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managements studies

‫هدى الكاشف‬.‫د‬
A- Put true or false for each of following statements:
1- Management functions consists of Planning,
organizing, staffing, directing and controlling.
A) True B) False

2- Planning, implies the selection and placement of

a most able and competent person on each
position provided in the organizational structure.
A) True B) False

3- Staffing, function is concerned with leadership,

communication, motivation and supervision so that
the employees perform their activities in the most
efficient manner possible in order to achieve the
desired goals.
A) True B) False

4- Controlling function consists of those activities that

are undertaken to ensure that the events do not
deviate from pre-arranged plan.
A) True B) False

5- Directing, is that part of managerial function

which actuates the organizational methods to work
6- Controlling implies measurement of
accomplishment against the standards and
correction of deviation if any to ensure achievement
of organizational goals.
A) True B) False

7- A vision statement focuses on tomorrow and what

an organization ultimately wants to become but a
mission statement focuses on today and what an
organization does to achieve it.
A) True B) False

8- A vision statement is a detailed description of an

organization’s aspirations and the wider impact it
aims to create.
A) True B) False

9-Marketing Mix is not of the most fundamental

concepts in marketing management.
A) True B) False

10- The (4 Ps) are: product, pricing, distributive

channels (place) and sales promotion .
A) True B) False
11- Promotion is the communication about the
product offered by the manufacturer to the
A) True B) False

12 – Marketing mix are rigid and static concept.

A) True B) False

13. Organizing is the management function involved

in setting goals and objectives and creating specific
plans for completing them.
A) True B) False

14. Executive managers are responsible for

establishing a vision for the organization, developing
broad plans and strategies, and directing
subordinate managers?
A) True B) False

15. First level managers are responsible for

implementing programs that are intended to carry
out the broader objectives of an organization set by
A) True B) False
16. Chain of command principle states that each
individual should report to only one boss in order to
avoid conflict and/ or confusion?
A) True B) False

17. Unity of direction is a management principle

states that orders and instructions should flow down
from top to bottom or from a higher level manager
to a lower one?
A) True B) False

18. Administrative manager who possesses

knowledge of the processes, equipment, and
potential problems of an industry would possess what
type of managerial skill?
A) True B) False

19. The Organizational ability of a manager to

interface and work effectively with individuals and
groups is descriptive of what type of managerial skill?
A) True B) False
20. Customer satisfaction is a performance tool for a
manager to lead a team to exceed their monthly
goal of new clients.
A) True B) False

21. Economic uncertainty, regulatory requirements,

and new competitors are examples of External
factors that affect managers
A) True B) False

22. Planning is management function involves

measuring results, comparing results to expectations,
and taking corrective action
A) True B) False

23. Short range issues are first level managers

routinely influenced.
A) True B) False
24. Achieve their goals is characterize a manager as
being effective
A) True B) False

25. Achieve their goals is characterize a manager as

being efficient
A) True B) False

26. Management and efficiency, two major end

results are managers seeking on a daily basis.
A) True B) False

27. Managers are responsible for reporting to middle

A) True B) False

28. Leading is part of the management process

includes measuring results, comparing results to
expectations, and taking corrective action to bring
results in to line.
A) True B) False

1. Which term best describes the process of

obtaining, deploying, and utilizing a variety of
essential resources to contribute to an organization’s
A) planning
B) organizing
C) staffing
D) management

2. Which management function involves setting

goals and objectives and creating specific plans for
completing them?
A) planning
B) organizing
C) controlling
D) leading

3. Which management function involves measuring

results, comparing results to
expectations, and taking corrective action?
A) planning
B) organizing
C) leading
4. A mission statement should answer the question:
A) What business are we in?
B) What are our goals?
C) What is our strategy?
D) Who are our competitors?
E) What threats do we face?

5. What are an organization's goals based on?

A) its strategies
B) its competitors' strategies
C) its mission
D) product or service requirements

6. This P is not a part of the 7Ps of marketing mix?

A) Promotion
B) Price
C) People
D) Purpose
A) Intangibility
B) Durability
C) Variability
D) Perishability

8. Out Of 4ps in marketing mix three are product,

promotion, and price, which is the 4th P.
A) Purpose
B) Place
C) Pursuit
D) Promotion
E) Plan

9. __________________ deals with the specification of

the actual good or service and how it relates to the
target customer.
A) Price aspect
B) Product aspect
C) Promotion aspect
D) Place aspect
E) Planning aspect

10. “Place” in 4Ps mean same as

A) Promotion
B) People
11. Which of the following is not a project? (Give
reason for your selection)
a) Running an election campaign for a political
b) Building a bridge over a river.
c) Piloting an aircraft for Egypt air flight.
d) Writing a book on Project Management.

12. Which of the following is a project? (Give reason

for your selection)
a) Sending a weekly status report.
b) Improving the roads of Rio de Janeiro for 2016
c) Getting ready for office every day.
d) Selling books in a book store.
13. Project management is:
a) The centralized coordinated management of a
program to achieve the program’s strategic
objectives and benefits.
b) The application of information systems to manage
in a coordinated way a group of related projects.
c) The centralized coordination of operations and
programs to achieve the program’s strategic
objectives and benefits.
d) The application of knowledge, skills, tools and
techniques to project activities to meet the project

14. Which one of the following statements is true?

a) An increase in project scope is likely to increase
project cost.
b) A decrease in the project time is likely to increase
project quality.
c) An increase in the project quality requirements is
likely to decrease project cost.
d) A decrease in the project cost is likely to decrease
project time.
15. Which statement best describes a responsibility of
the project manager:
a) To be the sole source of expertise for estimating
techniques on cost and time.
b) To deliver the project objectives to enable
benefits to be realised.
c) To take ultimate accountability for the delivery of
the business benefits.
d) To delegate all accountability for managing time,
cost and quality to team leaders.

16. A project is typically defined in terms of scope,

time, cost and which other parameter?
a) Benefits.
b) Quality.
c) Tolerance.
d) Controls.
17. The five project management process groups
a) Initiate, Plan, Control, Execute, Close
b) Define, design, deploy, evaluate, refine,
c) Design, measure, analyze, improve, control
d) Define, measure, destroy, design, verify
e) Initiate, plan, evaluate, execute, close

18. Which title is given to an individual who is in

charge of and coordinates the activities of a group
of employees engaged in related activities within a
unit of an organization?
A) manager
B) employee
C) vender
D) contractor

19. Which level of management is responsible for

establishing a vision for the organization, developing
broad plans and strategies, and directing
subordinate managers?
A) first level managers
B) middle managers
C) executive managers
D) second level managers
20. Which level of management is responsible for
implementing programs that are intended to carry
out the broader objectives of an organization set by
A) supervisory managers
B) middle managers
C) first level managers
D) chief financial managers

21. Which management principle states that each

individual should report to only one boss in order to
avoid conflict and/ or confusion?
A) division of command
B) chain of command
C) unity of direction
D) unity of command
22. Which management principle states that orders
and instructions should flow down from top to
bottom or from a higher level manager to a lower
A) division of work
B) chain of command
C) unity of direction
D) unity of command

23. A manager who possesses knowledge of the

processes, equipment, and potential problems of an
industry would possess what type of managerial skill?
A) technical
B) administrative
C) interpersonal
D) organizational
24. The ability of a manager to interface and work
effectively with individuals and groups is descriptive
of what type of managerial skill?
A) technical
B) administrative
C) interpersonal
D) organizational

25. By exceeding the monthly marketing budget set

for a company, a manager would fail to meet which
type of performance measure?
A) quantity
B) quality and workmanship
C) cost and budget control
D) customer satisfaction

26. If a manager leads a team to exceed their

monthly goal of new clients, which type of
performance results have they attained?
A) quantity
B) quality and workmanship
C) cost and budget control
D) customer satisfaction
27. For a manager, which should take priority- the job
task or the employees performing the job?
A) The job task always takes priority over employees.
B) Employees always take priority over the job task.
C) Neither, a manager should balance interest in the
job task with the needs of the employees performing
the job.
D) Neither, administration of the business takes
priority over the job task and the

28. Economic uncertainty, regulatory requirements,

and new competitors are examples of what type of
factors that affect managers?
A) intrapersonal factors
B) internal factors
C) interpersonal factors
D) external factors
29. Which type of issues are first level managers
routinely influenced by?
A) long range issues
B) short range issues
C) strategic issues
D) shareholder issues

30. Which of the following characterize a manager

as being effective?
A) They use a minimum amount of resources for the
amount of outputs produced.
B) They devote a large amount of time to planning.
C) They achieve their goals.
D) They interview, select, and train people who are
most suitable to fill open jobs.

31. Which of the following characterize a manager

as being efficient?
A) They use a minimum amount of resources for the
amount of outputs produced.
B) The devote a large amount of time to planning
C) They achieve their goals.
32. Which management principle states that work
should be divided so that each person will perform a
specialized portion?
A) division of work
B) chain of command
C) unity of direction
D) unity of command

33. What two major end results are managers

seeking on a daily basis?
A) a product or service
B) management and efficiency
C) energy and utilities
D) facilities and equipment

34.In management, the various roles that managers

are called on to perform are defined in which
A) Management process
B) Executive process
C) Business process
D) Supervisory process
35. Which type of managers are responsible for reporting to middle managers?
A) Employees
B) Managers
C) Executive managers
D) Second level managers
Translate into Arabic:
- Staffing implies the selection and placement of a most able and competent person on each position
provided for in the organizational structure.
- The directing function is concerned with leadership, communication, motivation and supervision so tha
employees perform their activities in the most efficient manner possible in order to achieve the desired g
- The function of control consists of those activities that are undertaken to ensure that the events do not
deviate from pre-arranged plan.
- The controlling activities consists of establishing standard for work performance, measuring performanc
comparing it to these set standards and taking corrective actions as and when needed to correct any
- A vision statement focuses on tomorrow and what
an organization ultimately wants to become. A
mission statement focuses on today and what an
organization does to achieve it.
- A mission statement is a short summary of an
organization’s core purpose, focus, and aims. This
usually is comprised of a brief description of what the
organization does and its key objectives.
- The central difference between mission and vision
statements is the timeline it covers. Though there can
be overlap, a mission statement tends to define what
the organization is currently doing, while a vision
statement is essentially the final goal of what they’d
like to accomplish. In short, the mission is the what
and the how, and the vision is the why.
- Promotional activities are necessary for large scale
marketing and also for facing market competition
- The product life cycle is a pattern of sales and
profits over time for a product . As the product
moves through the stages of the life cycle, the firm
must keep revising the marketing mix to stay
competitive and meet the needs of target
- Resources are required to carry out the project
tasks. They can be people, equipment, facilities,
funding, or anything else required for the completion
of a project activity.

- The listening skill is one which definitely can be

taught, one in which people can build experience
leading toward improved aural communication.
- One of the best ways to verify if a problem has
been solved or not is to resume normal operations in
the organization.
- The basic rules of a good CV remain constant, the
world of work and business changes quickly. This
especially impacts on how managers and graduates
can best show themselves to be outstanding
- your curriculum vitae must be presented
professionally, clearly, and in a way that indicates
you are an ideal candidate for the job.
- Prioritise your activities and make plans: Review
your activities in terms of your own personal short-
term and long-term life and career goals, and
prioritise your activities accordingly.
- The number of levels in management increases
when the size of the business and work force
increases and vice versa. The level of management
determines a chain of command, the amount of
authority & status enjoyed by any managerial
position. The levels of management can be classified
in three broad categories.
- Management is an art of getting things done
through others by directing their efforts towards
achievement of pre-determined goals.
- Administration is concerned with formulation of
broad objectives, plans & policies.
- When setting a goal, be specific about what you
want to accomplish. Think about this as the mission
statement for your goal.
- In order to perceive Sustainability, has to take into
account three main areas of influence, the so called
“Three Pillars of Sustainability” and the corresponding
aspects which are the Social, Economic and
Environmental aspect.
- Key performance indicators (KPIs) are ways to
periodically assess the performances of
organizations, business units, and their division,
departments and employees. Accordingly, KPIs are
most commonly defined in a way that is
understandable, meaningful, and measurable.
. -
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. -

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C- Fill in the spaces for each of following statements:

1- ………………… consists of Planning, organizing,

staffing, directing and controlling.
2- ……………….., implies the selection and
placement of a most able and competent person on
each position provided in the organizational
3- ………………….., function is concerned with
leadership, communication, motivation and
supervision so that the employees perform their
activities in the most efficient manner possible in
order to achieve the desired goals.
4- ……………………… consists of those activities that
are undertaken to ensure that the events do not
deviate from pre-arranged plan.
5- …………………., is that part of managerial function
which actuates the organizational methods to work
efficiently for achievement of organizational
6- ……………………., implies measurement of
accomplishment against the standards and
correction of deviation if any to ensure achievement
of organizational goals.
7- ………………………………, focuses on tomorrow
and what an organization ultimately wants to
become but a mission statement focuses on today
and what an organization does to achieve it.
8- A vision statement is a ……………. description of an
organization’s aspirations and the wider impact it
aims to create.
9-Marketing Mix is …………………………… concepts in
marketing management.
10- The ……………………. are: product, pricing,
distributive channels (place) and sales promotion.
11- …………………… is the communication about the
product offered by the manufacturer to the

13. ………………………….. function involved in setting

goals and objectives and creating specific plans for
completing them.

14. …………………………………are responsible for

establishing a vision for the organization, developing
broad plans and strategies, and directing
subordinate managers?

15. ………………………… principle states that each

individual should report to only one boss in order to
avoid conflict and/ or confusion?

16. ……………………………………… principle states

that orders and instructions should flow down from
top to bottom or from a higher level manager to a
lower one?

17. ………………………….. function involves

measuring results, comparing results to expectations,
and taking corrective action
18. Achieve their goals is characterize a manager as
being ………………….
19. ……………………….. of the management process
includes measuring results, comparing results to
expectations, and taking corrective action to bring
results in to line.

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