Summative 1 Ucsp Finals

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Cebu Province
Hilario P. Davide, Sr. National High School
Colawin, Argao, Cebu

Name:________________________________Grade & Section: ______________ Date:______Score:___

Understanding Culture, Society, and Politics
Summative Test # 1

Directions. Read each question carefully and choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the
letter on the answer sheet prepared.

____1. What is often defined as the lifelong process of experiencing, learning, imbibing, and
transmitting culture?
A. Folkways B. Mores C. Norms D. Socialization
____2. What is referred to as one’s social position in any given society?
A. Status B. Personality C. Characteristic D. Identity
____3. What socialization allows one to learn appropriate behavior to be displayed within a
smaller group which is still part of a larger society?
A. Developmental B. Primary C. Resocialization D. Secondary
____4. What refers to a violation of established norms?
A. Conformity B. Deviance C. Folkways D. Taboos
____5. What are institutions that develop an individual’s capacities toward shaping him/her to
become a productive member of society through teaching-learning process?
A. Family B. Neighbors C. Media D. Schools
____6. Enculturation:Socialization; Folkways: _______________
A. Hope B. Mores C. Customs D. Traditions
____7. What type of socialization is when a child learn the values, norms and behaviors that
should be displayed in order to live according to a specific culture?
A. Developmental B. Primary C. Secondary D. Resocialization
____8. Nature: Heredity; Nurture: _________________
A. Society B. Integrity C. Family D. Interaction
____9. What refers to a society’s defined set of what is good and desirable, which form the
foundation of how life should be lived?
A. Folkways B. Mores C. Norms D. Values
____10. What refers to a learning process by which old roles and behaviors of individuals are
replaced by new ones?
A. Anticipatory B. Developmental C. Primary D. Resocialization
____11. What are the agents of socialization?
A. Education B. Family C. Mass Media D. All of the Above.
____12. What refer to rules and expectations that guide the individual’s behavior in his/her
A. Folkways B. Laws C. Mores D. Norms
____13. Ascribed:Birth; Achieved: _________________
A. Luck B. Fulfillment C. Education D. Perseverance
____14. What refers to the adoption of attitudes and values of a group to which one does not
belong, serving the twin functions of facilitating a move into that group and easing the
process of adjustment after becoming a member of it?
A. Anticipatory B. Developmental C. Primary D. Secondary
____15. What refers to particular circumstances of a society and consist of its culture, language,
and the social structures that define social class, ethnicity, and gender?
A. Race B. Results C. School D. Social Context
____16. Desirable:Values; Unacceptable: _______________
A. Taboos B. Regulations C. Criminality D. Social Order
____17. What is/are the factors that affect socialization?
A. Race B. School C. Family D. All of the above.
____18.What is the process by which individuals acquire the knowledge, skills, attitudes, and
values that enable them to become functioning members of their societies?
A. Deviance B. Enculturation C. Status D. Values

For nos. 19-23, please refer to the choices below. Identify the type of socialization described.
A. Primary Socialization B. Secondary Socialization C. Developmental Socialization D. Resocialization

____19. Elnadhen does not want to perform in front of everyone because she is shy. But she
overcame that when she opens up more to the class through performances.
____20. Mary Ann immigrated to Canada for a better future for her and her family. She doesn’t
want to forget being a Filipino but she wanted to find better opportunities.
____21. Vince Annine does not really have confidence in herself but after talking with her friends
and her teachers, she tried to gain self-trust and eventually became comfortable in class.
____22. Since her birth until she got married, Jhia Mae maintained to be a respectful and helpful
person through the guidance of her mother.
____23. Nicole was not a disciplined young woman, but when she started joining in Tong II Modo
lessons, she realize how important it is to be a disciplined person so she applied it.

For nos. 24-27, please refer to the choices below. Identify what agent of socialization is
responsible for the growth of the person involved.

A. Education B. Family C. Mass Media D. Peer Group

____24. Rossel became a Tong Il Modo martial artist because the school offered an opportunity.
____25. Clifford became a hardworking and responsible father because of his dad.
____26. Carl wanted to be well-liked by his classmates and friends so he is kind to everyone.
____27. Brylle wanted to be seen on tv as a Pinoy Big brother housemate.

____28. Becoming a member of a society has a lot of factors. Which one is NOT a factor?
A. Birth B. Choice C. Dream D. Influences
____29. What is/are the focus of socialization?
A. To be famous C. To horde knowledge
B. To develop values D. To be a linguist
____30. Why does a person need to understand the value of enculturation/socialization?
A. The person will have a better view of his/her future.
B. The person will be guided as to what to do in certain aspects of his life.
C. The person will have a holistic understanding of his/her being and existing.
D. The person will become more adept in becoming who everyone wants him/her to be.

“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise
wisdom and instruction.”
-Proverbs 1:7

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