Fuad Mardhatillah - Uts - Instructional Media - GN2324

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Name : Fuad Mardhatillah

Nim : 210203007

Course : Instructional Media


1. Disctanse learning that is one method tha the teacher and student is not come to class or meet
together but their meet from digital platform like zoom or another aplication, but olso student
study with their own method at home like example with book news and another else.
2. A. mode of delevery
Online learning is education full at internet so their home work or another exam will do it in
online. Meanwhile dicstanse learning is manufacture better than online education their look
for big looking, like their looking for the answer at the book television or another else thing.
B. Interactivity and engagement
Online learning often involves more interactive elements, such as real-time discussions, video
lectures, and collaborative projects facilitated by digital tools. Distance education, especially
in its traditional forms, may offer less immediate interactivity, relying more on self-paced
study and occasional interactions via mail or pre-recorded materials.
C. Accessibility and Flexibility
While both approaches offer flexibility in terms of when and where learning occurs, online
learning often provides greater accessibility due to the ubiquity of internet access and the
ability to engage with course materials on a variety of devices. Distance education,
particularly in its older forms, may have limitations in accessibility, such as reliance on
physical mail for materials and limited communication options.
3. Visual literacy that to the ability to interpret, understand, and create visual images. It involves
analyzing visual elements such as color, shape, line, texture, and composition, as well as
understanding the messages and meanings conveyed through visuals.
Two general strategies for teaching visual literacy include:
A. Visual analysis:
This involves breaking down visual elements within images, such as identifying colors,
shapes, patterns, and symbols, and understanding how these elements contribute to the
overall meaning or message of the image. This can be done through activities like image
discussions, where students analyze various visuals and discuss their interpretations and
B. Visual creation:
Encouraging students to create their own visual representations helps them develop a
deeper understanding of visual communication. This could involve activities such as
creating infographics, posters, or multimedia presentations, where students have to
consider how to effectively convey information or messages visually, thereby enhancing
their ability to communicate through visuals.
4. Visuals play a crucial role in learning as they can enhance comprehension, aid memory
retention, and engage learners. They help clarify complex concepts, make information more
digestible, and cater to different learning styles, such as visual and spatial. Additionally,
visuals can stimulate interest and motivation, making the learning experience more enjoyable
and effective.
5. Maaybe I want to take the math centers why? Because i like the math ofcourse if I can
include the math with other subject there is most fun method

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