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Don’t Say Say

Goodbye see you

I like it it’s pleasant

You go first after you

You are welcome my pleasure

Tell me I am listening

Shut up be quiet

I don’t know let me find out

I think i believe

That’s a bad idea I’m not sure if this is a good idea

Come here could you come here

Leave me alone sorry, I’m a bit busy right now

I hate this color I am not too fond of this color

Your work is not good/bad I’m not satisfied with your work

I want a hamburger I’d like to have a hamburger

Sit down please take/have a seat please

It’s hot, open the window do you mind if I open the window

Very noisy deafening

Very dry parched

Very cold freezing

Very clever brilliant

Very stupid idiotic

Very ugly hideous

Very wicked villainous

Very quiet silent

Very accurate exact

Very clean spotless

Very dear cherished

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