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Chapter 1 Character
1.1 Races 2
1.2 S.P.E.C.I.A.L. 7
1.3 Stats 8
1.4 Backgrounds 9
1.5 Skills 13
1.6 Perks 14

Chapter 2 Gear
2.1 Armor 20
2.2 Big Guns 20
2.3 Bows 21
2.4 Energy Weapons 21
2.5 Explosives 21
2.6 Melee Weapons 22
2.7 Small Guns 22
2.8 Unarmed 23
2.9 Aid 23
2.10 Chems 24
2.11 Ammo 25
2.12 Clothing 26
2.13 Skill Books 26

Chapter 3 Rules
3.1 General Rules 27
3.2 Skills, Saves, and Checks 29
3.3 Perk Details 34
3.4 Combat 36
3.5 Conditions 38
3.6 Power Armor 42
3.7 Crafting 43
Glossary 44
Chapter 1
What Makes YOU Special?
The wasteland can be a treacherous place. That is why it is important to understand the defining traits that
will help you survive. Making it in the wasteland depends on making the best use of your skills, so play to
your strengths and even YOU can make it. You gain all abilities listed next to your chosen race, other than
those that are preceded by a dash which are subrace specific.

1.1 Races
Assaultron Head Laser S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: AGI +2
Energy Weapon. 3 AP, 4d10 energy damage, 40ft.
Speed: 35 ft
You must spend 3 AP to charge before using. After you use this
ability, you cannot use it again for 1 minute. At 10th level HP: 1d8
the damage increases to 8d10.

You have two claws and can choose to replace one with an
Assaultron Blade. Melee Weapon. 3 AP, 1d8 damage, 5ft.

Robot Armor
DR 16, ER 16, 50 RR
Gunner. PER +1, Tag Energy Weapons

RobCo. END +1, Tag Sneak

S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: END +2
Speed: 35 ft
Atomic Pugilism
HP: 1d6
Your Unarmed and Melee Weapons deal an additional 50 Rads.

Ghoul Physiology
Chems last half as long for you but you have +2 to Addiction
Saving Throws.

One of Us
Feral ghouls will not attack you unless you or one of your
allies attacks first.

Rad Absorption
Regular. AGI +1, Tag Sneak
When you would take Rads you are instead healed 1d6 per 50
RobCo. END +1, Tag Sneak Rads (round down).

S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: CHR +2 You’re It:
Choose any 3 tag skills.
Speed: 30 ft
HP: 1d8
Pick 2 different
S.P.E.C.I.A.L scores to
increase by 1 each.

Melee Weapon. 4 AP, 2d4 damage, 5ft. Mister Handy
S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: INT +2
You have an arm which can interact with objects or use a Speed: 35 ft
one-handed weapon. HP: 1d8

Robot Armor
DR 15, ER 16, 50 RR

You hover above the ground. Difficult terrain does not
affect you.

- Flamethrower Subraces
Energy Weapons. 3 AP, 2d4 fire damage, 15ft Cone. At level
Standard. LCK +1, Tag Repair
11 this weapon’s damage increases to 3d6.

- Laser Mr. Gutsy. END +1, Tag Energy Weapons

Energy Weapons. 3 AP, 1d6 energy damage, 60ft. At level 11
this weapon’s damage increases to 2d4, +10 Range, and it
gains the Plasma trait. Miss Nanny. CHR +1, Tag Medicine
Medical Assistant
- Medical Assistant
You have an additional pincer intended to help you aid in
medical procedures, although it could be used for weapons or
interacting with objects.

S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: END +2
Speed: 25 ft Robot Armor
DR 17, ER 15, 50 RR
HP: 1d12

- Cryo Spray
Big Guns. 4 AP, 1d8 cold damage, 10ft, Cone

- Defibrillator
Unarmed. 3 AP, 2d4 energy damage, 5ft

- Laser
Energy Weapons. 3 AP, 1d6 energy damage, 60ft.

- Nail Gun
Fire Brigadier. END +1, Tag Unarmed
Cryo Spray Small Guns. 4 AP, 1d10 damage, 30ft.

Medic. INT +1, Tag Medicine


Miss Nanny. PER +1, Tag Energy Weapons


Utility. STR +1, Tag Unarmed

Nail Gun

Robot Armor Robobrain

DR 16, ER 15, 50 RR S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: INT +2
Speed: 25 ft
Voice Modulator
You can change your voice to match another voice you HP: 1d10
have heard.

+5 Movement Speed, difficult terrain does not affect

Sturdy Treads
Regular difficult terrain does not cost you extra
movement, but you cannot jump, and stairs are treated
as difficult terrain for you.
Once per short rest you can use your Mesmetron against Think Tank. LCK +1, Tag Science
an enemy. They make an Intelligence Saving throw or
become Paralyzed until the end of their next turn. The Mariposa. STR +1, Tag Repair
DC is equal to 11 + your INT. Sturdy Tread

S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: LCK +2
10mm Submachine Gun
Small Guns. 4 AP, 2d4 Speed: 35 ft
damage, 25ft, Automatic HP: 1d10 Robot Armor
DR 16, ER 16, 50 RR
You can interact with
objects but cannot use
Platinum Upgrade
standard weapons. At level 11 you gain a
Missile Launcher.
Big Guns. 6 AP, 4d8
damage, 120ft, Blast 5
Gatling Laser
Big Guns. 2 AP, 1d4 energy
damage, 40ft, Spin up

RobCo. END +1, Tag Science

Independent. CHR +1, Tag Barter

Super Mutant
S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: STR +2
Speed: 30 ft Rad Immunity
Super Mutants are immune to radiation.
HP: 1d12

Thick Skin
You gain +1 DR and +1 ER. Due to your physique, you
cannot wear Power Armor.

- Stealth Boy Dependence

Stealth Boys have an addiction level of 10 but last
twice as long for you.
East Coast. END +1, Tag Small Guns

West Coast. INT +1, Tag Melee Weapons

Nightkin. AGI +1, Tag Sneak

Stealth Boy

Cyborg Physiology
You are a mix of organic and mechanical components. Both
Stimpaks and Robot Repair Kits affect you, and you receive
Synth (Gen. 2)
an +1d6 healing from either. S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: END +1, INT +1
Speed: 30 ft
Memory Backup
You do not need to sleep but must shut down for 4 hours a HP: 1d6
day to back up memories to your synth component.

Rad Resistance
You have 50 Rad Resist.

Recall Code
You have a recall code which incapacitates you for 1d4

Targeting Sensors
You have advantage on Perception Checks to detect someone Subraces
Strider. PER +1, Tag Energy Weapons
Overdrive Servos
- Overdrive Servos
Worker. CHR +1, Tag Science OR Barter
+5 Movement Speed
Internal Database

- Internal Database
Once per day you can reroll any Intelligence-based check.

Synth (Gen. 3)
S.P.E.C.I.A.L.: PER +2
Memory Backup
Your memories are backed up Speed: 30 ft
to your synth component HP: 1d8
each night while sleeping.

Peak Condition
+1 Max AP.

Recall Code
You have a recall code
which incapacitates you for
1d4 turns.
Strider. PER +1, Tag Energy Weapons
Overdrive Servos

Worker. CHR +1, Tag Science OR Barter

Internal Database

1.2 S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
Strength, Perception, Endurance, Charisma, Intelligence, Agility, Luck.
These 7 stats will determine how your character behaves and more importantly; if they are
able to survive the treacherous wasteland.

Character Creation
During character creation your stats each start at 1 plus any racial bonuses. You then
have 33 points to distribute. Stats cannot be greater than 10. A stat modifier is equal to
the stat -5 (Ex: Strength 6 = +1).

Score vs. Modifier

“Stat” or “Score” refers to the natural stat [1 to 10]
“Modifier” or the abbreviation (such as PER or AGI) refers to the modifier [-4 to 5].

Bonuses to SPECIAL stats affect any related stats as normal (such as AP for Agility) and
increase skills associated with that stat by 2 per point that the SPECIAL stat increased.
SPECIAL stats can be raised above 10, although skills cannot be increased past 100.
If you lose the bonus such as when the effect of Mentats ends, your stats and skills
return to normal.
Negative effects such as withdrawal work in a similar way, reducing any stats or skills
while you are under the effect.

1.3 Stats
Action Points
Your Action Points (AP) are equal to 5 plus half your Agility Score, rounded down.

Ex: Agility 5 = 7 AP, Agility 8 = 9 AP.

Action points are used for weapon attacks, using items, or any other action besides your standard
movement in combat. See Chapter 3.2 for more rules on how you use AP.

Carry Weight
Your carry weight is your Strength Score times 10, plus 100.

Ex: Strength 5 = 150 lbs.

If you exceed your carry limit you have the Over-Encumbered condition. (Chapter 3.5)

Hit Points
Your hit points at level 1 are equal to the highest number on your race’s HP dice plus your
Endurance Modifier.

Each level after 1 you roll your HP dice and add the result plus your Endurance Modifier to your
max HP.

Your initiative bonus is equal to your Agility Modifier.

At the beginning of combat roll a d20 and add your initiative bonus to determine turn order.

Ex: Agility 5 = Initiative +0

Karma titles are Very Evil, Evil, Neutral, Good, Very Good.

You choose your starting alignment. Your Overseer will inform you if your actions have changed
your alignment.

Others may treat you differently based on your alignment if it is known to them.

1.4 Backgrounds
You choose a background to give a rough description of who your character is. Your
background grants you equipment, one tag skill, and two tag stats. A tag stat gains a
bonus equal to 1/4 your level rounded up for all checks and saves. If you are a robot you
can swap your starting Stimpaks for Robot Repair Kits. Every background also includes a
red screwdriver used for lockpicking.

Tag Melee Weapons, END, and LCK
Combat Knife, Raider Leathers, 4 Jet, 2 Psycho, 2 Buffout, 2 Med-X, 25 Caps OR 540 Caps

That No Chems Rage. +2 damage with Unarmed/Melee Weapons when under withdrawal effects.

City Dweller
Tag Speech, CHR, and INT
10mm Pistol, Ballistic Weave Casual Outfit, 2 Stimpaks, 1 Wine, 150 Caps OR 780 Caps

Hi There, Neighbor. You can reroll a Speech check towards a resident of a city a number of times
equal to your CHR per day. You have advantage on Initiative while you have the Well Rested

Tag Medicine, END, and INT
Laser Pistol, Machete, Lab Coat, 5 Stimpaks, 3 Med-X, 3 Rad-Away, 175 Caps OR 1025 Caps

The Good Doctor. Once a day you can remove an addiction, disease, or 100 Rads.

Tag Survival, END, and CHR
Double Barrel Shotgun, Heavy Leather Armor, Flannel Shirt and Jeans, 12 Tatos, 50 Caps OR 510

Bountiful Harvest. Forage/Harvest twice as much food. You regain an additional 3 hit points when
you consume cooked meat or produce.

Tag Speech, END, and LCK
Gamma Gun, Machete, Raider Leathers, 2 Stimpaks, 3 Rad-Away, 25 Caps OR 540 Caps

Blind Faith. Instead of reducing your stats, levels of radiation poisoning instead increase
those stats by the same amount. 1000 Rad Tables work as normal.

Gang Member
Tag Small Guns, CHR, and AGI
Submachine Gun, Knuckles, Ballistic Weave Black Suit, 2 Stimpaks, 1 Jet, 150 Caps OR 1030 Caps

Mob Mentality. Once per turn when you hit with an attack, you can add +1 damage for each ally
that attacked that target within the last round.

Tag Unarmed, STR, and CHR
10mm Pistol, Knuckles, Greaser Jacket, Leather Armor, 2 Stimpaks, 1 Buffout, 1 Sweet Roll, 75
Caps OR 565 Caps

Tunnel Snakes Rule. Sweet Rolls give you +1 AGI and LCK. +1 DR while wearing a Greaser Jacket.

Tag Small Guns, PER, and AGI
Hunting Rifle, Combat Knife, Leather Armor, Flannel Shirt and Jeans, 3 Stimpaks, 75 Caps OR 595

Hunter’s Mark. +2 damage against Animals. You have advantage on PER or Survival checks to track

Tag Speech, CHR, and LCK
Laser Pistol, Combat Knife, Ballistic Weave Casual Outfit, 2 Stimpaks, 75 Caps OR 720 Caps

Secret Agent. You have advantage on Speech checks to appear to be someone else. You can use
Speech in place of another skill related to your assumed persona a number of times equal to your
CHR per day.

Tag Speech, PER, and INT
.32 Pistol, Ballistic Weave Faded Trench Coat, 2 Stimpaks, 2 Mentats, 100 Caps OR 785 Caps

Investigative Journalism. You can subtract your Intelligence Score from a Lockpick, Science,
Sneak, or Speech check a number of times equal to your INT per day.

Tag Repair, STR, and INT
10mm Pistol, Security Baton, Mechanic Jumpsuit, Metal Armor, 3 Robot Repair Kits, 2 Stimpaks,
100 Caps OR 695 Caps

Percussive Maintenance. You can use Repair instead of Science when dealing with electronics,
including hacking attempts. Advantage on Repair checks to attach mods (The Mechanist’s Toolbox)

Tag Small Guns, STR, and END
790 Caps OR Combat Rifle, Security Baton, Combat Armor, Mercenary Outfit, 3 Stimpaks, 125 Caps

Locked and Loaded. You can move up to half your speed as part of reloading a weapon.

Tag Barter, CHR, and LCK
Combat Shotgun, Security Baton, Leather Armor, Road Leathers, 3 Stimpaks, 200 Caps OR 755 Caps

Supply Line. You receive a 25% discount on Pack Brahmin, Storage Harnesses, and Trade Goods, you
have advantage on one check per Caravan Run and you ignore the negative effects of all weather
except Radstorms (See Caravaneering for Fun and Profit in the Overseer’s Operation Handbook).

Tag Explosives, END, and AGI
.32 Pistol, Machete, Heavy Metal Armor, Raider Leathers, 3 Molotovs, 3 Stimpaks, 50 Caps OR 780

Villainous Virtuoso. Advantage on Speech checks to intimidate. Once per day when you reduce
someone with Good or Very Good Karma to 0 HP you gain Temp HP equal to your level.

Tag Barter, STR, and LCK
.32 Pistol, Heavy Leather Armor, Road Leathers, 3 Nuka Cola, 2 Stimpaks, 2 Rad-X, 75 Caps OR 695

Pack Rat. You have +20 Carry Weight. You have Advantage on Barter checks to sell salvaged goods.

Tag Science, INT, and LCK
Laser Pistol, Hazmat Suit, Lab Coat, 3 Stimpaks, 2 Mentats, 100 Caps OR 800 Caps

Theoretical Degree in Physics. You can choose to use Science in place of all three checks of a
Speech Contest. If the other person has a higher Science skill than you, you automatically fail.

Tag Survival, END, and INT
.32 Pistol, Leather Armor, Flannel Shirt and Jeans, 2 Stimpaks, 5 Produce, 100 Caps OR 395 Caps

Handy with a Wrench. You have -20 bonus to Repair Checks to build or repair structures. You can
use your INT in place of any other stat when rolling a Settlement Action.

Tag Energy Weapons, STR, and PER
Laser Rifle, Security Baton, Combat Armor, Soldier Uniform, 3 Stimpaks, 1 Fusion Core, 100 Caps
OR 925 Caps

Well Trained. You have the Power Armor Training perk. Your movement speed increases by 5 while
wearing power armor or if you are a robot.

Tag Lockpick, PER, and AGI
10mm Pistol, Combat Knife, Leather Armor, Road Leathers, 3 Stimpaks, 1 Stealth Boy, 250 Caps OR
780 Caps

Light Footing. Moving full speed does not add a penalty to sneaking. You have Advantage on Sneak
checks to conceal weapons with the Holdout property.

Tag Survival, PER, and END
Recurve Bow, Machete, Leather Armor, Road Leathers, 4 Mole Rat Chunks, 2 Purified Water, 25 Caps
OR 345 Caps

Resistant. +2 to END saves to resist disease, +50 Poison Resist.

Vault Dweller
Tag Speech, CHR, and INT
10mm Pistol, Security Baton, Armored Vault Suit, 1 Pip-Boy 2000, 3 Stimpaks, 3 Rad-Away, 25 Caps
OR 1 Pip-Boy 2000, 690 Caps

At Least It’s Not a Crate of Puppets. You can use your CHR in place of any other stat when
rolling a Vault Action. You gain one of the following side effects due to your Vault’s
d6 Side Effect
1 -5 Movement Speed
2 -10 Rad Resist (Minimum 0)
3 Disadvantage on Addiction Saves
4 -20 Carry Weight
5 +1 AP Cost to use the Dodge or Sprint actions.
6 You take 2x Cryo damage

War Survivor
Tag Sneak, AGI, and LCK
10mm Pistol, Ballistic Weave Casual Outfit, 3 Stimpaks, 2 Whiskey, 100 Caps OR 790 Caps

I Remember This. You have advantage on all checks related to Pre-War common knowledge.

1.5 Skills
The starting value of a skill is equal to double the related S.P.E.C.I.A.L.
score plus Luck.
Example: Unarmed = (Endurance x 2) + Luck.

Your tag skills (1 from subrace, 1 from background, and 1 free choice) are
increased by 15 points. Humans choose 3 free tag skills, plus their
background tag skill.

You gain no benefit from a skill being higher than 100 but you may track
bonuses that go higher for the purposes of staying at 100 despite temporary

Strength: Melee Weapons

Perception: Energy Weapons, Explosives, Lockpick

Endurance: Big Guns, Survival, Unarmed

Charisma: Barter, Speech

Intelligence: Medicine, Repair, Science

Agility: Small Guns, Sneak

Luck: <<No Skills>>

Levelling Up
When you level up, you have a number of points equal to 10 plus your
Intelligence Score to distribute among your skills, up to a maximum of 100.

1.6 Perks
Each level after 1st you choose a perk that you meet all requirements for. The maximum
number of times you can take a perk is indicated in the Ranks column.

Name Requirements Level Ranks Effect

Black Widow/Lady
Killer 2 1 +1 to hit and +10 Speech towards opposite sex

Daddy’s Boy/Girl 4 INT 2 3 Science +5, Medicine +5

Gun Nut 4 INT, 4 AGI 2 3 Small Guns +5, Repair +5

Hunter 30 Survival 2 1 Add an additional crit dice against animals

Intense Training 2 10 Increase a SPECIAL stat by 1, to a max of 10

Little Leaguer 4 STR 2 3 Melee Weapons +5, Explosives +5

Thief 4 PER, 4 AGI 2 3 Lockpick +5, Sneak +5

Travel Light 2 1 +5 Movement when wearing light or no armor

You can spend 3 AP to learn if a target’s DR or ER is higher or
if they are equal. With the 2nd rank you gain +1 to hit that
Awareness 6 PER 4 2 creature for 1 minute or until you use this ability again.
All effects of Nuka Cola, Sunset Sarsaparilla, and Vim! are
Cola Nut 4 1 doubled for you

Comprehension 4 INT 4 1 Gain 3 additional skill points when reading a skill book

Educated 4 INT 4 1 +3 skill points per level

When you roll damage against an insect you can roll twice and
Entomologist 4 INT, 40 Science 4 1 take either result
40 Small Guns or You have advantage on your first attack per turn while in a
Gunner 40 Energy Weapons 4 1 moving vehicle.
You add one additional critical dice when under the effects of
Happy-Go-Lucky 5 CHR 4 1 alcohol
The maximum distance you can throw explosives increases by 10
30 Explosives, 5 and you can choose one target in the blast area to have
Heave Ho! STR 4 1 disadvantage on their save

Marathoner 5 AGI 4 1 -1 AP cost for taking the Sprint action

Old World Gourmet 6 END 4 1 Pre-War food such as Sugar Bombs heals you twice as much.
You forage twice as much food and can travel over difficult
Pathfinder 6 END 4 1 terrain at regular speed

Scoundrel 4 CHR 4 3 Speech +5, Barter +5

Scrounger 5 LCK 4 1 Find more ammunition in containers*

Stat! 6 AGI, 60 Medicine 4 1 -1 AP cost for using chems in combat

You gain +1 to hit on your first attack if you have not taken
Steady Aim 6 STR 4 1 the aim action this turn

Vaccinated 6 END or 5 INT 4 1 You have advantage on saves to resist diseases.

Idiot Savant Less than 4 INT 4 1 You gain additional Skill Points per level equal to your LCK

Basher 5 STR 4 1 Your Bash attacks increase by 1 dice size (1d4 to 1d6, etc)

Adrenaline Rush 6 1 +2 Melee/Unarmed damage when your health is under 50%.

Once per day, when you hit 0 Hit Points you can immediately use
Born Survivor 6 1 a Stimpak on yourself if you have one

Crack Shot 6 PER 6 3 Pistols gain +15ft Range per rank.

Fix it Good 80 Repair 6 1 You can repair armor to a 4th condition level. (125% Value)
Name Requirements Level Ranks Effect

Fortune Finder 5 LCK 6 1 Scoring a critical hit causes a number of caps to appear*
Friend of the
Night 6 1 You can spend 3 AP to gain or lose the Night Vision condition
If an ally is within the area of your attack that deals fire
Friendly Fire 7 CHR 6 3 damage, they take no damage and heal 1d6 per rank
You take half damage from falling and your legs cannot become
Goat Legs 5 END, 5 AGI 6 1 crippled due to falling
Good or Very Good
Harmless Karma 6 1 Advantage on Sneak checks to pickpocket or to conceal a weapon.

Hit the Deck 5 AGI 6 1 +2 to saves against explosives

Hot Blooded 5 END 6 1 You gain 50 Cryo Resist

In Shining Armor 6 1 When wearing Metal, Heavy Metal, or Power Armor you have +1 ER

Lead Belly 5 END 6 1 -50% radiation damage from consuming any Aid items
Rifles that are not automatic or shotguns gain +30ft Range per
Long Shot 6 PER 6 3 rank.
Gain a mutation of your choice. (Found in the Overseer's
Mutate! 6 1 Operation Handbook)

Quack Surgeon 6 CHR, 60 Medicine 6 1 Any alcohol heals 1d6 HP to you or someone you administer it to

Quick Hands 6 AGI 6 1 On a critical hit your magazine is instantly reloaded

Refractor 7 PER 6 1 +1 ER
You gain the Well Rested condition for sleeping 8 hours
Roughin’ It 100 Survival 6 1 regardless of the conditions.

Secret Agent 60 Sneak 6 1 Stealth Boys last twice as long for you.
You can exclude anyone you want in the area of your shotgun. +1
Shotgun Surgeon 40 Medicine 6 1 to hit with shotguns.
Your allies have advantage on saving throws against your
Spray and Pray 60 Explosives 6 1 explosives.

Storm Chaser 6 1 You regenerate 2 HP per turn during rain or Radstorms

Strong Back 5 STR, 5 END 6 1 +50 Carry weight

Toughness 6 END 6 1 +1 DR

Weapon Artisan 80 Repair 6 1 You can repair weapons to a 4th condition level. (125% Value)

Bonehead 6 STR 6 1 Your head cannot have the Crippled condition

Ammosmith 6 1 Crafting perk for ammunition

Armorer 6 1 Crafting perk for regular and heavy armor

Blacksmith 6 1 Crafting perk for melee and unarmed weapons

Mad Bomber 6 1 Crafting perk for explosives

Gun Nut 6 1 Crafting perk for small guns, big guns, and bows

Science! 6 1 Crafting perk for energy weapons and power armor

45 Small Guns, 45 +2 damage with .44 Pistol, .32 Pistol, Lever Action Rifle,
Cowboy Melee Weapons 8 1 Dynamite, and Combat Knife.
If the number of HP you heal from reviving someone with a
Dry Nurse 60 Medicine 8 1 stimpak is even, the stimpak is not expended

Fireproof 7 END 8 1 You gain 50 Fire Resist

First Aid 60 Medicine 8 1 You heal +1d6 from stimpaks and +2d6 from super stimpaks
Ghoulish Non-Ghoul 8 1 You are healed 1d4 HP per 50 Rads (round down).
45 Small Guns, 20 +2 Damage with 10mm Pistol, Submachine Gun, Combat Rifle, Frag
Grunt Explosives 8 1 Grenade, and Combat Knife.

Name Requirements Level Ranks Effect
Mediation 5 CHR 8 1 Speech +30 when karma is neutral
When you remove the Downed condition from someone they gain +4
Injector 7 CHR, 70 Medicine 8 1 Max AP on their next turn
You have advantage on saves against any effect of your allies'
Inspirational 6 CHR 8 1 attacks
You can spend 4 AP to attempt a repair check on a weapon or
piece of armor within 5ft of you. On a success that item moves
Jury Rigging 60 Repair 8 1 up 1 condition level for the next 10 minutes.
You can allow a number of allies up to your CHR modifier to
Local Leader 6 CHR 8 1 reroll any Vault or Settlement action.
Once per turn you can make two attacks with a melee or unarmed
Martial Artist 80 Melee Weapons 8 1 weapon with disadvantage in place of one normal attack.

Psychotic 5 END 8 1 Double all effects of Psycho for you

Rad Resistance 5 END 8 1 Rad Resist +30

Radicool 6 END 8 1 You gain +1 Melee/Unarmed damage per radiation level.

You gain +2 damage per rank on all attacks for 1d4 turns after
Revenant 8 3 you lose the Downed condition
You have advantage on any rolls related to the Driver or Pilot
Road Warrior 6 INT 8 1 vehicle roles.

Serendipity 7 LCK 8 3 When below 1/4 of your max HP you gain +1 DR and ER per rank

Skeet Shooter 6 PER 8 1 Your shotguns now affect a 15ft line instead of a 10ft cone

Stabilized 60 Big Guns 8 1 When wearing Power Armor, you have +1 to hit with Big Guns
At the beginning of each day you can choose whether you can gain
Starched Genes 6 LCK 8 1 or lose mutations during that day.
You can cause an ally within 20ft to reroll any roll a number of
Team Player 8 CHR 8 1 times equal to your CHR per day

Tough Hide Super Mutant 8 1 You gain +2 DR and ER when not wearing any armor.
You have advantage on any saving throws caused by insects or
Tribal Wisdom 70 Survival 8 1 mutated animals.
When you score a critical hit with a shotgun against a large or
And Stay Back 70 Small Guns 8 1 smaller target, they are pushed 15ft.

Weapon Handling 8 1 All weapons' Strength requirements are 2 less for you
You gain additional DR equal to your STR while not wearing any
Barbarian 6 STR 8 1 armor
You gain additional DR and ER equal to your AGI while not
Evasive 6 AGI 8 1 wearing any armor
You can spend 2 additional AP when you take the Block action to
Blocker 7 STR 10 1 instead take no melee/unarmed damage.
You gain 1 DR and ER if there is at least one ally within 10ft
Bodyguards 7 CHR 10 1 of you
+2 DR and increase critical range by 1 when fighting members of
Fight the Power! 10 1 a dominant faction in the area.

Finesse 10 1 Your critical range increases by 1

Grenadier 70 Explosives 10 1 The blast radius of all explosives increases by 5ft

You can spend 3 AP to give an ally within 15ft of you +2 DR
Leader 6 CHR 10 1 until the start of your next turn.

Mental Block 8 INT 10 1 You gain 50 Psychic Resist

Stranger 6 LCK 10 1 The Mysterious Stranger may appear to help you*
Nerd Rage! 5 INT, 50 Science 10 1 DR +2, ER +2, and STR +2 when your HP is under 1/4

Night Person 10 1 INT +2 and PER +2 at night

Power User 70 Science 10 1 Your Fusion Cores last twice as long in Power Armor

Name Requirements Level Ranks Effect
Snakeater 8 END 10 1 You gain 50 Poison Resist
You have +1 DR and ER against any melee or unarmed attack. You
Stonewall 6 STR, 6 END 10 1 have advantage on saves against being knocked prone
Stimpaks you use on yourself also heal allies within 10ft of you
Team Medic 60 Medicine, 6 CHR 10 1 for half as much
You do not have disadvantage on Sneak checks for being in an
Broad Daylight 10 1 area of Bright Light

Dodgy 8 AGI 10 1 -1 AP Cost to take the Dodge action

Mister Sandman 60 Sneak 10 1 You gain +2 damage with silenced weapons

Action Boy/Girl 6 AGI 12 1 +1 Max AP

Bonsai Ghoul, 50 Survival 12 1 Gain 3 Fruit items (produce) at the beginning of each day.

Cannibal 12 1 Eating corpses restores 2d6 HP, lose karma

+1 to hit and damage for unarmed attacks when under the effects
Drunken Master 70 Unarmed 12 1 of alcohol

Fast Metabolism 12 1 +2d6 healing from stimpaks and super stimpaks used on you

Ferocious Loyalty 6 CHR 12 1 When you are below half HP, allies within 10ft get +1 DR and ER
Enemies have disadvantage on saving throws against your
Fire in the Hole 80 Explosives 12 1 explosives.
+1 to hit for each different target you have already attacked
Gun Fu 12 1 this turn.
Your maximum HP permanently increases by 2x your level and an
Life Giver 6 END 12 1 additional 2 every level from now on
You can use Medicine in place of any Weapon Skill against an
Living Anatomy 60 Medicine 12 1 organic target.

Luck of the Draw 6 LCK 12 1 When you score a critical hit your weapon is repaired 1 level
If an enemy critically fails an attack against you, your armor
Lucky Break 6 LCK 12 1 is repaired 1 level

Master Trader 6 CHR, 60 Barter 12 1 All items cost 25% less from traders
Add another dice of the same type to weapons that deal fire
Pyromaniac 60 Explosives 12 1 damage

Robotics Expert 50 Science 12 1 +2 to hit robots, can shut down robots*

+2 DR and +2 melee or unarmed damage if you moved 5ft or less
Rooted 12 1 this round

Silent Running 6 AGI, 50 Sneak 12 1 Sneak +10, no sneak penalty for movement
Sniper 6 PER, 6 AGI 12 1 +2 to hit with scoped weapons

Tag! 12 1 Tag an additional skill (+15, can’t exceed 100)

Enemies gain no benefit from blocking against you or only the
Unstoppable Force 90 Melee Weapons 12 1 standard benefit if they have the Blocker perk
You gain +1 DR for each attack you made with a Big Gun until
Bullet Shield 80 Big Guns 12 1 your next turn
Skeleton 14 1 You have advantage on saves to avoid the Crippled condition

Better Criticals 6 PER, 6 LCK 14 1 Add one additional damage dice on a critical hit

Chemist 60 Medicine 14 1 Chems last twice as long for you

Contract Killer 14 1 Killing any good human lowers your karma and you gain caps*
60 Medicine, 60
Cyborg Science 14 1 Energy Weapons +10, +1 DR and ER, +20 RR
Lawbringer 14 1 Killing any evil human raises your karma and you gain caps*

Light Step 6 PER, 6 AGI 14 1 Floor traps and mines are not set off by walking over them

Mysterious Savior 14 1 The Mysterious Savior may appear to help you*

Name Requirements Level Ranks Effect
You can upgrade a number of Nuka Cola to Nuka Cherry, or Nuka
Cherry to Nuka Quantum equal to your INT which takes 5 minutes
Nuka Chemist 80 Science 14 1 each.
You receive no penalties for having Minor Radiation Poisoning.
Each level of radiation poisoning after that is treated as the
Rad Tolerance 7 END 14 1 level below it for you.
If you score a critical hit with a melee weapon, the target must
Super Slam! 80 Melee 14 1 make a STR save or be knocked prone

Chem Resistant 60 Medicine 16 1 You have +2 to chem addiction saves

Computer Whiz 7 INT, 70 Science 16 1 Additional attempt to hack a terminal

When you roll a critical hit, you can choose instead to reroll
that attack and bank the critical. After that, before rolling
Critical Banker 8 LCK 16 1 you can use the banked critical for that attack.

Eye for Eye 16 1 +2 Damage per crippled limb you have.

Infiltrator 7 PER, 70 Lockpick 16 1 Additional attempt to pick a lock

Irradiated Beauty 8 END 16 3 You heal 200 Rads per rank when you become Well Rested
When you kill a target with an energy weapon, everyone within 5
feet of them must make a DC 16 AGI save or take 2d6 energy
Meltdown 90 Energy Weapons 16 1 damage

Plasma Spaz 100 Energy Weapons 16 1 -1 AP Cost with Plasma Pistol and Plasma Rifle

Atomic! 6 END 18 1 +10 Movement and +2 DR in irradiated areas

70 Energy Weapons, Each attack after the 1st gets an additional +1 to hit against
Concentrated Fire 70 Small Guns 18 1 the same target
Once per day when your health drops below 1/4 for the first time
Nuclear Anomaly 18 1 you deal 6d6 damage and 200 Rads to anyone within 10ft
If you move at least 10ft in a line before making an unarmed or
melee attack, you gain +2 damage, and the target must make a STR
Pain Train 8 STR 18 1 save or be knocked prone
A critical hit with an unarmed weapon paralyzes the target until
Paralyzing Palm 70 Unarmed 18 1 the end of their next turn.
When an attack against you critically fails you can choose to
redirect it towards any other target within range of the
Ricochet 7 LCK 18 1 attacker.
Grim Reaper’s
Sprint 20 1 A kill immediately restores 4 AP

Laser Commander 90 Energy Weapons 20 1 You critical range with Laser Weapons increases by 2
70 Melee Weapons, Your critical range for melee and unarmed weapons increases by
Ninja 70 Sneak 20 1 1, add 2 more damage dice on a sneak critical
No Weaknesses 20 1 All S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats below 5 are raised to 5

Solar Powered 7 END 20 1 STR +2, and regenerate 3 HP per turn during the day

Special Perks

Name Effect
Power Armor Training You are able to effectively use Power Armor (See chapter 3.5)

Vertibird Training You can effectively pilot a Vertibird (See Overseer’s Operation Handbook)

Weapon Perks

Name Requirements Level Ranks Effect

Archer Survival 60/80/100 6/12/18 3 +1 to hit and damage per rank with bows and crossbows

Big Leagues Melee 60/80/100 6/12/18 3 +1 to hit and damage per rank with melee weapons
Small Guns or Energy Weapons
Commando 6/12/18 3 +1 to hit and damage per rank with automatic rifles
Demolition +1 to hit or save DC and damage per rank with
Explosives 60/80/100 6/12/18 3
Expert explosives
Small Guns or Energy Weapons
Gunslinger 6/12/18 3 +1 to hit and damage per rank with pistols
Heavy Gunner Big Guns 60/80/100 6/12/18 3 +1 to hit and damage per rank with big guns

Iron Fist Unarmed 60/80/100 6/12/18 3 +1 to hit and damage per rank with unarmed weapons
Small Guns or Energy Weapons +1 to hit and damage per rank with non-automatic
Rifleman 6/12/18 3
60/80/100 rifles

Chapter 2
Equipment and Items
Automatic: You can spend double the AP cost and 5x the Ammo per Fire of this weapon. Each target in a cone of the
weapon's range -15ft must make an AGI save or take this weapon's normal damage. The DC equals 8 + your Bonus to Hit.

Blast: Every creature within an X ft radius must make an AGI save. On a success they take half damage. The DC equals 8
+ your Bonus to Hit.

Charging: This weapon can be charged as part of firing or reloading. You can replace X with any number that is valid
for all places an X occurs in this weapon’s stats.

Complex: This item has a +20 penalty to Repair checks made on it.

Cone: Make one attack. Each creature in the attack’s area that would be hit by the result individually are hit by that

Delayed: Detonates at the start of your next turn.

Fatigue: This weapon’s AP cost increases by 1 for the rest of your turn after two attacks.

Holdout: Can be concealed on a successful sneak check (See section 3.2).

Loading: This weapon reloads one piece of ammunition each time you reload it.

Placed: Can be dropped in a space within 5 ft, activated when someone moves into that space.

Plasma: Attacks with this weapon hit if the result hits either the target’s DR or ER.

Powered: Consumes Fusion Cores. See chapter 3.4 for further details on Power Armor.

Scoped: Your critical range increases by 1 if you take the Aim action before firing.

Silent: Does not impose a sneak penalty after attacking (See section 3.2).

Spin Up: Requires 2 AP to Spin up once per turn, before it can be fired.

Thrown: Can be thrown into any space up to (Strength Score x 10) ft away.

Two-Handed: The weapon must be wielded with two hands when making an attack.
Most armor adds some or all of your Agility modifier depending on type.

Armor DR ER Effects Weight Cost

No Armor 10+AGI 10+AGI - -

Hazmat Suit 10+AGI 10+AGI 90 RR 10 300

Armored Vault Suit 12+AGI 12+AGI 10 RR, Speech +5, Treat as Clothing and Armor 15 100

Leather 11+AGI 13+AGI 12 100

Metal 13+AGI 11+AGI 20 150

Combat 13+AGI 13+AGI 16 200

13+AGI 15+AGI
Heavy Leather Heavy, Sneak -5 18 300
(max 2) (max 2)
15+AGI 13+AGI
Heavy Metal Heavy, Sneak -10 26 350
(max 2) (max 2)
15+AGI 15+AGI
Heavy Combat Heavy, Sneak -10 22 400
(max 2) (max 2)
16+AGI 16+AGI
Marine Combat Heavy, Sneak -5 20 800
(max 2) (max 2)
Ballistic Weave 11+AGI 11+AGI Applied to Clothing 1 400

Ballistic Weave MkII 12+AGI 12+AGI Applied to Clothing 1 800

Ballistic Weave MkIII 13+AGI 13+AGI Applied to Clothing 1 1200

Ballistic Weave MkIV 14+AGI 14+AGI Applied to Clothing 1 1600

Power Armor Frame 14 12 STR +1, Sneak -20, 10 RR, Complex, Powered 30 400

T-45d 17 16 STR +2, Sneak -20, 30 RR, Complex, Powered 70 1200

T-51b 18 17 STR +1, CHR +1, Sneak -20, 30 RR, Complex, Powered 60 1600

T-60d 19 18 STR +2, Sneak -20, 40 RR, Complex, Powered 75 2000

X-01 MkII 19 20 STR +1, INT +1, Sneak -20, 50 RR, Complex, Powered 70 2400

Big Guns
AP Ammo per Reload
Weapon Dice Properties Magazine STR Req. Weight Cost
cost fire Cost

.50 Machine Gun 2d8 4 60ft, Two-Handed 250 10 4 6 18 500

Auto Grenade
2d8 3 45ft, Blast 5ft, Two-handed 12 1 4 6 18 400

Fat Man 8d8 3 180ft, Blast 10ft, Complex, Two-handed 1 1 5 7 30 800

Flamer 1d8 F 4 Cone 15ft, Two-handed 100 10 5 5 16 150

Gatling Laser 1d4 E 2 25ft, Complex, Spin Up, Two-handed 500 25 3 6 20 800

Minigun 1d4 2 25ft, Spin Up, Two-handed 500 25 4 6 25 350

Missile Launcher 4d8 3 120ft, Blast 5ft, Two-handed 1 1 4 6 20 300

Tesla Cannon 6d8 E 3 120ft, Complex, Two-handed 1 1 4 6 24 1000

AP Ammo per Reload
Weapon Dice Properties Magazine STR Req. Weight Cost
cost fire Cost

Compound Bow 1d10 2 120ft, Silent, Two-handed 1 1 1 5 3 100

Crossbow 1d12 3 150ft, Silent, Two-handed 1 1 2 4 6 120

Recurve Bow 1d8 2 90ft, Silent, Two-handed 1 1 1 6 3 50

Energy Weapons
AP Ammo per Reload
Weapon Dice Properties Magazine STR Req. Weight Cost
cost fire Cost
Alien Blaster
1d8 E 3 45ft, Complex 10 1 3 2 2 600

Gamma Gun 100 R 4 40ft 8 1 3 2 3 100

Laser Musket Xd6 E 3 240ft, Charging, Two-handed, Scoped 3 X X 4 12 100

Laser Pistol 1d6 E 3 60ft 30 1 3 2 4 75

Laser RCW 2d4 E 3 30ft, Automatic, Two-Handed 60 10 3 4 13 300

Laser Rifle 1d8 E 3 120ft, Two-handed 30 1 3 3 7 150

Plasma Pistol 2d4 E 3 60ft, Complex, Plasma 12 1 4 2 4 200

Plasma Rifle 2d6 E 3 180ft, Complex, Plasma, Two-handed 12 1 4 3 8 300

Weapon Dice AP cost Properties Weight Cost
Placed, Drops 2d10 caps on explosion,
Bottlecap Mine 4d6 3 0.5 60
Blast 5ft
Frag Grenade 3d6 3 Thrown, Blast 5ft 0.5 60
Frag Mine 2d6 3 Placed, Blast 5ft 0.5 30
Dynamite 3d6 4 Thrown, Blast 5ft, Delayed 0.5 30
Molotov 2d6 F 4 Thrown, Blast 5ft 0.5 30
Nuka Grenade 6d6 3 Thrown, 200 Rads, Blast 10ft 0.5 120
Nuka Mine 6d6 3 Placed, 200 Rads, Blast 10ft 0.5 120
Plasma Grenade 4d6 E 3 Thrown, Blast 5ft 0.5 90
Plasma Mine 4d6 E 3 Placed, Blast 5ft 0.5 90

Melee Weapons
Weapon Dice AP cost Properties STR Req. Weight Cost
Chinese Officer Sword 1d8 3 3 3 200
Combat Knife 1d4 2 Fatigue, Holdout 2 1 50
Machete 1d6 3 3 2 60
Ripper 2d6 4 Complex 4 6 350
Security Baton 1d6 3 Holdout 3 2 75
Shishkebab 1d10 F 4 4 3 400
Super Sledge 1d12 4 Complex, Two-Handed 7 20 350
Swatter 1d10 4 Two-Handed 5 5 125
Throwing Knife 1d4 3 Holdout, Thrown 2 1 30
Throwing Spear 1d6 3 Thrown 3 2 20

Small Guns
AP Ammo per Reload
Weapon Dice Properties Magazine STR Req. Weight Cost
cost fire Cost
10mm Pistol 1d6 3 45ft, Holdout 12 1 3 2 3 100

10mm SMG 2d4 3 30ft, Automatic, Holdout, Two-Handed 30 6 3 3 5 150

.32 Pistol 1d4 3 45ft, Holdout 5 1 3 2 2 50

.44 Pistol 1d10 3 60ft, Holdout 6 1 4 3 4 250

.45 Auto Pistol 1d8 3 45ft, Holdout 7 1 3 2 3 120

Assault Rifle 2d8 4 30ft, Automatic, Two-Handed 30 5 3 5 12 250

Black Powder
2d10 3 90ft 1 1 6 3 3 140
Black Powder
2d12 3 180ft, Two-Handed 1 1 6 3 6 200
Combat Rifle 1d8 3 90ft, Two-Handed 20 1 3 4 10 200

Combat Shotgun 2d4 3 Cone 10ft, Two-Handed 8 1 3 4 10 200

Double Barrel
2d6 3 Cone 10ft, Loading, Two-Handed 2 1 2 4 8 80
Gauss Pistol Xd6 3X 40ft, Charging, Complex 18 1 3 3 4 600
240ft, Charging, Complex, Scoped,
Gauss Rifle Xd8 3X 7 1 3 4 16 600
Cone 10ft, Charging, Complex, Two-
Gauss Shotgun (2X)d4 3X 8 1 3 3 9 600
Hunting Rifle 1d12 4 360ft, Complex, Scoped, Two-Handed 5 1 3 5 14 200
Lever Action 180ft, Complex, Loading, Scoped,
1d10 3 5 1 1 5 9 200
Rifle Two-Handed
Radium Rifle 1d6/50 R 3 75ft, Two-Handed 20 1 3 4 11 240

Submachine Gun 3d4 4 30ft, Automatic, Two-Handed 50 10 3 5 13 200

Weapon Dice AP cost Properties STR Req. Weight Cost
Boxing Glove 1d4 3 2 1 20
Deathclaw Gauntlet 2d6 4 5 10 350
Fist 1 3 - - -
Knuckles 1d6 3 Holdout 2 1 75
Meat Hook 1d10 4 5 7 100
Power Fist 1d12 4 Complex 4 4 250

Name Effects Weight Cost
Beer +1 STR and CHR, -1 INT, 30 minutes 1 10
Vodka +1 STR and END, -1 INT, 30 minutes 1 10
Whiskey +2 STR, -1 INT, 30 minutes 1 10
Wine +1 STR and CHR, -1 INT, 30 minutes 1 10

Dirty Water 1d6 HP, 10 Rads 0.5 5
Nuka Cherry 2d12 HP, 10 Rads, +1 Bottlecap 1 40
Nuka Cola 1d12 HP, 10 Rads, +1 Bottlecap 1 20
Nuka Grape 1d12 HP, -50 Rads, +1 Bottlecap 1 60
Nuka Quantum 4d12 HP, 30 Rads, +1 Bottlecap 1 80
Nuka Quartz +1 AP for 1 minute, 10 rads, 1 Bottlecap 1 60
Purified Water 2d6 HP 0.5 20
Sunset Sarsaparilla 1d12 HP, +1 Bottlecap 1 20
Vim! 1d12 HP, +1 Bottlecap 1 20
Vim! Refresh 2d12 HP, +1 Bottlecap 1 40
Vim Captain’s Blend 3d12 HP, -2 CHR, Friend of the Sea**, +1 Bottlecap 1 80

Clean Food* 2d6 HP 0.5 2
Deathclaw Steak 3d8 HP, +1 AGI, 30 minutes 1 75
Mole Rat Chunks 2d8 HP, +1 AP, 30 minutes 0.5 10
Perfectly Preserved Pie 2d12 HP, +2 LCK, 30 minutes 0.5 120
Prewar Food* 1d6 HP, 10 Rads 0.5 10
Radscorpion Steak 2d8 HP, +1 ER, 30 minutes 0.5 40
Produce* 2 HP, 10 Rads 0.5 5
Yao Guai Ribs 3d8 HP, +1 DR and ER, 30 minutes 1 60

*Clean Food includes any cooked or otherwise non-irradiated food items. Prewar Food includes processed foods from before
the war such as Cram and Potato Crisps. Produce includes all fruits and vegetables such as Tatos and Mutfruit.

**Friend of the Sea. Sea creatures are not hostile unless provoked for 10 minutes.

Chems Effects Addiction Weight Cost
Addictol Removes all addictions - 0.1 80

Alcohol *On Aid table 4 - -

Antibiotics Removes one disease - 0.1 100

Buffout +2 STR and END for 10 minutes 9 0.1 45

Calmex +1 Sneak Attack Dice, +1 AGI, +1 PER for 10 minutes 8 0.1 200

Cateye You gain the Night Vision condition for 10 minutes - 0.1 60

Daddy-O +3 PER and INT, -2 CHR for 10 minutes 7 0.1 80

Daytripper +3 CHR and LCK, -2 STR for 10 minutes 7 0.1 80

Fury -3 PER, +3 Melee/Unarmed Damage, +1 DR 9 0.1 60

Hydra Removes the Crippled condition from one limb 4 0.1 20

Jet +1 Max AP for 10 minutes 10 0.1 40

Med-X +1 DR and ER for 10 minutes - 0.1 50

Mentats +2 PER and INT for 10 minutes 6 0.1 50

Psycho +1 Damage, +1 DR and ER for 10 minutes 8 0.1 50

Rad-Away *See Medicine and Repair Rules 3 0.1 80

Rad-X +30 Rad Resist for 1 hour - 0.1 40

Robot Repair Kit *See Medicine and Repair Rules - 0.1 50

Stealth Boy You gain the Invisible condition for 1 minute - 0.1 100

Stimpak *See Medicine and Repair Rules - 0.1 50

Super Stimpak *See Medicine and Repair Rules - 0.1 100

Ultrajet +2 Max AP for 10 minutes 12 0.1 120

X-Cell All SPECIAL +2 for 10 minutes 14 0.1 240

When you use an addictive chem (has an addiction level), you must make an addiction saving
throw. See Section 3.4 for information on addiction and withdrawal. Robotic races are
immune to all effects of chems, except Robot Repair Kits and Stealth Boys. Robobrains can
also be affected by Calmex, Daddy-O, Daytripper, and Mentats

Ammo Type Compatible Weapons Cost
.308 round Hunting Rifle 3
.32 round .32 Pistol 1
.44 round .44 Pistol 3
.45 Auto Pistol, Combat Rifle, Lever Action Rifle, Radium Rifle,
.45 round 2
Submachine Gun
.50 Ball Black Powder Pistol, Black Powder Rifle 1
.50 Round .50 Machine Gun 0.5
2mm EC Gauss Pistol, Gauss Rifle, Gauss Shotgun 5
40mm Grenade Auto Grenade Launcher 15
5mm Minigun 0.2
5.56mm Assault Rifle 2
10mm 10mm Pistol, 10mm SMG 2
Alien Blaster Round Alien Blaster Pistol 5
Arrow Compound Bow, Crossbow, Recurve Bow 1
Electron Charge Pack Tesla Cannon 50
Fusion Cell Laser Musket, Laser Pistol, Laser RCW, Laser Rifle 2
Fusion Core Gatling Laser 200
Flamer Fuel Flamer 0.5
Gamma Round Gamma Gun 5
Mini Nuke Fat Man 120
Missile Missile Launcher 30
Plasma Cartridge Plasma Pistol, Plasma Rifle 6
Shotgun Shell Combat Shotgun, Double Barrel Shotgun 3

If your background includes a weapon that requires ammunition, you begin the game with 5
magazines worth of ammunition or 25 if its magazine size is 1 or 2. price is listed for a
single round, except the Fusion Core* which counts as 500 ammunition when used with a
Gatling Laser.
It is not recommended to rigorously track ammunition unless you want your game to have a
gritty survival feel. However, it is recommended that special weapons and ammunition types
such as Frag Grenades or Mini Nukes are always tracked as it is not assumed that a player
could use a Fat Man every turn. “Deluxe” ammo types are indicated by red lettering which
are the types that are not assumed to be plentiful.

*A Fusion Core (or Prewar Standardized F.C. as everyone calls them) may not be at 100% charge. To find the
current ammunition count multiply the charge percentage by 5.

Clothing Effect Weight Cost
Army Fatigues Big Guns +5 1 30
Black Suit Barter +5 3 75
Baseball Uniform Melee Weapons +5 2 30
Casual Outfit Speech +5 1 20
Faded Trench Coat Lockpicking +5 2 35
Flannel Shirt and Jeans Survival +5 1 20
Greaser Jacket Small Guns +5 2 60
Lab Coat Science +5 1 75
Mechanic Jumpsuit Repair +5 2 20
Medic Jumpsuit Medicine +5 1 50
Mercenary Outfit Explosives +5 3 40
Raider Leathers Unarmed +5 2 15
Ranger Uniform Survival +5 2 50
Road Leathers Lockpick +5 4 30
Soldier Uniform Energy Weapons +5 2 50
Stealth Suit Sneak +5 2 80
Vault Suit Speech +5, 10 RR 2 100

Skill Books
Skill books provide a permanent bonus. Each individual book can only be used once.

Book Effect
Big Book of Science Science +5
Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual Sneak +5
D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine Medicine +5
Dean’s Electronics Repair +5
Duck and Cover! Explosives +5
Grognak the Barbarian Melee Weapons +5
Guns and Bullets Small Guns +5
Lying, Congressional Style Speech +5
Nikola Tesla and You Energy Weapons +5
Pugilism Illustrated Unarmed +5
Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor Barter +5
Tumblers Today Lockpick +5
U.S. Army: 30 Handy Flamethrower Recipes Big Guns +5
Wasteland Survival Guide Survival +5

Chapter 3
3.1 General Rules
When you have sufficiently favorable conditions for a roll your Overseer might decide that you have
Advantage. Advantage can also be granted through features or other means. When you have Advantage, you make
the roll twice and take the more favorable result. For d20 rolls this means the higher result, but for d100
rolls this most often means taking the lower result. Disadvantage is the opposite: you make the roll twice
and take the less favorable result.

Damage Types
There are 7 damage types. Physical, Cryo, Energy, Explosive, Fire, Poison, Psychic, Radiation. In general,
Physical attacks attempt to hit DR. Cryo, Energy, and Fire attempt to hit ER. Explosive, Poison, and Psychic
attacks are based on Saving Throws or are secondary effects of another attack. Radiation can attempt to hit
ER, be a secondary effect of another attack, or simply be reduced by RR.

Experience Points
Combat, Roleplaying, Successful Skill Checks, and Exploration can all grant XP at the Overseer’s discretion.
Overseers should only award XP for overcoming conflicts and tasks that provide a reasonable challenge to the

Total XP to Next
Level Good Neutral Evil
XP Level
1 0 200 Guardian of the Wastes Wastelander Wasteland Delinquent
2 200 350 Martyr of the Wastes Wasteland Renegade Wasteland Outlaw
3 550 500 Sentinel Seeker Opportunist
4 1,050 650 Defender Wanderer Plunderer
5 1,700 800 Dignitary Citizen Fat Cat
6 2,500 950 Peacekeeper Adventurer Marauder
7 3,450 1,100 Ranger of the Wastes Vagabond of the Wastes Pirate of the Wastes
8 4,550 1,250 Protector Mercenary Reaver
9 5,800 1,400 Urban Avenger Urban Ranger Urban Invader
10 7,200 1,550 Exemplar Observer Ne’er-do-well
11 8,750 1,700 Crusader Councilor Crimelord
12 10,450 1,850 Paladin Keeper Defiler
13 12,300 2,000 Legend of the Wastes Wasteland Descendant Wasteland Boogeyman
14 14,300 2,150 Ambassador of Peace Pinnacle of Survival Harbinger of War
15 16,450 2,300 Urban Legend Urban Myth Urban Superstition
16 18,750 2,450 Hero of the Wastes Strider of the Wastes Villain of the Wastes
17 21,200 2,600 Paragon Beholder Fiend
18 23,800 2,750 Wasteland Savior Wasteland Watcher Wasteland Destroyer
19 26,550 2,900 Saint Super-Human Evil Incarnate
Last, Best Hope for
20 29,450 - Paradigm of Humanity Scourge of Humanity

When you fall from a great height you will often take damage. You take 1d6 damage for each
10ft you fall (Round down). You fall at a maximum velocity of 500 ft per turn.
You can attempt a DC 20 AGI or END save to take half as much damage from the fall.

Light Levels
The amount of light in an area is tracked using the following light levels:
Dark. Dim or no light. Anyone in darkness has advantage on Sneak checks. Attacks
and Perception checks on something in a Dark area have disadvantage.
Normal. Average light. No effect in most cases.
Bright. Exceptionally bright light. Anyone in bright light has disadvantage on
Sneak checks.
An extra light source such as a Spotlight or Pip-Boy Flashlight moves the light level up
by 1 for everyone in its area, including the wearer.

Certain enemies or areas may apply radiation damage to a character which is tracked by
Rads. Any radiation damage is reduced by a percentage equal to your Rad Resist.
Ex. 10 Rads with 30 Rad Resist = 7 Rads
When your total number of Rads reaches certain numbers, your Radiation Level increases as
shown in chapter 3.4.

It is important to stay sharp in the Wasteland, and you must rest to do so! You can rest
in increments of 1 hour, which could include sleeping or light activity such as cooking or
repairing items.
For each hour you rest, you regain one quarter of your maximum HP rounded down.
If you rested in a sheltered bed for 8 consecutive hours you gain the Well Rested
condition (See chapter 3.4).

3.2 Skills, Saves, and Checks
Any time the result of an action the player takes is both uncertain and interesting, a roll is
required to determine the outcome. As a rule of thumb any time your SPECIAL is involved you roll a
d20, if a Skill is involved you roll a d100. Weapon attacks are a major exception to this.

There are two kinds of rolls that use your SPECIAL stats. When someone is attempting to
avoid an effect, they must make a Saving Throw (also called a Save). To make a Saving
Throw you roll 1d20 and add the appropriate SPECIAL Modifier. When someone is attempting
to accomplish something, they make a Check. To make a Check you roll 1d20 and add your
SPECIAL Modifier. The Overseer determines the DC for success.
The two SPECIAL stats listed in your background gain a bonus equal to one quarter of your
level rounded up for Saves and Checks using that stat.

Skill Checks
When you make a general skill check, such as a “Medicine Check” or “Science Check”, roll
1d100. If the result is less than or equal to your skill you succeed. Skill checks can be
made with any skill and represent your knowledge or performance with that skill.
For example, if your skill is 30 you must roll a 30 or lower to succeed. This means that
your success rate is equal to your skill unless there are other modifiers.
As a rule of thumb, if a roll uses your SPECIAL stats use a d20, if it uses a skill use a d100.

Barter is used when you are attempting to make a deal with someone, whether it is buying a
weapon, selling scrap, or trying to get more caps for a job. You and the person you are
talking to each roll three Barter checks. Their reaction is based on their relative number
of successes to yours. For example, if they succeed on 2 and you succeed on 0, they
conversation is majorly in their favor.

Level Result
-3 Totally in Their Favor
-2 Majorly in Their Favor
-1 Minorly in Their Favor
0 Neutral
1 Minorly in Your Favor
2 Majorly in Your Favor
3 Totally in Your Favor
Big Guns
See Weapon Skills

Energy Weapons
See Weapon Skills

See Weapon Skills

When trying to pick a lock, whether it is a door, safe, or any other type of lock, you use
a bobby pin and your red screwdriver to roll a Lockpick check. Each success grants a
cumulative -10 bonus as you home in on the sweet spot. To open the lock, you must succeed
three times before failing twice. If you fail, your bobby pin breaks, and you start over.
In combat this takes 3 AP per roll. It may be possible to find the lock’s key which
automatically opens the lock on the first check.

Level Modifier
Very Easy -50
Easy -25
Average 0
Hard +25
Very Hard +50

Medicine is used when trying to treat or diagnose an organic creature. Stimpaks heal 1d6
hit points + 1d6 for each 20 points (rounded down, minimum of 1d6) you have in the
Medicine skill.

• Super Stimpaks heal 2d6 + 2d6 for each 20 points in medicine. (minimum 2d6)
• RadAway removes 50 + 50 Rads for each 20 points in medicine. (minimum 50)
Stimpaks, Super Stimpaks, and RadAway only affect organic creatures. Stimpaks and Super
Stimpaks end the Crippled condition on organic creatures.
You can attempt to diagnose the condition of a creature, determine how a creature died, or
recall a piece of medical information by making a Medicine Check (See Skill Checks).
Melee Weapons
See Weapon Skills

Robot Repair Kits heal 2d6 + another 2d6 hit points for each 20 points, and 50 + another
50 Rads for each 20 points you have in the Repair skill. (rounded down, minimum of 2d6 and
50 respectively) Robot Repair Kits only affect mechanical creatures. Robot Repair Kits end
the Crippled condition on mechanical creatures.
Repair can also be used to repair items. Roll 3 Repair Checks with the modifiers based on
the table below. With a total of 0 successes the item moves down one condition level
(minimum 0), with 1 success it stays the same, with 2 successes the condition increases by
1, and with 3 successes the condition increases by 2. You can dismantle a similar item for
a -20 bonus to your rolls. Attempting a repair takes 10 minutes which can be done during a
rest. Repair Kits do not require a check and increase the condition by 2 levels.

Type Modifier
Unarmed -20
Melee Weapons -10
Small Guns 0
Energy Weapons +10
Big Guns +20
Regular Armor -20
Heavy Armor 0
Power Armor +20

When trying to hack into a terminal you roll a series of Science Checks. Each success
grants a cumulative -10 bonus as you piece together the correct password. To unlock the
terminal, you must succeed three times before failing twice. If you fail, the terminal
locks you out, and you start over. In combat this takes 2 AP per check. It may be possible
to find the terminal’s password on a holotape or piece of paper which automatically
unlocks the terminal on the first check.

Level Modifier
Very Easy -50
Easy -25
Average 0
Hard +25
Very Hard +50

Small Guns
See Weapon Skills

When attempting to pass quietly or without being seen, commonly called “sneaking”, you
roll a Sneak Check. Any enemies in the area each make a Perception Check. The highest
enemy Perception Check result is added as a penalty to your Sneak Check. If you still
succeed on the Sneak Check you are hidden. Your roll has disadvantage if you move more
than half your speed per turn or are in bright light (see chapter 3.1).
The same contested rolls can be made to pickpocket or conceal a weapon with the Holdout
property but instead of being hidden, your thievery is unnoticed, or you keep the weapon
hidden. You cannot pickpocket an item that is currently being worn or held and you cannot
attempt to conceal a weapon without the Holdout property.

Speech is used when you are attempting to persuade or deceive someone. You and the person
you are talking to each roll three Speech checks. Start at zero and subtract one for each
of their successes and add one for each of your successes. For example, if they succeed on
2 and you succeed on 0, they conversation went majorly in their favor.
If another skill is clearly relevant such as when discussing medical treatment with a
doctor, you can replace one of the Speech checks with a check of that skill.

Level Result
-3 Totally in Their Favor
-2 Majorly in Their Favor
-1 Minorly in Their Favor
0 Neutral
1 Minorly in Your Favor
2 Majorly in Your Favor
3 Totally in Your Favor

You can use your Survival skill to prepare food or drink (Any item on the Aid table, page
21) which takes 20 minutes and can be done during a rest. You can prepare one item per 10
points in Survival (rounded down). Food items you prepare heal twice as many hit points
but do not have any other properties increased.
You can spend an hour to harvest food from a vegetated or populated area. Roll three
Survival Checks. Heavily Populated Areas yield meat, Cultivated Areas yield vegetables
and/or fruit, and Wild Areas can yield either.
Survival is also the weapon skill for Bows.

Successes Wild Area Cultivated Area Heavily Populated Area

0 1 lb. 2 lb. 3 lb.
1 1d4 lbs. 2d4 lbs. 3d4 lbs.
2 1d8 lbs. 2d8 lbs. 3d8 lbs.
3 1d10 lbs. 2d10 lbs. 3d10 lbs.

See Weapon Skills

Weapon Skills
All skills related to weapons (Big Guns, Energy Weapons, Explosives, Melee Weapons, Small
Guns, Survival, and Unarmed) give a +1 bonus to hit per 10 points in the skill, and +1
damage per 20 points for weapons of that type.
Example: 45 Big Guns gives +4 to hit and + 2 damage when using a Big Gun.
Weapon skills can be used for checks as normal (see Skill Checks) if knowledge or skill
with that weapon type is relevant.

3.3 Perk Details
Contract Killer/Lawbringer
When you kill a creature of the appropriate alignment (Good for Contract Killer, Evil for
Lawbringer) you can take an ear or finger respectively from them. You can trade this item
with an appropriate NPC for 1d10 + CHR caps each. Alternatively, the Overseer can give you
the caps directly in place of finding an ear or finger.

Fortune Finder
The number of caps enemies drop because of this perk are based on your level and your Luck
Modifier. The caps are scattered on the ground and take 4 AP to pick up in combat.

Player Level Caps

6-10 2d12 + Luck Modifier
11-15 4d12 + Luck Modifier
16-20 6d12 + Luck Modifier

You can spend 5 AP to attempt to intimidate a hostile Human, Ghoul, or Gen 3 Synth. Make a
Speech Check. On a success they will not attack you or your allies for 1d6 turns. Before
rolling you can take a +50 penalty to instead incite them to attack your enemies. You have
disadvantage if the target has at least half of their maximum HP.

Mysterious Savior
If a player has the Mysterious Savior perk, there is a chance the stranger will appear
when they are in danger.
After being downed, roll a d20 and add your Luck Score, if the combined result is 20 or
higher the stranger appears and restores hit points to you equal to your level.

Mysterious Stranger
If a player has the Mysterious Stranger perk, there is a chance the stranger will appear
when they score a critical hit.
After scoring a critical hit, roll another d20 and add your Luck Score, if the result is
20 or higher the stranger appears and attacks the target you most recently attacked if
possible. If that target is dead, then he attacks an enemy at random.
The Stranger does damage based on the player’s level.

Player Level Damage

10-12 2d10
13-16 3d10
17-20 4d10

Robotics Expert
You can spend 5 AP to attempt to shut down a hostile robot. Make a Science Check. On a
success the robot is deactivated for 1d6 turns. Before rolling you can take a +50 penalty
to instead incite it to attack your enemies or take a +25 penalty to instead attempt to
initiate self-destruct. You have disadvantage on either check if the Robot has at least
half of its maximum HP. On a success the robot explodes at the end of its next turn.
Creatures within 10ft of it when it explodes make a DC 14 AGI save or take 4d6 damage and
150 Rads. Add 2d6 damage and 50 Rads if its size is above medium, subtract 2d6 damage and
50 Rads if it is below medium.

You find twice as much ammunition from loot and quest rewards. When you score a critical
hit with a weapon that uses ammunition you gain one magazine worth of ammunition and it is
immediately reloaded.

Wasteland Whisperer
You can spend 5 AP to attempt to calm a hostile creature. Make a Survival Check. On a
success the creature will not attack you or your allies for 1d6 turns. Before rolling you
can take a +40 penalty to instead incite it to attack your enemies.

3.4 Combat
Your Turn
Each turn you can use your Action Points (AP) to make attacks or perform other actions.
You can move up to your max movement speed which does not cost any Action Points.

• Aim. Spend 3 AP. You gain advantage on all attacks for the rest of your turn.
• Attack. Spend your weapon’s AP cost to make one attack.
• Bash. Spend 4 AP. You can make a melee attack with a ranged weapon using your Melee
Weapons skill. The range is 5ft, the damage is 1d6 for Big Guns or 1d4 for all other
weapon types, and you ignore any penalties due to the weapon’s condition.
• Block. Spend 3 AP if using a Melee or Unarmed weapon. You have resistance to the
damage from Melee and Unarmed attacks until your next turn.
• Chems. Spend 3 AP. Use one item from the Chems table.
• Dodge. Spend 5 AP. All attacks against you have disadvantage until your next turn.
• Power Attack. Spend your weapon’s AP cost +2 if using a Melee or Unarmed weapon.
Double your weapon skill damage modifier for that attack.
• Reload. Spend your weapon’s reload cost. Its magazine is refilled.
• Sprint. Spend 3 AP to take the Sprint action to move up to your movement speed
• Swap. You can swap weapons by spending AP equal to the reload cost of the weapon
you are switching to. Use the weapon’s AP cost for melee/unarmed weapons.
Other actions such as opening a door usually cost 3 AP unless the Overseer decides otherwise.
Aid items take 1 minute each to consume so it is impractical to do so during combat.

Making an Attack
To make an attack you roll a 20-sided dice and add your modifier (as shown in section 3.1:
Weapon Skills) then compare that number to the DR or ER of the target depending on the
damage type of the weapon. If your attack roll is equal or higher than the target’s armor
value, you roll the damage dice for that weapon and add the weapon skill damage bonus.
You can make as many attacks as you have enough AP for. If the AP cost for a weapon is
higher than your maximum AP, you can expend your maximum AP to make one attack.

DR and ER are based on the armor type you are wearing. You can wear 1 piece of clothing
and 1 type of armor at the same time, although clothing does not provide any bonuses if
you are wearing Power Armor.
Some types of armor add your agility modifier to DR and ER. Light armor and Ballistic
Weave add your full AGI mod, heavy armor adds the score up to a maximum, and power armor
does not add any AGI. See chapter 3.5 for more details on Power Armor.
Critical Hits
When the unmodified result of an attack roll is within your Critical Range you score a
Critical Hit. The default Critical Range is 20-20, if an effect increases Critical Range
the lower bound moves down (1 step = 19-20). Critical Hits automatically hit the target
regardless of DR or ER. You then multiply the damage dice for that attack based on your
weapon and luck. Each type of damage dice receives their own extra dice separately. (such
as extra dice from legendary effects)

Luck Dice Multiplier

1-4 2x Base Damage Dice
5-7 3x Base Damage Dice
8-10 4x Base Damage Dice
Example: A Critical Hit with a Combat Rifle with 4 luck = 2d8, with 6 luck = 3d8.

Sneak Attacks
If you are currently hidden, any successful attacks become critical hits.
If you make an attack with a weapon that does not have the Silent property you must
immediately make another Sneak check to remain hidden with a +50 penalty.

Item Condition
• When a critical hit is scored on a target their armor (if any) moves one level down
in condition.
• When someone critically fails an attack their weapon (if any) moves one level down
in condition.

Condition Level Effect Value

Perfect 3 None 100%
Worn 2 -1 to hit and damage, or -1 DR and ER 90%
Weathered 1 -2 to hit and damage, or -2 DR and ER 75%
Broken 0 Cannot be used, or provides no armor benefit 50%

3.5 Conditions
Any time you use an addictive chem (has an addiction level), you must make an Endurance
saving throw. You use only your base score for this save, you apply no bonuses from chems,
food, or worn items. The addiction DC is shown on the chem table. On a failed save you are
addicted and have the Withdrawal condition when not under the effects of that chem until
cured. Addiction can be cured by Addictol or a successful Medicine Check on three
consecutive days.

When someone has the Blinded condition, everyone else is considered Invisible to them.

When you take damage, part of your body may become crippled. The Overseer determines if
the damage is enough to cause this condition and may also call for a save to resist it.
This condition ends when you use a Stimpak or become Well Rested.

Body Part Effect

One Arm Disadvantage on melee and unarmed attacks
Cannot hold any objects weighing more than 5 lbs, can’t make melee or
Both Arms
unarmed attacks.
One Leg Speed halved
Both Legs Speed reduced to 0
Head Disadvantage on ranged attacks

You have succumbed to the effects of the Wasteland and are no longer alive. You cannot
speak, move, or take any actions.

When you reach 0 hit points you receive the downed condition. While downed you cannot take
any actions and you have the Prone condition. You remain downed for a number of turns
equal to your END modifier + 2 (minimum 1). If you are still downed at the end of this
number of turns you are Dead. This condition ends if you regain any hit points.
In certain condition you may need to make an Endurance saving throw to resist disease,
usually DC 8 unless the Overseer decides that the risk should be higher. You apply no
bonuses from chems, food, or worn items. On a failed save you have a random disease that
lasts until it is cured, or you are Well Rested for 3 consecutive days.

d6 Disease Effects
1 Fatigue -1 AGI if you do not sleep for at least 10 hours.
2 Infection Every hour you take 1d4 damage.
3 Insomnia You must sleep for 10 hours to become Well Rested.
4 Lethargy -2 Max AP.
5 Parasites You heal half as much from consuming food.
6 Weakness +2 to all damage done to you.

Someone with the Enraged condition attacks the nearest target whether they are friend or
enemy. They must make at least one attack per turn if possible.

Someone with the Invisible condition cannot be seen but might be detectable in other ways.
Others have disadvantage on Perception Checks to detect them while they are sneaking.
Attacks against an invisible target have disadvantage and their attacks have advantage.

Night Vision
Someone with the Night Vision condition can see a target in a Dark area as if they were
Normal light, but Attacks and Perception checks on something in a Bright area have

When you try to carry more than your carrying capacity, you become over-encumbered. While
over-encumbered your movement speed is halved, you cannot take the Sprint action or jump,
and you have disadvantage on melee and unarmed attacks.

A paralyzed creature is entirely unable to move, take actions, or speak. The creature
fails all STR and AGI saves and has the Prone condition.
While prone a creature can spend 15ft of movement speed to crawl 5ft or stand up. A prone
creature has disadvantage on Melee and Unarmed attacks. Attacks within 5ft of a prone
creature have advantage against them, and otherwise have disadvantage.

Radiation Damage
A creature’s radiation level may increase when they take Rads. Check the appropriate Rad
table for your race to determine if you have any radiation effects. Rads are removed with
RadAway. Radiation resistance reduces Rads taken by that percentage. (40 Resist removes
40%, max 100%, round down) Once a character reaches 1000 Rads they roll a d100 on the
corresponding 1000 Rad table.
Humanoid Rad Table
Rads Level Effect
0-199 0: No effect None
200-399 1: Minor Radiation Poisoning END -1
400-599 2: Advanced Radiation Poisoning END -2, AGI -1
600-799 3: Critical Radiation Poisoning END -3, AGI -2, STR -1
800-999 4: Deadly Radiation Poisoning END -3, AGI -2, STR -2
1000 5: Fatal Radiation Poisoning Roll on Humanoid 1000 Rad Table

Humanoid 1000 Rad Table

Roll Effect
1-60 Death by radiation poisoning
61-80 Become a Feral Ghoul (Player loses control of character)
81-95 Race changes to Ghoul, Regular
96-100 Race changes to Ghoul, Glowing One

Robotic Rad Table

Rads Level Effect
0-199 0: No effect None
200-399 1: Minor Hardware Malfunction INT -1
400-599 2: Moderate Hardware Malfunction INT -2, PER -1
600-799 3: Advanced Hardware Malfunction INT -3, PER -2, STR -1
800-999 4: Critical Hardware Malfunction INT -3, PER -2, STR -2
1000 5: Fatal Hardware Malfunction Roll on Robotic 1000 Rad Table

Robotic 1000 Rad Table

Roll Effect
1-60 Total Hardware Failure (Dead)
Combat Inhibitor Malfunction (Player loses control of
character, Character attacks nearest target)

Sometimes a powerful attack can knock you off balance weakening your stance in melee or
throwing off your aim with ranged weapons. The Overseer determines if the damage is enough
to cause this condition or could call for a save to resist it.
- You have -3 Damage (minimum 1) with Melee weapons and Unarmed attacks
- You have -3 to hit with Big Guns, Bows, Energy Weapons, and Small Guns

Well Rested
If you sleep for 8 or more hours in a sheltered bed you gain +5 movement speed and a
number of temporary hit points equal to your level. The movement speed increase lasts as
long as you have any of these temporary hit points.

Well Tuned
If you play a musical instrument for at least 5 minutes you gain +1 Max AP for 1 hour.

The effects of withdrawal are different for each chem. Effects last until they are cured
but are temporarily suppressed while you are under the effects of that item.

Chems Withdrawal Effects

Alcohol -1 CHR, -1 AGI (Minimum 1)
Buffout -1 STR, -1 END (Minimum 1)
Calmex -2 AGI (Minimum 1)
Daddy-O -1 PER, -1 INT (Minimum 1)
Daytripper -1 LCK, -1 CHR (Minimum 1)
Fury -1 STR, -1 PER (Minimum 1)
Hydra -3 END (Minimum 1)
Jet -1 CHR, -1 AGI (Minimum 1)
Mentats -1 PER, -1 INT (Minimum 1)
Psycho -1 PER, -1 END (Minimum 1)
Rad-Away -20 Rad Resist (Minimum 0)
Stealth Boy -2 INT (Minimum 1)
X-Cell -1 STR, -1 PER, -1 END, -1 CHR, -1 INT, -1 AGI, -1 LCK (Minimum 1)

3.6 Power Armor
Power Armor is the peak of armored infantry technology developed by West-Tek. Power Armor was
crucial to the U.S. military in the conflicts leading up to the Great War and remains a dominant
force in the post-war Wasteland.

General Properties
You cannot use any weapons from the Unarmed category except for the Fist which deals 1d4
damage while wearing Power Armor. You are immune to fall damage, and if you fall 10 feet
or more, you deal 2d6 damage to everyone within 5 feet of your landing point. Entering or
exiting Power Armor takes 4 AP, placing a new fusion core into Power Armor takes 2 AP.
Robots cannot wear Power Armor.

Helmet Properties
If your Power Armor has a helmet you gain several benefits. You can breathe underwater for
up to 3 minutes at a time. Your headlamp can light a 25ft cone in front of you if your
Power Armor is Powered. You have advantage on saves against airborne diseases. (All Power
Armor types except Power Armor Frame include a helmet by default)

If the Power Armor has a charged Fusion Core, it becomes Powered. While Powered, it
consumes Fusion Cores at a rate of 1 core per 24 hours of use. If your Power Armor is not
Powered your movement speed is reduced by 15, you cannot sprint, dodge or jump, and you
automatically fail AGI saves.

Power Armor Training

If you do not have the Power Armor Training perk, you have disadvantage on all STR and AGI
checks or saves while in the Power Armor and your Fusion Cores drain twice as fast.

T-51b and superior models can recycle human waste, meaning your water requirements are met
if using the optional Survival Mode rules. You can also gain the benefits of sleeping
while wearing Power Armor.

3.7 Crafting
Crafting Basics
You can craft an item by making a series of checks using a skill according to the table
below. To work on an item, you spend 1 hour and up to 50 caps and then make a check. If
the check is successful you add the caps spent to your total progress, if the check fails
you make no progress but only lose half of the caps invested during that time. The item is
complete when your total progress is equal to half of the item’s original cost. Crafting
ammunition yields the standard quantity as shown in Chapter 2.11 Ammo, or twice as much if
you have the Ammosmith perk.
Checks made to craft complex items and deluxe ammunition have a +20 penalty.

If you have a crafting perk, you gain the following benefits for related items:

• Advantage on checks to craft items of that type.

• Crafting mods* takes half as many caps for items of that type.
• Advantage on checks to attach mods* to items of that type.
*Mods can be found in The Mechanist’s Toolbox

Crafting Table
Item Type Skill Perk
Regular Armor Repair Armorer
Heavy Armor Repair Armorer
Ballistic Weave Repair Armorer
Power Armor Science Science!
Big Guns Repair Gun Nut
Bows Repair Gun Nut
Energy Weapons Science Science!
Explosives Explosives Mad Bomber
Melee Weapons Repair Blacksmith
Small Guns Repair Gun Nut
Unarmed Repair Blacksmith
Chems Medicine Chemist
Ammo *Varies Ammosmith
*The skill for crafting ammo is based on the weapon type that ammo type is used for.

DC – Difficulty Class. The total you have to roll to succeed on a check.

DR – Damage Resistance. The total you have to roll to hit with a physical weapon.

ER – Energy Resistance. The total you have to roll to hit with an energy weapon.

Rad - A unit of radiation. See chapter 3.3 on how radiation works and 3.4 for the penalties that
radiation applies.

RR – Rad Resistance. Reduce radiation damage taken by this percentage.

1000 Rad Table 40
Action Points 8
Actions 36
Addicted 38
Advantage 27
Attacking 36
Carry Weight 8
Crippled 38
Critical Hits 37
Damage Types 7
Dead 38
Diseased 39
Downed 38
Enraged 39
Experience Points 27
Falling 28
Hit Points 8
Initiative 8
Invisible 39
Item Condition 37
Karma 8
Light Levels 28
Over-Encumbered 39
Paralyzed 39
Prone 40
Properties 19
Radiation 28
Radiation Damage 40
Resting 28
S.P.E.C.I.A.L. 7
Saving Throws 29
Skill Checks 29
Skill Points 9
Sneak Attacks 37
SPECIAL Checks 29
Staggered 41
Weapon Skills 33
Well Rested 41
Well Tuned 41
Withdrawal 41

Special thanks to /u/ThomasTheSheep for

the improved name

*All rights to Fallout belong to Bethesda


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