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‘CANDIDATE PLEASE NOTED PRINT your name on thetine below and vetwra | TEST CODE 01229010. {ais boklt with your tmwer set Fale FORM TP 2020086 | sm rit aisqatatin MAY/JUNE 2020 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL Ns ‘CONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFIC! EXAMINATION CARIBBE. INFORMATION TE} HNOLOGY Paper 01 — General Proficiency T hour 15 minutes READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 1, This test consists of 60 items. You will have 1 hour and 15 minutes to answer them, 2. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B),(C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which ehoice is best 4. On your answer shee, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space havi the same letter as the answer you have chosen, Look at the sample item below ‘Sample lim Which of the following pairs represents general-purpose software tools? (A) Spreadsheet and database software Sample Answer (B) Word processor and accounting softwa mer (C) Student record system and database software @800 (D) Insurance processing and spreadsheet software The best answer to this item is “Spreadsheet and database software”, so (A) has been shaded, 5, Ifyou want o change your answer, criss it completely befine you fill in your new choice 6, When youare told to hegin, tum the page and work as quickly and as carefily as you can. Ifyou a anno’ answer an item goon the nest oe. You may retin o that hem nce DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. Copyright © 2019 Caribbean Examinations Council All rights reserved. 01229010/MI/CSEC 2020, 1, Whichofthefollowingitemsareconsidered 6. computer hardware? (A) Data (B)__ Programs LET Output devices (D) Operating systems "d and has ermed 2 Data that has been proces caning is AT information (©) storage (D) output Which of the following can be termed “application software"? 8 () Dos (B) Linus. (©), Mac Os SPT Internet Explorer 4. Which of the following activities would NOT be considered as cloud storage? (A) Data stored on remote servers Data stored and accessible on a LAN (©) Data back-up and storage devices fon the Internet (D) _Datamanagedby storage providers ‘or hosting companies Which of the following could NOT be Classified as a cloud-based application? (A) Gait (B) Drop Box (©), Google drive AT Windows OS i 01229010/MJ/CSEC 2020 “The lights in a room turn on as soon as a person enters, Which input device MOST likely controls the lighting in the room? Sensor (B) Remote © (D) Keyboard Which of the following devices is used to input data into the computer? F Mouse (B) Monitor (©) USB fash drive (D) External hard drive For which of the following interface types is the user required to remember specific instructions and syntax? (a) Menudriven (B) Graphical user (©) Computer sereen (SPF Command-driven Item 9 refers to the following model of a lobe ‘The MOST suitable printer for creating the ‘mode! of the globe is a3-D printer (B) a laser primer (©) anink-jet printer (D) thermal printer GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE ae ‘The RP Secondary School wants the administrative staff to have access to all student and teacher data. Which of the following networks would be MOST Suitable to enable such access? (WLAN (B) WAN. (© MAN (Dr LAN Mem 1 refers to the following symbol = 11. The symbol represents (A) LAN ABT Wii (©) Hotspot (D) Bluetooth 12, Unauthorized, real-time interception of 8 private communication on a computer network is referred to as (A) propaganda (B) identity then (©), industrial espionage electronic eavesdropping 13. Double entry data verification involves (A) different data entered once (B) the data entered being copied to ‘nother device (©) different data entered once by to different persons 4G, the same data entered once then re-entered by another person (01229010/MJ/CSEC 2020 Part of a private network using Internet technology and publictelecommunications that can be accessed by business suppliers, vendors, customers and partners is called (A) Intemet (B)__ Intranet 4er Extranet (D) Ethernet 15, Which of the following shows an increase in computer memory capacity? (A) Terabyte—+Gigabyte—+Megabyte (B) — Gigabyte—+Kilobyte— Megabyte (©__ Megabyte Terabyte —- Gigabyte Megabyte» Gigabyte Terabyte 16. Which of the following functions is performed by a modem? AAS Analog wd digital (8) Digital and upload (©) Analog and download (©) Download and upload 17, Inthe URL http:/, ‘shoes. ‘com’ stands for the (A) extension BY domain name (C) company name (D) Internet company 18, Transferring data from a remote computer to your computer is referred to as (A) browsing (B) uploading (©) data mining downloading GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, a 19. 20, 24 2, (01229010/MI/CSEC 2 Which of the following types of technolo- ies is commonly used by banks to read data on cheques? (A) Pos (B) ocr (©_ or rT MICR Which of the following operations is considereda feature ofa biomettiesystem? YO Matching ngerprints (B) Detecting neplar hearbeats (©) Diagnosing medical symptoms (D) Helping to tbrcate skeletal joints Telecommuting can be BEST dsr as (A) using the computer white commun (®) using "the telephone while AS. working om home by connecting home and fice (©) working fiom the offes aftr establishingaconnectionathome In order fo use a program stored on a flash drive, the program must be transferred into (A) ROM RAM (© PROM (D) EPROM 1020 2B. 24, 25, 26. Which ofthe following is NOT hardware component of a computer system? AT Data file (B) Main memory (©) Peripheral device (D) Cental processing unit Which of the following checks is NOT a validation technique? (A) Range (B)__Inconsisteney Double entry (D)__ Reasonableness ‘The process of serambling messages at the sending end and unscrambling them at the receiving end is called (A) coding —t87 encryption (© espionage (D) eavesdropping There are many software restrictions used by computers to protect data and maintain data integrity. Which of the following entities are software restriction media? 1. Viruses Passwords IIL Eneryptions (A) Land I only (B) Land It only ey Mand ttt only (D) Mand ttt GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE. 27, 28, 29, 30. Mu o1229010MU/C Which ofthe following devices can be used for both input and output? Touchsereen (B) Barcode reader (C) Flatbed scanner (D) Document reader Which ofthe followingis tue of acces files sequentially? (A) Occurs im any order ABT Starts with the first record (©) Starts with the largest data field (D) Starts with the smallest data field of the following is a hardware user terface? GUI (B) Icon (©__ Sensor aT Touchscreen Anofficial of Company X sells confidential information abouthiscompany toCompany YY. What is the term used for this type of information misuse? (A) Identity then (B)— Computer fraud HET Industral espionage (D) Electronic eavesdropping WhichofthefollowingareNOTeategorized as system software? AST Productivity ools (B) Operating systems (©) Translators (D) Utilities 2020 Rm 3 MM. 35. Which part of the central processing unit (CPU) coordinates its activities? (A) Rexister By Control unit (©) Main memory (D) Arithmetic logie unit Before purchasing a computer, ‘given a sheet with the following hardware specifications. Tntel Pentium IV 64 bit 3.6GHz 2GB $33MHz SORAM 160GB_ SATA HDD___7200 pm ‘The word use of the computer is (A) 2GB AB) 64 bit (©) 7200 pm (D) 533 MHz Which type of interface allows the user to ‘communicate with the computer system by keying in instructions? (A) Menu driven (B) Graphical user (© Touch sensitive @®F — Command-driven ‘A webmaster is important to the company because he/she yy is responsible for the company’s website (B) assigns web addresses to all users ina company (©) backs up files and stores the disks at another location (D) monitors the shutting down of ‘competitors’ websites GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 36. . 38, 29, -6- Which of the folowing isan example of 40. correctly formatted e-mail address? (A) Lanahappy@net () Hey (oy Which ofthe following types of software should be sed for applcationsthatinvolve repetitive numerical ealeulations? “ @ SF Spreadsheet a (©) Word processing Selctingorhightightingaparagraphereates Ate AB Mock 2 (© merge (©) document ‘The following formulaislocatedin position B6 ofa spreadsheet = B3 + Ba + SBS What would be the resulting formula if the initial formula was copied to the position located immediately on the left? A cHHCHCS (By) AR+Ad+AS A3 + Ad + SBSS (D) C3+C44 SBSS 01229010MI/CSEC 2020 In creating a query, a student entered the following eriteria for the date field (05/11/2017 and <= 05/14/2017 ‘The output will show days (A) after 14 May 2017 only from 11 10 14 May 2017 (C) before 11 May and after 14 May 2017 (D) between 14 May and 5 November 2017 (A) values or labels (B)__ labels or cell addresses ART values, ranges or cell addresses (D) values, labels or cell addresses Which ofthe following butions can be used to fully justify text? “ ® © GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 44 ag em 43 refers to the following table containing data on three counties, A, 1 and C, for 2018 and 2019, Country [2008 2019 A 300, 600. B 500) 800) c 500, 600) Which of the following types of charts is NOT suitable for representing the data above? AAT Pie (B) Bar (©) Line (©) Column T jeld that uniquely idemifies @ record base is called the (A), foreign key primary key (C) alternate key (D) secondary key 01229010) MJ/CSEC 2020 45, 46. Which of the following sequences of steps is correct for deleting a field in a database table? (A) Choose the delete row option. Select row to be deleted and right click. Open table in design view. Choose yes to confirm deletion. GF Open table in design view Select row to be deleted and right click ‘Choose the delete row option. Choose yes to confirm deletion. (© Select row to be deleted and right click. Open table in design view. Choose the delete row option, Choose yes to confirm deletion. (D) Select row to be deleted and right click. ‘Choose the delete row option Open table in design view Choose yes to confirm del {Hem 46 refers tothe following database table tem No. [Ttem Dese._ | Quantity HOS, Hammer [20 Hoa) Hammer [40 FKO30 | Fork 3 FKO20 | Fork 40 FKOIS | Fork 5 The database table above shows records sorted by (A) Quantity in ascending order (B) Quantity in descending order (©) Item No. in asceny SBF Wem No. in des ng order nding order GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 47. Which of the following clearly idemtifiesa 48. hyperlink on an HTML document? 1. Alink to an email address I. A fink to another webpage ML A Tink to another location within the webpage (A) Land It only (B) Land tit only 49. (©)_ Mand M1 only ABT Mand Il ae Whichofthefollowingisused forexecuting HTML code? (A) Aparser BF Nbrowser (C)_ Anassembler (D)— Aninterpreter Which security feature offers the LEAST protection to a Word document? (A) Restricting editing (B) Adding a digital signature (C)__ Encrypting with a password 487 Saving as compatible with the appropriate software version ‘em $0 refers to the following spreadsheet =sumi(B2::B6) 50. “ @) Wthe f =sum(B2:B6) (01229010/MI/CSEC 2020 ‘mula in Cell BS is copied to the shaded eell, C8, then, the formula in Cell C8 would be GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE si. 52. 53. 5.58 Item 51 refers to the following algorithm. Read (A, B) IfA

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