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Topic: ZACCHAEUS DID SEEK THE LORD  How did Zacchaeus seek Jesus?

Text: Luke 19:1-10 o When we seek the Lord | He always makes

 Serving God is a privilege the First move
o It is never our right | God given |
o We need to give God our best JESUS [V.3]
1 Cor 12:12 For as the body is one, and hath many  V.1: Jesus needed to enter
members, and all the members of that one body,  It was not just a coincidence | But it was planned
being many, are one body: so also is Christ. by God – The reason to enter was to meet the man
 There is diversity in church | different – problems, Zacchaeus
trials, testing’s, blessings, attitudes, work, o God always made a way for to be saved
profession o God made the first move for to know and
o Unity in the faith | Service – One mind in see Him
Christ  If God did not make the first move – There would
 Nagkakaisa | Nagtutulungan | Nag be no person saved
papakumbaba | God is the center Rom 3:11 There is none that understandeth, there is
 1 Cor 12:25-26 [there should be no division] none that seeketh after God.
o Especially in the work | Ikabubuti ng  Man has no desire to seek God
Church o Man by nature are sinners | condemned to
o Church Construction – What can I give? Hell | destined to suffer
 Anu yung kulang | How can I be a o We have no right to enter heaven
blessing  Unsaved: we seek our won – pleasure of life | we
o The achievement of our church is also don’t care: Gods will | work | purpose | souls
yours | When we involve and support  Saved: we seek Gods will – what God wants us to
 Some gifts need a special talent but | It takes no do | become | used
special talent to give | It is only by grace – the  Romans 5:8 – God gave even before we were
“HEART” born | Undeserving but given the chance to be
 Zacchaeus was no ordinary man | He had saved
everything – but one thing was lacking o Saved by grace alone | Thief on the cross –
o He had no Jesus in his life The man on the cross said “Paradise”
 We can have everything in this world | But there  V.2: Zacchaeus was Rich in all
will be no satisfaction | miserable person  Zacchaeus was the chief publican “Tax collector” |
o Money | achievements | friends | grades | He lived in a prosperous City
plans | business  Jericho – one of the most beautiful cities | garden
 Without Christ it is nothing of roses | hill – far and wide | He had the beauty of
What we Gain in this World is not Equal to his country | City of Priests
Godliness o But Jesus was for more beautiful than
1 Tim 6:5 Perverse disputings of men of corrupt what we can have
minds, and destitute of the truth, supposing that gain o Salvation and having Christ is far more
is godliness: from such withdraw thyself. important
 It doesn’t matter what you achieve | it could be:  Zacchaeus was hated | corrupt | tax was exceeded
work | grades | recognition | business | scholarship for his gain | high taxes to get money from people
| fame o No friends | he had enemies – there was no
o If God is not the center, is it not “gain” peace | joy | happiness | companionship |
 Not a blessing | from the devil fake people – who wanted his money
 To attract you far away from God  V.3: He sought Jesus
 Achieved it by: not going to church | no devotion  Only Jesus can satisfy the needs of our soul
| no bible reading | no choir involvement | no
 He had everything physically and financially | but
teaching involvement | no soulwinning | no
that could not satisfy his soul
preaching – you think it is from God? Is that
o He had his own problems | he had
approved by God?
loneliness | no companion | no friends | he
o Godly achievements are given when we
was rejected
are working for God | faith processed
 Perhaps Zacchaeus had heard that Jesus accepted
 God will honor that gain
people like him
 Check ourselves | when we are leaving the
o Maybe Jesus can accept me | love me |
ministry behind are we still convicted?
forgive me | know me
o When there is no more conviction | Check
 Jesus’ can and He will
your salvation
Col 2:10 And ye are complete in him, which is the
 Am I really saved?
head of all principality and power:
 Don’t look at other | Check you
 When we seek God | We will find Him
o And He can satisfy our thirst | he can be
 Zacchaeus had everything but He still needed
your friend | business partner [you don’t
know all people but God does] – leave the o Let us make change | example | that what
marketing to Him ever the world does – we stand for GOD
o He can reward you far better than what the o Those we love hinders us
world can give  Make God your priority | show
 Continue serving | Put him first in you life as an example
your life  Other people need to know Jesus too | while we
 ____________ is knowing Jesus | praying | are enjoying sitting here listening
reading bible | devotion | preaching | teaching | o There are people who are lost wanting to
giving know Jesus
 Jesus is far better than anything | We need to  They want the truth | saviour |
realize, accept, believe – that without Him we satisfied | thirsty
can/are nothing  Thank God, He can use us to share
o Apostle Paul achieved many things | to others
Hebrew of Hebrews | touching the law |  V.3: His Height
but all is nothing for Christ  He was little of stature | He was too short
Php 3:8 Yea doubtless, and I count all things but  The bible is certain of His height – he was short |
loss for the excellency of the knowledge of Christ but Zacchaeus and Us have in common
Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of o We fall short of the Glory of God
all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Rom 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the
Christ, glory of God;
 Counting things lost for Jesus Christ | To know  We all come short – Hindi natin kaya abutin ang
Him is far better than to have things Diyos | Our _____ falls short: works – it cannot
o Without me ye can do nothing bring us to heaven | religion | money | career | life
 Winning Christ | To be saved – because of sin
 How did Zacchaeus seek Jesus? o Hindi natin maabot ang Diyos | Kaya and
o He was curious to know Jesus Diyos ang umabot satin
 He made a way for us to save us
II. CONVICTION MADE ZACCHAEUS  Conviction made Zacchaeus submit | The bible
SUBMIT TO JESUS [V.5-6] tells us Jesus reached his Hand
 Curiosity pushed Him to seek Jesus | And he made  V.5: Jesus looked and Saw
ways how to see Him  In spite of who we are | what we are | undeserving
 Curiosity should be mixed with actions – Jesus looked and Saw
o Gods part | Mans part in seeking  Saying his name made all the difference; Jesus
 Conviction is God given for a Christian to Grow | told Zacchaeus, “I know you, and I lay some
it leads to know more about Jesus claim upon you.
o Conviction is synonymous to believing o Jesus knows us | the secrets in our life | He
 We need to believe what the bible says wants to restore you and use you more in
o Follow | obey | submit | bases of faith and the ministry
practice  V.6: Zacchaeus made haste | came down
1 Peter 2:2-3 As newborn babes, desire the sincere  If He did not hurry the opportunity might be lost;
milk of the word, that ye may grow thereby: if he did not lower himself, he would never meet
If so be ye have tasted that the Lord is gracious. Jesus.
 V. 2 As Newborn babes | [Not all Christians are o Every Sunday is an opportunity to be
mature | saved | long in the church are growing] | restored | submit | make a commitment
Growing in the church but not in Christ | Fault  don’t waste time | because it might
finders me too late
 V.2 Desire the sincere milk of the word… | [Not  don’t make guarantees
addressed to all believers | Desire the word of o We need to come down from our pride |
God] for you to grow! and let God humble us – for us to be
o No growth | because no desire: useful
o Pray | preaching | discipleship | give | o If we will not humble God cannot use us
participate | obey | submit the way he wants to use us
 There are two barriers for Zacchaeus to see Jesus |  Jesus wanted to abide at Zacchaeus House | Jesus
But he made away because of conviction wants a real relationship
 V.3: The crowd Mat 22:37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the
 There were lot of people | sometimes people will Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul,
hinder us to submit to God and with all thy mind.
o Friends [Companions] will hinder us |  Jacobs love for Rachelle – Should be our love for
They may say something – The world will the Lord
be against you when you are living for the Gen 29:20 And Jacob served seven years for Rachel;
Lord and they seemed unto him but a few days, for the
 The world will be your friends when you are love he had to her.
belonging to the world
o _________ is not hard | giving | serving  God will not force you | Christ will not force
God | teaching | preaching | soulwinning | Himself – we should be willing to be used by God
When we love the Lord o God is looking for you and me | He wants
o Our love is seen not in words | But in you to let Him be the Lord of your life
action  V.8-9: Zacchaeus Repented from His Sin
 Jesus knew that the repentant Zacchaeus was
III. CHANGE AND CONVERSION AS A RESULT saved, rescued from the bondage, power, guilt,
IN SEEKING JESUS [V.8-10] and penalty of his sin. The word was no longer
 Zacchaeus made a decision then Christ changed sinner but salvation.
him when he got saved  No lineage | upbringing | wealth | intellect |
o To be different than who He was before physical make up | religious – that will hinder you
Acts 20:21 Testifying both to the Jews, and also to the to be saved “Repent and Believe”
Greeks, repentance toward God, and faith toward  V.10: Jesus Seeks to Save You
our Lord Jesus Christ.  We initially thought Zacchaeus was looking for
 Repentance [Personal Decision] | for our sins Jesus | But it was Jesus looking for Him
 Faith [Believing the Gospel | Jesus Christ the o Jesus made a way for us to be saved
solution of man [Ephesians 2:8-9] | no more o He was interested in us before we were
addition with Him
 No repentance | No Faith |=| No true salvation
o Not just commitment | not just a decision | Conclusion:
but repentance and faith  Zacchaeus is a model to everyone of how to
o Repentance is no longer preached in the receive Jesus: by seeking after Him with real
pulpit because it demands: effort | Jesus by humbling yourself | no matter
 A CHANGE OF LIFE how sinful or hated you are | as He invites you by
 We accepted Christ | We asked for forgiveness | name | without delay | by coming down to Him |
Repent – Is to leave our former life to follow into your life, your home | joyfully, despite what
Christ other say
o Drunkenness | Tattoo | Decency in Clothes
| Regular Attendance | Tithes | Missions | Luke 9:23
Cigarette | Bar King James Version
 If change is not seen | if we are not different – And he said to them all, If any man will come after
world | why are we a Christian? me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily,
Pro 26:11 As a dog returneth to his vomit, so a fool and follow me.
returneth to his folly.
 The things is used to do I do them no more | the
things I used to love I loved them no more
o Christ changed me | better than who I was
o Its good to ask questions but your asking
the wrong person [Ask God]
 Lord is it good?
 Change is seen | we owe it to Jesus Christ
 Change never saves anyone from Hell | But
change is evident to whom those who are truly
2 Cor 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a
new creature: old things are passed away; behold,
all things are become new.
 To walk in newness | we are excited to be at the
church | hear the word of God | read our bible |
devotion | to be an example
o Because our Joy is now the Lord
o You cannot be change – out of Christ
 Your destination has changed | aspirations [goals] |
language | appetites [what we love] | associates
[you walk away or them]
o Its not you changing your self | But Jesus
changing you
Everyone who came to Jesus realized their need for
change in their conditions, and they did not leave
exactly the same as they came
 V.6: He received Christ

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