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- Criminal Procedure Act (1986)

o Sets out the clearly defined rules and regulations for court proceedings in NSW.
- LEPRA (2002)
o Codifies and governs the exercise of specific police powers.
- Summary Offences Act (1988)
o Outlines what are summary offences.
o They have a less severe offence that is heard and sentenced by a magistrate in the
local court,
o Maximum of 2 years offence.
- Crimes Act (1900)
o prescribes the maximum sentence that may be imposed for various offences.
o Statutory Guidelines.



- LEPRA (2002)
o Law Enforcement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002
o Outlines the responsibilities of police in the criminal investigation process
o Section 4 = Strip Searches
o Detention + questioning
o Use of reasonable force + technologies.
- “NSW Police hit back over Strip Searches” 9 News (February 2020)
o Abuse of Power
o Strips Individuals of Rights
- UNSW report “rethinking the strip search report by NSW police”
o Calls for further law enforcement.


- Evidence Act (1995)

o Sets out the manners and guidelines of which evidence must be collected so that the
collection does not greatly interfere with the rights of ordinary citizens.
- R v Wood (2002)
o Ineffective use of police discretion where police failures at the crime scene resulted in
an unfair trial that led to Wood’s acquittal of murdering his girlfriend.
- Darby v DPP (2004)
o The sniffer dog case.


- Bail Act (1978)

o Very confusing and ineffective.
- Bail Act (2013)
o Had many loopholes leading to Man Monis.
o Risk based rather than assumption based.
- Bail Amendment Act (2015)
o Offenders of serious crimes must prove why they need bail and that they are a risk to
the community.
o Changes make it difficult for people to get bail if they are in any way associated with
a terrorism offence.
- “Man Monis” –
o Lindt Café siege  Monis v The Queen (2013)


- Evidence amendment (Evidence of silence Act) 2013

o Right to silence.
o The jury can assume that your silence means that you are guilty.
- LEPRA (2002)
o Arrest: they can only arrest if they believe the person is about to commit a crime.
o Detention: can only be detained for 6 hours.



- R v Nam (2006)
o Crimes Amendment (Provocation) Act 2014
o Farmer kills over extreme provocation
o Michael Pestano
- R v Singh (2012)
o Successfully used provocation as a defence and had his charge reduced to
 “six years for killing sparks law review,” (SMH, 2012)
o Recommended that the defence of provocation be changed to ‘gross provocation’
o Crimes Amendment (Provocation) Act 2014.
- R v Dawes (2004)
o Mother sentenced to a 5 year good behaviour bond due to mental illness, which
diminished her capacity to understand her actions.
 “Dawes has suffered too much to go to jail” (SMH, 2004)


- Judicial Officers Act 1986

o Created the Judicial Commission of NSW
 Creates judicial reviews in Australia.
- Jury Amendment (Verdicts) Act (2006)
o Amendment to the Jury Act 1977
o Allows majority verdicts  11/12 instead of unanimous.
- R v Skaf (2004)
o “Disobedient jurors cause gang rape retrial.” SMH, 2004
o Attendance of jury members at the scene of the alleged incident may have affected
their decision-making process, reducing the fairness for the accused and impacting
- Judge only trials.


- ABC News "Calls for review of plea deal in Thomas Kelly Case" (2013)
o R v Loveridge (2013)
 One punch law.
 Loveridge pleaded guilty to the lesser charge.
- R v Koch (2009)
o Attempted murder was downgraded to grievous bodily harm as a result of charge
- “Rise of plea-bargaining coerces young defendants into guilty pleas, says report.” (Boffey,
The Guardian 2022)
- “Top judge outraged by plea bargain deals” (SMH, 2011)


- Dietrich v the Queen (1992)

o Right to legal representation.
- “Legal Aid rates imperil justice” (SMH, 2012)
o Legal aid is so underfunded that many people who require it cannot secure legal
- Legal Aid Commission Act (1979)
o Established legal aid
o Merit + means test.
o Jurisdiction test.



- ABC’s “continued Detention: when courts attempt to predict the future, it’s a legal twilight
zone.’ (2014)
o Crimes (High Risk Offenders) Act 2006 (NSW).
o Continued detention is controversial because it can be seen to infringe on a person’s
right to
- Migration Act (1958)
o In cases of international or overseas people whose visas may expire or end before the
end of their sentence, they may be deported to serve the sentence back in their own
- Terrorism (Police powers) Act 2002
o Supreme court can grant a warrant to detain a person for a maximum of 14 days
without charge.
o Mohamed Haneef  detained for 12 days without evidence as he was accused of
terrorist activities.


- R v AEM; R v KEM; R v MM (2002)

o Purposes of Punishment.
o 3 teenagers were sentenced for a very long time because they had committed a series
of sexual assaults.
o Punishment over deterrence.
- The Crimes (sentencing procedure) Act 1999 (NSW)
o Outlines the different purposes of punishment.
- R v Skaf (2004)
o Use of Punishment for deterrence.
 Longest non-life sentence at the time.
- R v Loveridge (2013)
o One Punch Laws  aggravating factors and mitigating factors.
o Reflected the need for retribution to ensure a just outcome.


- R v Wood (2012)
o Ineffective use of police failures at the crime scene led to an unfair trial that led to
Woods acquittal of murdering his girlfriend.
- R v AEM, R v KEM, R v MM (2002)
o Gang rape trial.
o Crown appealed to the court of criminal appeal against the leniency of the sentence.
o The court of criminal appeal more than doubled the previous sentence.


- LEPRA (2002)
o Any Police Powers argument.
- Children’s Court Act (1987)
o Established the children’s court so that the concerns of children are met.
- Young Offenders Act (1997)
o Established the Welfare model for children so that rehabilitation is possible.
- R v LMW (1999)
o Doli Incapax as Corey Davis had pushed a child into water knowing that the child
could not swim.
- Children (criminal proceedings) Act 1987
o It updated the proceedings of the criminal justice system for children and young
o It required that courts try to make sure children brought before them understood the
proceedings, the allegations, and the potential consequences.
- R v GDP (1991)
o effectiveness of the legal system in ensuring the rehabilitation prospects of young
offenders are considered

- Rome Statute of the International Court (1998)

- International Criminal Court Act 2002 (cth)
- Geneva Conventions Act(1957) (Cth)
o +
- Australian Federal Police Act (1979) (cth)
- Extradition Act (1988)
- United Nations Convention against Transnational Organised Crime
o “Palermo Protocols (2002)’

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