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Trials of Cydaria: A LitRPG Adventure

(System Universe Book 4) Sunrisecv

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Also in Series

Plight of Kelvin
1. Loose Lips
2. Natalie’s New Guests
3. Day of the Auction
4. Honor
5. Walter’s Real Strength
6. Auction: Beginning
7. The Walking Forge
8. Auction: Finale
9. Transactions
10. Skill Shopping
11. Kingdom’s Request
12. Raids
13. You Get a Scroll, You Get a Scroll!
14. Final Preparations
15. Potion of Mental Permanence
16. Setting Off
17. Participants 25/25
18. Trials
19. The First Trial
20. Camp
21. Osian
22. The Void Emporium
23. No Free Meals
24. How the Turns have Tabled
25. Trust Me
26. All Smith
27. Welcome to the Academy
28. Future of the Kingdom
29. Trial One - Complete
30. The Second Trial
31. The (Real) Legendary Beasts
32. How to Control Your Dragonokay
33. First Contact
34. Specialty?
35. Shared Experience
36. How to Tame Your Dragon
37. Blitz
38. Post-Fight Analysis
39. Lyra
40. Dragon Rider
41. Gotta Catch ’Em All
42. Mission – Complete
43. Hindsight
44. To Bribe a Smith
45. Rocky
46. Final Preparations
47. Error…
Derek’s Final Stat
Thank you for reading Trials of Cydaria


System Change
Trials of Cydaria

D arvin sighed again as he flipped through pages and pages of data. He

had been doing that a lot recently, sighing. Since Kelvin hadn’t
brought back any useful information, at least no information useful
to him, Darvin had taken it upon himself to look deeply into the matter.
There had been others who ventured off outside the system while
Darvin was a System Watcher, but the system had never acted this way
about them. This led the Malaxi to a theory that the system wasn’t actually
after Derek Hunt. The human must have stumbled upon something, and the
system had enough of a connection with the man to notice.
But, no matter how deep Darvin searched in his collective memories or
how deep he dived into the system’s database, he came up short. Still, he
refused to stop searching. He had nothing better to do, anyway.
Since the expansion of the system began skewing in one direction, not a
single new habitable planet had been found for integration. Darvin had no
tutorials to initiate nor new users to keep an eye on. And since most of the
more powerful systems users had learned of the anomaly, everyone was
more well-behaved than normal. He wasn’t the only one anxiously awaiting
whatever the system had in store for them.
That was one silver lining that came with the anomaly. If the situation
continued the way it had been since it appeared, then Darvin would have
months, if not years—depending on how long it took the system to get to
where it was going—of free time where he didn’t have to settle disputes and
monitor everything.
Still, he had a sneaking suspicion that he would find something if he
just dug deep enough, so, while everything was calm, that was what he was
going to do. He would become the most informed System Watcher in
Well, these were his plans, at least. But things never go according to
plan… he thought as he looked up from his research to a screen to see the
teleporter activating. Of course, only the council members had access to the
teleporter, so it was limited to a select few people, and Darvin had an
inkling of who was coming though.
Sure enough, when the teleporter flashed and a figure appeared, Kelvin
was standing there. With a determined look on his face, the man on the
screen marched forward, off the teleporter, and toward Darvin’s personal
Darvin sighed once again as he knew he was about to get company he
didn’t want. He swiftly closed the information, making sure to save his
progress so he wouldn’t lose his spot when he continued researching later.
Soon, a loud knock sounded on his door.
“Come in,” the System Watcher groaned in an annoyed voice.
The human threw the door open, then marched inside with purpose.
“Tell me this isn’t about that newly initiated human again.” Darvin was
fed up with Kelvin’s antics. He was a council member for system’s sake, yet
he’d visited multiple times complaining about a recently initiated human
from ‘Earth.’
“Just give me permission to eliminate him. I beg of you as part of the
council. That man is going to cause more trouble than he’s worth.”
“Isn’t that what the previous council members said about you?” Darvin
“They did, but this is different. I was overly excited and eager to
distinguish myself. That man just wants to fight and kill. He’s crazy. He
doesn’t care about gaining merits and standing, he only wants to kill.”
Kelvin pleaded.
“You know I can’t do anything about it. The man was ranked second on
planet C-186. The system designated this as his reward, and it will be done.
He is under your care, and you will do well to see that he comes to no
unnecessary harm. If he gets himself killed in battle, then that is on him, but
if he dies by scheming, you will be punished. Not by me but the system,”
Darvin explained.
“As System Watcher, surely you have the power to change the reward
just this once. At least send the menace over to one of the other councilors.”
“He is a human from your sector, and thus, he is your problem. I will
not use my status to alter such a tiny fate and reward. Now… please leave. I
am finished discussing this matter with you. I have much more important
things to do.”
“But—” Kelvin started but was instantly cut off.
“Now!” The Malaxi was over Kelvin’s complaining. He would not hear
it any longer. “And don’t come back unless there is something else. I will
not talk about Jace Whitaker again.”
In a huff, Kelvin turned around and stormed out, just as he had done the
previous times. Of course, Darvin had told him not to come back with the
same issue those times, too, but Kelvin was hardheaded and wouldn’t listen.
He would be back. If not in a week, then in a month. That man from planet
C-186 had truly gotten under the man’s skin.
Darvin did have to admit it, though… Jace was weird. He wasn’t a
psychopath, not necessarily, but he had an unbridled need for killing, which
was made all the more obvious by his class: Agent of Slaughter. But the
system had given him the class, then chose to reward him with off-planet
training. The man had accepted, so he was now Kelvin’s problem.
With a roll of his eyes, Darvin flicked his wrist, and the door to his
office shut. He pulled his research back up and began digging in. It wasn’t
fun, but surely, it would be rewarding.

Kelvin activated the teleporter to go back home. He wasn’t finished with

that damn Malaxi. He would be sure to give the small man another earful
about that kid. Because that’s what Jace was, a child. He’d never met
someone so immature and selfish.
When Kelvin stepped out of the teleporter, he left for the training
ground. Hopefully, the human hadn’t caused any problems in the short
amount of time Kelvin was gone.
Unfortunately, his worry was justified because as soon as he walked
through the tunnel and onto the outside training ground, one of his
lieutenants was standing on the throat of a bald man lying on the ground
and laughing uncontrollably.
To the side was another trainee kneeled over, grasping at his stomach,
trying to keep his innards from spilling out.
“Dammit!” Kelvin screamed. “I was gone for ten minutes at most, and
this is what I come back to! What the hell is going on here? Where the fuck
are the healers?”
Soon, a woman in a bloodstained healer’s garb came running out of the
same tunnel Kelvin had just come from. Her healer’s robe was usually
white, but apparently, she had been busy.
“Sir!” she gave a nod to Kelvin before rushing to the fallen trainee.
With her hands over his sliced-open belly, she cast a healing spell. Once the
wound was closed up well enough for the man to stand, she gave him her
shoulder to lean on, and they walked back by, heading toward the infirmary.
“Bracen! What happened?” he asked his lieutenant once again.
“Sir!” The man saluted but didn’t dare remove his foot from the neck of
the man on the ground. “He did it again. He wanted to go out, to a planetary
battle, but you were gone, so I sent him to the training grounds to… spar.”
Bracen hesitated.
Kelvin rolled his eyes. “He”—he pointed at the man—“is not allowed to
spar without the supervision of a lieutenant or higher. Didn’t you get the
“I was to be the supervisor, sir,” Bracen admitted. “I sent him ahead of
me by no more than a minute. In that time, he severely injured two
“I didn’t kill them.” The man on the ground finally stopped laughing
long enough to talk. “I promised that I wouldn’t kill while in the
headquarters, and I won’t. But these recruits are soft. They need some real
experience. An enemy isn’t going to withdraw their blade because you get
Kelvin couldn’t disagree with Jace, but the young man was still making
his life a living hell. He and his lieutenants had better things to do than
constantly monitor the psycho.
“Let him up,” Kelvin commanded, and Bracen removed his foot from
Jace’s throat, letting the young man stand.
Jace gave Kelvin a toothy grin as blood leaked from his mouth. “I am a
lower level than both of them, yet they can’t beat me two-on-one. How is it
they got the same reward that I did? This isn’t even fun anymore,” he said
as he brushed the dust off his tank top, which didn’t really do much,
considering the blood stains.
“It’s not supposed to be fun!” Kelvin grunted. “It is training. We’re
teaching you how to survive in the system universe. If you go around
offending everyone you meet, you’re not going to last long.”
“So what if I die?” Jace spat. “That just means that I wasn’t strong
enough. But I’ll get there. I’ll have your position soon enough. You’ll be the
one bleeding on the ground calling for help. Just give me a year… No…
give me six months.”
“With that attitude, you won’t make it six months!” Lieutenant Bracen
“Get your shit and follow me,” Kelvin said, directed at Jace. “You
wanted to go to a planetary battle? I’ve got the perfect one for you.”
Surely, nothing would happen to him if Kelvin did as Jace asked and
dropped him off in the middle of a war zone. It was the kid’s request, after
all. Kelvin wouldn’t have to protect him there, and he was tired of watching
over him in the facility. The kid would either die or he would get his wish
and come back stupidly strong. Kelvin hoped for the former.
Jace was giddy with excitement as Kelvin led him through the tunnel to
one of the teleporters. Jace was too strong for the lower-level battles, and
the system wouldn’t allow Kelvin to throw him into a high-level battle. It
would basically be tossing him to his death. He would send him off to a
high mid-level battle. That, he could get away with. If the battle were to
turn into a high-level one, that was just bad luck.
“You got everything you need?” Kelvin asked.
Jace raised his right arm, showing the man his storage bracelet.
Soon, they arrived at the teleporter, and Kelvin punched in some
coordinates. He sent a few messages on his communication device, then
turned to Jace. “Step in. You’ll get your orders on the other side. Don’t
cause problems for the lieutenant over there. I’ve made sure that he will
send you to highly volatile areas.”
Jace’s smile stretched from eye to eye as he nodded excitedly.
“I hope you die,” Kelvin said. “Now, piss off.” With a swift boot, he
kicked the man into the teleporter, then deactivated it. He turned around and
let out a sigh. I really hope he dies.

W ith their enemies taken care of, Derek and his group made to leave
the palace courtyard. The entire area was a mess with splotches of
sand, unlevel earth, deep cuts in the ground, and general
destruction, but that had nothing to do with him. The king could figure all
that stuff out when he got back home.
Edward called on one of the servants left in the palace and handed the
surviving guard, Brandt, off to him. The guard was only unconscious now.
He would wake in time. Avery had revived him, and Edward pumped him
full of potions afterward. He just needed some rest.
“We can go now,” Edward said, and they all began their trek back to the
Teleportation Building under the murmurs and gazes of onlookers. What
happened here today would surely be gossiped about for a while—or at
least until something else big happened.
Avery left the group about a quarter of the way back. He had to get back
to the restaurant and his recruits. He had left the two boys in the middle of
training without giving them much of an explanation. Derek couldn’t help
but smile because the man’s eyes lit up just like his voice did when he
talked about them. It seemed the man really enjoyed having disciples.
“Well… that was uneventful,” Derek said as they walked through the
giant city.
“I know,” Edgar replied. “I really expected more out of the Vice Leader
of the Assassin’s Guild. I didn’t even get to go all out. It was all too easy.”
“She seemed a bit worse for wear because of Avery. It would have been
a better fight if she was fresh,” Derek said.
“Are the two of you crazy?” Edward cut in. “Uneventful? Easy? Do you
know what I just went through? Do you know what it’s like to have both of
your arms cut off?”
“Yes,” Edgar said.
“Kinda,” Derek replied.
“Y-you do?” Edward was flabbergasted.
“Unlike some members of my family, I don’t take it easy when I’m
Derek nodded. “You get your best skill-ups when you’re in real fights.”
He agreed with the young prince before shifting the conversation back to
his arms. He wasn’t expecting the man to give such an answer. “You had
both of your arms cut off?”
Edgar nodded. “Yeah. I was in a dungeon a couple of years ago. Have
you fought any of those Mantises with the scythe-like arms?”
“The wind ones?” Derek asked.
“Yeah, those,” Edgar confirmed. “I was fighting a boss type and lost an
arm early on in the fight. Then at the end, I gave up my other arm to finish
it off. Luckily, my team was there to help put me back together, and I was
able to reattach them instead of having to seek a healer that could grow
them back. What about you?”
“People,” Derek said. “People are the worst.”
“What happened?”
“Ambush,” Derek began. “I walked straight into it. One of those
mistakes you don’t make twice. Usually, you don’t get to make it once. I got
lucky. It’s one of the reasons I love my endurance and vitality so much.
Lost my arm in the ambush. When I finished the fight, my remaining arm
had multiple fractures. It was a pain, and I didn’t have a team to help put me
back together.”
“Yeah… the two of you are insane,” Edward said. “How come I never
heard about you losing your arms?” he asked Edgar.
“Loose lips sink ships,” Derek answered.
“I like that,” Edgar said. “Never heard it before.”
“It’s a saying where I come from,” Derek said. “Like snitches get
“I like that, too. I’ll have to remember those,” Edgar said. “But to
answer your question, Brother. My team knows when to talk and when to
keep their mouths shut.”
The three continued their small talk all the way back to Savannah. It
took much longer to get back when you weren’t guzzling Mana Potions and
using skills. By the time they made it back to the Crown Restaurant in
Savannah, it was dark out.
The three men were escorted back up to their original room where the
king, Alanah, and Natalie were still waiting for them.
“You took your time getting back.” Alanah gave Derek a sly smile.
“Avery reported in over an hour ago.”
Derek smiled. “Well, we weren’t in a rush this time, and I wanted to see
a little bit of the capital.”
“Wait. You knew?” the king butted in. “Why didn’t you say anything?”
Alanah shrugged. “You didn’t ask. I’m surprised your people haven’t
sent you anything.”
“About that,” Edward said. “Brandt is probably still unconscious. He
was beaten pretty good. He’s lucky Avery showed up when he did.”
“That’s good. I was worried,” the king replied. “So, what happened?
Did you capture Gerald?”
“Of course, we did.” Edgar pulled out his seat and flopped down. He
grabbed a fork and dug into whatever was in front of him. “Actually, it was
a letdown. Too easy.”
“Oh, here we go again.” Edward facepalmed.
“What?” the king asked.
Edward sighed. “I got my ass kicked, is what. I was nothing more than a
spectator while Avery fought three people, then when the Shadow Witch
got bored with me, Avery had to fight four people.”
“That doesn’t sound like it was too easy,” the king said.
“Well…” Edward started, “then these two showed up.” He pointed out
Derek and Edgar. Derek had taken his seat at this point and was working on
finishing a glass of wine. He didn’t really like wine. “Instantly, they took
Gerald out, then Avery got loose again. After that, it was over. I didn’t even
see Avery beat his opponent. One second, he was cutting himself out of
some vines, the next second, I blinked, and he was reattaching my arms.”
“Reattaching your arms?” The king let out a gasp.
“Yeah. The Shadow Witch cut them off so I would stop trying to help
Avery.” Edward said. “As if he needed it,” he muttered under his breath.
“That damn Assassin’s Guild.” The king clenched his fist.
“It was strange, though. She wouldn’t kill me… even when Gerald
commanded her to.”
After that, Edward described everything that went down in full detail.
He was there from the beginning and hadn’t missed anything.
“So, where is Gerald?” the king asked. “You didn’t put him in the
dungeon, did you?”
Derek raised his hand. “I have him… and the others.”
“You have them? What does that mean?” King Edwin asked.
“Do you want to see?” Derek smiled and stood.
Alanah already knew, and Edgar and Edward had watched him use
Time Prison. Derek felt confident enough in his own strength to reveal
more about himself. Plus, now that Gerald was captured, he didn’t need to
worry as much about his companions anymore.
Derek walked to an open space and ripped the void open, revealing the
door to his Time Prison.
“Alanah,” Derek said. “It would be best if you came in and stopped
Gerald from contacting anyone. He still has all his storage rings and stuff.
When I open the door, I’m pretty sure he will be able to use his
communication crystals.”
“How interesting.” Alanah stood and walked beside Derek.
Derek reached out and opened the door. The light from the room shined
into the Time Prison, illuminating the dark lobby. As soon as the door
opened, two heads turned to look at the new arrivals.
“After you.” Derek motioned for the woman to enter.
Alanah shrugged and walked inside. If that wasn’t a display of trust,
Derek didn’t know what was. He could basically close the door and trap
her, yet she walked in without any questions. Derek followed.
The Shadow Witch and Gerald jumped to their feet.
“Stop,” Alanah commanded, and Derek felt it.
He had the urge to stop moving, but he could fight it. The Shadow
Witch also fought it after some time, but Gerald was frozen.
Alanah’s gaze landed on the Shadow Witch. “You go wait at the side.”
The pale woman frowned but moved to the side. Derek smiled, then
walked over beside the Shadow Witch. Not because some of Alanah’s
command landed on him, but because he wanted to make sure she didn’t try
something like contacting her guild. Definitely not because of Alanah…
“She’s pretty scary, isn’t she?” Derek whispered to the woman.
The woman clicked her tongue but didn’t answer.
“So, do you think you could have beaten Edgar if you weren’t injured or
fatigued?” he asked.
The woman shot Derek a nasty look. If looks could kill, he would be
dead. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh. “No.”
“Surprisingly honest,” Derek said.
“I may have been able to escape,” she said with a huff. “What was that
skill you used when you arrived? How did you move like that?”
“Trade secret.” Derek smiled. From what he gathered, the woman, even
though she was an assassin, hadn’t actually killed anyone. Cliff and the
plant user were responsible for the deaths of Edward’s guard, even if the
Shadow Witch had immobilized them in the first place. And when it came
to killing Edward, she refused. He was interested in hearing her side of
“Done,” Derek heard Alanah say.
He looked over and almost burst into a fit of laughter. Gerald was
standing in front of Alanah, naked except for a piece of cloth wrapped
around his waist. Alanah was shuffling multiple storage rings in her hand.
“Good talk,” Derek said to the pale woman as he walked toward
“Follow!” Alanah commanded Gerald, and he fell in line behind her as
she led him out into the restaurant.
“Catch you later!” Derek shouted at the Shadow Witch as he closed the
door behind himself.
“Neat trick,” Natalie said. Her eyes glowed as she watched Derek close
the tear in space. “Void?”
Damn, that woman is scary. Derek thought while looking back at her as
he made his way to his position at the table.
“More and more interesting,” Natalie said before shifting her focus to
the near-naked Gerald. “Now, what do we do with you?” When the small
woman’s eyes landed on their new captive, he shivered, then shifted his
eyes away from hers.
Wanting to see a good show, Derek took his seat and sat back to watch
everything play out. His job was completed. It was now up to the rulers of
this kingdom and city to figure out what to do with their new captive. Of
course, he would chime in if something didn’t sit right with him. If the king
decided to be lenient with Gerald, Derek couldn’t think of a better time for
there to be a new king.
Of course, he seriously doubted the king would go easy considering his
eldest son had quite literally been disarmed because of Gerald. Plus, he was
with both Alanah and Natalie, who seemed to be in even better situations
than the king. Derek found that funny. If Alanah and Natalie teamed up,
they could control the kingdom. Actually, either one of them could probably
take over if the other didn’t oppose.
The room waited for Alanah’s control over the half-naked Gerald to
wane. Finally, after some time, he broke out of his trance.
“Wha—” Gerald started but was interrupted by the king.
“Silence!” he shouted. “Gerald. I am disappointed. You have played me
for a fool for far too long.” Edwin took a breath to calm himself. “I’m afraid
I have been too tolerant and forgiving over the years due to our relationship.
I never thought you would be the one to put me in such a situation. Frankly,
I am embarrassed as both a king and a human. My judgment has been
clouded by our… frankly, one-sided friendship.”
“Edwin?” Gerald looked confused. “What is going on? Why was I
attacked out of nowhere?”
The king shook his head. “There is no point in pretending, Gerald. I
already have more than enough evidence”—he nodded at Natalie—“to call
for an immediate execution. This is not a situation you can talk your way
out of. It is pointless to try. Just listen.”
“No.” The king held his hand up to stop him from continuing. “You are
a trafficker, and that is enough to warrant the execution. You also ambushed
the crown prince and his guards, killing good men in the process. There is
nothing you can do or say to be forgiven.” The king turned to Natalie and
Alanah. “Ms. Savannah, Ms. Swan, I am tired. I will leave everything else
to you. Use your best judgment as mine has failed me.”
King Edwin sighed deeply and stood. “The two of you may do as you
wish.” He turned to Edward and Edgar. “I’m going to retire for the
“Edwi—” Gerald started again.
“Stop talking,” Alanah commanded, sending the half-naked man back
into a trance.
Derek watched as the king walked toward the door with slumped
shoulders. It was the form of a defeated and betrayed man. However, when
he reached the door, he tidied himself up and stood straight. Those in the
room may know what was going on, but he couldn’t allow others to see his
defeated form. He was the king. He couldn’t show weakness to his people.
Edgar grabbed a drumstick from the dining table and stood as well.
“Well, none of this has anything to do with me. Politics suck.” He turned,
but before he left, he spoke to Derek. “That was fun. We should do it again
sometime… Actually, I’m going to stop by your place after this auction. We
need to talk.” He smiled, then left behind his father.
Edward sighed. “I think I need to stay here to know exactly what
happens. Somebody from my family must.”
Derek laughed. “Well, you are the crown prince.” He looked at the now-
closed door. “And you will probably be king sooner than you think.”
“That seems to be the case.” Edward sighed again.
“Could you put him away?” Natalie pointed at Gerald while asking
Derek shrugged. “Sure.” He opened his Time Prison again.
“Go inside,” Alanah commanded Gerald, and he marched back inside.
Derek closed the prison once again. “What now?”
“It is good that you have this ability,” Natalie said. “It means we can
move the captives to my dungeon without any more rumors or fanfare.”
Derek nodded. “We can do that.”
“Good, then follow me.” Natalie hopped from her chair and began
toward the exit. “Alanah, will you be joining us?” she asked before she left.
Alanah smiled. “Not tonight, Natalie. I have much to do to prepare for
the upcoming auction. Busy, busy.”
“Indeed.” The small woman nodded.
Derek stood and gave Alanah a half-bow. “Dinner was great, and there
was some really good entertainment. We’ll talk again soon.”
With that, the crown prince and he followed Natalie out of the room,
through the restaurant, through the city, and to the city lord’s manor.
When they arrived at the manor, a middle-aged man was waiting for
“My lady, about the earlier matter,” he said cautiously.
“Marcus. This is Derek Hunt, and you know Crown Prince Edward,”
Natalie spoke. “As for the matter, ignore it. It has been taken care of.”
“As you wish, my lady.”
“Now, if you would follow me.” Natalie motioned for Derek and
Edward to follow, having Marcus trail behind as well.
She led the group through the manor, to the back. Then, they came upon
a locked door covered in runes, which Natalie activated. The door slid open,
revealing a set of stairs behind. Derek watched with interest.
After passing through multiple rune-locked chambers, Natalie began her
explanation. “When you can see as I do, you find that there are few that are
truly trustworthy.” They continued through more rooms and down another
set of stairs.
All Derek knew was that they had to be deep, deep underground. And
with all the runes he kept seeing, the place was a fortress.
“Yes,” Natalie said, “it is a bit of overkill. But you do not get to where I
am without making enemies, and execution is almost never the best option.
At least not at first. Some people are even redeemable. You would never
know that if you didn’t try.”
Derek nodded along. “I can get that. But only someone with your…
skills would be able to easily find that out.”
“Oh, no. You are mistaken,” Natalie corrected. “Even with skills like
mine, it is not an easy task. I dare not say how long it will take to get all the
relevant information out of Gerald Torith. He has been in his position for
some time, and he will have secrets upon secrets. The problem will be
working out which secrets to fish for first.”
“Like you previously said, finding out if there is any blackmail material
would be for the best. And if you do find any, it will make the decision of
what to fish for easier,” Derek said.
“And that is the plan, if I can find any. If I cannot, I will have to go
about everything blind. Finding that material will allow Edwin to gain some
of his dignity back. Weeding traitors and those revolting individuals out of
the kingdom will do well to heal his ego. And a king needs a bit of an ego.”
She looked pointedly at Edward. “You would do well to learn that.”
Finally, Natalie stopped behind one last door. When she opened it,
Derek saw the cells inside. It was like her own personal dungeon. Edward
wasn’t surprised, and the king had known about it as well. I guess all the
greats have some kind of private prison.
Natalie led them inside. Derek examined the surroundings as they
walked. Most cells were empty, but occasionally, he would find one that
was occupied. Doing some quick math, he supposed there were around fifty
cells in total and ten or so prisoners.
None of the prisoners made any noise as they passed by. They also
didn’t look much like prisoners. Seemingly knowing what Derek was
thinking again, which was very creepy, Natalie spoke to his thoughts.
“Torture does nobody any good. And until their fate is decided, it is
only right to treat them with dignity, even if they have none themselves. I
will not lower myself to their standards.”
“I see,” Derek said. And he did understand her reasoning. Derek didn’t
know if he would be able to do the same with those who offended him in
such a way. His usual response was to kill them until he got his Time
Prison, but then again, the prison didn’t allow him to make any extra
decisions. They didn’t need to eat or drink, and the prison was a different
form of torture than most. His only decision was whether he should subject
someone to the prison and for how long.
After seeing how Clay was once he was released, Derek wasn’t sure
how he felt about his Time Prison. He would make his next decision when
Bones and Ogre were released. Of course, Gerald was a different story. If he
were asked to toss him in and throw away the key, he would have no
Natalie finally stopped in front of a set of cells. She walked to each of
them and opened them. “The cells on the end are made to hold more
powerful people,” she explained. “Once activated, the runes will seal most
elemental abilities and weaken physical strength. Even if they didn’t, the
material that makes up the cells is strong enough to withstand even the most
powerful of people.”
“What about abilities related to the material used?” Derek asked.
“You’re thinking about Clifford Aarden’s ability to control earth and
minerals?” Natalie asked rhetorically. “The runes make the materials
unresponsive to mana signatures other than my own and my trusted few.
And that is only needed if the runes do not weaken the abilities enough to
begin with, which they always have.”
“Sounds good.”
“Please bring out the captives.”

W hile Natalie walked around and unlocked four cells, Derek opened
his Time Prison one more time and poked his head in.
“We have arrived at your destination!” he half-shouted.
If looks could kill, Gerald’s face would have Derek dead multiple times
over. But they couldn’t. They could only grant Gerald an even more
punchable face. Avery was right. Just looking at the man made a person
want to beat him.
Speaking of Avery, the plant user that the man knocked out was still
unconscious, along with Cliff. Derek knew why Cliff was still out because
of how hard his final hit was, but what did Avery do to the other guy? His
fight was well over before Derek finished his, yet the enemy was still out
Derek walked inside and stood in front of Gerald.
“You can either follow me or”—he lifted his void-covered fist into the
air—“we can do it the easy way.”
Apparently, the previous punch he had landed on the former advisor
was still fresh in his mind because other than a few grumbles and death
stares, along with trying to shrug Derek’s hand off the back of his neck,
Gerald followed Derek’s directions. The man did seem like one of those
cowards who would do anything to survive. Derek still felt it was weird that
he would be a tank and produce a line of tanks.
However, the more he thought about it, the more it made sense. For
someone afraid of death and injury as much as Gerald seemed to be,
building into vitality for the increased longevity and health recovery made
more sense. Derek wondered if the ‘tank’ had ever truly tanked in his life.
As he forcefully pushed Gerald ahead of him and toward the exit of the
Time Prison, Derek looked back over his shoulder at the others.
“Hey, Vanessa,” he called to the Shadow Witch. He’d heard others use
her name instead of title a few times, and it was just easier. “Grab those two
and follow me, will ya?”
The woman rolled her eyes but still moved forward and grabbed the two
unconscious minions by the scruff of their shirts and began dragging them
toward the exit. Yet again, Derek wondered about the woman’s involvement
with Gerald. He shrugged. Natalie would figure that out in time.
When Derek and Gerald finally made their way out of the prison, Derek
looked at the empty cells. As Gerald was already completely unequipped,
Derek just pushed him into one and waited for Natalie to close and lock it.
Once the cell was locked, Gerald began yelling what Derek could only
assume were scathing insults, but his voice was dampened and cut off by
whatever runes were attached to the cell.
“Neat trick,” Derek said.
“It is a punishment,” Natalie replied. “It is not a social visit.”
Vanessa soon stepped out of the prison behind Derek, along with
Gerald’s two grunts. She dropped them onto the floor and looked around.
Finally, she sighed and began removing multiple storage rings and
equipment from her person.
Derek gave her an odd look.
She rolled her eyes once again and snorted. “No sense in fighting it, and
I’d rather keep some clothing on than lose all my dignity like him.” She
reached out and dropped the rings into Natalie’s hand.
“Do you even know why we went after Gerald?” Derek finally asked.
Vanessa looked at the cell the man was locked up in and shrugged.
“Nope. Just that I failed my contract, and this is the price.”
Derek glanced over at Natalie.
“I will check into that,” the small woman said. “Is that everything?” she
asked the Shadow Witch.
“I swear on the Great System that there is no storage or communication
equipment currently left on my person.” Vanessa was quick to make the
oath and get things over with. Considering nothing untoward happened to
her, she was telling the truth.
“Pick a cell. We will talk later,” Natalie said, and the Shadow Witch
walked to a cell and sat on a cot inside.
Edward and Marcus moved to the two unconscious people and began
removing their equipment. They were getting the same treatment as Gerald
because nobody could be bothered enough to wake them up. Before long,
Natalie had all the storage equipment, and all four enemies were neatly
tucked away in their prison cells.
Natalie held on to the storage devices so she could go through them
later and look for any other clues or information they may contain.
“Thanks for your hard work,” Edward said to both Natalie and Derek.
“I’ll let the two of you know as more information comes to light. Again,
I don’t know how long it will take. I could get everything out of him in a
week, or it could take months or years. There is really no estimating
something like this,” Natalie explained.
Derek shrugged. “I’m fine as long as he’s out of my hair. My friends
and I can go about hunting and training without having to constantly look
over our shoulders. That’s all that really matters to me. Just keep me
informed if you find out anything that affects me or my people.”
Natalie nodded. “I will.”
“Oh! If you have a chance, try to find out if he was the one who ordered
the kidnapping and murder of Jackson Herrett’s son and wife. I’m basically
one hundred percent sure of it, but I think it would give the two of them
closure to know for sure. I know they will be happy to know that he has
been captured and will be punished.”
“I’ll look into that.”
After that, Natalie checked over each cell one more time before leading
Edward, Marcus, and Derek out of her dungeon. It was quite a fascinating
place with all of its safeguards. He’d have to look into getting one of his
own. Sometimes, it was better to not have to wait for the sentence to finish
before being able to bring out a prisoner. That was his biggest gripe about
his Time Prison.
“It was a pleasure meeting you, Mr. Hunt,” Natalie said as she led him
out of her manor.
“Likewise… even if you are one of the scariest people I’ve met.” He
flashed Natalie a smile. Her eyes shined white, and he backed away and put
his hands up. “Please! No!”
Her eyes dimmed, and she smiled as well. “I would really like to discuss
you and your powers more. They are much more intriguing than anything
else I’ve seen in quite some time. My doors are always open—”
“Miss,” Marcus cut in.
“Well… as long as you have an appointment. I am rather busy.” Natalie
sighed. “But you may schedule an appointment with Marcus whenever you
“Will do.”
“Crown Prince, it was a pleasure, as always.” Natalie nodded to
“The pleasure was mine, Miss Savannah.” Edward gave the woman a
slight bow.
Derek exchanged his communication runes with Marcus, Natalie, and
Edward then. It would be good to have a direct line to both his landlord and
the crown prince of the country he was in. Always good to make
connections with seemingly decent, powerful people. After that, he and
Edward took their leave.
“I’m happy that’s over and done with,” Edward said as they made their
way through the city.
Derek shrugged. “It was a bit anticlimactic.”
“Yeah… to you and my brother, maybe,” Edward replied. “Do you have
any clue what the ramifications of what happened today will be? How they
are going to affect the kingdom moving forward?”
“That’s not my problem. Doesn’t really have anything to do with me.
All I know is that I got rid of a thorn in my side, and my friends can safely
live in Savannah and train. You know, I’m not the king or crown prince of
any kingdom or anything.” Derek snorted.
“Yes… you are lucky.”
“Maybe,” Derek said. “I don’t have it in me to care about a bunch of
people I don’t know. I have my hands full with the few friends I’ve made
since arriving here. I definitely couldn’t run a city, much less an entire
kingdom. I think I’ll focus on making a halfway decent shop and leave it at
“I envy you.”
“You could always opt out of taking the throne,” Derek said.
Edward snorted. “And what? Leave it to one of my brothers? I’m sure
Edgar would love to be king. Or I could give it to my sister. Her first
command as queen would be to see which nobles could throw the best
balls.” He shook his head. “No… I’ve studied for it and prepared for it my
entire life. It is a responsibility that rests squarely on my shoulders.”
“Well… it was just a suggestion,” Derek said. “You would be better than
your father. At least from what I’ve seen so far.” Hell, Silvi would make for
a better ruler than that man. Derek shuddered and shook his head. No,
that’s not true. Her first order would be to bring her all the recipes, then she
would ignore everything else.
Edward sighed again. “I don’t guess you will ever change your opinion
of my father?”
“I don’t know. Not anytime soon, at least.” Derek shrugged. “As
mistakes and incompetence go, Gerald was a pretty massive one. There is
no telling how deep his roots are in your kingdom. Alanah told me that his
connections were deep, but it’s probably worse than any of you ever
thought it would be.”
Edward didn’t say anything about his father after that. Finally, they
arrived back at Alanah’s hotel.
“I’ll take my leave.” Edward bowed slightly, actually showing some
deference toward Derek. “I am very grateful for your help in all of this. If
there is anything you ever need, don’t hesitate to call on me.”
Derek smiled. “Be careful with favors.” He patted the crown prince on
the shoulder. “That’s probably how your father got into the situation he’s
in.” Derek removed his hand and took a step back, still facing the other
man. “But it can’t hurt to have a crown prince in my pocket.”
Edward shook his head and walked away.
Derek turned to head back home. He needed to find Jacks and let him
know what had happened. He hoped that learning about Gerald’s capture
wouldn’t take the drive out of the man. He’d been pushing himself for
revenge. Now that his goal had been captured, Derek hoped he would still
keep up the good work.
Derek could tell that the man enjoyed his role as well, so he probably
wouldn’t have to worry about him.

Indeed, Derek didn’t have to worry much about Jacks. When he got home,
he pulled the man to the side and told him about everything that had
happened. When Jacks learned that Gerald had been captured and Derek
had asked Natalie to learn more about the death of his wife, Jacks was more
relieved than anything else.
“I wasn’t sure what kind of reaction you were going to have to the
news,” Derek said. “I’m honestly a little surprised.”
Jacks smiled and shook his head. “I’m relieved because I don’t have to
worry about Jake going out and doing something stupid. He can slow down
and enjoy life a bit more now. He doesn’t have to rush to level and become
stronger and can take it slow and build up his foundation.”
“I see.”
“That doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t like to personally get my pound of
flesh out of the man.” A glint of rage flashed in Jacks’ eyes before he
continued. “But this is for the best. I’ll be able to learn the truth and move
on. It’s all I can ask for. Thank you, Derek. Thank you so much… for
Derek didn’t know what to do when the strong, scarred man’s eyes
began tearing up. He simply took a step forward and slapped Jacks on the
shoulder. “You’re a good guy, Jacks, and your son seems to be good as well.
I’m glad I could help—if only a little.”
Jacks shook his head. “You didn’t help a little. You gave me my life
back… gave me my son back. Then you went out and did what you did
today. I cannot thank you enough. I will forever be in your debt. You have a
guard or trainer, or whatever you need me to be, for as long as I breathe.”
“I don’t know if I deserve that much, but I’m certainly not going to turn
down competent help.” Derek began laughing. Soon, Jacks’ laughter
Derek was happy that the day that started with him stressing over
Alanah’s gathering had such a happy ending. That night, he went to sleep
with a smile on his face.

Over the next few days, Derek did his rounds through his shop and the city.
He passed on the majority of the mana cores to Brandi and had multiple
talks with her about her crafts. He looked forward to seeing what the girl
would create with them. She was very excited as well.
According to the maniac crafter girl, Greater Meditation was the
greatest thing she had ever seen. Brandi was now able to get more done in a
single day than she could have in three before she got the skill. Derek was
still worried about her nutrition because she didn’t currently have the extra
vitality or endurance to go with it, but he trusted Malorie would make sure
she ate regularly.
Speaking of Malorie, she had taken to management like a fish to water.
She ran her legs off all day, making connections and obtaining supplies for
Brandi and Silvi at a low cost. She was impressive, to say the least. Derek
felt that he could leave the running of the shop in her hands with no
Thomas continued his solo training. He didn’t miss a day in the training
room. Derek went with him once to check on his progress, and he had to
give Shae some credit. Thomas was much better with a spear than he had
been before. He was also fiercer and more decisive when it came to
attacking his opponent’s opening.
All that, after such a short time, truly impressed Derek. Thomas would
be turning heads once he enrolled in the academy. Maybe he would even get
a higher rarity class at his next upgrade. They could only wait and see, but
Derek had hope.
Jacks and Rayna continued training and leveling outside of Savannah
after Gerald was caught. Rayna, especially, seemed to be much more
confident than she was before. Derek wasn’t surprised though, her new
class was great, and she had a fantastic training partner in Jacks, and Jacks
seemed to enjoy her company quite a bit as well.
Silvi… was Silvi. She spent almost all her time in her kitchen working
on different dishes. She was even to the point where she would cook
without eating and just store different dishes because she wanted to try
something new. Half of Malorie’s running was because Top Chef Bunny
wanted more or different ingredients, and just like with Brandi, Malorie
would do everything she could to find a supplier.
Derek chatted with Roman multiple times while he was recovering from
making potions. The halfling was probably one of the busiest people in
Savannah over the last few days. As Alanah and Stella provided him with
more and more materials, he worked almost nonstop on creating his new
Derek dropped off his remaining mana cores with the Alchemist.
Roman was intrigued but too busy to try anything with them for now. He
had to pump out as many Potions of Physical Permanence as he could
before the auction started. It was crunch time for him, and he didn’t yet trust
anyone else with his recipe.
Stella was too busy for Derek to even meet with. She was being run
ragged organizing the auction. She was just as busy, if not more so than
Roman. Other than a couple of waves, nods, and smiles, Derek had no other
interactions with the woman, which he felt was a shame.
He had a couple of friendly visits with Alanah, as well. She was busy
but had no problem putting something else aside to chat with Derek. They
talked more about the Great System and stats. He even learned a few
personal things about the half-elf businesswoman. Things like the fact that
she wasn’t even from the continent they were on.
She was one of the very few that traveled over the oceans. He didn’t ask
her why because he noticed the look she had when talking about where she
came from. It was the same look Derek would get talking about his family
back on Earth. If she ever wanted to talk about it, he would be there to
listen, but he wouldn’t push.
On the day before the auction, Derek dropped by the manor to visit with
Natalie about Gerald. She hadn’t made much, if any, progress with getting
information out of the man. Currently, she was looking into the Shadow
Witch, Vanessa. She didn’t seem against spilling what she knew about
Gerald, which turned out to not be too much.
Natalie hadn’t even been able to get a word out of the plant user. His
lips were the tightest out of the bunch. Cliff was actually the one that was
closest to letting Natalie in on his secrets. She figured his defenses would
go down soon enough.
Derek was more and more curious about her power, so he finally
decided to ask her about it.
“How is it that you were able to see into my thoughts about Malcolm
Torith so easily, but it’s so hard for you to see into Gerald?” he broached
during tea with the woman.
Natalie shrugged as she took a sip of tea. “Certain things are much
easier. When you were thinking about Malcolm Torith, you wanted others
to see what you saw. You subconsciously gave me permission to see it.
There is a great difference between that and what I am trying to do with
Gerald. The man doesn’t want to give away any of his secrets, so he is
sealed tightly, and I have to work my way in.”
Derek nodded. “I guess that makes sense, but how were you able to
know what I was thinking all those times before? And what about you
knowing how strong I was?”
“Well, I’m sure you have heard, but I am an Appraiser by trade. As for
what you were thinking, I’m very good at reading people. It’s hard to hide
the emotions in your eyes and on your face.” She smiled. “And for knowing
how strong you are… I simply appraised you. I can see the fluctuations of
your aura, and I do not see many auras as strong as yours.”
Derek was surprised. Natalie was very forthcoming about her skills. He
had prepared himself to be scolded for asking about her skills, but she
“If you were to put a bit of effort into looking for information about me,
you would have found out everything that I have told you today. I haven’t
shared anything with you that others do not already know. I still have my
secrets.” She took another sip of tea.
“There you go again, reading my mind.”
“It was written all over your face.”
“So… exactly how much stronger am I than the king?” Derek smiled.
“Your stats are better. That is all I will say.” She shrugged, then looked
at Derek with her piercing white eyes. “How about you? How did you
manage to obtain a class with such affinity to the void element?”
Derek tapped on the table while thinking about his answer. He was
strong now, stronger than most people in the kingdom. He was also a
resident in the city that Natalie controlled. He probably shouldn’t go into a
ton of detail, but he was confident enough to reveal more about himself.
Still, him coming from Earth was a secret he would probably keep for a
long time.
“I… spent a lot of time in the void,” he finally answered.
Natalie’s eyes widened. “Oh my. How did that happen? If you don’t
mind me asking.”
“Portal,” Derek replied.
“Portal? The highly restricted skill?”
Derek nodded. “I guess the person casting it ran out of mana or was
interrupted while I was inside.”
“I see. That is definitely one way to get acquainted with the void. I have
heard of that happening to others, but I have never heard of anyone
reemerging. I can’t think that it was easy,” Natalie said.
Derek shook his head. “No, it was neither easy nor painless. It sucked.”
“I imagine so. I am sorry.”
“Eh, it is what it is. It’s part of the reason I’m here, so it wasn’t all bad.”
After that, the two continued discussing other things. Natalie didn’t ask
any more questions about the void, and Derek was happy to not bring it up
again. He could feel the shiver going down his spine when he thought about
the time he spent trapped inside.
Before long, Derek left and went about his day. Tomorrow, he had an
auction to attend.

D erek got up the next morning, ready for the auction. It was
apparently a really big deal. Even though only a certain select group
of people could take part in the auction, the city had been flush with
activity for the past week.
To dress properly for it, Derek put on his best black T-shirt, blue jeans,
and his least worn-out pair of boots… he looked the same as he would have
any other day. He looked in the mirror and shrugged. He wasn’t planning on
making any bids or purchases today. His only reason for going was to see
what profits he would make. He would be getting plenty of gold and,
hopefully, some good equipment.
Over the past few days, after he handed off all his Void Beasts to Stella
and Roman, they all amended their contracts for the auctions. Not all the
meals or potions would be auctioned off in a single auction. They would
spread them out over time to keep demand, which would always be high
due to the rarity of obtaining permanent stat boosts, even higher.
Because of the number of materials provided by Derek, Alanah insisted
on increasing the percentage of sales he would get. He would also be
getting many more prepared meals from the Crown, as well.
Based on the sizes of the Void Beasts he turned in, each one would
make between five and fifteen meals of varying stat allotments. The prices
could go from tens of thousands of gold coins to hundreds of thousands.
Then, there was the ‘Vitality Elixir,’ which was what Alanah was calling
the blood from the undeveloped Void Beasts and the potions created by
Roman. There was no telling how much those would go for, but he knew it
would be a lot.
Derek checked the system time. There were a few hours left before the
auction was slated to begin, and it would be an all-day thing. He headed
over to the dining room, where everyone else was already waiting at the
breakfast table.
Not everyone gathered for breakfast all the time, especially now that
Rayna and Jacks hunted a lot, and Brandi couldn’t be bothered to be pulled
away from her crafts, but they were all here today.
As Derek grabbed a few dishes, he spoke. “So… who wants to come
with me to the auction? I’m going to play by the rules and only bring two
people, even though Alanah said I could bring anyone I want.” He waited
for a reply, but there wasn’t one. Everybody just looked at one another.
“Silvi?” he asked.
Her voice came through her communication crystal. “It lasts too long.
I’m staying here to cook. Just got fresh ingredients. You will bring meals
“That sounds like a command.” Derek chuckled. “Jacks? Rayna?”
“While everyone else is busy today, many of the popular hunting spots
will be open. We should be able to make a lot of progress without
interference today. It would be more productive if we used the day for
training. Unless you wish for me to go along with you,” Jacks answered. If
Derek said so, the man wouldn’t hesitate to come along.
“No, that’s fine. You guys go train,” Derek said.
“I’ll go,” Rudy said. “I would like to see how the Crown holds their
auctions and handles their contracts. It will also let me mingle with some
possible new clients.” He had been busy. His contract business was already
up and running, and he even had a few customers. Contracts by Rudy
hadn’t even done any advertising, but it was spreading by word of mouth.
“Is it okay to leave your shop for the day?” Derek asked.
“I will be fine. I’ve only had a few customers, and I can just put a sign
up to come back tomorrow. Most contracts aren’t exactly urgent. Going to
the auction will be better for me,” Rudy replied.
“That’s one slot,” Derek said. “I don’t even think I should bother asking
Brandi.” He looked at the girl with her head down, shoveling away her
breakfast as fast as she could.
Brand looked up from her plate. “I just started another project.”
Derek shook his head. “Thomas, what about you? You busy today?”
The boy hesitated. “I won’t be of any use. It would be better if I used all
the time I have to get ready for the academy.”
“Fair enough.” Derek smiled. “I figured it would be like this.” He
looked at Malorie. “You good to leave Brandi alone all day?”
Malorie stole some glances at her daughter and sighed. “It would be for
the best if I went since I am technically the manager of your shop. Brandi
will be more than safe here with Silvi.” Today would be the longest amount
of time she’d spent away from Brandi since her village was attacked.
Derek nodded, then spoke to Silvi and Brandi. “If anything happens
while we’re gone, and I mean anything, either inform me through our link
or a communication crystal. I’ll be here in seconds.”
Brandi looked up again and nodded. Silvi just continued to dig into her
Soon, Brandi finished her meal and hopped up from her seat. “Bye!
Have fun at the auction,” she said as she rushed downstairs back to her
Malorie shook her head and looked pointedly at Derek. “I should
strangle you for telling her about Greater Meditation.”
Derek rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment. “It was probably
the best choice she could have made.”
“It was.” Malorie sighed. “That doesn’t mean I still shouldn’t strangle
Derek stuck his neck out. “Go ahead, but make it quick, we don’t want
to be late.” Malorie only rolled her eyes.
Soon, everyone finished with their meals and headed out. Silvi went
back to the kitchen, and Derek was left with Rudy and Malorie.
“I guess we better take off. It’s a bit of a walk from here to the hotel.”

His group moved through the crowded streets of Savannah. Just one auction
announced by the Crown was enough to create a festival-type atmosphere in
the city. More vendors than ever were set up on the sides of the streets,
which also led to more and more guards controlling the area. Derek even
looked off a couple of would-be pickpockets on his way to the hotel.
They made it to the hotel in just over an hour. Because of how crowded
everything was, they weren’t able to move through the city at their usual
speed. Still, they left the shop with plenty of time, and they arrived well
before the auction was to begin.
Two guards Derek hadn’t met before were standing before the entrance
of the hotel. Derek sized them up. His Identify skill was unable to produce
any details on the guards, but that didn’t mean much as most higher-level
people were able to block Identify by either having their own Identify skill
at a high level or by having some other skill.
Needless to say, the two guards were strong, as expected of Stella and
Alanah for such an event. Derek and his group walked up to the entrance.
“Membership,” the guard to the right announced.
Derek pulled the black card with the shining golden Crown logo out of
his storage bracelet and handed it to the guard. Multiple gasps came from
the surroundings when onlookers noticed the membership card he took out.
The guard took hold of the card, and his eyes widened in surprise.
After scanning the card, the guard quickly handed it back to Derek and
bowed. “Esteemed guests, you may enter.”
Derek took his Tier Four Membership Card back from the guard and
nodded. “Thanks,” he said. “Keep up the good work.” With that, Derek led
Malorie and Rudy into the Crown Hotel.
Stepping inside, three individuals stood in a line in front of Derek. The
layout of the hotel had been changed from how it was before. Instead of
being greeted by the giant open floor of the lobby, a reception room had
been set up just inside the entrance. The receptionist took the membership
card of one of the guests and scanned it.
Soon, the three people walked through the door leading out of the
reception room, and Derek heard a booming male voice ring throughout the
hotel: “Tier Two Member Craig Allister, his son, Tristan Allister, and
daughter, Teresa Allister, have arrived.”
I guess there’s no secrecy here, Derek thought as he walked up to the
The woman smiled brightly at Derek and company as she asked,
“Membership, please.”
Derek handed his card to her, eliciting another surprised expression. She
scanned the card with her mana and handed it back.
“Mr. Hunt, would you like to hide or reveal your information to the
guests?” she asked.
“Oh, we get a choice?” Derek asked.
She smiled. “Tier Two and above get the choice. Most enjoy the
“You can announce us,” Derek said.
The woman looked over at Rudy and Malorie and nodded. “I just need
your guest’s information.”
Soon, everything was settled, and Derek and his group walked through
the door out of the reception. Derek took in the sights before him. If the
Crown Hotel was beautiful and extravagant before, it could only be called
stunning today.
“Tier Four Member Derek Hunt, Malorie Fields, and”—the voice
paused for a moment—“Rudolph McKinney, of Contracts by Rudy, have
Derek and Malorie rolled their eyes while Rudy was all smiles as every
head in the hotel turned in their direction as they made their entrance.
As they entered, Derek was taken aback by the renovations that had
taken place in the hotel over the past few days. It was almost like a
completely different place. Stella had been a very busy manager. Where
there were multiple tables set up for breakfast, many more had been added,
and there were even multiple booths along the walls. At the end of the
lobby, a stage had been erected.
The enormous lobby and dining area of the hotel had been turned into a
genuine auction house in a matter of days. It was impressive.
Derek looked around until his eyes finally found Alanah and Stella
talking beside the stage.
“You guys can go mingle. I’m going over there,” Derek told Mal and
Rudy as he made his way over to the two women.
“You’re here early,” Alanah greeted Derek in a hushed tone. “I have to
keep my voice low. I don’t want it to affect the guests.”
Derek nodded. “Got it,” he said. “I wasn’t sure how long it would take
us to get through the city with it being as crowded as it is, so we left a bit
early. I’m glad we did because it really was packed.”
Stella smiled. “It’s always like this during the auction week. Because of
the announcements this time, though, it’s even more crowded. That’s how
we know it’s going to be a good auction.”
“That and the fact that we allowed members to invite others this time.
I’ve never allowed that before, but because of the urgency, it was best to try
something new. We’ll see how it goes.” Alanah leaned in, and with an even
lighter whisper, she said, “Especially since we have so much more stock
than we ever had or ever thought we would have.” She smiled and nodded
at Stella.
“Here, take this.” Stella handed Derek a ring.
Derek took the ring and viewed the contents. To Derek’s surprise, there
were at least two dozen stored Void Beast meals, a dozen vials of rainbow-
colored potions, and multiple vials of red liquids, which Derek assumed
was the blood of the small Void Beast.
“Wow,” Derek said. “I didn’t expect to be getting this much.”
“You’ll have that and much more. We did not have enough time to
process the entire inventory of Void Beasts yet. This only comes from the
ones we have. Once the others are processed, you will have many, many
more,” Alanah explained.
“I look forward to it.”
“So. Your guest had quite the introduction.” Alanah changed the
“Yeah, Rudy is like that. He’s a pretty decent fellow but has a bit of an
odd personality.”
“Yeah, he has an odd personality,” Stella cut in.
“What?” Derek shrugged. “I am the epitome of perfectly normal.”
Stella snorted. “You keep telling yourself that.”
Alanah placed her hand over her mouth and let out a light giggle before
adding, “Being normal is overrated.”
“I bet Rudy’s wishing we would have left later, so more people would
have been around for his ingenious introduction,” Derek said.
“He drew quite a few eyes,” Alanah replied. “He’ll get a decent amount
of attention out of it. It will definitely be something that is talked about long
after the auction. He is the first person to blatantly advertise his business at
one of my auctions.”
The three of them continued chatting while more and more guests
poured into the hotel. Derek asked about a few of the people he saw come
One family of guests piqued Derek’s interest. It was the Allister family
that had arrived just before him and his group. All three members of the
family shared the same platinum blond hair color. The color of their eyes
was almost as white as Natalie’s but with a slight gray twinge. At least, both
Craig, the father, and Tristan, his son, had white-gray irises.
Craig’s daughter, Teresa, seemed to not have yet advanced far enough
into her element to have the elemental eye color. Instead, her eyes were still
the light blue that she was born with. It made sense as she looked quite
young, maybe sixteen or seventeen.
The Allister family was a mid-tier noble family in the kingdom. Though
only considered mid-tier nobles, they were well respected by everyone. The
reason for that was their elemental affinities and generosity.
Derek and Alanah had discussed before that many of the nobles who
showed generosity on the outside were corrupted on the inside. That wasn’t
the case with House Allister. Most of the family members in the direct line
worked toward obtaining a light affinity and used that affinity as support
instead of strength.
The only reason they weren’t a powerful, high noble family was that
they focused on healing instead of fighting. They were one of the families
that lived in the capital. They were so well received because they only
charged other nobles and the wealthy for their services. For others, their
healing was given out free of charge.
“So, there are no nefarious deeds being covered up by their family? No
hidden dungeon where cruel experiments take place?” Derek asked, half-
“None that I have ever found, and I do extensive research before giving
a membership, and even more before upgrading it,” Alanah replied.
“I haven’t been around here long enough for you to do extensive
research on me,” Derek said. “And I already have the legendary Tier Four
Alanah snorted. “I have done more research on you than you think.”
She smiled coyly. “Plus, the way you acted with and around poor villagers,
the way you reacted when the girl and her mother were taken, and the way
you reacted when you found out about Gerald, all give me a pretty good
idea about you. Then, in such a short time, you become the leading
benefactor of my business. If not you, who else would I give a Tier Four
Membership to?”
“I guess I am pretty awesome, huh?”
“Well, you’re not exactly generous, for generosity’s sake. You’re
actually quite selfish, but in a good way. That is why it’s even easier to
judge you. You don’t try to hide your selfishness from the outside. You do
what you want, and so far, the results I’ve seen have made this kingdom
better off.”
“Stop… you’re going to make me blush.”
“How about both of you stop? The auction is drawing closer, and we
still have preparations,” Stella cut in. “Come on.” She grabbed Alanah by
the wrist and dragged her away. She turned back and pointed at one of the
booths. “That’s your booth. It has multiple runes built in for privacy.”
Derek nodded. “Got it.” He watched as the two beautiful women
disappeared into the hotel.
After the hosts disappeared, Derek moved around the lobby, casually
avoiding being dragged into annoying conversations. He would let Malorie
and Rudy take the lead on all of that. He knew that the first thing anyone
would bring up would be his Tier Four Membership, and he didn’t feel like
spinning a story about how he got it.
He was definitely not about to go around saying, ‘Oh, I just delivered a
few dozen Void Beasts to Alanah. No big deal.’ No, he would leave that to
the guest’s imaginations. At least there was no shortage in the amount of
attention Rudy was getting because of the announcement. Every time Derek
caught sight of the man, he was talking to another group of people with a
big smile on his face.
Malorie looked like a deer in headlights at the beginning, but as time
passed, she became more and more confident in her dealings. Derek just
leaned back beside his private booth and observed. She was doing well. She
would have no problem running his shop when it came to it. He continued
to observe until the booming voice announced the arrival of someone Derek
was familiar with.
“Tier One Member Walter Gracefall, his son, Jensen Gracefall, and his
niece, Clare Gracefall, have arrived,” the booming voice announced.
A giant smile fell over Derek’s face as he pushed himself up off the wall
and made his way over to the new arrivals. He’d talked with Walter
occasionally, but he had no idea that the man would be coming to the
auction. He knew he had a Tier One Membership, but he doubted the man
would have enough money to compete against the nobles here.
He didn’t care, though. It was always nice to see someone who he
considered a friend. Even if that friend was the father of one of the first
people he killed when he got to Cydaria. Derek decided he would not bring
that up today, especially since the man had brought his other son along with
Little Clare was the first person to recognize Derek walking their way.
She immediately broke out into a sprint after seeing him.
“Derek! You’re here, too!” She ran up and hugged his waist.
Derek ruffled her hair a bit but was careful not to make it too messy. He
pushed her off and put his palms out. “Show me what you’ve got.”
Clare immediately fell into a brawling stance and began throwing
punches as Derek moved his hands faster and faster as designated targets.
She was just as passionate as ever to spar.
“Okay, that’s enough.” Walter stopped Clare mid-swing, causing her to
frown. “You’re making a scene.”
Derek waved him off. “Who cares? Let them watch. I’m more interested
in how much progress Clare has made since I’ve been gone.” He chuckled.
“We’ll go to an Adventurer’s Guild training room later. How about that?”
Clare nodded seriously. “Yes.”
“So, you finally chose to go after a membership to the Crown?” Derek
asked Walter.
“I did. After the last meal that we ate, and the possible benefits that go
with being a member, I reached out to Emily and learned what I needed for
it. It wasn’t much, so here I am.”
Derek thought back for a moment until he remembered who Emily was.
She was the boss of the Torith Crown Restaurant, who took back over once
Stella left.
“That’s good,” Derek said. “So, no Bronson?”
Walter shook his head. “No, I needed somebody to stay back at the
manor to make sure things ran smoothly. I trust him the most.”
“I see… Well, tell him I said hi when you get back.”
“Will do.”
About that time, the third member of Walter’s group made his way over
to them. Jensen stood a little taller than Walter and looked just like him,
except younger.
“You must be Jensen.” Derek turned and put out his hand to shake.
Jensen took his hand and stared deep into Derek’s eyes. “And you are
the man who killed my brother.”
Ah… Like father, like son.

D erek felt Jensen’s hand tighten on his as they stared each other
down. The young man exerted more and more strength by the
second. Derek just waited. He would let the man take out some of
his aggression.
Eventually, Jensen sighed and let go. He took a small step back and
slightly bowed his head.
“Father has told me of all that happened. I will not hold it against you. I
do not believe I could ever become friends with you, but you do not have an
enemy in me,” Jensen finally said.
Derek nodded. “For what it’s worth, I am sorry about your brother,
though I doubt I would have handled it any differently even if I knew your
father beforehand. Your father is a good man, and from what he’s told me
about you, you seem to be heading in the right direction. Your brother,
however, was not. Could he have changed his ways? Maybe… I don’t
know. But I doubt he would have chosen to, at least from the little that I
saw of him.”
“Thank you,” Jensen said.
At that moment, Derek noticed Clare moving her head back and forth
between Jensen and himself. Her jaw was hung open, and she had a look of
shock in her eyes.
“What?” Derek asked the girl.
“That… that’s what happened to Wallace?” she finally asked.
Walter reached forward and placed his hand on the girl’s head. “I’m
afraid so.”
“That makes so much more sense,” she said. “He was always so mean
to us. I knew he couldn’t have done something so great.”
“Thank you for that, as well,” Jensen said. “He did not deserve the
honor you allowed him to have with his death, yet you did it anyway.”
Derek shrugged. He really hadn’t done it for Wallace’s sake or House
Gracefall. It was only part of his plan to hide his involvement in the death
of a noble. A plan that failed stupendously, at that. But there was no reason
to change the story, so he could have that honor in the afterlife.
“So… Walter.” Derek got the older man’s attention. “Did you come here
to try to get some Void Beast food?”
“I wish.” The man chuckled. “No, I’m afraid my funds won’t allow me
to purchase something as grand as that. Our finances are not what they once
were. Besides, it wouldn’t do me any good, anyhow. If I had the
opportunity, I would like to buy one for Jenson or Clare in the future, but
for now, I just wanted to get away from Torith and show Clare around. The
city has been in an uproar since the Malcolm incident.”
“I can understand that,” said Derek. “Well, it should at least be a good
“I hope so. I haven’t had much fun recently.”
Derek, Walter, Jensen, and Clare continued chatting until another
announcement was made.
“Tier Two Member King Edwin, Crown Prince Edward, and Prince
Edgar have arrived.”
Derek almost couldn’t hold back his laughter. After everything, the king
only had a Tier Two Membership. Should he rub it in? Point and laugh? He
fought back the smile on his face, then formed an idea.
He waved his hand up in the air, catching Edgar’s attention. Edgar’s
deadpan face lit up when he saw Derek. He said something to Edward and
Edwin, then he practically rushed over to greet him.
“Oh, man. You’re a sight for sore eyes,” Edgar said as he arrived.
“What? Did you have a busy few days?”
“Busy? That doesn’t even begin to describe it. This”—he looked around
conspiratorially and leaned in to whisper—“raid business is no joke. I think
I’m going to die with this much responsibility. Nope, just send me into a
dungeon with a small team, any day.”
Derek slapped him on the back. “I’m sure you’ll do just fine.” Then he
pointed out Walter and the others. “This is my friend Walter Gracefall with
his son, Jensen, and niece, Clare.”
The three bowed deeply, and Walter spoke: “We greet the prince.”
“Now, now, none of that. Any friend of Derek’s is a friend of mine.
Besides, I’m not in to all that Royal and noble bullshit,” said Edgar.
That left Walter and Jensen at a loss for words.
Edgar squinted and looked closer at Jensen before a trace of recognition
flashed across his face. “Oh, you were at the academy.”
Jensen, to his credit, answered calmly, “Yes, I will graduate soon.”
“That’s right. You were in one of the younger classes while my pal,
Jake, was attending the academy,” said Edgar.
Jensen took a moment to think, then realization flashed on his face.
“Jake Herrett? The one who created the incident? That Jake?”
I’m really going to have to get all the details about this incident. It
really seems like a big deal, Derek thought.
“The one and only,” Edgar confirmed.
“Anyway… now that introductions are out of the way,” Derek said,
“could you run fetch your father? There is something that I need to talk to
him about.”
Edgar gave Derek a suspicious glance. “You want me to fetch my
father? You want him to come over here to you? You don’t want to go to
him?” Edgar asked, then shrugged. “Sure. Gimme a sec.” He turned and
took off through the crowd to find the king.
“His father?” Walter asked. “You mean the King of Cydaria? That
Like father, like son. Derek mused. “The one and only.”
“Then we will take our leave so you may have a proper conversation
with the king,” said Walter.
“Huh… No, no.” Derek grabbed onto Walter as the older man turned
away. “The three of you can stay. Trust me.”
Walter and Jensen fidgeted nervously as they awaited the arrival of the
king. They both looked like they wanted to throw up and run away at the
same time. Clare just continued looking around the auction area and back
and forth between Derek, Jensen, and Walter.
Soon, Edgar came back with a drink in hand and his father and brother
trailing him. The king was properly dressed as a ruler today, crown and all.
If Derek was to describe it all, it would be very tacky.
Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
– Igen, elment végleg… Elküldtem.
– Elküldted?… Julcsát?… Megbolondultál?
– Igen, elküldtem, mert szemtelen volt… és mert… a gyerekkel
rosszul bánt.
– Julcsa?
– Igen… Julcsa.
– És mennyiben volt szemtelen? Kit sértett meg, ha szabad
– Téged.
– Engem?
– Igen… A vacsora odaégett s te nem jöttél…
– És ő megjegyzéseket tett?…
– Megjegyzéseket tett rád vonatkozólag. Oly tiszteletlenül
nyilatkozott, hogy nem tűrhettem… Nem volt szabad tűrnöm…
– Ugyan miket mondott?
– Szükségtelen ismételni.
– De tudni akarom.
– Azt mondotta, hogy szerencsétlen dolog volt feleségül vennem
olyan asszonyt, mint te, aki pontatlan, rendetlen, gondatlan… rossz
háziasszony, rossz anya és rossz feleség…
A fiatal asszony az előszobába lépett Limousintől követve, aki e
váratlan helyzetben szót sem tudott szólni. Az ajtót becsapta maga
után, köpenyét székre dobta és magánkívül rohant férjére:
– Mit mondsz? Mit mondsz? Azt mondod, hogy én…
Parent sápadtan, de nyugodtan állt helyén.
– Semmit sem mondok, kedvesem, – válaszolta. – Csupán
ismétlem Julcsa szavait úgy, amint óhajtottad és hangsúlyozom,
hogy éppen e szavak miatt dobtam ki őt.
Az asszony remegett a dühtől s legjobban szerette volna férje
szakállát kitépni s arcát összekarmolni. Hanghordozásából,
magaviseletéből a lázadást nyilván kiérezte, de szavaira nem volt
mit felelnie. Más alkalmat keresett, hogy közvetlen, sértő szóval újra
megkezdje a harcot.
– Vacsoráztál? – kérdezte.
– Nem, vártam rád.
Türelmetlenül húzta föl vállát.
– Ostobaság fél nyolcnál tovább várni. Gondolhattad, hogy
akadályozva vagyok, hogy fontos elintézni valóim, hogy
bevásárlásaim voltak.
De egyben sajátságos szükségét érezte annak, hogy
részletesebben elmondja, mire fordította idejét. Elmesélte rövid
mondatokban, amelyekből a sértődöttség kiérződött, hogy nagyon
messze, a Rue de Rennesban, néhány bútordarabot kellett
megnéznie. Visszafelé jövet, hét óra után, a Boulevard Saint-
Germainen találkozott Limousinnel s minthogy roppant éhes volt,
vele vendéglőbe ment, ahová különben egyedül nem tartotta volna
illőnek belépni. Így történt, hogy Limousinnel vacsorázott, ha ugyan
ezt vacsorának lehet nevezni; csupán levest és félcsirkét evett,
annyira sietett a hazatéréssel.
Parent zavartalan nyugalommal válaszolta: – Nagyon jól tetted.
Nem teszek érte szemrehányást.
Limousin, aki idáig Henriette háta mögött némán állott, előlépett
és barátjának kezét nyujtotta:
– Hogy vagy?
Parent lágyan viszonozta keze szorítását: – Köszönöm, nagyon
A fiatal asszony azonban férje utolsó szavait nem hagyhatta
megjegyzés nélkül:
– Szemrehányást?… Miért beszélsz szemrehányásról?… Azt
hiszem, valamit forralsz ellenem…
– Szó sincs róla, – mentegetőzött Parent. – Csupán annyit
akartam mondani, hogy késedelmezésed miatt nyugtalan voltam; de
ezt nem akarom bűnül felróni neked.
Az asszony fagyos büszkeséggel, veszekedést keresve
válaszolt: – Késedelmezésem miatt?… Igazán jó! Mintha éjfél után
egy óra lenne s én az éjszakát kint töltöttem volna!
– Dehogy is, kedvesem. Azt mondottam, hogy »késedelmezés«,
mert erre más szót nem tudok. Úgy volt, hogy félhétkor jössz haza s
te félkilenckor érkeztél. Ez késedelem! Nagyon érthetőnek tartom,
nem is… csodálkozom rajta… De… hiszen beláthatod… más szót
nem alkalmazhatok.
– Igen, de úgy hangsúlyozod a szót, mintha a szeretőmnél
háltam volna…
– Ugyan kérlek… Hogy is mondhatsz ilyet?…
Az asszony látta, hogy férje a pörlekedés elől visszavonul, ezért
már éppen szobájába készült, mikor meghallotta, hogy a kis György
sír. Felindultan támadt férjére.
– Mi baja Gyurikának?
– Mondtam már, hogy Julcsa nyersen bánt vele.
– Mit csinált vele a vén dög?
– Ó, ne nyugtalankodj! Kicsit megtaszította s a fiúcska leesett.
Látni akarta gyerekét s az ebédlőbe rohant. A borral végigöntött
asztal, a feldöntött sótartó s az üvegcserepek láttára azonban
méltatlankodva állt meg:
– Micsoda tatárjárás ez itt?
– Julcsa, kérlek szépen, ő…
Dühösen vágott szavába:
– Ez már igazán sok! Ez a teremtés rossz személynek híresztel
engem, a gyerekemet megveri, edényeimet összetöri, a házamat
feldúlja… és te ezt mind természetesnek találod!
– Egyáltalában nem… Azért küldtem el.
– De drága vagy! Elküldted?… Le kellett volna tartóztatni!
Ilyenkor egy férfi rendőrt hivat!…
Parent csak hebegni tudott: – Kedvesem… ez nem állt
módomban… ilyet… erre nem volt ok… Nem, az ilyesmi nem ment
Az asszony végtelen megvetéssel húzta föl vállát:
– Tudod mit? Soha, de sohasem leszel te más, mint gyáva
anyámasszony katonája, mint puha, nyálas, összetiporható csiga! Jó
Isten, ugyan mi mindent vághatott arcodba az a bestia, hogy ki
merted dobni őt. Szerettem volna itt lenni, ha csak egy percig is!
Felrántotta a vendégszoba ajtaját, Gyurihoz rohant s karjaiba
véve a gyermeket, szenvedélyesen csókolgatta: – Gyurikám, pici kis
szentem, mi bajod? Mondd, egyetlenem!
A gyermek anyja karjai közt elhallgatott. Az asszony újra
– Mi bajod, drága galambocskám?
A kis Gyuri, aki az iménti jelenetben a rémülettől jól látni sem
tudott, szepegve felelt:
– A papát megvejte a Julcsa.
Henriette először meglepetten nézett vissza urára, de aztán
bolond nevetési vágy buggyant fel szemében, szaladt végig, mint
borzongás, finom arcán, ajkát felemelte, orrcimpáit szétfeszítette s
végül kicsattant szájából az örömnek, a vidámságnak hangos,
csengő hangfüzéreként, mint valami levegőbe ijesztett, felröppenő
madársereg. Ragyogó fogai közül a gonosz vihogás szótagokra
szelve bocsátotta ki a szavakat, amelyek mindegyike mérges
harapásként hatott Parent érzékeny lelkére: »Ha! ha! ha!… meg-
vert!… ő… té-ged! ha, ha, ha! Mi-lyen fur-csa! Hall-ja, Li-mou-sin?…
Julcsa megverte… Ha, ha, ha… Az u-ra-mat!… Kitűnő!…
Parent igyekezett tiltakozni:
– Dehogy!… Nem igaz… Ellenkezőleg, én dobtam oly erővel az
ebédlőbe, hogy az asztalt felborította. A gyerek nem jól látta. Én
vertem meg a Julcsát!
Henriette fiához fordult: – Mondd még egyszer, kis bogaram.
Julcsa verte meg a papát?
A gyerek bólintott: – Igen, ő vejte meg…
Aztán hirtelen más jutott az asszony eszébe: – De ez a gyerek
még nem is evett!… Kaptál már vacsorát, édesem?
– Nem, mamuka.
Nyersen kiáltott urára: – De hát megőrültél? Fél kilenc s ez a
gyerek még nem vacsorázott!
Parent kifáradva a heves jelenetekbe, megtörve eddigi élete
összeomlásától, zavartan mentegetőzött:
– Rád vártunk, kedvesem. Nem akartam nélküled vacsorázni.
Minthogy minden este későn jössz haza, nem tudhattam, hogy
melyik pillanatban érkezel.
Az asszony kalapját, amely eddig fején volt, székre dobta és
idegesen fakadt ki:
– Borzasztó együtt élni emberekkel, akik semmit sem értenek
meg, semmit sem találnak ki, akik maguktól egy lépést sem mernek
tenni. Ha éjfélkor jöttem volna haza, a gyerek biztosan éhesen
feküdt volna le. Mintha oly nehéz lenne megérteni, hogy ha fél
nyolcig nem jövök, bizonyára fontos, előre nem látott dolog tart
Parent megremegett. Érezte, hogy a harag újra ellepi; de
Limousin közbelépett s rászólt a fiatal asszonyra:
– Kedves Henriette, maga nagyon igazságtalan. Parent nem
találhatta ki, hogy maga oly későn jön haza. Tudtommal ez még nem
fordult elő. Meg aztán, minthogy Julcsát elküldte, egymaga ki sem
kászmálódhatott a bajból…
Henriette ingerülten jegyezte meg: – Már pedig csak
kászmálódjék ki egyedül. Én ugyan nem segítek neki. Ő csinálta, ő
igya meg a levét.
E szavakkal mérgesen szobájába ment s azt is elfelejtette, hogy
fia még nem evett.
Limousin a legnagyobb buzgalommal sietett barátja segítségére.
A tört üvegeket és tányércserepeket az asztalról leszedte, a terítéket
rendbehozta és a gyermeket hosszúlábú karosszékecskéjébe
ültette, amíg Parent a szobalányt kerítette elő.
A szobalány csodálkozó arccal lépett be. György szobájába, ahol
dolgozott, a családi jelenetek zaja nem hallatszott be.
Felszolgálta a levest, az odaégett ürücombot s utána
Parent gyermeke mellett ült. Feje bódult volt, elméje a
nagyhullámú eseményeken erőtlenül vergődött. Adott enni fiának s
maga is falatozni kezdett. Gépiesen vágta a húst, szórakozottan
rágta s mikor nyelni akart, minden erejét össze kellett szednie,
mintha torka összehorpadt volna.
Leküzdhetetlen vágy ébredt benne, hogy Limousint, aki szemben
ült vele és kenyérlabdacsokat gyúrt, jól szemügyre vegye. Látni
akarta, hogy hasonlít-e Györgyhöz? De nem merte szemét felemelni.
Egyszer csak mégis elhatározta magát és rámeredt az ismerős
arcra, amely e percben olyannak tűnt föl előtte, mintha sohasem
látta volna. Sokáig nem állta a nézést, tekintetét minduntalan elkapta
s ellesve egy-egy vonalat, egy-egy kifejezést, tüstént gyermeke felé
fordult. Úgy tett, mintha etetné, holott arcán a hasonlóságot kereste.
Két szó visszhangzott lázasan fülében: »Gyuri apja! Gyuri apja!
Gyuri apja!« E szavak zsongtak halántéka körül szívének minden
egyes verésére. Igen, ez az ember, aki az asztal másik végén oly
nyugodtan ül, talán Gyurinak, az ő édes kis Gyurijának apja. Letette
a kést, villát: nem tudott enni. Éles, kegyetlen fájdalom sajgott végig
egész testén, azok közül való, amelyektől az ember a földre dobja
magát, a bútorokat harapja és üvölt, mint sakál. Kedve lett volna a
kést hasába szúrni. Ettől megkönnyebbült volna. Ezzel mindent
befejezett volna.
Mert hogyan éljen már ezentúl? Felkelhet-e reggel, asztalhoz
ülhet-e, lefekhet-e és alhat-e egész éjszaka, amikor folyton ez a
gondolat kísérti: »A György apja Limousin!« Nem, nem lesz többé
ereje, hogy egy lépést is tegyen, hogy felöltözzék, hogy akármire is
gondoljon, akárkivel is beszéljen! Minden nap, minden órában,
minden percben felvetődnék benne a kérdés és tudni akarná,
igyekeznék kitalálni, kinyomozni a rettenetes titkot. És kicsinyét, az ő
édes kis gyermekét nem láthatná már többé anélkül, hogy a szörnyű
kétely föl ne ébredjen benne, hogy a fájdalom szíve gyökeréig ne
nyilaljon. Itt, ebben a házban kellene tovább élnie egy gyermek
mellett, akit gyűlölne és imádna is egyszerre! Igen, a végén még
meggyűlölné. Milyen pokol! Ó, ha legalább biztos lenne, hogy
Limousin az apja! Akkor talán megnyugodnék s fájdalmát
könnyebben tudná legyűrni. De a kétség megöli!
Semmit sem tudni biztosan, örökké csak nyugtalankodni,
szenvedni és csókolni másnak gyermekét, sétálni vinni, karon
hordani, érezni ajkain finom hajának cirógatását, imádni őt és
mindig-mindig arra gondolni: »Talán nem is az enyém vagy?…«
Nem sokkal jobb lenne többé nem is látni, elhagyni, elveszteni az
uccán vagy elmenekülni tőle messze, nagyon messze, hogy többé
hírt se halljon felőle?
Az ajtónyitásra felugrott helyéről. Felesége jött be a szobába.
– Éhes vagyok, – jelentette ki. – És maga, Limousin?
Limousin habozva válaszolt:
– Hát bizony, én is.
Visszarendelték az ürücombot.
Parentban felvetődött a kérdés: »Együtt vacsoráztak-e, vagy
szerelmi találkájukon időztek oly soká?«
Mind a ketten farkasétvággyal ettek. Henriette egészen nyugodt
volt. Nevetgélt, tréfálgatott. Férje bátortalanul, lopva vetett rá egy-
egy pillantást. Fehér csipkével díszített rózsaszínű pongyola volt
rajta. Szép telt arca, üde nyaka és húsos keze a kacér, illatos
ruhából úgy siklott elő, mint színes kagylójából a csiga.
Vajjon mit csináltak egész nap együtt? Látta őket öszefonódva,
szerelmes szavakat suttogva! Hogyan lehetett idáig oly ostoba?
Hogy nem látott meg mindent, amikor így szemben ültek vele
egymás mellett?
Mennyit gúnyolódhattak rajta, mikor már első naptól fogva rútul
becsapták? Hát lehetséges az, hogy tisztességes emberrel ily csúfot
űzzenek csak azért, mert az apja kis pénzt hagyott rá? Hogy nem
lehet az ilyen szennyes dolgokat a lélekben meglátni? Miért van az,
hogy a tisztaszívű emberek előtt a gonoszlelkűek mesterkedéseit
semmi sem árulja el, hogy ugyanaz a hang tud imádni, amelyik
hazudik, hogy a sanda tekintet éppen olyan, mint a nyilt, őszinte
Vizsgálta őket s lesett áruló mozdulatra, szóra, hangsúlyra.
Hirtelen elhatározta: »Ma este rajtuk ütök!« Feleségéhez fordult:
– Kedvesem, minthogy Julcsát elküldtem, kénytelen vagyok még
ma este másik szolgálót keresni. Ha most rögtön megyek, holnap
reggelre talán már találok is egyet. Lehet, hogy későbben jövök
– Menj csak – mondta az asszony. – Én itthon maradok.
Limousin addig szórakoztat. Megvárjuk, míg hazajössz.
Aztán a szobalánynak rendelkezett:
– Fektesse le Gyurit, szedje le az asztalt s menjen maga is
Parent felállt az asztaltól. Térdei inogtak.
– Mingyárt itt leszek, – morogta, s amíg kiment, a falnak
támaszkodott, mert a parkett hullámzott alatta.
Gyurit elvitte a szobalány. Henriette és Limousin átmentek a
vendégszobába. Alig csukódott be az ajtó, Limousin az asszonyra
– Elment az eszed, drágám, hogy férjedet így kínozod?
Henriette megvetéssel fordult vissza:
– Kérlek, kissé unalmasnak találom, hogy Parent-t nekem
minduntalan vértanunak állítod be.
Limousin karszékbe vetette magát s lábait egymásra dobta:
– Egyáltalában nem állítom be vértanunak, de mégis
nevetségesnek találom, hogy helyzetünkben ezzel az emberrel
reggeltől-estig kötődjél.
Az asszony a kandallóról cigarettát vett, rágyujtott, aztán
nyugodtan mondta:
– Én nem kötődöm vele. Ép ellenkezőleg. De az ostobasága
felbőszít… Úgy bánok vele, ahogy megérdemli.
Limousin türelmetlenül vágott szavába:
– Lehetetlenül viselkedsz vele szemben! Különben e tekintetben
ti asszonyok mind egyformák vagytok. Hát nincs igazam? Itt van ez
a derék, jószívű fiú, kinek a bizalma és az előzékenysége az
ostobasággal határos. Nem gyanakszik ránk, nem zavar bennünket;
tőle tehetünk, amit akarunk. Te pedig mindent elkövetsz, hogy
felbőszítsd és nyugodt életünket megzavard.
Henriette kiesve a játszott nyugalomból, haraggal támadt
– Hagyj békét! Utállak téged is! Te is olyan gyáva vagy, mint a
többi férfi! Félsz ettől a hülyétől!
Limousin székéről felugrott és karjait szétvetve kiáltotta:
– Mondd meg, miben járt ártalmadra? Miért haragszol rá?
Szerencsétlenné tesz? Megver? Megcsal? Nem, ez már igazán sok!
Kínozod ezt a fiút, mert túlságosan jó és haragszol rá pusztán azért,
– mert felszarvazod.
Az asszony egészen közel ment Limousinhez és mélyen a
szemébe nézett:
– Te veted szememre, hogy megcsalom őt? Te? Éppen te? Na
hát ehez piszkosság kell!
Limousin szégyenlős megjuhászkodással védekezett:
– De édesem, nem vetek én semmit sem a szemedre. Csak arra
kérlek, hogy kíméld őt egy kevéssé. Mindkettőnknek szükségünk
van bizalmára. Ezt meg kell értened.
Közvetlen közelségben álltak egymással szemben: a magas,
barna férfi, illatos pofaszakállával s kissé közönséges nőhódítói
megjelenésével s a kis szőke, rózsaszínű asszony, a félig polgár,
félig kokott párizsi asszony, aki valamely kis bolt küszöbén
nevelkedett fel és csábító tekintetét a járókelőkön próbálta ki. Így
ismerkedett meg férjével, a jámbor sétálóval, aki minden reggel és
minden este elmenvén előtte, bátortalan szemét a lány rőfös
kacérságán végleg ottfelejtette.
– Hát nem tudod megérteni, te nagy mafla, – mondta az asszony
már békülékenyebben, – hogy éppen azért gyűlölöm, mert elvett,
mert megvásárolt és mert minden, amit mond, vagy tesz, az
idegeimet tépázza? Kétségbe ejt a butasága, amit te jóságnak hívsz;
az esetlensége, amit bizalomnak mondsz; és végül gyűlölöm,
utálom, mert ő a férjem s nem te! Akármilyen kevéssé is zavar,
mindig magunk között érzem. Csókjaink, öleléseink közé tolakodik
szüntelen. Meg aztán?… Ej, mit! Oly ostoba, oly rettenetesen
ostoba, hogy még nem is gyanakszik! Ha legalább kicsit féltékeny
volna! Vannak pillanatok, amikor szeretném a szemébe mondani:
»Hát nem látod, te szerencsétlen, nem fogod fel ésszel, hogy Pál a
Limousin felkacagott:
– Nagyon jó!… De mégis jobban teszed, ha hallgatsz és békés
életünket nem kavarod fel.
– Menj már! Egy ilyen baromtól nincs mit tartani! Nem vesz ez
észre semmit!… De engem idegesít, nem is sejtheted, hogy mily
mértékben idegesít! Te persze mindig dédelgeted, udvarolsz neki, a
kezét baráti őszinteséggel szorongatod… Ó, ti férfiak, némely
dologban oly különösek vagytok.
– Színlelni kell, kicsikém.
– Nem erről beszélek. A ti érzelmeitekről. Ti a férfit, akit
megcsaltok, mintha egyszerre jobban kezdenétek szeretni; mi
asszonyok gyűlöljük attól a pillanattól kezdve, amikor megcsaltuk.
– Nem látom át, hogy miért kellene egy derék embert gyűlölni,
akinek az ember a feleségét elcsábítja?
– Nem látod át?… Nem látod át?… Hisz éppen ez a finomság
hiányzik belőletek! Minek is beszéljek róla? Az ilyent meg kell érezni,
megértetni nem lehet… Meg aztán, nem tartozol-e?… De hagyjuk!
Kár az időt vesztegetni ilyesmivel. Nektek férfiaknak rinócerosz-
bőrötök van.
És mosolyogva, a sok élményen átviharzott nő szelíd
megvetésével, vállára tette két fehér kezét és ajkát feléje nyujtotta. A
férfi hozzáhajolt, karjai közé szorította s ajkuk egybeforrt. A kandaló
tükre előtt álltak, úgyhogy a márványoszlopos álló-óra mögött a
tükörben képmásuk velük együtt ölelkezett.
Mit sem hallottak: sem a kulcs fordulását, sem az ajtó
nyikorgását; egyszerre csak Henriette élesen felsikoltott s Limousin
karjaiból kiszakította magát: előttük állt halálsápadtan Parent,
összeszorított ököllel, cipő nélkül s homlokába húzott kalapja alól
szeme rájuk meredt.
Az őrültek szúrós, villogó tekintetével nézte hol egyiket, hol
másikat, anélkül, hogy fejét megmozdította volna. Egy pillanatig
szótlanul, a földbegyökerezve állt, aztán hirtelen Limousinre ugrott,
karjai közé kapta, mintha meg akarná fojtani s oly hatalmas
lendülettel taszította meg, hogy az elvesztve a talajt lába alól,
verdeső karokkal hátrált s már-már koponyájával a szoba falának
De Henriette, amikor látta, hogy ura szeretőjének életére tör,
rávetette magát férjére s az eszeveszett nőstény természetfölötti
erejével mind a tíz fényes, csiszolt, hegyes körmét oly mélyen
belevájta Parent nyakába, hogy tarkója alatt vére kibuggyant.
Közben beleharapott vállába is, mintha fogaival cafatokra akarta
volna tépni. Az asszony markai közt fuldokló Parent eleresztette
Limousint, lerázta magáról nyakába kapaszkodó feleségét s a
derekánál fogva fölemelve, a vendégszoba túlsó végébe hajította.
Azután, minthogy a gyönge embereknek rövidlélekzetű,
önkívületes haragja forrt benne, lihegve, kimerülten állt meg a kettő
között s nem tudta tovább, hogy mit csináljon. Állati dühe a
rendkívüli erőfeszítésben szétfolyt, mint kibontott pezsgő habja a
palackon. Szokatlan erélyessége lélekzetvesztő tehetetlenségben
múlt ki.
Ahogy végre szóra talált, akadozva hörögte:
– Takarodjatok… mind a ketten… tüstént… takarodjatok!…
Limousin nem moccant a sarokban, ahová a rémület szegezte.
Henriette szétzilált hajjal, meztelen kebellel állt; összeszorított öklét
a szalónasztalra támasztotta, fejét előreszegte, mint az ugrásra kész
Parent most erősebb hangon, magából kikelve ordította:
– Takarodjatok mingyárt… Takarodjatok!…
Felesége látván, hogy kétségbeesett ereje lelankadt,
kiegyenesedett, pár lépést tett feléje s már majdnem szokott
arcátlanságával kérdezte:
– Elment az eszed?… Mi lelt hirtelen?… Mit jelent ez a
minősíthetetlen orvtámadás?…
Parent fölemelt ököllel fordult felé:
– Hallgass!… Te nyomorult… te… te szajha! Mindent
hallottam!… mindent!… mindent!… Nyomorult!… Nyomorult! Aljasok
vagytok mind a ketten!… Ki innen!… Takarodjatok!…
Az asszony megértette, hogy most már vége. A férje mindent
tudott. Lehetetlen a kimagyarázás: engedni kell. De kétségbeejtő
helyzetében gyűlölete férje iránt, ösztönös szemérmetlensége
föltámadt benne s bosszúra, kötődésre hergelte.
Nyugodt, tiszta hangon szólt:
– Jöjjön, Limousin. Minthogy elkergettek, magához megyek.
Limousin azonban nem mozdult. Parent-on új dühroham futott
– Takarodjatok, nyomorultak!… Takarodjatok!… Mert különben!…
És egy széket kapott fel, amelyet feje fölött megforgatott.
Henriette sietve átment a vendégszobán, megfogta szeretője
karját, akit a félelem a falhoz ragasztott és az ajtó felé húzta
– Jöjjön, kedvesem, jöjjön… Látja, hogy ez az ember megőrült…
Jöjjön már!…
Az ajtóból még egyszer visszafordult az ura felé s akart még
csinálni, mondani valamit, amivel vérig sebzi, mielőtt elhagyja a
házat. És gonosz, méreggel itatott gondolata támadt, amelyet csak
rút asszonyi ravaszsága sugalmazhatott.
Határozott hangon szólt:
– A gyermekemet magammal akarom vinni.
Parent elámulva hebegte:
– Gyermekedet?… A te gyermekedet?… Még mersz beszélni
róla? Mered… mered követelni őt… azok után… Ó, te nyomorult, te
céda… Erigy!… Erigy!…
Az asszony visszajött hozzá, szemtől-szembe fordult vele s a
sikerült bosszú kéjes mosolya már ajkán terpeszkedett:
– A gyermekemet akarom… Neked nincs jogod visszatartani,
mert nem a tied… Megértetted?… A gyerek nem a tied… A gyerek
Parent eszét vesztve kiáltotta:
– Hazudsz! Nyomorult, hazudsz!…
Az asszony egészen közel hajolva hozzá sziszegte:
– Ostoba! Az egész világ tudja rajtad kívül. Limousin az apja… Ő
az apja s nem te… Aki a gyerekre néz, mingyárt látja…
Parent szédülve hátrált előle. Azután hirtelen visszafordult,
gyertyát kapott fel s a szomszéd szobába rohant.
Egy pillanat mulva már vissza is tért, karján hozva a paplanjába
burkolt gyereket. A fölébredt, megriadt fiúcska keservesen bőgött.
Parent felesége karjai közé dobta és szót sem szólva tuszkolta őt ki
az ajtón a lépcsőházig, ahol az óvatos Limousin várakozott.
Azután becsukta az ajtót, a kulcsot kétszer ráfordította és
azonkívül elreteszelte. Ereje addig tartott, amíg a vendégszobába
lépett. Ott egész hosszában végigesett a padlón.

Parent egyedül, egészen egyedül élt. A szakítás utáni első
hetekben életének újsága elterelte gyötrő gondolatait. Újra úgy élt,
mint legénykorában: vendéglőben étkezett s napjait céltalan
lődörgéssel töltötte. Minthogy a botrányt kerülni akarta, ügyvédje
által felesége számára tisztességes évjáradékot biztosított.
De gyermekének emléke lassanként kezdte kísérteni. Esténként,
ha egyedül üldögélt otthon, nem egyszer tisztán hallotta Gyuri
hangját, amint kiáltotta: »papa«. Szíve lázasan dobogott, sietve
nyitotta ki a lépcsőház ajtaját s lenézett, hogy vajjon gyermeke nem
jött-e vissza véletlenül? Hiszen visszajöhetne ő is, mint ahogy a
kutyák, vagy a galambok szoktak visszatérni. Miért lenne a
gyermekben kevesebb ösztön, mint az állatban.
De belátva, hogy tévedett, visszaült székébe s a kicsire gondolt.
Néha órákon, napokon keresztül gondolt rá. Nem csupán erkölcsi
kényszer volt ez nála, hanem még inkább testi szükséglet. Ideges,
érzéki vágy kínozta, hogy megcsókolja, karjaiba vegye, játsszon
vele, térdére ültesse, vagy bukfencet hányasson vele. Az elmult
dédelgetések emlékére szívét gyötrő fájdalom szorongatta. Érezte
nyaka köré fonódó meleg kis karjait, kis száját, amint szakállára
nagy csókot cuppant s finom haját, amely arcát csiklandozta. Üde,
illatos bőre, huncutkodó hízelgései után olyan őrült epekedést érzett,
mint imádott asszony után, aki megszökött.
Az uccán szemét ellepte a könny, ha arra gondolt, hogy most az
ő nagy Gyuri fia mellette tipeghetne, mint egykor, amikor sétálni vitte.
Haza kellett mennie s fejét karjába hajtva egész éjszaka zokogott.
Napközben is százszor és százszor fölvetette a kérdést: »Apja-e
vagy nem Györgynek?« De a végenélküli, gyötrő okoskodások
különösen éjszaka kezdődtek. Alighogy lefeküdt, agyában
föltámadtak minden este ugyanazok az érvek s a két lehetőség körül
megindult a kétségbeesett, belső szócsata.
Felesége távozása után szentül hitte, hogy a gyermek Limousiné.
De a bizonyságot lassanként újra habozás váltotta föl. Henriette
szavainak nem lehetett hitelt adni. Kötődött vele, a kétség örvényébe
akarta taszítani. Ha a mellette és ellene szóló bizonyítékokat
higgadtan átgondolta, akkor igen sok reménye lehetett arra, hogy
felesége rosszhiszeműen hazudott.
Egyesegyedül Limousin mondhatná meg a teljes igazságot. De
hogyan lehetne kikérdezni s rábírni, hogy vallomást tegyen?
Néha az éjszaka kellős közepén felöltözködött s eltökélte, hogy
rögtön fölkeresi Limousint s ha kell, kéréssel, könyörgéssel, egész
vagyonának felajánlásával is, de mindenképpen véget vet rettenetes
gyötrelmeinek. De aztán eszébe jutott, hogy Limousin szintén
hazudni fog. Biztosan hazudni fog, csakhogy megakadályozza az
igazi apát gyermekének visszaszerzésében. És megint csak
lefeküdt, hogy észbontó töprengéseit tovább folytassa.
Mit csináljon hát? Semmit!
Kár volt az eseményeket ily durván siettetni. Várni kellett volna
türelmesen két-három hónapig, várni és ügyesen színlelni, hogy
mindenről saját szemével szerezzen közvetlen bizonyságot. Ha azt
hiszik, hogy ő nem gyanakszik, maguktól árultak volna el mindent.
Elég lett volna csak egyetlen egyszer látni a másikat, hogy csókolja
meg a gyermeket s abból mindent megértett volna.
Ó, a barát nem úgy öleli meg a gyereket, mint az apa! Milyen jól
megtehette volna ezt az ajtó mögül! Miért is nem gondolt erre akkor?
Ha Limousin egyedül maradva Györggyel, nem ragadta volna meg
rögtön, nem zárta volna karjai közé, nem csókolta volna meg
szenvedélyesen, ha hagyta volna, hogy játsszék s maga
közömbösen ült volna mellette, akkor nem lett volna semmi kétség:
nem az apja, nem hiszi, nem érzi magát a gyermek apjának!
Milyen jó lett volna akkor! Elkergeti anyját s maradt volna
gyerekkel. Egyedül az édes kisgyerekkel. Ó, milyen boldogság lett
Verejtékezve, fáradttá gyűrve forgolódott ágyában és igyekezett
visszaemlékezni arra, hogyan bánt Limousin a gyerekkel? De
semmi, semmi sem jutott eszébe. Egy kézmozdulat, egy szó, egy
tekintet sem, egy gyanús csók sem! Meg aztán az anya is alig
törődött a fiúval! Ha a szeretőjétől lett volna, bizosan jobban szerette
Igen, csak bosszúból, csak kegyetlenségből választották el
gyermekétől. Csak azért, hogy a rajtakapásért megbüntessék.
Elhatározta, hogy kora reggel, amint kinyitják a hivatalokat,
elmegy a kerületi kapitányságra és fiát visszaköveteli.
Alig állapodott azonban meg ebben s már a másik lehetőség,
mint tiszta bizonyosság, meredt elébe. Ha Limousin Henriettenek
első naptól fogva a szeretője, a választott, szenvedéllyel szeretett
férfia volt, akkor bizonyosan neki adta oda magát azzal a hévvel,
azzal a teljes magafeledkezéssel, amely a nőket anyává teszi.
Mindent Limousinnak adott; neki csak hideg csók, vonakodó ölelés,
ellenséges asszonyi test maradt, amely szerelmétől soha meg nem
Menjen már most, követelje ki, hozza magával, tartsa magánál és
dédelgesse – másnak a gyerekét? Nem tudna ránézni, nem tudná
megcsókolni, nem hallhatná hangját, amikor »apu« – nak szólítja
anélkül, hogy a szörnyű gondolat minduntalan szívébe ne nyilaljon:
»Nem is a te gyermeked!« Önmaga ítélné el magát örökös
szenvedésre, amelyben minden pillanat kínzó hóhéra lehetne! Nem,
akkor már jobb lesz egyedül élnie, egyedül megöregednie és
egyedül meghalnia!
És a rettenetes kétségek és szenvedések, amelyeket semmiféle
ír sem gyógyítani, sem enyhíteni nem tudott, minden nap, minden
éjszaka újra kezdődtek. Különösen az esthomálytól, szürkületek
sivár szomorúságától félt. A leszálló árnyékokból szívére az
elhagyatottságnak, a kétségbeesésnek valóságos záporesője hullt,
amelyben az tehetetlen vergődéssel merült el. Félt gondolataitól,
mint leselkedő gonosztevőktől s üldözött vadként futott előlük. És
rettegett üres, sötét szobáitól is, az elhagyatott, kis uccáktól, ahol
csak itt-ott pislákol egy gázláng s ahol minden magányos járókelő
gyanús csavargónak tűnik fel, aki gyorsítja vagy lassítja lépteit
aszerint, amint hátunk mögött, vagy velünk szembejön.
Parent ösztönszerű menekvéssel kereste a kivilágított, forgalmas
uccákat. A fény és a tömeg vonzotta, lefoglalta, bódította. Mikor
aztán az uccai zsivaj kifárasztotta s a járókelők is ritkultak és kezdtek
kiürülni a nagy körutak, akkor a magánytól és a csendtől való félelem
nagy, fénnyel elöntött, ivókkal zsúfolt sörcsarnokok felé kergette.
Ment, mint lepke a fénybe, leült egy kis kerek asztalhoz és korsó sört
rendelt. Lassan ivott s közben minden távozóra nyugtalan pillantást
vetett. Szerette volna karjuknál fogva visszatartani, maradásra bírni
őket, annyira félt a perctől, amikor a dühös pincér elébe áll s rákiált:
»Zárunk, kérem! Meddig tetszik még itt ülni?«
Mert minden este utolsónak maradt. Végignézte, mint rakják
egymásra az asztalokat, mint oltják ki egymásután a gázlángokat,
míg végre csak kettő égett: az övé és a kasszáé. Kétségbeesve
figyelte a kasszirosnőt, mily gyorsan számolja a pénzt s mikor már a
fiókba zárta, akkor is a takarítónak kellett valósággal kituszkolni
barátságtalan megjegyzések kíséretében:
– Alig lehet a székéről lekaparni! Itt nincs éjjeli menhely!
Amint az elnéptelenedett, sötét uccára lépett, tüstént Györgyre
kellett gondolnia. A visszanyomott gondolat mohón támadott
megkínzott agyvelejére s újra kezdődött a gyötrelmes játék: apja-e
vagy nem gyermekének?
Így szokta meg a kocsmázást; a vendégek iszogatva zsibongtak
körülötte s mindegyikük barátságos, szórakoztató volt: a pipa vastag
füstje tompította nyugtalanságát és a sör nehéz mámora elméjét
kábította, szívét békéltette.
Lassanként itt töltötte egész napját. Ahogy fölkelt, ide jött, hogy
törzsvendégtársain felejtse tekintetét és kínzó gondolatait. Aztán
csupa lustaságból itt is étkezett. Délfelé a söröskorsóval kocogott a
márványasztalon: a pincér fürgén hozott tányért, poharat,
asztalkendőt és a napi ebédet. Étkezés után lassan kiitta kávéját és
szemét már előre kéjjel legeltette a konyakos palackon, amelynek
felejtető nedűje agyát legalább is egy órára elzsibbasztja. Először
csak ajkával érintette az italt s nyelve hegye a csillogó fölületről
csupán az ízt, az arómát szívta föl. Aztán hátravetette fejét s a
poharat cseppenként ürítette szájába. A maró folyadékot lassan
végigfolyatta szájpadlásán, nyeldeklőjén, az arc sikamlós, nyers
visszáján, s a perzselő érintésre előbuggyanó áttetsző nyállal
összekeverte. Az így felhígult keveréket egyszerre nyelte le és
élvezettel figyelte, mint csurog le torkán át egészen a gyomra
Minden étkezés után magába szürcsölgetett így három-négy
pohárkát, ami egy kissé elbódította. A fejét a mellére hajtotta,
szemét lecsukta és álomba szenderült. Egy óra mulva fölébredt és
első mozdulatával a pohár sör után nyúlt, amelyet a figyelmes pincér
még szunyókálása alatt készített elébe. Kiitta, fölnyujtózkodott a
piros bársonydíványról, nadrágját a cipőjéig rázta, mellényét
kikukkanó inge fölé rántotta, kabátja gallérját leporolta, gömbölyű
manzsettáit előhuzogatta és újra helyet foglalva, a már végigolvasott
lapokba mélyedt.
Az első sortól az utolsóig elolvasott mindent újra, az
apróhirdetések rovatait, a tőzsdehireket és színházi műsorokat sem
felejtve ki.
Négytől hatig a körutakon sétált, hogy, amint mondta, levegőt
szippantson. Azután visszajött, a fentartott asztalnál helyet foglalt és
abszintot kért.
A törzsvendégek közül már több ismerőse volt, akikkel
megbeszélte a napi híreket, a különböző eseményeket és politikai
fordulatokat. Az idő eltelt vacsoráig. Estéje épúgy folyt le, mint a
délután, egészen a záróráig. Ekkor következett el a szörnyű pillanat:
ki kellett mennie a sötétbe, haza kellett mennie a kietlen szobába,
ahol rettenetes emlékek, kínzó gondolatok és félelmek várták. Régi
barátai, rokonai közül senkit sem látott. Senkivel sem akart
találkozni, aki mult életére emlékeztette volna.
Végre is ki akarván szakítani magát házi poklából, szép, nagy
szobát bérelt egy forgalmas helyen lévő szállodában. E kirakatos
otthonban többé már nem volt egyedül. Az emberek élete körülötte
zsibongott. Az ablakredőnyök mögül fölhangzott a járókelők
beszéde. És ha a magányos tűzhely és elhagyatott ágya körül a régi
gyötrelmek újra föléledtek, kiment a széles, kivilágított folyosóra,
ahol föl és alá járt, mint ügyeletes pincér. Az ajtók végtelen sora előtt
bánatosan nézett a párosával kitett cipőkre, a csinos, apró női
topánkákra, amelyek szerelmesen hajoltak a nagy férfilábbeliekre.
Az volt az érzése, hogy a zárt ajtók mögött csupa boldog pár alszik.
Szinte látta őket fekhelyük melegében gyöngéden egymáshoz
Öt év mult el így. Öt hideg, szerelemtelen esztendő, amelyet
néha pár órás megfizetett ölelések szakítottak meg.
Egy nap aztán, amint a Madeleine és a Drouot ucca között
szokott sétáját végezte, egy nőt pillantott meg, akinek a járása
figyelmét különösképpen lekötötte. Magastermetű úr és kis fiú voltak
társaságában. Tünődve kérdezte: »Hol láttam én ezeket az
embereket?« Az asszonynak egy kézmozdulatát hirtelen fölismerte:
a felesége volt. A felesége, vele Limousin; s a kis gyerek: az ő fia, az
ő kicsi Gyurikája.
A szíve veszettül kalapált. Mégsem állt meg. Látni akarta őket.
Ezért nyomukba lépdelt. Jómódú polgárembereknek látszottak.
Henriette Pál karjára támaszkodott, kedvesen csevegett vele és
néha szerelmesen ránézett. Ilyenkor Parent megpillantotta kedves
arcvonalát, bájosan mosolygó ajkát és melegpillantású szemét. De
különösen gyermeke szívta föl minden figyelmét. Milyen nagy és
erős lett már! Arcát nem láthatta, csupán hosszú szőke haját, amely
csigákban hullt kihajtott, fehér gallérjára. Gyuri lenne vajjon ez a
meztelen térdű, magas gyerek, aki oly nagy komolysággal megy
anyja oldalán, mint valami kis emberke?
Megálltak egy kirakat előtt s Parent most jól szemügyre vehette
őket. Limousin megőszült, arca megöregedett és megsoványodott;
felesége ellenben jobb színben volt, mint valaha: talán kissé meg is
hízott; a legjobban Gyuri változott meg mindhármójuk közül. Parent
alig tudott ráismerni.
Újra megindultak. Parent egy darabig követte őket, majd nagy
lépésekkel elébük vágott, hogy újra visszafordulhasson és szemtől-
szembe láthassa őket. Amint a gyermek mellett elment, őrült vágy

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