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Actividad de la Modalidad a Distancia

Asignatura: Ingles 2

Catedrático: Licda. Seiny Sarahi Cerros Navarrete

Sección: 112049

Grupo #5
Nombre Número de cuenta Número de teléfono

Brayan Ariel Hernandez Meza 223290008 8731-8946

Martha Lidia Arriaga Figueroa 122450101 9751-2392
Gabry Alejandra Rivas Teruel 124170022 9655-9875

Brayan: Good morning, everyone! How's everyone doing today?

Alejandra: Morning, Brayan I'm feeling pretty good, thanks for asking. How about you?

Brayan: I'm doing well, thank you. Hey Martha, how are you doing?

Martha: Hey guys, I'm doing okay, just a bit tired from staying up late last night.

Alejandra: Oh no, did you have a late night out or were you working on something?

Martha: Nah, just binge-watching a new series

Brayan: What series were you watching?

Martha: It's called "Yellowstone." Have you seen her?

Alejandra: Yeah, I love that show! The characters are so interesting.

Brayan: Definitely, I've watched a few episodes myself. It's got that perfect mix of mystery.

Martha: Exactly how was everyone's weekend?

Alejandra: I had a pretty relaxing weekend, went hiking with some friends.

Brayan: I spent most of my weekend catching up on some reading

Martha: That sounds great. I didn't do much, just hung out at home and watched some


Alejandra: Absolutely, it's important to take some time for yourself every now and then. So,

any big plans for the week ahead?

Brayan: Not really, just the usual work stuff.

Martha: I've got a busy week too, lots of deadlines to meet.

Alejandra: Same here. I've got a presentation to prepare for next week, so I'll be working on

that for most of the week.

Brayan: Well, it sounds like we all have our work cut out for us

Alejandra: Agreed. Let's tackle this week head-on and make it a productive one

Brayan: Sounds like a plan. Here's to a successful week ahead

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