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Grade 6 English Review - C Version

601C - Section 1
1. Search for the meaning of the words. Do spelling.
a. benefit d. outbreak
b. smother e. hostess
c. generate f. adapted

2. Fill in the blanks.

a. S__________ is to skim for the gist of the text.
b. P__________ h__________ is getting an idea of what and where the author is
c. A__________ p________ k__________ is recalling background learning about a topic.
d. While reading, you may s_____ u__________ w________ and later guess their
meanings as you keep on reading.
e. ___-___-___ strategy is a multi-step procedure that involves brainstorming, purpose-
setting and examining answers.

3. What do these letters mean?

a. K =
b. W =
c. L =

601C - Section 2
1. Search for the meaning of the words. Do spelling.
a. formula d. life
b. candy e. chimney
c. series

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

2. Complete the table below.

(Note to teacher: Please give the printed copy of this exercise if needed.)

1. No changes sheep

2. -us → ____/ ____/ _____ alumnus


3. -is → ________ analysis


4. -ex or -ix → ________ appendix


5. oo → ________ goose

6. -a → ________ formula

7. -ouse → ________ mouse


8. -ch, -s, -ss, -x, -z → ________ match


9. consonant + -o → ________ potato


10. vowel + -o → ________ radio


11. consonant + -y → ________ balcony


12. vowel + -y → ________ key


13. -f or -fe → ________ calf


14. -on → ________ phenomenon


15. Special cases bacterium


Grade 6 English Review - C Version

601C - Section 3
1. What are the TWO purposes of an introductory paragraph?

2. An introductory paragraph consists of:


3. What do supporting paragraphs do in an essay?


4. List and explain the characteristics of the supporting paragraph

a. Paragraph __________
i. Discusses only one __________ __________
ii. Contains __________ __________ that directly explain or prove the
__________ __________ that is stated in the ____________ __________.

b. Paragraph __________
i. All the sentences should flow together __________ and __________.
ii. It is achieved by using __________ __________ and arranging sentences in
__________ __________.

5. Paragraph Coherence
a. Types of transitional signals with examples
Show time relationship

Show spatial relationship

Introduce additional ideas

Introduce an opposite ideas

Show emphasis

Introduce a result

Introduce examples

Introduce a conclusion

b. Coherence through logical order

Time order ● A way of __________ __________ in a paragraph
according to when they __________.
● Also used to explain __________ and __________.

Spatial order ● Describe something according to its __________

__________ by arranging ideas or details according to the
__________ __________ of the objects according to
where they are __________.
● Described based on the __________ of things with the
__________ around them.

Order of importance ● Start with the __________ important idea and end with the
__________ important or __________ important to the
__________ important.

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

6. List the things that can be included in your conclusion

a. d.
b. e.

7. What are the TWO parts of a concluding paragraph?

a. The __________ __________
i. One or two sentences which __________ the __________ in a fresh way to
__________ the essay’s __________ __________.

b. The __________
i. Final __________ to create a lasting __________ on the reader
ii. Can include:
1. A __________ or __________
2. A __________ __________
3. A __________ of the future

601C - Module Review

1. An essay consists of
a. __________ paragraph
i. __________
ii. __________ sentence
iii. __________statement

b. __________ paragraph
i. __________sentence
ii. __________details

c. __________ paragraph

2. Study Q2 of Section Review 1.

3. Study the table from Section Review 2.

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

602C - Section 1
1. What do these letters mean?
a. K =
b. W =
c. L =

2. Make predictions on the following sentences based on the given facts. List four words or group
of words from the text that support your prediction.
(Note to teacher: Please give the printed copy of this exercise if needed.)

Example: Tony walked out of the shopping mall with his arms full of bags and the sun shining
on him. As he approached his car, he dropped the bags in his hands and started awkwardly
feeling around his pockets. He did not find what he was looking. He tried putting both hands
desperately into all of the pockets on his jeans. With a look of despair, Tony ran to his car. He
tried to open the door, but it was locked. He took his handphone out from his pocket and dialed
a number.

Tony had left his car keys in the car and locked the doors. He will call the locksmith to help him
unlock his car door.

i. Tried to open the door
ii. It was locked
iii. He took his phone out from his pocket
iv. Dialed a number

a. Ding! The timer rang. Cassandra pulled the oven door open and the fragrance of hot
cherry pie filled the room. Steam was emanating from the surface of the pastry.
Cassandra took a deep whiff and said, "Mm..." She then put the pie on the kitchen table
to cool and went off to knit a hat for her grandson. Her dog Champ must have smelled
the pie too. He wandered into the kitchen, put his forelegs on the table, licked his lips…

i. ____________________
ii. ____________________
iii. ____________________
iv. ____________________

b. Cassie rolled over in her bed as she felt the sunlight hit her face. The beams were
warming the back of her neck when she slowly realized that it was a Thursday.
Struggling to open her eyes, she looked up at the clock. “7:48,” she shouted, “Oh no!”
Cassie jumped out of bed, threw on the first outfit that she grabbed, brushed her teeth
in two swipes, threw her books into her backpack, and then ran out the door.

i. ____________________
ii. ____________________
iii. ____________________
iv. ____________________

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

3. Match the revision tips to the correct definition.

a. Mind mapping b. Revise c. Cue cards d. Cues to e. Draw pictures

previous test memory

It is easier to remember visual facts than pages and pages of notes.

These are links to what you are studying.

This is where you summarise facts and can be carried around for frequent

A diagram leaves an imprint in your mind than pages full of words.

Familiarise yourself with possible exam questions.

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

602C - Section 2
1. Complete the table below.
(Note to teacher: Please give the printed copy of this exercise if needed.)

be am / is / are was / were been

has / have - had had





























Grade 6 English Review - C Version

2. Present perfect tense = __________ / __________ + __________

3. Past perfect tense = __________ + __________

4. List 5 discourse markers from your lesson.


602C - Section 3
1. Make a sentence for each of the simile and metaphor. Underline the words being compared.
a. like two peas in a pod
Meaning: Very similar, bearing a close resemblance.
b. as big as an elephant
c. as red as tomatoes
d. like cats and dogs
Meaning: to fight or argue a lot or in a very forceful and angry way
e. as sweet as candy
Meaning: describing someone’s action, words or looks as very nice or charming
f. wet blanket
Meaning: one that quenches or dampens enthusiasm or pleasure
g. sunshine of my life
Meaning: someone important and dear to your life
h. apple of my eyes
Meaning: something or someone, cherished above others

2. Write a sentence using adverb of

a. Time
b. Frequency
c. Place
d. Manner
e. Degree of quality

3. Read Mark 4: 35 - 41. Find the

a. Main character
b. Setting
c. Climax
d. Falling action
e. Moral of the story

602C - Module Review

1. In about 80 words, describe an unforgettable holiday. In your essay, use the five senses,
similes and metaphors. Use the following questions to help you.
a. Where did you go for a holiday?
b. When did you go?
c. How did you travel around?
d. Who did you go with?
e. What did you see?
f. What did you eat?
g. What did you buy?
h. Why is it unforgettable?

2. Study Section Reviews 1,2 and 3.

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

602C - Alternate Test Review

1. In about 80 words, describe a memorable journey OR a strange encounter. In your essay,
use the five senses, similes and metaphors. Use the following questions to help you.
a. Where did you go/have that strange encounter?
b. When did you go/have that strange encounter?
c. How did you do there?
d. Who did you go with?
e. What did you see?
f. Are you able to describe what you saw, heard, smell, felt or tasted?
g. Why was it memorable/strange?

2. What do these metaphors or similes mean?

a. As busy as a bee
b. As bold as a lion
c. As wise as an owl
d. A lighthouse to the hopeless

3. Study
a. SR2 Q1
b. SR3 Q2

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

603C - Section 1
1. Search for the meaning and do spelling
a. attribute f. Timeline organiser
b. outspoken g. Making an inference
c. pacifist h. Recall
d. Scholarship i. Chronological order
e. Contextual clues

2. In not more than two sentences, make an inference about the following sentences.
(Note to teacher: Please give the printed copy of this exercise if needed.)

Example: Max broke out into full sobs when rain poured. He ran to his mother who was
unpacking the picnic basket while comforting him, “It’s okay, Max. We’ll find something else to

Answer: Max was upset because he could not go on a picnic on a rainy day.

a. Ken was all wet, he hoped he had listened to his mother to take an umbrella. Now he
feels uncomfortable because he has to sit in class with wet clothes and shoes.
b. I was cycling along the river, enjoying the soft breeze and nice scenery but I had to
stop suddenly.
c. It was february fourteenth but Lisa received a cake with ‘Happy Birthday’ written on top
from her husband. She was so angry at him for one week.
d. While the speaker was talking in front, everyone started looking at the ceiling and
whispering to each other.
e. Every member of the audience could not stop laughing after what they saw on the

603C - Section 2
1. Change the following sentences from direct to indirect speech.

a. The nurse said to the patient, “The doctor will be here in 5 minutes.”
b. My brother said to my father,”I will be going to college in September.”
c. She said to me, “Don’t do it again.”
d. Jane said, “I want to be a doctor like my father.”
e. George said,”I have met you before at the event.”

2. Correct the underlined verb to maintain verb tense consistency.

Example: Scientists predict that the sun will died in the distant future.
Answer: died → dead

a. The boy insisted that he has paying for the candy bars.
b. The doctor suggested and write a prescription for the patient.
c. Thousands of people will attended the concert because there will be a famous singer
d. I was very disappointed with my results because I studying very hard.
e. Everyone hopes the plan would worked.

3. Identify the underlined words as either an adjectival clause or an adverb clause with a tick (✔) in the
correct column.

Sentence Adjectival clause Adverb clause

a. My sister puts on sunscreen before going to the beach

because she does not want to get sunburned.

b. Pulau Penang, which is a famous state for its good

food, is visited by many foodies.

c. He went wherever his car took him.

d. As soon as the rain stopped, the children ran out to


Grade 6 English Review - C Version

e. A person who takes care of patients is called a nurse.

603C - Section 3
1. Search for the meaning and spelling. Then answer Question 2.
a. blaring f. Untied
b. aromatic g. swayed
c. suave h. creaked
d. anticipating i. wink
e. exotic

2. Classify the words in Question 1 according to the five senses.


3. Replace the underlined words in each sentence with more vivid and concrete words. Maintain
the original thought of each sentence. Use the options to help you.
had papers and files all over latest action-packed fragrant and tasty

had tears of joy rolling down her smiled warmly white with silver beads and a big
cheeks ribbon behind

a. My mother cried when I received my graduation certificate on stage.

b. We enjoyed watching the new movie, ‘Superman’.
c. His desk was very untidy.
d. She wore a beautiful gown to the wedding reception.
e. My grandmother can cook nice dishes.

603C - Module Review

1. Search for the meaning and do spelling
a. Adjective phrase i. Outspoken
b. Adjective clause j. Injured
c. Adverb phrase k. Mumbled
d. Adverb clause l. Growled
e. Doze off m. Jogged
f. Pantry n. Spurted
g. Dispute o. Howled
h. Influential

2. Narrate a personal experience that made you sad. Make your narrative as descriptive as you
can by using vivid language and sensory details. Write in about 80 words.
a. What was that experience?
b. Does it involve other people or things? State them.
c. How did it happen?
d. Why did that make you sad?
e. What have you learned from this experience?

3. Study Section Reviews 1, 2 and 3.

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

604C - Section 1
1. Search for the meaning and do spelling
a. snob k. bargain
b. rude l. characteristics
c. polite m. vitals
d. excited n. attitude
e. respect o. misconduct
f. rage p. damaged
g. sorrow q. restored
h. Inquire r. overflowing
i. back out s. scarce
j. purchase t. lacking

2. Refer to the exercises. If you have not done them, please copy the questions and complete
a. 601-Section 1, Question 2
b. 603-Section 1, Question 2

604C - Section 2
1. Search for the meaning of these words
a. rind
b. discard
c. blanch

2. Provide three examples for each type of discourse markers:

a. Time: __________, __________, __________
b. Sequence: __________, __________, __________
c. Addition: __________, __________, __________

3. Complete the table after reading the sentences.

Example: Neatly arrange the fruits on the platter.

a. Gently fold in the egg whites.
b. Boil the meat until it is slightly softened.
c. The children play so happily together.
d. Yvonne got dressed hurriedly because she was late.
e. The cat is incredibly happy to get its food.

Adverb of Manner Word it Modifies Verb, Adjective, Adverb

Example neatly arrange verb






Grade 6 English Review - C Version

604C - Section 3
1. Write the definitions
a. Lesson 3.1
i. When you try to explore and explain some events - not just merely describing
them, you are r .
ii. We write our perspective and evaluate an episode based on how you feel;
bothe the positive and negative. This is called a r e .
b. Lesson 3.2
i. The introduction will make clear you p for writing the essay and include a
thesis statement stating your perspective of the whole experience.
ii. The m b should contain three or even four paragraphs detailing the
incident and also your reactions to it.
iii. In the c , you can include one or more of the following aspects:
1. Re-emphasise ______________________________
2. Summarise your ______________________________
3. Mention how ______________________________
4. Mention what ______________________________
c. Lesson 3.4
i. S l helps create a mental picture of what you are describing using
your sense of sight, smell, taste,sound and touch.

2. Circle the word personified. Then underline the word that gives a human quality to the object,
idea or animal described.

Example: The wind whispered through the dark gloomy forest.

a. As we walked through the scorching desert, the sun beat down on us.
b. The sad waters of the icy wasteland streamed through barren landscape.
c. The engine coughed as Kevin turned the key.
d. His truck kissed the bumper of another car.
e. The crops begged for water but the drought continues.
f. The moon shone on the still waters of the lake.
g. Time crawled as Tim waited outside the operating room.
h. Monica was attracted to all the shiny shoes that call out to her.
i. The night was calm under the light of the moon.
j. The game spoke to Bobby day and night.

3. Rewrite the following sentences using vivid and interesting sensory descriptions. Write at least
2 sentences for each.
Example: My day was busy.
Due to a huge load or work, I ate lunch at my desk. I had to eat and do my work at the same

a. My friend makes me laugh.

b. I was scared and excited to know who the winner would be.
c. He was scared to walk into the classroom because he knows that his teacher is waiting
with the cane.
d. Lina was hungry while waiting for her food to come at the restaurant.

Stomach was growling like rolling thunder

Walking up and down while playing with my fingers
Stood at the door and having cold sweat

4. Describe your favourite song, artist, band or music genre. How did it affect your choices in
clothes, style and language? Write 5 to 10 sentences. Use the following questions to help you.
a. What is the name of your favourite song/artist/bad/music genre?
b. Why do you like him/her/it?
c. Do your clothes resemble or look like him/her/it?
d. Do your choices in style change because of him/her/it?
e. Did you learn a new language because of him/her/it?
f. Will you recommend him/her/it to your friends?

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

604C - Module Review

1. Choose a topic then write an introductory paragraph. Use the guidelines to help you.
(Printed version available)

a. A funny story of my pet

b. A person who changed my life
c. How my room has changed over the years

i. Form a question regarding your topic using the 5W1H (Who, What, When,
Where, Why, How)

ii. Answer to the question using your opinion.


iii. Write your thesis statement.

Main idea of the essay + 2/3 points for the body paragraphs

2. Describe the following using your five senses (see, smell, touch/feel, hear and taste)
a. A rainbow in the sky
b. Chocolate cupcake
c. Hot tea spilled on your clothes

3. Study Section Reviews 1, 2 and 3.

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

605C - Section 1
1. Search for the meaning and do spelling
a. famine
b. sparse

2. Read the following paragraph and answer the following questions.

(Printed version available)
It is sunny, hot and the coconut trees are dancing in the wind. I like to feel the waves splashing on
my feet and the tickly sand between my toes. The joyful scene of children building sandcastles,
playing with beach balls and flying kites make me feel like a small child again.

Where is the writer’s favourite holiday spot? How What activity does the writer like to do? How was it
was it stated? Explicit or implicit? Explain your stated? Explicit or implicit? Explain your answer.


Henry is sitting in his preferred corner with a cup of coffee and a slice of cake on the table. He has
his favourite Caramel Macchiato and Dark Chocolate Cake. This place can fill the five senses. The
air smells like coffee, there is soft classical music to listen to, many delicious desserts to taste, and
you can feel very relaxed while you read from your book or mobile device.

Where is Henry’s favourite place? How was it What does Henry like to do at this place? How was it
stated? Explicit or implicit? Explain your answer. stated? Explicit or implicit? Explain your answer.

605C - Section 2
1. Search for the meaning and do spelling
a. Greenhouse
b. Obesity
c. Hard drive
d. Social networking
e. Global warming
f. cancer

2. Copy from Lesson 2.3 about “What are Linking Verbs?”


3. Fill in the blanks with the correct verb forms.

(Printed version available)
Deforestation has (be) many negative effects on the environment. The most dramatic
impact _____(be) the lost of habitat for millions of species. Several percent of Earth’s land
animals and plants _______(live) in the forest, and many cannot _______(survive) the
deforestation that destroys their homes.

Removing trees _______(deprive) the forest of portions of its canopy, which

_______(block) the sun’s rays during the day and _________(hold) the heat at night. This
disruption _______(lead) to more extreme temperature swings that can be harmful to plants
and animals.

Trees also _______(play) a critical role in absorbing the greenhouse gasses that
_______(fuel) global warming. Fewer forests _______(mean) larger amounts of greenhouse
gases entering the atmosphere.

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

605C - Section 3
1. Select the best example to match the Answer the following questions with an example.
(Printed version is available)
a. It is foolish to be over- ● People use the mobile phone to
dependent on foreign connect with people from around
countries for staple food. the world virtually.

b. Materialism is more and more ● Some people choose to eat instant

important to people nowadays. food everyday just to save money
to buy branded goods.

c. In this modern age, the mobile ● Malaysia is able to grow its own
phone is known as the best rice but still imports rice from
invention. Thailand.

2. Match the examples to the correct topic sentence by writing the ALPHABETS in the correct
(Printed version is available)
a. My good friend, Simon, promised me that he will watch a movie with me this weekend
and he did not break his promise.
b. My grandparents, who are in their 70’s go for morning walks every day that is why they
are still very healthy today.
c. Studies have shown that walking for about 15 minutes can reduce weight issues.
d. I had forgotten my English assignment. My friend helped me and we wrote the essay in
20 minutes before class started.
e. In order to show understanding between friends, we must get to know each other well.
f. A study involving 30 women, showed that exercising daily improved their moods and
reduced their anxiety.
g. Friends understand each other and respect each other when they go through good or
bad times.

Topic Exercise brings good benefits to a person’s Trust and understanding is very important in
Sentence physical and mental health. a friendship.


Grade 6 English Review - C Version

3. Copy this table on comparative adjectives.

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

605C - Module Review

(Please take the printed version for this review)
1. Search for the meaning and do spelling
a. Climate -
b. Homepage -
c. Hygiene -
d. Well-being -
e. Deforestation -
f. Hacker -
g. Back-up -

2. Put a tick ( ) beside the THREE MOST SUITABLE examples for the topic sentence.
Topic Sentence:
Relationships, family bonding and social skills are affected by the internet, technology and gadgets.

Family members do not talk often, do not eat together...

Everyone in the family will meet up once a week for dinner.

They eat while watching movies/games/etc on the gadgets

People stay at home rather than go for gatherings, events,

Family members plan for a holiday once a year.

3. Using the short text about Isaac Newton then complete the outline of the essay.
Isaac Newton is one of the most famous scientists of all time, and he discovered some amazing
things. He was born in Woolsthorpe, England on 4 January 1643.

At about 12 years old, Isaac Newton was expelled from school because he fought with one of the
other students! So, his mother wanted him to be a farmer but it wasn’t meant to be as he hated
farming.So, he went back to school again and became the top student! No wonder he was such a
brilliant man.

In his university days, he discovered what is called the Law of Universal Gravitation. Apparently this
discovery came about when he saw an apple falling from a tree, and this led him to the answer that
“Whatever goes up must come down.”Eventually, this discovery allowed people to understand how
the planets and the sun moved around.

Other than that, he invented the Reflecting Telescope where he used mirrors to reflect light and
create images from that.They still use this in major telescopes today.

Thesis I would like to meet ___________________(a historical person’s name) if i am

statement: able to travel back in time.

Reason 1: First reason I would like to meet him because he...

Reason 2:

Reason 3:


Grade 6 English Review - C Version

606C - Section 1
1. Search for the meaning
a. Biography d. Megaspore
b. Pictographs e. Megaplex
c. Hydrogen f. Hydroelectric

606C - Section 2
1. Copy the notes from
a. Lesson 2.1


● ●

● ●

● ●

2. Change the following active sentences to passive.

a. Thomas Newcomen invented the first steam engine in 1712.
b. Mines in the Industrial Revolution used the steam engine to remove water from mines.
c. In 1764, James Watt improved the Newcomen steam engine.
d. With Watt’s improvements, many industries started to use steam engines.
e. Steam engines replaced manual work during the Industrial Revolution.

606C - Section 3
1. Copy the notes from Lesson 3.4,
Steps to writing a persuasive essay:
i. iv.
ii. v.
iii. vi.

606C - Module Review

1. Complete the essay outline for this question: ‘Why are people so materialistic now?’
Thesis statement: People are more materialistic because of the influence from _________, ________
and lack of education on the differences between ________ and ________.

Reason 1: Explanation: Society’s definition of happiness is to spend m__________ for

Influence from enjoyment only.
society Example: Drink, smoke and take drugs.

Reason 2: Explanation: Advertisements want people to buy the n______ / l______ things in
Wrong influence order to be considered as successful.
from media Example: Gadgets and fashion items

Reason 3: Explanation: Children are not taught to s__________ their money wisely to meet
Do not know the needs of themselves and others.They should be taught that money should be
differences between spent wisely on basic needs such as food, clothing and shelter. If there is extra, it
needs and wants should be given to charity or invested.

Conclusion: Being materialistic is not the most important thing in life. We have to use the
materials that are available to help us achieve quality time with the people around

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

606C - Section 3
1. Complete the following letter with the verbs in brackets in the right tense (present simple,
present continuous, present perfect, will, past simple, past continuous, gerund).

Dear Janet,

I just read (read) your email, but my computer is ___________(not work), so I have decided to send you a

Next month, I will ___________ (move) to the new flat and I already ___________ (buy) the furniture. I can’t

Let me ___________ (tell) you more about the flat: there ___________ (be) two big rooms, a kitchenette
and a small bathroom. Last weekend I got a very nice lamp for the living room, but unfortunately I
___________(break) it when I was (clean) the flat. How clumsy of me! That ___________(make) me feel so
sad for the rest of the day.

Now I am__________ (wait) for my sister. We are _________ (go) to a party together later and I do
_________ (not know) what to wear.However, I hope my sister can _________ (lend) me something nice
for tonight.

I have to go now, it _________ (be) nice to hear from you. Please get in touch again soon. Looking forward
to seeing you!

Your friend,

2. Read the following sentences. Then, rewrite the sentences by changing them from passive to
active or active to passive forms.
a. Many new attractions have been built in this new town by the government.
b. The nurse brought her to her bed.
c. Book reviewers will write a review for the new book today.
d. A new product is being launched at the store now.
e. The agreement will be signed on Monday by the contractors of the project.

3. Search for the definition of these words.

a. Frustrated
b. Motivated
c. Dangerous
d. Restricted
e. Elated

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

607C - Section 1
1. Draw a fishbone diagram and label all the seven(7) elements in this diagram.

607C - Section 2
1. Read the text and answer the following questions.
(Note to teacher: Please give the printed copy of the text if necessary)

I am watching a Chinese opera which is very exciting. There are many singers, dancers
and acrobats on the stage. While the singers tell a story through their song, the dancers sway
their scarves in the air gracefully. After that, the acrobats, entertainers who perform spectacular
gymnastic feats, stage fights of the olden times. Some of them wielded swords and some
leaped over fire. I think they are very brave.
At the back of the stage, I can see a group of musicians. The musicians play various
oriental musical instruments. There are drums, cymbals, flutes and a gong. All the instruments
played in harmony which was very pleasing to the ear. However, the gong only sounded at
particularly exciting moments.
Lastly, there is a final act. The hero and heroine of the story. In the scene, the hero
rescues the heroine from a magician. As the story comes to its climax,the most exciting part,
the musicians also played enthusiastically that made the whole atmosphere very tense. At last,
the hero and heroine proved their courage and love for each other. Then, everyone in the
audience gives them a loud round of applause.

a. Write two appositive sentences from the text.

b. Copy three subordinate clauses from the text.

607C - Section 3
1. Combine the following sentences using the -ing modifier.
Example: She peeked through the crack in the wall. She saw the thief.
Peeking through the crack in the wall, she saw the thief.
a. The nurse gave out the medication. She made sure everyone had one.
b. The scientists did a research. They discovered the cause of the virus.

2. Combine the following sentences using the past participle modifier.

Example: Jenny is known to be very charitable. She will be conducting a charity fair this
Known for her being charitable, Jenny will be conducting a charity fair this weekend.
a. Kenny studied hard for his test. He did not want to fail again.
b. Linda gave away all her old clothes. She had too many clothes in her cupboard.

3. Combine the two sentences using appositives.

Example: Sharon is the new branch manager of the bank. She is a Masters of Business holder.
Sharon, a Masters of Business holder, is the new branch manager.
a. The exchange students are top students in their university. They are from Canada.
b. The doctor is famous for neurosurgery. He is the Director of this hospital.

4. Read the phrases,

Phrases ● A hot-tempered tennis player

● Robbie Ronalds
● Lost the tennis match
● Threw his racket att one of the audience

Then, write sentences with the appositive placed at the

a. beginning
b. middle
c. end

607C - Module Review

1. Study Section Reviews 1, 2 and 3

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

608C - Section 1
1. List the elements of a story or narrative. Lesson 1.1,
a. e.
b. f.
c. g.

608C - Section 2
1. Form 2 sentences for each of the Thinking Verbs:

a. Classify

b. Distinguish

c. Identify

d. Remember

e. Sort

2. Complete the table with the correct forms of adjectives.


Example: Important More important Most important

a. expensive

b. careful

c. beautiful

d. excellent

3. From Lesson 2.2, list FIVE examples of

a. Discourse markers
b. Connectors
c. Thinking Verbs

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

608C - Section 3
1. Match the words to the correct synonym. This question will be helpful for the paraphrasing and
summarising part of your section test.

accomplished advantages begin builds certainly

detailed efficiently either fine fundamental

innumerable lure managing perception purchasing

require restricted savour selections sufficient

support target tiny utilise wider

a. countless = j. good = s. whether =
b. benefits = k. provide = t. goal =
c. start = l. enough = u. use =
d. meticulous = m. basic = v. enjoy =
e. buying = n. effectively = w. choices =
f. demand = o. creates = x. broader =
g. discernment = p. temptation = y. limited =
h. handling = q. achieved =
i. indeed = r. small =

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

2. Shorten and paraphrase the following texts using your own words. Use the synonyms to help
you and also the notes from Question 2. You DO NOT NEED to change all the words.
(Note to teacher: please give the printed copy of this exercise if needed)

Example: For many people across Europe, the introduction of the Euro has lead to price rises
in many everyday goods.
across = all over
introduction = initiation
lead = contributed
rises = increase
goods = things

Answer: The initiation of the Euro had contributed to price increase in many everyday things for
many people all over Europe.

a. It is sometimes thought that it is beneficial for companies to sponsor sports events

through advertising. By doing this, extra funding, which is often lacking, can be raised
to support sports events and ensure that they continue to run.
thought = believed
beneficial = advantageous
companies = businesses
lacking = short supply
raised = increased
ensure = make certain
run = operate.

b. Women have traditionally been seen as mothers and homemakers and it is only in
recent years that they have been making significant inroads into the job market. There
is still a long way to go before they achieve complete equality with men but the situation
has definitely improved.
traditionally = generally/commonly
recent = current
significant = meaningful
achieve = accomplish
complete = total
situation = position
definitely = certainly / absolutely
improved = enhanced

c. In the 1920s, an American academic, Elton Mayo, researched the effects of the
physical environment on the productivity of workers. The result, known as the
Hawthorne Studies, named after the electrics company where it took place, showed
that workers could be motivated to work harder by making small changes to the
workplace, such as altering the lighting or the layout of a room.
researched = investigated
productivity = output
workers = employees
result = conclusion
showed = revealed
motivated = encourage
small = minor
altering = adjusting
layout = design

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

608 - Module Review

1. Match the words to the correct synonym. This section will be helpful for the paraphrasing and
summarising part in your test. Just like 608-Section 3, Question 3.

found influential tournament close believable

adaptation immature require handle self-reliant

function arrange complete inspect determined

alter conclude convert carry on casual

a. adjustment h. discovered n. plausible =
= = o. playoff =
b. believe = i. do = p. powerful =
c. change = j. independent q. preparation
d. check = = =
e. childish = k. juggle = r. proven =
f. continue = l. normal = s. rechannel =
g. demand = m. operate = t. tight =

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

609C - Section 1

609C - Section 2
1. Present continuous tense = __________ + verb + __________
2. Past continuous tense = __________ + verb + __________
3. Past perfect continuous tense = __________ + verb + __________
4. Present perfect continuous tense = __________ + verb + __________

609C - Section 3

609C - Module Review

1. Study Section Reviews 2.

2. Write a summary of the stories in five sentences or less.

(Note to teacher: please give the printed copy of this exercise if needed)

a. The Truthful Woodcutter

One day a woodcutter's axe accidentally fell into a river. The poor wood cutter
made a good search in the water.
But his efforts were in vain. Finally he burst into tears. Hearing his sobs, an
Angel appeared before him.
The Angel dived into the river and came up carrying a golden axe. The
woodcutter did not accept it. He stated that his axe was made of iron.
The Angel disappeared and soon returned with a silver axe. The wood cutter
again denied that it was his axe.
The Angel once again plunged into the river. It soon re-appeared carrying the
axe of the wood cutter. The poor man greeted the angel with words of profuse thanks
and great joy.
The Angel was impressed by the man's honesty. She presented him with the
golden and silver axes in recognition of his truthful nature.




b. The Disobedient Son

Once there was a rich farmer in a village. He had a lot of land, cattle, money
and many servants. He had two sons. He led a happy life with them. After a few years,
the younger of the two sons became unhappy.
He asked his father for his share of property. His father advised him not to
demand like that. His mother also advised her son to do so. But he would not listen to
his father’s words. He got his share and sold them. He had a huge amount with him.
Once he got much money, he got a bad company of friends.
With this amount, he travelled to a distant country where he did all he wished.
He had another bad company of friends there as well. Because of this, he fell into evil
All the money was gone. He became poor. AT that time, no one helped him out
of bad company. Soon, he fell into debt. Then he understood his mistake and returned
to his country and to his parents.
He afterwards obeyed his parents and led a happy life.



Grade 6 English Review - C Version

610C - Section 1
1. Search for the meaning and do spelling.
a. apprenticeship
b. dismissed
c. subsidiary

610C - Section 2
1. Underline the noun phrase in each sentence.
Example: Our hamster escaped its cage and got lost.

a. My cousin John wore a scarf to keep himself warm.

b. Your sister had an accident and must stay in the hospital.
c. The competition will begin right after the judges arrive.
d. Mr Johnson had to walk through the old roads to reach that house.
e. The football player had a serious fall and had his leg in a cast.

610C - Section 3


Dear ____________,

(body of letter)

Lots of love,
(Your Name)



(Your Name)
(Your Address)

(Company’s Name)
(Company’s Address)

Dear Sir/Madam,

(Title) .

(body of letter)
Paragraph 1: Reason for writing.
Paragraph 2: Details of complaint
Paragraph 3: Expected action from the company.
Paragraph 4: Thank you.

Yours faithfully,
(Your signature)
(Your Name)

1. Write a thank you letter to a friend or relative, thanking him or her for a birthday gift.
Grade 6 English Review - C Version

i. What was the gift that you have received? (book, pencils, latest phone, dress,
ii. What does the gift look like? (colour, shape, brand, etc.)
iii. Why do you like that gift? What attracted you?
iv. Do you plan to meet this person?

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

2. Write a letter of complaint to the Yummy Biscuit Company about an overcharge of RM30 on a
box of biscuits that you had ordered from them. The advertisement stated that the biscuits
should cost RM 120.00, plus RM10.00 handling charges.

Copy the essay and read.

22 May 2019

45, Jalan Bunga Putih

Taman Bunga

81100 Johor Bahru

Yummy Biscuit Company

1, Jalan Putih,

Taman Industri

81100 Johor Bahru

Dear Sir/Madam,

A Complaint about Overcharge of Item

I am writing to complain about an overcharge of a box of biscuits that I have ordered.

The original cost in the advertisement was RM120.00, plus RM10.00 handling charges, which is a total of

RM130.00. However, I was overcharged by RM30.

I am not happy with your oversight. Kindly rectify the matter and reimburse me of the overcharged amount.

Please contact me at 010-1234567 for my bank account details.

Thank you for your attention.

Yours faithfully,

(Your Name)

Grade 6 English Review - C Version

610C - Module Review

1. Write an apology letter to a friend to apologise for the argument that you had with him/her. Use
the guide questions to help you form the content of your letter.
a. What is that friend’s name?
b. When did the argument happen?
c. What was the argument about?
d. Why are you in the wrong?
e. When will the both of you meet again?

Dear ____________,


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