1. ____ the great diversity in social behaviour
B) Unless / and
and habits between different types of ants,
C) Whether / or
most of them have the same basic physical
D) Hardly / when
E) The more / the less
A) Regardless
B) Even though
7. Special heat sensors on the front of the
C) As if
rattlesnake’s head enable it ______ to detect
D) Besides


the presence of prey in the dark ______ to
E) Despite
strike its victim accurately.

A) in addition / due
2. Strawberries are ________ cheap at the
B) not only / but also
moment ______ we should make some jam.
C) whether / or
D) either / or
A) both / and
E) scarcely / when
B) not only / but also
C) so / that
D) more / than
8. Peter is leaving to go back to England,
E) as / as
______ we are holding a farewell dinner for
3. This book is ______ entertaining ______
A) or else
informative, so I definitely recommend it for
B) since
to you.
C) once
A) both / and D) yet
B) either / or E) so
C) so / that
D) neither / nor
E) whether / or 9. As we will be touring, we could take the tent
just ______ we see a nice campsite and want
to stop.
4. Some people argue that traditional blood
sports, ____ fox-hunting and bullfighting, A) in case

should be banned because they are barbaric B) when

and in humane. C) unless
D) until
A) in case E) as
B) even when
C) as far as
D) such as 10. ________ urgently callers say they need to
E) as though speak to me, I do not want any calls for the
next hour.
5. The police are determined to find the culprits A) Moreover
______ long it may take to trace them. B) Provided that
A) in spite of C) However
B) however D) Even if
C) even if E) The more
D) the more
E) no matter

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

11. ______ the work was physically demanding, 17. I wasn’t disappointed not to win the final
and at times we felt really exhausted, seeing ______ I hadn’t even expected to get as far
the end result was very satisfying. as I had in the competition.
A) Owing to B) A) even
Even though B) though
C) No matter C) however
D) As though D) as
E) However E) providing

18. You’ll have awfully sore legs tomorrow

12. He has put on a little weight ______ he ______ you don’t use plenty of lotion now to
started doing this sedentary office job. protect hem from this strong sun.
A) once A) or
B) when B) in case
C) despite


C) if
D)since D) so
E) before E) still

13. It is a pebble beach, ______ we had better 19. ______ somebody bought me a ticket, I still
take some beach mats to lie on. wouldn’t go to see the Spice Girls perform.

A) as A) However
B) because B) Only if
C) unless C) Even if
D) for D) Until
E) so E) Besides

14. They looked around a lot of different 20. _______ the introduction of the new
buildings ______ they could choose the educational act, elementary school children
most suitable one to rent for their new have been taught English from the fourth
business. grade.

A) yet A) In order to
B) besides B) Although
C) since C) Until
D) by the time D) During
E) so that E) Since

15. ______ he is a strong man, he had no trouble 21. They will start constructing the new roof

hiking with a heavy rucksack. _______ every resident has paid their
A) For
B) Since A) no sooner
C) Until B) while
D) Provided that C) in order that
E) When D) as soon as
E) no matter

16. I’m not sure ______ he has decided to take

the new job ______ stay with his present 22. It was ______ she was in Milan that she was
employer. discovered by a fashion designer and
persuaded to work as a model.
A) whether / or
B) neither / nor A) while
C) yet / still B) during
D) not only / but also C) no sooner
E) hardly / when D) despite
E) besides

Compiled ELS Questions

23. _______ the solar system is tiny compared 27. The household vacuum cleaner was first
with the distances to galaxies or even to mass-produced by William Henry Hoover;
nearby stars, it is enormous when compared ________, it is now commonly referred to as
with distances on the Earth. a ‘hoover’.

A) However A) besides
B) Even though B) on the contrary
C) Nevertheless C) otherwise
D) As long as D) whereas
E) The fact that E) therefore

24. They tried not to swallow any water as they 28. The inhabitants of Zelve were re-housed in a
swam across the river ______ it might be nearby village ______ prevent any more


contaminated. injuries and deaths from rock fall.

A) for fear that A) in order that

B) meanwhile B) in case
C) besides C) so as to
D) even though D) even if
E) regardless E) as far as

25. They’ll be able to take on some permanent 29. We wrapped the roast chicken in special
staff ______ they have fully established paper ______ it would stay warm until our
themselves in the city. guests arrived.

A) as though A) while
B) while B) so that
C) when C) in case
D) even if D) as though
E) during E) much as

26. He was extremely happy about winning the 30. The population of the rare mountain gorilla
contest, because it gave him ______ the has increased in the last few years largely

opportunity to join a professional orchestra, _____ the Rwandan government’s

____ the chance to travel. recognition of this animal’s importance to
the tourist industry.
A) either / or
B) no sooner / than A) nevertheless
C) whether / or B) as for
D) not only / but also C) otherwise
E) neither / nor D) owing to
E) furthermore

Conjunctions & Adverbial Clauses /Test-3

6. ______ of how many different precautions

01.-30. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
you take, you cannot avoid being bitten by
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. midges in Scotland at this time of year.

A) No matter
1. Although the pension was very reasonably
B) Nevertheless
priced, it was certainly not comfortable.
C) Whatever
_____, it had a beautiful shady garden and a
D) Regardless
roof terrace with a splendid view of the area.
E) Instead
A) Therefore
B) Even though
C) Otherwise
D) Moreover 7. We are, from this date forward, cancelling


E) Nevertheless your company’s credit facility with us
______ your poor payment record.

2. The coach was full and the weather very hot, A) on account of
but the air conditioning wasn’t working. B) even though
______, the passengers were uncomfortable C) in addition to
and many of them complained. D) in spite of
E) besides
A) On the contrary
B) Nevertheless
C) Consequently
D) Otherwise 8. Dave caught malaria ______ he was working
E) Furthermore on a construction project in Africa.

A) during
3. They could easily afford to stay at the best B) while
hotels, ______ they preferred to stay at small C) by the time
family run guest houses. D) as soon as
A) as E) until
B) yet
C) for
D) therefore
E) so 9. I still think it’s a long way to go without
taking a break ______ they are to take turns
at the wheel.
4. The 35th US President, J.F. Kennedy, was

shot by a lone gunman ______ taking part in A) even if

a procession in November, 1963. B) whether
C) so that
A) in order to D) despite
B) during E) yet
C) owing to
D) until
E) while 10. ______ performing all the functions of a
standard vacuum cleaner, this model will
also clean your carpets, Madam.
5. We are unable to send you a brochure at the
moment, but we will send you one ____ new A) Regardless
stock arrives. B) However
A) before C) In addition to
B) until D) Seeing as
C) as soon as E) Furthermore
D) while
E) although

Compiled ELS Questions

11. I’m glad that we phoned to check the date of 16. This charity ____ provides emergency relief
their wedding; _____, we would have missed ______ teaches people practical skills to
it. help avoid future catastrophes.

A) consequently A) such / that

B) in case B) whether / or
C) although C) both / so
D) however D) rather / than
E) otherwise E) not only / but also

17. ____ how careful I try to be throughout the

month, I always seem to run out of money
before I get paid.
12. They didn’t buy that house because it is a
long way from any schools; _____ it needs a A) Whenever
fortune spending on it. B) Even though


C) No matter
A) nevertheless D) In case
B) regardless E) Even if
C) whereas
D) furthermore 18. ______ ordinary chestnuts, which are
E) on the other hand delicious when roasted, horse chestnuts,
which are inedible and are most commonly
used by children in a game called ‘conkers’.

A) Besides
13. Because my car is very old and _____ a little B) Similar to
unreliable, I usually take the train travelling C) Whereas
long distances. D) In contrast to
E) On the other hand
A) however
B) though 19. Apart from the radiator, the cylinder head is
C) therefore , ____ damaged, ____ the garage will need our
D) while car for a week to repair it.
E) owing to
A) still / yet
B) so / as
14. ______ varied they may be in purpose, all C) both / though
spacecraft move through space in D) such / as
accordance with fundamental physics laws, E) also / so
and all are made up of similar basic

20. The summer will be over _____ they open

A) Because the swimming-pool.
B) So that
C) However A) by the time
D) While B) while
E) Consequently C) though
D) during
E) no sooner

15. We are holding a meeting tomorrow ______ 21. For reasons of safety, space-launch centres
we can develop a plan for next year’s are usually located on _____ oceans _____
campaigns well in advance. sparsely populated land.

A) in case A) either / or
B) in order that B) such / as
C) no sooner C) neither / nor
D) even if D) hardly / when
E) no matter E) whether / or

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

22. ____ the 1970’s, the United States developed 27. There will be a shortage of water ____ we get
the space shuttle, the first reusable manned some rainfall soon.
space vehicle.
A) as if
A) When B) in case
B) During C) whenever
C) While D) unless
D) Due to E) by the time
E) By the time

23. ____ the doctor told you that you had only 28. The lungs are never completely empty. ____
six months to live, what would you do with the most vigorous expiration, they still
that time? contain about 983 cubic centimetres of air.


A) Regardless of A) Even after
B) Owing to B) As though
C) In addition to C) However
D) Suppose that D) Whereas
E) In order that E) Even if

24. Traffic to the airport has been much lighter 29. ____ writing techniques and vocabulary can
____ the metro system was built. be taught, no amount of instruction can
make up for a lack of natural creative talent.
A) as if
B) once A) Soon
C) since B) Hardly
D) until C) While
E) while D) No matter
E) Since

25. He resigned from his position _____ he

could find time to write his long intended
book. 30. _____ the council has provided places for us
to take our empty bottles for recycling, many
A) otherwise of us still throw glass bottles into the

B) however ordinary dustbins.

C) thanks to
D) moreover A) However
E) so that B) On account of
C) In addition to
D) Despite
E) Even though
26. In their opinion, they presented the best
proposals, _____ they didn’t get the

A) if
B) yet
C) as
D) for
E) so

Quantifiers & Nouns / Test-1
06. Personally, of the two halls, I prefer the one
01.-55. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
closer to the airport, but ____ seems suitable
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. to hold our conference in.

A) both
01. Despite the material donations from the local
B) all
shops, the school still needs ____ more
C) either
equipment such as video players, cassette
D) none
players and computers.
E) every
A) a few
B) many
C) some
07. Blood flows to ____ parts of the body through
D) no


the circulatory system, which is composed of
E) plenty
arteries, veins and capillaries.

A) only a little
02. The police found ____ counterfeit money as
B) much
well as guns at the gang's headquarters.
C) whole
D) all
A) several more
E) every
B) a large amount of
C) only a few
D) a number of
E) large numbers of
08. They had ____ money to spend on their
house, but even with that limited amount,
they managed to create a warm and friendly
03. A colleague of ____ has lent us ____ holiday
cottage for a week.
A) a few
A) him / her
B) little
B) mine / his
C) the whole
C) theirs / its
D) plenty of
D) your / them
E) small number of
E) our / their

04. There is ____information available on

09. ____ of the area managers is going to report
recycling, but unfortunately, little of ____ is
his total sales to head office ____ two weeks.
known by ordinary people.

A) All / each
A) a lot of / it
B) Both / another
B) plenty of / them
C) Any / all
C) several / its
D) Every / several
D) much / theirs
E) Each / every
E) too many / itself

05. I've seen ____ of his work to know that he's

10. We had had so much rain that the fields on
ready for a promotion.
____ sides of the river were ____ flooded.
A) a number
A) every / both
B) both
B) neither / each
C) a few
C) each / most
D) several
D) all / much
E) enough
E) both / all

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

11. When the river was flooded, the farmhouse 17. If we've got ____ time, we'll try to do ____
was surrounded by water on ____ sides. shopping as well.
A) much / a few
A) every
B) several / lots of
B) either
C) every / plenty
C) each
D) plenty of / many
D) all
E) enough / some
E) neither

18. Blood plays a critical part in the fight against

12. ____ sheep escaped from Farmer Gile's field disease because blood contains ____ kinds
last week, and so far, only ____ of them has of disease-combating agents.
been found.
A) each
A) Several / one B) neither
B) Many / a few C) several


C) More / each D) a lot
D) Some / enough E) much
E) A few / some
19. If parts of the body do not get ____ blood,
13. Each of ____ has a blue dash of paint on ____ they will become infected and their tissues
coat, so it will be easy to recognize Farmer will die.
Gile's sheep. A) enough
B) many
A) it / their C) whole
B) him / theirs D) all
C) them / its E) plenty
D) their / them
E) his / it
20. Upon graduation, ____ student is sent an
information pack giving useful tips and
14. We must admit that the fault was not entirely information about finding suitable
____ . Some of it must have been ____. employment.
A) all
A) hers / ours
B) each
B) his / us
C) none
C) their / my
D) many
D) her / theirs
E) a few
E) mine / you

21. Although we've already had ____ volunteers,

15. Thank you for letting me know about this we're still looking for ____ to help out at the
birthday wish of ____ . school fete.
A) him A) plenty of / much
B) me B) several / much more
C) your C) a number of / a few more
D) his D) a lot of / a little more
E) us E) almost no / quite a lot

16. I made a lot of friends in Mexico, but I have 22. ____ of his poems, "The Swans", ____
only kept in touch with ____ them. difficult to fully appreciate if you don't know
about the poet's meeting Nelly Sachs.
A) plenty of A) Much / have been
B) a few of B) Several / was
C) little C) A few / is going to be
D) many D) Some / has been
E) several E) One / is

Compiled ELS Questions

23. ____ secret meetings the board of directors 29. She hasn't accepted the job in Vienna for
has had lately have led to ____ speculation in ____ reasons, the most important of which is
the office. that she hates cold weather.
A) Every one of / lots of
A) much
B) Too many / plenty
B) each
C) A great deal of / many
C) every
D) A few / some
D) a few
E) A good many / a few
E) plenty

24. If people showed ____ concern for the

30. ____students actively participated in the
environment, there wouldn't be ____ pollution
discussion, which annoyed the teacher
in the world.
because it showed that ____ of them hadn't
A) much / too many prepared sufficiently.
B) enough / none


C) less / several of A) Few / most
D) more / so much B) All / hardly any
E) a few more / too much C) None of / almost no
D) Too few / none
E) Several / enough
25. It takes ____ of concentration and patience
to make intricate lace handicrafts.
31. The short life span of ____ animals as
A) enough compared to humans is an advantage to
B) a good deal experimenters since it allows them to
C) a little observe ____ generations of the same
D) much more species.
E) a great many
A) much / the whole
B) many / several
26. ____ bird watchers arrived at the place where C) a little / a few
the rare bird had been sighted. D) all / so few
A) A small amount of E) any / much more
B) Only a little
C) Too much
D) A good deal of 32. I'm sorry there is ____ coffee left. Would you
E) A large number of mind drinking tea instead?

27. This footballer can kick the ball with ____ A) some
feet, but he is especially dangerous with his B) much
C) any

D) no
A) all E) none
B) neither
C) some
D) both
E) either 33. The coach was glad that they didn't have
____ major injuries during the school's
sports week, and ____ team was ready for
28. On international airlines, there are always the next week's competition.
____ a pilot and a co-pilot and each knows
the other's job, so, in the event that ____ falls A) a little / very
ill during the flight, the other is qualified to B)any / the whole
land the plane safely. C) none / some of
D) much / much of
A) either / both E) many / all
B) neither / any
C) both / either
D) all / neither
E) many / one

ENGLISH EXAM CENTER – (312) 417 69 10

34. Public transport is getting more and more 40. According to Hindus, the god Brahma
unbearable in this city because there are ____ discovered the pearl when he picked one
people, but not ____ vehicles. from the ocean to adorn ____ daughter
Pandia on ____ wedding day.
A) many more / much
B) so much / many A) him / hers
C) several / a little B) his / her
D) plenty of / a few C) her / she
E) too many / enough D) himself / hers
E) herself / him

35. Marketing research is ____ expensive

undertaking, and its costs are built into ____ 41. She started reading first thing in the morning,
prices of products. and by nightfall, she had read the ____book.
A) an / the A) whole
B) - / - B) either


C) the / - C) all
D) the / some D) each
E) the / any E) every

36. If you improve ____ conclusion section of 42. The best way to avoid high cholesterol levels
your essay, I think you'll get ____better mark. in the blood is through maintaining a
balanced diet that includes ____ the major
A) - / the
food groups in moderation.
B) the / a
C) a / some A) many
D) a / the B) whole
E) the / - C) all
D) both
E) several
37. What's ____ name of ____ player who scored
____ last goal?
43. ____ I was going to suggest was the thing
A) the / - / a
that we should hold our meetings at a more
B) the / the / the
convenient time.
C) - / the / an
D) an / - / the A) All
E) - / - / - B) Each
C) Both
D) Every
38. I'm going to buy ____ hose pipe because I'm E) The whole
tired of washing ____ car using ____ bucket.

A) the / a / -
44. I hope we haven't invited ____ people to
B) - / a / the
welcome them all properly.
C) a / a / -
D) a / the / a A) lots of
E) the / the / - B) plenty of
C) so few
39. ____ highly valued animal fibre, ____ silk has D) too many
long been used for the production of luxuries E) so much
textiles of ____ finest quality.

A) A / - / the 45. A few relatives of ____ are going to stay with

B) - / a / the ____ over the weekends.
C) The / - / a
A) hers / us
D) The / the / a
B) them / us
E) A / a / -
C) mine / I
D) him / their
E) his / their

Compiled ELS Questions

46. None of ____ wanted to become involved in 52. A: Should I study art or philosophy?
the quarrel between two members. B: ____! In my opinion, they are ____
a waste of time.
A) your
B) they
A) Both / either
C) her
B) Neither / both
D) us
C) All / whole
E) him
D) Each / none
E) None / all
47. If we don't get ____ bookings, we'll have to
cancel the trip.
A) a few more
B) much more
C) no longer 53. Spanish, Italian, French are all derived from
D) a little more Latin, which is why there are ____ similarities


E) any longer between them.

A) too much
48. They only delivered ____ our order today, but B) much less
they will bring the rest tomorrow. C) such a lot
D) so many
A) both E) very a little
B) half
C) some
D) each
E) most

54. You can ride up hills much more easily

49. Arizona State in the US is very hot, but there because ____ bicycle has five more gears
is usually only ____ humidity, so it is not very than ____.
A) several A) your / mine
B) most B) his / me
C) a little C) hers / theirs
D) few D) mine / yours
E) much E) her / us

50. Of the many dresses she has shown, ____


was actually to her taste, but she had to

choose one for the party. 55. Almost ____ nation sends teams of selected
athletes to take part in the Olympic Games,
A) both which are held ____ four years.
B) some
C) none A) any / all
D) neither B) each / many
E) most C) every / every
D) all / each
E) many / a few
51. Although the film was criticized favorably by
____ critics, it received ____ appreciation
from the audience.
A) many / little
B) some / too few
C) either / less
D) all / fewer
E) both / neither

Quantifiers & Nouns / Test-2
6. I didn't believe him when he said that it was
01.-40. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere
hailing in June, so I went out on the balcony
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz. to see it for ____.

A) myself
1. We had ____ other choice apart from deciding
B) himself
to cease trading, or we would have gone
C) mine
D) him
A) some E) itself
B) no
C) many
D) each 7. ____ bus we were travelling on stopped
E) any suddenly because ____ tree had fallen across


the road.
2. ____ who enjoys jazz music will enjoy this
festival, tickets for which can be bought at A) A / the
____ good music shop. B) The / -
C) The / the
A) Nobody / some D) The / a
B) Anyone / several E) A / a
C) Everybody / all
D) Somebody / both
E) Anybody / every 8. ____ that we accomplished was to find a
suitable date for the next meeting.
3. Slimming bars claim to provide ____ the
vitamins and minerals the body needs, but A) Each
eating them cannot be as healthy as a meal B) Every
containing plenty of fruit and vegetables, C) The whole
which can also supply ____nutrients required D) Others
by the body. E) All

A) whole / all
B) all / other
C) plenty of / another 9. Although ____ in the group knew that ____
D) every / any had ever tried to climb the mountain by this
E) both / each path before, they all seemed very confident.

4. ____ child will be given a role, however small, A) someone / nowhere

in the play. B) no one / anywhere

C) everyone / no one
D) anyone / somebody
A) Several
E) everything / anyone
B) The whole
C) Both
D) Each
E) Many 10. As the number of students attending the
universities ____, most employers ____ for
5. Because there have been ____ accidents at higher and higher qualifications from new
that road junction, the council are going to employees.
install traffic lights there.
A) is increasing / are asking
A) too much B) are increasing / will ask
B) plenty C) increase / is asking
D) have increased / have asked
C) so many
E) increased / has asked
D) much more
E) a great deal of

Compiled ELS Questions

11. ____ of the soldiers was given two complete 17. This ship has ____ experienced crew, all of
uniforms, ____ of which they were expected whom have been at ____ sea on and off for
to keep spotlessly clean. more than six years.

A) All / some A) the / the

B) Every / either B) an / a
C) Each / both C) an / -
D) Some / all D) - / -
E) The whole / many E) some / the

12. There is an amount of wisdom in ____ old

sayings, such as “Don't cry over spilt milk”.
18. Politicians from the Opposition are constantly
A) a number of criticizing the government, but they don't say
B) a little what they would do ____ to improve things if
C) a great deal of they were in ____ position.


D) every
E) the whole
A) us / our
13. When the winners arrived at the award B) themselves / our
ceremony, the mayor ____ was there to greet C) them / themselves
____ . D) theirs / us
E) ours / theirs
A) ourselves / him
B) themselves / ours
C) myself / their 19. As ____ of the proposals seems to provide a
D) itself / ourselves complete solution on ____ I suggest we
E) himself / them continue working on this.

14. When I woke up this morning, there was ____

heavy dew covering ____ long green summer A) both / themselves
grass in our garden. B) either / our own
C) each / ourselves
A) the / a D) none / his own
B) - / the E) neither / its own
C) some / a
D) the / -
E) a / a 20. When ____ manager disagrees with ____, our
board meetings can go on for hours.
15. It's getting late. I'll feel better when we have
found ____ to stay for the night, and, at this
hour, I'm not looking for a luxury place. _____

A) a / other
clean and tidy will do.
B) - / the other
C) the / each other
A) somewhere / Anywhere
D) one / another
B) everywhere / Somebody
E) none / the other
C) something / Nowhere
D) nowhere / Somewhere
E) anything / Something
21. Each of ____ will develop a revision method
16. I wish he would give ____ more consideration which will suit ____ individual strengths and
to those around him. weaknesses.

A) enough
B) a lot of A) they / theirs
C) a little B) us / our
D) several C) we / ours
E) a few D) you / yours
E) her / hers

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22. I don't think that's the only dry cleaner's 28. There are ____ Indian restaurants available in
around here. I think there is ____ next to the England, whereas in Istanbul, your options
bus station. are ____.
A) another A) some / several
B) others B)so much / only one
C) other C) the other / little
D) the other D) many / another
E) the others E) a lot of / a few

23. I think that buying ____ own photocopier 29. Normally, airlines serve their passengers
would save ____ money. ____ cooked dinner during ____ flight.
A) us / ours A) the / a
B) him / his B) - / a
C) ourselves / our C) a / the


D) themselves / theirs D) a / some
E) their / them E) another / -

24. Since ____ seems eager to give me a hand 30. The lawyer for the people who ____ in the fire
with these, I have no other choice but to do at the shopping center ____ the judge for
____ by myself. compensation.
A) something / everywhere A) were injured / is going to ask
B) someone / anything B) is injured / has been asking
C) no one / everything C) are injured / would ask
D) anybody / nowhere D) was injured / are going to ask
E) nothing / something E) have been injured / have asked

25. ____ has got a packed lunch, a torch and a

31. We have 120 post-graduate students at our
waterproof coat, haven't ____?
university, and almost two thirds of ____
A) Everybody / they ____ from abroad.
B) Everywhere / it A) themselves / comes
C) No one / you B) their / are coming
D) Someone / we C) theirs / were coming
E) Anybody / them D) them / come
E) they / has come

26. Men, women and children in ____ part of the

world wear some sort of jewelry, either as

32. A good percentage of our time ____ at work,

ornaments or because of superstitions. so we should choose an occupation that we
A) all
B) every A) is spending
C) whole B) are spent
C) is spent
D) some D) are spending
E) neither E) would spend

27. There are ____ ways to get from my house to

33. I love the company of ____ friends, but
work, but ____ of them is very comfortable.
sometimes I just want to be by ____ .
A) plenty / one A) my / me
B) more / several B) mine / me
C) several / none C) me / mine
D) a few / neither D) my / myself
E) mine / my own
E) much / all

Compiled ELS Questions

34. There have been ____ isolated incidents of 38. Pasta, which literally means dough in ____
violence, but ____ of World Cup supporters Italian, is ____ Italian food now popular, in
have been well-behaved. such forms as spaghetti, macaroni and ravioli
all over the world.
A) a few / the majority
B) any / a good deal A) the / the
C) some / several B) an / some
D) each / a great deal C) - / an
E) every / a large number D)- / any
E) some / -

35. Americans plays produced during the 19th 39. I knew that his wife wasn't a good cook, so I


century were mostly sensational melodrama doubted that she had cooked all the dishes
and therefore of ____ literary importance. she served ____ on ____ .

A) many A) us / her own

B) little B) mine / hers
C) none C) theirs / himself
D) every D) you / his own
E) a few E) him / herself

36. The different people in Africa ____ has ____ 40. Do you know that everything they ____
own myths about the creation of the world. ____ guaranteed for two years?

A) all / its A) are selling / are

B) most / themselves B) sell / is
C) every / itself C) sold / have been
D) some / theirs D) had sold / were
E) each / their E) are sold / has been

37. The doctor gave him ____ tablets and told

him to drink ____ water.

A) each / a little
B)a few / many
C) several of / little
D) any / much
E) some / plenty of

Quantifiers & Nouns / Test-3
6- ____ players have won this competition
01.-60. sorularda, cümlede boş bırakılan yere before, so ____ of them could win today.
uygun düşen sözcük ya da ifadeyi bulunuz.
A) A few / all
B) Each / every
1- The instructor told the young climbers to hold C) Every / no
on to the rope with ____ hands. D) Both / either
E) None / neither
A) both
B) every
C) all 7- A lot of people rushed to the area, but most of
____ failed to find ____ gold.
D) each
E) either A) them / any


B) they / much
C) theirs / many
2- The noise of the gunshot rang through the D) him / some
trees and the birds flew off in ____ directions. E) his / none

A) all
B) each
C) either 8- The children have had quite ____ excitement
for one day, I think it’s time they went to bed.
D) every
E) whole
A) few
B) all
C) more
3- The train doesn’t stop at ____ station along D) little
the way, but it stops at ____ of the main ones. E) enough

A) all / either
B) every / most
C) each / much 9- He thought he would get the contract, but a
D) both / some business competitor of ____ got ____.
E) few / all
A) he / itself
B) his / it
C) us / his
4- Unfortunately, our local library had ____ D) yours / its
books on the subject, so I’m going to the city E) him / them
library tomorrow hoping to find ____ more.

A) much / a little
10- They gave the idea ____ consideration before
B) a little / a lot
accepting it.
C) little / many
D) a few / much A) several
E) few / some B) only a few
C) a great deal of
D) much of
5- There has been ____ fruit on the pear tree in E) a good many
our garden this year, so we won’t be giving
____ away.
11- Look! One of ____ in the race ____.
A) a little / many A) stallion / have fallen
B) all / each B) the athletes / had fallen
C) little / much C) the horses / has fallen
D) every / some D) children / are falling
E) much / either E) the competition / was falling

Compiled ELS Questions

12- My daughter got a better mark for her last 17- Decades ago the notion of landing a
French written composition because there spacecraft on ____ moon would have seemed
were ____ mistakes in it. ____ impossible feat.

A) little A) a / ---
B) much B) some / a
C) many C) the / an
D) fewer D) --- / ---
E) the least E) --- / the

13- In the USA, the number of representatives in

government varies according to the 18- If there is ____ food in the world for everyone,
population of a state, but there are two why do so ____ people die of starvation?
senators for ____ state.


A) little / much
A) both B) enough / many
B) some C) much / few
C) neither D) any / a lot of
D) each E) less / more
E) all

19- Of the two shops in the village, ____ sold sun

14- ____ employees voted against the strike even cream, so he had to keep a long-sleeved shirt
though they were dissatisfied with the pay on all day.
A) no
A) Several of B) both
B) Plenty C) none
C) Much of D) neither
D) Half E) either
E) A good many

20- The best goal of the match was ____, but

15- After ____ wins at amateur level, he’ll be ____ was pretty spectacular as well.
ready to race professionally.
A) my / theirs
A) almost none B) my brother / I

B) any longer C) him / mine

C) a few more D) the forward’s / your
D) much E) Simon’s / yours
E) plenty

21- The new dress my sister bought didn’t fit

16- Tea and coffee contain caffeine, which is ____, so she gave it to ____ .
harmful, so the doctor told me to avoid
A) she / you
drinking ____ .
B) her / me
C) hers / mine
A) both of them
D) mine / hers
B) much of it
E) herself / ours
C) all of them
D) some of it
E) neither of them

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22- He felt as if ____ world was watching and 28- ____ of seagulls followed the tractor as the
waiting for him to make a mistake in the play, farmer ploughed the field.
but in fact, it was only the village boy scout
club. A) Many more
B) Almost all
A) all C) Only some
B) every D) A large number
C) most E) Hardly any
D) a lot of
E) the whole
29- It takes ____of dedication to become a top
23- She had ____reasons to dislike her job, but I class athlete.
don’t know exactly why she left.
A) enough
A) a little B) nearly every


B) much C) a great deal
C) a whole D) many more
D) some of E) each one
E) plenty of

24- The company is so stable that you can buy 30- If Richard had ____ patience, he would have
shares in it with almost ____ risk of losing ____arguments with the manager.
any money.
A) little / much
B) enough / little
A) any
C) less / plenty
B) none
D) more / fewer
C) no
E) a few / less
D) few
E) much
31- ____ cashier underwent the company’s
25- Two smartly dressed doormen stood at ____
training scheme before starting to work her.
side of the hotel’s entrance.
A) either A) A great many
B) whole B) Several
C) all C) Both
D) every D) All
E) both E) Every

26- We rang ____hotels before we found ____with 32- Up until recent years, blacks in the Southern
vacant rooms. USA suffered ____ injustice.
A) several / one A) several
B) much / a little B) plenty
C) each / some C) a lot of
D) every / any D) a great many
E) the whole / much E) fewer

27- The teacher said that we could write on

____sides of the paper, but to start a new 33- After the oil spill from the huge tanker, the
page for ____question. ____ beach was covered in thick black oil.
A) either / every
B) both / each A) whole
C) some / all B) all
D) all / some C) many
E) the whole / any D) every
E) much

Compiled ELS Questions

34- We can see Shrewsbury Town football pitch 39- If I had ____ fabric left, I could make a dress,
from the window of our shop. Yesterday, I but I think I’ve only got ____ to make a skirt.
was watching ____ them play through the
window, but stopped when ____ customer A) a great deal / one
B) plenty / a few
came in.
C) a few more / much
D) a number of / some
A) any / a
E) a little more / enough
B) a / the
C) a / ---
D) --- / a
E) --- / the 40- Cyanide leaked into ____ Mersey Canal, and
____ nine-mile stretch of ____ canal was
35- In 1991, the remains of ____ Neolithic hunter,
which were 5,300 years old, were discovered A) the / the / a


B) --- / --- / a
high in ____Alps.
C) a / a / ---
D) --- / the / ---
A) the / ---
E) the / a / the
B) a / some
C) --- / a
D) a / an
E) a / the 41- I went into town specially to buy a jacket for
the Christmas party, but I didn’t see ____ that
I liked.
36- Do you know ____ name of ____ American
author Bill Bryson’s latest book? A) a few
B) any
A) a / --- C) all
B) a / an D) much
C) the / the E) some
D) the / ---
E) --- / an
42- As ____ British athlete in this discipline
reached the qualifying time, Britain won’t be
37- Celebrating the end of one year and the start represented in this event at the Olympics.
of a new one is an age-old religious, social,
and cultural observance in almost ____ part A) no
B) few
of the world.
C) little
D) hardly any

A) all
E) fewer
B) every
C) either
D) neither
E) whole 43- Throughout the history of the country, ____
French, along with most of the other people
of the world, have paid little attention to the
38- ____ albatross, ____largest and most quality of ____natural environment.
majestic skybird, has ____ wing span of over
nine feet. A) some / ---
B) a / them
A) --- / the / --- C) the / their
B) The / a / the D) --- / its
C) An / --- / the E) many / theirs
D) The / the / a
E) An / a / a

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44- Diamonds have ____ uses. In addition to the 49- The teacher said that if Joseph caused ____
obvious use in jewellery, they have ____ trouble in class, she would send his mother a
number of industrial applications. letter.

A) much / any A) any more

B) many / a B) far fewer
C) plenty of / the C) a number of
D) some / each D) so many
E) more / every E) several

45- ____ the painters have achieved so far is to

make the office look more of a mess than it 50- Herman Melville’s book ‘Moby Dick’ tells of
did this morning. the adventures of captain Ahab, who loses
____ leg in his struggle with ____whale.


A) The whole
B) Some A) the / the
C) All B) a / a
D) None C) --- / any
E) A little D) any / the
E) some / a

46- Let’s go somewhere for a cup of tea I don’t

want to go in any more shops as I’ve spent
____already. 51- A: Which of these wallpaper designs would
you like in the living?
A) several B: ____. ____ look horrible. Why can’t we just
B) a lot of paint the walls?
C) a few
D) many more A) All / None
E) too much B) Neither / Both
C) Either / Whole
D) None / Some
47- Despite all ____ efforts, neither Susan’s E) Every / Each
composition nor ____ was good enough to
impress the teacher.
52- I wonder if ____ of our neighbours would look
A) ourselves / me after our cat while we are away.
B) us / myself
C) ours / my A) the whole

D) our / mine B) few

E) us / ourselves C) little
D) either
E) every
48- The richness of Asia’s cultures is reflected in
____ arts and literature.
53- ____ of the competitors was badly affected by
A) theirs
B) it the extreme heat and passed out.
C) its
D) them A) Some
E) itself B) No
C) A few
D) One
E) All

Compiled ELS Questions

54- I would like her more if she showed ____ 57- In ____ mid-1970s, people became aware of
consideration for others. the phenomenon called ____acid rain.

A) fewer A) the / ---

B) several B) --- / an
C) a little C) a / an
D) too much D) a / the
E) many E) the / an

58- The word deafness is used to describe ____

degree of hearing loss, though it is most


commonly used where there is ____ total
inability to hear.
55- I’m glad we bought the new lawn mower. Now
A) some / much
I can mow the lawn using ____the effort. B) the / some
C) a / many
A) fewer D) every / none
B) none E) any / a
C) much
D) all
E) half

59- Although the Australian author Peter Carey’s

first three novels were well received, his
fourth book received ____ criticism than

56- Smog may appear brownish in colour when it A) too many

contains high concentrations of nitrogen B) any longer
C) far more
dioxide, or it may look blue-grey when it
D) plenty of
contains large amounts of ozone. In ____ E) so much
case, prolonged exposure will damage lung

A) both
B) either
C) none
D) all 60- Despite the scarcity of arable land ____ the
E) some population in the Middle East is engaged in

A) a lot more
B) almost none
C) so much
D) a good deal of
E) a great many of


English Tenses / Test-1

1-C 6-E 11-E 16-C 21-A 26-A 31-E 36-A 41-C 46-E
2-B 7-D 12-B 17-B 22-D 27-E 32-C 37-A 42-E 47-D
3-A 8-C 13-D 18-D 23-E 28-D 33-D 38-E 43-D 48-C
4-D 9-A 14-E 19-B 24-C 29-B 34-B 39-B 44-A 49-A
5-C 10-A 15-E 20-A 25-B 30-B 35-D 30-C 45-B 50-E

English Tenses / Test-2

1-D 6-C 11-B 16-D 21-C 26-A 31-D 36-E 41-E 46-B
2-D 7-E 12-D 17-C 22-E 27-D 32-B 37-B 42-D 47-D
3-A 8-D 13-E 18-B 23-B 28-E 33-C 38-E 43-D 48-A
4-E 9-C 14-C 19-E 24-B 29-B 34-A 39-A 44-C 49-C
5-B 10-A 15-A 20-D 25-C 30-A 35-D 40-C 45-B 50-D

English Tenses / Test-3

1-B 6-A 11-A 16-C 21-B 26-D 31-C 36-D 41-D 46-C
2-E 7-C 12-E 17-E 22-A 27-E 32-D 37-A 42-B 47-C
3-D 8-C 13-B 18-D 23-E 28-E 33-A 38-C 43-A 48-D
4-E 9-B 14-D 19-D 24-C 29-B 34-B 39-E 44-A 49-B
5-C 10-A 15-B 20-E 25-A 30-C 35-E 40-B 45-E 50-E

English Tenses / Test-4

1-B 6-C 11-E 16-A 21-C 26-C

2-C 7-C 12-E 17-B 22-A 27-E
3-A 8-A 13-B 18-B 23-D 28-D
4-D 9-B 14-C 19-D 24-B 29-A
5-D 10-D 15-D 20-E 25-C 30-B

Modality / Test-1

1. B 8. C 15. D 22. B 29. B 36. D 43. E 50. E 57. D 64. C

2. C 9. E 16. B 23. D 30. A 37. E 44. A 51. B 58. B 65. E
3. B 10. B 17. C 24. D 31. A 38. B 45. C 52. D 59. E
4. E 11. D 18. E 25. A 32. E 39. C 46. D 53. D 60. C
5. D 12. C 19. A 26. C 33. C 40. D 47. B 54. E 61. D
6. A 13. A 20. E 27. D 34. C 41. A 48. C 55. C 62. C
7. C 14. A 21. C 28. E 35. B 42. B 49. A 56. A 63. B


Modality / Test-2

1- C 6- E 11- D 16- D 21- A 26- A 31- E 36- E 41- B 46- B

2- B 7- A 12- D 17- B 22- B 27- C 32- C 37- A 42- E 47- D
3- A 8- A 13- E 18- E 23- C 28- C 33- D 38- B 43- E 48- C
4- D 9- B 14- C 19- E 24- B 29- E 34- A 39- C 44- D 49- A
5- C 10- E 15- A 20- D 25- D 30- B 35- A 40- A 45- E 50- D

Modality / Test-3
1- B 6- B 11- D 16- D 21- A 26- D 31- C 36- E 41- E 46- C
2- D 7- E 12- E 17- C 22- B 27- B 32- A 37- D 42- E 47- E
3- D 8- D 13- B 18- E 23- D 28- A 33- E 38- A 43- C 48- C
4- A 9- A 14- A 19- B 24- C 29- A 34- B 39- C 44- B 49- C
5- C 10- C 15- D 20- B 25- C 30- E 35- B 40- B 45- A 50- A

Passive Voice / Test-1

1-B 6-D 11-E 16-E 21-D 26-B 31-B

2-B 7-B 12-A 17-C 22-E 27-D 32-A
3-A 8-C 13-D 18-D 23-B 28-A 33-C
4-E 9-D 14-C 19-B 24-C 29-E 34-D
5-C 10-E 15-A 20-A 25-C 30-E 35-E

Passive Voice / Test-2

1-C 6-E 11-B 16-D 21-E 26-D 31-C

2-B 7-D 12-E 17-A 22-E 27-D 32-D
3-D 8-E 13-D 18-C 23-B 28-B 33-E
4-A 9-A 14-C 19-B 24-C 29-C 34-B
5-C 10-A 15-B 20-D 25-A 30-A 35-A

Passive Voice / Test-3

1-A 6-B 11-D 16-A 21-C 26-C 31-D 36-A 41-B

2-D 7-D 12-D 17-C 22-C 27-A 32-A 37-C 42-B
3-C 8-E 13-C 18-E 23-E 28-B 33-D 38-E 43-C
4-B 9-A 14-A 19-B 24-B 29-D 34-C 39-C 44-E
5-E 10-B 15-D 20-A 25-E 30-E 35-B 40-D 45-A


Gerunds & Infinitives / Test-1

1-A 6-E 11-C 16-A 21-B 26-B 31-E

2-B 7-E 12-D 17-B 22-C 27-C 32-A
3-B 8-B 13-D 18-C 23-A 28-C 33-B
4-C 9-C 14-E 19-D 24-E 29-A 34-C
5-D 10-D 15-B 20-C 25-D 30-E 35-A

Gerunds & Infinitives / Test-2

1-B 6-A 11-C 16-E 21-A 26-A 31-C 36-E

2-C 7-A 12-B 17-C 22-E 27-A 32-D 37-D
3-C 8-C 13-B 18-A 23-D 28-E 33-C 38-C
4-E 9-D 14-D 19-B 24-B 29-D 34-B 39-C
5-D 10-E 15-E 20-D 25-C 30-C 35-A 40-B

Gerunds & Infinitives / Test-3

1-A 6-D 11-E 16-A 21-D 26-B 31-E 36-D

2-C 7-B 12-B 17-C 22-D 27-B 32-A 37-E
3-E 8-B 13-A 18-B 23-C 28-C 33-B 38-E
4-A 9-C 14-C 19-D 24-A 29-A 34-B 39-A
5-D 10-A 15-D 20-A 25-A 30-D 35-C 40-C

Adjectives & Adverbs / TEST-1

1-B 6-C 11-D 16-A 21-D 26-B 31-C 36-C

2-C 7-C 12-D 17-B 22-E 27-C 32-B 37-E
3-E 8-A 13-B 18-C 23-E 28-D 33-A 38-E
4-A 9-D 14-E 19-E 24-A 29-E 34-B 39-D
5-B 10-E 15-D 20-A 25-E 30-A 35-D 40-B

Adjectives & Adverbs / TEST-2

1-C 6-D 11-B 16-A 21-D 26-B 31-E 36-E

2-A 7-E 12-C 17-D 22-D 27-B 32-C 37-A
3-B 8-C 13-D 18-E 23-B 28-A 33-B 38-B
4-E 9-A 14-E 19-C 24-C 29-D 34-A 39-C
5-D 10-B 15-A 20-B 25-A 30-B 35-C 40-C


Adjective Clauses / TEST-1

1-A 9-D 17-A 25-D 33-C 41-E 49-E 57-A 65-A

2-B 10-E 18-D 26-A 34-C 42-B 50-B 58-D
3-B 11-C 19-A 27-E 35-D 43-E 51-E 59-E
4-E 12-D 20-B 28-C 36-A 44-C 52-C 60-A
5-D 13-A 21-A 29-A 37-B 45-C 53-B 61-C
6-C 14-E 22-D 30-C 38-C 46-B 54-A 62-E
7-C 15-E 23-D 31-D 39-C 47-A 55-B 63-B
8-A 16-C 24-B 32-E 40-A 48-D 56-A 64-D

Adjective Clauses / TEST-2

1-C 9-E 17-C 25-D 33-B 41-B 49-A 57-C 65-E

2-A 10-E 18-B 26-C 34-E 42-B 50-C 58-B
3-B 11-A 19-E 27-B 35-A 43-E 51-E 59-E
4-E 12-E 20-D 28-E 36-C 44-C 52-D 60-D
5-C 13-B 21-C 29-D 37-D 45-B 53-D 61-C
6-B 14-A 22-E 30-B 38-C 46-D 54-C 62-C
7-C 15-C 23-D 31-A 39-A 47-E 55-B 63-D
8-D 16-D 24-A 32-D 40-A 48-E 56-A 64-A

Adjective Clauses / TEST-3

1-D 6-A 11-D 16-E 21-B 26-C 31-E 36-D 41-B

2-B 7-B 12-C 17-B 22-E 27-E 32-A 37-A 42-C
3-C 8-E 13-B 18-D 23-A 28-D 33-A 38-C 43-B
4-E 9-C 14-A 19-C 24-D 29-B 34-C 39-E 44-D
5-D 10-D 15-E 20-C 25-C 30-B 35-B 40-D 45-C

Noun Clauses & Auxiliaries / TEST-1

1-E 6-D 11-C 16-E 21-B 26-A 31-B 36-A 41-D

2-D 7-D 12-D 17-B 22-B 27-A 32-A 37-C 42-C
3-B 8-E 13-A 18-C 23-C 28-B 33-E 38-C 43-E
4-C 9-A 14-C 19-E 24-D 29-C 34-B 39-B 44-A
5-A 10-C 15-B 20-E 25-E 30-E 35-D 40-A 45-D

Noun Clauses & Auxiliaries / TEST-2

1-E 6-A 11-B 16-C 21-C 26-B 31-E 36-E 41-D

2-C 7-E 12-B 17-A 22-C 27-A 32-A 37-D 42-E
3-B 8-C 13-D 18-B 23-E 28-C 33-A 38-B 43-C
4-D 9-A 14-E 19-A 24-D 29-E 34-B 39-C 44-B
5-D 10-D 15-E 20-D 25-C 30-A 35-C 40-D 45-B


Noun Clauses & Auxiliaries / TEST-3

1-B 6-E 11-C 16-E 21-D 26-C 31-E 36-A 41-A

2-C 7-C 12-B 17-E 22-C 27-E 32-B 37-B 42-E
3-D 8-C 13-A 18-C 23-A 28-D 33-C 38-C 43-B
4-D 9-B 14-E 19-D 24-A 29-D 34-D 39-A 44-C
5-B 10-C 15-D 20-A 25-B 30-B 35-A 40-A 45-D

Conditionals & Wish Clauses / TEST-1

1. E 6. C 11. B 16. D 21. C 26. B 31. D 36. C 41. D

2. D 7. D 12. B 17. C 22. A 27. C 32. D 37. E 42. E
3. E 8. A 13. C 18. E 23. B 28. D 33. E 38. B 43. A
4. A 9. C 14. D 19. A 24. E 29. E 34. C 39. C 44. C
5. B 10. E 15. A 20. A 25. D 30. B 35. A 40. C 45. B

Conditionals & Wish Clauses / TEST-2

1. A 6. B 11. B 16. A 21. C 26. E 31. E 36. B 41. D 46. A 51. E

2. D 7. D 12. A 17. B 22. E 27. C 32. B 37. B 42. B 47. D 52. E
3. E 8. C 13. C 18. D 23. E 28. B 33. A 38. E 43. E 48. C 53. C
4. B 9. A 14. D 19. D 24. B 29. C 34. E 39. C 44. B 49. A 54. C
5. C 10. E 15. E 20. A 25. D 30. A 35. D 40. A 45. A 50. B 55. E

Conditionals & Wish Clauses / TEST-3

1-D 6-C 11-B 16-A 21-E 26-D 31-C 36-C 41-B

2-B 7-E 12-C 17-C 22-A 27-A 32-E 37-B 42-C
3-B 8-D 13-A 18-D 23-B 28-C 33-D 38-A 43-A
4-A 9-D 14-B 19-E 24-C 29-C 34-D 39-A 44-D
5-E 10-C 15-B 20-D 25-E 30-B 35-B 40-E 45-C


Conjunctions & Adverbial Clauses / TEST-1

1- B 6- B 11- C 16- C 21- A 26- C 31- B 36- D 41- C 46- E 51- D

2- B 7- C 12- E 17- A 22- A 27- E 32- D 37- C 42- B 47- D 52- E
3- D 8- D 13- E 18- D 23- C 28- A 33- C 38- E 43- E 48- B 53- B
4- E 9- E 14- B 19- C 24- D 29- D 34- B 39- D 44- A 49- A 54- E
5- A 10- C 15- D 20- B 25- B 30- E 35- A 40- E 45- C 50- D 55- D

Conjunctions & Adverbial Clauses / TEST-2

1- E 6- C 11- B 16- A 21- D 26- D

2- C 7- B 12- D 17- D 22- A 27- E
3- A 8- E 13- E 18- C 23- B 28- C
4- D 9- A 14- E 19- C 24- A 29- B
5- B 10- C 15- B 20- E 25- C 30- D

Conjunctions & Adverbial Clauses / TEST-3

1- E 6- D 11- E 16- E 21- A 26- B

2- C 7- A 12- D 17- C 22- B 27- D
3- B 8- B 13- C 18- D 23- D 28- A
4- E 9- A 14- C 19- E 24- C 29- C
5- C 10- C 15- B 20- A 25- E 30- E


Quantifiers & nouns / TEST-1

1-C 6-C 11-D 16-B 21-C 26-E 31-B 36-B 41-A 46-D 51-A
2-B 7-D 12-A 17-E 22-E 27-D 32-D 37-B 42-C 47-A 52-B
3-B 8-B 13-C 18-C 23-D 28-C 33-B 38-D 43-A 48-B 53-D
4-A 9-E 14-A 19-A 24-D 29-D 34-E 39-A 44-D 49-C 54-A
5-E 10-E 15-D 20-B 25-B 30-A 35-A 40-B 45-A 50-C 55-C

Quantifiers & nouns / TEST-2

1-B 6-A 11-C 16-C 21-B 26-B 31-D 36-E

2-E 7-D 12-A 17-C 22-A 27-C 32-C 37-E
3-B 8-E 13-E 18-B 23-E 28-E 33-D 38-C
4-D 9-C 14-B 19-E 24-C 29-C 34-A 39-A
5-C 10-A 15-A 20-D 25-A 30-A 35-B 40-B

Quantifiers & nouns / TEST-3

1-A 7-A 13-D 19-D 25-A 31-E 37-B 43-C 49-A 55-E
2-A 8-E 14-E 20-E 26-A 32-C 38-D 44-B 50-B 56-B
3-B 9-B 15-C 21-B 27-B 33-A 39-E 45-C 51-B 57-A
4-E 10-C 16-A 22-E 28-D 34-D 40-E 46-E 52-D 58-E
5-C 11-C 17-C 23-E 29-C 35-E 41-B 47-D 53-D 59-C
6-D 12-D 18-B 24-C 30-D 36-C 42-A 48-C 54-C 60-D


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