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Administrative Procedure

Project – 1
Chapter no.1 Soft skill Examples of a situation, experience, or a Accomplishment Statements
position where I can demonstrate the skill
1 Critical Thinking As a cook, I can demonstrate critical thinking I utilized my critical thinking skills to
skills by developing menus that are creative, develop the restaurant's menu,
and meet the dietary needs of my customers. resulting in a 20% increase in
customer satisfaction and a 15%
boost in revenue.
2 Communication In a team meeting, I can use my communication As a fresher student, successfully
Skills skills to clearly convey my ideas, provide collaborated with classmates on a
updates on my progress, and actively listen to group project, clearly
my colleagues. communicating roles and
responsibilities, which resulted in
our team receiving the highest
grade in the class and positive
feedback from our professor."
3 Business Ethics I was approached by a friend who owned a I politely declined the offer and
competing company. They offered me a explained to my friend that I
significant discount on their products if I couldn't promote their products
promoted them on social media. At first, I was due to our competing interests.
tempted by the offer, but then I realized that it Instead, I suggested that we
would be a conflict of interest. I would be explore other ways to collaborate
compromising my company's values and that wouldn't compromise my
potentially harming our business. company's values. This decision
demonstrated my commitment to
upholding my company's ethics and
avoiding conflicts of interest.
4 Conflict Resolution As a Sales Manager, I can Negotiated a I utilized my emotional intelligence,
resolution to a customer complaint, resulting communication, active listening,
in a positive outcome for both the customer and problem-solving skills to
and the company. identify the root causes of conflicts
and develop mutually beneficial
solutions. By doing so, enhanced
team morale, and improved overall
sales performance.
5 Intercultural When interacting with customers or clients Demonstrated a commitment to
Competence and from different cultural backgrounds, I can continual learning by regularly
Inclusion demonstrate intercultural competence by attending industry conferences and
being patient and respectful, and by using clear participating in online coding
language to ensure effective communication. challenges, which led to the
implementation of innovative
features in our mobile app,
enhancing user experience and
driving positive
feedback from clients.
6 Digital Literacy My previous role as a technical writer at a I spent hours researching the
software company, I was tasked with creating product, interviewing subject
user manuals for a new product launch. The matter experts, and crafting clear,
product was complex, and the target audience concise instructions. The end result
was non-technical. I had to break down the was a user manual that received
technical jargon into simple, easy-to-understand rave reviews from customers and
language. internal stakeholders.
7 Creativity I'm planning a friend's birthday party. I can I recently organized a memorable
demonstrate creativity by coming up with a celebration for friend birthday. I
unique theme, designing decorations, and ensuring that all friends were
creating a playlist that fits the theme. entertained throughout the event.
This experience reaffirmed my
passion for crafting unforgettable
celebrations that bring joy to all
8 Collaboration and As a member of a neighbourhood community "Coordinated with neighbours to
Teamwork initiative, I can demonstrate collaboration and organize a community garden
teamwork skills by working with neighbours to project, which led to the
organize events, share resources, such as transformation of a vacant lot into a
improving street lighting or creating a community vibrant green space. This initiative
garden. not only improved the
neighbourhood's aesthetics but also
fostered stronger community bonds
and increased local engagement.
9 Committed to the I'm volunteering at a local food bank, helping to I feel proud to say that I have made
Community distribute food to families in need. I can a positive impact in my community
demonstrate my commitment to the community by volunteering at a local food bank.
by regularly volunteering my time, building Through this experience, I have not
relationships with other volunteers. only helped provide essential
necessities to those in need, but I
have also learned valuable life
lessons that will stay with me
As a volunteer, I have come to
understand the importance of food
banks and the significant difference
they make in people's lives.
10 Effective Decision I'm a team lead in a crisis situation, such as a As a team lead, I used my effective
Making natural disaster or a major system failure. I can decision-making skills to successfully
demonstrate effective decision-making skills by navigate a challenging situation. I
Staying calm and focused under pressure. was responsible for managing a
team of five developers, and we
were working on a critical project
with a tight deadline.
11 Agility and I'm a product manager, and our team has been As a product manager, I
Adaptability working on a new product launch for months. Just demonstrated my agility and
a week before the launch, our development team adaptability skills by pivoting our
informs me that they've encountered a critical product roadmap in response to
bug that will take at least two weeks to fix. I can changing market conditions,
use demonstrate agility and
resulting increase in customer
adaptability by
adoption and a 30% increase in
Quickly assessing the situation and identifying
potential solutions.
12 Emotional During a project, I realized that I was feeling With my emotional intelligence
Intelligence frustrated. I took a step back, acknowledged my skills, the conflict was resolved, and
emotions, and identified the root cause of my the project was back on track. The
frustration. I then adjusted my approach and team member and stakeholder were
communicated my needs to my team. This helped able to work together. By leveraging
me manage my emotions and improve my my emotional intelligence skills, I
productivity. was able to resolve the conflict,
improve team morale, and deliver
the project on time.
13 Continual Learning I'm a software developer, and I'm working on a As a software developer, I
and Growth project that requires me to learn a new demonstrated my continual learning
Mindset programming language, At first, I might feel and growth mindset skills by taking
overwhelmed and think, "I'm not good at this, I'll the initiative to learn and implement
never be able to learn it." But then I remind a new technology stack, resulting
myself that I have a growth mindset, and I can increase in application performance
improve my skills with effort and practice. and reduction in maintenance costs.

14 Initiative and I demonstrate initiative skills by identifying a Our company was struggling to
Entrepreneurship problem, proposing a solution, and taking action penetrate a new market segment,
to implement it. I also show different open- and our marketing efforts were not
source textbooks and consulting with my yielding the desired results. I
classmates to get their feedback. recognized an opportunity to
capitalize on a emerging trend in
the industry and took the initiative
to develop a targeted marketing
15 Leadership I worked with a team to achieve a common goal, By demonstrating my leadership
such as completing a project or solving a skills, I was able to drive positive
complex problem. You demonstrated leadership change, improve team productivity,
by encouraging collaboration and and deliver results that exceeded
communication among team members. expectations.

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