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European Co-ordination Centre

for Accident and Incident Reporting Systems

E C C AI R S R e p or t i n g S ys t e m

November 2016
Copyright © 1995–2016 Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.
ECCAIRS, the ECCAIRS logo, and the ECCAIRS products refer to a series of software applications developed by
European Commission in the context of the European Coordination Centre for Accident and Incident Reporting
Systems (ECCAIRS). All other trademarks are property of their respective owners. Information contained herein is
subject to change without notice. All rights reserved.
Except where otherwise noted, all of the documentation and software included in the Setup package is copyrighted
by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.
As used in this Agreement, "JRC" shall mean "The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission".
"Software" shall mean "the software package, which is part of the ECCAIRS software suite and which may include
associated software components, media, printed materials and electronic documentation".
This License Agreement is a legal agreement between you (either an individual or a single Entity) and JRC related
to the usage of the Software. By installing, copying, or otherwise using the Software, you agree to be bound by the
terms of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not install or use the Software.
The ECCAIRS suite of products is being distributed by JRC to competent authorities (Civil Aviation Authorities and
Accident Investigation Bureaus) of EU Member States who are entitled to use the software for implementing EU
Directive 2003/42/EC on Occurrence Reporting in Civil Aviation.
An ECCAIRS National Point of Contact (see Directive 2003/42/EC) can provide the ECCAIRS products to
operators and service providers under specific conditions:
 A National Point of Contact shall provide the software only to operators and service providers placed under
their responsibility.
 Usage shall be limited to those situations where it will enable a more efficient circulation of occurrences
information between reporting bodies and national regulators/investigators in the scope of Directive
2003/42/EC on Occurrence Reporting in Civil Aviation.
 In accordance with the rules governing the dissemination of information related to occurrence reporting,
these operators and service providers will not be allowed to have direct access to the central Repository of
 Each National Point of Contact shall ensure the necessary technical support to operators and service
providers to which the software has been provided.
 Each National Point of Contact shall inform the Commission on operators and service providers to which
the ECCAIRS software is given.
 National Points of Contact are not allowed to make a charge for distributing this Software to operators and
service providers.
By using this Software, you agree to these terms and the terms of the Disclaimer:
This Software and any support from JRC are provided "AS IS" and without warranty, express or implied. JRC
specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. In no event will
JRC be liable for any damages, including but not limited to any lost profits, lost savings or any incidental or
consequential damages, whether resulting from impaired or lost data, software or computer failure or any other
cause, or for any other claim by the User or for any third party claim.



As for the manual itself, the main way to navigate through the pages is the Table of Contents (next page
in this manual) which guides you as down as to menu-items, User Interface items and functions.

To help in the "local" navigation of the manual pages, without getting back to the Table of Contents, you
can also use the page header, which shows:
 On the left the main chapter.
 On the right the chapter 1st level sections, which, For example, corresponds to menus and other
main User interface items.

The manual also uses cross references with target page numbers indicated and formatted in a specific
link style for better spotting: (see for example page 32)


1. Repositories and the Repository Manager ........................................................................................6
1.1. ECCAIRS Repositories .............................................................................................................6
1.2. How to set up a Repository .......................................................................................................7

2. Repository Manager .........................................................................................................................8

2.1. Connecting to the ECCAIRS Server ..........................................................................................8
2.2. Server with no Repositories defined ..........................................................................................8
2.3. Repository Manager Main Window............................................................................................9
2.3.1. Repository List ................................................................................................................10
2.3.2. Repository Structure........................................................................................................10
2.3.3. Properties/List panel ........................................................................................................11
2.3.4. Menu bar .........................................................................................................................12
2.3.5. Toolbar ............................................................................................................................13
2.3.6. Status bar ........................................................................................................................13

3. Menus .............................................................................................................................................14
3.1. File menu ................................................................................................................................14
3.1.1. File > Connect to Server ..................................................................................................14
3.1.2. File > Server Summary....................................................................................................15
3.1.3. File > Preferences ...........................................................................................................16
3.1.4. File > Exit ........................................................................................................................17
3.2. Repository menu .....................................................................................................................18
3.2.1. Repository > Save Changes ............................................................................................18
3.2.2. Repository > Discard Changes ........................................................................................18
3.2.3. Repository > Reload Repositories ...................................................................................18
3.2.4. Repository > Add.............................................................................................................19
3.2.5. Repository > Add Proxy Repository .................................................................................19
3.2.6. Repository > Duplicate ....................................................................................................21
3.2.7. Repository > Remove ......................................................................................................21
3.2.8. Repository > Import .........................................................................................................21
3.2.9. Repository > Export .........................................................................................................21
3.2.10. Repository > Validate ......................................................................................................21
3.2.11. Repository > Summary ....................................................................................................22
3.2.12. Repository > Update Database Aliases ...........................................................................22
3.2.13. Repository > Verify Database Structure...........................................................................22
3.3. Structure menu .......................................................................................................................24
3.3.1. Structure > Add sub-Repository ......................................................................................24
3.3.2. Structure > Remove sub-Repository................................................................................24
3.4. Actions menu (Profiles) ...........................................................................................................25
3.4.1. Actions > Add Profile .......................................................................................................26
3.4.2. Actions > Add Profile from file .........................................................................................26
3.4.3. Actions > Edit Profile .......................................................................................................26
3.4.4. Actions > Remove Profile ................................................................................................26
3.4.5. Actions > Duplicate Profile...............................................................................................27
3.4.6. Actions > Export Profile ...................................................................................................27
3.5. Actions menu (Roles, Users and Messages) ...........................................................................28
3.5.1. Actions > Add ..................................................................................................................28


3.5.2. Actions > Remove ...........................................................................................................28

3.5.3. Actions > Duplicate..........................................................................................................28
3.5.4. Actions > Update .............................................................................................................28
3.5.5. Actions > Discard ............................................................................................................28
3.5.6. Actions > Unlock user......................................................................................................29
3.6. Help menu ..............................................................................................................................30
3.6.1. Help > Contents ..............................................................................................................30
3.6.2. Help > About ...................................................................................................................30

4. Repository Structure .......................................................................................................................32

4.1. Repository...............................................................................................................................33
4.2. Taxonomy ...............................................................................................................................35
4.3. Attachments configuration .......................................................................................................37
4.4. Email configuration .................................................................................................................39
4.5. Security Policy ........................................................................................................................42
4.6. Profiles ....................................................................................................................................46
4.7. Roles ......................................................................................................................................47
4.7.1. Role Composition Rules ..................................................................................................50
4.7.2. Saving Changes ..............................................................................................................51
4.8. Users ......................................................................................................................................52
4.8.1. Users' Security Status .....................................................................................................54
4.8.2. User Settings and Properties ...........................................................................................55
4.8.3. Saving Changes ..............................................................................................................57
4.9. Messages ...............................................................................................................................58
4.10. Sub Repositories.....................................................................................................................60

5. Profiles ...........................................................................................................................................62
5.1. Profile Identification .................................................................................................................64
5.2. Browser Profile........................................................................................................................65
5.2.1. Browser Profile > Appearance .........................................................................................66
5.2.2. Browser Profile > Behaviour ............................................................................................67
5.2.3. Browser Profile > Occurrence List ...................................................................................68
5.2.4. Browser Profile > Menus and Toolbars ............................................................................75
5.2.5. Browser Profile > Automatic Query..................................................................................76
5.2.6. Browser Profile > Email Signature ...................................................................................77
5.2.7. Browser Profile > Duplicate Occurrences ........................................................................78
5.2.8. Browser Profile > Add-Ins ................................................................................................79
5.3. Conditional View Profile ..........................................................................................................91
5.3.1. Conditional View - View conditions ..................................................................................93
5.3.2. Conditional View - Topic Conditions ................................................................................94
5.4. Data Bridge Profile ..................................................................................................................97
5.5. Data Link Profile......................................................................................................................98
5.6. Data Manager Profile ............................................................................................................ 101
5.6.1. Data Manager Profile > Data Manager Configuration .................................................... 101
5.6.2. Data Manager Profile > Data Bridge To DB ................................................................... 101
5.6.3. Data Manager Profile > Data Bridge To File .................................................................. 106
5.6.4. Data Manager Profile > PDF Form To DB ..................................................................... 107


5.6.5. Data Manager Profile > PDF Form to File...................................................................... 107

5.7. Deidentification Profile .......................................................................................................... 108
5.8. Dictionary Profile ................................................................................................................... 109
5.9. Merge Profile......................................................................................................................... 110
5.10. Occurrence Template Profile................................................................................................. 112
5.11. Printing Template Profile ....................................................................................................... 114
5.11.1. Printing Template Profile > Template File ...................................................................... 114
5.11.2. Printing Template Profile > External Data Sources ........................................................ 115
5.12. Query Profile ......................................................................................................................... 116
5.12.1. Query Profile > Query By Date ...................................................................................... 116
5.12.2. Query Profile > Query By Example ................................................................................ 118
5.13. Query Library Profile ............................................................................................................. 119
5.14. Security Profile ...................................................................................................................... 120
5.14.1. Security Profile > Occurrence Security .......................................................................... 120
5.14.2. Security Profile > Attribute Security ............................................................................... 122
5.14.3. Security Profile > Data Filter .......................................................................................... 124
5.15. Server Event Handlers .......................................................................................................... 125
5.15.1. Adding and Editing an Event Handler ............................................................................ 126
5.16. Tunnel Service Profile ........................................................................................................... 127
5.16.1. Editing Tunnel Service configuration ............................................................................. 128
5.17. View Profile ........................................................................................................................... 129
5.18. Web Profile ........................................................................................................................... 130
5.18.1. Web Profile > Menu Configuration ................................................................................. 131
5.18.2. Web Profile > Occurrence List ....................................................................................... 132
5.18.3. Web Profile > Start Page ............................................................................................... 134
5.18.4. Web Profile > Options ................................................................................................... 136
5.18.5. Web Profile > Paging..................................................................................................... 137
5.18.6. Web Profile > Log .......................................................................................................... 138
5.18.7. Web Profile > Add-Ins ................................................................................................... 139
5.19. Workflow Profile .................................................................................................................... 146
5.19.1. Workflow Profile > Workflow Operations Library ............................................................ 146
5.19.2. Workflow Profile > Workflow Configuration .................................................................... 147






In the ECCAIRS Reporting System the configuration is set and stored in Repositories. The Repository is
the core of any ECCAIRS system: everybody uses it for inputting, retrieving and displaying Occurrence1
data. A Repository is responsible for storing occurrences and managing everything related to security,
application behaviour and user management. This means that though the Repository is responsible for
the storage of data, it is not to be considered just a database; it manages virtually all aspects of the
Each ECCAIRS Repository supports one or more "Users" whose capabilities and rights are based on a
"Role". Each "Role" is defined by a number of "Profiles".
A Repository is hosted in an ECCAIRS Server. There might be multiple ECCAIRS Servers, each hosting
various Repositories, accessible over the network.
Apart from a few exceptions (related to the configuration of installed components) almost all Profiles can
be managed by a remote installation of the Repository Manager. The Repository Manager is the
application designed to manage Repositories in the ECCAIRS Reporting System. It is installed with the
ECCAIRS Server and the ECCAIRS Web Server installation types.
The Repository Manager connects to an ECCAIRS Server which hosts one or more Repositories. The
Server may reside on the same computer where you are running the Repository Manager application or
on any remote computer reachable over a network, either LAN or Internet.
The Repository Manager is targeted at an ECCAIRS system administrator or in any case at someone
with good knowledge of the underlying structure of the ECCAIRS Reporting System.
To create a Repository, the requirements are:
 The ECCAIRS Server (or ECCAIRS Web Server) software must be installed
 An ECCAIRS Extension must be installed
 An ECCAIRS database, compatible with the installed Extension, must have been created. The
database may be hosted on the same ECCAIRS Server computer or on a separate server
accessible over the network.
 An "ECCAIRS certificate" identifying the Organisation (also called the "Organisation ID"), must be
available. The certificates are issued by the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.
For information on how to install an ECCAIRS Extension and how to create a corresponding database
see the "ECCAIRS Server Installation Manual".

The ECCAIRS system has been developed originally to store transport accident or incident reports (together also known as
Occurrences). In practice the same software, using a different kind of 'Extension' can store other types of information. For
simplicity, In this manual the term 'Occurrence' is used to refer to the type of information stored in the Repository.



These are the main steps required to set up a Repository using the "Repository Manager":
 Connect the Repository Manager to an ECCAIRS Server
When you start the Repository Manager application you have to connect to the ECCAIRS Server
that will host the Repository. If no Repository has yet been defined on that Server, you will be
able to create a new, or restore a backed up, Repository. If Repositories exist on the server, you
will be able to select and open one for editing.
 Set the main properties of the Repository
Any Repository should have the following properties:
o a meaningful and unique Name (within the context of the Server).
o an ECCAIRS Certificate (Organisation ID)
o a connected Database (optional but almost always used)
o an assigned Taxonomy (compatible with the database and provided by the Extension)
 Create the main Profiles
Any Repository should have at least the following Profiles:
o Browser - the "Browser" Profile defines the way the main Windows ECCAIRS application
will behave. If you want to create a Repository which supports the Web interface you will
also need to make a "Web" Profile, which has the same function as the "Browser" Profile
for the Web interface.
o Security - the "Security" Profile sets the security policy of the Repository.
o View - the "View" Profile (also called just the "View’), defines the way a user interacts with
the occurrence data stored in the Repository.
There are many other Profiles that can be added, as will be explained in the rest of this manual,
but the above ones need to be created for any ECCAIRS System to be functional.
 Create a Role
A "Role" is really just a collection of Profiles and thus needs to have at least the three mandatory
Profiles described above: "Browser", "Security" and "View".
 Create a User
When you have defined at least one "Role" you can create a "User". The "User" will inherit all
Profiles defined for the "Role". In ECCAIRS, a user can only have one "Role".
 Check the Repository
The Repository Manager can check the Repository by validating its Internal structure and by
verifying if the Database Structure is compatible with the assigned Taxonomy.
 Back up the Repository
To safeguard your work you can back up the Repository by exporting it in a so-called .erx file.

In the remaining of this manual, the above and many other aspects will be described in detail.




When you start the "Repository Manager" application you first get a "Connect to Server" dialog box.

The very first time you start the Repository Manager, the "Connect to Server" dialog box proposes a
connection to the local ECCAIRS Server. You could connect to any networked ECCAIRS Server, using
specific communication protocols. For details on how to define the Server, the communication protocol
and the Repository, see Section "3.1.1 File > Connect to Server", page 14.
For now, we assume you connect to the local Server on which you want to create a Repository.


If the ECCAIRS Server does not yet contain Repositories, you will get a "first time start-up" dialog that
guides you through the setup process.

You can select either:

 Add a new Repository - to define a new Repository. See Section "3.2.4 Repository > Add",
page 19.
 Add a new Proxy Repository - to define a new Proxy Repository, i.e. a Repository which points
to a Repository defined on another Server. See Section "3.2.5 Repository > Add Proxy
Repository", page 19.
 Import a Repository from an exported file (.erx) - to import a Repository previously exported in
an (*.erx) Repository Export file. See Section "3.2.8 Repository > Import", page 21.



If you connect to a Repository Server where Repositories have been defined, you will see the main
window of the "Repository Manager" application.

The "Repository Manager" main window includes three panels:

 Repository List - (left panel) the list of all Repositories defined on the Repository Server.
Selecting one of the Repositories displays its structure in the central panel.
 Repository Structure - (central panel) the tree of items making up the current Repository in the
"Repository List" panel.
 Properties/List - (right panel) the panel displays properties related to the item selected in the
central panel.
In addition, the Main Window provides:
 Menu bar- menus and menu-items to perform most of the Repository Manager functions.
 Right-click (context) menus - they provide the same menu-items as the "Actions" menu.
 Toolbar - buttons for quick access to the most used menu functions.
 Status bar - displays some status and work information.



The "Repository List" panel shows all the Repositories available in the ECCAIRS Server you are
currently logged in.
Selecting one of the Repositories in this panel shows its structure in the
"Repository Structure" central panel.
If you have made any modification to the Current Repository, then before
switching to any other Repository you first need to save ("Repository > Save
changes" menu-item) or discard them ("Repository > Discard changes"
If you try to exit the program ("File > Exit" or just closing the window) you are also
prompted to either save or discard changes, if any.


The "Repository Structure" panel shows all elements defining a

The Repository Structure is shown as tree, with the Repository as

root node. Selecting one of the items shows its properties in the
"Properties/List" panel on the right where you can perform related
 Repository - the root node.
 Taxonomy
 Attachments configuration
 email configuration
 Security policy
 Profiles - Repository Profiles to be assigned to "Roles"
 Roles
 Users
 Messages
 Sub-Repositories - each with its own Roles and Users

All these items are described in dedicated Sections of this manual.



The "Properties/List" panel displays, depending on the specific item currently selected in the central
"Repository Structure" panel, either:
 The properties of a single item.
This shows when you select in the "Repository Structure" a Repository node corresponding to a
single item (e.g. Repository main node).

 A list of the items of the same group.

This shows when you select in the "Repository Structure" a Repository node that does not refer
to a single item but to a group of multiple items (e.g. Views).


 Combination of a list and item properties.

The upper part of the panel shows the list of the existing items, the lower part shows the
properties of the item selected in that list (e.g. Users).

2.3.4. MENU BAR

The "Repository Manager" window includes a Menu bar, with these menus:

 File menu (see Section "3.1 File menu", page 14).

 Repository menu (see Section "3.2 Repository menu", page 18).
 Structure menu (see Section "3.3 Structure menu", page 24).
 Actions menu (see Section "3.4 Actions menu", page 25).
 Help menu (see Section "3.6 Help menu", page 30).


2.3.5. TOOLBAR
The Toolbar buttons provide a shortcut to a number of functions in the menus:

Toolbar buttons:
 Connect to Server - as with "File > Connect to Server".
 Save Changes - as with "Repository > Save Changes".
 Discard Changes - as with "Repository > Discard Changes".
 Reload Repositories - as with "Repository > Reload Repositories".
 Update - as with "Actions > Update".
 Discard - as with "Actions > Discard".
 Add item - as with "Actions > Add Profile" or "Actions > Add Role/User/Message".
 Duplicate item - as with "Actions > Duplicate Profile" or "Actions > Duplicate
 Remove item - as with "Actions > Remove Profile" or "Actions > Remove Role/User/Message".
 Validate - as with "Repository > Validate".
You can get information from the corresponding menu-items in Section "3. Menus", page 14.


The Status bar is placed at the bottom of the Repository Manager window:

The information displayed is:

 Server name - the net name of the ECCAIRS Server you are currently logged on.
 Server address - the IP address of the ECCAIRS Server you are currently logged on.
 Current date and time - the current date and time of the computer where you are running the
Repository Manager.



The various "Repository Manager" menus, see also Section "2.3.4 Menu bar" on page 12 , are explained
in the following sections:


The File menu includes functions related to the Repository Manager itself and to the whole content of the
Repository Server.


Connects to an ECCAIRS Server and shows all the Repositories. This function is invoked automatically
when starting the Repository Manager.
You can connect to either a local (i.e. on the same computer) or remote ECCAIRS Server, using different
access protocols and parameters.
The very first time you start the Repository Manager, the "Connect to Server" dialog box proposes a
connection to the local ECCAIRS Server. If you change the Server, the protocol or the connection
parameters and log on successfully, then the next time you start the Repository Manager these Server
and settings are proposed by default.
You define the Server access protocol through the "Protocol type" drop-down list:

 Local Server - this is the most straightforward connection type and connects to the Repository
Server running on the same computer from which you are using the Repository Manager
application. There are no further settings needed: the local computer name is automatically
displayed in the "Domain/Server name" field.

 DCOM - this is a protocol which can be used over the LAN, the local network, to access a
Repository Server on another computer. There are some settings needed on the computer
running the Repository Server. Refer to the "ECCAIRS Installation Manuals" for information and


instructions. Define the Server name in the "Domain/Server name" field. You can also click the
"Browse" button and browse the network for DCOM Servers.

Enter the network password, which is the one defined for the E5Administrator user when
installing and configuring the ECCAIRS Server you are connecting to.2
 Web service - this set of protocols allows accessing Repository Servers on the local system, the
local network and over the Internet. There are some settings needed on the computer running the
Repository Server. Refer to the "ECCAIRS Installation Manual" for information and instructions.
In the "Service Type" drop-down list you can select Net.TCP, Basic HTTP and WS HTTP

The service type and address have to be filled in with the information provided by the ECCAIRS
System Administrator based on the specific Server configurations made for providing access to
ECCAIRS Windows Services.


Creates a list of all configuration details of the Repositories currently hosted by the Repository Server.
The Repositories are those displayed in the "Repository List" left panel. The summary is displayed in a
dialog where you can read it, copy it into the clipboard and save it as a text file.
The details include, for each Repository, all the Repository settings and is basically a text printout of all
the Properties that are displayed in the "Properties" right-panel for each item in the "Repository
Structure" tree in the central panel.
Though it can never replace a real back-up, maintaining summaries of all your Repositories on a server
can be useful for reference purposes.

Though functional, the usage of DCOM is not recommended anymore, using Web service based protocols is preferred.



You can set a number of Preferences for the Repository Manager application: VISUALISATION OPTIONS

 Profiles - you can select among:

o Show Profile items in tree - the "Profile-types" child-nodes are shown under the
"Profiles" parent-node. In addition, each "Profile-type" node has child-items corresponding
to all its Profiles.
o Show Profile groups in tree - (default) the "Profile-types" child-nodes are shown under
the "Profiles" parent-node.
o Hide Profile groups in tree - only the "Profiles" parent-node is displayed. When selecting
the "Profiles" parent-node the "Properties" right panel shows the list of all the single
Profiles defined, belonging to all the Profile types.
 For Roles, Users and Messages there are two display options:
o show items in tree - to show child-nodes in the Repository tree under the group node
o hide items in tree - to hide child-nodes, in the Repository tree under the group node SERVER AUTHENTICATION

An ECCAIRS server can be protected from unauthorised access using a password. Without this
password it is impossible to connect to the Repository Server.


 Protect the access to the Repository Server with a password.

o Check the Require authentication check box
o Click on the Set server password button and define and confirm your password in the

3.1.4. FILE > EXIT

Exits the Repository Manager application. If you try to exit the application with unsaved data, you will be
prompted to save this data.



The Repository menu offers functions related to the list of the Repositories managed. A number of its
most used menu-items are also available as buttons in the Toolbar.


Saves to the Repository Server the changes made on the current Repository. Once the changes are
saved they cannot be undone unless a previously exported Repository is imported.
This menu-item is enabled only when a change has been made on the Repository. In such a case you
cannot switch to another Repository in the "Repository List" left panel, before you either save or discard
the changes (see Section "Repository > Discard Changes" below).


Discards the changes made on the current Repository.
This menu-item is enabled only when a change has been made on the Repository. In such a case you
cannot switch to another Repository in the "Repository List" left panel, before you either save or discard
the changes (see Section "Repository > Discard Changes" below).


Reloads the Repositories data from the currently connected Repository Server. This function can be
useful to "refresh" Repositories data when another administrator is changing the settings at the same
When you save your changes, you will then be notified that somebody else made changes to your
Repository since you logged on. In that situation it is recommended to save the individual Profiles on
which you worked, reload the Repositories and repeat the changes you made before or, if possible,
import your saved Profiles.
Of course this situation is to be prevented. It is good practice to make just a single person at a time
responsible for maintaining the Repositories.



Adds a new Repository to the Repository Server. The Repository created will be named by default
"REPOSITORY N", where 'N' is a progressive number.
In the "Repository Structure" central panel two items will be marked in red colour, to show that some
mandatory data is missing. The two items are the Repository root node and the "Taxonomy" item.
The data that you have to set are:
 "Repository Organisation Identification" in the Repository root node
 "Taxonomy" and "Physical Taxonomy" in the "Taxonomy" item.
If you do not provide this data, you can still save the new Repository, using the "Repository > Save
Changes" menu-item, but you get a warning dialog.

If you save the Repository, it will automatically be disabled, i.e. set to "No, access impeded" in the
"Published" check box within the property panel of the Repository root node. See Section "4.1
Repository", page 33.


A Proxy Repository is a way to make available Repositories defined in Servers, other than the one you
are connected to. In practice the Repository Server acts a "Proxy" towards a remote Repository. This is
useful if the Client computer cannot access a "remote" Server directly, whilst the local Repository Server
There are some settings needed on the remote computer running the Repository Server. Refer to the
"ECCAIRS Installation Manuals" for details. In any case refer to the ECCAIRS Administrator of the
remote Server for connection parameters to set up for their Server.
In the properties right panel, you have to define just a few settings for the remote Repository. All other
settings are made, in the standard way, at the Remote Repository.


You have to provide:

 Name - the name with which the remote Repository will be visible to the end Users connecting to
this Repository Server.
 Description - the description of the remote Repository that will be visible to the Users connecting
to this Repository Server. You may enter a short description that can be used for posting
additional comments about the aims and contents of the Repository.
 Published - to enable ("Yes, access allowed") or disable ("No, access impeded") a Repository
If disabled the Repository will not be available for connecting users.
 Service type - the type of protocol used for the connection to the remote Repository Server. The
types available are: Basic HTTP, Basic HTTPS, Net.TCP, WS-HTTP, WS-HTTPS. Ask the
ECCAIRS Administrator of the remote Repository Server to provide you the Service Type to be
 Service address - this address defines how to reach the remote Repository Server. Ask the
ECCAIRS Administrator of the remote Repository Server to provide you the correct address
string. The URL string may, For example, look like:
 List button / Remote Repository - after you have provided the suitable "Service type" and
"Service address" click the "List" button. When the remote connection is established you get the
list of Repositories defined in the remote Server. Select the one you wish to make available
through your Repository Server.



Creates a copy of the current Repository in the "Repository List" left panel. The created Repository will
be named by default "COPY OF 'XXX'", where 'XXX' is the name of the current Repository. Apart from
the Name, the duplicated Repository is identical to the source Repository. You can then change the
name, or any other of its properties, as you like.


Removes the Current Repository. A dialog will ask you to confirm the removal.


Imports a Repository from an "ECCAIRS Repository Export file" (*.erx) into the "Repository List" of the
Repository Manager.
If you import a file which refers to a Repository which name is already present in the "Repository List" left
panel, you will get a dialog which asks you if you wish to overwrite the existing Repository data. The
Import function is useful to perform a restore of a previously backed up (exported) Repository.


Exports the current Repository into an "ECCAIRS Repository Export" file (*.erx). This feature is useful to
perform a backup of the Repository. The "ECCAIRS Repository Export" file includes all the setting of the
Repository, including signatures, passwords, etc. and is therefore encrypted.


Shows the Repository "Validation" dialog. The dialog is non modal, i.e. you may continue to use the
Repository Manager while keeping the dialog open.
The dialog shows the result of a formal validation check made on the Current Repository. The validation
is done dynamically: if you change any property of the Repository the validation is repeated and the error
list is refreshed.
If any error is found, each problem is described in a separate line.


Keeping this dialog open you can:

 address each problem listed and get a confirmation that it is solved when the corresponding line
disappears from the error list.
 double-click on an error line to let the program automatically select the item with problems and
display the corresponding "Properties" in the right panel, where you can fix them. Items with
errors are marked in red either in the "Repository Structure" tree or in the "Item List" in the right
panel or in the "Item Properties" right panel (e.g. a User missing a Role has the "Assigned role"
field marked in red).
You can save the errors in a text file or copy them into the clipboard using the corresponding buttons in
the dialog.


Creates a list of all configuration details of the current Repository in the "Repository List" left panel.
The details include all the Repository settings, and is basically a text printout of all the Properties that are
displayed in the "Properties/List" right-panel for each item in the "Repository Structure" tree in the central
The summary is displayed in a dialog where you can read it, copy it into the clipboard and save it into a
text file.


Updates the Attribute Aliases in the database. These Attribute Aliases are stored in a special table in the
database so that queries can be performed on the Attribute Aliases. You have to perform this step
whenever you change the Taxonomy in the Repository. If necessary, the Repository Manager will
indicate that an update of the Attribute Aliases is required.


Verifies that the actual structure of the database hosting the Repository Occurrences is consistent with
the Taxonomy currently associated with the Repository.


When the verification is completed a message dialog shows the result of a validation check made on the
Database structure associated to the Current Repository.

If no connection can be established with the database or if the verification find inconsistencies, a dialog
will list the problems.

In both cases, if you click "Yes", the Repository will be automatically disabled, i.e. set to "No, access
impeded" in the "Published" check box within the property panel of the Repository root node.



The Structure menu allows for the creation of Sub-Repositories. A Sub-Repository inherits all the
properties of the parent Repository, but may introduce its own Groups and Users plus an additional
Occurrence filter. Sub-Repositories can be enabled/disabled independently. They may be useful to
provide Users access to only part of a country-wide Occurrence database, as could be the case for
regional agencies.


Adds a Sub-Repository to the current Repository. The Sub-Repository is added as a child node in the
"Repository Structure" central panel.


Removes the selected Sub-Repository from the "Repository Structure" central panel.



The menu-items in the Actions menu change according to the specific node selected in the "Repository
Structure" central panel. For example when the Security Profile group node is selected, the Action menu
has this structure:

When Users, Roles or Messages Repository items are selected in the central "Repository Structure"
panel, the Action menu has another structure: See Section "3.5 Actions menu (Roles, Users and
Messages) ", page 28. The Action menu is not displayed at all when one of the following nodes are
selected: Taxonomy, Attachments, email storage, Security Policy.
For all the Profiles the Actions Menu items are:
 Add Profile - to add a new Profile instance of the Profile type currently selected.
 Edit Profile - to edit the Profile currently selected.
 Remove Profile - to remove the Profile currently selected.
 Add Profile from file - to add a new Profile starting from an ECCAIRS "Profile file" (*.epf).
 Duplicate - to duplicate the Profile currently selected.
 Export Profile - to export the Profile currently selected to an "ECCAIRS Profile file" (*.epf).
The same menu-items are also available from the right-click menu on a selected item:


For any tree-node item selected within the central "Repository Structure" panel a subset of the menu-
items is available when right-clicking.

For the specific actions to perform when creating/editing an instance of a Profile see the corresponding
Profile type in Section "5 Profiles", page 62.


Adds a new Profile of the selected Profile type, e.g. a new "Printing Template" if you are selecting
"Printing Template" in the central "Repository Structure" panel. A Profile-type specific dialog appears,
where you can define the new Profile.
For the specific actions to perform when creating an instance of a Profile see the corresponding Profile
type in Section "5 Profiles", page 62.


Adds a new Profile by directly importing an existing profile saved in an "ECCAIRS Profile file" format
(*.epf). Since almost all profile types have a .epf file extension you could try to import a Profile of an
incompatible type resulting in an error message.
In addition, some Profile Types require a different file formats: data Bridge (*.edb), Dictionary (*.prof),
Query Library (*.eql) and View (*.evd). This will be indicated in the "Open file" dialog that appears.


Edits the selected Profile. Double clicking on a Profile instance also starts editing.
A Profile-type specific dialog appears, where you can modify the Profile. For the specific actions to
perform when creating/editing an instance of a Profile see the corresponding Profile type in Section "5
Profiles", page 62.


Removes the selected Profile. If the to be removed Profile is currently referred to by other items in the
Repository, then you will see a dialog asking for a confirmation of the removal. For example, you may be
trying to remove a Role which is assigned to an existing User.



Creates a copy of the Profile instance currently selected in the item list within the "Repository Properties"
right panel. The name of the duplicated 'XXX' profile will be "COPY OF 'XXX' ".


Exports a selected Profile into an "ECCAIRS profile file" format (*.epf). Profile files can be useful either
for backup purposes or to be imported into other Repositories (provided they refer to the same

In addition, some Profile Types require a different file formats: data Bridge (*.edb), Dictionary (*.prof),
Query Library (*.eql) and View (*.evd). This will be indicated in the "Save file" dialog that appears.



When either the Roles, Users or Messages nodes are selected in the central "Repository Structure"
panel, the Action menu has these structures:

3.5.1. ACTIONS > ADD

To add a new Role/User/Message. For specific actions to perform when adding/editing
Role/User/Message, see:
 Roles - Section "4.7 Roles", page 47.
 Users - Section "4.8 Users", page 52.
 Messages - Section "4.9 Messages", page 58.


Removes the currently selected Role/User/Message.


Creates a copy of the selected Role/User/Message. The name of the new Role/User/Message is set to


Acknowledges changes made to the properties of existing Profiles. When changes are made in separate
dialog windows, acknowledgement is done through the "OK" button in the dialog itself (For example for
"Browser Profile"). Not-yet acknowledged items in a list are marked with a * (asterisk symbol) at their
Note that if you just add or remove an item (e.g. a specific Profile, a User, a Role, etc.), no
acknowledgement is required.
Note also that if at the end of the Repository Manager session the changes in the Repository are
discarded then all changes made in the Repository are lost (!) even I previously updated.


Discards the changes made to the properties of existing Repository-tree items, when the properties are
shown in the "Properties" right panel.


When changes are made in separate dialog windows, the discarding is done through the "Cancel" button
in the dialog itself (see For example "Browser Profile" properties).


This menu item is only applicable to Users and serves to unlock a User which is locked out for too many
failed login attempts. See Sections "4.5 Security Policy" page 42 and "4.8.1 Users' Security Status" page



The Help menu provides access to the help and information about the application version.


Displays online help for the Repository Manager. You can also invoke the online help at any time by
pressing the "CTRL" and "F1" keyboard keys at the same time

3.6.2. HELP > ABOUT

Displays a dialog including details on the version of the application you are running.





The "Repository Structure" panel shows all elements making up the Repository selected in the
"Repository List" left panel.

The Repository Structure is show as a tree, with the Repository as root node. When you select an item,
its properties are displayed in the "Property" panel on the right. The action that you can perform depend
on the specific item selected:
 Repository - the root node. See Section "4.1 Repository", page 33.
 Taxonomy - see Section "4.2 Taxonomy", page 35.
 Attachments configuration - see Section "4.3 Attachments configuration", page 37.
 Email configuration - see Section "4.4 Email configuration", page 39Error! Bookmark not
 Security Policy - see Section "4.5 Security Policy", page 42.
 Profiles - Repository Profiles are grouped into a single parent-node named "Profiles".
See Section "4.6 Profiles", page 46.
 Roles - see Section "4.7 Roles", page 47.
 Users - see Section "4.8 Users", page 52.
 Messages - see Section "4.9 Messages", page 58.
 Sub-Repositories - each with its own Roles and Users.
See Section "4.10 Sub Repositories", page 60.



The "Repository" node is the root node of the Repository in the structure tree. The right panel lets you
display and edit the core Repository settings:
 Name - the name that identifies the Repository. This is the name the end-user will use when
logging on to the Repository.
 Description - the description for the Repository. You can enter a short description, for example
the objective and context of the Repository.
 Repository password - the (optional) password required to access the Repository. If you set a
password, you will be asked to re-type the password when you end editing the "Repository" node
(e.g. by switching to another item of the Repository).
 Organisation identification - (mandatory) only Organisations identified by a valid certificate can
create a working Repository. Click the button on the right to select an "ECCAIRS certificate file"
(*.e5k). "ECCAIRS certificate files" are issued by the Joint Research Centre. They may be
password-protected, in which case the Repository Manager will ask for the corresponding
password before accepting the certificate. "ECCAIRS certificate files" are also known as
Organisation IDs.
 Published - to enable ("Yes, access allowed") or disable ("No, access impeded") a Repository. If
disabled, the Repository will not be available for connecting users. Note that if there are missing
(mandatory) settings and you save the Repository you will get a warning. If you still choose to
save the Repository settings the system will automatically disable the Repository.


 Has database - to define whether the Repository is using a database ("Yes, uses a RDBMS") to
store Occurrences or supports just E5F files ("No, only E5F files"). Working without an ECCAIRS
database limits some of the system capabilities (mailing sub-system, some Add-Ins, etc.).
 Database connection - to define the configuration of the connection between the ECCAIRS
Server and the Database Server that hosts ECCAIRS data. You can define the connection
parameters through a "Repository Database connection" dialog that you get when you click the
corresponding button on the right.

The parameters to enter vary according to the type and version of RDBMS used. For information
on how to create, configure and connect to the database see the "ECCAIRS Server Installation
Manual". The "Test" button allows testing the connection to the database server using the given
parameters. The "Custom..." button lets you modify the connection string, in order to set a
proper connection when the default settings do not work properly.
 Indexing - (Immediate/Postponed) select "Immediate" to allow for automatic update of the
Repository’s query and text indexing tables. Selecting "Postponed" will increase the speed of
inserting data a bit but will require a postponed indexing to take place before the system can be
interrogated. See "ECCAIRS Installation Manuals" for details.
 Offline usage allowed - (Yes/No) to enable/disable the Browser end-user application to use the
stored user profiles even if a connection to the Repository is temporarily not available. In offline
mode the Browser application can only access Occurrences stored in ECCAIRS Occurrence
files. Selecting "No" will require an active connection to the ECCAIRS Repository Server.
 Automatic backup enabled - (Yes/No) to enable/disable a feature of the ECCAIRS Server that
makes backups of every Occurrence that is inserted, modified or deleted from the database.
Backups are first stored in a database table. A dedicated ECCAIRS service must be running (with
a scheduling time of about once in 5 minutes) to empty this table and store the backups in the file
system. See "ECCAIRS Installation Manuals" for details.
 Occurrence filter - to define a restriction (filter) on the Occurrences that can be managed using
this Repository. This can be used, for example, when area offices of an organisation should be
able to access only their local data. The three buttons on the right of the panel let you:
o add/edit a filter query - by invoking the ECCAIRS standard "Query Edit" window.
o add a query from a library - by invoking the ECCAIRS standard "Query Builder" window.
o remove the filter query - beware that no confirmation is asked before removing the
If filter queries are also used in a Sub-Repository, then all the filters will be hierarchically and
consecutively applied.
 Default user properties - you can enter here default values for the default User Properties.
These default values will be applied to all Users created in the Repository.


The ECCAIRS system can be used in different domains. This is achieved through deployment of
Taxonomies, which are meta-data models describing the specific data elements and their mutual
Each Taxonomy is implemented by two types of Dictionaries, a Logical Dictionary (*.dict) file and a
Physical Dictionary (*.phdict) file. In addition, the Taxonomy is matched by an Occurrence database with
corresponding structures. All these Taxonomy related elements are then packed, together with other
items, into domain specific ECCAIRS Extensions. See the "ECCAIRS Server Installation Manual" for
details on installing Extensions, locating the Dictionary and Physical Dictionary files and creating the
The Logical Dictionary, Physical Dictionary and the Database Scripts are created by the "Taxonomy
Designer (Manager)" tool. The Database generated from the scripts must be connected to the
Repository. See "Database connection" item in Section "4.1 Repository", page 33.
In addition, Organisations can customise a "standard" domain Taxonomy containing Custom Attributes.
Customisation is performed using the "Taxonomy Designer (Custom)", which generates a Custom
Dictionary file.


The Taxonomy panel includes four sections:

 Physical Taxonomy section - (mandatory) the Physical Taxonomy is imported as a Physical
Dictionary file (*.phdict).
 Taxonomy section - (mandatory) the core Taxonomy to be used by the Repository. The
Taxonomy is imported into the Repository as a Dictionary file (*.dict). If the Taxonomy has been
translated into different languages, you may also import the corresponding national version
 Taxonomy Customisation section - (optional) if you need to use a customised version of the
Taxonomy you can import it into the Repository as a Custom Taxonomy file (*.CUST). If the
Custom Taxonomy Release has been translated into different languages, you may also import
the corresponding customisations.
 Data Conversion Library section - (optional) allows for loading occurrences based on older
incompatible versions of the taxonomy.
For the three Taxonomy items above you have the following buttons/fields:
 Browse - (button) click on this button to locate and select the corresponding file.
 Name - (read-only) the name of the Taxonomy as specified at design time for the Dictionary
 Version - (read-only) the number assigned to the Taxonomy Release at design time.
 Languages - (only for Taxonomy and Custom Taxonomy) the list of the translated Taxonomy
Dictionaries. The box shows one line for each language specific Dictionary imported. To add
Taxonomy Dictionaries in other languages use the "Browse" button.
 Last modified on - (read-only) the last modification date of the Taxonomy.
At the bottom of the panel there is an additional section:
 Data conversion rules - when important changes are introduced in a new version of a
Taxonomy (e.g. Attributes deleted) it may require a modification of old occurrences which are
opened to become compatible with the new Taxonomy. These modifications are provided
through an "ECCAIRS data conversion library" which is provided with ECCAIRS Extensions.
 Browse - (button) click this button to select the "ECCAIRS data conversion library". This is
delivered as a (*.dll) file as part of a new Extension.
 Conversion rules list - (list box) for each conversion rule in the list the following information is
o Name - name of the conversion rule.
o Description - the description of the function performed by the rule
o Version - the version of the conversion rule.
o Source data version - the version of the Taxonomy associated with the "source" data to
be converted.
o Destination data version - the version of the Taxonomy associated with the "target" data
to be converted.
o Accepts version range - (yes/no) if the source data and destination data versions
defined comprise a range between which all intermediate versions are converted.



The "Attachment configuration" node defines how to manage documents that can be attached to the
Occurrences. Attachments are stored in a separate data structure, or with a separate access
mechanism, and linked to the Occurrence in the ECCAIRS system database.

 Connection type - a drop-down to select how to access the attachments:

o Component - the attachments are managed externally from the ECCAIRS framework by
a proprietary solution which links through external software components that must provide
methods for standard save, get and remove functions.
o Database - attachments are stored in a separate ECCAIRS database. You can create the
database using the same Scripts used to create the ECCAIRS Occurrence database.
o Repository Database - (default) attachments are stored within the Repository database
itself, i.e. the database defined in the "Database connection" field in the Repository "root
node". No other setting is needed in this case.
The settings for the Database and the Component Database connection are:
 Database - to put attachments in a separate database.

You define the connection settings to the attachment-dedicated database in a dialog that appears
when you click the button at the right.


The parameters to enter vary according to the type and version of RDBMS used. For information
on how to create, configure and connect to the database see the "ECCAIRS Server Installation
Manual". The "Test" button allows to test the connection to the database server with the
parameters supplied. The "Custom..." button let you modify the connection string, in order to set
a proper connection when the default settings do not work properly.

 Component - to store attachments in a proprietary solution

Assembly name and Class name are the names of the Assembly and Class which provide the
required functionality to the ECCAIRS system.
Please contact ECCAIRS support if you are interested in using this solution, for example to store
your attachments in an existing proprietary document management system.



ECCAIRS offers various email sending capabilities. The ECCAIRS email sub-system relies on a
database and on a Windows system level service. There is a dedicated "ECCAIRS email support White
Paper" that describes the steps and options necessary to configure and run the ECCAIRS email sub-
The ECCAIRS Browsers (Windows and web) can use email sending capabilities through the ECCAIRS
email Add-In, described also in the same White Paper. To set how to trigger the Add-In, see Section
"5.2.8 Browser Profile > Add-Ins", page 79, for the Windows Browser, and Section "5.18.7 Web
Profile > Add-Ins", page 139, for the Web Browser.

Emails are stored in either the Repository database itself or in another compatible database directly
accessible by ECCAIRS. The ECCAIRS email service takes the messages from these email storage(s).
When you select the "Email configuration" item in the central "Repository Structure" panel the
corresponding "Property panel" is displayed on the right.

Right panel items:

 Enabled - (yes/no) the radio-buttons let you enable ("Yes") or disable ("No") the email
management system. This way you can temporarily disable an already configured email
management system.
 Connect to - (Repository Database/Database) use this drop-down list to select which type of
database to use for the email management system:


o Repository Database - the ECCAIRS Repository Database itself.

o Database - a dedicated compatible database. You can create the database using the
same instructions and scripts used to create ECCAIRS Occurrence databases.
 Database connection - the database connection settings to be configured when you select
Database above. You must set the connection parameters into the "Database connection" dialog
that you get when you click the button on the right.

The parameters to enter vary according to the type and version of RDBMS used. For information
on how to create, configure and connect to the database see the "ECCAIRS Server Installation

The "Test" button allows to test the connection to the database server with the user and
connection parameters supplied. The "Custom..." button let you modify the connection string, in
order to set a proper connection when the default settings do not work properly.

In the Default SMTP server section, the default parameters for connecting to an SMTP server, used for
sending out emails, can be configured. These settings can be inherited in various other places in the
ECCAIRS system/Repository (AddIns, Security notifications, System notifications and API calls).

 Address / port
o Address - enter the name of the server providing the SMTP services
o Port - the specific port number to be used for the SMTP protocol as defined on the SMTP


 Use SSL
o Yes - use the Secure Socket Layer protocol for the SMTP services
o No – do not use the Secure Socket Layer protocol for the SMTP services
 Connect
o Anonymously - the SMTP server to which a connection is established does not require a
specific authentication and an anonymous login is performed
o With credentials - the SMTP server to which a connection is established requires
authentication, the Username and the Password of the authenticating user must be

In the Default Sender section, the default parameters for the Sender of an email message can be
configured. These settings can be inherited in various other places in the ECCAIRS system/Repository.

 Sender
o Address - the email address placed in the message as sender
o Display name - the visual name of the sender placed in the message



Under this node you can enable/disable the security policies related to password requirements and
management. These settings apply only to Users whose User type is set to "ECCAIRS user" (see
Section "4.8 Users ", page 52). When the User type is set to either "Windows users" or "Windows users
group", Windows own security policies are applied instead.
In this Section we describe all the settings at Repository level. In the "ECCAIRS Password Management
White Paper" you can find more illustrations and details, also on the corresponding User side behaviour
in the Web and Windows ECCAIRS Browser, and the Server level system configurations possibly

Right-panel items:
 Enabled - (yes/no, default NO) you can enable and disable the overall password security policy
by choosing the corresponding option. When enabled, the security settings are valid for all the
Repository and Sub-Repository Users that are configured for ECCAIRS authentication mode.
 Lockout settings - if Users exceed a maximum number of consecutive failed login attempts they
get "locked out" for a certain amount of time. At any further login attempt they get a warning
dialog. The Users' lock out status can be displayed and reset from the User List box, see Section
"4.8.1 Users' Security Status", page 54.

o Login tries allowed - (1-100, default 3) the maximum number of failed login attempts
allowed before blocking further attempts from the same User. You cannot disable the


lockout feature, but you in practice you can achieve the same result by setting here the
maximum value allowed (100).
o Lockout duration - (1 hour-100 months, default 72 hours) the time that "locked out"
Users will not be allowed to log in. Time can be specified in either minutes, hours or days.
 Password - the password can be composed by any number of characters, both upper and lower
case letters, numbers and any other non-alphanumeric symbol. You can set constraints on the
minimum length required by any of its components. Most of the options are self-explanatory:
o Minimum length - (0-100, default 8) this is the overall password length constraint.
o Minimum upper-case chars - (0-100, default 0).
o Minimum lower-case chars - (0-100, default 0).
o Minimum numeric chars - (0-100, default 0).
o Minimum non-alphanumeric chars - (0-100, default 0) non-alphanumeric characters are
typically the printable keyboard symbols other than letters and numbers: for example
The Users' password compliance is displayed in the status column of the User List box.
See Section "4.8.1 Users' Security Status", page 54 . When you set a User password, you
will get warning dialogs if the password does not comply with the active constraints. See
"4.8.2 User Settings and Properties", page 55. If you have already defined Users and
passwords before enabling the Security Policy, when you enable it and then save the
changes to the Repository, you may get a warning dialog with a list of all passwords not
meeting the constraints that are now enforced.

In the dialog you may choose to copy the warnings into either a text file or the clipboard
and decide whether to save the Repository with passwords not meeting the constraints.
Subsequently, when Users with invalid password log on to the ECCAIRS Repository from
the ECCAIRS Browser, or any other client application, they will be notified and asked to
change it.
o Validity duration - (1 day-100 years, default 72 days) the password’s validity duration in
either days, weeks, months or even years. If you do not want the password to expire, you
may set the maximum validity period (100 years).
o User can recover password - (yes/no, default NO) to enable the password recovery
mechanism. On User request, the ECCAIRS Server will send to the User an email with a
new temporary password. This requires that the email service on the ECCAIRS server is
configured and running. When logging in for the first time, the User will be forced to
change that password.
o Challenge phrase is required - (yes/no, default NO) to ask a challenge question to the
User that wants to recover the password. The temporary recovery password will be sent
via email to the User only if the answer is correct. It is up to the User to set up a challenge


phrase. Users will be notified to set their own challenge phrase every time they log in, if
they have not done it yet. The challenge phrase can be set within the Web and Windows
ECCAIRS Browser, using the "File > User properties" menu-item. The whole password
recovery/reset process is described in detail in the "ECCAIRS Password Management
White Paper".
o User email property – This is the user property where the email address of the current
user can be found. This value is used both for sending the “Recover password” message
as well as the “password expiry” notification.
 Expiry notification - Users can be notified about the upcoming expiration of their password
o Notify expiration - (yes/no, default NO) notify Users in advance when their password will
o Advance notice at logon - (yes/no, default NO) the advance expiry message is
displayed with a notification dialog popping-up in Windows or Web at login time. The
message is displayed every time the User logs in within the advance notification time from
the password expiry date/time.
o Advance notice by e-mail - (yes/no, default NO) the advance notice message is sent to
the email address specified in the "User e-mail property" option in the Password section.
This feature requires that both the "ECCAIRS eMail service" and the "ECCAIRS Security
Notification service" are configured and running on the ECCAIRS server. See "ECCAIRS
Password Management White Paper" and "ECCAIRS email support White Paper" for
details. The notification email message is sent only once to the User. If the "Advance
notice by e-mail" option is set to YES, then you also have to set the "User e-mail property"
(see down this list).
o Advance notice period - (1 day-100 months, default 1 week) expressed in either days,
weeks or months. The User will get a password-expiry notification message this amount
of time before the password expires. The message can be either a direct notification (a
notification dialog popping-up in Windows or Web) and/or an email notification message.
o Advance notice message - (Default configuration) by default a pre-defined advance
expiry-notification message is displayed and/or sent to the User. Clicking the button on
the right, brings up a dialog with the message title and content.

You can change the default message title and content. The {DATE} tag in the default
message stands for the password expiry date of the User. You can also use{TIME}, the
expiry time, and {USERNAME}, the User name used at login. In addition, you can include
any of the User properties, using the standard ECCAIRS template tagging syntax. For
example, you could set a message like this: "[%FIRST NAME%] [%LAST NAME%], your
password will expire on {DATE} at {TIME}. Remember to change it before then". The


[%FIRST NAME%] and [%LAST NAME%] tags will be substituted with the first and last
names taken from the corresponding User property.
o Default email settings – allow for using the default email configuration settings as set as
set in the Email configuration node of the Repository, see Section "4.4 Email
configuration", page 39. Should this be set to “Yes” then the default email configuration is
used. Should this be set to “No” then SMTP server and Sender properties can be set in
the sections below.
 SMTP server - groups the parameters for connecting to an SMTP server, used for sending out
emails, can be configured.
o Address / port
 Address - enter the name of the server providing the SMTP services
 Port - the specific port number to be used for the SMTP protocol as defined on
the SMTP server
o Use SSL
 Yes - use the Secure Socket Layer protocol for the SMTP services
 No – do not use the Secure Socket Layer protocol for the SMTP services
o Connect
 Anonymously - the SMTP server to which a connection is established does not
require a specific authentication and an anonymous login is performed
 With credentials - the SMTP server to which a connection is established requires
authentication, the Username and the Password of the authenticating user must
be provided
 Sender
o Address - the email address placed in the message as sender
o Display name - the visual name of the sender placed in the message


The "Profiles" node groups all the Profile-types of a Repository under a single node. For each Profile
Type there is a specific child-node.
Profiles determine all the aspects of the Repository that can be assigned to specific end-user Roles. For
each aspect there is a corresponding Profile-type:

Some Profiles are mandatory, i.e. you need at least one assigned to a Role for the Role to be valid. Of
course you can always define more than one Profile if you need to define different Roles. Other Profiles
may be multiple instance within the same Role (e.g. View Profiles).
See Section "5 Profiles", page 62, for descriptions and setup of each Profile type.


4.7. ROLES
The "Roles" node lists all defined Roles in a (Sub-) Repository. A Role is a collection of Profiles defining
the capabilities and rights of one or more Users. When creating a User, you must give him/her an
already defined Role.

See Section "3.5 Actions menu (Roles, Users and Messages)", page 28, for the "Actions" and "Right-
click" menu-items available.
The "Roles Property" panel on the right includes:
 Roles List box - (list box) at the top. It lists all the Roles currently defined for the (Sub-)
Repository. Each Role in the list is displayed with its Name and a list of assigned Profiles.
Selecting a specific Role in the box displays its properties and Profiles in the lower part of the


You can add, duplicate or remove a Role by:

o Actions menu - the menu let you Add a new Role, Duplicate or Remove a selected Role.
o Roles List box right-click menu - when you right-click in the "Roles List" box at the top
of the right-panel. The menu-items and functions are the same as for the "Actions" menu.
 Role Properties - a set of Role options below the "Roles List" box.

You can edit any of its properties:

o Name - (text, mandatory) to identify the Role. When you add a new Role a default name
"NEW ROLE" is proposed. Within the Repository the Name must be unique.
o Description - (text) any description for the Role.
o Enabled - (yes/no, default YES) enables/disables the Role. If disabled, all the Users
belonging to this Role will not be able to log on to the ECCAIRS Repository. Disabled
Roles are displayed greyed out in the "Role List box" at the top of the panel. If the Role
does not have all the mandatory Profiles, it is automatically set as "Disabled".
o Available in sub-Repositories - (yes/no, default YES) to allow any Sub-Repository to
inherit the Role.
 Profile Assignment boxes and buttons - two boxes with a set of central buttons to assign the
Profiles to the Role. There is an "Available profiles" box on the left, listing all the Profiles defined
in the Repository, an "Assigned profiles" box on the right, with all the Profiles included so far in
the Role. A set of buttons serve to assign Profiles to the Role.

Some Profiles-types are mandatory, i.e. you need at least one per type in order to define a valid
Role. These are marked in red. See section "4.7.1 Role Composition Rules", page 50, for details.
You can also create a Role without the mandatory Profiles associated, but in that case the Role
will be set as "Disabled" and Users having that Role will not be able to log on.
You can:
o Add a Profile - select the Profile in the "Available profiles" left box and either click the
"Add" button in the middle or drag and drop it in the "Assigned profiles" box. You can also
right-click the Profile in the "Available profiles" left box and select the "Add or replace
profile in role" menu-item. Some Profiles are mandatory and some can be multiple. See
the "Role Composition Rules" to know how a Role should be built.


o Remove a Profile - select the Profile in the "Assigned profiles" right box and either click
the "Remove" button in the middle or drag and drop it in the "Available profiles" box. You
can also right-click the Profile and select the same menu-item. There is also a "Remove
All" button which removes all the Profiles assigned so far to the Role.
o Move Up/Down a Profile - select the Profile in the "Available profiles" left box and click
the "Move Up" or "Move Down" buttons in the middle. You can also right-click the Profile
and select the same menu-item. This function only works for Profile types that allow
multiple instances. See next Section "Role Composition Rules" for details. In the
ECCAIRS application (e.g. Browser) the User will select one among the multiple Profiles
presented in this order.
o Set a Profile as Default - select the Profile in the "Available profiles" left box and click the
"Set profile as default for this role" button in the middle. You can also right-click the
Profile and select the same menu-item. This function only works for Profile types that
allow multiple instances and a default value. See next Section "Role Composition Rules"
for details.



A Role collects a number of defined Profiles suited to a user (or users) that you plan to create. The
Profiles you can assign to a Role can be of different types: single/multiple or mandatory/optional. SINGLE AND MULTIPLE PROFILES

"Single" Profiles are those for which only one Profile of that type is allowed for a Role. In general, they
define settings and options for specific client applications (Windows and Web Browser, Data
Manager) or ECCAIRS system wide settings (e.g. Security options, etc.).
"Multiple" Profiles are those for which multiple instances of that type are allowed for a Role. In general,
they are used to allow end-users multiple choices. Example is the choice of a "Default Occurrence
template" among several available when creating a new Occurrence. With "multiple" Profiles the order in
which the Profiles are proposed to the user is determined by the order given to the Profiles within the
For some "multiple" Profiles you also have to define which of the Profiles will be proposed as default
choice to the end-user. This happens, for example, with View Profiles where there is a default View used
when the end-user displays an Occurrence, but the end-user can switch to another View. MANDATORY AND OPTIONAL PROFILES

Mandatory Profiles are those which must be associated at least once to define a Role. When you create
a new Role in the "Assigned profiles" box the mandatory Profiles are initially marked in red and with a
question mark.
If you do not assign all mandatory Profiles to a Role, you will get an error warning dialog. You can still
confirm the changes, but when you save the changes you will be warned that the Role will be "disabled".
Here is the list of all the type of Profiles and their requirements/features when used in a Role:
 Browser - mandatory, single.
 Conditional View - optional, single
 Data Bridge - optional, multiple
 Data Link - optional, multiple
 Data Manager - optional, single
 Deidentification, optional, multiple.
 Dictionary - optional, single.
 Merge - optional, multiple.
 Occurrence Template - optional, multiple
 Printing Template - optional, multiple.
 Query - optional, single.
 Query Library - optional, multiple
 Security - mandatory, single.
 Server event handlers - optional, multiple.
 Tunnel Service - optional, multiple.
 View - mandatory, multiple with a default to set.


 Web - optional, single. Mandatory if you use the ECCAIRS Web Server.
 Workflow - optional, single.


If you edit a Role property, then the Role name in the "Roles List" box is marked with a trailing "*".

Before switching to another Role or another Repository node (e.g. Roles, Profiles, etc.), you must either:
 Update - confirm using the "Actions > Update" menu-item or the corresponding Toolbar button.
 Discard - discard the changes using the "Actions > Discard" menu-item or the corresponding
Toolbar button.
If you do not do it then you get a dialog that prompts you to accept/discard the changes made.

Also, on update time, if any of the Role mandatory data in is missing you will be notified and prompted
whether to save the changes also with an incomplete Role specification.

If you accept to keep an incomplete Role specification then, when saving the changes to the whole 'XXX'
Repository ("Repository > Save changes" menu-item or the corresponding Toolbar button) you will be
warned that the incomplete Role will be set to "disabled", implying that any User who has assigned that
Role, will be disabled as well.


4.8. USERS
The "Users" node lists all defined Users in a (Sub-) Repository. A User item represents a person with a
particular Role, and thus the capabilities and restrictions are defined by all Profiles assigned to this Role.
The Users you define here are those that will be able to log on to the corresponding (Sub-) Repository.
Users cannot be enabled if they do not have a Role assigned, so it is always a good idea to define a
suitable Role before creating the User(s).
See Section "3.5 Actions menu (Roles, Users and Messages)", page 28, for the "Actions" and "Right-
click" menu-items available.

There is one default User with an implicit (not visible) Role assigned in each (Sub-) Repository: the
"ADMIN" User. The only setting you can change for this particular User is the password. The "ADMIN"
User will log on to the ECCAIRS administrative Web application to manage (add/edit/remove) other


Users can be added to any (Sub-) Repository. You can add, remove and duplicate a User by:
 Actions menu - the menu let you Add a new User, Duplicate and Remove any selected User in
the "Users List" box at the top of the right-panel.
 Users List box right-click menu - when you right-click in the Users List box at the top of the
right-panel. The menu-items and functions are the same as for the "Actions" menu, plus the
"Unlock user" menu -item (see next Section).
The "Users Property" panel on the right includes:
 Users List box - at the top. It lists all the Users currently defined, and let you to select the one
you wish to edit.
Each User in the list is displayed with some key settings:
o Name, Type, Enabled, Role - for details see Section "4.8.2 User Settings and Properties,
page 55.
o Status - the last column displays the Users' security status. See next Section.
 User Settings, Properties and Role - all the options located after the Users List box. Here you
assign to the User selected in the list to one of the existing Roles and set a number of options
and properties. See Section "4.8.2 User Settings and Properties, page 55.



The "Status" column in the Users List box displays the Users' security status, if the Repository "Security
Policy" is enabled. Otherwise no information is shown. To enable/disable this feature and set
password/security properties, see Section "4.5 Security Policy" page 42.

In the "Status" column you can find information about:

 invalid password - (displayed in red) displayed if a password does not comply with the
password composition security constraints. There is no indication of which constraints are
violated. However, you can get that information when defining/changing a password.
 password expiry date - displays the password expiry date and time.
 password expired - displayed if the password has expired. Also defines that the User will have
to change password at next login.
 locked out User - (displayed greyed out) displayed if the User had been disabled because of too
many failed login attempts. Also defines when the User will be automatically re-enabled. UNLOCK USERS

Locked out Users can login again after the lock out duration time has expired or when specifically
unlocked. To unlock a User before the lock out duration has expired:
 Select the Locked out User in the list and then the "Right-click > Unlock user" menu-item. You
can also use the "Actions > Unlock user" menu-item in the Menu bar.

 Select "Repository > Save changes to…" to update the Repository status to make the unlock



When you select specific Users in the Users List box, you can access the settings and properties. Newly
created Users will just have the default settings and a Role to choose.

Panel items:
 User type - (ECCAIRS user/Windows user) to identify the User. When using "ECCAIRS user"
the User authentication will be done using the password set in the Repository Manager.

When selecting "Windows user" the User authentication will be done at the Windows Operating
System level, i.e. the Users and password are those set in Windows.

In the latter case you have to provide the Windows User name in the "Name" field below and the
Windows domain the User belongs to in the "Domain" field below.
 Name - (text, mandatory) to identify the User. This is the name with which the User will logon to
the corresponding ECCAIRS Repository (or Sub-Repository). When you add a new User a
default name "NEW USER" is given.


 Domain - (displayed only when "Windows user" is selected as "User type") the Windows domain
the Windows User belongs to.
 Description - (text) any description for the User.
 Password / Confirm Password - (text box displayed only when "ECCAIRS user" is selected as
"User type") the password assigned to the User. If you have enabled the Security Policy and the
password does not comply with the active password composition constraints (see Section "4.8.3
Saving Changes" below) you get a visual indication (yellow box) that the password does not

When you navigate away from the User settings, a warning will appear

In the dialog you may decide whether to accept passwords not meeting the constraints. However,
when Users with invalid password will try to log on to the ECCAIRS Repository they will not be
able to do so.
 Enabled - (yes/no, default YES) to enable the User. This is a convenient way to enable/disable a
configured User temporarily.
 Can change password - (yes/no, default YES) to enable the User to change the password from
the ECCAIRS end-user applications.
 Must change password at next logon - (yes/no, default NO) to force a user to change the
password at the next logon attempt. This setting is disabled if the previous setting, Can change
password, is set to NO.
 Super user - (yes/no, default NO) a "Super User" will be able to override any "lock" set to an
Occurrence when another User is editing it. If set to "no" the User will have to wait for the "lock"
being released.
 Users' administrator - (yes/no, default NO) to enable a User (in addition to the "ADMIN" user) to
manage other Users (add/edit/remove). This can be done through the site for the ECCAIRS Web
Server administrative application.
 Properties (User Properties) - (editable text list) you can enter here the values of the User
Properties. User Properties can be used in Queries, Report templates, email messages, etc.
 Assigned role - (drop down list, mandatory) select from the drop-down list one of the defined
Roles in the Repository. Sub-Repositories Users can use both Roles defined for their Sub-
Repository as well as Roles inherited from parent Repositories. Each User must have a Role
 Role Profiles tree - a display of the Profiles associated to the Role (and thus User) assigned.



If you edit any User Property then the User name in the "Users List" box is marked with a trailing "*".

Before switching to another User or another Repository item (e.g. Roles, Profiles, etc), you must either:
 Update - confirm using the "Actions > Update" menu-item or the corresponding Toolbar button.
 Discard - discard the changes using the "Actions > Discard" menu-item or the corresponding
Toolbar button.
If you do not do it then you get a dialog that prompts you to accept/discard the changes made.

If any of the mandatory settings in "User Settings and Properties" is missing, you will be warned that the
User information is incomplete. The User will anyway be "disabled" when you continue to save the User
by clicking on "Yes".


The Messages node defines messages to be presented to ECCAIRS end-users when they logon to the

See Section "3.5 Actions menu (Roles, Users and Messages)", page 28, for the "Actions" and "Right-
click" menu-items available.
Right panel items:
 Message List panel - (right panel) lists all the Messages currently defined. The "Message List"
right panel is shown when you select the "Messages" item in the "Repository Structure" central
panel. Each line describes a Message by listing its Name, Date and Enabling Status. You can
sort the list by clicking on the column header.
You can create, remove and duplicate a Message by:
 Actions menu - the "Actions" menu let you Add a new Message, Duplicate and Remove any
selected Message in the "Message List" box in the right-panel or any chid "Messages" item in the
"Repository Structure" central panel.
 Message List box right-click menu - when you right-click within the "Messages List" panel. The
menu-items and functions are the same as for the "Actions" menu.
Each Message is listed both as:
 a child of the "Messages" item in the central “Repository Structure" panel (depending on the
setting of File > Preferences… Menu). When you select the message there the Message editing
fields (see "Add Messages" menu-item below).
 a row in the "Message list" right panel. The "Message list" right panel is shown when you select
the "Messages" item in the "Repository Structure" central panel. Double Clicking on a Message
row displays in the panel, instead of the Messages list, the Message editing fields (see "Add
Messages" menu-item below).
The actions you can perform through the menu-items are:
 Add Messages - to add a new Message. The right panel, instead of the Messages list, then
shows the message properties fields that you can edit:


Panel items:
 Title - (text) the title of the Message.
 Enabled - (yes/no, default YES) to enable/disable the display of the Message to the User.
 Message - (text) the text of the Message. You also use the right-click menu in this box to perform
standard copy/cut and paste Windows functions.
And, if an existing Message, named 'NEW MESSAGE', is selected on the "Message List" right panel or
among the children of the "Messages" item in the "Repository Structure" central panel:
 Duplicate Message 'NEW MESSAGE' - to duplicate the selected Message.
 Remove Message 'NEW MESSAGE' - to remove the selected Message form the Message list.
If you edit any Message property, then you must either:
 Update - confirm using the "Actions > Update" menu-item or the corresponding Toolbar button.
 Discard - discard the changes using the "Actions > Discard" menu-item or the corresponding
Toolbar button.
If you do not do it then you get a dialog that prompts you to accept/discard the changes made.

Message items under the "Messages" node are shown to all Users of a Repository including those
defined for Sub-Repositories. When the User logs on to the system a message box will appear. The
User may choose to not show the message again by checking "Don’t show this message anymore".



A "Sub-Repository" is a child node of a Repository. It is used to offer to specific Entities/Agencies access
to a customised subset of the Repository, with its own Roles and Users and, possibly, with a specific
filter on the Occurrences they can access.

A Sub-Repository inherits from the parent Repository all the settings ("Taxonomy", "Attachment
Configuration", "email", "Messages", etc.), including all the Profiles. What you can customise for the Sub-
Repository are Roles and Users and a possible restriction on the Occurrence data ("Filter") when logging
on this Sub-Repository.
You can create Sub-Repositories recursively, i.e. Sub-Sub-Repositories, etc. The intermediate levels of
Sub-Repositories could, for example, simply be used to group child Sub-Repositories (e.g. for Entities
belonging to the same Country). In these cases, you could decide to have the Roles or Users defined at
the Entity level, but the "Filter" at Country level.
You can create and remove a Sub-Repository by:
 Structure menu - using its menu-items. When you select a (Sub-) Repository node in the
"Repository Structure" central panel.
 (Sub-) Repository right-click menu - when you right-click on a (Sub-) Repository node in the
"Repository Structure" central panel.
Whenever you create a new Sub-Repository or select an existing one in the central "Repository
Structure-tree" panel, the right panel let you display and edit the Sub-Repository settings:
 Name - (text, mandatory) the name you give to the Sub-Repository. This name will contribute to
the overall Repository reference the end-user will define to log on. The reference will contain all
the Repository nodes path to the wanted Sub-Repository, separated by a "\" (back-slash). For


example, "EMCIP\DENMARK\DK - DMAIB" in case of the "DK - DMAIB" Sub-Repository of the

"DENMARK" Sub-Repository of the "EMCIP" Repository.
 Description - (text) the description for the Sub-Repository.
 Published - (yes/no, default YES) choose the "Yes, access allowed." or "No, access impeded"
options to enable or disable a Sub-Repository.
 Occurrence filter - to define a restriction (filter) on the Occurrences that can be managed using
this Sub-Repository. The three buttons on the right of the panel let you:
o add/edit a filter query - by invoking the standard "Query Builder" window.
o add a query from a query library - by invoking the "Query Library" window.
o remove the filter query - beware that no confirmation is asked before removing the
If Filter Queries are also used in the "root" Repository, and/or other parent Sub-Repositories, then
all the filters will be hierarchically and consecutively applied.
 Default User properties - you can enter here default values for the User properties. These
values apply to all Users defined in the Sub-Repository. You can override the default User
properties for a specific User by entering/modifying them in the "Users" item.
If you edit any Sub-Repository property then, before switching to another Repository item (e.g. Roles,
Profiles, etc.), you must either:
 Update - confirm using the "Actions > Update" menu-item or the corresponding Toolbar button.
 Discard - discard the changes using the "Actions > Discard" menu-item or the corresponding
Toolbar button.
If you do not update or discard, then you get a dialog that prompts you to accept/discard the changes



The "Profiles" node in the "Repository Structure" panel groups all the Profile-types in a Repository,
displayed as child items. The Profiles define all the aspects of the Repository that can be tailored to
specific Roles. For each aspect there is a corresponding Profile-node. So each Role defined in the
(Sub-) Repository is a collection of assigned Profiles.

When you select the "Profiles" node, the right panel lists all the Profile instances currently defined in the


Each line describes a Profile instance by listing its Name, Type, Version, Last Modification Date and
Description. You can sort the list by clicking on the column headers. When you select one of the Profiles
in the list you can perform functions through the "Actions" menu and the corresponding "Right-click"
menus both in the right panel and in the "Repository Structure" central panel.
Some Profiles-types are mandatory, i.e. you need at least one in order to define a valid Role. Of course
you can always define more than one Profile if you need to define different Roles. Some type of Profiles
can be multiple also within the same Role. Each Profile type is described in the following Sub-Sections.
Here is a list of them:
 Browser - mandatory, single. Options for the Windows ECCAIRS Browser application.
 Conditional View - optional, single. This Profile allows to set availability conditions and default
occurrence templates for all Views in the Repository.
 Data Bridge - optional, single. Options for the reading of XSD compliant E5X files.
 Data Link - optional, multiple. Connection parameters to link Occurrences of the Repository to
one or more Occurrences in another ECCAIRS Repository.
 Data Manager - optional, single. Configures the tools and their basic configuration within the
Data Manager application.
 Deidentification- optional, multiple. The Attributes to be excluded when saving de-identified
 Dictionary - optional, single. Connection to a specific 'Profiled' version of the Taxonomy used for
the current Repository.
 Merge - optional, multiple. Rules used to merge Occurrences in the end-user applications.
 Occurrence Template - optional, multiple. A pre-defined set of values to be inserted in new
Occurrences created within the end-user applications.
 Printing Template - optional, multiple. Templates that can be used to export Occurrences within
the ECCAIRS end-user applications.
 Query - optional, single. Query-based options available in the ECCAIRS end-user applications.
 Query Library - optional, multiple. Shared Query Libraries that users will find pre-loaded when
using the Query Builder tool.
 Security - mandatory, single. Security restrictions on Occurrence and Attribute level.
 Server Event Handler- optional, single. Additional software components that runs when
triggered by specific events on the Server (on Occurrences, Attributes, database, file, etc.).
 Tunnel Service - optional, single. Software service on the ECCAIRS Server which allows
communication between client and server for specific functions.
 View - mandatory, multiple. A View profile is defining a specific way the user can look at the data.
 Web - optional, single. Options for the Web Browser (WebDAS) application.
 Workflow - optional, single. Profiles providing workflow type of functions.

ECCAIRS Extensions usually provide a set of pre-defined Profiles, at least for the most used types. For
information on ECCAIRS extensions see the "ECCAIRS Server Installation Manual".



All Profiles can be configured using a multi tab-panel dialog of which the first tab always opens the
Profile identification tab-panel. This panel includes Profile identification, versioning and description. In
this manual this tab-panel is only described once, it is identical for all Profiles.

Dialog items:
 Identifier - (mandatory) the name you give to the Profile. This is the name that identifies the
Profile when assigning it to a specific Role.
 Version - the version given to the Profile. Setting and updating the version number is up to the
 Last Modified on - date and time of the last modification made to the Profile. Automatically set
by the system.
 Description - the description of the Profile.

The following Sections describe each of the Profile types in detail.



A Browser Profile defines the behaviour of the ECCAIRS Browser end-user application. The Profile is
mandatory: you need to have at least one Browser Profile to create a valid Role (and corresponding
Users). A Role can only have a single Browser Profile associated. Adding or editing a Browser Profile,
displays a dialog with 13 tab-panels:
 Profile Identification - Profile name, version, last modification date and description (described in
section 5.1 Profile Identification on page 64)
 Appearance - colours and other interface layout aspects.
 Behaviour - force read-only behaviour, enable/disable exports and topic-tree display options.
 Occurrence List- - Occurrence list related options.
 Menus and Toolbars - which menu and menu-items, and which toolbar and button will be
available in the Browser.
 Automatic Query - a Query that is executed automatically each time you log on to the
 Email Signature - Subject, Contents and Occurrence file name used when sending Occurrences
from the Browser.
 Duplicate Occurrence - Query used by the Browser to check if an Occurrence being edited is
already in the database.
 Add-Ins: Editor extenders - Add-Ins to be launched after a change of a specific Attribute.
 Add-Ins: User menus - Add-Ins to be made available in an extra menu.
 Add-Ins: Event Handlers - Add-Ins launched after specific system events are triggered.
 Data Bridge to File - options for opening Data Bridge (.e5x) files in the Browser.
 PDF Form to File - options for opening ECCAIRS PDF forms in the Browser.

The following Sub-Sections describe each of these tab-panels.



The "Appearance" tab-panel defines the colours and other interface layout properties.

Most of the settings concern colours and borders of various items and are self-explanatory. The display
panels that you can customise are:
 Database Occurrence list - the display properties of the list of occurrences when retrieved from
a database.
 Editor Occurrence tree - the display properties of the tree representing the structure of the
occurrence when editing. The "Show all Topics" option forces the visualisation of all topics in the
tree, even if the Topics do not contain any data.
 Editor pane - the display properties of the Editor Panel.
 File Occurrence list - the display properties of the list of occurrences when opened as a file.
 Viewer Occurrence tree - the display properties of the tree representing the structure of the
occurrence when viewing. The "Show all Topics" option forces the visualisation of all topics in the
tree, even if the Topics do not contain any data.
 Viewer pane - the display properties of the Viewer Panel.
For all "Appearance" settings there is a general option:
 Modifiable by user - (check box) choose this option to let the end-user override the "Appear"
preferences set from within the Browser application ("View > Options > Appearance" menu-item).



The "Behaviour" tab-panel defines general Browser behaviour.

The options you can control are:

 All exports disabled - (drop-down list) enables/disables all operations that may save
Occurrences to files. The operation affected include: "File > New", "File > Save", "File > Save as",
"File > Save as (without Attachments)", "File > Sent to email", "File > Send to file", "File > Sent
de-identified to email", "File > Send de-identified to file", "Edit > Cut". This option is useful to
prevent certain Users saving/exporting data locally (i.e. in the client PC).
 Browser is read-only - (drop-down list) enables/disables all operations that involve modifications
of Occurrences. This option is useful to prevent certain Users changing Occurrences and/or
Occurrence files. The affected operations include:
o Main Browser window (read-mode) - "File > Send to database", "Occurrence > New",
"Occurrence > Duplicate", "Occurrence > Edit", "Occurrence > Delete",
"Occurrence > Lock Occurrence", "Occurrence > Release Occurrence" menu-items.
o Occurrence Edit window - "File > Save Occurrence", "File > Save Occurrence and Stop
Editing", "File > Append to current file" menu-items.
 Show Topics tree in Data window - (drop-down list) defines whether the Topic tree should be
displayed in the window which appears when you select the "View > Copy Data window"
menu-item in the Browser.



The "Occurrence List" tab-panel defines the Attributes to display when showing Occurrence Lists.

Dialog items:
 Columns - (list box) the list of Attributes to display for each Occurrence in the Occurrence list
and the order in which they appear. The "Columns" list always includes Attributes that have been
defined as "Special Attributes" in the Taxonomy (even if removed when editing the list, they will
appear again).
 Edit - (button) click the button at the top right to show a "Query" dialog with which you can edit
the list of Attributes to display for each Occurrence and define their order. The "Query" dialog
defines the Attributes to display, and their layout and order, when showing Occurrence Lists.

The central panel shows which Attributes to display in Occurrence list, in the order in which they
appear as columns in each Occurrence row. You can work on this list by way of a Toolbar and an
"Edit" menu, offering the same functions:
o Add - to add an Attribute to the list. You get a "Selection Builder" dialog where you can
select the Attribute, through its Attribute Id. of via an Attribute browser dialog, and define
its Layout (e.g. which level to display for multiple-level Attributes, how to display a
time/date Attribute, etc.). Also you can define a sorting order on the Attribute. If more than
one Attribute in the list has the sorting options set, then the position of the Attributes in the


list will define the overall sorting. The Occurrences will be sorted first by the "sorted"
Attribute left in the list and then by the second "sorted", etc.
o Multiple Add - to add easily multiple Attributes to the list. You get a standard "Attribute
Selection" dialog with default multiple selection functions, filtering and sorting options.
o Edit - to edit the currently selected Attribute.
o Remove - to remove an Attribute from the list.
o Clear - (only in the Menu, not in the Toolbar) clear the list, i.e. removes all the Attributes
in the list.
o Move Up/Down - to move a selected attribute up/down in the list (the corresponding
column will be moved left/right in the Occurrence list).
o Cut, Copy, Paste - cut, copy and paste Attributes (and the associated display layout, etc)
in the list. You can use these functions to easily duplicate Attributes in the list, For
o Query Description - (only in the Toolbar) to show the description of the Query used to
extract the Attribute to display.
 Row filtering - (drop-down list) this setting is useful when Attributes belong to multiple
"Taxonomy Entities" involved in the same Occurrence (e.g. multiple vessels, aircraft). You may
select from the list:
o Filtered, only one row per occurrence - to display only one row per Occurrence in the
Occurrence list. For example, when listing Occurrences involving multiple aircraft and the
aircraft model is in the list, then only the model of the first aircraft is displayed.
o No filter, all rows will be displayed - to display a row for each instance of the Entity
whose Attribute must be displayed. In the previous example the Occurrence list will
display a separate row for each aircraft involved.
 Batch size and other related options - (numeric entries and check-boxes) when a Query is
executed the matching Occurrences are listed in batches. When operating with databases
containing a large number of Occurrences these settings may become very useful to optimise
response times. See Section " Browser Profile > Occurrence List (Batch and Warning
options)" in the following pages for details.
 Printing Templates - (button) click the "Printing Templates" button at the bottom to manage the
templates available when printing Occurrence lists. See Section " Browser
Profile > Occurrence List (Printing Template)" in the following pages for details.
 Printing Layout - (button) click the "Printing Layout" button at the bottom to manage the print
layout (header, footer, images) to use when printing Occurrence lists. See Section "
Browser Profile > Occurrence List (Printing Layout)" in the following pages for details.
The Occurrence List settings also includes a general option:
 Modifiable by user - (check box) check this option to let the end-user override the "Appear"
preferences set from within the Browser application. Regarding the columns displayed in the
Occurrence List panel, the end-user will be allowed to remove any of the Attributes from the
display list specified in this profile, but not to add additional Attributes.

When a Query is executed, the matching Occurrences are listed in batches, i.e. the Occurrence List
panel displays only a number of Occurrences equal (or at most equal) to the batch size specified (see
below). When operating with databases containing a large number of Occurrences, batch and warning
settings may be very useful to optimise system resources and response times.
In the ECCAIRS Browser, when the number of Occurrences returned by a Query exceeds the batch size
specified in the Profile, the system provide these functions:
 Status bar Batch Numbering - the Browser Status bar displays number of selected
Occurrences, the number of Occurrences displayed in the Occurrence List (which corresponds at
most to the batch size), the total number of Occurrences resulting from the Query, the
percentage of indexing completed, the current batch number and the total number of batches
(e.g. "Batch1/9" means batch 1 out of 9).

 Batch navigation via menu - you can switch from one batch of results to another by selecting
the "Database > Go to batch > Batch n/m" menu-items.

 Sorting Occurrences in batches - if you try to sort the Occurrences in the "Occurrence List" by
clicking on the header of any of its columns, you may choose between "Sort all results" form the
Query, i.e. sorting across all batches, or "Sort current batch", i.e. sorting the Occurrences
displayed in the current batch only.

In the "Occurrence List" tab-panel of the Browser Profile you can control a number of parameters to
optimise the system with large amounts of Query results and using batches.

 Batch size - (numeric entry) sets the size of each batch of matches. 500 Occurrences is the
default batch size. The Occurrence List panel displays only a number of Occurrences equal (or
possibly less for the last Batch) to the batch size specified.


 Count Occurrences and warn when it exceeds - (check box and numeric entry) if you choose
this option and define a warning triggering value, then whenever you execute a Query from the
Browser a count of the Query results is performed before the data is taken. If the count exceeds
the value specified here, then you get a warning dialog. This option is useful since the actual
execution may take a considerable amount of time and system resources, so you have the
opportunity to cancel and modify the Query to get fewer results.

 Full batch navigation quota - (check box and numeric entry) if you choose this option and
define a quota value the result of the Query will be made visible after the extraction of that
number of Occurrences from the database. In the background, the system will continue to
retrieve and prepare the remaining Occurrences which will show up as soon as you navigate
through the Batches.
The "batch quota exceed" situation is reported in the ECCAIRS Browser in the Status bar -
where the "+" sign is appended both to the "Total" number of Occurrences and to the number of

Using the "Full batch navigation quota" option results in a quicker response in case of large
number of Occurrences resulting from a Query.


The "Occurrence List Printing Template" dialog defines the template(s) for printing the Occurrence List.
You can define a number of custom templates from which a User can choose when printing Occurrence
Lists. The templates allow you to define a printing layout through a specific set of tags.

The central panel lists the templates currently defined. Each line displays some key data of the
corresponding template files. The order of the templates in the list correspond to the order in which the
end-user will find the template to select. To add a template, you need to provide a template file. Printing
Template files can be provided in RTF, TXT and HTML formats. Details and instructions on building and
using template files are given in the corresponding ECCAIRS White Paper available on the ECCAIRS
Dialog items:
 Import - (button) selects a "Printing template file" (*.rtf, *.htm, *.txt).
 Rename - (button) allows you to give the template a different name.
 Remove - (button) removes the selected template in the list.
 Export - (button) exports the "Printing template file" used in the Profile. The file will be exported
in the same format with which it has been previously imported.
 Move up/down - (button) moves the selected template up or down in the list.


The "Occurrence List printing layout" dialog defines the way the Occurrence list is printed on a page.
You can define headers/footers and an image (logo) to be repeated on all pages

You can input in the two lines of header and the three footer areas (left, centre, right) any text you wish
and/or a set of fields tags you can select from the drop-down lists (e.g. {ORGANISATION}, {DATETIME},
etc.). For each of the areas you can define the font and the background and foreground colours to use.
By right-clicking on the image placeholder on the top right you can also define an image/logo in the same
position in the printed page(s). You get a standard file browse dialog to locate and select the image file.
The image will be stretched to fill the placeholder area, so take this into account when preparing the
You then have to define how to display the Occurrence List lines. You select the columns by right-
clicking in the central panel of the dialog and (de-)selecting the corresponding Attribute. You can select
from the Attributes specified in the main "Occurrence List" tab-panel. You can add and remove columns,
set their printing width visually (by dragging the lines separating the columns) or equally distribute them
across the page width (via the corresponding right-menu item).


For all columns you can define the font and the background and foreground colours to use both for the
header line and for the data lines.



The "Menus and Toolbars" tab-panel let you select which menus and menu-items, and which toolbars
and buttons are displayed in the Browser main windows. If both the Menu-item and the Toolbar button is
not available for a function it implies that the function will not be accessible to the user.

Tab-panel items:
 Window - (drop-down list) you select here which of the Browser windows menus and toolbars
you are configuring: Browser main window, Editor window, Viewer window, Occurrence List
window and Duplicate Occurrence list window.
 Active menus - in the configuration tree displayed each menu is a node and its menu-items are
displayed as child nodes. If there are sub-menus, they are represented as child nodes of the
menu node and have in turn child nodes which corresponds to their menu-items. By default, all
menus and their menu-items are enabled. In front of each menu and menu-item node there is a
check box that let you disable/enable them singularly. If you keep the CTRL key pressed while
checking a check box, then you also enable/disable all the menu-items and sub-menus.
 Active toolbars - in the configuration tree displayed each toolbar is a node and its buttons are
displayed as child nodes. By default all toolbars and their buttons are enabled.
In front of each toolbar and menu-item node there is a check box that let you disable/enable them
singularly. If you keep the CTRL key pressed while checking a check box, then you also
enable/disable all the buttons.



The "Automatic Query" tab-panel let you set a Query that is executed whenever you log on to the
Repository. You can use this feature to automatically retrieve and show, for example, the Occurrences of
your organisation, those entered yesterday, or those still in a processing-state that you wish to monitor.

Tab-panel items:
 Name - (text box) the name of the Query currently in use, if taken from a Query Library, or the
generic text "(Query)" if the Query has been defined from scratch (see below). The buttons on the
right let you:
 Edit the Query - (button) if you click the "pencil" button the system displays the "Query Editing"
window where you can edit the current Query
 Open a Query Library - (button) if you click the "open" button the system starts the ECCAIRS
Query Builder application that let you access and define Query Libraries and Queries.
 Erase the Query - (button) if you click the "eraser" button to erase the currently defined Query.
 Details - (read-only text box) the explanation of the Query currently in use as "Automatic Query",
where you see all the Criteria and the logical operators making up the Query.
The settings also include a general option:
 Modifiable by user - (check box) choose this option to let the end-user override the settings
above from within the Browser application ("View > Options > Automatic Query" menu-item).



The "Email Signature" tab-panel let you set the pre-defined Subject, Content, Occurrence file name used
when sending Occurrences (as an Attachment) from the Browser ("File > Send to > email" menu-item.

Tab-panel items:
 Subject - (text box) the pre-defined Subject text-line of the message. The User will always be
able to edit the Subject text within his/her own email program, before actually sending the
 Content - (text box) the pre-defined text included in the Body of the message. In any case the
User will always be able to edit the message text within his/her own email program, before
actually sending the message.
 Attachment filename - (text box) the name of the Occurrence file that will be generated and
attached to the message. By default, the name is "OccurrenceFile.e5f".
 Ask Attachment filename - (check box) by selecting this item the User will be asked the file
name to generate and attach, each time you actually send Occurrences via the "File > Send
to > email" menu-item.
The settings also include a general option:
 Modifiable by user - (check box) choose this option to let the User override the Profile settings
from within the Browser application ("View > Options > email Signature" menu-item).



The "Duplicate Occurrence" tab-panel defines the condition that will be applied to detect when an
Occurrence is duplicated. This is achieved through a "duplicate Occurrence" detect Query

To create a duplicate detect Query you must define "Value to Ask" as a comparison term for the Attribute
value selected. In this particular context the value is not asked to the User but taken from the current
Occurrence. Only if the current Occurrence does not have a value for the particular Attribute then this will
be prompted to the User. Criteria without the "Value to Ask" option will be applied as they are.
Tab-panel items:
 Query Description box - (read-only text box) the explanation of the Query currently in use as
"duplicate search Query", where you see all the Criteria and the logical operators making up the
Query. The buttons on the right let you:
o Edit the Query - (button) if you click the "pencil" button the system displays the "Query
Editing" window where you can edit the current Query.
o Open a Query Library - (button) if you click the "open" button the system starts the
ECCAIRS Query Builder application that let you access and define Query Libraries and
o Erase the Query - (button) if you click the "eraser" button to erase the currently defined
 Automatically perform a duplicate check when inserting a new occurrence on database -
(check box) choose this option to invoke the duplicate search Query automatically on inserting a
new Occurrence in the ECCAIRS database (e.g. saving a newly created Occurrence).



The next three panel-tabs all deal with "Add-Ins". Add-Ins are extra software modules that extend
functions provided by the Windows ECCAIRS Browser. Add-Ins can also be used and configured in
many other places in the ECCAIRS Software (for example in the WebDAS Browser and in the "Data
Manager" application). See Section "5.18.7 Web Profile > Add-Ins", page 139, for the corresponding
Web ECCAIRS Browser Profile tab-panel.
There are several types of Add-Ins available and an application that allows Add-Ins might not support all
of them. Refer to the specific Add-In White Papers for compatibility and details on the configuration and
task performed.
An Add-In instance configured in the application has a specific trigger mode and specific
configuration/tasks associated. Each panel corresponds to one of the three Add-In triggering modes:
Editor extenders, User menus and Event handlers. For each of triggering modes the tab-panel is
identical, the panel lists all the currently defined Add-Ins.

Tab-panel items:
 Add, Edit and Delete - (buttons) use the right buttons to add a new Add-In, or to edit and delete
the selected Add-In. Also double-clicking on an existing Add-In lets you edit it.
 Move up and Move down - (buttons) change the activation order the Add-In selected in the list,
when more than one Add-In is defined.
The tab-panel also includes a general option:
 Modifiable by user - (check box) choose this option to let the User override these settings from
within the Browser application (selecting the "View > Options > Add-Ins" menu-item).


You choose how an Add-In is activated by setting it up in a specific Add-In tab-panel of the three
available in the Browser Profile. You can trigger an Add-In in three different modes:
 Editor Extenders - when you edit a specific Attribute of the Occurrence.
 User Menus - when you select a corresponding item in the Add-Ins menu.
 Event Handlers - when a specified event takes place (e.g. after Query execution, when any
Attribute is added, before Occurrence deletion, before Occurrence insertion, etc.).
When you add or edit a specific Add-In instance in any of the three triggering modes tab-panels, a
different configuration dialog appears.
The items at the top and bottom of the dialogs are settings which are common to all triggering modes:

The common items are

 Name - type in a name for the Add-In instance. The name is mandatory and will be displayed in
the list of available Add-In instances once configured.
In the "Activation" section you provide some basic software configuration which determines how the Add-
In is activated.
 Activation type - Select ".NET activation" from the drop-down list. This is the software
framework in which the ECCAIRS Add-Ins have been programmed to communicate with the
ECCAIRS system.
 Assembly / class - Select the Add-In from the "Assembly" drop-down list and the Add-In method
from the "Class" drop-down list. Technically speaking, the Assembly is the software library
module that implements the Add-In, and the Class is the method to invoke when the Add-In
instance triggering action takes place. See the "ECCAIRS Add-Ins General Configuration White
Paper" and each specific Add-In type White Paper for further information.
 Configuration - this is where you set how the Add-In performs its task. When you click the
"Configuration-edit" button, an Add-In type dialog appears. Refer to the specific Add-In type
White Paper for details on functions, configuration and compatibility.
 Properties - the box displays technical details on the software implementing the Add-In. They
are filled automatically once you have chosen the "Assembly / Class".


At the bottom of the dialog you find two other controls.

 Enabled - choose this option to enable the Add-In instance. Each Add-In is enabled by default.
If you want to temporarily disable the Add-In instance, without removing it, you can deselect the
check box.
 Allow user to enable/disable the Add-In - choose this option to let the User enable or disable
the Add-In instance, inside the "Browser" application. If this option is chosen, then the Users can
select the "View > Options > Add-Ins" menu-item in the "Browser", edit the specific Add-In
instance and enable/disable it using the "Enabled" option (same control as above).


The "Add-Ins: Editor Extenders" tab-panel defines additional software components that run when specific
Attributes in the ECCAIRS Browser are modified.

When you add/edit an event handler you get an "Edit Editor Extender" dialog. The settings in the Details
section of the dialog define how the Add-In is activated from within the Browser (in the above example
the aircraft registration).
Section items:
 Attribute - (mandatory, display box and button) the Attribute whose modification triggers the
Add-In instance.


The "Add-Ins: User Menus" tab-panel defines additional software components that run by selecting
menu-items of the Add-In menu in the ECCAIRS Browser application. The menu-item will appear as the
name given to the Add-In. The Add-In menu-items can also be grouped in sub-menus. When you
add/edit an Add-In menu-item you get an "Edit User Menu" dialog.

Dialog items:
 Name - (mandatory, text box) a name for the Add-In instance. This is also how the new
menu-item will appear in the menu.
 Activation - (section) a setting section dealing with the specific Add-In. Refer to the specific Add-
In type White Paper or to the Add-In installation instructions for details on functions, configuration
and compatibility
 Details - (section) a section defining how the Add-In is activated from the Browser menus:

Details section items:

o Group Name - (optional)
 If you do not define a "Group Name" for the Add-In, then the Add-In will be placed
on the menu bar.


 If you define a "Group Name" for the Add-In (e.g. "Web") , then the Add-In will be
placed as a menu-item under a menu on the menu bar with same name as the
"Group Name".

 If you define a "Group Name" for the Add-In which contains back slashes (e.g.
"Web\Search") then a hierarchical menu structure will be built starting on the menu
bar of the Browser.

o Available in - (mandatory) you can define when the Add-In menu-item will be available.
You can do this for a specific Scope (Any Scope, Editor, Main and Viewer), for a specific
View and for specific Topic(s) within the View. By default, you find a pre-defined
availability rule defining that the menu-item is displayed in all the "Browser" windows
types (View, Edit and Main) and for any View and Topic selected, basically meaning that
the menu-item is always displayed. If different rules are defined, the menu-item is
displayed if only one of the Rules is satisfied. You can add, edit and remove availability
rules using the three buttons on the right.

When you add/edit availability rules you get a "Custom menu available in" dialog.

Dialog items:
 Scope - define which of the "Browser" windows/modes the rule operates on (Any
Scope, Editor, Main and Viewer). By default, "Any scope" is selected, i.e. the Add-
In menu-item is displayed in all modes.
 View - define the View where the Add-In menu-item will be available. This means
that the Add-In menu-item may be displayed in some Views and not in other ones.
By default, "Any view" is selected, i.e. the Add-In menu-item will be displayed in all
the Views available.


 Topics - if you have selected a View then you have to define for which of its
Topics the Add-In menu-item will be available. You can define as many Topic/Sub-
Topics as you wish. You can also select/deselect all Sub-Topics at once if you
keep the keyboard "CTRL" key pressed when selecting their "father" Topic. By
default, the Occurrence (root Topic) and all its child Topics are selected, i.e. the
Add-In menu-item will be displayed for all the Topics in the View selected before.
In practice, if you want the Add-In menu-item to be always displayed, then be sure to
have a rule and in the "Custom menu available in" dialog leave all the default choices and
confirm with "OK".


The "Add-Ins: Event Handlers" tab-panel defines additional software components that run when
triggered by specific system related events (on Occurrences, Attributes, database, file, etc.). When you
add/edit an Add-In instance you get an "Edit Event Handler" dialog. The settings in the Details section of
the dialog define how the Add-In is activated.

Section items:
 Activating Events- (check boxes) use the check boxes to choose one or more triggering events:

Active Occurrence list changed After login

After Occurrence delete After Occurrence insertion
After Occurrence lock After Occurrence release
After Occurrence retrieval After Occurrence update
After Query batch execution After Query execution
Attribute added Attribute edited
Attribute removed Before Occurrence delete
Before Occurrence insertion Before Occurrence lock
Before Occurrence release Before Occurrence retrieval
Before Occurrence update Before Query batch execution
Before Query execution Creating new Occurrence
Editing Occurrence Opening a file
Stop Occurrence editing

See the "ECCAIRS Add-Ins General Configuration White Paper" for further information.


The "Data Bridge to File" tab-panel defines how the system will behave when opening Data Bridge (.e5x)

Since Data Bridge (.e5x) files do not require the mandatory ECCAIRS Special Attributes (one to identify
the ECCAIRS Number and one to identify the Responsible Entity) to be present the system might need
to know how to fill these Attributes when receiving a Data Bridge (.e5x) file. To do this the following
parameters can be set:
 ECCAIRS Number generation
o Generation type
 Use GUID
The ECCAIRS Number will be a generated Global Unique Identifier.
 Use Number Generator
The ECCAIRS Number will be a number generated by the configured Number
Generator of the ECCAIRS System.

o Application
 Always overwrite
The above two options for the ECCAIRS Number generation will always be
 Only if missing
The above two options for the ECCAIRS Number generation will only be applied if
the ECCAIRS Number is not provided in the Data Bridge (.e5x) file.


 Responsible Entity generation

o Default Responsible Entity
The Responsible Entity will be set to the value selected here.

o Application
 Always overwrite
The Responsible Entity will always be set to the above selected value.
 Only if missing
The Responsible Entity will only be set to the above selected value if the value is
not yet present in the Data Bridge (.e5x) file.
 Configuration type
o Silent
The loading of the Data Bridge (.e5x) file will continue even if there are situations which
prevent the file from being opened.
o Prompt User
The loading of the Data Bridge (.e5x) file will stop if there are situations which prevent the
file from being opened. The user is assumed to take action to resolve the situation.


The "PDF form to File" tab-panel defines how the system will behave when opening ECCAIRS PDF

Since PDF forms do not require the mandatory ECCAIRS Special Attributes (one to identify the
ECCAIRS Number and one to identify the Responsible Entity) to be present, the system might need to
know how to fill these Attributes when receiving PDF forms. To do this the following parameters can be
 ECCAIRS Number generation
o Generation type
 Use GUID
The ECCAIRS Number will be a generated Global Unique Identifier.
 Use Number Generator
The ECCAIRS Number will be a number generated by the configured Number
Generator of the ECCAIRS System.

o Application
 Always overwrite
The above two options for the ECCAIRS Number generation will always be
 Only if missing
The above two options for the ECCAIRS Number generation will only be applied if
the ECCAIRS Number is not provided in the PDF form.


 Responsible Entity generation

o Default Responsible Entity
The Responsible Entity will be set to the value selected here.

o Application
 Always overwrite
The Responsible Entity will always be set to the above selected value.
 Only if missing
The Responsible Entity will only be set to the above selected value if the value is
not yet present in the PDF form.
 Configuration type
o Silent
The loading of the PDF form will continue even if there are situations which prevent the
file from being opened.
o Prompt User
The loading of the PDF form will stop if there are situations which prevent the file from
being opened. The user is assumed to take action to resolve the situation.



A 'Conditional View Profile" defines additional characteristics influencing the way a View behaves by:
 Conditions that restrict the use of a View. For example, some Views can be available only at
Occurrence creation time, but not when editing them afterwards. Or a View can be available for
reading or editing an Occurrence only if specific conditions on one or more of its Attributes are
 Conditions that restrict the use of a Topics within a View, for example some Topics might be not
available in a View based on the value of one or more Attributes. Remember that in ECCAIRS a
View is made up by Topics (nodes in the View tree) and each Topic is made up by one or more
Sections, where Occurrence Attributes are displayed/entered.
 Conditions that restrict the use of a Section within a topic within a View. For example, some
Sections might not be visible or may be forced in read-only mode based on specific conditions.
 Forcing different default Occurrences (Occurrence Templates) for different Views when creating
a new Occurrence.
Each Role can only have one Conditional View Profile associated. Adding or editing a Conditional View
Profile displays a dialog with 2 tab-panels:
 Profile Identification - Profile name, description and version (described in section 5.1 Profile
Identification on page 64)
 Conditional View - Conditional View settings.
The "Conditional View" tab-panel defines the behaviour of the View for all the four aspects described
above (Views, Topics, Sections and default Occurrences). The panel lists all the View Profiles of the
Repository arranged in a tree-view.

Each View Profile has three child nodes corresponding to the activity concerned:
 View Occurrence - displaying an Occurrence.
 Create Occurrence - creating a new Occurrence.
 Edit Occurrence - modifying (editing) an existing Occurrence.
To each of these three activities you can apply availability properties, using the Right-click menu-items:
 Always available - the View Profile is always available.
 Never available - the View Profile is not available.
 Available "on condition" - (Viewing and Editing Occurrences only) a set of logical operators
choices to express the conditions. See Section "5.3.1 Conditional View - View conditions", page
93 for details.


 Topic conditions - selecting this Right-menu item you can express conditions that restrict the
use of any of the Topics that makes up a View and Sections that you wish to hide or lock in the
Topics making up in the View. See Section "5.3.2 Conditional View - Topic Conditions", page 94
for details to define the Topic conditions in the "Topic condition" dialog that opens.

 Occurrence templates - (for Create Occurrence only) when a View Profile is "Always available"
for a "Create" event you can also define which of the existing Occurrence Template Profiles will
be available to the end-user as pre-filled templates. The Occurrence Template Profiles selected
are displayed appended to the "Occurrence templates" child node.

The order in which the Views are presented to the user in the end-user applications (e.g. ECCAIRS
Browser) is normally determined by the order in which View Profiles are added to the "Role". However, if
a Conditional View Profile is defined, the order of the Views is specified in the Conditional View Profile


itself. You can change the View order by either right-clicking on one of the View Profiles top nodes and
select the "move up" or "move down" menu-items or by dragging and dropping the View Profiles top
nodes in place wanted inside the panel.


For View and Edit Occurrences event only, you have a set of choices to express the View availability

The availability conditions are defined using these logical operators:

 Available only when - the View Profile is available only if all conditions are satisfied (i.e. a
logical AND among the conditions).
 Available except when - the View Profile is not available when all conditions are satisfied.
 Available if at least - the View Profile is available if one (or more) conditions are satisfied.
Once you have selected the logical operator you have to define the conditions. A "placeholder" condition
is added by default as a child node of the logical operator, and it is labelled with the text "(missing
conditions)". You then right-click the condition placeholder, or on an existing condition, and select one of
its menu-items:


 Add Condition... - the ECCAIRS standard "Query Edit" window appears and you can set a
Query to express the condition. The newly created conditions are listed as a child node of the
type of condition chosen.
and, only for existing conditions:
 Edit Condition... - to edit and existing condition with the ECCAIRS standard "Query Edit"
 Remove condition - to remove the condition.
 Move up/Move down - to change the order of evaluation of the conditions.


The "Topic condition" dialog let you express conditions that restrict the availability of any Topic in the
View and, in addition, for each Topic, the Sections that you want to hide or lock (i.e. make read-only).
You first have to define the environment (Windows, Web or Report), and then for each Topic you can set
conditions on any of the operations you can perform on the Topic (View, Create, Edit, Remove). You can
also define, for each Section in the Topic, whether to hide it or, only when editing or creating an
Occurrence, force it "read-only". We are going to see details by examining each item of the "Topic
condition" dialog.


Dialog items:
 The title of the section in the dialog - just above the "Environment" drop-down list, displays the
Occurrence event you are operating on. For example: "Topic conditions when 'view occurrence'".

 Environment - (drop-down list) since each View has a set of "Layouts", you have to select here
which of them you want to operate on:
o Windows - used with the Windows-based ECCAIRS Browser application.
o Web - used with the web-based Web ECCAIRS Browser application.
o Report - (only for View Occurrence) used to display the View data in a mode suitable for
Report printing.
 Topic-tree left-panel - (panel) this panel shows the Topic-tree corresponding to the
layout/environment selected with the "Environment" drop-down list. You have to select in the tree
the Topic you want to apply conditions on. The root-topic, which represents the whole View, is
always enabled. In the right-panel you can set the Topic availability conditions and also the
constraints on its Sections.
 Topic and Section conditions right-panel - (panel) this panel shows two main node types:
o Operations - where you set the Topic availability conditions for each the types of
operation that you can make on the Topic.
o Sections - all the Sections that make up the Topic are listed under this node. You can
select any of the Sections and use the "Right-click" menu-items to:
 Normal - (default) show the Section.
 Hide - hide the Section.
 Force Read-Only mode - force the Section in read-only mode. This can be used,
for example, to display a "Windows Form Read-Only" Section layout instead of the
"Windows Form Edit" even when editing the Occurrence.


 Restore Configuration - (button) restores all the settings to the default values. This means that
all the Topics will be set as "Always Available" and all their Sections as "Normal". This is valid for
the View and the Occurrence event (either View, Create or Edit) that you are currently operating
on. Beware that no confirmation is requested (but you can still exit the dialog using the "Cancel"
 Copy Configuration - (button) copies the Topic conditions set for another environment
(Windows, Web, Report layout), and/or Occurrence event type (View, Create, Edit) as Topic
conditions for the environment/Occurrence event you are currently working on. Before any
copying is performed a confirmation dialog appears, since the current Topic conditions will be

Once you have confirmed, a "Copy from" dialog appears and you can select which "source" Topic
configuration will be copied into the current one. You can select the source Environment (Web,
Windows, Report) and Operation type (View, Create, Edit Occurrence)



A "Data Bridge Profile" defines the capabilities for a user to read certain types Data Bridge (.e5x) files in
his ECCAIRS application. The Profile is optional. A Role can have multiple Data Bridge Profiles
assigned, meaning that different versions of Data Bridge Profiles can be read. Adding or editing a
Browser Profile displays a dialog with 2 tab-panels:
 Profile Identification - Profile name, description and version (described in section 5.1 Profile
Identification on page 64)
 Data Bridge File - reference to the Data Bridge configuration file.

The Data Bridge Profile contains all the information required to convert a Data Bridge (*.e5x) file into an
ECCAIRS compatible occurrence which can be saved in a file or database. The Data Bridge Profiles are
generated automatically from the ECCAIRS Taxonomy Designer application and are distributed by the
JRC for every new formally released version of the taxonomy. The name of a Data Bridge Profile file
normally contains a reference to the taxonomy, version and domain used. For example, the name
"ECCAIRS Aviation_3.4.0.2_RIT.edb" indicates that the Data Bridge Profile refers to version of
the Aviation taxonomy and that only the RIT domain of the taxonomy is covered.
The Data Bridge Profile can only be defined by importing the relevant Data Bridge Profile (*.edb) file.
There is no possibility to further change any of the characteristics of the Profile in the Repository
Manager. On the "Data Bridge file" tab-panel there are four functions that the user can activate
 Import - (button) imports a previously exported Data Bridge Profile (*.edb) file.
 Export - (button) exports the Data Bridge Profile into a Data Bridge profile (*.edb) file.
 Export Schema - (button) creates a folder called "schema" in the chosen location of the file
system. In this folder the XSD schema is generated.
 Export All - (button) creates a set of folders ("documents", "mappings" and "schema") and a file
("Identification.xml" in the chosen location of the file system. In the "schema" folder the XSD
schema will be generated. In the "documents" folder there will be a .csv file with all the Entities
and Attributes. In the "mappings" folder there will be a set of .csv files with all the Entities,
Attributes and Values. The "Identification.xml" file contains a description of the main parameters
of the XSD (Taxonomy Name, Version, Domain and Description).



A "Data Link Profile" defines the suitable connection parameters to link an Occurrence of the Repository
with one or more Occurrences in another Repository. The link to the Occurrences in other Repositories
is performed through a special type of Attribute in the Taxonomy named "ECCAIRS Data Link".
This way you can also display the Occurrences associated in the target Repository.
For the link to work, you have to define how to connect to the "target" Repository, where the
Occurrences to associate (point to) are actually stored.
Adding or editing a Profile item displays a dialog with 2 tab-panels:
 Profile Identification - Profile name, description and version (described in section 5.1 Profile
Identification on page 64)
 Data Links - the connection data for any "Data Link" type Attribute of the Occurrences in the
The "Data Links" tab-panel defines for each "ECCAIRS Data Link" type Attribute: which Repository
Server and Repository to connect to, the login credentials and other options.

As an example for this Profile we use a the case of a link between an Occurrence Reporting system with
a Safety Recommendation Reporting System, both in the Aviation domain. The source Repository, on
which we are configuring the Repository, contains the Occurrences, the Target Repository contains the
Safety recommendations.
The list box displays all the Data Links, one on a row. Each row in this list box refers to a different
"ECCAIRS Data Link" Attribute of the Occurrence and has the following columns:
 Attribute - to select the "Data Link" Attribute that will point to associated Recommendations in
the target Repository. When you click on this column an "Attribute Selection" standard dialog
appears. Only "Data Link" type Attributes of the current Repository are displayed. You can
navigate and select the suitable source "Data Link" Attribute, using the standard group and free
text filtering capabilities. In this example the Attribute is called "Recommendation link" since it
points to the linked Recommendations.


 Description - (free text) you can add a description to this Data Link.
 Connect to - click the "Login" button to select and log into the "target" Repository (with the
Recommendations). In the "Login" dialog that appears you select the "target" Repository which
must be accessible, with the selected communication protocol, both from the machine on which
the current Repository is hosted and for all client workstations. You then have to provide valid
credentials to access the target Repository. For uni-directional Data Links the User in the target
Repository needs only read capabilities, for bi-directional Links the User also needs write
capabilities (see below under Bidirectional for an explanation).

 Repository - (read-only) this field displays the Repository selected with the In the "Login" dialog
(see "Connect to" item above).
 Server - (read-only) this field displays the Repository Server selected with the In the "Login"
dialog (see "Connect to" item above).
 Bidirectional - (check box) select this check box if the Recommendations in the target
Repository must be updated, in order to point back to the Occurrences in the source Repository.
In this case the connecting user defined above under "Connect to" must of course have write
access to the target Repository.


 Destination attribute - for a bi-directional Data Link you must also select the "Data Link"
Attribute in the target Repository that points back to the associated Occurrences in the "source"

When you click on this column an "Attribute Selection" standard dialog appears showing the
"Data Link" type Attributes present in the target Repository (with the Recommendations). You can
navigate and select the suitable source "Data Link" Attribute, using the standard group and free
text filtering capabilities.



The ECCAIRS Data Manager application is a collection of tools that can perform a variety of tasks
related to Occurrence files and Occurrences in Repository databases. Each of the tools has a number of
functions that the User can select.
The "Data Manager Profile" let you select which tools, and which functions within the tools, are available.
This way you can create Profiles fitted to specific Roles to be assigned to Users, so that some tools and
functions will be available only to specific Roles/Users in the Repository they login to.
Adding or editing a Profile displays a dialog with two tab-panels:
 Profile Identification - Profile name, description and version (described in section 5.1 Profile
Identification on page 64)
 Data Manager Configuration - the tools and functions made available in the Data Manager


The "Data Manager Configuration" tab-panel lets you select which Data Manager tools, and which
functions within the tools, will be available in the Data Manager application for the particular Role.

In the configuration tree the top nodes correspond to the tools included in the Data Manager application
(Exporter, Data Exchanger, Batchelor, etc.). The child nodes for each tool define the basic functions for
each tool. Selecting/deselecting the check boxes in front of the Tools and Functions enables/disables the
corresponding tool or function. By default, all the tools and their functions are enabled.


The "Data Bridge To DB" tab-panel lets you define how Data Bridge (.e5x) files are handled by the "Data
Manager > Data Exchanger Tool > Load from Data Bridge" function when the destination of the
converted Data bridge (.e5x) file is an ECCAIRS database. This Profile configuration is based on a
series of "Processors" each of which is executed in turn. A Processor is implemented as a normal
When the destination is an ECCAIRS file instead of a database, a similar configuration is to be made in
the "Data Manager Profile > Data Bridge to File" tab-panel (see section 5.6.3).


The tab-panel lists the Processors in sequence and allows via the buttons at the right to Add, Edit,
Delete and Move a Processor.
 Add, Edit and Delete - (buttons) use the right buttons to add a new Processor, or to edit and
delete the selected Processor. Also double-clicking on an existing Processor lets you edit it.
 Move up and Move down - (buttons) change the activation order the handler selected in the list,
when more than one Processor is defined.
The main requirement for loading an ECCAIRS Occurrence into an ECCAIRS Database is that the
Occurrence should always have the two Special Attributes (the Number and the Responsible Entity)
filled and in addition the combination of the two Attributes must be unique in the destination database.
The ECCAIRS system brings an Add-in (called "Data Bridge Addin") which, if configured correctly, can
guarantee exactly that.
In principle additional or alternative Processors could be stored in the list of Processors. At the moment
we recommend to just use a single Processor based on the Data Bridge AddIn. ADDING DATA BRIDGE ADDIN PROCESSOR

Adding or editing a Processor opens a dialog to Add/Edit the Processor


The to be defined items are

 Name - type in a name for the Processor. The name is mandatory and will be displayed in the list
of available Processors once configured.
In the "Activation" section you provide some basic software configuration which determines how the
Processor is activated.
 Activation type - Select ".NET activation" from the drop-down list. This is the software
framework in which the ECCAIRS Processors (Add-Ins) have been programmed to communicate
with the ECCAIRS system.
 Assembly / class - Select the "Data Bridge AddIn" from the "Assembly" drop-down list and the
"Data Bridge AddIn" method from the "Class" drop-down list.
 Configuration - this is where you set how the Data Bridge AddIn performs its task. When you
click the "Configuration-edit" button, an Add-In type dialog appears. See section for
details on how to configure this Processor.
 Properties - the box displays technical details on the software implementing the Add-In. They
are filled automatically once you have chosen the "Assembly / Class".
At the bottom of the dialog you find two other controls.
 Enabled - choose this option to enable the Processor. Each Processor is enabled by default. If
you want to temporarily disable the Processor, without removing it, you can deselect the check

When Configuring the Data Bridge AddIn Processor the following settings are available


 Description (text box, mandatory)

to provide a meaningful description of the configuration.
 Occurrence identification preset (section)
This section defines the Responsible Entity and the Number which are to be assigned to the
Occurrence(s) when they are converted from the Data Bridge (.e5x) file.
o Number Generator (button) - opens a dialog in which the Number Generator properties
can be defined.

o Responsible Entity (default value) (button) - opens a dialog with which a default
Responsible Entity can be defined.

o Preset Usage (radio button)

 Use always - if this is selected the Number and the Responsible Entity defined
above will always be used in the generated Occurrence even if some values for
these Attributes were already present.
 Use only if identification cannot be derived - if this is selected the above File
Number and the Responsible Entity will only be used if in the section "Derive
occurrence identification from" below the identification cannot be automatically


 Derive occurrence identification from (section)

o If 'File Number' - 'Responsible Entity' provided use these first (check box) - this
means that if both File Number and Responsible Entity are present in the Data Bridge
(.e5x) file the will be kept (condition is that the Preset Usage radio button must be set to
"Use only if identification cannot be derived")
o Find the ‘File Number' - 'Responsible Entity' from a query in the database (check
box) - means that a query (defined below) is being executed on the destination database
and when there is a hit, the File Number and the Responsible Entity of the first
Occurrence being returned are taken and placed in the converted Data Bridge (.e5x) file.
 Query name (read only) - the name of the query will be returned by the Edit Query
or by the selection of a Query in the Query Library.
 Explanation (read only) - the explanation of the query will be returned by the Edit
Query or by the selection of a Query in the Query Library.
 Edit Query (button) - this opens the standard ECCAIRS dialog for creating a
 Query Library (button) - this opens the standard ECCAIRS dialog for selecting a
Query from the Query Library.
 Clear query (button) - this clears the currently defined Query.
After the conversion of the Data Bridge (.e5x) file into an ECCAIRS Occurrence, following the above
defined rules, it will be sent by the Data manager to the Database of the Repository following the
configuration on the Destination tab-panel of the "Data Manager > Load from Data Bridge" settings:



The "Data Bridge To File" tab-panel lets you define how Data Bridge (.e5x) files are handled by the "Data
Manager > Data Exchanger Tool > Load from Data Bridge" function when the destination of the
converted Data bridge (.e5x) file is an ECCAIRS native (.e5f) file.
When the destination is an ECCAIRS database instead of a file, a similar configuration is to be made in
the "Data Manager Profile > Data Bridge to DB" tab-panel (see section 5.6.2)
The main requirement for loading an ECCAIRS Occurrence into an ECCAIRS file is that the Occurrence
should always have the two Special Attributes (the Number and the Responsible Entity) and, in addition,
the combination of the two Attributes must be unique in the file. CONFIGURING THE DATA BRIDGE ADDIN PROCESSOR

When Configuring the Data Bridge AddIn Processor the following settings are available

 ECCAIRS Number Generation (section with radio buttons) - This section defines the
Responsible Entity and the Number which are to be assigned to the Occurrence(s) when they are
converted from the Data Bridge (.e5x) file.
o Use GUID - means that for each Occurrence a Globally Unique Identifier is generated for
the ECCAIRS Number Special Attribute. The implication is that the Occurrence
Identification (i.e. the combination of Responsible Entity and ECCAIRS Number) will be
unique also.
o Number Generator (button) - opens a dialog in which the Number Generator properties
can be defined.


 Responsible Entity generation

o Default Responsible Entity (button) - opens a dialog with which a default Responsible
Entity can be defined.

o Always overwrite / Only if missing (radio buttons) - If "Only if missing" is selected the
above selected Responsible Entity will only be used if in the Data Bridge (.e5x) file the
Special Attribute Responsible Entity is empty.


The "PDF Form To DB" tab-panel lets you define how ECCAIRS PDF forms are handled by the "Data
Manager > Data Exchanger Tool > Load from PDF Form" function when the destination of the converted
PDF form is an ECCAIRS database.
The configuration of this tab-panel is identical to the configuration of the Data Bridge to DB tab-panel
described in section 5.6.2.


The "PDF Form To File" tab-panel lets you define how ECCAIRS PDF forms are handled by the "Data
Manager > Data Exchanger Tool > Load from PDF Form" function when the destination of the converted
PDF form is an ECCAIRS file.
The configuration of this tab-panel is identical to the configuration of the Data Bridge to DB tab-panel
described in section 5.6.3.



The "Deidentification Profile" defines the Attributes to be excluded when saving de-identified
Occurrences. Each Role can have multiple Deidentification Profiles associated. The User will be
prompted to select one when needed.
The de-identified Attributes are not removed from the Occurrence; they are encoded so that they are
hidden. De-identified Occurrences can be "re-identified" through the "Data Manager (Restorer)" tool, if
the User is logged on to the same Repository in which the deidentification was performed or to another
Repository using the same Organisation ID (see section 4.1).
Adding or editing a Profile displays dialog with two tab-panels:
 Profile Identification - Profile name, description and version (described in section 5.1 Profile
Identification on page 64)
 Attribute Deidentification - the Attributes to be excluded when saving de-identified occurrences.
The "Attribute Deidentification" tab-panel defines the Attributes to be excluded when saving de-identified
Occurrences in the ECCAIRS end-user applications.

The central panel hosts an "Attribute Selection" dialog where each Entity and Attribute has a check box
associated. The dialog has standard browse functions with filtering and sorting options.
Checking a box deidentifies all the corresponding Entity/Attributes. The Attributes of an Entity are
grouped under a special Entity child node, marked in green colour and named "All Attributes". Checking
this node means selecting all the Attributes of the (Sub-) Entity. In the ECCAIRS end-user applications
capable of exporting Occurrence data (e.g. Browser, Exporter, etc.) the User can also choose to de-
identify other Entities/Attributes. In any case the Entities/Attributes specified in this Profile will be always
de-identified for Users having the Role to which the Profile is associated.



A "Dictionary Profile" implements a specific 'Profiled' version of the Taxonomy. Such a 'Profiled' version
of a Taxonomy can (1) define optional Attributes to be set mandatory, (2) define the text/values to be
proposed for manual entry of Attribute values and (3) filter the Attribute Values usable in a specific Value
List. Profiled Taxonomies are created using the "Taxonomy Designer (Customisation) tool" and are
stored in Taxonomy Profile (*.prof) files.
Each Role can only have one Dictionary Profile associated. Adding or editing a Profile displays a dialog
with 2 tab-panels:
 Profile Identification - Profile name, description and version (described in section 5.1 Profile
Identification on page 64)
 Taxonomy Profile File - to define the "Profiled Taxonomy" that you wish to use.
The "Taxonomy Profile File" tab-panel lets you define the Dictionary Profile.

To define a Dictionary Profile you just need to assign a specific 'Profiled' version of the Taxonomy being
used for the current Repository by referring to its file name.
Dialog items:
 Taxonomy profile - (read-only field and button) to set the "Taxonomy Profile file" (*.prof) file
defining the 'Profiled' version of the Taxonomy. Use the buttons on the right:
o Import - to load the "Taxonomy Profile" (*.prof) file. Once the file has been loaded the
field is marked as "Configured".
o Export - to save the "Taxonomy Profile" already configured in this Profile into a
"Taxonomy Profile" (*.prof) file.
 Taxonomy - (read-only) the name and version of the Taxonomy that has been profiled.
 Customisation - (read-only) the name and version of the (optional) "Customised Taxonomy",
possibly used.
 Language - (read-only) the language of the Taxonomy.
 Owner - (read-only) the Organisation that created the "Taxonomy Profile Project".
Dialog items are all read-only since the content is taken form the "Taxonomy Profile Project file" directly.



A "Merge Profile" is a sets of rules used to merge Occurrences in the ECCAIRS end-user applications.
Each Role can have multiple Merge Profiles associated. The end-user will be prompted to select one
when needed. ECCAIRS Extensions usually provide pre-defined Merge Profiles that can be used by
importing them with the "Actions > Add Profile from File" menu-item.

Adding or editing a Profile displays a dialog with 2 tab-panels:

 Profile Identification - Profile name, description and version (described in section 5.1 Profile
Identification on page 64)
 Merge Definition File - to define the merge rules that you wish to use.
To define a Merge Profile you need to provide a merge rules file.

Dialog items:
 Merge definition - (read-only field and button) to set the "Merge Rules" specifications on which
the Profile is based. Use the buttons on the right:
o Import - to load the "ECCAIRS Merge rules file" (*.xml) which stores the merge rules.
Once the file has been loaded the field is marked as "Configured" followed by the name of
the "ECCAIRS Merge rules file" (*.xml) used.
o Export - to save the "Merge Rules" already configured in this Profile into an "ECCAIRS
Merge rules file" (*.xml).
 Name - the name that you wish the end-user to see for this specific "Merge Rules" set.
 Size - (read-only) the size of the "ECCAIRS Merge rules file" imported.


 Last Modified on - (read-only) date and time of the last modification of the "ECCAIRS Merge
rules file".



The "Occurrence Template Profile" is a pre-defined set of values that can be automatically used when
creating a new Occurrence in the end-user applications. Each Role can have multiple Occurrence
Template Profiles associated. The end-user will be prompted to select one when needed.
Adding or editing a Profile displays a dialog with 2 tab-panels:
 Profile Identification - Profile name, description and version (described in section 5.1 Profile
Identification on page 64)
 Occurrence Template - to define the Occurrence template that you wish to use.
The "Occurrence Template" tab-panel defines the Profile behaviour. To define an Occurrence Template
Profile, you need a "template" Occurrence, filled with the values you want the Template to provide.

This can be done in two ways:

 Use one of the end-user ECCAIRS applications (e.g. the ECCAIRS Browser) to create a
"template" Occurrence and save it into an "ECCAIRS 5 data file" (*.e5f). Then you Import the
"template" Occurrence using this dialog.
 You may also use the "Edit" button (see below) to invoke the ECCAIRS Browser end-user
application in editing mode to directly enter/ or to edit an Occurrence to be used as Default
Dialog items:
 Occurrence - (read-only) displays the "ECCAIRS 5 data file" name and which of its
Occurrence(s) have been imported as a "template". If the occurrence has been created from
scratch using the "Edit" button, then the name will be set to "Manually Edited".
 Import - (button) click this button to select an "ECCAIRS 5 data file" (*.e5f) which includes the
Occurrence to be used as "template". When the file is opened a dialog asks you to choose the
"template" from the Occurrences included in the file.
 Export - (button) click this button to export the Occurrence used as "template" into an "ECCAIRS
5 data file" (*.e5f).
 Name - the name that the User sees when choosing this specific "Occurrence Template" among
other different "Occurrence Template" types.
 ECCAIRS number - (read-only) this is the "ECCAIRS unique number" of the Occurrence that
has been imported as "template". If an Occurrence has been imported from a .e5f file there is
always an ECCAIRS number present, since this Special Attribute is mandatory in a .e5f file. If a
file is edited using the "Edit" button the ECCAIRS number can also be empty, in which case the
text "(No Eccairs Number)" is visualised.


 Responsible entity - (read-only) the "Responsible Entity" Attribute value, as included in the
"template" Occurrence. If an Occurrence has been imported from a .e5f file there is always a
"Responsible Entity" present, since this Special Attribute is mandatory in a .e5f file. If a file is
edited using the "Edit" button the ECCAIRS number can also be empty, in which case the text "
(No Responsible Entity)" is visualised.
 Size - (read-only) the size of the Occurrence imported as a "template".
 Last Modified on - (read-only) date and time of the last modification made to the Occurrence
that you have set as "template".
 Edit - (button) click this button to invoke the ECCAIRS Browser end-user application in editing
mode to directly enter or edit an Occurrence to be used as "template".



A "Printing Template Profile" provides a template that can be used to export Occurrences within the
ECCAIRS end-user applications. Each Role can have multiple Printing Template Profiles associated.
The end-user will be prompted to select one when needed. Adding or editing a Profile displays a dialog
with 3 tab-panels:
 Profile Identification - Profile name, description and version (described in section 5.1 Profile
Identification on page 64)
 Template File - to define the printing template that you wish to use.
 External Data Sources - to define external data sources for the template.


The "Template file" tab-panel defines the template for exporting the Occurrences.

To define a Printing Template Profile, you need to provide a template file. Template files can be provided
in RTF, TXT and HTML formats. Details and instructions on building and using template files are given in
the "ECCAIRS Custom Report Templates White Paper" available in the Support area of the ECCAIRS
web portal.
Dialog items:
 Template - (read-only field and button) to set the "Printing Template" specifications on which the
Profile is based. Use the buttons on the right:
o Import - to load the "Printing template file" (*.rtf, *.htm, *.txt). Once the file has been
loaded the field is marked as "Configured" followed by the name of the Printing (export)
Template file used.
o Export - to export the "Printing template file" used in the Profile. The file will be exported
in the same format with which it has been previously imported.
 Name - the name that the User will see when choosing this specific "Printing template Profile".
 Type - (read-only) the type/format of the file imported as "Printing template" (*.rtf, *.htm, *.txt).
 Size - (read-only) the size of the file imported as "Printing template".
 Last Modified on - (read-only) date and time of the last modification of the file imported as
"Printing template".



The "External Data Sources" tab-panel defines the sources of external data that can be used to feed the
printing template, together with the data form the ECCAIRS system (Occurrences and system data). For
example, you may need to provide some meteo data, not stored with the Occurrence, that can be found
outside the ECCAIRS system, using the date and location of the Occurrence, and put in a text file, in
"character-separated values" (.CSV) format.

The template file that will handle the external file sources must include a proper declaration section that
identifies the external data sources and their data format (e.g. which is the data separation character
used). See the "ECCAIRS Custom Report Templates White Paper" for details.
The central panel lists the data sources defined so far and their main features: data source name, file
name, type of file, size, last modification date.
Dialog items:
 Import - to load the file used as data source. Use the standard "open" dialog to locate and select
the delimited value file: either (*.csv) or (*.txt) file extensions are allowed.
 Rename - to rename the data source.
 Remove - to remove a data source.
 Export - to export the source data selected in the central panel as a Comma Separated Value file



A "Query Profile" defines two query-related options available in the ECCAIRS end-user applications:
 a table of Occurrence statistics by date.
 queries by example, where the system will generate a form for the User to fill and the ECCAIRS
application generates and executes the corresponding Query.
Each Profile defines a number of "Queries By Example" and a number of "Queries By Date". A Role can
have only one Query Profile associated. Adding or editing a Profile displays a dialog with 3 tab-panels:
 Profile Identification - Profile name, description and version (described in section 5.1 Profile
Identification on page 64)
 Query By Date - to define the set of Occurrence statistics by time available through queries by
 Query By Example - to define each Section that the user will be able to use for creating queries
by example.
To define a new Query Profile you must enter data for all the three tab-panels, i.e. it is mandatory to
define both the Profile Identification and at least one "Query By Date" or "Query By Example".


The "Query By Date" tab-panel defines the set of Occurrence by date to be available for ECCAIRS end-
users applications. The numbers in the resulting table are counts based on dates, i.e. on Attributes with
date values (e.g. Occurrence date, casualty date, investigation day, etc)

Using the three buttons on the right of the list box you can add, edit and delete the statistics items listed
in it. Double-clicking on an existing item also allows to edit it. Each statistics item row displays the
following columns: Description, Attribute ID, Attribute description, Row layout, Column layout, i.e. the
properties that are defined when adding/editing statistics items.

Adding and editing statistics items

On adding/editing a statistics items an "Attribute details" dialog opens.


"Attribute details" dialog items:

 Description - the description of the statistic, as the User will see when selecting one of the
available ones in the active profile:

 Attribute - the Attribute on which the statistics is based. Clicking on the "Select" button you get
an "Attribute Selection" dialog where you can browse all the Attributes in the Taxonomy with a
"date" value and select the one you need. The dialog "Attribute Selection" provides the standard
Taxonomy-tree navigation, filtering and sorting functions.
 Row layout - the layout of the date-type Attribute to use/display for the rows of the statistics
graph/table. The layouts available are: Value, Year, Day, Month, Quarter, Week for year, Week,
Day of week, Month for year, Day of the week for year, Quarter for year, Date, Value, Year, Day,
Month, Quarter, Week for year, Week, Day of week, Month for year, Day of the week for year,
Quarter for year, Date.
 Column layout - the layout of the date-type Attribute to use/display for the columns of the
statistics graph/table. The layouts available are: Value, Year, Day, Month, Quarter, Week for
year, Week, Day of week, Month for year, Day of the week for year, Quarter for year, Date,
Value, Year, Day, Month, Quarter, Week for year, Week, Day of week, Month for year, Day of the
week for year, Quarter for year, Date.
 OK / Cancel - (buttons) click these buttons of the "Attribute details" dialog to, respectively, save
or discard the selections made so far.



The "Query By Example" tab-panel defines a number of Queries where the comparison Values for the
Attribute(s), at Query execution time in the Browser, will be provided by the User in a specific "Query By
Example" dialog that will show up or will be taken form the Occurrence currently selected in the Browser.
The values to be provided by the User or the comparison must be defined as parameters ("Value to
Ask") in the Queries.

The central panel lists all the Queries By Example currently defined. Dialog items:
 Add - (button) to add a new Query By Example. You first have to provide a name for the Query
and then define it using the standard Query Editor dialog.
 Edit - (button) to edit the Query currently selected in the panel using the standard Query Editor

 Remove - (button) to delete the Query currently selected in the panel.

 Rename - (button) to rename the Query currently selected in the panel. This opens the same
dialog used to enter the Query name when you create one, with the current Query name to be



The Query Library Profile" defines the shared Query Libraries that are automatically opened in the
"Query Builder" window. The "Query Builder" window is displayed when building/editing Queries and
Query Libraries in all ECCAIRS end-user applications.
Each Profile refers to a single Query Library. A Role can have multiple Query Library Profiles associated
and, accordingly, the "Query Builder" window opens all the corresponding Libraries. This way you can
share the same Query Libraries across all Users belonging to the same Role. All the Query Libraries
shared via Query Library Profiles are locked, i.e. read-only. You can of course copy the Queries included
in a shared Library into any other non-locked Query Library you have.
Adding or editing a Profile displays a dialog with 2 tab-panels:
 Profile Identification - Profile name, description and version (described in section 5.1 Profile
Identification on page 64)
 Library File - to define the Query Library file.
To define a new Query Library Profile, you must define the Query Library file in the "Library File" tab-
panel. The "Profile Identification" data is automatically filled in by the system.
The "Library File" tab-panel let you select the Query Library that defines the Profile.

Dialog items:
 Library - (read-only field and buttons) to link a Query Library to this Profile. Use the buttons on
the right:
o Import - to load the "Query Library file" (*.eql) which stores the Query Library.
Once the file has been loaded the field is marked as "Configured".
o Export - to save the "Query Library Profile" already configured in this Profile into a "Query
Library file" (*.eql)".
 Number of Queries - (read-only) the number of Queries included in the Query Library.
Dialog items are all read-only since the content is taken from the "Query Library file" directly.



A "Security Profile" defines security restrictions for the ECCAIRS end-user applications:
 one or more restrictions on Occurrence permissions (creation, access, etc.).
 one or more restrictions on Attributes read-write permissions.
 a Query that restricts (filters) the Occurrences that can be managed.
This type of Profile is mandatory: you need to have a Security Profile to create a valid Role (and
corresponding Users). A Role can have only one Security Profile associated.
A typical use of this type of Profile is to create Roles with write permissions and others for read-only
access. Adding or editing a Profile displays a dialog with 4 tab-panels:
 Profile Identification - Profile name, description and version (described in section 5.1 Profile
Identification on page 64)
 Occurrence Security - one or more restrictions on Occurrence management permissions.
 Attribute Security - one or more restrictions on Attributes read-write permissions.
 Data Filter - a Query that restricts (filters) the Occurrences that can be managed.


The "Occurrence Security" tab-panel defines restrictions on Occurrence management permissions
(creation, access, etc.).

The panel lists the restrictions displayed as a tree whose top-parent nodes are the Occurrence
management actions, in the ECCAIRS end-user application, that you can control with this Profile:
 Create Occurrence (DB) - this happens whenever a new Occurrence is to be stored in the
Database. Creating and saving new Occurrences in an "ECCAIRS 5 data file" (*.e5f) is
considered an "Export occurrence" action (see below in this list)
 Delete Occurrence (DB) - when deleting an Occurrence either from the Database. Deleting an
Occurrence from an open "ECCAIRS 5 data file" is always possible (though it might be
impossible for a user to save such a changed file, see Export Occurrence below).
 Update Occurrence (DB) - when editing an existing Occurrence in the Database.
 Read occurrence (DB/File) - when extracting and displaying an Occurrence either from the
Database or from an "ECCAIRS 5 data file".
 Export Occurrence (File) - when saving Occurrences in an "ECCAIRS 5 data file


By default, all five actions are "Always allowed". To define one or more restrictions right-click the action
and select from the menu:
 Never allowed - to always deny the action.
 Always allowed - to always allow the action.
 Allowed only when - to allow the action only if all conditions are satisfied. You have to define
one or more conditions (see below).
 Allowed except when - to allow the action unless all conditions are satisfied. You have to define
one or more conditions (see below).
 Allowed if at least - to allow the action if one (or more) conditions are satisfied. You have to
define one or more conditions (see below).

Defining and Editing Conditions

To define the conditions, you either select one of the three "conditioned" restrictions above and the sub-
menu "Add Condition" which appears. The ECCAIRS standard "Query Edit" dialog appears and you can
set a Query that defines the condition. You can also modify and remove conditions using the same



The "Attribute Security" tab-panel defines restrictions on various Attribute permissions and a general
deidentification permission.

The panel lists the Attributes on which there are restrictions imposed, with the restricted permissions
appended as child nodes of the corresponding Attribute. The panel is initially empty. Right-click on the
empty panel, or on an already added Attribute, to get the menu-items:
 Manage Attributes - to add/modify/remove attributes form the list of Attributes. You get an
"Attribute Selection" dialog where you can browse all the Attributes in the Taxonomy and select
any number of them.

 Read > Always allowed/denied - to deny/allow read permission of the currently selected
Attribute in the panel.
o If reading a specific Attribute is denied, the Attribute will not be presented in the
viewer/editor and in the list of Occurrences.
o In addition, queries using the Attribute cannot be created nor executed because of a
security violation.
 Modify > Always allowed/denied - to deny/allow edit permission of the currently selected
Attribute in the panel.
o If modifying an attribute is denied, the Attribute cannot be changed in the Windows and
Web Browser applications nor can it be changed using the API.


 Query > Always allowed/denied/Allowed only when - to deny/allow/conditionally allow to use

the particular attributes in queries.
o If Querying is denied, queries using the Attribute cannot be created nor executed because
of a security violation.
o In addition, if the Attribute is part of the Occurrence List definition then it will be filtered out
(since the Occurrence List is also a result of a query).
 Export > Always allowed/denied/Allowed except when - to deny/allow/conditionally allow to
export particular attributes.
o If exporting an Attribute is denied, then the Attribute will be Deidentified when the
Occurrence is stored in a ECCAIRS Data (*.e5f) file.
 Import > Always allowed/denied/Allowed only when - to deny/allow/conditionally allow to
import particular attributes.
o If importing an Attribute is denied, then the Attribute will not be Identified (i.e. a possible
Deidentification will be undone) when the Occurrence is stored in a ECCAIRS Data (*.e5f)
file. The Attribute remains Deidentified.
o If importing an Attribute is allowed, then the Attribute will be Identified (i.e. a possible
Deidentification will be undone) when the Occurrence is stored in a ECCAIRS Data (*.e5f)
file. The Attribute returns to its readable form also for other organisations.

Another Attribute security control available on this tab-panel is:

 User can restore deidentified Occurrences - (check box) choose this option if you allow the
Role to restore Attributes that have been "deidentified" when exporting/saving deidentified
Occurrences. The re-identification of deidentified Attributes can then be performed using the
"Data Manager > Restorer" tool.



The "Data Filter" tab-panel restricts (filters) the Occurrences that can be accessed.

Occurrence filtering can also be performed at Repository and Sub-Repository levels. This Security
Profile Data filtering is applied on the result of these filters.
The three buttons on the right of the panel let you:
 add/edit a filter query - to define a restriction (filter) on the Occurrences that can be managed
using this Sub-Repository. The three buttons on the right of the panel let you:
o add/edit a filter query - by invoking the standard "Query Builder" window.
o add a query from a query library - by invoking the "Query Library" window.
o remove the filter query - beware that no confirmation is asked before removing the



The "Server Events Profile" defines and configure Add-Ins, additional software components that are
triggered by specific events on the Server.
Adding or editing a Profile displays a dialog with 2 tab-panels:
 Profile Identification - Profile name, description and version (described in section 5.1 Profile
Identification on page 64)
 Server Events Handlers - to define the Server Events Handlers configuration.
The "Server Event Handlers" tab-panel defines additional software components that run when triggered
by specific events (on Occurrences, Attributes, database, file, Queries, etc.) at the Server side.

The panel lists all the currently defined event handlers triggered by events on Occurrences, Attributes,
database, file, etc. Handlers are based on the Add-Ins or other support modules provided by ECCAIRS.
Each line also displays the main properties set for the event handler.
Tab-panel items:
 Add, Edit and Delete - (buttons) use the top right buttons to add a new event handler, or to edit
and delete the selected event handler in the list. Also double-clicking on an existing event handler
line let you edit it.
 Move up and Move down - (buttons) change the activation order the event handler selected in
the list, when more than one handler is defined.



When you add/edit an event handler you get an "Edit Repository Server Event Handler" dialog.

Dialog items:
 Name - (text box - mandatory) a name for the handler.
 Activation - (section) a setting section dealing with the specific Add-In:
o Activation type - Select ".NET activation" from the drop-down list. This is the software
framework in which the ECCAIRS Add-Ins have been programmed to communicate with
the ECCAIRS system.
o Assembly / class - Select the Add-In from the "Assembly" drop-down list and the Add-In
method from the "Class" drop-down list. Technically speaking, the Assembly is the
software library module that implements the Add-In, and the Class is the method to invoke
when the Add-In instance triggering action takes place. See the "ECCAIRS Add-Ins
General Configuration White Paper" and each specific Add-In type White Paper for further
o Configuration - this is where you set how the Add-In performs its task. When you click
the "Configuration-edit" button, an Add-In type dialog appears. Refer to the specific Add-
In type White Paper for details on functions, configuration and compatibility.
o Properties - the box displays technical details on the software implementing the Add-In.
They are filled automatically once you have chosen the "Assembly / Class".
 Details - (section) a setting section defining how the Add-In is activated.
Activating Events- (check boxes) use the check boxes to choose one or more triggering
events. If you do not define any triggering event, then a dialog will warn you and ask for
 Enabled - (check box) choose this option to enable or disable the handler.



A "Tunnel Service Profile" is the configuration of a specific software service on the ECCAIRS server,
which will communicate "non ECCAIRS" requests between a client end-user application (e.g. an Add-in
the ECCAIRS Browser application) and the corresponding server application, which will actually perform
the requested task. The connection between the ECCAIRS client and server is just used as a tunnel for
services provided by "non ECCAIRS" server applications.
A typical example of a tunnel service is the implementation of the Number Generator, which requires a
client side and a server side Add-In communicating via a tunnel. See also the specific Number Generator
White Paper for details on functions, configuration and compatibility.
Each Role can have multiple Tunnel Service Profiles associated. Adding or editing a Profile displays a
dialog with 2 tab-panels:
 Profile Identification - Profile name, description and version (described in section 5.1 Profile
Identification on page 64)
 Tunnel Service - to define the Tunnel Service configuration.
The "Tunnel Service" tab-panel let you configure the Tunnel Service server-side software component. In
general, there might be corresponding settings to be performed in the ECCAIRS end-user application to
configure the client-side of the Tunnel Service (e.g. a corresponding Add-In in the ECCAIRS Browser

Dialog items:
 Name - (display box - read-only) a name for the Tunnel Service Add-In. This is set in the "Edit
Tunnel Service" dialog.
 Activation type - (display box - read-only) the type of activation protocol used to dialog with the
Add-In. This is set in the "Edit Tunnel Service" dialog.
 Activation command - (display box - read-only) the Assembly (software library module) and the
specific class (method) to invoke the Add-In. This is set in the "Edit Tunnel Service" dialog.
 Configuration - (display box - read-only) the name given to the Add-In configuration parameter-
set in use. This is set in the "Edit Tunnel Service" dialog.
 Enabled - (check box) choose this option to enable the Tunnel Service Profile being edited.
 Edit - (button) click this button to configure the Add-In with the "Edit Tunnel Service" dialog



When you click the "Edit" button an "Edit Tunnel Service" dialog appears.

Dialog items:
 Name - (text box - mandatory) a name for the Add-In.
 Activation - (section) a setting section dealing with the specific Add-In:
o Activation type - Select ".NET activation" from the drop-down list. This is the software
framework in which the ECCAIRS Add-Ins have been programmed to communicate with
the ECCAIRS system.
o Assembly / class - Select the Add-In from the "Assembly" drop-down list and the Add-In
method from the "Class" drop-down list. Technically speaking, the Assembly is the
software library module that implements the Add-In, and the Class is the method to invoke
when the Add-In instance triggering action takes place. See the "ECCAIRS Add-Ins
General Configuration White Paper" and each specific Add-In type White Paper for further
o Configuration - this is where you set how the Add-In performs its task. When you click
the "Configuration-edit" button, an Add-In type dialog appears. Refer to the specific Add-
In type White Paper for details on functions, configuration and compatibility.
o Properties - (read-only text box) displays summary technical information on the Add-In.



A "View profile" makes available a specific 'View' to the current Repository. Views are created using the
"View Designer" tool (part of the "User Interface Designer" suite) and are stored in "View Project files"
(*.evd). This type of Profile is mandatory: you need to have at least one View Profile for each Role. A
single Role can have several View Profiles associated, one of which will be the default view. Adding or
editing a View Profile displays a dialog with 2 tab-panels:
 Profile Identification - Profile name, description and version (described in section 5.1 Profile
Identification on page 64)
 View File - to define the View you wish to use.
The "View file" tab-panel let you select the "View Project" to be used for the Profile. Note that a View
Project should support the taxonomy currently being used by the Repository.

Dialog items:
 View - (read-only field and button) to link the "View Project" to this Profile. Use the buttons on the
o Import - to load the "View Project file" (*.evd) which stores the "View Project". Once the
file has been loaded the field is marked as "Configured".
o Export - to save the "View Profile" already configured in this Profile into a "View Project
file" (*.evd)".
 Display name - (read-only) the name that will identify the View in the end-user application, e.g.
the View names inside the "Views" leftmost panel in the ECCAIRS Browser end-user application.
This name has been specified in the "View Project" and cannot be changed.
 Group name - (read-only) the name that will be shown on the top of the panel that allows to
select the Views. This is because Views may be grouped into View Groups. If there is only one
group, then its standard name is "Views". Also this name has been defined in the "View Project"
and cannot be changed.



A "Web Profile" defines the menus and other settings for the Web ECCAIRS Browser client application
(a.k.a. WebDAS). This type of Profile is mandatory if you wish to use the ECCAIRS Web Server and the
Web client application. A Role can have only one Web Profile associated.
In its function the Web Profile is almost identical to the Browser Profile described in section 5.2 but it
defines the behaviour in a web environment instead of the Windows environment.
Adding or editing a Web Profile displays a dialog with 10 tab-panels:
 Profile Identification - Profile name, description and version (described in section 5.1 Profile
Identification on page 64)
 Menu Configuration - the menu-items available to the end-user.
 Occurrence List - the Attributes displayed when showing Occurrence Lists.
 Start Page - the data displayed in the Web ECCAIRS Browser start page.
 Options - Statistics data pre-load options.
 Paging - the number of items shown for some multiple results operations.
 Log - the events to include in the log.
 Add-Ins: Editor extenders - the Attributes whose changes trigger the call of an external
 Add-Ins: User menus- the Add-Ins menu items that trigger the call of external functions.
 Add-Ins: Event Handlers - the system events (e.g. Occurrence deletion, query execution, etc.)
that trigger the call of external functions.
To define a new Web Profile, you must enter data at least for the "Profile Identification".



The "Menu Configuration" tab-panel defines which menu-items will be displayed in the Web ECCAIRS
Browser end-user application.

Tab-panel items:
 Menu - (drop-down list) you select here which of the Browser windows menus and toolbars you
are configuring: Browser Web, Editor Web, Link Editor Web, Link Viewer Web.
 Active menus - in the configuration tree each menu is a node and its menu-items are displayed
as child nodes. If there are sub-menus, then their node has in turn child nodes. By default, all
menus and their menu-items are enabled. In front of each menu and menu-item node there is a
check box that let you disable/enable them. If you keep the CTRL key pressed while checking a
check box, then you enable/disable also all its menu-items or sub-menus.



The "Occurrence List" tab-panel defines the Attributes to display when showing Occurrence Lists.

Tab-panel items:
 Columns - (list box) the list of Attributes to display in Occurrence List, in the order in which they
appear as columns in each Occurrence row. The "Columns" list always includes Attributes that
have been defined as "Special Attributes" in the Taxonomy (even if removed when editing the list,
they will appear again).
 Edit - (button) click this button, at the top right, to show a "Query" dialog with which you can edit
the list of Attributes to display for each Occurrence and define their order.

 Show Edit button - (check box) choose this option to display the pencil-shaped "Edit" button at
the beginning of each Occurrence row in the list.

 Show View button - choose this option to display the magnifier-glass-shaped "View" button at
the beginning of each Occurrence row in the list.


 When double clicking on Occurrence List items - (radio buttons set) ) choose the action to
perform when the User double-clicks on an item in the Occurrence List:
o Edit selected Occurrence - (radio button) choose this option to open the Occurrence the
Web Browser Occurrence Editor window.
o View selected Occurrence - (radio button) choose this option to display the Occurrence
content in the Web Browser Occurrence Viewer window.
o Do nothing - (radio button) choose this option to do nothing.



The "Start Page" tab-panel let you setup the page that The Web ECCAIRS Browser shows in its central
panel after a successful login.
You can use this feature to automatically retrieve and show, For example, the Occurrences entered
yesterday, or during last week, or those still in a processing-state that you wish to monitor.
By default, The Web ECCAIRS Browser starts in "Occurrence" mode and the page initially shows in the
display area the list of the Queries included in a Query Library. But here you may change this behaviour.

Tab-panel items:
 Statistics - (radio button) choose this option to show the Query by Date result of the first item of
the "Statistics" menu on the Start Page. You set the statistics layout in the "Query Profile > Query
by Date" tab-panel.

 Query Builder - (radio button, default) choose this option to show the contents of the user's first
Query Library at the Start Page. The first Query Library is determined by alphabetical order.
 Automatic Query Execution - (check box) choose this option (enabled only if you have chosen
the "Query Builder" option) to show the results of the defined Query (see below) on the Start
o Name - (text box) the field shows the name of the Query currently in use as Automatic
Query. If taken from a Query Library the Name is set to the name of the Query in the
Library. If the Query has been defined using the Edit button (see below) the Name is set
to "Query".
o Explanation - (read-only text box) the explanation of the Query currently in use as
"Automatic Query.
o Edit the Query - (button) the "pencil" button opens the "Query Editing" window where you
can Create new, and Edit existing, Queries


o Open a Query Library - (button) the "open" button starts the ECCAIRS Query Builder,
which lets you access and define Query Libraries and Queries. The selected Query will
become the current Query for the Start Page when you close the Query Builder.
o Erase the Query - (button) the "eraser" button clears the currently defined "Automatic
 User can set the automatic Query - choose this option to let the end-user modify the automatic
Query from within their Web Browser application ("Query > Set Automatic Query" menu-item):



The "Options" tab-panel let you choose if you want to show Statistics (Query by Date) data as soon as
you visit a Statistics page, and if so which query should be executed by default.

Tab-panel items:
 Preload Statistics execution - (check box) choose this option if you wish that the Statistics data
is loaded immediately when showing the Statistics page. If you choose this option, you must also
choose which Query is used to retrieve the initial Statistics data:
o Execute "select all" Query - (radio button) all the Occurrences in the Repository
o Execute last Query - (radio button) the Occurrence set obtained re-executing the last
Query executed in Web Browser.



The "Paging" tab-panel defines the number of items to show in a single page for some functions and
also some parameters for handling large query results.

Tab-panel items
 Queries per Page - (numeric entry) the maximum number of Queries in a Query Library to show
on a page. If more Queries are present in the Library additional pages and page navigation will
be used.
 Query Results per Page - (numeric entry) the maximum number of Occurrences, resulting from
a Query, to show on a page. If more Occurrences are resulting additional pages and page
navigation will be used.
You can manage some parameters to optimise the system with large amounts of Query results:
 Count Occurrences and warn when it exceeds - (check box and numeric entry) if you choose
this option and define a warning triggering value, then whenever you execute a Query from the
Browser a count of the Query results is performed before the data is taken. If the count exceeds
the value specified here, then you get a warning dialog. This option is useful since the actual
execution may take a considerable amount of time and system resources, so you have the
opportunity to cancel and modify the Query to get fewer results.

 Full batch navigation quota - (check box and numeric entry) if you choose this option and
define a quota value the result of the Query will be made visible after the extraction of that
number of Occurrences from the database. In the background, the system will continue to
retrieve and prepare the remaining Occurrences which will show up as soon as you navigate
through the Batches. Using the "Full batch navigation quota" option results in a quicker response
in case of large number of Occurrences resulting from a Query.



The "Log" tab-panel defines which events to include in the system Log.

The panel lists all the types of ECCAIRS system events that can be logged. All the type of events are
included in the log by default. You can un-check any type of event you do not want to have in the log.
Login, Logout and Session Timeout events are always included in the log.
The types of event are:
 Session - Login, Logout, Session Timeout
 Occurrence - View, Lock, Release , Create, Update, Delete, Download.
 Occurrence from Editor - Upload, Download.
 Occurrence view - for editing, for duplication.
 Execute - Query, Statistics, Query Count .
The log file can be accessed by the built-in ADMIN user via the Administration site of the WebDAS



The last three panel-tabs deal with Add-Ins. Add-Ins are extra software modules that extend functions
provided by the Web ECCAIRS Browser. Add-Ins can also be configured for the Windows ECCAIRS
Browser and for the "Data Manager (Batchelor tool)" Window application. See Section "5.2.8 Browser
Profile > Add-Ins", page 79, for the corresponding Windows ECCAIRS Browser Profile tab-panel.
There are several types of Add-Ins available and each application that allows Add-Ins supports only
some them. Refer to the specific Add-In White Papers for compatibility and details on the configuration
and task performed.
An Add-In instance configured in the application has a specific trigger mode and specific
configuration/tasks associated. Each panel corresponds to one of the three Add-In triggering modes:
Editor extenders, User menus and Event handlers. For each of triggering modes the tab-panel is
identical, the panel lists all the currently defined Add-Ins.

Tab-panel items:
 Add, Edit and Delete - (buttons) use the right buttons to add a new Add-In, or to edit and delete
the selected Add-In. Also double-clicking on an existing Add-In lets you edit it.
 Move up and Move down - (buttons) change the activation order the Add-In selected in the list,
when more than one handler is defined. ADDING AND EDITING AN ADD-IN

You choose how an Add-In is activated by setting it up in a specific Add-In tab-panel of the three
available in the Web Profile. You can trigger an Add-In in three different modes:
 Editor Extenders - when you edit a specific Attribute of the Occurrence.
 User Menus - when you select a corresponding item in the Add-Ins menu.
 Event Handlers - when some specified event takes place (e.g. after Query execution, when any
Attribute is added, before Occurrence deletion, before Occurrence insertion, etc.).
When you add or edit a specific Add-In instance in any of the three triggering modes tab-panels, a
different configuration dialog appears.
The items at the top and bottom of the dialogs are settings which are common to all triggering modes:


The common items are

 Name - type in a name for the Add-In instance. The name is mandatory and will be displayed in
the list of available Add-In instances once configured.
In the "Activation" section you provide some basic software configuration which determines how the Add-
In is activated.
 Activation type - Select ".NET activation" from the drop-down list. This is the software
framework in which the ECCAIRS Add-Ins have been programmed to communicate with the
ECCAIRS system.
 Assembly / class - Select the Add-In from the "Assembly" drop-down list and the Add-In method
from the "Class" drop-down list. Technically speaking, the Assembly is the software library
module that implements the Add-In, and the Class is the method to invoke when the Add-In
instance triggering action takes place. See the "ECCAIRS Add-Ins General Configuration White
Paper" and each specific Add-In type White Paper for further information.
 Configuration - this is where you set how the Add-In performs its task. When you click the
"Configuration-edit" button, an Add-In type dialog appears. Refer to the specific Add-In type
White Paper for details on functions, configuration and compatibility.
 Properties - the box displays technical details on the software implementing the Add-In. They
are filled automatically once you have chosen the "Assembly / Class".
At the bottom of the dialog you find another control.
 Enabled - choose this option to enable the Add-In instance. Each Add-In is enabled by default.
If you want to temporarily disable the Add-In instance, without removing it, you can deselect the


The "Add-Ins: Editor Extenders" tab-panel defines additional software components that run when specific
Attributes in the ECCAIRS Browser are modified.

When you add/edit an event handler you get an "Edit Editor Extender" dialog. The settings in the Details
section of the dialog define how the Add-In is activated from within the WebDAS Browser (in the above
example the aircraft registration).
Section items:
 Attribute - (mandatory, display box and button) the Attribute whose modification triggers the
Add-In instance.


The "Add-Ins: User Menus" tab-panel defines additional software components that run by selecting
menu-items of the AddIn menu in the Windows ECCAIRS Browser application. The menu-item will
appear as the name given to the Add-In. The Add-In menu-items can also be grouped in sub-menus.
When you add/edit an Add-In menu-item you get an "Edit User Menu" dialog.

Dialog items:
 Name - (text box - mandatory) a name for the handler. This is also how the new menu-item will
appear in the menu.
 Activation - (section) a setting section dealing with the specific Add-In. Refer to the specific Add-
In type White Paper or to the Add-In installation instructions for details on functions, configuration
and compatibility
 Details - (section) a setting section defining how the Add-In is activated from within the Browser

Details section items:

o Group Name - if you define a "Group Name" for the Add-In, then it will be placed in the
"Group Name" sub-menu of the "Add-Ins" menu. So the complete path to the specific
Add-In menu-item is "Add-Ins" menu > "Group Name" > "Add-In Name" menu-item.


If you do not define a "Group Name" for the Add-In, then it will be listed directly under the
"Add-In" main menu.

o Available in - (mandatory) you can define when the Add-In menu-item will be available.
You can do this for a specific Scope (Any Scope, Editor, Main and Viewer), for a specific
View and for specific Topic(s) within the View. By default, you find a pre-defined
availability rule defining that the menu-item is displayed in all the "Browser" windows
types (View, Edit and Main) and for any View and Topic selected, basically meaning that
the menu-item is always displayed. If different rules are defined, the menu-item is
displayed if only one of the Rules is satisfied. You can add, edit and remove availability
rules using the three buttons on the right.

When you add/edit availability rules you get a "Custom menu available in" dialog.

Dialog items:
 Scope - define which of the "Browser" windows/modes the rule operates on (Any
Scope, Editor, Main and Viewer). By default, "Any scope" is selected, i.e. the Add-
In menu-item is displayed in all modes.
 View - define the View where the Add-In menu-item will be available. This means
that the Add-In menu-item may be displayed in some Views and not in other ones.
By default, "Any view" is selected, i.e. the Add-In menu-item will be displayed in all
the Views available.
 Topics - if you have selected a View then you have to define for which of its
Topics the Add-In menu-item will be available. You can define as many Topic/Sub-
Topics as you wish. You can also select/deselect all Sub-Topics at once if you
keep the keyboard "CTRL" key pressed when selecting their "father" Topic. By
default, the Occurrence (root Topic) and all its child Topics are selected, i.e. the
Add-In menu-item will be displayed for all the Topics in the View selected before.


In practice, if you want the Add-In menu-item to be always displayed, then be sure to
have a rule and in the "Custom menu available in" dialog leave all the default choices and
confirm with "OK".


The "Add-Ins: Event Handlers" tab-panel defines additional software components that run when
triggered by specific events (on Occurrences, Attributes, database, file, etc.). When you add/edit an
event handler you get an "Edit Event Handler" dialog. The settings in the Details section of the dialog
define how the Add-In is activated.

Section items:
 Activating Events - (check boxes) use the check boxes to choose one or more triggering events

Active Occurrence list changed After login

After Occurrence delete After Occurrence insertion
After Occurrence lock After Occurrence release
After Occurrence retrieval After Occurrence update
After Query batch execution After Query execution
Attribute added Attribute edited
Attribute removed Before Occurrence delete
Before Occurrence insertion Before Occurrence lock
Before Occurrence release Before Occurrence retrieval
Before Occurrence update Before Query batch execution
Before Query execution Creating new Occurrence
Editing Occurrence Opening a file
Stop Occurrence editing

See the "ECCAIRS Add-Ins General Configuration White Paper" for further information.



A Workflow Profile brings to the ECCAIRS Repository a set of rules and functions related to the
implementation of a Workflow.
Each Role can have one Workflow Profile associated. Adding or editing a Profile displays a dialog with 3
 Profile Identification - Profile name, description and version (described in section 5.1 Profile
Identification on page 64)
 Workflow Operations Library - to define the specific workflow related functions distributed in
the form of a dedicated .dll file.
 Workflow Configuration - to define the


The Workflow Operations Library tab-panel allows to import in the Repository a Workflow Dynamic Link
Library (.dll file) created in a standard Windows environment following the specifications of the Workflow
Operations Library. A separate White paper describes the mechanism and the required structure of the
.dll file.

The items on this panel are:

 Name - (read only) is the name given to the .dll library at design time
 Version - (read only) is the version number of the Dynamic Link Library assigned at design time.
 Import - (button) opens the standard Windows open file dialog to allow the selection of the
correct Workflow Operations Library.



The Workflow Configuration tab-panel allows to define a number of Workflow Operations, their relation
with one or more of the ECCAIRS attributes and the specific Action (provided by the Workflow
Operations Library configured in the previous section) to execute for the operation.

The items on this panel are:

 Default credential - (read only) is the default ECCAIRS credential which will be used by the
Workflow module to access the data in the Repository. The button at the right side sets the
 Set credential - (button) sets and tests the credentials of the user which will perform the
workflow related operations on the Repository
 Operation tree - (tree control) defines the various operations required in the Workflow, the
relations these operations have to existing ECCAIRS Attributes and the Actions to execute if the
operation is to be performed. The following editing options exists
o Add operation - (right click on the root node OPERATIONS) adds a new Operation to the

For each operation a name and a meaningful description must be given in the

o Add condition - (right click on an Operation node) and selecting "Add condition" adds a
new Condition to the selected Operation.


When a Condition has been added it is available as the default node "Always available",
in green. To change the condition right-click on the Condition and select "Define

This will open the Query Definition window where the conditions can be inserted as any

o Add action - (right click on an Actions node) assigns an action to the Workflow operation.
The available Actions are completely determined by the Workflow Operations Library
assigned to the same Workflow Profile. As an example see the figure below where all the
available actions in the Library are listed. The defined Actions are executed in the order in
which they are listed in the OPERATIONS tree under the ACTIONS node.





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