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“Sara Dixon, Teen Detective” Lesley Thompson

BookTube Video Presentation

• For your “Sara Dixon, Teen Detective” Complementary Reading Assessment,
you will elaborate a BookTube video where you must follow a series of steps
and answer a few questions regarding the reading.
• It is an individual assessment; therefore, you must work on your own and your
answers MUST NOT be the same as another classmate.
• For the elaboration of the BookTube:
o Start with an introduction of yourself, and an introduction for the book
that should catch the viewer’s attention such as an original quotation,
rhetoric questions, some emotion linked to the book, etc.
o Briefly contextualise the book, present the author (name, date of birth,
age, nationality) and their most important books.
o Give a brief book summary. It must be a general summary without
giving any details of the story. Just the plot. The ending should not be
o Answer the following general questions:
▪ Who is the main character in the book? Describe her
▪ What makes Sara a good detective?
▪ Who are Sara’s friends and how do they help her in the story?
▪ Where does the story take place? How does it influence the
events in the book?
▪ What mystery does Sara try to solve in the book?
▪ Can you describe one exciting event that happens in the story?
▪ What message do you think the author wants to convey through
Sara’s adventures?
o End the video with a brief conclusion. It could be a recommendation of
the book to the viewers and why they should or should not read it.
Finally, say goodbye.


• The video should be at least 3:00 min. long and no longer than 5:30 min. Any
commentary or information given after that time, will not be assessed.
• You will be assessed on:
o Use of English.
o Introduction.
o Contextualisation of the book and author.
o Brief Summary.
o All questions answered.
o Conclusion.
o Pronunciation and fluency.
o Volume.
o Class work.

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