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EscrIbe oraciones con la preposicion AT

1. We will meet at the park at noon for a picnic.

2. She excels at playing the piano.
3. The conference is scheduled to take place at the convention center.
4. He's currently at the airport waiting for his flight.
5. They always meet at the same café for their weekly catch-up.

Escribe 5 oraciones que especifique el dia y la parte de ese mismo dia.

1. On Monday morning, I like to go for a run before starting work.

2. On Friday afternoon, we usually have a team meeting to review our progress.
3. On Wednesday evening, I enjoy relaxing at home and watching a movie.
4. On Saturday night, we're planning to go out for dinner to celebrate a friend's birthday.
5. On Sunday morning, I attend a yoga class to kick-start my day.

Escribe 5 oraciones con las partes que componen la cabeza

1. The eyes are the windows to the soul.

2. She wore a beautiful flower in her hair.
3. He felt a sharp pain in his temple.
4. I need to schedule an appointment with the dentist for my teeth.
5. Her new earrings sparkled in the light.

Escribe 5 oraciones con elementos de la cosina

1. I need to sharpen the knives before preparing dinner.

2. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee filled the kitchen.
3. She carefully placed the hot dish on the trivet to protect the table.
4. The chef used a whisk to beat the eggs for the cake batter.
5. The refrigerator is stocked with fresh produce and dairy products.

Escribe 5 oraciones diferentes con la reposicion on

1. The book is on the table next to the lamp.

2. I put on my jacket before heading out into the cold.
3. The painting on the wall adds a pop of color to the room.
4. The cat is lying on the rug by the fireplace.
5. I usually listen to music on my way to work.
Escribe estos numeros en letra.

5,368 Five thousand three hundred sixty-eight

13555. Thirteen thousand five hundred fifty-five

3798. Three thousand seven hundred eight

81254 Eighty-one thousand two hundred fifty-four

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