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351 INFO GCLog - PowerKitManager: initPowerKitCompat

init ,powerKitTag=481793c0-07aa-4824-9d7e-aa2dfd6ae473
01:55:14.386 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageCacheDataModel loadFrameData()
mainFrameData from getFrameConfigCache() load time=147!
01:55:14.405 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadContentDataFile is not exist
01:55:14.440 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
01:55:14.585 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
01:55:14.590 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
01:55:14.591 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
01:55:14.593 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
01:55:14.597 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
01:55:14.611 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
01:55:14.609 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
01:55:14.617 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
01:55:14.618 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
01:55:14.619 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
01:55:14.620 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
01:55:16.846 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init() apk fileSha256 success.
01:55:16.853 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: whiteList config observer send
01:55:16.858 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
01:55:16.928 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check start
01:55:16.930 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
01:55:16.954 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = 54a827b7-
01:55:16.957 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
01:55:16.931 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query start
01:55:16.961 INFO GCLog - http_request: *****************nu/query traceName =
01:55:16.965 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
01:55:16.970 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
01:55:16.972 INFO GCLog - PushDownloadHelper: resumeDownloadByNetJobs!
01:55:16.974 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************ry/check traceName =
01:55:17.001 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
01:55:17.137 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
01:55:17.150 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
01:55:17.154 ERROR GCLog - BaseReqImpl: queryCountryAvailability error:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
01:55:17.156 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: checkAccountServ resp.errorCode is:
01:55:17.158 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: start get service: net error
01:55:17.164 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
01:55:17.174 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
01:55:17.204 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
01:55:17.208 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check start
01:55:17.212 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/check
traceName = 885ffff5-8c23-401d-80b3-e8f2626ea350
01:55:17.230 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check end, fail errorMsg =
01:55:17.243 INFO GCLog - SplashAdFloatBallHelper: getGreyModeConfig() isGreyMode
is: null
01:55:17.249 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: localSPKidsMode=false,
01:55:17.253 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: refreshKidsMode=false
01:55:17.257 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query start
01:55:17.281 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/query
traceName = 0145cbe7-9147-4a64-b60b-707b4b7ab3da
01:55:17.310 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
01:55:17.334 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
01:55:17.338 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
01:55:17.353 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
01:55:17.363 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
01:55:17.384 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query end, fail errorMsg =
01:55:17.476 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
01:55:17.482 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.bu_base.reserve.ReserveHelper:
query reserve online info token is null
01:55:17.495 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
01:55:17.499 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: checkAmsServiceForBootStartupResult:
notifyAmsCheckResult,result=Error(errMsg=check service error)
01:55:17.500 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
01:55:17.501 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: notifyState:
notifyAmsCheckResult,lastAmsCheckResult=BootStartupResult.Unknown is false
01:55:17.506 INFO GCLog - NetConnectChangeReceiver: onReceive action is:
01:55:17.509 ERROR GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: StartupUseCase handleResult: startup
error is: check service error
01:55:17.509 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootMinorsAccountGuardianVerificationEvent: false
01:55:17.532 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootChildModeWithNotLoginEvent: false
01:55:17.594 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver:
01:55:17.595 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver:
01:55:17.597 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver: WifiStateChangeReceiver: report
01:55:17.604 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname
01:55:17.615 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
AgreementUpdateEvent: false null
01:55:17.622 INFO GCLog - HnPushProvider: PushServiceImpl getPushStatus : enable
01:55:17.633 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken:enable:true
01:55:17.653 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false
01:55:17.702 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
01:55:17.706 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
01:55:17.809 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
01:55:17.812 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
01:55:17.817 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
01:55:17.821 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
01:55:17.833 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
01:55:17.876 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() success.
01:55:17.901 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
01:55:17.905 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
01:55:17.983 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname
01:55:17.984 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
01:55:17.985 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
01:55:17.986 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
01:55:17.988 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
01:55:17.992 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
01:55:18.001 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
01:55:18.001 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
01:55:18.013 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
01:55:18.024 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************n/upload start
01:55:18.028 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************n/upload traceName =
01:55:18.059 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************n/upload end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
01:55:18.071 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
01:55:18.073 ERROR GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken bind fail[10999]
01:55:18.368 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() load data to mem file sp success.
01:55:19.113 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
01:55:19.117 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
01:55:19.118 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
01:55:19.120 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
01:55:19.149 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
01:55:19.153 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = e255ec52-
01:55:19.181 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
01:55:19.183 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
01:55:19.188 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
01:55:19.191 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
01:55:19.194 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
01:55:19.197 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
01:55:19.225 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ****************h/v1/get start
01:55:19.228 INFO GCLog - http_request: ****************h/v1/get traceName =
01:55:19.255 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ****************h/v1/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
01:55:19.257 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
01:55:19.259 INFO GCLog - AppStartHelper: syncSwitchStateToService:
agreeAmsUpdateSwitch = false
01:55:19.262 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
01:55:19.265 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
01:55:19.269 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
01:55:19.276 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
01:55:19.308 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
01:55:19.312 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = 4d1efced-
01:55:19.329 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
01:55:19.331 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
12:37:54.991 INFO GCLog - PowerKitManager: initPowerKitCompat
init ,powerKitTag=386569d4-4e1a-4c23-8f5f-9ecdaa7eea1e
12:37:57.612 INFO GCLog - ScreenReceiver: action: android.intent.action.SCREEN_ON
12:37:57.767 INFO GCLog - GameAssistantImpl: udid is agree for SDK: 1
12:37:57.782 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: AmsServiceImpl
getUdidSignStateByGameAssistant state=1
12:37:57.791 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController appStartInit() invoked
by GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit, boot hasReady: -1
12:37:57.804 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController startupBoot() invoked
from: BootController appStartInit()
12:37:57.808 INFO GCLog - RegisterReceiverUseCase: Register user receiver execute
12:37:57.837 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: checkSignLoginState from
BootController startupBoot()
12:37:57.844 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit
12:37:58.172 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit end not login
12:37:58.176 INFO GCLog - BootController: executeStartup: grs[PE], uSit[PE]
12:37:58.195 INFO GCLog - SysConfigChecker: countryCode:PE,lastCountryCode:
12:37:58.268 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController boot execute Startup
finished isBootReady is: true
12:37:58.657 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
12:37:59.511 INFO GCLog - XDownloadInstallHelper: observerEvent
12:37:59.511 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent init report SDK!
12:37:59.512 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: WhiteList config init
12:37:59.519 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
12:37:59.525 INFO GCLog - NetConnectChangeReceiver: onReceive action is:
12:37:59.527 INFO GCLog - NetConnectChangeReceiver: onReceive action is:
12:37:59.530 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver:
12:37:59.531 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver:
12:37:59.533 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver: WifiStateChangeReceiver: report
12:37:59.547 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit()
boot success pushService.init(), getMainFrameFromNet(true) will execute.
12:37:59.550 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:8810000059
12:37:59.553 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() invoked from: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit(), execute
isPreLoad is: true
12:37:59.556 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:881000000099
12:37:59.557 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GCDownloadInstallServiceStartHelper
execute() invoked from is: XDownloadInstallHelper UniteCountryCodeFinishEvent,
param isForceUpdate is: false, isContinueAllDownload is: false
12:37:59.561 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: init
12:37:59.591 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init
12:37:59.594 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
12:37:59.595 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
12:37:59.636 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
12:37:59.639 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: onBizInit updateToken
12:37:59.640 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false start
12:37:59.651 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
12:37:59.702 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
12:37:59.716 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
12:37:59.722 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
12:37:59.731 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
12:37:59.733 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
12:37:59.736 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
12:37:59.737 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
12:37:59.739 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
12:37:59.758 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: whiteList config observer send
12:37:59.778 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
12:37:59.799 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
12:37:59.811 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
12:37:59.835 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
12:37:59.836 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
12:37:59.842 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
12:37:59.845 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
12:37:59.846 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init() apk fileSha256 success.
12:37:59.868 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
12:38:00.080 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check start
12:38:00.080 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query start
12:38:00.083 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/query
traceName = f3638de5-bb31-4163-a788-58dee81d0dea
12:38:00.084 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
12:38:00.087 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query start
12:38:00.089 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check start
12:38:00.093 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/check
traceName = b60416b7-28f7-49cd-a599-d9ab239414bd
12:38:00.111 INFO GCLog - http_request: *****************nu/query traceName =
12:38:00.116 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = 9c3c78d0-
12:38:00.125 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************ry/check traceName =
12:38:00.159 INFO GCLog - PushDownloadHelper: resumeDownloadByNetJobs!
12:38:00.800 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit
preLoadMainPageData() will execute!
12:38:00.853 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadFrameDataFile is not exist
12:38:00.995 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageCacheDataModel loadFrameData()
mainFrameData from getFrameConfigCache() load time=164!
12:38:01.011 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadContentDataFile is not exist
12:38:01.344 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
12:38:01.346 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
12:38:01.368 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
12:38:01.371 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
12:38:01.403 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
12:38:01.406 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = 61091689-
12:38:02.239 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check end, fail errorMsg =
12:38:02.244 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
12:38:02.245 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
12:38:02.241 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query end, fail errorMsg =
12:38:02.247 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
12:38:02.254 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
12:38:02.257 ERROR GCLog - BaseReqImpl: queryCountryAvailability error:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
12:38:02.259 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: checkAccountServ resp.errorCode is:
12:38:02.260 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: start get service: net error
12:38:02.291 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() success.
12:38:02.326 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
12:38:02.441 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
12:38:02.474 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.bu_base.reserve.ReserveHelper:
query reserve online info token is null
12:38:02.479 INFO GCLog - SplashAdFloatBallHelper: getGreyModeConfig() isGreyMode
is: null
12:38:02.511 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: localSPKidsMode=false,
12:38:02.523 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: refreshKidsMode=false
12:38:02.565 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: checkAmsServiceForBootStartupResult:
notifyAmsCheckResult,result=Error(errMsg=check service error)
12:38:02.567 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: notifyState:
notifyAmsCheckResult,lastAmsCheckResult=BootStartupResult.Unknown is false
12:38:02.571 ERROR GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: StartupUseCase handleResult: startup
error is: check service error
12:38:02.598 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
12:38:02.606 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
12:38:02.724 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootMinorsAccountGuardianVerificationEvent: false
12:38:02.731 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootChildModeWithNotLoginEvent: false
12:38:02.738 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
AgreementUpdateEvent: false null
12:38:02.742 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
12:38:02.748 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
12:38:02.750 INFO GCLog - HnPushProvider: PushServiceImpl getPushStatus : enable
12:38:02.752 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
12:38:02.753 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
12:38:02.755 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken:enable:true
12:38:02.758 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
12:38:02.771 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false
12:38:02.808 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
12:38:02.817 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
12:38:02.820 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
12:38:02.822 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
12:38:02.830 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
12:38:02.837 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
12:38:02.839 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() load data to mem file sp success.
12:38:02.883 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************n/upload start
12:38:02.896 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************n/upload traceName =
12:38:03.457 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
12:38:03.462 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
12:38:03.465 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
12:38:03.467 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
12:38:03.470 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
12:38:03.474 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
12:38:03.494 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ****************h/v1/get start
12:38:03.496 INFO GCLog - http_request: ****************h/v1/get traceName =
12:38:04.913 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname
12:38:04.946 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************n/upload end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
12:38:04.950 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
12:38:04.957 ERROR GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken bind fail[10999]
12:38:05.512 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ****************h/v1/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
12:38:05.515 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
12:38:05.516 INFO GCLog - AppStartHelper: syncSwitchStateToService:
agreeAmsUpdateSwitch = false
12:38:05.530 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
12:38:05.532 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
12:38:05.534 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
12:38:05.536 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
12:38:05.551 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
12:38:05.554 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = be4456a2-
12:38:06.967 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
12:38:06.971 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
12:38:07.598 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
12:38:07.600 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
18:26:01.640 INFO GCLog - PowerKitManager: initPowerKitCompat
init ,powerKitTag=b6a26b96-d8fd-4d14-8de4-e308a8b8f08e
18:26:01.917 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit
preLoadMainPageData() will execute!
18:26:02.010 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadFrameDataFile is not exist
18:26:02.137 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageCacheDataModel loadFrameData()
mainFrameData from getFrameConfigCache() load time=201!
18:26:02.143 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadContentDataFile is not exist
18:26:02.164 INFO GCLog - GameAssistantImpl: udid is agree for SDK: 1
18:26:02.166 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: AmsServiceImpl
getUdidSignStateByGameAssistant state=1
18:26:02.167 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController appStartInit() invoked
by GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit, boot hasReady: -1
18:26:02.168 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController startupBoot() invoked
from: BootController appStartInit()
18:26:02.172 INFO GCLog - RegisterReceiverUseCase: Register user receiver execute
18:26:02.184 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: checkSignLoginState from
BootController startupBoot()
18:26:02.188 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit
18:26:02.343 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit end not login
18:26:02.347 INFO GCLog - SysConfigChecker: countryCode:PE,lastCountryCode:
18:26:02.349 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
18:26:02.359 INFO GCLog - BootController: executeStartup: grs[PE], uSit[PE]
18:26:02.380 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController boot execute Startup
finished isBootReady is: true
18:26:02.451 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent init report SDK!
18:26:02.452 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: WhiteList config init
18:26:02.454 INFO GCLog - XDownloadInstallHelper: observerEvent
18:26:02.457 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GCDownloadInstallServiceStartHelper
execute() invoked from is: XDownloadInstallHelper UniteCountryCodeFinishEvent,
param isForceUpdate is: false, isContinueAllDownload is: false
18:26:02.467 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
18:26:02.480 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init
18:26:02.494 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit()
boot success pushService.init(), getMainFrameFromNet(true) will execute.
18:26:02.496 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() invoked from: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit(), execute
isPreLoad is: true
18:26:02.499 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: init
18:26:02.497 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:8810000059
18:26:02.507 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:881000000099
18:26:02.524 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: onBizInit updateToken
18:26:02.527 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false start
18:26:02.527 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
18:26:02.529 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
18:26:02.531 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
18:26:02.534 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
18:26:02.806 INFO GCLog - PushDownloadHelper: resumeDownloadByNetJobs!
18:26:02.895 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init() apk fileSha256 success.
18:26:03.036 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
18:26:03.064 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
18:26:03.067 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
18:26:03.106 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
18:26:03.136 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
18:26:03.154 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query start
18:26:03.196 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check start
18:26:03.200 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: whiteList config observer send
18:26:03.208 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
18:26:03.163 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
18:26:03.215 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
18:26:03.217 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
18:26:03.224 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
18:26:03.220 INFO GCLog - http_request: *****************nu/query traceName =
18:26:03.226 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
18:26:03.228 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************ry/check traceName =
18:26:03.225 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
18:26:03.238 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
18:26:03.245 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
18:26:03.258 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
18:26:03.282 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
18:26:03.454 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query start
18:26:03.456 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check start
18:26:03.462 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/query
traceName = 9c747a70-5448-4d06-86d4-5579b2eb60dc
18:26:03.459 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/check
traceName = f269d5ca-407d-473b-963a-db43e72833eb
18:26:03.503 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
18:26:03.519 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = 621a3d89-
21:19:58.317 INFO GCLog - PowerKitManager: initPowerKitCompat
init ,powerKitTag=e2c869ca-00d8-417c-b2cf-83aee33d8342
21:20:00.786 INFO GCLog - GameAssistantImpl: udid is agree for SDK: 1
21:20:00.803 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: AmsServiceImpl
getUdidSignStateByGameAssistant state=1
21:20:00.805 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController appStartInit() invoked
by GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit, boot hasReady: -1
21:20:00.807 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController startupBoot() invoked
from: BootController appStartInit()
21:20:00.813 INFO GCLog - RegisterReceiverUseCase: Register user receiver execute
21:20:00.823 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: checkSignLoginState from
BootController startupBoot()
21:20:00.829 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit
21:20:00.917 INFO GCLog - AccountServiceImpl: startupInit end not login
21:20:00.927 INFO GCLog - BootController: executeStartup: grs[PE], uSit[PE]
21:20:00.942 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: BootController boot execute Startup
finished isBootReady is: true
21:20:00.945 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
21:20:00.946 INFO GCLog - SysConfigChecker: countryCode:PE,lastCountryCode:
21:20:00.980 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit()
boot success pushService.init(), getMainFrameFromNet(true) will execute.
21:20:00.989 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:8810000059
21:20:00.994 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GameCenterBizApplication onAppInit
preLoadMainPageData() will execute!
21:20:01.028 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.base_report.HiAnalyticsManager:
burying point not enable or no init eventId:881000000099
21:20:01.086 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() invoked from: GameCenterBizApplication onBizInit(), execute
isPreLoad is: true
21:20:01.153 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadFrameDataFile is not exist
21:20:01.175 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: init
21:20:01.183 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:20:01.242 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: onBizInit updateToken
21:20:01.247 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false start
21:20:01.245 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:20:01.268 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:20:01.283 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:20:01.615 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:20:01.750 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageCacheDataModel loadFrameData()
mainFrameData from getFrameConfigCache() load time=696!
21:20:01.755 ERROR GCLog - MainPageFileHelper: loadContentDataFile is not exist
21:20:02.397 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent init report SDK!
21:20:02.401 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: WhiteList config init
21:20:02.408 INFO GCLog - XDownloadInstallHelper: observerEvent
21:20:02.484 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: GCDownloadInstallServiceStartHelper
execute() invoked from is: XDownloadInstallHelper UniteCountryCodeFinishEvent,
param isForceUpdate is: false, isContinueAllDownload is: false
21:20:02.512 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init
21:20:02.614 INFO GCLog - ApkFileSha256Manager: init() apk fileSha256 success.
21:20:02.916 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:20:02.927 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:20:02.932 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:20:02.950 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:20:02.952 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:20:02.954 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:20:02.955 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:20:02.960 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:20:02.995 INFO GCLog - PushDownloadHelper: resumeDownloadByNetJobs!
21:20:03.032 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:20:03.035 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:20:03.058 INFO GCLog - ConfigHelper: whiteList config observer send
21:20:03.060 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:20:03.073 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:20:03.075 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:20:03.085 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:20:03.086 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:20:03.088 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:20:03.109 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
21:20:03.113 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = e44d700e-
21:20:03.123 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check start
21:20:03.125 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************ry/check traceName =
21:20:03.141 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query start
21:20:03.149 INFO GCLog - http_request: *****************nu/query traceName =
21:20:03.218 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query start
21:20:03.227 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/query
traceName = 503163d7-4467-4f88-8377-e10eec340525
21:20:03.254 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check start
21:20:03.257 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************************st/check
traceName = 20337f45-eed0-40e0-aefd-060e667e3943
21:20:04.911 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: queryAllAppUpdate() start.
21:20:04.991 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver:
21:20:04.992 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver:
21:20:04.994 INFO GCLog - WifiStateChangeReceiver: WifiStateChangeReceiver: report
21:20:05.051 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:20:05.056 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:20:05.071 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:20:05.074 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:20:05.083 ERROR GCLog - com.hihonor.gamecenter.bu_base.reserve.ReserveHelper:
query reserve online info token is null
21:20:05.124 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get start
21:20:05.126 INFO GCLog - http_request: ***********nfig/get traceName = 29ad284c-
21:20:08.309 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/query end, fail errorMsg =
21:20:08.311 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *****************nu/query end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:20:08.313 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************ry/check end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:20:08.314 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
21:20:08.315 ERROR GCLog - BaseReqImpl: queryCountryAvailability error:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
21:20:08.316 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:20:08.317 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: checkAccountServ resp.errorCode is:
21:20:08.316 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************************st/check end, fail errorMsg =
21:20:08.318 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
21:20:08.322 INFO GCLog - SplashAdFloatBallHelper: getGreyModeConfig() isGreyMode
is: null
21:20:08.328 INFO GCLog - AmsLocHelper: start get service: net error
21:20:08.349 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() success.
21:20:08.365 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: localSPKidsMode=false,
21:20:08.370 INFO GCLog - MinorsModeSetting: refreshKidsMode=false
21:20:08.405 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: checkAmsServiceForBootStartupResult:
notifyAmsCheckResult,result=Error(errMsg=check service error)
21:20:08.407 INFO GCLog - AmsServiceImpl: notifyState:
notifyAmsCheckResult,lastAmsCheckResult=BootStartupResult.Unknown is false
21:20:08.416 ERROR GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: StartupUseCase handleResult: startup
error is: check service error
21:20:08.424 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootMinorsAccountGuardianVerificationEvent: false
21:20:08.426 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
BootChildModeWithNotLoginEvent: false
21:20:08.432 INFO GCLog - HnPushProvider: PushServiceImpl getPushStatus : enable
21:20:08.433 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:20:08.435 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken:enable:true
21:20:08.433 INFO GCLog - GameCenterBizApplication: observerEvent
AgreementUpdateEvent: false null
21:20:08.440 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:20:08.442 INFO GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken isLoginOut=false
21:20:08.472 INFO GCLog - GetAppInfoHelp: getInstalledPackages end
21:20:08.532 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:20:08.545 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:20:08.561 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:20:08.582 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:20:08.606 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************n/upload start
21:20:08.609 INFO GCLog - http_request: *********************n/upload traceName =
21:20:08.597 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:20:08.619 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:20:08.622 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:20:08.652 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:20:08.708 INFO GCLog - START_UP_PROCESS: MainPageFrameRepository
getMainFrameFromNet() load data to mem file sp success.
21:20:08.718 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ********************k/update start
21:20:08.723 INFO GCLog - http_request: ********************k/update traceName =
21:20:10.188 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ***********nfig/get end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:20:10.193 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
21:20:10.200 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguage language is: es
21:20:10.202 INFO GCLog - LanguageHelper: getLanguageCountryCode:es-US
21:20:10.204 INFO GCLog - isPersonalRecommend getIntelligentRecommend -> true
21:20:10.206 ERROR GCLog - HonorDeviceUtils: getAppInfoFromPkgName fail ->
21:20:10.271 INFO GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from ****************h/v1/get start
21:20:10.273 INFO GCLog - http_request: ****************h/v1/get traceName =
21:20:10.668 ERROR GCLog - http_request: SafeGuardInterceptor intercept() request
from *********************n/upload end, fail errorMsg = UnknownHostException
21:20:10.671 ERROR GCLog - http_request:
SafeGuardInterceptor exception when requesting Unable to resolve host "gamecenter-": No address associated with hostname
21:20:10.673 ERROR GCLog - PushServiceImpl: updateToken bind fail[10999]
21:20:10.775 ERROR GCLog - AppListParamIntercept: when parse requestBodyStr error
Unable to resolve host "": No address
associated with hostname

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