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Biology 3S2-2

Names: Lisha Torres, Dejanelle Marin, Ashley Cunil, Kyle Carcamo

Moth Gynnidomorpha alisman


● Camouflage: Moths often have patterns on their wings, allowing them to blend into their
surroundings and avoid predators. This adaptation enhances their chances of survival by
reducing the risk of being detected.

● Nocturnal Behavior: Many moths are nocturnal, being active during the night. This
adaptation helps them avoid diurnal predators and take advantage of reduced predation
risk in the dark. They have specialized sensory organs, such as antennae, to navigate
and locate mates in low-light conditions.

● Mimicry: Some moth species exhibit mimicry, imitating the appearance of other
organisms, like leaves or bark. This adaptation serves as a form of defense against
predators by making them less conspicuous.


● Moths inhabit a wide range of ecosystems, including forests, grasslands, urban areas,
and agricultural landscapes. They are highly adaptable and can be found in diverse
environments worldwide.


● Moths play a crucial role in pollination, helping in the reproduction of flowering plants.

● They serve as a food source for various predators, contributing to the ecological balance
within their ecosystems.

● Moth larvae, commonly known as caterpillars, often play roles in nutrient cycling by
consuming plant material and breaking it down into organic matter.

Level of Organization:

● Individual: An individual moth is a single organism with specific adaptations for survival.

● Population: Moths exist as populations of individuals within a particular geographic area.

● Community: Moths are part of a community of organisms in their habitat, interacting with
other species, both as predators and prey.
● Ecosystem: The community of moths, along with other organisms and the physical
environment, forms an ecosystem where energy and nutrient cycles occur.

● Moths contribute to the biodiversity and ecological dynamics of their habitats through
their interactions with plants, other animals, and their role in ecosystem processes.

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