Caer On The Borderlands - Part 3 042523

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Caer on the Borderlands: Part 3 Prologue

he gilded torc around Toutorix’s neck, worn proudly as a symbol of his authority, now felt
like a constricting yoke drawing him down a perilous path. His glassy gaze remained fixed
on a far wall in his Great Hall, while his baritone voice echoed as dully as the footsteps of
the messenger that just took her leave.

“None survived, Lynx”, Toutorix said. “Pelgi is now a charred pile of our dead kin. Was it a cruel trick
of the Ever Child that our scouts were nowhere to be found or the foul malice of the Ever Stranger that
compromised their defences?” He finally turned to his trusted advisor, who seemed to be taking this
disastrous news far better than he was. “If a god did not sabotage me, then I will find the man that did
and slit his gods-damned throat!

“Calm yourself, my Breyr,” said Lynx, prowling towards Toutorix. “We need clear minds to focus on the
council that is about to take place. I have drawn my own conclusions about these reports, which we can
discuss later… but now is the time to act. What happened in Pelgi was tragic… but more tragic would
be not finding an advantage in it. After all, we must not let the victims of this brutal attack die in vain.”

Toutorix looked away from Lynx. He took slow, calm breaths as he scanned the ornate hall in hopes of
discovering guidance on their ancient walls. His eyes stopped at the large table in the hall’s centre: four
seats for four Breyrs, each representing their region of the Borderlands. He imagined their misgivings
grating on his nerves. The thought of such unbearable shame began to give his ears a flushed tinge.

“They’ll think me weak,” he said in a low voice. “The Breyrs will say I should have prevented it. That I
cannot protect them if I cannot protect my own. Perhaps they are right. I cannot suggest an alliance to
them now.”

“Toutorix the Breyr, my liege: no.” Lynx walked to the lord slumped in his throne, firmly placed her
hand beneath his chin, and gently drew his gaze up to her commanding eyes. “Purge doubt from your
heart. Each of them now lives in fear that their village will be next. Use that fear.”

Lynx took a step back, her stare holding his. She spoke quietly but with power. “They will not question
you if you first give them the only answer that matters: it is you, and no one else, who can lead the
charge against all of their fears. And with that, you will earn their devotion and ensure your legacy: the
First Brenin of the Borderlands.”

Toutorix considered her counsel for several moments. “Yes,” he said with renewed confidence. “Let us
act with strength. The deaths of Pelgi will not be in vain.” Toutorix arose, back straight and head high.
”I will be the king these Borderlands need.”

“That you will,” Lynx said as she bowed. “That you will.”

Caer on the Borderlands: Part 3 Toutorix's Summit

Toutori x’s Summit Spare Time

How many activities the PCs can do in their spare time
depends on when they arrived. If the PCs arrived early, they
Part 3’s quest will see the PCs navigate unfamiliar tribal politics, have time for four lengthy activities on their extra day. If the
as they assess Toutorix’s proposal to form a new clan. Many PCs arrived on time, they have time for one lengthy activity in
of the tribes gathered here at Caer Ffwrdd {Care Forth} will be their spare evening.
unsure on the matter, while a few will have strong opinions
either for or against it. Once the PCs have decided, they can
• Each example activity counts as one.
persuade others to join their side.
• Each PC can do different activities at the same time.
If the PCs oppose forming a new clan—as requested by
• Short rests count as an activity.
Branwen the Ceidwad—Toutorix will become confrontational.
Eventually, other tribe leaders will call for a Wager of Battle to
You will find many example activities, such as trading,
settle the dispute: a fight to first blood. Of course, the PCs will
exploring the fort, and talking with locals, in Free Time
be put forward to represent their side in the coming bout.
(p. 09). That section applies to the PCs’ free time during the
festival before their Wager of Battle but can also be used here.
If, instead, the PCs support forming a new clan, a representative
However, the following “Meet a Leader” activity can only be
of the Pen Baedd clan will take offence to the idea and challenge
done before the summit.
the supporting tribes to a Wager of Battle. For this, Toutorix
will nominate the PCs to fight.
Meet a Leader
The PCs are fated to fight the Wager of Battle, but their choices
Inside the walls, the PCs will spot a few larger roundhouses
will determine their opponent and the stakes. The fight takes
surrounded by guards who wear different coloured attires to
place before sunset. Until then, the PCs join the gathering’s
those of Caer Ffwrdd. There are five such roundhouses in total;
festivities. There they have the opportunity to learn about
other Borderlands Breyrs occupy four, and a representative
their upcoming foes; they may try to find weaknesses or
from the southern Pen Baedd {buy-th} clan occupies the fifth.
attempt sabotage.
The PCs can enquire locally to find out who they are. Find
details on each of the guests in Leaders (p. 05).
The quest will climax as the PCs fight in the Wager of Battle.
The fight resolves the dispute and ends the adventure!
Should the PCs wish to speak with the Breyr inside the
roundhouses, they’ll need to prove their significance to the
Breyguard positioned outside. Showing the Golden Hound

Arrival Time Ring received by Toutorix will grant them immediate access.
Alternatively, they can try to persuade the guard by other
means or wait outside (taking up another action) to see if the
If the PCs arrived early in Part 2, and reached Caer Ffwrdd a day leader leaves so they can approach them directly.
or more in advance of the meet, they will have time to explore
the town, investigate any threads of suspicion they may have, If the PCs speak with a leader, follow these guidelines:
and get to know some of the visiting Breyr. They will have
one day spare to explore Caer Ffwrdd as Toutorix the Breyr • They are happy to exchange greetings.
will move the summit forward to the following day since every • They will talk about where they are from and how they
leader has arrived. The news quickly spreads through Caer are currently feeling about Toutorix’s rumoured proposal
Ffwrdd, and everyone hurries to get ready in time! of a new clan; see Debates (p. 05), for details on each Breyr.
They will ask the PCs for their own opinion in turn.
If the PCs arrived on time, they will have just that evening’s time
to do as they wish. The summit will begin early • They will not engage in any deal-making, or any form of
next morning. persuasion, preferring to save it all for the meeting.

If they arrived late, there is no time in the evening for them to

do anything but rest. The summit will begin early the
next morning.

Caer on the Borderlands: Part 3 Morning Summit

Morning Summit Pelgi ?

Toutorix signals the PCs to stand and address the assembly. If
they are unsure what to say, Lynx will speak up and ask them
to recall any signs of conflict they saw on their way to Caer
The PCs wake to the steady hum of exciting activity, the
Ffwrdd (e.g. the ruins of Pelgi).
smell of sweet, warm pastries floating on the cool morning
air, the clash and clatter of tables and chairs being set out,
After the PCs say their piece, Toutorix will thank them and
the kind greetings to the late arrivals rolling in, and the
continue with his address.
screams and giggles of children playing amongst the webs of
colourful banners decorating the streets Caer Ffordd. The final
preparations for the afternoon’s feast are well underway. Pen Gwyllgi
You are escorted to the Breyr’s hall for the meeting of tribes. Toutorix takes an unsure pause and looks to his Breyguard,
Long benches of thick, dark elmwood surround a great table Lynx. She nods; he reciprocates. He turns again to the assembly.
near the central fire. With Lynx in her loose tunic, staunchly
at his side, Toutorix sits on an elaborate chair of carved wood “What I propose is simple. So that we might face all invaders
raised at the end of the hall. You count five seated men and with strength—let us today decide as Breyr of these borderlands
women, their entourages lining the back of the roundhouse. The to unite under a single banner. Our own clan, slayers of the
attire of one man stands out to you— tight-fitting cloths accented Gwyllgi. The Pen Gwyllgi! Join me! We will show our cowardly
with pressed flowers—customary attire of the Pen Baedd neighbours that the Borderlands are not meek prey to be
{buy-th} clan to the south. devoured by hungry beasts.”

While waiting for the meeting to commence, the PCs can make The assembly erupts into a cacophony of support and objections.
small talk with other attendees in their vicinity. However, After a few moments, Toutorix is able to bring the room to
soon Lynx will call attention to Toutorix as he stands to give attention once more.
his address.
“My fellow noblemen and noblewomen: I do not make this
Toutori x’s Address suggestion lightly. As kin, let us counsel amongst one another so
that we may share our true hearts.” Toutorix stands and signals
to one of his servants. The servant places a short candle on a
The murmur of polite chatter is brought to a swift silence table near him.
as Lynx bellows, “Toutorix the Destined, Breyr of the Caer
Ffwrdd will now speak.” With this, Toutorix the Breyr rises “Talk freely until this candle dies. When only smoke remains,
from his seat at the head of the room and says with a warm let’s each of us raise our voices to vote on the fate of these lands.”
tone: “Esteemed guests of Caer Ffwrdd, I thank you for your The servant lights the candle and the focus of the room fractures
attendance. While housed here under my protection, my into the dull roar of many conversations.
ancestors are your own”

Toutorix opens his arms in a welcoming gesture, which is met

with shouts of approval. He continues. Lore Note
Each of the five great Avallen clans is named for the
“After much consideration, I have decided that we can no longer
abominable monster slain by their patron god in its
abide intrusions into our lands. Having lost their territories
foundational legend. For example, Pen Draig, the name
to the Raxians, the Pen Levi clan push their way towards our
of the clan north of the Borderlands, means “Chief of
homes. Meanwhile, the great clans of the south compromise
Dragons.” By using the same naming convention, Breyr
with the faithless invaders, suing for peace where there should
Toutorix is making a bold promise for the future of the
be war.”
Borderlands. However, though Gwyllgi are enemies of
the Ever Ones, they are not fiends as formidable as those
Now, Toutorix holds out a hand in your direction: “If the
invoked by the other clan names. Llyndrid the Wise will be
strength of all our tribes were one, perhaps the elder of my tribe
keen to explain this to the PCs.
lands, Brawnen of Mekeni, could have counselled us today. In
these perilous times, she sends armed villagers in her stead.
Tell us, representatives of Mekeni: what have you seen on your
journey here?”

Caer on the Borderlands: Part 3 Debates

If the PCs are unsure what to do, a breyguard of Llyndrid the

Debates Wise will approach and request they speak with her. She will
advise the PCs to oppose the clan’s formation and ask them to
persuade other leaders to do the same.
The PCs must decide whether to vote Yes to support Toutorix’s
new clan of Pen Gwyllgi or vote No to oppose its formation.
Notably, Branwen the Ceidwad asked the PCs to oppose Leaders
Toutrorix’s clan. However, the PCs can choose to do as they
like. Once they have decided what they wish to do, they should This section has character blocks for each leader. It includes
try to persuade the other leaders to their side. their relevant backstory, objections to voting Yes or No to
Toutorix’s proposal, and a patience score for Parley. For
reference, here is a summary of the leaders at the summit and
• The candle will burn out after they have had a
their position towards Toutorix’s proposal.
conversation with three leaders (don’t share this), ending
the time for talking.
• Breyr Deinag supports Toutorix strongly and
• If the PCs waste significant time talking amongst is unpersuadable.
themselves or taking other actions, reduce the number of
conversations they can have. • Breyr Arianyn is unsure and persuadable, wishing to see
what is best for business.
• Each of the leaders is surrounded by their Breyguard.
When the full group of PCs approach a leader, their • Breyr Howl is unsure and persuadable, not seeing why
Breyguard will halt them as a formality, and another will this would benefit him.
ask their leader if they wish to speak with the PCs, and • Breyr Llyndrid opposes but is persuadable, believing this
they will usually agree. could be an affront to the gods.
• However, if the PCs approach not as a full group, the • Setadd the Breykin opposes Toutorix strongly and is
Breyguard will respectfully ask them to bring the rest of unpersuadable but has no vote here.
their company for the discussion. The PCs are of a lower
station, so it is a dishonour to the Breyr for the PCs to If the PCs arrived late to Caer Ffwrdd all patience scores for the
split their attention with other leaders. NPCs are lowered by 1 for Parleys.
Deinag the Fearless Ari anyn the Generous
Occupation Breyr of Caer Carreg Ddu Occupation Breyr of Pont Hir
Attributes Vigour 2, Agility 1, Spirit 1, Wit 0 Attributes Vigour 0, Agility 1, Spirit 1, Wit 2
Str +1, Dex +1, Con +2, Int +0, Wis +1, Cha +1 Str +0, Dex +1, Con +0, Int +2, Wis +1, Cha +2
Proficiency +3: Intimidation Proficiency +3: Persuasion, Insight
Personality Motivation — Devotion Personality Motivation — Influence
Virtue — Valiant Virtue — Dignified
Flaw — Vengeful Flaw — Greedy
Description Deinag is a muscular middle-aged proud man. Description Arianyn is a striking woman whose younger years
His scar-riddled darker face is framed by thick do not influence how the others treat her. Her milky
blonde hair and a short beard. He wears uncleaned white skin brightens her green eyes and red hair.
chainmail and a pair of axes at his hip. She wears a flowing green dress and jewellery to
mark her wealth.
Background Comes from Carreg Ddu {Kareg Thee}, a
militaristic, isolated mountain community Background Rules Pont Hir {Pont Here} is the biggest trade
on the Pen Draig border north of here. They hub in the Borderlands, a town on the River
recently survived a Pen Levi siege. Tamesis west of here. Her trade boats are
frustratingly being denied access to Raxian
Objections to No objections to supporting the clan. He
towns by the Pen Baedd {Bye-th}. She is risk-
Voting Yes supports Toutorix completely.
averse but wants to be on the winning side.
Objections to He cannot be persuaded to oppose the
Objections to Patience 2
Voting No clan. He supports Toutorix completely. He
Voting Yes - Being unaligned means I can trade with
knows his community is vulnerable and is
all sides.
seeking alliances.
- War will cost me too much.
Objections to Patience 2
Voting No - Undefended borders are bad for trade.
Llyndri d the Wise
Occupation Breyr of Tref Rhaeadr
Attributes Vigour 1, Agility 0, Spirit 2, Wit 1 Howl the Bear
Str +1, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha +0
Occupation Breyr of Caer Ergyd
Proficiency +3: History, Religion
Attributes Vigour 1, Agility 2, Spirit 0, Wit 1
Personality Motivation — Devotion
Str +1, Dex +2, Con +1, Int +1, Wis +0, Cha +1
Virtue — Wise
Proficiency +3: Athletics, Intimidation
Flaw — Callous
Personality Motivation — Impulse
Description Llyndrid is a pensive, aged woman. Her thin
Virtue — Just
greying hair is pulled back, leaving her tanned face
Flaw — Vain
to be painted with traditional Vallic-blue designs.
She wears a simple grey robe adorned with many Description Howl is a large tall boisterous man, built like a bear.
wooden carvings marking her as a priestess. Bald with a lengthy red beard, he is missing an eye
and wears a thick fur coat with a sword strapped to
Background Tref Rhaeadr {Trev Ray-a-deer} lives on the
his side.
Pen Baedd border far west of here and is a
very religious community. However, they’ve Background From the Pen Draig border west of here,
recently felt disconnected from the Otherworld his community has not seen much hardship.
after attacks from it by strange creatures. However, livestock has started mysteriously
escaping pastures.
Objections to Patience 2
Voting Yes - There are 5 clans because there are 5 gods; a Objections to Patience 2
6th would be blasphemous. Voting Yes - The Borderland tribes are independent.
- The Borderland tribes have always - I don’t want to commit my people to
been independent. another’s war.
Objections to Patience 3 Objections to Patience 2
Voting No - We need help with our Otherworldly attacks Voting No - I don’t want to be on the wrong side of
an alliance.
Caer on the Borderlands: Part 3 The Vote

Now the Breyr and the PCs will vote Yes or No on whether to
Setadd the Guest form the new clan.

Occupation Breykin of Tanon of Caer Glanbach • Each Breyr persuaded by the PCs will vote with them.
Attributes Vigour 0, Agility 0, Spirit 1, Wit 1 • Each Breyr that was not persuaded by them will vote
Str +0, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha +0 opposite them.
Proficiency +2: Athletics
• Deinag is an exception and will always vote yet to
Personality Motivation — Impulse support forming the clan
Virtue — Dignified
Flaw — Reckless • Note that Setadd the Breykin does not get a vote.

Description Setadd {Se-tath} the Breykin is a tall young There are four possible outcomes for this vote, depending
man with short dark hair. He would be on whether the PCs vote yes or no and whether they win
conventionally handsome if not for a their vote.
severely disfigured nose. His tight-fitting
green tunic, trousers, and straps of twine No matter how the vote goes, the losing side will invoke the
sporting numerous pressed flowers indicate ancient right for a Wager of Battle to possibly veto the vote.
he is someone of stature in the Pen Baedd Champions are put forward to represent the leaders of each
{Bye-th} clan. side, with the PCs chosen for theirs. They must then fight to
Background Brother to Tanon the Breyr of Caer first blood later this day to decide the matter.
Glanbach, a Pen Baedd fort south of
Mekeni. He is a Pen Baedd envoy to the This is not an unusual outcome for such meetings. What the
Borderlands, a lowly honour known to be PCs achieved in the parleys determined who they will fight and
given to get rid of someone. for what stakes.
He is excited to mention that he will
soon visit the mother forest. He has been PCs Vote Yes
summoned for the momentous marriage
between Brenkin Eilam ferch Daedica and Setadd the Breykin can no longer contain himself. Red in the
Brenkin Gaedoc ap Tiberius. A Pen Baedd face, he shouts to interrupt the proceedings. “This is an affront
princess and the exiled Pen Cawr prince. to the gods! The Pen Baedd will not stand for it! A false clan will
Objections to He cannot be persuaded to support bring war to this land!”
Voting Yes the clan.
He knows that all other clans would Win the Vote
oppose seeing the Borderlands unite
If the PCs supported Toutorix and persuaded at least one Breyr
and sees this as an opportunity to earn
to their side, they will win the vote. The PCs, Toutorix,
honour with his people. However, he has
Deinag, and the persuaded Breyr(s) outnumber those the PCs
no vote and is supposed to be here only as
did not persuade.
a witness.
Objections to No objections to opposing the clan. He • Setadd the Breykin interrupts, opposing the alliance
Voting No opposes the idea completely. on behalf of the Pen Baedd clan and any Borderlands
tribes too afraid to. He claims that if a new clan is
formed the Pen Baedd will start a war to end
the blasphemy.

The Vote • He challenges Toutorix to a Wager of Battle to stop the

foolishness before it even starts.
• Toutorix insults Setadd by choosing the PCs to fight him
As you finish your conversation, Toutorix the Breyr stands. The over his own Breyguard.
conversations die with the candle’s flame, and everyone returns
to their prior positions. “Great leaders of the Borderlands,
what say you? Will you join me in founding our own clan
of Avallen?”

Caer on the Borderlands: Part 3

Lose the Vote

If the PCs supported Toutorix but persuaded no one, the vote
will be a draw with the PCs, Toutorix, and Deinag against
Howl, Arianyn, and Llyndrid.

• Setadd the Breykin interrupts, opposing the alliance

on behalf of the Pen Baedd clan. He claims the PCs’
vote is worth less than a Breyr’s, so the tie is broken
against Toutorix.
• Toutorix calls for a Wager of Battle to settle the tie.
• Setadd volunteers to fight on behalf of the nay-sayers,
and since Toutorix called the Wager, Setadd gets to
choose his opposition, selecting the “lesser” PCs.

Stakes of Wager if PCs voted Yes

If the PCs are victorious in the Wager of Battle, the clan will
form and Setadd must support their recognition within the
Pen Baedd. If the PCs lose, then any Borderlands tribes that
do not wish to join the new Pen Gwyllgi clan will have the
protection of the Pen Baedd, halting Toutorix’s unification of
the Borderlands.

PCs Vote No
Toutorix stands tall in defiance of the opposition, “You are
either with us or against us, and we do not plan to be forgiving
of those who are against us.”

Win the Vote Lose the Vote

If the PCs opposed Toutorix and managed to persuade all three If the PCs opposed Toutorix and persuaded two or fewer
of the persuadable Breyrs to their side (Howl, Arianyn, and Breyr to their side, they will lose the vote. Either they are
Llyndrid), they will win the vote. The PCs and the three Breyr outnumbered against Toutorix, Deinag, and the Breyrs they
greatly outnumber Toutorix and Deinag. did not persuade, or it will be a draw. If it is a draw, Deinag will
claim the PCs’ vote is worth less since they are not a Breyr, thus
• Toutorix and Deinag will openly form an alliance and breaking the tie in Toutorix’s favour.
make veiled threats of force to encourage the dissenters
to join. • Toutorix will make veiled threats of force to encourage
the dissenters to join.
• In response, Llyndrid will challenge Toutorix
with a Wager of Battle to prevent future conflict and the • In response, Llyndrid or Setadd will challenge Toutorix
subjugation of the Borderlands under him. with a Wager of Battle to prevent future conflict and the
forced alliance of the Borderlands under Toutorix.
• Tradition dictates that Toutorix gets to choose his
opposition and picks the PCs to fight his Breyguard. • Tradition dictates that Toutorix gets to choose his
opposition and picks the PCs to fight his Breyguard.

Stakes of Wager if PCs voted No

If the PCs win the coming Wager of Battle, Toutorix and
Deinag will vow not to march on other Borderlands tribes,
halting his unification of the Borderlands. If the PCs lose, the
other Breyrs will agree to join Toutorix’s Pen Gwyllgi clan.

Caer on the Borderlands: Part 3 Feast in Caer Ffwrdd

Feast in Caer Ffwrdd Investigate Hai rpin

“I must confess I have led you on somewhat. I do not know your
symbol as it is. However, I do know of one similar. Here let me
After the deliberations and a dramatic conclusion of the summit, draw it for you…
the leaders file out of the hall into the bright afternoon sun.
The fort’s large market area has been repurposed for a feast, It resembles a sunrise. It is like yours, but the lines do not cross
packed with chattering folk at tables and benches, surrounded by the sun, and there is no other circle beneath… It is the symbol of
music and colourful streamers.The smell of grilled meat tickles the Ever Pact, an ancient agreement made by the Ever Ones to
your nostrils! end the war of the Sorrows. They swore to no longer step foot
outside of the Otherworld and to never again meddle with the
Eating lives of mortals. It was the dawn of a peaceful age. This symbol
represents that, the five rays of the sun represent each of the
gods, with the line pointing down to the Otherworld.
You’re escorted to a table of honour next to where the Breyrs are
eating. Lynx stands nearby. Setadd the Breykin sits with his Your symbol is too similar to be a coincidence, but I have never
entourage at his own table opposite yours. For the next half an seen it before. I have no idea what it means. Where did you
hour many courses of food and drink come your way! find it?”

While the PCs eat, one by one, a Breyguard from each of the In Caer Ffwrdd, the PCs can learn something about the stone
Breyr the PCs persuaded to their side (Howl, Arianyn, and/or hairpin they found in the first part of Caer on the Borderlands.
Llyndrid), will approach them with a message that they wish to They must present it to a priest, a scribe, or a bard, all of which
talk with one of them after the meal. They need not approach as can be found by asking around, and all of which will ask for a
a group now. 1s (5g) donation for their wisdom. They each recognise it as an
alteration of the symbol of the Ever Pact but do not know what
If players want to roleplay through the feast, they can by all that alteration means.
means, but we recommend narrating it away to save time.

Browsing Vendors
Free Time Caer Ffwrdd has vendors of all professions at a basic level and
fine Magic and Military services. Browsing the vendors and
interacting with up to two of them takes up one action.
After feasting, the common folk begin all manner of festivities.
There is dancing, bardic tales, contests of strength, and gambling Of what might be of particular interest to the PCs are:
to enjoy!
• Crafters to repair or upgrade any gear
Inform the players that they have limited time before the • An Alchemist who can create potions
Wager of Battle later this afternoon. This section works
the same as Arrival Time (p. 03). They can talk to important • Merchants to sell anything they like
individuals, speak to vendors, or join in the festivities but will • Smiths where they can purchase weapons and gear
only have time to do a few things.
• Gambling where they can bet on themselves for the
• The PCs have three rounds of actions (don’t tell Wager of Battle or make money other ways.
them this).
For additional details on prices and services from vendors, see
• Each PC can take different actions at the same time. Chapter 13 on Wealth & Equipment in the Legends of Avallen
• Each example below counts as one action. rulebook.
• Short rests count as an action. D20—Additionally see the goods tables on pages 149 & 150 of the
Player’s Handbook.
Caer on the Borderlands: Part 3 Free Time

Bard Meet Locals

A boisterous bard can be heard. She sings songs and stories Many townsfolk will be excited about the upcoming events and
about Avallen and famous individuals at the feast. If the PCs will pester the PCs. Men and women will ask them to dance,
approach the bard, they will hear her singing a humorous and children will ask them to tell tales. These are of course
rendition of the Wild Hunt—the ascension of the gods and the time wasters!
founding of the clans.
The following is the type of information and opinions the locals
If the PCs ask the bard about individuals at the meet, this will have, were they to be asked.
is the Information she can provide for just a couple of
coppers (silvers). • “It’s incredible how the other Borderlands Breyrs have
come here... Toutorix is raising Caer Ffwrdd to greater heights
Toutori x of glory!”
• “What the Pen Levi did to Pelgi was awful; everyone saw
The Bard weaves a tale of how Toutorix became Breyr, a time the fire that day… There wasn’t anything Toutrorix could
when Gwyllgi were hounding villages around Caer Ffwrdd. do then, but now, we should avenge the dead!”
The then Breyr, Hakor, sent warriors to find and close the
• If the PCs look for a Pelgi survivor, a man named Gareth
Otherworldly portals from whence the Gwyllgi came but all
will claim that his cousin Col was there during the attack.
returned in failure. Discontent grew until Toutorix arrived
He’ll tell them his story for some coppers.
in Caer Ffwrdd with a cart full of Gwyllgi pelts; the attacks
came no more. Breyr Hakor offered him a reward, but instead,
Toutorix challenged Hakor for the title of breyr and all around Col’s Tale
cheered him on.
Coll is a moody teenager from Pelgi, currently staying in
Gareth’s small roundhouse, situated outside the walls of
Lynx Caer Ffwrdd. He was in the forest near Pelgi when the attack
happened, and he claims the Pen Levi appeared out of nowhere
The Bard weaves a tale told by their own Breyr, of a time when as if “by magic”. Unprompted, he will also state the following:
Lynx the Breyguard saved Toutorix’s life. Before he was breyr,
Toutorix was a warrior who wandered Avallen. Once caught • He waited hours for the Pen Levi to leave. Eventually,
unawares by a Raxian scouting party, Lynx rescued him single- they moved on eastward, their carts filled with loot, and
handedly. Quite literally! With her iconic flashy slinging style, the town was left ablaze. No prisoners were taken.
she cast stones against the bucket helmets of Raxian soldiers.
• He moved through the burning village to look for
Knocking them down with resounding dings and dongs!
survivors. Finding only corpses, he fled here.
• As a child, he was taught that if the Pen Levi ever
Setadd attacked, he should hide in the village hall. He was told
that the raiders would steal but not kill.
The Bard quietly recounts rumours from the south. Setadd was
sent from his noble home but what dishonour did he earn? Did • Col has enlisted with Toutorix’s forces. He swears to one
he lie with the wrong person, or wrong animal, perhaps? Did he day take vengeance on the Pen Levi beasts that murdered
challenge his own brother for rule but fail? Could his family not everyone he knew and loved.
stand the sight of his…unfortunate nose? Or is there truth to all
of these tales? I speak softly for I do know two things though.
First, he has a mighty temper... Second, he is a mighty mystic.
So you ought not share what I have shared for if Setadd hears of
it he will surely crush your beloved bard with the very ground
beneath my feet.

Meet Newcomers Ari an yn
Outside the fort, a burgeoning camp of excited visitors has “There are very few things in this world that can’t be helped
formed. Drawn together by the aspirations of Toutorix, the with more coin. Here, spend it well.”
crowd of mostly younger people has flocked together from
villages near and far. The following is the type of information If Arianyn the Breyr was persuaded to the PCs’ cause during the
and opinions the newcomers will have, were they to be asked. summit, she will give the PCs 10s (50g) that they can use for
anything to support the coming Wager of Battle.
• “Toutorix the Breyr is doing something no one has done before!
He’s giving the Borderlands hope!”
• “Pen Levi raids are becoming more frequent. Our elders taught
us to hide and not fight back, so no one gets hurt. A massacre of “Whenever I visit a town, I seek out the bards. They know tales
a village like Pelgi is unheard of.” about all the locals and are happy to tell them for coin. So, ask
• “We don’t want to hide anymore: we want to fight back so the bards here about your foes… You could learn something.”
the Pen Levi will think twice before trying another
raid in our lands.” If Howl the Breyr was persuaded to the PCs’ cause during the
summit, he will advise them to ask bards about their foe.

Meet a Leader Llyndri d

During the feast any leaders the PCs persuaded (Howl, Arianyn,
and/or Llyndrid) will have sent a message to ask the PCs to “The Wager of Battle is an ancient tradition. During it, almost
come to speak with them. Each will want to spend time asking anything is allowed, even magic. Outside assistance is not
the PC about their home and background to “get to know allowed, but that does not stop me from giving this to you now.
their champion”. After a PC shares drinks and indulges their Use it wisely.”
questions, the leader will give them some aid or advice for the
coming Wager of Battle. If Llyndrid the Breyr was persuaded to the PCs’ cause in the
council, she will give them a Spell Scroll (see below). Spell
scrolls can be used by anyone and advantage the spell being cast.
In this case, the advantage cancels out Rewind’s complexity of 1.

Rewind (I. Time)

(Complexity 1) Return the target to the condition and position it
was in at the beginning of its previous turn.

D20—She gives a spell scroll of Aid.

Caer on the Borderlands: Part 3 Free Time

Meeting thei r Foe Investigate Military

Your foe sees you coming. Standing in front of the gathered It’s possible that the PCs might suspect that Pelgi was actually
crowd, they jeer. “Come to beg mercy before your better?” attacked by the warriors of Caer Ffwrdd. This is not what
happened, as described in Part 2. Pen Levi raiders were the
The PCs can seek out their foe (Lynx or Setadd). They will find culprits, though they were put up to the task by Lynx the
them flanked by their warrior entourage. After their foe goads Breyguard of Toutorix.
the PCs, a bystander will challenge the two groups to a drinking
contest.The warriors in the entourage will step forward and If the PCs decide to investigate this angle, here are some
accept the challenge eagerly! relevant details to keep in mind:

• Any number of PCs can take part and will each be paired • There is a training ground full of new recruits in the fort.
with one of the opposition. • Warriors are patrolling about, at the fort’s main gate, and
• Their foe will only pair with a PC for the contest if all of on a number of watchtowers.
the PCs join in. • Notably, any arrows used or seen are made of pale wood,
• If no PC takes part the crowd will boo them! not the dark shafts seen in the bodies at Pelgi.
• If asked about Pelgi, everyone will confirm that riders
The drinking duels will require continuous Vigour checks set out for the village as soon as the fire was seen by
with a CD 1 (Con. DC 12) for each pair of drinkers. Each check the watchtowers. However, they arrived too late to find
represents multiple rounds of powerful alcoholic consumption! the raiders.
When one drinker succeeds but the other fails, that drinker
wins, and the other loses, becoming Sick. Armoury
D20—Losers become Poisoned. Standing close to a watchtower at the back of the fort, a large
wooden shack is used as an ad-hoc armoury. Dotted with
The warriors in the contest have Vigour 2 (Con. +3). However, several small windows, it has two guards positioned outside at
they have already been drinking extensively, so half of them all times. Besides Toutorix’s main hall, it is the largest building
(rounded up) are disadvantaged with their checks. Lynx has in the fort.
Vigour 0 (Con. +0) and Setadd has Vigour +1 (Con. +1).
If the PCs find and decide to investigate this structure, here are
If the group does not have a healer or healing magic, any PC some relevant details to keep in mind:
that becomes Sick can recover by visiting a Healer in town.
This requires time for an activity before the Wager of Battle • Everyone asked will describe it as an armoury. However,
any queries for additional information or to get inside
Any of the opposition that becomes Sick (Poisoned) will remain are treated with suspicion! The PCs will have to trick or
so for the Wager of Battle, and will not begin the battle with bribe someone to be let inside.
an Edge. • If a PC finds a way to sneak inside, they must make
an Agility check as they do so: CD1 (DC 15). On a
failure, they knock something over causing noise, and
a guard will come to investigate. To avoid discovery,
they must successfully hide. If found, they can try to
explain themselves…
• Most of the equipment stored in the shack is the old,
outdated rust that one would expect to be used by a
militia, but there are also barrels of new weapons. Caer
Ffwrdd looks to be preparing for war.

Wager of Battle

Wager of Battle
The tables of the feast have been cleared aside to make room for
the Wager of Battle. With the setting sun, the great hall casts a
shadow over the makeshift arena giving the arena a slight chill.
All manner of folk, old and young cram into the space around
it, kids standing on shoulders or cheekily clambering onto
thatched roofs eager to get any view of coming action.

The arena is simply made up of nine empty Spaces arranged in a

in 3x3 square grid. The combatants must spread themselves out
between the three spaces on their groups starting side of
the arena.

D20—The arena is 45ft by 45ft (15x15 squares).

Whoever the PCs’ opponent is, they will have additional allies
with them such that the battle is evenly matched in number.
Add two Warriors, then a Mystic, repeatedly, until the battle is
evenly matched.

During the Wager of Battle, almost anything goes. Anyone
Wounded must leave the fight. Other combatants must
not pursue killing them. When all fighters of one side are
Wounded, the other side wins.

D20—Once a combatant reaches half their HP or less, they count as

“Wounded” and must leave the arena.

If anybody attempts to kill a Wounded combatant during

the Wager of Battle, the wager will be forfeit, the battle
ended by the onlooking guards, and the offending side will
lose dishonourably.

When they are ready, Toutorix the Destined, Breyr of Caer

Ffwrdd will announce the combatants to the crowd and declare
the stakes for this Wager of Battle; see the stakes in The Vote
(p. 07). One PC and their key foe must each make a Wit check,
the character with the highest result has their group go first.
Ties are broken by deciding at random who goes first.

D20—Check for initiative!

Caer on the Borderlands: Part 3 Wager of Battle

Slinger Lynx the Breyguard
Lynx will prefer to stay at the back of the fight and use
Type Lvl. 2 Elite Reaver her Cunning Strike ability to give her allies extra attacks.
Attributes Vigour 0, Agility 1, Spirit 0, Wit 1 Whenever she can, she will move away from the fight (still
within the arena) but continue to attack with her Snap Shot or
Equipment 5 AR Hide Armour
Cunning Action ability.
Round Shield: Disadvantage 1 attack per round
[3] Sling: Agility, 3S
[6] Sword: Agility Stone Hai rpin
Stone Hairpin: See within any darkness. If the PCs fight Lynx, she arrives at the battle with her hair
Health Exerted > Shield > Broken Armour > Wounded pinned up. If any PC enters the same space as her, they will
notice she wears a stone hairpin. If a PC grapples with or
defeats her, they will notice the symbol on the hairpin (it is the
As an Elite foe, Lynx can hold two edges, begins with two
same as the symbol in Part 1).
edges, and can exert herself.
Cunning Strike (I. Skirmisher)
Lynx can give up her Edge for a melee or ranged attack. If it
hits, an ally may Exploit that foe. Lynx can give up an extra
Edge to attack all foes in a space with this ability using a
ricocheting shot.
Snap Shot (I. Archery)
Lynx can Exploit foes outside of her space within her slings
listed range. Whenever she moves to a space with no foes in
it without Rushing, she may Exploit a foe.

D20 - Slinger Lynx the Breyguard

Type Medium Human
Attributes Str +0, Dex +2, Con +0, Int +1, Wis +0, Cha +2
Perception +4, Stealth +4, Speed 30 ft
Equipment 12 AC Hide Armour
1d6+2 Shortsword: +4 to hit)
1d4+2 Sling: +4 to hit, range 30/120 ft
Health 28 hp
Slinger Lynx makes two attacks with her sling.
Cunning Strike
(Recharge 5-6, EoT) For this turn, whenever Lynx hits a
foe with a weapon attack, an ally may make an attack of
opportunity against that foe.
Cunning Action
On each of her turns, Slinger Lynx can use a bonus action to
take the Dash, Disengage, or Hide Action.

Caer on the Borderlands: Part 3 Wager of Battle

Setadd the Guest D20 - Setadd the Guest

Type Lvl. 2 Elite Mystic Type Medium Human
Attributes Vigour 1, Agility 0, Spirit 1, Wit 0 Attributes Str +0, Dex +0, Con +1, Int +1, Wis +3, Cha +0
Perception +3, Speed 25 ft
Equipment 6 AR Hide Armour
Round Shield: Disadvantage 1 attack per round Equipment 13 AC Hide Armour
Icon: Advantages 1 spell per round 1d6 Mace: +2 to hit
[5] Hammer: Vigour, Small, Thrown 1S
Health 28 hp
Health Exerted > Shield > Broken Armour > Wounded
Divine Eminence
Elite As a bonus action, the Setadd the Breykin can expend a spell
As an Elite foe, Setadd can hold two edges, begins with two slot to cause his melee weapon attacks to magically deal
edges, and can exert himself. an extra 10 (3d6) radiant damage to a target on a hit. This
benefit lasts until the end of the turn. If he expends a spell
Elemental Blast (I. Elemental)
slot of 2nd level, the extra damage increases by 1d6.
(0 Complexity) Check any attribute with a foe to deal them
[6+Attribute+Spirit] damage. If outnumbered Setadd will use Spellcasting
Edges to cast this spell with +3 Complexity on all other in Brekin Setadd is a 3rd-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability
his space. is Wisdom (spell save DC 13, +5 to hit with spell attacks). He
has the following cleric spells prepared:
Moon’s Touch (I. Lunar)
(0 Complexity) The target becomes Exhausted or emanates Cantrips (at will): Light, Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy
pitch-black darkness that wilts plants. 1st level (3 slots): Cure Wounds, Guiding Bolt
2nd level (2 slots): Lesser Restoration, Spiritual Weapon
Setadd is a one-trick pony who prefers to wield a shield and
focus, get into melee with foes, and use his magic in melee.

Warri or D20 - Warri or

Type Lvl. 1 Grunt Type Medium Human
Attributes Vigour 2, Agility 0, Spirit 0, Wit -1 Attributes Str +1, Dex +1, Con +3, Int +0, Wis +0, Cha +0
Perception +2, Speed 30 ft
Equipment 8 AR Chainmail: Disadvantages all magic
[9] Maul: Two-handed, Vigour Equipment 16 AC Chainmail
[5] Hammer: Vigour, Small, Thrown 1S 1d8+1 Maul (+3 to hit, reach)
Health Broken Armour > Wounded Health 14 hp
Tremendous Blow (I. Great Weapon) Tremendous Blow
Give up an Edge to have an attack Push a foe up to [1] space (Recharge 5-6, EoT) For this turn, attacks that hit a foe push
(or knock them down) if it hits. them 15 ft in a direction of your choice or knock them prone.

Will use their Tremendous Blow ability whenever they can to
knock foes down, thereby advantaging other ally attacks against
the fallen foe.

Caer on the Borderlands: Part 3

Type Lvl. 1 Grunt
Attributes Vigour 0, Agility 0, Spirit 1, Wit 0
Equipment 2 AR Robe: Advantages all magic
Icon: Advantages 1 spell per round
[5] Axe: Agility, Thrown 1S
Health Broken Armour > Wounded
Moon’s Touch (I. Lunar)
(0 Complexity) The target becomes Exhausted or emanates
pitch-black darkness that wilts plants.

D20 - Mystic
Type Medium Human
Attributes Str +0, Dex +0, Con +0, Int +0, Wis +2, Cha +0
Perception +2, Speed 30 ft
Equipment 10 AC Robe
1d4 Club (+2 to hit)
Health 9 hp
The Mystic is a 1st-level spellcaster. His spellcasting ability is
Wisdom (spell save DC 12, +4 to hit with spell attacks). She
has the following spells prepared:
Cantrips (at will): Sacred Flame, Thaumaturgy
1st level (2 slots): Cure Wounds, Bless
2nd level (1 slot): Darkness

The Mystic will stay back and cast spells at a distance. They can
also use the Set-up (Aid) action for an ally if they are in melee
range. If Lynx is a combatant, she can use her hairpin to see
within magical darkness, allowing her to freely fire out of it as
well as advantage her with and against attacks made inside it.

Rules Notes
• Characters subject to darkness cannot see outside of it
unless they hold a magical lightsource.
• Combatants within darkness are disadvantaged
both attacking and defending, which cancel out if both
combatants are affected by it.
• LoA—Characters that gain a condition they already have
gain the next most severe condition instead.
• D20—As these foes are not monsters, their abilities do
not have “Tells” and can be used tactically as long as they
are recharged.
Caer on the Borderlands: Part 3 Spoils to the Victors

Spoils to the Victors What Next ?

Our grand campaign book, Against the Faerie Queene, will
begin from the end of this quest!
The crowd erupts into cheers of excitement.
At the time of this adventure’s release, Against the Faerie is in
production after a successful Kickstarter. You can check out
After a few moments, Toutorix the Breyr declares the the campaign here and pre-order the book and its many
previously agreed outcome for the Wager of Battle, whether add-ons here!
he is the victor or not, see The Vote (p. 07). The crowd then
rushes in, scoops up the victors and parades them around the The following day, or in fact anytime after, Setadd the Breykin
fort! The evening is theirs! The losers will be consolidated by will approach the PCs with pressing news. Regardless of
their allies. whether or not the PCs sided with or against him—though that
might colour his attitude!— Setadd will recognise their talents
Reporting Lynx and inform them that Brenin Daedicca, Queen of the Pen Baedd
{buy-th} clan, is calling for free adventurers. She has called
If the PCs spotted the stone hairpin on Lynx they can present
a quest to hunt down a great otherworldly boar to save her
their matching pin and accuse her of subterfuge. Lynx will not
daughter’s wedding. There will be fame, fortune, and favour
answer any questions under any circumstance; if anything, she
awaiting those that can complete the task. To take part, the PCs
taunts the PCs. If this information is brought to Toutorix, his
should head to the wonderous citadel of trees, Dinas y Coed
response will depend on who was victorious during the Wager
{Dinas ee Coid}. It can be reached by following the Ffwrdd
of Battle.
river south.
If Lynx was victorious, Toutorix will dismiss the PCs’ claims as
If you wish to quest in Avallen in the meantime, while still
the slander of sore losers!
being able to jump right into Against the Faerie Queene when
it is released, we can recommend three quest ideas:
If the PCs were victorious, Toutorix will jump at the
opportunity to use Lynx as a scapegoat. He will declare Lynx
• The Breyrs who allied with the PCs approach them with
an imposter and the cause of all discord! He asked her for help
quests of aid in their own towns. Setadd the Breykin
in uniting the tribes but didn’t instruct her in subterfuge. He
comes to them later.
publicly denounces her and claims he would execute her, except
that she once saved his life. Instead, he declares Slinger Lynx to • The PCs return to Mekeni to inform Branwen of what
be exiled from the Borderlands. She is allowed to leave and does happened. She will advise them to visit the Breyrs who
so voluntarily and quietly. opposed them, to quest for unity. Setadd the Breykin
comes to them later.
• The PCs are approached immediately by Setadd the
Breykin, and they have numerous adventures while they
Epilogue quest south by foot and by boat to Dinas y Coed.

This quest is now complete, and the adventure is finished!

Congratulate the players and consider having a bard at the feast
give a quick retelling of their accomplishments over the past
few sessions.

The PCs gain experience from completing this quest, earning a

new character feature. If they earnt a new attribute at the end
of the previous quest, they will now gain level 3 and learn a
new ability.

D20—This quest is equivalent to half a level worth of experience.

However, if you prefer more rapid advancement, you can award a full
level’s worth of experience here.

Caer on the Borderlands: Part 3 Epilogue

ynx stepped seamlessly from one realm to the next, now used to the strange air of the
Otherworld. She walked towards a figure shaded by white trees and bowed slightly.

“The meeting went well?” The voice slithered up Lynx’s body like climbing ivy, enveloping
her. Then the sensation passed as subtly as it came.

“It was not exactly as I planned it, but the division has taken root,” said Lynx with a glint of triumph,
“More war will come to the Pen Levi.”

“Good. The Ever Stranger reaps what he sows…It is from the borderlands our new Avallen shall
bloom.” The figure stepped into the trees behind her, vanishing from sight.

“As ever, all shall be as you will it, my Faerie Queene.”

Preorder Against the Faerie Queene

Caer on the Borderlands: Part 3 Credits

Creator, Director, Designer: Deren Ozturk An Adder Stone Games Publication.
Designer: Kurt Samson
Designer: Jasmine Bernhardt
Assistant Writer: Ismet Duru
Layout: Angus Martin Legends of Avallen © 2022 by Adder Stone Games.
Caer on the Borderlands © 2022 by Adder Stone Games.
Illustrators: Against the Faerie Queene © 2022 by Adder Stone Games.
Jonas Nathanael Gali Kristensen Developed by: Deren Ozturk of “Adder Stone Games”
Joni Henri Petteri Aikio
Wasan Techawibulchai All rights reserved.
Joseph Hodgson
Rafael Oliveira Distributed by: “Modiphius Entertainment”
Furkan Yeşilyurt
Special thanks to our playtesters:
Alex “Cerys” Salotto This work includes material taken from the System Reference Document 5.1 (“SRD
Jasmine “Dee” Bernhardt 5.1”) by Wizards of the Coast LLC and available at
systems-reference-document. The SRD 5.1 is licensed under the Creative Commons
Chad “Chadicus” Chadington III
Attribution 4.0 International License available at
Allan “Ffenrad” Osgood by/4.0/legalcode.
Alex “Rythanos” Holmyard
The Pigeon Paladin Published by Adder Stone Games. No part of this publication other than the material desig-
nated in the SRD 5.1 may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any
And Joseph Hodgson for his D20 advice and last minute suggestions. means including photocopy, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without
the prior written permission of Adder Stone Games


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