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How can I get to the school?

Asking and giving directions

I.- Listen to the audio: Where does he want to go?

a) traffic lights b) roundabout c) bank

II.- Complete the conversation:

Tourist: Excuse me. _______ you tell me the way to the bank?
Woman: Yes, sure. Turn _____ at the end of this street.
Tourist: At the traffic lights?
Woman: Yes. Then go as far as the roundabout.
Tourist: And at the _____________?
Woman: Turn ________ at the roundabout into Dee Road.
Tourist: OK ... right at the roundabout.
Woman: Go _______ Dee Road. The bank's on the _______.
Tourist: Thank you.
Woman: __________.

III - Underline in RED the expression to ask and in BLUE the expressions to give directions.

IV.- Write the directions:

1.- turn left

2.- go past

3.- go straight on/ahead

4.- turn right

5.- go down the street

6.- at the roundabout

IV.- Look at the map and complete the conversation:

A: Good morning, sorry, I am a little

lost. Can you _______________
B: Hello! Sure.
A: _________ can I get to the library?
B: Go __________ on Cueva Street
and then turn _______ on La Marina
Avenue. The library is ________ the
A: ________ you! Have a nice day.
B: You’re welcome. Bye.
V.- Work with a partner and practice the conversation.

VI.- Check this out!

Useful expressions:

Ask for directions: Give directions:

Excuse me, can you help me? Go straight on La Paz Street and turn right.

Is there a hospital near here? Yes, there is one. It’s behind the hospital.

VII.- Use your map and create a dialog asking and giving directions.


I can work cooperatively.

My speech is clear. The ideas are well

organized with correct grammar and
I participate in the activities proposed.

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