Middle Test

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Nama : Ni Putu Yeshin Tresia Akana

Nim : 20220302003
Matkul : Hotel Industry

1. The front office is the central part that works as the heart and center of all
guest activities at the hotel which handles the check-in and check-out
process which is the principle in handling the front office.

2. Providing Greetings and Services to Guests

Providing Complete Information to Help Guest Reservations
Take Guests to Reserved Rooms
Handling Complaints
Guarantee Guest Satisfaction

3. Friendly Attitude
Good communication skills
Mastering hotel products
Clean and neat appearance
Willing to Service

4. The basic and good personal qualities that hotel staff must have include:
1. Having the desire and interest to serve guests so that guests feel satisfied
2. Disciplined, honest and responsible
3. Sociable, patient, friendly, cheerful and not easily offended
4. Wise and likes to act

Receptionist : “Good morning, Ma’am. May I help you?”

Guest : “Yes, are the receptionist will open 24 hours?”
Receptionist : “Yes, Ma’am. It open 24 hours.”
Guest : “Good, where is the restaurant?”
Receptionist : “It’s on the third floor, Ma’am.”
Guest : “Alright, hmm and one more thing, is there any spa here?”
Receptionist : “Yes we have Ma’am. It’s on the second floor.”
Guest : “Well, thank you very much.”
Receptionist : “My pleasure”

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