Modelo de Parcial 1

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Dirección de Pedagogía Universitaria

Inglés 2 - Parcial 1

Apellido y nombre: …………………………………………………………………………………………….….…………………. DNI: ………………..………………. Curso: …………. Fecha: ………..

A. Read the following and circle the right option to complete the text.
……/16 (2 points each)

The theory of multiple intelligences……………………………1 a major transformation in the way our schools work. It
suggests that teachers ……………………………2 to present their lessons in a wide variety of ways using music,
cooperative learning, art activities, etc. ……………………………3 , their classes should include activities for each type
of intelligence. The good news is that many educators around the world …………………………… 4 this theory to
redesign the way they ……………………………5 children. The bad news is that there are thousands of schools that
teach in the same old …………………………… 6 way, through long lectures and textbooks. The challenge is to get this
information out to many more teachers, school administrators, and others …………………………… 7 work with
children, ……………………………8 each child will have the opportunity to learn in ways harmonious with their unique

1. proposes is proposed was proposed

2. be trained should be trained will be trained
3. However So What’s more
4. is using currently are using currently are currently using
5. educates educate is educating
6. boring bored interesting
7. when where who
8. therefore so but

B. Complete this interview between two recent graduates. Use different main verbs and do not repeat them.
……/30 (5 points each)

Justin: Hi! …………………………………………………………………………………………………… the job as a junior assistant?

Pam: No, unfortunately not. They said I wasn’t……………………………………………………………………

Justin: Oh, and what………………………………………………….……………………………………………?

Pam: I told them I am good………………………………………………………………………………………….

Justin: Don’t worry, you’ll get a job soon if…………………………………………………………………………

Pam: You are right! I’m going to take a course on computing.

Justin: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…?

Pam: Sure, you are so kind. A little help is always welcome. Thank you!
C. Answer the following questions with complete sentences on “The Selfish Giant” and “Dr. Son Tech”.
……/16 (8 points each)

1. Where had the Giant been before returning to his castle?

2. Why did Dr. Son Tech Jr. carry out his experiment?

D. In five or six clauses/sentences give your opinion about ONE of these issues. Use at least 2 connectors from
the list: HOWEVER, IF, THEREFORE, BECAUSE, ALTHOUGH, DUE TO…; also, include specific vocabulary, at least
2 of the following: FIND IT…, GOOD AT…, …ENOUGH, I’M A/AN …, I’M A LITTLE…, I LIKE …; finally, use passive
voice and modals.

● Which personality traits are the most suitable to get a job in your field? Why?
● Will technology transform the way we learn? How?
● Which type of intelligence is the most important for your future career?



96 a 102 10
86 a 95 9
76 a 85 8
70 a 75 7
66 a 69 6
56 a 65 5
50 a 55 4

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