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Question 1
Write a composition of any one of the following in not more than 400 words. Your composition should
show your ability to organize, describe, narrate, report, explain, persuade or argue, present ideas coherently
with accuracy and precision, present relevant arguments and use correct style and format. The organization
of subject matter, punctuation, correctness of grammatical constructions and spelling will be expected to be
a. Imagine a time you accomplished a personal goal. Give a brief description of the goal you were after
and how you achieved it. Describe how you felt when you achieved it. 20
b. People all over the world should speak one language. Express your views either for or against this
statement. 20
Question 2
a. You had gone to an ATM to withdraw some money but the machine did not dispense cash. However,
the amount got debited from your account. Write a letter to the Manger of the bank, complaining
about the deduction of money from your Saving Bank Account, while you did not receive the cash
from the ATM, which you used to withdraw the money. 10
b. Write a letter to your cousin, inviting him/her to spend the summer camp and vacation with you. 10
Question 3
a. Your school is organizing a visit to an Old Age Home on the occasion of International Day for Old
Persons. Write a notice to put up in your school informing the students of class IX and X about the
visit to the Old Age Home. 10
b. Write an email to the Director of the Old Age Home seeking permission for a group of fifty students
from your school to visit the Old Age Home. 10
DRAMA – Julius Caesar by William Shakespeare
1. Write about the main characters of the drama Julius Caesar.
a. Julius Caesar 10
b. Brutus 5
c. Mark Antony 5
d. Cassius 5
2. Write about the plot development of Act I Scene I and its summary. 10
PROSE - TREASURE CHEST (A Collection of Short Stories)
1. Write about the Characters in 400 words
a. Bonku Babu 10
b. Ang 10
2. Write an original story of your own in third- person (Omniscient). 10
POEM- TREASURE CHEST (A Collection of Poems)
1. Write the theme and summery of the poem ‘The Night Mail’ in your words in 200 words. 15
2. Make 20 MCQ of your own from the poem ‘The Night Mail’ 10

1. What is biology? Name and define branches of biology. 10
2. Draw a well- labelled diagram of plant cell. 10
3. Draw a well -labelled diagram of nerve cell. 10
4. Describe structure of a typical flower. 10
5. Describe advantages and disadvantages of cross pollination. 10
6. Draw a neat labelled diagram of a bean seed. 10
7. Describe economic importance of fungi. 10

8. What are main characteristics of an enzyme? 10
9. What are the uses of a skeleton in the body? 10
10. What are different way in which infectious diseases caused? 10

1. Choose one line of Longitude on the globe. Identify all the countries that run through your line of
longitude. Choose any one country from among your list and find out the followings;
a. Wildlife and vegetation (include pictures)
b. Weather
c. Culture (include pictures)
d. Famous buildings and Landmarks (include pictures)
I Semester
1. ‘The Indian Constitution protects the rights of the children, women, minorities and weaker sections’.
on the basis of a case study. 20
II Semester
1. Make a comparative study of the Harappan and the Mesopotamian Civilisations. 20
1. Write about Machine Language, Assembly Language, High-Level Language, Compiler and
Interpreter. 10
2. What do you understand by Tokens in java? Write different types of tokens in details.(300 words)20
3. Write the java expression for the followings: 20
a. 𝑐 = 𝑎 + 𝑏 2 2 e. 𝑎𝑟𝑒𝑎 = h. 𝑚 + |𝑛|
2 2 4
b. 𝑟 = 𝑎 + 𝑏 𝑠 𝑠 − 𝑎 𝑠 − 𝑏 (𝑠 − 𝑐) i. 3 𝜋𝑟 3
c. 𝑦 = 𝑎𝑥 3 + 𝑏𝑥 + 𝑐 f.
𝑎 𝑥 +𝑏 𝑦
j. 𝑎 + 𝑏 2 = 𝑎2 + 𝑏2 +
𝑦 3 3
d. 𝑧 = 𝑥 ∗ 2 𝑥 + 𝑦
𝑎+𝑏 𝑛
g. 3+𝑏
4. Write the output of the following java expression: 10
a. System.out.prinltn(Math.pow(2,3));
b. System.out.prinltn(Math.sqrt(4));
c. System.out.prinltn(Math.cbrt(8));
d. System.out.prinltn(Math.ceil(5.44));
e. System.out.prinltn(Math.max(5,7));
f. System.out.prinltn(Math.min(5,7));
g. System.out.prinltn(Math.abs(-4));
h. System.out.println(Math.round(4.3));
i. System.out.prinltn(Math.floor(4.3));
j. System.out.println(Math.min(-2,-3));
5. Explain the following terms. (Each 100 words) 15
a. Class and Objects with examples.
b. Inheritance and Polymorphism with examples.
c. Abstraction and Encapsulation with examples.
6. What is type conversion? How is an implicit type conversion different from explicit type
conversion?150 words 5
7. Write a program to input a number and print whether it is a Palindrome number or not. (if a number
and its reverse is same then it is a Palindrome number) 10
8. Write a program to print the following format: 10
2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9 10


1. Calculate the molecular weight of ; 15
a. SO2 b. Na2CO3 c. Ca(NO3)2
2. Calculate the percentage composition of 15
a. Carbon dioxide b. Sodium hydroxide
3. Give a balanced equation for each of the following types of reactions: 20
a. A direct combination reaction between phosphorus and a neutral gas.
b. A soluble salt of lead formed from an insoluble base by double decomposition –
c. A thermal decomposition reaction of a salt- which results in the formation of nitrogen gas.
d. A synthesis reaction between a metal and non metal resulting in the formation of an insoluble
salt of iron.
e. A decomposition reaction of a salt which leaves behind a silvery metal.

Attempt any five questions.
1. Locate 10 𝑎𝑛𝑑 17 on the number line. 20
2. If 3 = 1.732 , then find the value of 5 12 − 3 48 + 6 75 + 7 108 20
1 1 1 1 1
3. Simplify 4+ 5 + 5+ 6 + 6+ 7 + 7+ 8 + 8+ 9 20
4. Find the amount and the compound interest on rupee 25000 for 3 years at 12 % per annum,
compounded annually. 20
5. Calculate the difference between the compound interest and the simple interest on rupee 12000 at 9
% per annum in 2 years. 20
6. Find the product of the following ( using standard results) 20
a. (2𝑥 + 5𝑦 + 3) 2𝑥 + 5𝑦 + 4
b. 3𝑥 − 𝑦 − 4 (3𝑥 − 𝑦 + 5)

Attempt any five questions.
1. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of a Vernier Callipers. Name its main parts and state their
2. Name three systems of units and state the various fundamental units in them.
3. Differentiate between distance and displacement.
4. Draw : (a) a velocity – time graph for a body thrown vertically upwards.
(b) a velocity –time graph for a freely falling body under gravity. Take g = 10 m/sqare second
5. A Cheeatah runs at a speed of 72km/h while haunting a gazelle in the African Savannah. Calculate
its speed in m/s.
6. Explain magnetic force and gravitational force with the help of an example.

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