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I. Read the passage below and answer the questions


Accounting is a fundamental part of any business. It has played a significant role in the financial world
for many decades. Currently, accountants are adapting to changing technology. They are integrating
digital tools into their work, which will further streamline their processes in the future.

In the past, accountants used to rely on manual bookkeeping, but today, they use advanced software for
data analysis. This shift has improved efficiency and accuracy. Additionally, the profession will continue
to evolve as new financial regulations are introduced.

The accounting field offers various career paths. Accountants work in diverse industries, and the
demand for their expertise is expected to grow. As businesses expand, they will require financial experts
to manage their accounts and ensure compliance with tax laws.

I. Reading Comprehension Questions:

1. What is the role of accounting in business, as mentioned in the passage?

2. How has technology affected the work of accountants in the present?

3. What are the benefits of using advanced software in accounting, as stated in the passage?

4. What does the passage suggest about the future of the accounting profession?

5. Why is the demand for accountants expected to grow, according to the passage?

II. Read and understand the activities below and translate them into good Indonesian Language
WITHOUT USING GOOGLE TRANSLATION OR ANY AI APPS, Understand unfamiliar words by using a
dictionary or Oxford Dict online or paper, then translate by using your own words, phrases, and

Yesterday, I went for a long hike in the nearby forest. The sun shone brightly, and the birds sang in the
trees. As I walked along the trail, I noticed the beautiful wildflowers that bloomed all around me. I took a
few pictures to capture the moment. Later, I met my friends for a picnic, and we shared stories from our

Today, I am working on a new project for my job. I am collaborating with my colleagues to develop a
presentation. The office buzzes with energy as everyone prepares for the upcoming meeting. We hope
our hard work will impress the clients and secure a new contract.

Tomorrow, I will attend a cooking class. I have always wanted to improve my culinary skills, and the class
promises to be a fun experience. I will learn to prepare a variety of dishes, and I am looking forward to
trying them out at home. After the class, I will meet some friends for dinner to share the delicious meals
I've prepared.
III. Based on the passage above, identify past activities, present activities and future activities. You may
do the task as this example:

1. I went for a long hike in the nearby forest. (Past activities)

2. .............

3. .............


IV. Write a paragraph consists of 10 sentences about your activities accommodating past, present, and
future activities.


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