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If you have already booked, or completed, Visit 1 or Visit 2 no action is required.

You will continue to get this

information sent to you until you have attended Visit 2. If you continue to get this after Visit 2, let us know.
While the information provided below is very detailed, it is meant for you to have, and refer to, throughout your
application. It contains both general and specific information on the job and application process. Refer back to it for
each of your visits.
If you are no longer interested in pursuing your application please tell us.

33 Canadian Brigade Group National Capital Region

Can You Join?
You must be a Canadian Citizen
You must be over 16 years of Age
You must have completed Grade 10
Permanent Resident (may be conditional)
Applications will only be processed for positions we are hiring at this time (below)
(No officers, except Qualified Chaplains) Gunner, Infantry Officer, Infantry Soldier, Signal Operator, Cook, Weapon
Technician, Mobile Support Equipment Operator
(Online application required)


VISIT 1: Information Session, Supporting Documents & Fitness Test
VISIT 2: File Creation, CFAT & Medical
Final Interview
Additional Information
Units and Occupations


Location: 2100 Walkley Road (Major Holland VC Armoury)
Tuesdays at 10:00 am (minors at 9:30 am with a parent or legal guardian)
If you are more than 15 minutes late
See Section on Building Access
 Do not book the appointment until after you have ALL OF YOUR SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS (originals, no copies)
 Do not book the appointment until you feel that you are ready to complete the fitness (force) test
 When you have met the requirements listed above, send us an email, to the email address listed above, in the title
state that “I AM READY FOR VISIT 1”. In the email provide a list of TUESDAYS you can make yourself available and
indicate if you are a MINOR
 IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 YEARS OLD: You are classified as a minor, and require parental consent. Your online
application must be 100% completed before you book your visit 1. Parental Consent must be signed in the
presence of a recruiter, requiring us to meet with a parent or guardian. Your parent must arrive 30 minutes before
your scheduled appointment. We will have parts of your supporting documents printed for them to sign. We will
also make time for any questions they may have
The objectives of the Administration Review Include but are not exclusive to:
 Inspection of Supporting Documents to verify they are what we require. We will inform you if they are not what we
require. You must get correct supporting documents BEFORE VISIT 2
 We do not retain or copy your documentation at this time.
The objectives of the information session or consultation include, but are not exclusive to:
 Determining if you meet the minimum mandatory requirements to apply relating to age citizenship and education
(16 years of age, Canadian Citizen and Grade 10 Completed). If you do not meet these requirements you cannot be
processed as an applicant
 Providing detailed information on the application process
 Assist you in choosing an occupation and unit. Links to explore for occupations and units are in this pdf. Review
these options before attending information session
 Providing you with an understanding of what it means to be a member of the Canadian Armed Forces
 REVIEW section below title MEMBERSHIP IN THE PRIMARY RESERVES before attending Visit 1
 Finally this is the opportunity to ask questions, avoid asking questions that are answered in this email
You should prepare for your fitness test
 You will be required to pass the “Force Test” to demonstrate that you meet the absolute minimum physical fitness
level, required to be a member of the Canadian Armed Forces
 You will complete a health questionnaire and receive a pre-evaluation blood pressure check’ by your evaluator
 Failure to pass the fitness test will result in application suspension of minimum 30 days, or more, based on tester
assessment of your fitness level
 Bring your own water bottle, fountain available to fill.
 You should arrive dressed in running shoes, non-restrictive clothing such as shorts and a T-shirt. Clothing must be
appropriate for a military environment (for example, shoulders covered and shorts to mid-thigh)
 If you have long nails, trim them, or remove any acrylic/extensions before the test to avoid injury
 Engage in no strenuous physical activity minimum six hours before the evaluation
 Refrain from consuming alcohol or cannabis for at least six hours before your evaluation
 Refrain from eating a large meal or taking stimulants (tea, coffee, energy drinks, and pharmaceuticals) for at least
two hours before your evaluation
 Ensure that you do eat on the day of test
 Refrain from smoking for at least two hours before your evaluation
 *OFFICER APPLICANTS: are expected to be in above average physical fitness and poor performance may negatively
affect recruiter support for enrolment as an officer
 THE EVALUATION INCLUDES: 20 metre Rushes: Starting from the prone position, complete two shuttle sprints (1
shuttle = 20 m here, 20 m back) dropping to the prone position every 10 m for a total of 80 m time limit: 51s;
Sandbag Lift: 30 consecutive lifts of a 20 kg sandbag from the floor to a height of 1 m time limit: 3min 30s;
Intermittent Loaded Shuttles: 10 consecutive shuttles (1 shuttle = 20 m there, 20 m back), alternating between
loaded shuttles with a 20 kg sandbag and unloaded shuttles, totaling 400 m time limit: 5min 21s; Sandbag Drag:
Carry one 20 kg sandbag attached to a minimum of four sandbags on the floor over 20 m without stopping. No time
limit. LINK BELOW is a video that demonstrated the testing.
Upon Successful Completion of Visit 1 you will be given the opportunity to book Visit 2 on Wednesdays
Location: 1745 Alta Vista Drive (Close to CHEO Hospital)
Wednesday Mornings (4-5 hours)
See Section on Building Access
 Do not book the appointment until after you have ALL OF YOUR SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS (originals, no copies)
 Do not book the appointment until you have 100% completed your online application and it is 100% correct
 Do not book the appointment until you are ready to write the CFAT
 When you have met the requirements listed above, send us an email, to the email address listed above, in the title
state that “I ARE READY FOR VISIT 2”. In the email provide: a list of WEDNESDAYS you can make yourself available;
indicate your testing language; and tell us if you have previously written the CFAT
 Note French testing is conducted only on the 1st Wednesday of every month
 Normal arrival time should be 9:00 am. If you have previously written the CFAT arrival time should be 11:00 am.
 If you are missing any of the supporting documentation, or have not 100% completed the online application, you
cannot proceed to the testing. You WILL BE SENT HOME. We will be checking your online application the day
before you are booked for visit 2. If it is not complete, your appointment will be cancelled.
 Most of your paperwork is required for the security clearance which we will do in the background, after Visit 2
 We will have your source documents printed for your review, correction and signatures (extracted from your online
 All paperwork will be checked, confirmed, signed, required copies made and your file will be created
 If you are having difficulties with the online application ensure you inform us and get it corrected before Visit 2
 When listing academic history include both High School and Post-Secondary
 References need to cover a minimum time line of 5 years combined starting from present time and going back 5
years OR back to the age of 16. (NOT family, friends, neighbours, co-workers, peers)
 Your address history must include 5 Years of actual address history- No gaps. The dates must line up. Ex. If you
move out on 31 Aug 2019 you move into your new house on 1 Sep 2019
 If you have a previous, or old application, you may be required to replace all or some of your documentation
 YOU SHOULD PREPARE FOR THE APTITUDE TEST. Ensure that you are prepared for your aptitude test utilizing the
links in this document
 Get a good night sleep the night before the test. Ensure you have a good breakfast. Do not use excessive amount
of cologne
 ALL PHONES and electronic assistance devices must be turned off and preferably not in the testing room. Taking
photos, or recording of any kind, is STRICTLY FORBIDDEN in the recruiting office and within the DND facility
 If you are unsuccessful on your Aptitude Test your application will be closed. You will be informed of your results
after the test, or by email, within 2 weeks
 Read detailed section below on the test description, preparation and suggestions.
 Know your medical history. Confirm whether medical history was diagnosed by medical professional. If you take
medication, know whether it is essential or optional
 The required medical exam includes 2 components, the first is a medical questionnaire, and the second involves a
non-intrusive medical examination. You will be receiving a Part 1 & 2 Medical as part of the recruitment process.
For this medical ensure the following. You are encouraged to drink water to be hydrated during your appointment
 You may take your prescribed medication(s) at the usual time(s). Do not wear contact lenses for 12 hours. Bring
non-tinted eyeglasses (if you wear glasses). Avoid exposure to hazardous noise for at least 48 hours. Avoid caffeine
2 hours prior to your exam; and, do not smoke within 30 minutes prior to your exam.
 During the Part 2 Medical, no physical exam will be conducted, and you will remain fully clothed at all times. Only
the arm will need to be bared for a blood pressure measurement. At your request, a third party chaperone will be

provided and present at all times while the screening is done. Please ensure this request is made in advance of your
 The medical exam may result in one of the following determinations: Applicant is required to provide additional
information from a medical professional at their own expense. This is to be sent to medical staff only, do not send
or give to recruiting staff. Applicant is medically fit for the military and the specific trade they are applying for;
Applicant is medically fit for the military however does not meet the requirement for the specific trade they are
applying for; Applicant currently does not meet a specific requirement but can take action to correct the issue;
Applicant does not meet the minimum medical requirements for the military.
 Positive determination of your medical status are made through our recruiting software. Negative determinations
are reported through our recruiting software and by means of a letter sent directly to you. Medical results are
confidential, therefore the recruiting staff are unaware of the reasons for medical determination. If you wish to
appeal negative determinations, follow the directions in the letter you should receive, and notify recruiting only of
your intent to appeal. Appeals are sent directly back to our medical department, do not give them to recruiting

Location: 1745 Alta Vista Drive (Close to CHEO Hospital)
Thursdays (1-2 hours)
 We will contact you for the Final Interview AFTER you have passed your medical and security clearance
 This is formally, your official job interview, for the Canadian Armed Forces, dress accordingly
 The purpose for this interview is to determine your eligibility and suitability for employment
 It is booked only after your security clearance and medical have been approved
 REVIEW section below title MEMBERSHIP IN THE PRIMARY RESERVES , you will be tested on this in interview
 You are ethically, and legally required, to be forthcoming and honest during this interview. Failure to do so could
result in a rejection or dishonorable discharge after enrolment
 Your interviewer will have ALL of the information we have gathered on you, in the security clearance, testing and
application process. Your application history, your present and past, character, beliefs, ethics, reliability, fitness,
criminal and credit history are scrutinized in detail, before, and during, the interview
 You will be asked personal questions, asked to explain things from your past, and asked to commit to specific types
of behaviors in the future
 A negative determination of suitable for military service may be permanent or for a specific period of time. If, prior
to conducting the interview, our staff determine that you are not eligible, or suitable for service, we will normally
inform you, and not conduct the interview.

Location: 1745 Alta Vista Drive or Unit of Employment
Thursdays (1-2 hours)
We will contact you for Enrolment when EVERYTHING is completed. Enrolments are normally done at our recruiting office,
but may be conducted at the unit which you are joining. This is the point you are moving from the recruiting process into
your military career. Upon successful completion of the application you will be eligible for enrolment into the Canadian
Armed Forces. Being eligible for enrolment does not guarantee enrolment. Limited positions, or courses, may result in
competitive selections, offers of alternate occupations, or, delayed enrolments. Your unit will guide you through your
employment and training. You will be expected to start parading on the next training night after enrolment.
Information required from you for your enrolment includes:
 Do you wish to be sworn in on bible or solemn affirmation?
 Do you have a family member or very close friend who is a current commissioned officer you wish to swear you in?
 Can we expect any VIPs to attend your enrolment?
 English or French? and,

 You must provide: 1. Social Insurance Number Card (or letter) (most recent T4 may be acceptable) and, 2. Banking
info (blank void cheque or bank info printout) to set up your pay

 At the Visit 1 location, parking is to the rear of the building, go to main entrance, which is by round about and flags
 At our Visit 2 location the building is located off of the main roads with entrances from Smyth Road and Alta Vista
Drive. It is not directly on either road. Park in Lot to North West of the building and use the Main Entrance to South
West of the building (where there are 3 flags)
 You will WAIT OUTSIDE, socially distancing, away from the doors, at the MAIN ENTRANCE only. Our staff will come
escort you in. If weather is bad you can wait in lobby area
 If you are suffering from any ailment, illness or have symptoms of the such, CANCEL YOUR APPOINTMENT and DO
 You may be required to follow covid-19 safety procedures during all interactions and testing. Masks not required.
 Do not arrive for any scheduled appointment more than 10 minutes before scheduled time. APPOINTMENTS are
required for ALL visits (exceptions for bringing paperwork in – Mon-Thurs 9am-3pm)
 PAPERWORK: Combination of supporting documents and source documents in a recruiting folder
 SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Provided by you to prove that you meet our minimum requirements (age, education,
citizenship). See below for specifics
 SOURCE DOCUMENTS: Application paperwork, forms, extracted from online application before visit 2 by us. If your
online application is not 100% completed, your appointment will be cancelled
 VISIT 1: Combined Information Session and Fitness Test / VISIT 2: Combined Paperwork, CFAT and Medical.
 MINOR: Any applicant less than 18 years of age. Parent/guardian consent signatures required (visit 1)
 PREVIOUS APPLICATION: Any applicant who has previously written the CFAT test.
SUPPORTING DOCUMENTATION: You must have ORIGINAL documents to prove that you meet the minimum entry
 Proof of Citizenship: Canadian Birth certificate, citizenship card or certificate;
 Proof of ID/Age (Photo ID) Drivers Licence, passport, provincial ID card (Not Expired). (Health Cards are NOT an
acceptable form of photo ID in Ontario) If you are using a passport as photo ID, you will also require a proof of
current address;
 Proof of Education: Original Transcripts for High School (Must be original with raised seal) which prove that you
finished grade 10 (number of credits). University or College transcripts will normally, but not always, be sufficient
to verify grade 10;
 Proof of Current Address: Drivers Licence (if address is correct), official document with both address and name, or
envelope with name and address (that has gone through the mail) from utility, bank, credit or government
 Original Transcripts for any post- secondary education (Officer Applicants or if asked);
 Proof of University Registration or Degree for those applying to be Officers;
 Officer Applicant (just prior to enrolment) Resume, letters of commendation, Letters of Reference, Awards,
Certificates, Training Accreditation, etc. (any achievements).
 Foreign Transcripts: If your transcripts are not for Canadian Educational Institutions you will require educational
equivalency translation. This is your responsibility. List of acceptable agencies available upon request.
INACTIVE APPLICATIONS: An inactive application is any application which is closed due to lack of response to our
inquiries or applicant action. If an email includes “RESPONSE REQUIRED” do respond to it. Not booking your VISIT 1 or 2
appointment, within a reasonable time, will result in closure. We can reopen your application when you are ready to move
forward. Keep an eye on your junk or spam folders for our emails as well.

ASSESSING APPLICANTS: As an applicant you will be assessed formally through testing and interviews, and informally
through emails, communications and appointments. You are expected to interact with our staff respectfully and take your
application seriously. We will tolerate ABSOLUTELY NO disrespectful, entitled, hostile, violent or confrontational
interactions. At all stages of the application we are watching and recording any observations, interactions or
communications of concern, in your permanent application records. Inappropriate behavior can result in the suspension of
your application, or you being deemed unsuitable, at any time. Your application will likely be suspended for missing
appointments, without an explanation (warn out before or explain after, without us asking).


TEST DESCRIPTION: The CFAT is a written, or computerized test, designed to assist the Canadian Armed Forces in
determining that you meet the minimum acceptable requirements, in specific areas, for general entry and specific, to the
trade in which you are applying. The CFAT is a series of multiple choice questions. You are allowed 5 minutes to complete:
15 verbal skills questions, 10 minutes to complete 15 spatial ability questions, and 45 minutes to complete 30 problem
solving questions. Since the CFAT is offered in both English and French ensure you are booked for the correct language.
French Bookings will indicate it in the email subject.

PREPARE: There are some steps you can do to help prepare yourself beforehand and things you should consider doing on
the day of the test and during the test. Practice, practice, practice! Find sample tests online, or in the links below, and see
how well you score. Review your problem-solving and skills from school. You will need to have a good grasp on fractions,
decimals, and long division...and you will not be able to use a calculator. Wear comfortable clothing and remove any excess
items such as coats and sweaters before the test starts, to prevent any distractions. Listen to the test facilitators carefully
so you completely understand what is being required of you. If you don't understand any of their instructions, don't hesitate
to ask for clarification. Make certain you don't rush with an answer. Read the questions completely.
ANSWER EVERY QUESTION: No answer, and a wrong answer, are scored the same, so don't be shy about guessing if you
aren't certain. Since the CFAT consists of three timed sections, you can't afford to spend too much time on a question. If
you feel stumped, you may want to move to the next question and return when you finish the other questions. If you know
your time is about to run out, you can quickly go over the unanswered questions and quickly answer before time expires.
Make certain you are putting the answer for a question in the correct spot on your answering sheet. This is especially
important if you skip a question. Otherwise correct answers will be scored incorrect because of being placed in the wrong
answer spot.
Achieving the best results you can opens up future opportunities to change trades, become an officer or have more options
within the Canadian Armed Forces.
CFAT RETEST POLICY: Two retests are permitted after the initial testing, for a total of three CFAT attempts. The
requirements that must be met to authorize retesting are listed below.
FIRST RE-TEST: A minimum of 1-3 months (depending on results) must have elapsed since the first administration of the
CFAT. There must be evidence that performance will improve with retesting, based on the information provided below.
You must provide to your recruiter: A detailed outline of the material studied and the approximate amount of time spent on
preparing for the rewrite, how many hours per day, week, or month you’ve studied and detail the types of resources used
(e.g. GED book, CFAT prep online, apps, etc.). Include the links and names of the resources. PLEASE NOTE: It is
recommended to use more than 1 resource to prepare. Your planning should include approximately 15 hours for each
point level you need to increase. Upon completion of the rewrite, this will become your new score, even if lower.
SECOND RE-TEST: Applicant must successfully complete a substantial academic course related to CFAT performance since
the last time the CFAT was administered. Applicant must complete a course related to the Problem Solving (math), Verbal
Skills (writing skills), or both, depending on the requirement to improve on the test. There is no formal training that can
improve Spatial Ability test scores. Successful course completion is defined as having minimum grades of C (69%) or better.
Upon completion of the rewrite, this will become your new score, even if lower.
Practice CFAT
Practice Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (PCFAT) ( (verbal skills practice) [not available in French] (basic math practice) [not available in French]
6 (spatial ability practice)
Canadian Army
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National Defence
Canadian Army Reserves
33 Canadian Brigade Group
4th Canadian Division - Ontario
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National Defence Audio gallery
Canada’s Defence policy, Strong, Secure, Engaged (SSE)


Within the Canadian Armed Forces, Primary Reserves, the ultimate objective is to hire and train soldiers, to augment the
regular forces. Once trained, we focus on upgrading and maintaining your training so that you are fit to fight
 While we do offer excellent summer employment opportunities this is not just a summer job
 We are hiring quality people for an indefinite period of time who can commit to part time service most of the year,
as well as some mandatory training courses during summer months. In addition to these courses there are
excellent summer employment opportunities for all, specifically designed around a student’s availability
 Within the primary reserves you are not committing to any specific term (length) of service
 There are excellent opportunities for additional training and advancement. The primary reserves is something that
you can do for a few years, or it can be a great second job and personal development program.
TIME COMMITMENT and Course Requirements:
 Regardless of Unit, the Primary Reserves requires a commitment of one specific evening a week and one weekend a
month, once you are fully trained. See Units and Occupations below for specific parade nights by unit
 There is a requirement to attend full time trade courses during the summer months. Generally the average full
time summer commitment will be a minimum of 5-6 Weeks for Basic Training, if you did not complete this on
weekends, to be completed your first summer after enrolment. That same summer, or the following summer you
will be expected to be available for your occupational training, up to 8 weeks. Officer training requirements are
substantially higher. Officers can add between 2-3 full time courses to be completed in subsequent summer
sessions, full time.
 There may be the option to complete your basic training throughout the year on weekends. If you do not you are
expected to be available for the full time version during the next available summer session.
 Once you are a trained soldier there is additional part time, and in some cases, full time employment opportunities.
 In order to apply as an officer you must either have a University Bachelor’s Degree (Direct Entry Officer) or be
currently registered in a University Program that will lead to a Bachelor’s Degree
 In Canada a University Education is not an indicator of whether you should apply as an officer or non-commissioned
member. The education level in the Primary Reserves is fairly high, and having a University Degree no longer
necessarily means you should be an officer. Selection criteria & expectations are higher for officer applicants.
 Officer applicants are more likely to receive blunt, and honest, feedback from recruiting staff on their
competitiveness throughout the application process
 Officer’s positions have substantially higher commitment levels for participation and training. New Officers must
have 3-4, university length summer vacation periods, available for full time training. During, and after, Officers have
achieved their required training, they should expect to commit substantially more time to the reserves than Non
Commissioned members
 An Officer applicant should be in above average physical fitness
 Many people find it more practical to join as non-commissioned, then apply to become an officer once you are a
fully trained soldier. Meeting all of the minimum eligibility criteria does not guarantee enrolment as an officer. An
officer applicant must have the support of recruiting staff to receive the required recommendations for
The goal here is to make sure that service in the Canadian Army is the right fit for you
The Canadian Armed Forces institutional values are entrenched in hard work and dedication to the greater good for all of
Canada, often at personal sacrifice. Being a member of the Reserve Force means contributing to that military function, at
the expense of time with your friends and family, or away from your primary job. These personal sacrifices are recognized
by our leadership, and we are prepared to work with our members to ensure we are balancing the needs of the institution
with the needs of our members.
Although we do not expect that you will attend 100% of the training days on the calendar we expect you to attend as many
as you can, and communicate ahead of time the days you can’t commit. We want our members to progress in their personal
lives just as much as they do in their Canadian Armed Forces careers, so our Reserve units try to structure the training
calendar to accommodate the lives of both students and those who work in civilian careers (for example, those who have a
9-5 workday)
In order to become qualified in whatever occupation you choose, you will need to complete a few training courses. While
on official courses, the expectation is that you will attend all training unless you have an extenuating circumstance to be
excused. Missing days while attending a course can have a major impact on your progression, therefore it is important that
you ensure that you can fully commit to all dates of a course when you are selected to attend.
While you are on full time training, either locally or on a base in another province, you are expected to be present and will
typically remain on base during the work week. In case of weekend only courses you will remain with the course throughout
the weekend returning to your home on Sunday night. We expect a lot from our recruits and rightly so, military training is
serious and you will be taught to work with equipment such as weapons that have inherent Safety risks. We demand your
full attention during training and this means that unnecessary distractions, such as cell phone use and other diversions will
be strictly controlled. This can induce a lot of stress in some people if they are not used to being disconnected from the
outside world.
In many cases, your meals will be provided and you will housed in military accommodations while away on courses. We will
issue you all your uniforms and required equipment, and cover all of your travel expenses outside of the local area. Many
recruits feel challenged during training, as every minute of the day is structured and scheduled. There will be some time to
relax in the evenings, but this may be accompanied by other tasks such as homework, weapons cleaning, studying, remedial
training, or inspection preparation. Your day starts early, typically with physical training commencing at 5:00 or 6:00am, and
you will remain on the military’s time until dismissal at the end of the day, which will likely be sometime after supper. You
will be marched in formation to all meals and in between class locations, but you can also expect regular breaks during the
day to stretch and re-charge.
Despite the hardships, military training and service can be very rewarding and extremely fulfilling. At the end of each
course, I assure you that you will feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. You will gain valuable skills and experiences
that you can take with you for the rest of your life, including excellent teamwork skills, medical first aid training, challenging
fitness training, comprehensive weapons training, sought after mentoring and leadership skills, and administration and

organizational skills. This is just the tip of the iceberg! In exchange, we expect that you adopt our institutional ethics and
values. This includes an understanding that we bring together Canadians from a wide variety of backgrounds and beliefs,
which further enhances our operational effectiveness.
Everyone regardless of their occupation must complete Basic Military Qualification Common Course, which is 23 training
days. This can be done as a weekend option, which is 10 total weekends typically spread over 15-20 weeks, or a full time
option which occurs in the summer and runs consecutively from Monday to Friday for a month. After completing this, you
will progress onto Occupational Training conducted during the summer. Some of this training could occur locally, but you
should be prepared to travel to another province and stay there until your training is completed. You will have time off, but
the military will only provide transportation for the beginning and end of your course.
Once you are fully qualified in your occupation, unit training will be your main focus. We expect that you will parade
regularly, one night per week and generally one weekend per month. Although, we state generally one weekend per month,
be aware that there will months, where you will be asked to participate more. Understand that to progress in your military
career, additional courses are required, and those are often conducted over several months in the summers. There are
individual training standards that each member must accomplish every year, in addition to other training events. There are
also many routine opportunities for additional work, such as: supporting the training of other units, attending recruiting
events, general unit equipment and vehicle maintenance, participation in Canadian Forces domestic operations, etc. It is
important not to get overwhelmed by the amount of work that is available. Your supervisors will help guide you to what is
most and least important on the schedule if you ask. It is important to communicate your anticipated absences in advance
and to keep your supervisor informed.
You are looking at joining a Primary Reserve Unit which has a long history with many traditions that you will come to learn
during your time in the Canadian Army Reserve. Weekly parade nights vary on evenings from 7:00-10:00pm, at your Home
Unit. On a routine training night you can expect to participate in knowledge lectures, do equipment maintenance, prepare
for weekend exercises, and take care of routine administration


Use the occupational links below to do independent research on the Units and Occupations currently available in Ottawa.
Links reflect open occupations at each of the units. If an occupation is crossed out, it means that it exists, but we are not
hiring for it at this time. More information will be available during Visit 1 upon request.
If you are very interested in a specific occupation, that is not open, we do make exceptions to process your application, in
case a position does open up. You can request to be processed, if you can prove to us that you possess ideal experience or
education. Requests are considered based on individual circumstances.
Which Infantry Unit do you wish to join? If you are joining the infantry there are two Infantry Units in Ottawa.
Governor General’s Foot Guards or Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa. Identify which you are interested in during visit 1. As
Governor General’s Foot Guards is currently hiring more new members your application will be associated with that unit
unless you let us know that you would prefer Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa.
Available in Most Units: Financial Services Administrator / Human Resources Administrator

30th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA
307 De Niverville Pvt
Parades: Wednesday Evening
Gunner / Artillery Officer

Governor General's Foot Guards
2 Queen Elizabeth Drive (Cartier Square Drill Hall)
Parades: Tuesday Evening
Infantry Soldier / Infantry Officer / Musician

(Combat Engineer)
33 Combat Engineer Regiment
2100 Walkley Road (Major Holland VC Armory)
Parades: Tuesday Evening
Combat Engineer / Engineer Officer / Geomatics Technician

33 Signal Regiment
2100 Walkley Road (Major Holland VC Armory)
Parades: Thursday Evening
Signals Intelligence Specialist / Signal Technician / Signal Operator / Line Technicians /
Signals Officer
The Cameron Highlanders of Ottawa
2 Queen Elizabeth Drive (Cartier Square Drill Hall)
Parades: Thursday Evening
Infantry Soldier / Infantry Officer / Piper
33 Service Battalion
2100 Walkley Road (Major Holland VC Armory)
Parades: Thursday Evening
Mobile Support Equipment Operator / Material Management Technician / Cook / Vehicle Technician / Weapon
Other Units In Ottawa
(We do not do recruiting for these units)
(ARMOURED) Régiment de Hull (Francophone Unit in Quebec)
(MEDICAL) 28 Field Ambulance
(INTELLIGENCE) 7 Intelligence Coy

Version Date: 01 Feb 2023


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