Par-Getafe 02-24-23

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Barangay Campao Getafe, Bohol

Bohol Provincial Health Office


PHO Medical Team and Vaccination Team arrived at Getafe RHU to get the vials for vaccination
at 9:30am, and went to Brgy Campao Oriental, Getafe at 9:55am, immediately set up the
vaccination area and promptly started vaccination to serve its local residents. Circumcision
Procedure were set up but the instruments needed were not ready and unavailable so we need
to improvise, because of the lack of instruments in the health center, we had to request it from
RHU Getafe, but the RHU staff was not able to call for transport due to the holiday, so we were
forced to use the PHO service vehicle to get the instrument from RHU Getafe, thus starting the
circumcision procedure at around 11am. Dr. Emerson Mateo made 2 procedures but gave up
due to poor lighting, but guided, assisted and instructed Medical Nurse Dan Blyke Bantugan on
the 8 following patients and Dr Estrella Lim made 2 procedures, the following doctors
proceeded to the medical consultation area to serve other patients waiting to be consulted until
3pm. We circumcised the total number of 12 patients.


MUNICIPALITY : Getafe, Bohol

DATE OF VISIT : 24 February 2023

Date Activities
24 February 2023 ● Medical consultation
● Distribution of free medications
● Mobile laboratory
● Covid vaccination
● Dental consultation


1. Continue to cooperate with LGUs and other agencies in medical missions designed to
better the plight of the Bol-anons.
2. Coordinate with the other physicians that we need to make sure that the program has
already concluded before leaving the venue.
3. Communicate with the event organizers about the difficulties experienced in the field to
prevent it from recurring during future events.
“Sa PHO, Una ang Serbisyo!”

Emerson V. Mateo, MD
Provincial Health Officer I
Bohol Provincial Health Office

Estrella Pung Lim, MD

Red Cross
Medical Volunteer

Mark Minoza RMT

Med Tech II
Bohol Provincial Health Office

Cristine I. Sajonia, RN
Medical Team Nurse/Vaccinator
Bohol Provincial Health Office

Dan Blyke D. Bantugan, RN

Medical Team Nurse/Vaccinator
Bohol Provincial Health Office

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