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Department of Education

Region 10
Division of Cagayan de Oro City
West II District
S.Y. 2021-2022


For the past two years Mathematics Club has no reliable academic accomplishment
when it comes to competition such as MTAP and other academic activities. Activities that needs face
to face has been cancelled. Educational system concentrated on modular and Distance learning
modalities for the safety of everybody. Teachers both modular and online Modality work hand in
hand to implement Project Mathecian. They Diagnosed the learners belong to frustration and do any
form of remediation. Also by tapping their parents, or elders that can helped and did tutorial at
home. It was not that easy at first but later it’s a form of practice every now and then.

Online Tutorial quarterly Parents assisted in watching the send video about Math

This year also Mathematician Group maintained the beauty of our Math Park.
Through the effort of Mrs. Villanueva as Math Coordinator and with the help of ODL parents who
conducted Pahina every quarter.

Repainting of the Math Park

The output of cleaning and painting after Pahina

Another set of pahina for the next quarter

Later on in this year, Department of Education in Cagayan de Oro City planned to have a face
to face Division Seminar -Workshop for Teachers on Critcal Contents in Math last May 18-20,2022
and I am glad that I am one given a slot together with Miss Marna L. Cajes as one of the Resource
Speaker of the said training. Lots of techniques has been shared focused on Grade IV level which I
can go with.. Such topics that has been discussed were the Measurement, Statistics and Probability,
Algebra and Geometric. Because of Miss Cajes motivation, I was one of the brave Soul who
demonstrated Math lesson focused on the Statistics and Probablity.
Miss Cajes as one of the speaker and I am the representative of Iponan Elementary School in the
first day of session.

The second day of Session which I actively participated.

The evidence of my demo teaching in Math during the division Training

The receiving of Certificate The Math Participants

Iponan Elementary School was proud enough that every seminars or training there
were volunteers to render a Demo-lesson in the Division.

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