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English M4 P1

Midterm exam Vorrarat Suksa school Nonthaburi

English อ. 31202 Class M4/2 Time 60 minutes
January 2023 20 points by Mr. Ahmed Sherif
Part 1 15 questions a. takes her mom to the dentist b. take care of
Read the following conversation and then answer the her kids
following questions: (1 – 5)
c. takes her mother to the doctor
Lana: Will you do me a favor?
d. go with her to the doctor
Ben: Sure. What do you want me to do?
2. What is wrong with their mom?
Lana: Could you take mom to the doctor?
a. their mom’s car is broken
She hurt her arm and she can't drive.
b. their mom’s leg is hurt
Ben: Why don't you take her?
c. their mom’s arm was burned
Lana: Because I have to ask my boss for permission,
and you don't have classes this week. d. their mom’s arm was hurt

Ben: When? 3. Why Lana didn’t want to take her mom to the
Lana: Her appointment is for tomorrow afternoon at
six, but you should leave early because of the traffic. a. Because she needs permission from her boss.
Ben: Tomorrow, at six? I can't. I arranged to meet my b. Because she has classes this week.
friends at five. c. Because she is meeting her friends at five.
Lana: You can never do anything to help. I am d. Because she hurts her arm.
Ben: Ok, ok. I’ll cancel my meeting with friends and
4. Why does Ben say no to his sister?
take her to the doctor
a. Because he hurts his arm and can’t drive
Lana: Oh, thank you Ben so much, I really appreciate
b. Because he is going to meet his friends
c. Because he already took his mom to the doctor
1. What does Lana want her brother to do for her?
English M4 P2

d. Because his sister is free c. rocks d. water

5. How does Lana feel at the end? 9. The temperature on Mars is much “…….” Than on
a. she felt happy about it. b. she was ok with
that a. hotter b. muggy
c. She felt optimistic d. she felt c. foggy. d. colder
10. One mission on Mars has found “………”
Part 2Mars is a dry and dusty planet. Its temperature
a. water b. ice
is much colder than Earth's, at an average of -60
degrees Celsius. Mars's atmosphere is thinner than c. rocks d. humans
Earth's, and it’s deadly to humans. Choose 2 appropriate polite responds for the
Scientists believe that Mars once had a vast ocean. following situations: (11 – 15)
They are now looking for water with space probes. 11. Will you do me a favor?
One mission in 2008 found ice on Mars, but not
liquid water. a. I am not in the mood b. sure, anything
c. certainly d. Ask Katie, I am not
Choose the best answers to complete the following free
sentences about the above passage. (6 – 10)
12. Could you turn up the volume?
6. Mars is a “……….” and dusty planet.
a. Why, are you deaf?
a. wet b. humid
b. Maybe after I finish listening to this song.
c. dry d. hot
c. Sure! d. Of course
7. Scientists believe that Mars once had a “……....”
ocean 13. Do you mind if I use your computer?

a. medium b. huge a. No, i don’t allow you.

c. tiny d. small b. I am afraid you can’t.

8. They are now looking for “……….…” on Mars c. Get your own computer.

a. ice b. sand d. Sure you can.

English M4 P3

14. Would you pass me the salt? doesn't need to be repaid. So, when your friend
spends money on something silly, you won't be upset
a. Stand up and get it. b. Yes of course.
about it. Do you agree?
c. get it yourself. d. absolutely.
William: I never lend money to friends. I prefer to
15. I'll carry those cups for you. give money to someone who needs it. Maybe I'll get it
a. Don’t worry, i can manage back, or maybe I won't. I just sent a friend some
money to help pay for his rent. It's a surprise. He's out
b. No you not allowed to touch them of work, and I know he's going through hard times.
c. Leave them alone d. Thank you so much. When he gets a job, he'll probably pay me back. Don't
you think I'm right?
Part 2 5 questions
16. Michael have to borrow from his sister because
Read the following passage and then choose TRUE or
he didn’t have enough money to pay for his things?
False. (16 – 20)
Michael: My parents give me a monthly allowance of
$200. Some time ago I lent $150 to two friends. One 17. Liliana’s friend returned her the money after she
paid me back a month later like he promised, and borrowed it from her?
the other friend just disappeared. I had to borrow TRUE FALSE
money from my sister to pay for my things. I learned
18. According to Emma’s advice, it is better to give
only to lend money when I don't need it. Do you think
money to friends than giving them a gift?
I'm right?
Liliana: A close friend of mine has the habit of asking
me to lend her money. Once she still owed me 19. William prefers to help friends who is in need?
money, but she asked to borrow some more. She TRUE FALSE
promised to pay me back within a week, but she
never did. What makes me mad is that she went to 20. According to the passage, lending money to
Europe on vacation with my money! I don't want to friends can make you lose them.
lose her friendship. What can I do? TRUE FALSE
Emma: If you feel that you want to help a friend ……………………………
financially, it is best to give the money as a gift that
English M4 P4


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