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Module: Research Methodology
Course Code: 553
Student 1 full name: Bùi Minh Quân
Student 1 ID: 2212155169 (số 11)
Student 2 full name: Võ Minh Quân
Student 2 ID: 2212155171 (số 13)
Class: K61CLC6
Lecturer: Mr. Tran Thanh Tam

Grade (in number) Grade (in words)

Examiner 1’s signature Examiner 2’s signature

Invigilator 1’s signature Invigilator 2’s signature

Table of content

Literature review…..……………………………………………………………………4
Relevant research………………………………………………………………………5
Research questions and objective……………………………………………………8
Time scale………………………………………………………………………………12

Influence of art on Vietnamese young generation

A nation's main priority is always its education system. Education and the next
generation go hand in hand since the advancement of education will support the
advancement of the youngsters in that nation. However, the poor culture of
foreign art is becoming a challenging issue for Vietnamese children. Reasons
can be both impartial and biased. The next sections will examine and investigate
these motives.

The essay will first provide a quick overview of the Vietnamese cultural
environment and the complex issues facing young people today that have a
detrimental effect on education. The challenges that must be resolved in order to
change the current situation are what led to our decision to pursue this particular
research topic. The management of the Vietnamese Ministry of Culture, Sports,
and Tourism, followed by Vietnamese youngsters of particular ages, are the two
groupings of subjects we propose be investigated. We are provided with
appropriate research methods and research questions that can be used. Lastly,
the strategy and forecasts required to carry out the research

Art and cultural products are always an impactful communicative tool that can
influence many generations in society. They reflect the current issues, raise
people's awareness but can also be a mediums for perverse culture to enter into
our value system, especially the young nowaday with immediate access to the
internet can be easily affected by perverse culture.

Given the important impact arts have on society, however, in recent years back
in Vietnam, new cultural forms of art like pornography have been widely
integrated and causing serious consequences to the youth generation. More
research into this issue would allow us to understand how these types of art are
integrated into our society, and how we can prevent it from harming our young
generation, and the society.

The research conducted by Ngo Thanh Mai has given a comprehensive view of
how children in Ha Noi are affected by foreign comics, and the loopholes in
managing content that allow unlicensed comics to spread widely. However, since
there are differences in culture between Ha Noi and Ho Chi Minh city, especially
about the way parents control their children, and the social norm, the result of
this study would be different to some extent if it is conducted again in Ho Chi
Minh city.

Based on the research conducted by Ngo Thanh Mai, in this study we will define
the effect of foreign comic and other foreign cultural products on the young
generation in Ho Chi Minh city and examined young people’s opinion on
sensitive, inappropriate cultural product, and also how parents in Ho Chi Minh
city think about the integrated foreign culture that their children are currently
exposing to.

Literature review:
Since 1990s on, researchers have been increasingly concerned about the
impacts of art on society1. Social impact is now an important criteria for financial
funding in art2. Various studies have shown that art can affect kids' school
performance, adults health and behavior and old-aged people cognitive
function3,4,. More importantly, many researchers have found that early exposure
to sensitive content, pornography, or adult movies can lead to early puberty in
both boys and girls. It can even have more serious consequences in teenage life
as a study shows a link between early exposure to sexual content and
pregnancy before 20 years old5.

Not only about the sexual content, but the young cultural preference also has a
large impact on their early life. The rap music culture, which is highly preferred by
the young around the world, has a relationship with young crime, their
perception of social injustice or feeling of inequity6.

More concerningly, bad content not only exists in pornography or adult movies
but even in kid cartoons. In a study that examined 23 famous cartoon movies
concluded that violent content shown in cartoons may affect kids’ mental health
development7. Another popular entertainment form for kids is comics which also
have some negative impacts on kids. A study analyzing a number of American
comics suggests that these stories make consumers form false perceptions of
intimate partner violence8, a social issue which affects one in five women and
one in thirteen men around the world. In these comics, they portray the
perpetrators as mentally ill such as drunk or under the influence of drugs which is
then the excuse for the perpetrators to commit the violence. Meanwhile the victim

is often depicted as refusing to leave, provoking violence or not fighting back.
These processes would then put more blame on victims who are actually
suffered from the violence while giving more acceptance to the perpetrators 9.
Several studies have found that those who form these misconceptions are more
likely to put the blame on the victim and excuse the perpetrator, and seem to less
think this violence as a serious problem10. All too often, both comics and cartoons
are all normally considered kid content even some of them put 18 plus labels,
and they all usually displayed at the same self intended for kids at bookstores.
Parents may also sometimes neglect the violence or bad content in those comics
and cartoons.

It is clear that various popular culture mediums form our perception of justice,
crime, or social stereotype11. Especially children are those whose perception can
be easily swayed by exposure to these cultural products. In Vietnam despite the
effort of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, those highly perverse
cultural products and violence, inappropriate content still ingrained in our society
through many ways like the drawing of human genital organs on school desks,
walls, or the violence and sexual arousing content in comic. In the day of internet
becoming popular in Vietnam, other way perverse cultural product enter our
society is through social media such as facebook, more and more content that
joke about sexual intercourse at young age which even normalizes sexual
intercourse under the age of 18.

Relevant research

There is one significant research in Vietnam titled “Influence of comics on

Vietnamese children” and conducted by Ngo Thanh Mai, Hanoi, which
contributes a lot to professional study into Vietnamese people’s psychology and
social children education.

According to Master Ngo Thanh Mai's research, young Vietnamese people are
currently more interested in Japanese comics than they are in Vietnamese
comics. The production of comic books in Vietnam started to decline after 2005. 13
There are various factors that may be used to explain this, including the growth
of the internet, the emergence of numerous websites where users can read
stories online, the saturation of the comic book market, and the alteration of the
original comics. In fact, the psychology of international students, a desire of
novelty, and the psychology of people in other countries may all be used to
explain why people prefer foreign shows. Vietnamese individuals have a
propensity for falling in love with other nations, maybe as a result of Vietnam's
recent opening to the outside world after a lengthy period of isolation. Japanese
comics beat out Vietnamese comics as a result of these attitudes.

Children are first introduced to comic comics at a very young age. The
percentage of kids who are familiar with comics comes from elementary school,
which accounts for over 54% of them, followed by kindergarten (35%), junior high
(11%), and high school (11%). 0.3 percent of all students that were surveyed.
The percentage of students who have never read a comic book is zero. 13 In order
to make the shift from a kid to an adult, the body undergoes physical and
psychological changes during puberty. For girls, this process typically starts
between the ages of 8 and 13 and for boys, between the ages of 9 and 14. 14
However, bad cultures tend to be more responsive and widespread.

Almost every students have read manga at least one time, and currently
Japanese manga is favorable among other types of comic. However, one special
feature of manga is that the female character as drawn by japanese author were
considered as sexy, arousing, or sometimes vulgar as some scenes in
Doraemon when the girl character Shizuka has an upskirt moment or when she

was peered when bathing. Even popular series like One Piece (world most
selling comic), or Naruto were censored in some countries. De Boer-Buquicchio,
an United Nations representative, criticized Japan for accepting these sensitive
content in comic. Despite being widely criticized around the world, Japan authors
believe that this is part of their country culture that no other cultures would
understand. Children retain much more from images than words, thus exposure
to these sensitive content can affect their thinking and lead to many

Protecting children from harmful content is important and the Vietnam law puts
heavy penalty for spreading sexual, pornographic content, which can be as high
as 3 year jails. However, in reality, there are not so many getting punished for
spreading pornographic content.13 Thus, types of pornographic manga like
hentai, hacchi, harem,... has been found everywhere on the internet. Another
serious issue is child porn, which manga authors argue that this the right for
freedom in creative activity. Since the Japanese government allows for this type
of manga to be published, it is hard to keep it from spreading on the internet.

Vietnam children get exposure to comic at a very young age. According to

statistic, 89 percent children have exposed to comic before they get into
secondary highschool, and almost zero percent who have never read comic. In
one survey, 24 percent of children said they read online comic while 66 percent
said they read both online comic and hard paper comic. However, for parents,
only 33 percents of parents said that their children read comic on the internet
while 60 percent said that their children do not read comic on the internet. 13
Reading comics on the internet involves many risks, some of the comics even
don’t have publishing license but still can be read online.

The study also cites some of the problems in managing comics that let adult
comics read by the wrong audiences. For example, Shin comic series is labeled
as 12+ but it is widely read for elementary students. It can be seen that the age
label in these comics are too small or not in an easy place to notice.
Furthermore, in the perception of Vietnamese parents, comics are for kids so
they are unaware that there are comics that have sensitive content.13

Research question and objectives

As shown in many articles above, lack of strict administration of the Ministry of
Culture, Sports and Tourism results in negative and highly perverse culture
affecting Vietnamse youth. This thesis explains this drawback by analysing and
assessing the impact of Foreign culture on Vietnamese people in two different
group of ages. With the thorough examination, many helpful recommendations
will be carried out to help improve the quality of the online content Vietnamese
youngsters obtain.

In short, the major questions leading this thesis are: What are the biggest
drawbacks in the process of examining online content of the Ministry of Culture,
Sports and Tourism, and what innovations should be carefully considered and
operated to amend the situation?

Questions are divided as below:

1. What are the deficiency of administrating the content of art online?
1.1. How much does the legal management of online art cover?
1.2. What are the rate of interest in Vietnamese people towards inappropriate
culture spread by art?
1.3. To what extent do the removal of bad content improve the online art

2. What are the rate of interest in Vietnamese people towards inappropriate
culture spread by art?
2.1. What are the ages effected most by the online art?
2.2. How do the online contents affects their behaviour?
2.3. Effectiveness of parental guidance?
3. What are the practical improvement can be made to reform the quality of
Children always believe what they see and this is why movies have such a big
impact on them. Some movie content has a direct impact on children's behavior,
while others affect children's perception when they grow up. 12 That’s why we
have the urge to control everything that are daily interactive to children. What we
need here is the strict management of legal authorities, which is the Vietnamese
Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. However, not many significant research
relevant to the process of censoring art by the Ministry have been conducted,
therefore our citizens don’t have a clear insight into the situation. That’s not only
a big problem but also a huge flaw in Vietnamese art system, which boost the
need to conduct this contributing research.

A lot of outstanding researches conducted on people’s interest on art has been

carried out, namely “Influence of comics on Vietnamese children” - Ngo Thanh
Mai, “Impact of underground rap on Hanoi youngsters” - Nguyen Duc Anh. In this
research, we still conduct on the same group of Vietnamese people, the youth as
those are who most interact with art and are influenced. What this research
distinguishes from those mentioned ones are the main innovations in the way we
collect valuable information.

Research subjects:
- People in charge at the Vietnamese Ministry of Culture, Sports and
- Vietnamese children.

Research area:
- Ho Chi Minh city, Vietnam.

1. People working at the Vietnamese Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

2 prepesentatives from each examined Agency under the Ministry
+ Agency for Performing Arts
+ Agency for Fine Arts, Photography and Experiment.
+ Agency for Cinema

Those individuals will be asked to make a clear, short brief of their administrating
process, they need to list down the advantages, disadvantages existing. The
answers are then transferred, thoroughly analysed, and finally compared to the
data which is collected in the approach we will address below.

The efficiency of the administration is tested by legally gathering real data from
the online database which is in the Ministry’s responsibility. Those crucial data is
closely linked to the questions of this research ( Part 1 of the Research questions
and objectives).

When all the needed information are provided, the research will have a result
which summarize all the significant point in the way legal authorities covering the

quality and decency of arts in Vietnam, which helps experts work on reforming
the process, create strict punishment, improving social attitude towards arts.

2. Vietnamese children

Group 1: Experiment
Number of subjects: 500 children (from grade 1 - 12)
We intention to cooperate with 50 school in 3 levels, primary, secondary and high
school. 10 random boys and girls are picked randomly from each shool.

Stage 1:
1.1. Subjects will be encouraged to read funny books.
1.2. Teachers ask them provided questions supporting the research.
1.3. Data is gathered

Stage 2:
2.1. Subjects will be encouraged to read comics containing violent, bloody
images, inapproriate words.
2.2. Teachers ask them provided questions supporting the research.
2.3. Data is gathered.
Stage 3:
3.1. Subjects will be encouraged to read comics which have minor unsuitable
content such as game addiction, cigarettes, crime, sex… depending on gender
and ages.
3.2. Teachers ask them provided questions supporting the research
3.3. Data is gathered.

Group 2: Online Survey

Questions designed in Part 2 of Research questions and objectives are set up to
emerge after videos that are supposed to cause negative effects on young
generation. As it is really annoying for them to encounter questions after
watching videos, Youtube for example. The innovation here is questions will be
asked at the beginning of the previous video, and questions are highly relevant to
the videos they experienced before.
With this approach, we will have clearer perspective into their obtaining online
arts behaviour.

Synthesizing information are continuously transferred back to the examined

Agency under the Ministry. Discussion will take place before the output

The length of this research will take up to 5 months including 5 stages:

1. Designing the research
2. Preparing resources
3. Examining representatives from the Ministry of Culture, Sports and
Tourism (Group I)
4. Examining school children (Group II)
5. Analysing data
6. Completing the reports
7. Finalizing the research

The examining process took the majority time of the plan. Examining Group I and
Group II will be carried out simultaneously, however it only takes 1 month to
gather information from the first subjects, less than 2 month compared to the
second ones.


The activity 15/3 - 25/3 26/3 - 30/3 1/4 - 30/4 31/5 - 30/6 4/7 - 15/7 16/7- 26/7 26/7 - 15/8

Designing the


group I

group II

Analysing data

Completing the

Finalizing the


In order to sufficiently conduct this research we need to possess two type of

necessary resources.

Physical materials:
- Kinds of paper
- Specific comics

Non-physical materials:
- Telephone
- Online database

Moreover, to maintain the quality of the research, the amount of money needed
will be published.


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5. Age of first exposure to pornography shapes men's attitudes toward
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6. T;, S. (n.d.). Socio-cultural influences on Young People's sexual
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8. Early childhood. (2017, April 13). Retrieved February 15, 2023, from
9. Mental illness and violence: Debunking myths, addressing realities. (n.d.).
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10. Revealing & dealing with misconceptions. (n.d.). Retrieved February
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11. Author(s) Ken Dowler; Thomas Fleming; Stephen L. Muzzatti (no
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Crime: Media, Crime, and Popular Culture | Office of Justice Programs.
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13. Ngô, T. M. (2019). Ảnh hưởng của truyện tranh đến trẻ em Việt Nam
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